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Regarding the trial of Jesus, Lloyd Graham states: 
"In the nineteenth century an eminent scholar, Rabbi Wise, searched the records of Pilate’s court, still extant, for evidence of this trial. He found nothing."
(Deceptions and Myths of the Bible, p. 343)



Abdullah Smith's Rebuttals section:

Articles by brother Abdullah:

  1. The Quran V.S. the Bible.
  2. The rejected verses of the Bible.
  3. Challenge to Christians.
  4. The Crucifixion Hoax.
    -  Part II.
    -  Part III (The ‘Atonement’ doctrine of paganism).
    -  Part IV (Mark was the first writer to record the crucifixion, yet he was NOT an eye-witness).
    -  Part V.
    -  Part VI.

  5. The Anti-Christ Paul.
    -  Part II.

  6. Paul the Corrupter.
  7. Jesus Contradicts Himself.
  8. The Bible says Jesus broke the Law.
  9. Contradictions in the Psalms.
  10. The Bible says Jesus was a Liar.
  11. The Romantic Origins of Christianity.
  12. Christianity Contradicts the Bible!
    -  Part II.

  13. Did Matthew exist in Hebrew?
  14. Difficult Questions for the Church.
  15. Parallel Passages in the Bible.
    -  Part II.

  16. Women in Christianity.
  17. The Answer to “Answering Islam” on Bible Contradictions.
  18. The Genealogies of Jesus Christ.
  19. Historical Errors in the Gospels.
  20. Paul Contradicts himself.
  21. Contradictions between Jesus and God.
  22. Genesis 1:26 Re-interpreted.
  23. The Suffering Servant of Isaiah.
    -  Part II.
    -  Part III.

  24. The Alleged Poisoning of Muhammad.
    -  Part II.   Was Jesus poisoned?

  25. Where was Jesus Crucified?
  26. The Death of Judas.
  27. Islam: The Ultimate Source of Knowledge.
  28. The Apostle Martyrdoms.
  29. The False Jesus of Christianity.
  30. Did Jesus Have Female Breasts?
  31. Jesus and Muhammad Compared.
  32. The Hadith Vs. The Gospels.
    Part II.
  33. Bikini Christianity.
  34. The Date of Jesus’ Crucifixion.
  35. The Crucifixion of Judas.
  36. The Legend of Five Hundred Witnesses.
  37. Do Christians Exist?
  38. Is Jesus the Lamb of God?
  39. The Invention of Christianity.
  40. Was Jesus Sinless?
  41. The Resurrection Hoax.
  42. Jesus Survived the Cross.
  43. The Pagan Origins of the Cross.
  44. Forgery of Matthew 23.
  45. The Evidence for a Physical Paradise.


Rebuttals to Sam Shamoun:

  1. Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun: Did Jesus Contradict Himself?
    - Part II.
  2. Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun: Is the Holy Spirit Omniscient?

  3. Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Women in the Bible".
    -  Part II.
    -  Part III.
    -  Part IV.
    -  Part V.
    -  Part VI.
    -  Part VII.
    -  Part VIII.

  4. Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun on Stone Kissing and idolatry.

  5. Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun on "Women in the Bible - Part II".
    -  Part II.
    -  Part III.
    -  Part IV.
    -  Part V.
    -  Part VI.

  6. Answering Infidel Shamoun on the Lie of Bible Preservation.
  7. Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun on the world of Jinns.
  8. Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun Allah and nudity.
  9. Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun on Where is exactly Allah?
  10. Rebuttal to Jochen Katz: Did Jesus Have Female Breasts?  Sam Shamoun is also exposed in this article.


Counter Rebuttals to Sam Shamoun:

  1. Counter Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun: Is the Holy Spirit Omniscient?
    -  Part II.
    -  Part III.
    -  Part IV.
    -  Part V.


Rebuttals to Answering Islam:

  1. Answering Islam’s Desperate Attempts.
    Part II.
    Part III.
    Part IV.
  2. Rebuttal to Jochen Katz: Did Jesus Have Female Breasts?  Sam Shamoun also is exposed in this article.
  3. Rebuttal to Jochen Katz on “Abdullah Smith and his war against the Crucifixion” - Part I.
    Part II.
    Part III.
    Part IV.


Rebuttals to Quennel Gale:

  1. Rebuttal to Quenelle Gale: Challenge to Christians.
    -  Part II.




Rebuttals, and exposing the lies of the Answering Islam team section.

Contradictions and Errors in the Bible.

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