By the Commission on Scientific Signs of Qur'aan & Sunnah
This is the truth, and the truth lies in man's
knowledge of the reality about himself. Armed with such a fact, and taking
advantage of such a privilege, it entitles him to know the realities about the world
around him, and then taking cognizance of his own place in this existence, the scope of
his relationships and links, and his rights and obligations therein.
The truth, however, must have exponents which
shall guide people to its path, and explain its reality to them. That is the message of
notification pivotal to learning and instruction. A message Allah Almighty has designated
to whomever He wished from among His chosen servants, such as His noble messengers
and great intimate servants with whom He had imparted training.
From His own knowledge did He send down
revelation to them, so that they may be guided to the truth and be introduced to
it. Then, as a gesture of mercy and guidance to the world, at all times and places, these noble
messengers and intimate servants were sent to His creatures and other servants as
Allah Almighty says:
And to every people a guide.
(Qur'aan 13:7)
In view of the fact that this auspicious task
of seeking the truth, goes far away back in antiquity, and is as inveterate as history
itself, and since it will remain as essential as life itself, until Allah Almighty
inherits the earth and all beings thereon, it was extended by Allah Almighty
to every believer who has come to recognize it. Scholars were made the successors
of Prophets in as much as the delivery of the message and guidance are concerned,
so that light and good fortune may prevail among mankind at large.
Consequently, the last of the messages, namely
the Holy Qur'aan, was sent to guide mankind to the path of knowledge, and to the
truth about itself. But, while doing so, it showed appreciation towards the capabilities
of the intellect, though within the scope of knowledge as a tributary of the intellect. It
also championed the cause of science and its fruits, with a view of encouraging man
to exert all possible efforts in considering and contemplating the recited verses of the
revelation, as well as the interpretations given to those verses by the prophetic
traditions, and by so doing, identify the signs of the visible world, as well as the
secrets and horizon of the soul.
He (Allah Almighty), reassured
man that in his enlightened progress, if he were truthful in his intention and industrious
in obedience to Allah Almighty, and performed his duties, He, the Most
High, would support him with a spirit of His own, open up to him and guide him to the
righteous path.
Not only that, He even offered them an
unbreakable promise to the effect that, whenever the going gets tough for researchers and
contemplators, and when they are faced with some obstacles and impediments, He, the Most
High, would lend them assistance and help make the unveiling of facts easier for
them. This, so that they may know it through His guidance, and by His grace, and help them
identify those facts in consideration of their sincere determination and efforts, for Allah
is All-Knowledgeable about them.
Now read brother, Allah Almightys
magnificent statement:
And say: Praise be to Allah, who will
soon show you His signs, so that you shall know them and your Lord is not unmindful
of all that you do. [Qur'aan 27:93]
Thus, no one could have any excuse, and thus
would Allah Almightys plea be established against His creatures
through His conscious and responsive creature who craves the truth, against His creatures
who are either inattentive or feign inattention about the truth,
Allah Almighty says:
But those who dispute concerning Allah after He
has been accepted, - futile is their dispute in the sight of their Lord: on them is wrath,
and for them will be a terrible penalty. [Qur'aan 42:16]