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Foreword | Preface
What Is Islam?
Islam & Science
Qur'aan & Modern Science
Creation Of Man
Effects of Lewdness
About Human Body
Origin Of The Earth & Geology
Seas & Oceans
Scientific Facts
The Light Of Truth
Truth Seeker
Remarks/End Notes
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Remarks & End Notes

  1. Concluding Remarks

  2. End Notes

  3. Footnotes


Concluding Remarks

This is the everlasting, renewable, and living proof. The Qur'aan is the eternal miracle in our hands until the Last Hour. Fourteen hundred years ago, the Bedouin in the desert examined the Qur'aan and found in it divine knowledge, which he recognized as from his Lord and which confirmed the veracity of the message of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam).

Today, scientists in the various disciplines of natural sciences who study the Qur'aan find that this same divine knowledge, is providing them with the same evidence and confirms that it is from the creator of the universe. Likewise, the evidence confirms the genuineness of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him (sallAllahu ‘alaihi wa sallam). We have met with a number of these scientists, some of whom have affirmed that this knowledge could not have come from a human source.

This is the TruthProfessor Dorja Rao: It is difficult to imagine that this type of knowledge was existing at that time, around 1400 years back. Maybe some of the things they have simple ideas about, but to describe those things in great detail is very difficult. So, this is definitely not a simple human knowledge.

Some of them say that this knowledge can only be from outside of this universe.

Professor Armstrong: There may well have to be something beyond what we understand as ordinary human experience to account for the writings that we have seen.

Professor Dorja Rao : So, I thought the information must have come from a supernatural source.

Some of them came forward fearlessly and affirmed that this knowledge can only be from Allah Almighty, the Creator of the Universe.

Question: Then from whom do you think is the source of such information?

Professor Hay: Well, I think it must be the Divine Being.

Professor Kroner : ...modern scientific methods are now in a position to prove what Muhammad said 1400 years ago.

Professor Marshall Johnson : I see nothing here in conflict with the concept that divine intervention was involved in what he was able to write.

Professor Shroeder : Actually, the scientists are now discovering what has been said before.

Professor Persaud : I have no difficulty in my mind in concerning that this is a divine inspiration or revelation which led him to relay the statement.

Some of them concluded their affirmation by saying:

Professor Keith Moore : It is clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from Allah, because almost all of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later. This proves to me that Muhammad must have been a messenger of Allah.

Some of them declared the shahaadah and embraced Islam!

Professor Tejasen : I think this is the time to say: There is no god worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger!

There is no doubt that the Qur'aan is the eternal miracle in our possession. Allah Almighty has said in the Qur'aan:

Say: What thing is most weighty in evidence? Say: ‘Allah is witness between me and you; this Qur'aan has been revealed to me by inspiration. That I may warn you and all whom it reaches’. (Qur'aan 6:19).

Thus, whoever has been informed of this Qur'aan likewise, bears the testimony and warning. The nature of this testimony is the scientific affirmation that each verse in the book of Allah Almighty contains. Each verse contains divine knowledge. In each century, scholars make new advances in their various fields.

Allah Almighty has said:

But Allah bears witness that what He has sent unto thee He has sent with His (Own) knowledge. (Qur'aan 4:166).

The Qur'aan is the miracle which renews itself in a way which is appropriate for each epoch. Allah Almighty has said:

For every prophecy is a limit of time, and soon shall you know it. (Qur'aan 6:67).

With This We Conclude And May Allah Almighty Accept It As Done Sincerely For His Sake, Ameen


End Notes 

  1. This epitaph is a prayer said by Muslims upon mentioning or hearing the name of Muhammad peace be upon him mentioned. It is most often translated as Peace Be Upon Him. However it literally says 'May Allah Almighty make salaah and send salaam upon him' which means: May Allah Almighty exalt the mention of Muhammad peace be upon him in Heaven and make him free of all blame or harm.

  2. Nearly every instance of a direct question posed to a scientist throughout this book is that of Shaykh Abdul-Majeed Az-Zindani

  3. The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was unable to read or write and this adds to the miraculous nature of his prophesy and the revelation of the Qur'aan and its composition in the highest form of Arabic expression in addition to the knowledge it conveys which is not possible even from the most erudite. His companions wrote down the revelation that came to him.




  1. This book is a very useful book in that it details many verses of a 'scientific' nature. Sometimes however, the author's interpretations are not consistent with the understanding of the verse, such as pps. 167 - 69. Also, one of the last chapters, 'The Qur'an, the Hadiths, and Modern Science', presents a very distorted view of hadeeth, and shows the author's unfamiliarity with the subject. His stance towards the validity of hadeeth and the status of the Prophet   (sallalaahu 'alaihi wa salaam) is also not correct.

  2. This, despite the fact that the theory of evolution is in itself full of flaws and not without its problems. See FAQ

  3. Such people feel that, in order to prove the veracity of the Qur'aan, they must prove that everything that science talks about must have already been discussed in the Qur'aan. However, the miraculous nature of the Qur'aan does not need such whimsical verification.

  4. Von Denffer, p. 157. In other words, there are not scientific allusions buried under every third verse in the Qur'aan, waiting to be unearthed by some over-zealous, highly imaginative Muslim!








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