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Ahmed Eldin's Articles section:

Rebuttals to Sam Shamoun:

  1. Response to Sam Shamoun on the topic “ Does being called "Kyrios" really imply Deity?
  2. Response to Sam Shamoun on the topic “Is Allah the only Judge of Not?”
  3. Response to Sam Shamoun on the topic “Does Allah Act Alone Or Does He Have Partners That Assist Him?”
  4. Response to Sam Shamoun on the topic “Christ, the Justifier and Forgiver of Sinners”
  5. Response to Sam Shamoun on his article “ Lukan Christology Preexistence, More evidence for the Deity of Christ from the third Gospel”
  6. Exposing the deceit method of Sam Shamoun on the topic “Fighting All People until They Do What? – Quranic contradiction.
  7. Response to Sam Shamoun on the Quranic Contradiction “Messengers Were Sent Only to Their Own People?”
  8. Response on Sam Shamoun on the topic “Jesus as the Occupier of God’s Heavenly Throne”


Rebuttals to Quennel Gale:

  1. Quennel Gale: A typical desperate Christian tries to respond but he fails.
    1. Rebuttal to Quennel's desperate response.
  2. Quennel Gale getting more desperate: Response on the topic “Is Jesus God because he said I am Alpha and Omega”.
    1. Rebuttal to Quennel's desperate response.


Articles on Islam:

  1. The Quran states that the light of the moon is reflected light.
  2. Answering Islam repeating their old arguments.


Articles on Christianity:

  1. God in the Bible - a supporter of Pedophilia and Rape.
  2. Wine: To Drink it Or Not To Drink It?
  3. Is the Biblical God able or unable to confront iron chariots?
  4. Keturah – Wife or Concubine?
  5. Biblical Origins of Masturbation/Onanism, In the Word of God?
  6. Is Jesus God because he said I am Alpha and the Omega?



Rebuttals, and exposing the lies of the Answering Islam team section.

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