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Mary:  Fornicate with you "in my mother's bed" [1].  Are virgin Mary's mother and bed also members of the barfinity ?

200 years no gospels | 24 other thrones besides Jesus' | Jesus was created | Isaiah 53 mistranslations | What's new | A-Z library (3300+ articles) | "Muslims" was the original title | Quran Search | Quran Moral Code (100s of them) | Quran: Bibles are filled with corrupt  قول  qaowl (doctrines of sayings and writings)  | "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah | Jesus said he was powerless | Daniel 7:25: Christianity will change time and the Law |  Paul wasn't sure about the Holy Spirit (Romans 9:1, 1 Corinthians 7:40) |  Eesa (Quran's name for Jesus) is Iesu and Iesus in Latin and Greek for Jesus, and Eesa is also a Hebrew word that means doctor or healer; all of Jesus' Miracles were medical |  Paul was a holy barfaliphor (ΜΠαρφαλιφωρ) | Research & Blog | 9/11 Israel-lie | Youtube | |



Pay attention to the "The Bottom Line" section.


Allah Almighty made it clear in the Glorious Quran that whatever disagrees with the Quran must be rejected.




Which parts of the Hadiths and Bible do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth, and Why?

The sections of this article are:

1-  Which Hadiths are really valid?

2-  Which parts of the Bible do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth?
3-  Some evidence proving that the previous "Scriptures" that existed in Arabia were different from Constantine's "Bible".
4-  What is the best way to convert a Christian to Islam?

Also, the Family of Allah أهل الله in Islam [1] [2] [3]


Quran 5:32 vs. Talmud?  (Text or Concept)

The following was taken from Which book were the people of the Book reciting (فسأل الذين يقرؤون الكتاب) during Prophet Muhammad's days according to the Glorious Quran 10:94?


All previous books, except the Glorious Quran, are not perfect, and are filled with corrupt قول qaowl (doctrines of sayings and writings), and do contain "conflicting doctrines" (51:8, 78:3, 2:59, 2:113, 4:157, 11:110, 41:45).  قول  in Noble Verses 5:81, 2:59 and 4:157 refers to the corrupt "Bibles" and writings that are based on ample conjectures فبدل الذين ظلموا قولا غير الذي قيل لهم .  The previous books also contain ample "conjecture" (4:157, 2:78, 16:64, 10:36, 10:66, 53:28), and also do contain ample "crookedness" عوج and ample "disputes" (3:99, 7:45, 7:86, 11:19, Luke 7:34, 14:3, 16:124, 18:1, 39:28).  The fights between Paul's vs. Peter's teams apostatizing each other (2:253, 43:63-68).  The people of the Book are also known to alter and corrupt scriptures: 2:75, 4:46, 5:13, 5:41.  But the Scriptures also, nonetheless, contain Divine Truth from GOD via the Prophets' writings (4:157, 2:78, 2:213, 16:43-44, 16:64, 10:36, 10:66, 53:28), and also the uncorrupted GOD's Jewish Law, which is the Thikr of Moses (600+ list of Laws given to Moses), which "the prophets did judge by it" (5:44), that lives there, but the texts are not in their original form.  See also Torah's Laws are built entirely on the Book (6:91)  انزل الكتاب الذي جاء به موسى  the Book was sent to Moses and was brought to the believers by Moses.  So for example, the commandment "Do not steal" may not be in its original text and language, but the Law that prohibits stealing lives in it.  Allah Almighty Commands the Jews and Christians to interpret their scriptures by the Glorious Quran (27:76, 5:48).  Noble Verse 10:94 is further discussed below, and is also discussed on the website's blog.


Quran 5:32 vs. Talmud?  (Text or Concept)

Question:  Was Noble Verse 5:32 that speaks about if one kills an innocent person it would be like he killed all of the people taken from the Talmud?


Response:  Allah Almighty Said that He wrote upon the people of Israel كتبنا على بني اسرائيل that killing an innocent person is like killing all people, and saving an innocent person is like saving all people. Allah Almighty continues by saying that this is what some of the Prophets taught the people of Israel and many of the latter rejected the message:

‏5:32 من اجل ذلك كتبنا على بني اسرائيل انه من قتل نفسا بغير نفس او فسادفي الارض فكانما قتل الناس جميعا ومن احياها فكانما احيا الناس جميعا ولقد جاءتهم رسلنا بالبينات ثم ان كثيرا منهم بعد ذلك في الارض لمسرفون

[005:032]  On that account: We ordained wrote upon the Children of Israel  كتبنا على بني اسرائيل  that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our apostles with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.


So it could've been an exact Text or a Concept taught by the Prophets by the Divine Command and Wisdom and Mercy of Allah Almighty.  There are many passages in the OT and outside the OT where GOD Almighty calls Israel evil and even calls it
Sodom because it is evil and unjust, and also because it is evil to its neighbors:

Isaiah 1:9-17  Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust.

Habakkuk 2:15-16 [2] below, speaks about GOD Almighty's ire against those who spoil their neighbors and the nations of the earth.  Also, notice in Habakkuk 2 the cup of GOD Almighty turning against those who spoil their neighboring nations and others.

Israel from their birth, they are liars GOD in the OT declares.

The honorable burdens of Arabia and GOD's Truth will come from the far southern land.

The Jews boast that they are expected by GOD to be the Light to all Gentile nations even though the Prophecy is thoroughly about Arabia:

Isaiah 60:3
The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising.


New Song:

Isaiah 42:10-13 GOD will sing a New Song from Arabia.  He also said He will send a new Covenant from עֲרָבָ֛ה, Ărāḇā (Araba; Arabia).


Jeremiah 51:33  Arabia has not yet met its threshold, and the time of her harvest shall come.  That is the fruits of GOD Almighty, Islam and Muslims, have yet to come from Arabia. [1]

Isaiah 42:10-13  GOD will sing a New Song from Arabia via the gentile Prophet who will come from the Jews' "brothers" (Deuteronomy 18:18).  Also in Jeremiah 31:31–32, it will be a new Covenant different from the one that was given to Moses. .  The Ishmaelites are the brothers of the Israelites.  Also, only Islam fulfilled Deuteronomy's army of 10,000 Believers (Deuteronomy 33:2).  The New Testament also renews this Prophecy and claims it is yet to be fulfilled in the future.  Also, Ishmael's Covenant was left for the "later generations".  Also, year 314:  Paran's geography was Mecca; 300 years before Islam.  Arabia's honorable burdens from GOD Almighty in Isaiah's prophecy and other OT books.  See also Muslims (Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Sons and daughters titles will be "no more";    ; Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40)  Muslims .


Only Islam's Covenant and Prophet fulfilled this.


So was the Law taken from the Talmud?  No, even if its content exists as a commentary by a Jewish Rabbi in the Talmud.  The Jewish OT does not contain the entire Book nor the entire Torah.  Even in the NT, there are mentioned books that don't exist in the canonized OT.  How many more lost ones that weren't referenced in the NT?  The Book and Law sent to Moses is not all contained in the OT.  Remnants of Allah Almighty's Divine Truth can exist also in the Talmud and other Jewish writings.  The Glorious Quran came to confirm the Truth that came before It.  Allah Almighty called the Glorious Quran Muhaymin (the Book that has authority above all other books).  The Bibles' and all other writings are all unoriginal and corrupt:

Just who were the authors of the Bibles?

Rebecca's story and the goat skin lie to fool Isaac, who was blind at the time, and many others in the Bibles.  Rebecca put goat skin on Jacob's back to mimic Esau's back to fool blind Isaac into anointing Jacob while thinking he was anointing Esau.  Isaac wanted to anoint Esau and Rebecca wanted to anoint Jacob.  Esau had hair-full shoulders while Jacob had hairless shoulders.  Jacob was anointed via a lie.  Rebecca's story and others like it prove that the Bible is filled with lying spirits (GOD sends them in the OT to false people & prophets to further lead them astray.  See: 1 Samuel 19:9, 1 Kings 22:22-23, 2 Chronicles 18:21 and others) inspirations and not Holy Spirit ones.  This is why we say there is nothing called "Bible".  It is a man-made book and lie.  It is nothing but a compilation of text and history, much of which is filled with fabrications and corruption, even according to the Bibles' own theologians.  See what they say in great details about the corruption and fabrications that the Bibles are filled with.  GOD Almighty commanded the Jews to NEVER mix His Commandments with any other text (Jeremiah 31:31–34, Isaiah 42:10-13, Deuteronomy 18:18: The Jews' Covenant will expire and will be replaced with the Gentiles' one from Arabia).

The Jews from their birth were called liars.

Matthew 7:22-23:  GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

"bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah


The Arabian Prophet prophecies [1]:

The Commandments of Moses' Law do command the Jews to follow the future Arabian Prophet, who will come from their Ishmaelite brothers.  Also, the Prophets who also judged by the Law of Moses ("the prophets did judge by it" (Quran, 5:44)) thoroughly prophesied about the coming of Prophet Muhammad and the New Covenant Islam, which will be different from the one given to Moses:

Isaiah 42:10-13  GOD will sing a New Song from Arabia via the gentile Prophet who will come from the Jews' "brothers" (Deuteronomy 18:18).  Also in Jeremiah 31:31–32, it will be a new Covenant different from the one that was given to Moses. .  The Ishmaelites are the brothers of the Israelites.  Also, only Islam fulfilled Deuteronomy's army of 10,000 Believers (Deuteronomy 33:2).  The New Testament also renews this Prophecy and claims it is yet to be fulfilled in the future.  Also, Ishmael's Covenant was left for the "later generations".  Also, year 314:  Paran's geography was Mecca; 300 years before Islam.  Arabia's honorable burdens from GOD Almighty in Isaiah's prophecy and other OT books.  See also Muslims (Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Sons and daughters titles will be "no more";    ; Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40)  Muslims .


Are you the Prophet? [1]



GOD's Honorable Burdens upon Arabia:

GOD Almighty's new burdens that he placed on future Arabia are the same burdens that He placed upon Prophets, and also upon places where the righteous believers carry His Truth and uphold it.  A burden from GOD Almighty is:

1-  Costly.
2-  Requires endless patience and perseverance.
3-  Is an honor from GOD Almighty upon the individual or the group of people.
4-  Is not a wrath from GOD Almighty upon the individual or people.


Future Arabia has many burdens placed upon it throughout the OT.  Notice also in the Bible, Prophet Job was called "perfect and upright" by GOD Almighty in the OT.  He was a very rich Arab man.  Also, Jesus in the NT called the Canaanite Palestinian woman "O woman, how great is your faith!  Be it as you wish."  He never granted any wish a person desires to any person throughout the NT, other than this Arab woman.


Arabia's Future Blessings:

Shout in joy Arabs in Arabia, for the streams of GOD's Truth and Blessings will gush from your lands; Arabia!

Isaiah 35:6
Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the
desert shall waters break out, and streams running from Arabia.

will shout for joy. וְתָרֹ֖ן
7442: to give a ringing cry a prim. root
For waters מַ֔יִם
4325: waters, water a prim. root
will break forth נִבְקְע֤וּ
1234: to cleave, break open or through a prim. root
in the wilderness בַמִּדְבָּר֙
4057b: wilderness from dabar
And streams וּנְחָלִ֖ים
5158a: torrent, torrent-valley, wadi of uncertain derivation
in the Arabah. בָּעֲרָבָֽה׃
6160: a steppe or desert plain, also a desert valley running South from the Sea of Galilee (i.e., precisely the lands of Saudi Arabia where Mecca and Medina are located) from the same as Arab

Please visit: www.answering-christianity.com/goddess_asherah_pornography_return_of_messiah_damascus.htm


Isaiah 30:6 The burden upon the south.

Isaiah 30:27
Behold, the name of the
Lord cometh from far (Far from Palestine.  Mecca is 900+ miles far, and it is in the south), burning with his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire:


Isaiah 21 Rider of camel prophecy. Only Prophet Muhammad fulfilled it when he entered Medina
(city of Mount Selah) with his camel. Allah Almighty also commanded the Prophet to let his
camel walk freely and settle in the spot that which first Islamic Mosque was built on:

00:00 Original reading has a single donkey and single camel rider, and jews corrupted the text
02:45 Who are the 2 horsemen?
05:27 Hard to determine the other two riders based on Babylon first destruction
06:22 Babylon’s second destruction and the rise of Islam in Habakkuk & Deuteronomy 33
23:00 Babylon’s second destruction and the rise of Islam in Daniel 2
24:46 The donkey rider and the camel rider
28:36 Cyrus didn't fulfill verse 9, Islamic empire did
31:49 Book of revelation & Targum Jonathan say it’s about 2 destructions of Babylon
33:33 Rabbis admitting this prophecy & Ishmael isn’t the camel rider
Questions to those who deny this prophecy


Arabia's honorable burden, Islam, is indeed monumental and heavy.

Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?

Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

Notice the language of how Satan was:

1. "You were perfect from the day you were created".  Jesus was also created from the Word of GOD.
2. Glorious.
3. "the chosen one".
4. The "Anointed".
5. ruler over earth.
6. Ruler over the "Holy Mount" of GOD

Matthew 24:25-27 Jesus will return as an Arabian Messiah from Damascus.

He was all of these and more before arrogance, pride, stubbornness and blasphemies caused Satan to fall from Grace.  Jesus then became the substitute, i.e., the Perfect", "Glorious", "the chosen one", the "Anointed", "ruler over earth" and ruler over the "Holy Mount" chosen one of GOD Almighty.

Jesus also said the direction of the Prayer towards Jerusalem will be no more (Psalm 138:2, John 4:21, Matthew 21:43, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 60, Genesis 25:12-13).  It will be replaced with the Qibla (direction) to Mecca and the Holy Path to Mecca.  Only Islam is the Divine Truth from Allah Almighty.  Christianity is pagan.  Even Christmas is an ancient Roman pagan holiday (video clip) according to the Christian theologians themselves:

Jesus too carried the Spirit of GOD in him, and he carried also the Spirit of fearing GOD in him.  Jesus was also called slave of GOD in the OT many times.  He also had no Divine WillTrinity is a lie from Hell.

See also 24 other Thrones and Messiahs besides Jesus (Revelations 4 & 5).

Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


This following further explains the difference between the Glorious Quran and the previous Holy Books of Commandments, including even the Hadiths (sayings) of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him:

  • The Commandments of GOD Almighty can be paraphrased by men.  That's why they are called Commandments.  This is similar to an older sister reminding her little brother of Mama's commandment to never go with strangers.  Mama's commandment here can be paraphrased and elaborated on too.
  • The Laws of GOD live in those Commandments.
  • Their text doesn't have to be perfectly preserved in ancient language and text. 
  • Again, "Do not steal" does not have to be in its original text and language to be preserved.
  • Also GOD Almighty had previous Attributes given to the previous Believers that Islam does not use.  For example, the symbolic Sons and Daughters of GOD title will be replaced with Muslims.  This is from Isaiah's prophecy (Isaiah 56:5) and others (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust).  GOD Almighty might've been symbolically called Father of the Believers.  Allah Almighty did Say in the Glorious Quran:

    لكل جعلنا منكم شرعة ومنهاجا

    "To each among you have we prescribed a law and an open way." (Quran, 5:48)

    Isaiah 56:5: The future believers' name will no longer be sons and daughters of GOD (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).  Sons and daughters of GOD titles will be "no more".

  • Also, the Family of Allah أهل الله in Islam [1] [2] [3] [4].  Believers were called Beni Allah (beni Elohim) and are also called family of Allah title in Heaven according to the Hadiths.  But Allah Almighty has NO Divine Son or Consort.  He is the ONE and Absolute One.  No partners with Him.
  • The Commandments are not Scientific and Numerical Miracles like the Glorious Quran that requires perfect preservation by Allah Almighty.
  • The Glorious Quran's Text is perfectly preserved and is Miraculous.  There are literally 1000s of Numerical and Scientific Miracles.  Visit:
  • Quran's STUNNING Divine Miracles: [1]


    Even the Jewish Law rejects the man-made lies that are called "bibles".  There is no bible.  It is a collection of text, history, fables, lies and corruption as the bibles' own theologians thoroughly admit in their ample commentaries:

    Deuteronomy 4:2  Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you.

    The Glorious Quran is also in perfect agreement with this:

    [002:087] We gave Moses the Book and followed him up with a succession of apostles....
    [017:002] We gave Moses the Book, and made it a Guide to the Children of Israel, (commanding)....
    [025:035] (Before this,) We sent Moses The Book, and appointed his brother Aaron with him as minister;

    Not even Jesus was given the Book according to the Glorious Quran.  Which book were the people of the Book reciting (فسأل الذين يقرؤون الكتاب) during Prophet Muhammad's days according to the Glorious Quran 10:94?  It is the Book given to Moses.


    Jesus' Injeel (Gospel):

    The Glorious Quran's Injeel that was sent to Prophet Isa (Jesus' real name was Isa (eesa)) is Isa's Commandments from his Sayings.  They are quoted in the canonized and non-canonized manuscripts of Christians.  They are the ones that generally begin with "Blessed are those..." and "I tell you the Truth..." Jesus' sayings are the beautiful Commandments of Mercy, Compassion, Love, Fasting, Praying and Worshiping GOD Almighty Alone and associating no partners with Him.  The "Bibles" of today are a mix of Commandments from GOD Almighty through His Prophets, and sayings of people, history and fables.

    Jesus also summarized the Gospel sent to him perfectly:

    Matthew 23:1-3
    1 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples,
    2 “The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees are the official interpreters of the law of Moses.
    3 So practice and obey whatever they tell you, but don’t follow
    their example. For they don’t practice what they teach.


    How is this "practice and obey the Law in harmony with allowing
    pork, eating unclean meat, and thoroughly breaking the Law as falseianity (satan's religion christianity) has been doing?  Do not follow their false examples doesn't mean do not follow the Law.

    So for example in section #3, If eating rotten flesh or feces, or drinking urine are all still forbidden, and if sodomy between men, for example, was never allowed in the absolute statement that was emphasized twice by Jesus, then what makes you think that eating pork, for example, is now allowed or that Jesus even meant to make it lawful?  Yet, you are the world's biggest pork consumers by your false religion of conjecture as the Glorious Quran described it.  Isn't it obvious that Jesus' statements are highly problematic and anti-GOD?  Do they not falsely turn sinful into lawful and lawful into sinful?  Isn't Christianity's claims about the Holy Spirit thoroughly inspiring it is a big lie?

    a-  He (Jesus) did not come to abolish the Law (Matthew 5:17-20, Matthew 23:1-3), and you must practice and obey the Jewish Law.
    b-  But nothing that goes inside you makes you unclean (
    Mark 7:15-18) despite that there are many things in the Jewish Law that do.  This is the same Jewish Law that Jesus commanded you to practice and obey.

    c-  Jesus also said if you are merciful and believe in GOD, then I have not come for you.  Jesus falsified the belief that his blood is a salvation.  He never died on the cross.  The OT greatly prophesied in many passages about him will be saved.  Even the NT makes this very clear that he was actually saved from death.

    Matthew 9:12-13  I have not come for you if you are merciful:

    Matthew 9
    12 Jesus heard them and answered, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor, but sick people do.
    13 Go and learn what the Scriptures mean when they say, ‘Instead of offering sacrifices to me, I want you to 
    be merciful to others (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust).’  I didn’t come to invite good people to be my followers. I only came to invite sinners.”

    Matthew 5:7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

    Being Merciful to others makes you a good person.  And Jesus didn't come for you if you are.  Jesus didn't come to invite merciful and good people.  They're already saved.  They need no invitation.  The Christian lie about one must accept that Jesus died on the cross for his/her sins is mandatory for their salvation, and that otherwise they'd be doomed to Hell is thoroughly destroyed in Matthew 9:12-13.  Ample more passages and proofs in the linked article.  In fact, both the OT and NT in many passages confirmed that GOD Almighty will save his Messiah from crucifixion and from death and harm.

    d-  You have no idea whether you're coming or going in Christianity.


    Matthew 7:22-23:  GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah


    Saved from Crucifixion:

    Again, the Gospel of Prophet Isa (Jesus' real name was Isa (eesa)) is basically the Commandments in his Sayings, that begin with "Blessed are those" and "I tell you the Truth".  Christians say they are contained in the four gospels, which are Matthew, Luke, Mark and John Jesus' sayings are the beautiful Commandments of Mercy, Compassion, Love, Fasting, Praying and Worshiping GOD Almighty Alone and associating no partners with Him.  You find all of this in his Sayings in the four gospels.  Only his Sayings are Gospel.  Paul was an enemy to Peter and his team, and an enemy to Isa.  Also, keep in mind the following though about the lies made-up on Prophet Isa:

    Jesus never got crucified: [1] [2] [3] [4].  The OT and NT clearly spell it out.  He was saved.
    Matthew 27:16-17:  There were two Jesuses!  Not one.  Allah Almighty Said in the Glorious Quran:

    Divine Setup for Conjecture:  Matthew 7:22-23GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit.

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

    "... but so it was made to appear to them..." (Quran 4:157)


    Serious Sin Possible:

    Prophets including Jesus and Muhammad can fall into serious sin, be damned to Hell, and may have possibly fell into it themselves according to the Glorious Quran Itself: www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php?topic=2428.msg18248#msg18248.


    Matthew 7:22-23:  GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah




    1-  Which Hadiths are really valid?


    Pay attention to the "The Bottom Line" section.


    The following article was taken from https://www.answering-christianity.com/quran_denies_prophet_was_bewitched.htm:


    The wicked Muslims according to Quran:

    All hadiths that clash with the Glorious Quran are false, and Allah Almighty called those who insist on them "wicked":

    [017:047]  We know best why it is they listen, when they listen to thee; and when they meet in private conference, behold, the wicked say, "Ye follow none other than a man bewitched!"

    [025:008]  "Or (Why) has not a treasure been bestowed on him, or why has he (not) a garden for enjoyment?" The wicked say: "Ye follow none other than a man bewitched."


    Are you wicked?

    Your hadiths say that Prophet Muhammad was bewitched for 1 year.  Some even say for 1 1/2 years.  One salafi clown on TV said only 3 days.  Pick any number you want, for your entire pathetic false islam cult doesn't cease to be ridiculous.  Are you not a wicked person according to the Quran?

  • This topic is further debated here.  The satanic cult is practically calling Allah Almighty a liar who can't keep His Promise.

    Other examples:

    1-  The Quran says It contains no HAZAL (nonsense).  The hadiths say the Prophet spoke HAZAL.  Hazal is also pronounced as HAZL in the Quran.

    2-  The Quran says those who don't believe in the Number 19 Miracle are KUFFAR (infidels).  Most Muslims  (Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name, and sons and daughters of GOD titles will be "no more";    ; Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40)  Muslims reject the Scientific and Numerical Miracles of the Quran.


    Adult Breastfeeding blasphemy:

    3-  The Quran limits breastfeeding to the first two years of the human's life.  The hadiths permit it for any age, and allows adults to breast feed from stranger women, and even if they had no milk.  And salafi women dress all in black, cover their entire faces, and even wear black gloves.  Yet, I can lick and suck her breast and nipples?  Some argue that this is not haram (forbidden).  The Glorious Quran totally destroys the adult breast feeding lie:

    [002:233] The mothers shall give suck to their offspring for two whole years, if the father desires to complete يتم the term. But he shall bear the cost of their food and clothing on equitable terms. No soul shall have a burden laid on it greater than it can bear. No mother shall be Treated unfairly on account of her child. Nor father on account of his child, an heir shall be chargeable in the same way. If they both decide on weaning, by mutual consent, and after due consultation, there is no blame on them. If ye decide on a foster-mother for your offspring, there is no blame on you, provided ye pay (the mother) what ye offered, on equitable terms. But fear God and know that God sees well what ye do.

    يتم  is derived from تم , which means to complete.  This is also where you get the Arabic word تمام (tamaam), which means all is good.  Once something is complete, there is no other phase that comes after it.  Allah Almighty used the same Noble Word for the completion of Islam:

    [005:003] Forbidden to you are carrion, blood, the flesh of swine, what has been hallowed to other than God, the beast strangled; the beast beaten down, the beast fallen to death, the beast gored, and that devoured by beasts of prey - excepting that you have sacrificed duly -- as also things sacrificed to idols, and partition by the divining arrows; that is ungodliness. Today the unbelievers have despaired of your religion; therefore fear them not, but fear you Me. Today I have perfected your religion for you, and I have completed اتممت My blessing upon you, and I have approved Islam for your religion. But whosoever is constrained in emptiness and not inclining purposely to sin -- God is All-forgiving, All-compassionate.

    اتممت is derived from تم

    Notice how Allah Almighty PERFECTED Islam for us and completed it totally for us.  He used تم and اتممت Adult breastfeeding is a blasphemy and a lie that was invented to:

    1-  Inject corruption and false verses and claims into the Quran.  These false verses do not exist today.

    2-  Poison Islam's high morality and high standards on chastity and piety.  See the Glorious Quran's Moral Code (100s of them).  Turning Aisha and into a prostitute that used to have her sisters get sucked by stranger men so she can become their "auntie in faith" is a lie that was invented on Aisha and the Muslims  (Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name, and sons and daughters of GOD titles will be "no more";    ; Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40)  Muslims .  Plus, Abu Bakr, her father, was Islam's first Caliph.  He would not have allowed for this prostitution to happen.

    They claim that the adult suckling verses were lost.  But again, this contradicts the Glorious Quran:

    [002:106] None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but We bring something better or similar: Knowest thou not that God Hath power over all things?

    Abrogation is an invented lie on the Glorious Quran.  There is no abrogation, and certainly no Noble Verse lost.  What we have is Noble Verses for a variety of situations.  For example, a prisoner of war in general must be treated with kindness and be fed.  Yet, there is also a Noble Verse that commands torture and maiming of body.  This is no abrogation!  And no it is not a contradiction!  This is a Noble Verse for war criminals and people who intentionally spread mischief and evil among people and throughout the lands that cause trial and bloodshed.  There are exceptional cases that the Glorious Quran covers.  This is where the lie of abrogation was invented.  There is no abrogation in the Quran.  There are, instead, Noble Verses for exceptional cases.  Please visit:  The lie of abrogation.

    Also visit:  www.answering-christianity.com/breast_feeding.htm


    Slavery Example:

    Another example of the Glorious Quran's general principle VS. local and limited situations (i.e., in the interim of things), is the law of slavery.  Allah Almighty's Highest Standard regarding slavery is to end it in all of the lands:

    [090:012] And what will make you comprehend what the uphill road is?
    [090:013] (It is) the setting free of a slave,

    So one of the monumental tasks upon the Muslims  (Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name, and sons and daughters of GOD titles will be "no more";    ; Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40)  Muslims is to end all forms of slavery.  Yet, the Glorious Quran also allows enslaving, buying slaves, selling slaves, having harems (female slaves).  So is this a contradiction?  No.  Is this an abrogation (90:12-13 abrogating all other verses or vise versa)?  No.  All Noble Verses concerning slaves and slavery still stand TILL THIS DAY!  All 6236 Noble Verses that make up the entire Glorious Quran still stand today and will always stand till the Day of Judgment.  We have no abrogation here.  The Muslim State and Court and people must be mindful that Allah Almighty has set high and monumental goals in the Glorious Quran.  In the interim of things, however, the slavery Noble Verses could be activated and applied due to battles that may occur or deals and/or transactions.  But the ultimate goal must be to end all forms of slavery in all Muslim lands.



    More on the breastfeeding of adults adultery.  Allah Almighty said in the Glorious Quran:

    [002:233]  The mothers shall give suck to their children for two whole years, (that is) for those (parents) who desire to complete the term of suckling, but the father of the child shall bear the cost of the mothers food and clothing on a reasonable basis. No person shall have a burden laid on him greater than he can bear. No mother shall be treated unfairly on account of her child, nor father on account of his child. And on the (fathers) heir is incumbent the like of that (which was incumbent on the father). If they both decide on weaning, by mutual consent, and after due consultation, there is no sin on them. And if you decide on a foster suckling-mother for your children, there is no sin on you, provided you pay (the mother) what you agreed (to give her) on reasonable basis. And fear Allah and know that Allah is All-Seer of what you do.


    What does "to complete the term of suckling" mean to any human-creature with a normal brain?

    So let's see:

    1-  Your Prophet was supposedly bewitched for 1 to 1 1/2 years, where he was babbling from his mouth, didn't know which wife he just slept with, and didn't know where he was, and what he just spoke 10 seconds ago?

    2-  Your Prophet allowed men to suck the nipples and breasts of stranger grown women.

    And you don't see any conspiracy in your hadith books about Prophet Muhammad and the Glorious Quran from fabricated accounts and lies to damage Islam from within?  Glorified false books that clash directly with Allah Almighty's Glorious Quran are the Truth now?


  • This topic is further debated here.  The satanic cult is practically calling Allah Almighty a liar who can't keep His Promise.

    Their logic insults the Prophet:

    Simple logic and simple question to the wicked:

    1-  Why can't the hadith about allowing adult suckling be nonsense from a bewitched doofus, who didn't know his head from his butt about where he was, and what he just did, and what he just said 10 seconds ago?

    2-  Do you see how your false books have turned you into complete morons and serious enemies of the Glorious Quran, and had turned you into wicked infidels?  Exactly as Allah Almighty described you in the Noble Verses above.

    Again, this topic is further debated here.  The satanic cult is practically calling Allah Almighty a liar who can't keep His Promise.


    Also visit:

    Hadiths' Categorization.  Science of the Hadiths.  Also, the Hadith of the fly discussed here.

    Did Prophet Muhammad understand everything in the Glorious Quran?

    Take care,
    Osama Abdallah


    4-  The hadiths say the Prophet wanted to commit suicide.

    5-  The hadiths in Ibn Ishaq and Bukhari speak of Prophet Muhammad bowed to idols after he became Prophet.  The Quran denies this.

    So, are you a kafir and a wicked person?  Visit:



    Muslims  (Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name, and sons and daughters of GOD titles will be "no more";    ; Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40)  Muslims stop being wicked!

    Stop being kafir and wicked.  Stop being the enemy of the Quran.  Stop blindly following conjecture and lies.  You have the Glorious Quran that Allah called Its Text MUHAYMIN (has authority over everything).  So why are you so anti-Quran that you don't let the Quran lead in everything, especially in filtering out your library of human dung that you call "hadiths"?  The Quran can easily extract the ones that are closest to the Truth from the rest:


    Again, this topic is further debated here.  The satanic cult is practically calling Allah Almighty a liar who can't keep His Promise.

    Take care,
    Osama Abdallah


    Warning against fabricated lies:

    Many fabricated lies on Islam were invented by the hypocrites and infidels who pretended to embrace Islam.  Allah Almighty Warned us:

  • "And in the like manner have WE made for every Prophet an enemy, the evil ones from among men and jinn. They suggest one to another gilded speech in order to deceive. And if thy Lord had enforced HIS will, they would not have done it; so leave them alone with that which they fabricate.  (The Noble Quran, 6:112)"
  • "A section of the People of the Book say:  Believe in the morning what is revealed to the believers (Muslims  (Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name, and sons and daughters of GOD titles will be "no more";    ; Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40)  Muslims ), but reject it at the end of the day; perchance they may (themselves) turn back (from Islam).  (The Noble Quran, Noble Verse 3:72)"
  • "O ye who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of repentance for what ye have done.  (The Noble Quran, 49:6)"
  • "But there are, among men, those who purchase idle tales, without knowledge (or meaning), to mislead (men) from the Path of God and throw ridicule (on the Path): for such there will be a Humiliating Penalty.  (The Noble Quran, 31:6)"
  • "The hypocrites seek to deceive Allah, but it is actually He Who dupes them. They are lethargic (and listless) when they stand for ‘salat’ _ (they) only (wish) to be noticed by others (and just go through the motions of ‘salat’). Little do they remember Allah!  (The Noble Quran, 4:142)"
  • "The hypocrites swear by Allah that they have said nothing (wrong); but surely they did utter the words of disbelief. After accepting Islam they have disbelieved! They attempted to do what they could not carry out. How hostile (and resentful) are they, simply because Allah, by His grace and through His messenger, enriched them! It would be to their advantage if they repented. However, if they turn away, Allah will torment them with a painful punishment in this world, as well as in the life-to-come. They do not have any friends or helpers in this world.  (The Noble Quran, 9:74)"
  • "(Oh prophet), the appearance of the hypocrites and their physiques are pleasing to look at. Their speech is so glib and pleasant, one likes to just keep on listening. It is as if they were carved out of wood and propped up (against the wall). They think (like cowards), that every call to action is against them. They are the enemies! Beware of them! May Allah curse them. How perverted are they!  (The Noble Quran, 63:4)"
  • Again, this topic is further debated here.  The satanic cult is practically calling Allah Almighty a liar who can't keep His Promise.



    Conspiracies in Hadiths with examples:

    Hadiths' Categorization.  Science of the Hadiths.  Also, the Hadith of the fly discussed here.  Also visit:

  • The Glorious Quran is thoroughly proven, with 1000s of examples, to be Numerically and Scientifically Miraculous:

    www.answering-christianity.com/ac20.htm#numerical_miracles  (1000s of examples in zip file)


    Also, regarding the Hadiths and the scientific errors that exist in some of them, we do not believe all Hadiths are from the Prophet, peace be upon him, for the following reasons:
    1- They were documented 300 years after the Prophet.
    2- The Muslims never documented them on a large scale. Only the Glorious Quran was thoroughly documented and compiled during Uthman's times and before.
    3- Many Hadiths are paraphrases of what the transmitters from other transmitters from other transmitters said. All hadiths today begin with a long chain of narrators covering a vast period of time between the narrator and the Prophet. So they're not all accurate.


    Which Hadiths are True, and which are false fabrications on the mount of the Prophet and his companions?

    Did Prophet Muhammad kiss the penis of his baby grandson Hasan?  The Jews and Christians actually suck the penises with ample quotes and proofs.

    Hell changes our weather here on earth?


    From: https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php?topic=1404.msg6933#msg6933:

    Title: The rotton filth of Bukhar's Jews in Bukhari
    Post by: QuranSearchCom on January 07, 2015, 05:44:47 am
    As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers,

    Much of these stories are false, even when they favor the Prophet, peace be upon him.  Did you know that Bukhara (the town that Sheikh Al-Bukhari came from)
    had big Jewish migrations from and to it?  You can Google-research it here:


    So it is quite possible and feasible that many Jews pretended to embrace Islam to poison it. 
    Imam Bukhari could be another rotten one of them.  And even if he wasn't, still the ones that were close to him from his Jewish students were.

    Let me make this much simpler for all Muslims to understand.  So while in Sahih Bukhari you find all of the beautiful Hadiths that agree with the Glorious Quran and Its amazing Moral Code:


    But you still find the rotten lies about:

    1-  The Prophet being bewitched and influenced by magic, despite the fact that the Glorious Quran denies it.

    2-  Aisha used to suckle adult males so she would be alone with them.

    3-  She-monkey got stoned by other monkeys for committing adultery. (Source)

    4-  Prophet Moses, peace be upon him, punching the Angel of Death in the eye when Allah Almighty sent him to take Moses' soul.  This is a direct blasphemy and
    violation to Allah Almighty's Divine Will.

    "The disbeliever has half of the believer's brain" "عقل الكافر نصف عقل المؤمن" (Source).
    6-  A talking cow:
    Sahih Bukhari, Hadith no: 522
    Narrated / Authority of: Abu Huraira
    The Prophet (SAW) said, "While a man was riding a cow, it turned towards him and said, 'I have not been created for this purpose (i.e. carrying), I have been created for sloughing." The Prophet (SAW) added, "I, Abu Bakr and 'Umar believe in the story." The Prophet (SAW) went on, "A wolf caught a sheep, and when the shepherd chased it, the wolf said, 'Who will be its guard on the day of wild beasts, when there will be no shepherd for it except me?' "After narrating it, the Prophet (SAW) said, "I, Abu Bakr and 'Umar too believe it." Abu Salama (a sub-narrator) said, "Abu Bakr and 'Umar were not present then."

    6-  And on and on and on....

    Visit: www.answering-christianity.com/warning.htm 

    Like I said before:  They couldn't penetrate the Glorious Quran and corrupt it.  So instead, they invented these
    Abu Khara books and put them on the same level as the Quran to poison Islam.  To see the Glorious Quran's Overwhelming Scientific Miracles, visit:

    This is why only the things that DO NOT CLASH with the Glorious Quran and Its Morality are closest to the Truth.  Otherwise, they belong to the garbage.  This is why Allah Almighty called the Glorious Quran Muhaymin (The Book that has all Authority above all other books and laws).  Again, visit:


    Take care,
    Osama Abdallah
    Again, pay attention to the "The Bottom Line" section below in this table.


    Also visit these rebuttals on my blog:

    1. https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php/topic,1105.msg5574.html#msg5574
    2. https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php/topic,1105.msg5580.html#msg5580


    From https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php/topic,1166.msg4047.html#msg4047

    As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Farhan Uddin,

    Let's look at the Hadith that you mentioned:

    "Abu Harb b. Abu al-Aswad reported on the authority of his father that Abu Musa al-Ash'ari sent for the reciters of Basra. They came to him and they were three hundred in number. They recited the Qur'an and he said: You are the best among the inhabitants of Basra, for you are the reciters among them. So continue to recite it. (But bear in mind) that your reciting for a long time may not harden your hearts as were hardened the hearts of those before you. We used to recite a surah which resembled in length and severity to (Surah) Bara'at. I have, however, forgotten it with the exception of this which I remember out of it:" If there were two valleys full of riches, for the son of Adam, he would long for a third valley, and nothing would fill the stomach of the son of Adam but dust." And we used so recite a slirah which resembled one of the surahs of Musabbihat, and I have forgotten it, but remember (this much) out of it:" Oh people who believe, why do you say that which you do not practise" (lxi 2.) and" that is recorded in your necks as a witness (against you) and you would be asked about it on the Day of Resurrection" (xvii. 13)." (Sahih Muslim, Book 5: The Book of Zakat (Kitab Al-Zakat), Book 005, Number 2286)

    The answer is very simple:

    1-  The doubt happened in Iraq, not in Madina or Mecca.

    2-  Why go to a doubtful source, when you have the primary source?

    3-  The Holy Quran was written and compiled on the spot during Prophet Muhammad's days, peace be upon him.

    4-  Memorizing the Holy Quran was something the Muslims big on, because it was from Allah Almighty, and also because they needed to read the Holy Book in their daily Prayers.

    5-  The Holy Quran was perfectly preserved in Mecc and Madina.

    6-  The noise that you hear is from places that were many 100s of miles away, on foot.

    7-  And who told you that these Hadiths are reliable?  I am one Muslim that believes that there are consipracies done in the Bukhari and Muslim and other Hadith collections.  Yes, they contain Truth in them.  But they also contain what clearly appears to be deliberate poisons in there to poison the believers' faith.  Example of this:  A person was walking down, and saw monkies stonning to death an adulterous she-monkey?? (Source).  Do animals even have these types of rituals and intelligence among them?

    And what's even funnier is that the narrator (the guy) says that he started stonning the she-monkey with them (Source).  I mean this is as if he is deliberately spitting in the face of the reader, and the reader's intelligence!  It is as if there is a hidden message to the Muslim reader that says:  "Hey stupid!  This is in your so-called most authentic hadiths collections."

    Why does such garbage exist in the Sahih Bukhari and Muslim and other Hadith collections?


    Two simple missing "verses" caused so much noise:

    Another example of the poisons injected in the Sahih Hadiths literature is this:

    1-  The so-called missing stonning (rajm) Verse (Ayah).

    2-  The so-called ADULTS ALLOWED TO SUCK breasts and become foster children to any female verse (ayah).

    I ask you in the Holy Name of GOD Almighty, could not any living person in Mecca and Madina even memorize the texts of these two small and simple verses??  We're not talking BOOKS MISSING HERE.  We're talking about two simple short verses that we don't even have their texts??



    No mention of foster daughters!

    Another proof that the topic of breast feeding adults is a lie from Hell is the fact that you never read or hear about commands ordering WOMEN to become FOSTER CHILDREN.  Can a woman suck on another woman's breast to become her foster daughter?  Does she not need to become the foster sister of the sons?  It's always about a grown man sucking on an adult woman.  Islam's Laws always cover both sides.  But you never see this lie covering both sides.  And most certainly, RIDAA' (breast feeding) of babies in the Glorious Quran is about both male and female babies.

    The breast feeding is only allowed during the first 2 YEARS of the child's life.  Even a child that is THREE YEARS OLD IS NOT ALLOWED TO be BREAST FED!  Let alone a grown man.  And no man becomes a foster child by sucking on a woman's breast!  And not every woman is wet (has milk) anyway.  Most women on earth are dry.  Women become wet only to feed their babies.  The period is very limited when compared to their lifetime (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).

    The term RIDAA' (BREAST FEEDING) of adults is absurd both scientifically and morally.  My old mother could not give RIDAA' to any man or baby.  She is dry.  And to suggest that all she needs to do is to have a man suck on her breast to become her foster child is a lie from Hell invented on Islam!!  The story of Salim in the hadiths is a lie.  The hadith is not Mutawatir and is in direct contradiction and violation of the Holy Quran.  This is why RIDAA' in the Quran is only by mothers or foster mothers, to be hired if the mother becomes dry, for babies no older than 2 years old.  It is detailed in the Quran.  It is for feeding and nourishing the baby.  Even if an adult drinks some of the milk, it doesn't make him foster child either.  He is older than 2 years old.  And this should be punishable by flogging if his mouth contacts the breast, because it now would enter immorality sinning.  Doing sexual acts between a man and a woman, or between homosexuals, is punishable in Islam.  A man sucking on a woman's breast is that kind of crime.

    Clearly this is nothing but poison of lies injected in the Sahih Hadiths volumes.  It's a conspiracy against Islam from within!  Again, spitting in the face and intelligence of the reader! 

    What's equally ridiculous to this is that in Egypt and Saudi Arabia they had huge debates about whether a grown up man can suck a woman's breasts and become her foster child.  Yet, in the Holy Quran, sucking the breasts is only for the first two years of the child's life.  So even a small kid is not allowed to suck his mother's breasts; let alone a grown up man like ME sucking a a woman's breasts:

    "The mothers shall give suck to their offspring for two whole years, if the father desires to complete the term....  (The Noble Quran, 2:233)"


    Would not the drawn attention have caused for the "verses" to be memorized and documented?

    We are taught in our Islamic Hadiths literature that Caliph Omar said the following to the Muslims:

    Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:

    'Umar said, "I am afraid that after a long time has passed, people may say, "We do not find the Verses of the Rajam (stoning to death) in the Holy Book," and consequently they may go astray by leaving an obligation that Allah has revealed. Lo! I confirm that the penalty of Rajam be inflicted on him who commits illegal sexual intercourse, if he is already married and the crime is proved by witnesses or pregnancy or confession." Sufyan added, "I have memorized this narration in this way." 'Umar added, "Surely Allah's Apostle carried out the penalty of Rajam, and so did we after him."  (Sahih Bukhari, Book 82: Punishment of Disbelievers at War with Allah and His Apostle, Volume 8, Book 82, Number 816)

    And regarding the verses about the suckling of adults:

    عن عائشة قالت لقد نزلت آية الرجم ورضاعة الكبير عشرا ولقد كان في صحيفة تحت سريري فلما مات رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وتشاغلنا بموته دخل داجن فأكلها

    Reported 'Aisha (RA): ‘the verse of stoning and of suckling an adult ten times was revealed, and they were (written) on a paper and kept under my pillow. When the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) expired and we were occupied by his death, a goat entered and ate away the paper.’ (Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith 1944)

    Question:  Since supposedly so much light was shed upon these two topics by Omar and Aisha, and so much attention was drawn to them, how come then no one was able to come up with their texts??  Today, we do not have the actual texts of those alleged "verses".  All we have are empty claims in the poisoned books!  Doesn't this prove that these alleged conversations by Omar and Aisha, may Allah Almighty be pleased with them, - in the narrations above, - never actually took place?  In other words, they are lies on the mouths of Omar and Aisha, just like that lie above about the stoning of the she-monkey!

    This should further demonstrate that there are injected lies and conspiracies in our Hadiths collections.  Now, this doesn't mean that we should reject the Hadiths by the wholesale.  No.  I am not a Qurani or Quran-Only Muslim.  In fact, I exposed this false cult on the this website.  But false hadiths above clearly demonstrate that there are conspiracies, from within, against Islam.  You couldn't possibly be a sane person, and at the same time accept the stoning of the she-monkey Hadith!  Yet, it's in our strongest and supposedly most authentic Hadiths collections.

    The same goes with the suckling for adults and the stoning alleged "verses".  With all of the supposed drawn attention to them, it should've been very easy for Muslim to write them down.  After all,

    1-  Did they not come down for all Muslims? 

    2-  Were they not memorized by many Muslims?

    3-  Were they not written down by other Muslims?



    The Prophet got bewitched through a piece of his hair??

    Here is another example that further demonstrates the clear conspiracy and poisons of lies that were deliberately injected into our Hadiths literature, from within.  Consider the following absurd Hadith:

    Narrated 'Aisha:

    "That Allah's Apostle was affected by magic, so much that he used to think that he had done something which in fact, he did not do, and he invoked his Lord (for a remedy). Then (one day) he said, "O 'Aisha!) Do you know that Allah has advised me as to the problem I consulted Him about?" 'Aisha said, "O Allah's Apostle! What's that?" He said, "Two men came to me and one of them sat at my head and the other at my feet, and one of them asked his companion, 'What is wrong with this man?' The latter replied, 'He is under the effect of magic.' The former asked, 'Who has worked magic on him?' The latter replied, 'Labid bin Al-A'sam (a Jew).' The former asked, 'With what did he work the magic?' The latter replied, 'With a comb and the hair, which are stuck to the comb, and the skin of pollen of a date-palm tree.' The former asked, 'Where is that?' The latter replied, 'It is in Dharwan.' Dharwan was a well in the dwelling place of the (tribe of) Bani Zuraiq. Allah's Apostle went to that well and returned to 'Aisha, saying, 'By Allah, the water (of the well) was as red as the infusion of Hinna, (1) and the date-palm trees look like the heads of devils.' 'Aisha added, Allah's Apostle came to me and informed me about the well. I asked the Prophet, 'O Allah's Apostle, why didn't you take out the skin of pollen?' He said, 'As for me, Allah has cured me and I hated to draw the attention of the people to such evil (which they might learn and harm others with).'

    Narrated Hisham's father: 'Aisha said, "Allah's Apostle was bewitched, so he invoked Allah repeatedly requesting Him to cure him from that magic)." Hisham then narrated the above narration. (See Hadith No. 658, Vol. 7)""
      (Sahih Bukhari, Book 75: Invocations, Volume 8, Book 75, Number 400)

    So a Jew steals a piece of the Prophet's hair, says abakadabra on it, and the Prophet gets betwiched??  Seriously??  Why can't this be a Jew-hating lie that was invented by liars who fabricated this entire story for propaganda?  Now, you all know how vicious I am against zionism on this website.  But I am not against innocent Jews or any innocent person, in general.  This false story just doesn't make any sense, and it is quite absurd!  Not only that, but it clashes head-on with the Holy Quran:

    [017:047]  We know best why it is they listen, when they listen to thee; and when they meet in private conference, behold, the wicked say, "Ye follow none other than a man bewitched!"

    [025:008]  "Or (Why) has not a treasure been bestowed on him, or why has he (not) a garden for enjoyment?" The wicked say: "Ye follow none other than a man bewitched."

    So if Prophet Muhammad was betwiched, then the Quran has failed in Noble Verses 17:47 and 25:8!  Furthermore, how could the people who made the claim be then "wicked", if their claim was true?

    Think about it.  If you have a video recording of Osama Abdallah (me) committing adultery with a woman, and you decide to expose me on it, because you just got sick and tired of my lies and hypocrisy.  How on EARTH would that make you wicked??  If the Prophet was indeed bewitched, then how could saying that he is indeed bewitched make one wicked??

    Other related Noble Verses about Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him:

    [053:002]  Your Companion is neither astray nor being misled.

    [081:022]  (Oh people)! your companion is not crazy.

    [034:046]  Say, `I only exhort you to do only one thing: that you stand up before ALLAH in twos and singly and reflect. You will then realize that there is no insanity in your companion; he is only a Warner to you of an impending severe punishment.'

    [006:033]  We do know that their remarks cause you grief. But it is not just you they are calling a liar. Rather, these evildoers have actually rejected the revelations of Allah.

    [006:147]  And if they call you a liar, then say, “Your Lord is limitless in His Mercy! His punishment against the guilty people shall not be set aside!”


    So now all Muslims are wicked??

    Think about it.  This makes every Muslim, who believes that the Prophet was indeed bewitched, a wicked person!  If you believe in those Hadiths, then you have become a wicked person according to Noble Verses 17:47 and 25:8
    Also visit:

  • Hell changes our weather here on earth?

    From https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php?topic=3689.msg17633#msg17633:


    I linked you the satanic verses link. Next time do read what is given to you. Go educate yourself on this topic before you decide to debate. The point here in case you still don't get it is your hadiths can't guarantee a thing about what was corrupted and what wasn't during the alleged bewitchment.


    Separating the husband and wife:

    The Noble Verse about Harut and Marut was about Prophet Sulieman, peace be upon him. This Prophet had abilities and ways to communicate to non-human creatures, such as birds, insects and Jinns. No bewitchment today can be done that separates the husband and wife. And your Prophet was never bewitched by having a JEW take a piece of his hair, barf some words on it, and hide it under a rock. Your false hadiths' writers spit on the face and intelligence of their followers.

    As to bewitching Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, Allah Almighty didn't say kaafiroon (infidels). He said الظالمون (the unjust and wicked). This includes Muslims. Yet, Allah Almighty promised to defend the Prophet from people's harm:

    [005:067] Oh messenger! Proclaim (and spread far and wide) the revelation sent to you by your Lord. If you fail to do that, you would have failed to convey the message. Allah will protect you against (the mischief of) mankind. والله يعصمك من الناس Allah certainly does not guide the nation that disbelieves!


    Calling Allah a liar:

    So now your false cult is not only a wicked cult for calling Prophet Muhammad a bewitched prophet according to the Glorious Quran, but they also call Allah Almighty a liar. How is Allah's promise true when your Prophet got bewitched for over a year, and was rendered helpless, and he had no control over his thoughts, speech and memory?

    Do you now see how your cult of stupidity is anti-Islam? They glorify books that were made to bring Islam down from within.


    Your hadith say far worse things on the Glorious Quran too.  Why should I trust them, especially when they were written 100s of years after the Prophet?  The Glorious Quran is thoroughly proven, with 1000s of examples, to be Numerically and Scientifically Miraculous:

    www.answering-christianity.com/ac20.htm#numerical_miracles  (1000s of examples in zip file)




    The Bottom Line:

    The Glorious Quran abrogates all, because it is the "Muhaymin" (مهيمن, "Has all Authority above all").  See Noble Verse 5:48.  No Hadith abrogates the Holy Quran.  What agrees with the Holy Quran from the hadiths and also from the Bible and other scriptures is closest to the Truth, but not absolute Truth like the Holy Quran.  Allah Almighty made this rule very clear in the Glorious Quran about rejecting what conflicts with the Quran:

    Noble Verse(s) 4:82
    Yusuf Ali:

    [004:082]  Do they not consider the Quran (with care)? Had it been from other Than God, they would surely have found therein Much discrepancy.

    Arabic (Read from right to left.  Also, all png image files: [1] [2].  Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):

    4:82 افلا يتدبرون القران ولو كان من عند غير الله لوجدوا فيه اختلافا كثيرا


    Noble Verse(s) 5:48
    Yusuf Ali:

    [005:048]  To thee We sent the Scripture in truth, confirming the scripture that came before it from the Book من الكتاب, and guarding it in safety and has full authority over it ومهيمنا: so judge between them by what God hath revealed (i.e., the Quran that was sent to Muhammad), and follow not their vain desires, diverging from the Truth that hath come to thee. To each among you have we prescribed a law and an open way. If God had so willed, He would have made you a single people, but (His plan is) to test you in what He hath given you: so strive as in a race in all virtues. The goal of you all is to God; it is He that will show you the truth of the matters in which ye dispute;

    Note:  ومهيمنا meaning full authority is thoroughly proven in section (2.C) using ample translations.

    Arabic (Read from right to left.  Also, all png image files: [1] [2].  Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):

    5:48 وانزلنا اليك الكتاب بالحق مصدقا لما بين يديه من الكتاب ومهيمنا عليه فاحكم بينهم بما انزل الله ولاتتبع اهواءهم عما جاءك من الحق لكل جعلنا منكم شرعة ومنهاجا ولو شاء الله لجعلكم امة واحدة ولكن ليبلوكم فيما اتاكم فاستبقوا الخيرات الى الله مرجعكم جميعا فينبئكم بما كنتم فيه تختلفون


    From www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php?topic=1940.msg7927#msg7927:  


  • Which book were the people of the Book reciting (فسأل الذين يقرؤون الكتاب) during Prophet Muhammad's days according to the Glorious Quran 10:94?
  • Quran: Bibles are mostly corrupt.

    Noble Verses 5:44-49 are thoroughly unpacked in this article.  According to the Glorious Quran, there is nothing called new testament, or bible or even old testament.  There is the Thikr of Moses, which contains the Wasaya (Commandments, which are the 600+ Law Commandments), which the Prophets before Prophet Muhammad and Islam "the prophets did judge by it" (5:44).  Even in the bibles we find in Deuteronomy 4:2 and other places say that the Commandments (600+) must not be mixed with any other text.  Also, the Injeel or Injil is not the NT.  It is the direct commands of Prophet Eesa  (not Jesus), in which he mostly gave beautiful Commandments of Mercy, Compassion, Love, Fasting, Praying and Worshiping GOD Almighty Alone and associating no partners with Him, and also gave glad tidings about the coming of Prophet Muhammad and the new Covenant of Allah Almighty.  The Bibles are all corrupt.  The Glorious Quran also declares them all to be corrupt.  The Glorious Quran also confirms the Messiah, Eesa (not Jesus) and his virgin mother, Marium (not Mary), peace be upon both of them and upon all of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah Almighty (Not even Jesus was given the Book according to the Glorious Quran).


    "so judge between them by what God hath revealed" فاحكم بينهم بما انزل الله in Noble Verse 5:48 above.  The grand judgment has to be based on the Glorious Quran, because it is the Divine Book, the reliable one from Allah Almighty, and it is the Muhaymin مهيمن Book.  All others are marred with crookedness, alterations, and are overall not entirely Divine.

    It was God's orders at time of Prophet Jesus (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him). Now, things changed.  Quran: The Ultimate Reference.  Just read in context (5:46-49):

    Noble Verses 5:46-49 above in text:

    46. And We sent, following in their footsteps, Jesus, the son of Mary, confirming that which came before him in the Torah; and We gave him the Gospel, in which were guidance and light and confirming that which preceded  it of the Torah as guidance and instruction for the righteous.

    47. And let the People of the Gospel judge by what Allah has revealed therein. And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are defiantly disobedient.

    48. And We have sent down to you (O Muhammad) the Book (this Qur'an) in truth, confirming the Scripture that came before it as a criterion over it. So judge between them by what Allah has revealed, and follow not their vain desires, diverging away from the Truth that has come to you. To each among you, We have prescribed a law and a clear way. If Allah willed, He would have made you one nation, but that (He) may test you in what He has given you; so strive as in a race in good deeds. The return of you (all) is to Allah; then He will inform you about that in which you used to differ.

    49. And so judge (You O Muhammad) between them by what Allah has revealed and follow not their vain desires, but beware of them lest they turn you (O Muhammad) far away from some of that which Allah has send down to you.  And if they turn away, then know that Allah's Will is to punish them for some sins of theirs. And truly, most of men are Fasiqun  (rebellious and disobedient to Allah).
      Also visit:


    Matthew 7:22-23:  GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

    Oxymoron Trinity (100+ verses).  Bibles: Jesus will slaughter 100s of millions when he returns.

    The disciples arguing about the Sabbath and other Laws.  Jesus promised them that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths and that there will be no arguments, confusions or riddles.  Yet, the NT is marred with open arguments, vilifications (calling each other cursed by GOD "anathema", satanic, false, wrong).  Where is Jesus' promise??  Totally a false promise!

    Where is Jesus' promise??

    -  He promised that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, guide them in all ways, and that it will be the Holy Spirit speaking, not them.
    -  They ended up splitting into
    Paul vs. Peter two opposing groups, and were at odds with each other on several theological issues.
    1 Corinthians 7:40  Paul wasn't sure if he had the Holy Spirit in him or not. He said "I think I have the Holy Spirit".
    -  Their differences remain unsettled till this day in the NT.  They were never resolved.

    -  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    -  They were barking at each other like
    rabid dogs calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan!
    [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?


    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in their conflicting scriptures?



    If Paul is false, then Jesus is insufficient:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Yet, Paul admits that he speaks through a lying spirit  (Romans 3:7  But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?), while Jesus promised all of the disciples that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, and that it will not be them speaking, but the Holy Spirit. Yet, Paul says he was lying.  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    Paul and his team of disciples were also calling Peter's team, - and vice versa, - anathema ἀνάθεμα (cursed by GOD), false, bewitched, dogs, and many other things.  Jesus' original message got corrupt from the false christianity and the deification of flesh and blood creations like Jesus, Mary and others like they used to do in ancient Europe in Greece, Rome, Byzantine and throughout ancient ancient Europe of three-headed gods and trinities, such as the trinity of Zeus, Athena and Apollo; also Hell's three-headed guardian dog, or the trinity of Delian, Artemis and Apollo and many other ancient trinities.  Only Islam completes GOD Almighty's Religion.  See ample prophecies.
      Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah



    Dismal Spiritual Failures:

    Let us examine the following:

    Romans 3:23 ESV
    For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

    Ecclesiastes 7:20 ESV
    Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.

    No man is sinless and faultless.  The NT even says Jesus himself sinned via coveting the sins of the world.  Paul then barfs the following gem:


    1 Corinthians 2:15
    A spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself
    is not subject to any man's judgment.



    How can any flesh and blood sinner not be subjected to judgment?  The world has seen how disastrous your pedophilic and corrupt priests, ministers and churches are, from sex abuse on children, theft, prostitution and so much more.  Ironically also, Paul and the disciples themselves dismally failed this standard when they turned into rabid dogs in harsh judgments on each other; calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan! [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?  There is also conflict regarding misogyny:

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11–13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Which book were the people of the Book reciting (فسأل الذين يقرؤون الكتاب) during Prophet Muhammad's days according to the Glorious Quran 10:94?


    Insufficient Jesus:

    Edward Dalcour says that Jesus would be insufficient if Paul was proven to be false:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Does Noble Verse 9:31 say that Allah and Jesus are two equal Lords?  Also, thorough refutation to  توحيد الربوبية  (tawheed alruboobiyyah, or Oneness of Lordship between Jesus and Allah) concept by the polytheist trinitarian pagans (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    The Bibles' sacred "book of toiletספר קודש של שירותים    and praised incestuous rape can be read here
    كتاب المرحاض المقدس


    ***** Bibles' OT and NT:  Spirits that GOD Almighty sends down including lying ones in the Bibles.  Jesus in several passages was Commanded by GOD to become one to forge falseianity (christianity) because of the ample blasphemies of the Jews.

    Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?

    Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

    Notice the language of how Satan was:

    1. "You were perfect from the day you were created".  Jesus was also created from the Word of GOD.
    2. Glorious.
    3. "the chosen one".
    4. The "Anointed".
    5. ruler over earth.
    6. Ruler over the "Holy Mount" of GOD

    Matthew 24:25-27 Jesus will return as an Arabian Messiah from Damascus.

    He was all of these and more before arrogance, pride, stubbornness and blasphemies caused Satan to fall from Grace.  Jesus then became the substitute, i.e., the Perfect", "Glorious", "the chosen one", the "Anointed", "ruler over earth" and ruler over the "Holy Mount" chosen one of GOD Almighty.

    Jesus also said the direction of the Prayer towards Jerusalem will be no more (Psalm 138:2, John 4:21, Matthew 21:43, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 60, Genesis 25:12-13).  It will be replaced with the Qibla (direction) to Mecca and the Holy Path to Mecca.  Only Islam is the Divine Truth from Allah Almighty.  Christianity is pagan.  Even Christmas is an ancient Roman pagan holiday (video clip) according to the Christian theologians themselves:

    Jesus too carried the Spirit of GOD in him, and he carried also the Spirit of fearing GOD in him.  Jesus was also called slave of GOD in the OT many times.  He also had no Divine WillTrinity is a lie from Hell.

    See also 24 other Thrones and Messiahs besides Jesus (Revelations 4 & 5).

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


    Eid Al-Adha: Ishmael or Isaac?  GOD's peace be upon them both.  Who was the son to be sacrificed?  Bibles and Quran agree it was Ishmael.


    Satan & Peter VS. Paul: 2 Corinthians 12:7-11.  Paul literally put Peter and Satan in one team.


    Sam Shamoun also exposes the ample  holy group sex that occurs in his circle:



    Paul ordered the execution (actual killing) of some sinners.

    Paul ate his vomit.

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

     (Sam Shamoun declares gambling is allowed in Christianity)

    Jesus amputated his unholy testicles and head of penis to remain holy.  If his body was holy, were his testicles cursed and unholy, especially that he commanded to maim your sinful body parts?  You mean to tell me that they were not part of the Creator of the Universe's body??  Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.


    Why did Jesus amputate his own (NT calls them satanic flesh) testicles and penis' head?







    Which book were the people of the Book reciting (فسأل الذين يقرؤون الكتاب) during Prophet Muhammad's days according to the Glorious Quran 10:94?

    Quran: Bibles are mostly corrupt.

    Noble Verses 5:44-49 are thoroughly unpacked in this article.  According to the Glorious Quran, there is nothing called new testament, or bible or even old testament.  There is the Thikr of Moses, which contains the Wasaya (Commandments, which are the 600+ Law Commandments), which the Prophets before Prophet Muhammad and Islam "the prophets did judge by it" (5:44).  Even in the bibles we find in Deuteronomy 4:2 and other places say that the Commandments (600+) must not be mixed with any other text.  Also, the Injeel or Injil is not the NT.  It is the direct commands of Prophet Eesa  (not Jesus), in which he mostly gave beautiful Commandments of Mercy, Compassion, Love, Fasting, Praying and Worshiping GOD Almighty Alone and associating no partners with Him, and also gave glad tidings about the coming of Prophet Muhammad and the new Covenant of Allah Almighty.  The Bibles are all corrupt.  The Glorious Quran also declares them all to be corrupt.  The Glorious Quran also confirms the Messiah, Eesa (not Jesus) and his virgin mother, Marium (not Mary), peace be upon both of them and upon all of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah Almighty (Not even Jesus was given the Book according to the Glorious Quran).


    Note:  ومهيمنا meaning full authority is thoroughly proven in section (2.C) using ample translations.


    Even the Hadiths' collections contain errors and contradictions in them. Only the Quran is the perfect Divine Word of Allah Almighty, and It is the only book that is perfectly preserved:



    Quran is the only Divine Hadith حديث:

    Also, only the Glorious Quran's Hadith is the Divine Revelation from Allah Almighty:

    [007:185] Do they see nothing in the government of the heavens and the earth and all that God hath created? (Do they not see) that it may well be that their terms is nigh drawing to an end? In what message حديث after this will they then believe?

    [018:006]  Thou wouldst only, perchance, fret thyself to death, following after them, in grief, if they believe not in this Message الحديث.

    [039:023]  God has revealed (from time to time) the most beautiful Message الحديث in the form of a Book, consistent with itself, (yet) repeating (its teaching in various aspects): the skins of those who fear their Lord tremble thereat; then their skins and their hearts do soften to the celebration of God's praises. Such is the guidance of God: He guides therewith whom He pleases, but such as God leaves to stray, can have none to guide.


    What disagrees with the Holy Quran, and the Standards of the Holy Quran, and the Moral Code (100s of them) of the Holy Quran, and the Fitrah Human Instinct that Allah Almighty has injected into us as humans from the time of our birth, - what disagrees with this natural GOD-given human instinct, - must be rejected.  Also, the Glorious Quran says It contains no HAZAL (nonsense).  The hadiths say the Prophet spoke HAZAL.  This is discussed shortly below.

    Furthermore, Allah Almighty also said:

    [016:044] (We sent them) with Clear Signs and Books of dark prophecies; and We have sent down unto thee (also) the Message; that thou mayest explain clearly to men what is sent for them, and that they may give thought.

    [004:115] After the guidance has been revealed and explained, if anyone parts his way with the messenger and follows a path different from that of the believers, then We will divert him along his (chosen) path. We will hurl him in the hell (in the hereafter). What a despicable destination!

    [006:046] Say, “Have you (ever) considered? What if Allah took away your hearing and your sight, and sealed off your heart? Is there a god besides Allah, who could give you back these senses?” Observe, how We explain the revelations in detail. Yet, they turn away (disdainfully).

    [006:055] In this manner, We explain Our revelations in detail, so that the ways of the criminals would become (widely known and) well recognized.

    Allah Almighty. again, called the Holy Quran "Muhaymin" (مهيمن, "Has all Authority above all").  See Noble Verse 5:48.  For ample more on this point, please visit:

  • www.answering-christianity.com/was_muta_immoral.htm
    So the real genuine Hadiths that are Quran-Approved are the ones that directly explain and detail the Holy Quran's Commands.  Otherwise, we can safely dismiss them as fabricated falsehoods, especially that Allah Almighty Warned us about those who will fabricate lies:


    Quran warns against people fabricating:

    [010:069] Say: "Those who invent a lie against God will never prosper."

    [007:089] "We should indeed invent a lie against God, if we returned to your ways after God hath rescued us therefrom; nor could we by any manner of means return thereto unless it be as in the will and plan of God, Our Lord. Our Lord can reach out to the utmost recesses of things by His knowledge. In the God is our trust. our Lord! decide Thou between us and our people in truth, for Thou art the best to decide."

    [010:060] And what think those who invent lies against God, of the Day of Judgment? Verily God is full of bounty to mankind, but most of them are ungrateful.

    [072:004] 'There were some foolish ones among us, who used to utter extravagant lies against God;

    [003:072] A section of the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) say: Believe in the morning what is revealed to the believers ( Muslims), but reject it at the end of the day; perchance they may (themselves) turn back (from Islam).

    [002:079] Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say:"This is from God," to traffic with it for miserable price!- Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby.


    General Principle:

    The following Noble Verse 2:79 is a general principle and not limited to people in the Prophet's time:

    [002:079]  Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: "This is from God," to traffic with it for miserable price!- Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby.

    1.  The general principle here is similar to the "Produce your Proof if you are Truthful" one in 2:111.  It is not just limited to the people of the Book.  It is for Muslims and for all people.

    2.  Another general principle example is the freeing of all slaves Quranic Law.

    Slavery Example:

    Another example of the Glorious Quran's general principle VS. local and limited situations (i.e., in the interim of things), is the law of slavery.  Allah Almighty's Highest Standard regarding slavery is to end it in all of the lands:

    [090:012] And what will make you comprehend what the uphill road is?
    [090:013] (It is) the setting free of a slave,

    So one of the monumental tasks upon the Muslims is to end all forms of slavery.  Yet, the Glorious Quran also allows enslaving, buying slaves, selling slaves, having harems (female slaves).  So is this a contradiction?  No.  Is this an abrogation (90:12-13 abrogating all other verses or vise versa)?  No.  All Noble Verses concerning slaves and slavery still stand TILL THIS DAY!  All 6236 Noble Verses that make up the entire Glorious Quran still stand today and will always stand till the Day of Judgment.  We have no abrogation here.  The Muslim State and Court and people must be mindful that Allah Almighty has set high and monumental goals in the Glorious Quran.  In the interim of things, however, the slavery Noble Verses could be activated and applied due to battles that may occur or deals and/or transactions.  But the ultimate goal must be to end all forms of slavery in all Muslim lands.


    [003:099] Say: "O ye People of the Book! Why obstruct ye those who believe, from the path of God, Seeking to make it crooked, while ye were yourselves witnesses (to God's Covenant)? but God is not unmindful of all that ye do."

    [003:094] If any, after this, invent a lie and attribute it to God, they are indeed unjust wrong-doers.

    [004:082] Do they not attentively consider the Quran? If it had been from any besides God, they would certainly have found therein many contradictions.

    [004:050] Behold! how they invent a lie against God! but that by itself is a manifest sin!

    [028:075] And from each people shall We draw a witness, and We shall say: "Produce your Proof": then shall they know that the Truth is in God (alone), and the (lies) which they invented will leave them in lurch.

    See also these Noble Verses: 6:21, 6:24, 6:93, 7:37, 10:60, 11:18, 12:111, 29:68.


    Did not Prophet Muhammad say that all humans are born with the Fitrah of Islam:

  • "Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: No babe is born but upon Fitra. It is his parents who make him a Jew or a Christian or a Polytheist. A person said: Allah's Messenger, what is your opinion if they were to die before that (before reaching the age of adolescence when they can distinguish between right and wrong)? He said: It is Allah alone Who knows what they would be doing.  (Sahih Muslim, Book 033, Number 6426)"
  • There are many Hadiths that also say this.
  • We're all born Muslims and with the natural human instinct of Islam that Allah Almighty has put in us.  It is our man-made falsehoods that make us deviate from this pure Fitrah.

    And last and not least, please visit the following link to see the Overwhelming Scientific Miracles of the Holy Quran:


    Also, Prophet Muhammad and Islam thoroughly prophesied, even by the name, in the Bible, Dead Sea Scrolls, and other previous Scriptures: https://www.answering-christianity.com/predict.htm.



    Hazal in Hadiths vs Quran's Purity:

    Not every word that came out of the Prophet's mouth is a legitimate Hadith:

    Narrated Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari:
    "The Prophet used to invoke Allah, saying, "Allahumma ighfirli khati'ati wa jahli wa israfi fi amri, wa ma anta a-'lamu bihi minni. Allahumma ighfirli hazali هزلي wa jiddi wa khata'i wa amdi, wa kullu dhalika 'indi"


    "O Allah! Forgive my mistakes and my ignorance and my exceeding the limit (boundaries) of righteousness in my deeds; and forgive whatever You know better than I. O Allah! Forgive the wrong I have done jokingly هزلي or seriously, and forgive my accidental and intentional errors, all that is present in me."  (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 75, Number 408))


  • The Prophet used the word HAZAL or HAZL (satire, comic, nonsense).  That's what satire today means in Arabic [1] [2].  Yet, Allah Almighty said this about the Glorious Quran:
    Noble Verse(s) 86:14
    Yusuf Ali:

    [086:014]  It is not a thing for amusement.

    Dr. Munir Munshey (one of www.answering-christianity.com's authors):

    [086:014]  It is not an idle tale!


    [086:014]  Wama huwa bialhazli

    Arabic (Read from right to left.  Also, all png image files: [1] [2].  Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):

    86:14 وماهو بالهزل

    Sher Ali:

    [086:014]  And it is not a vain talk.


    [086:014]  And it is no joke.


    [086:014]  It is no pleasantry.


    [086:014]  and it is not composed with lightness.

    Muhammad Al-Hilali & Muhsin Khan:

    [086:014]  And it is not a thing for amusement.


    [086:014]  and it is no frivolity!


    [086:014]  it is no merriment.

    Khalifa: (why is he here?)

    [086:014]  Not to be taken lightly.


    [086:014]  And that it is not frivolous.

    For more, please visit:
    No flesh and blood was ever infallible, perfect and sinless.  Visit also this link to see how Jesus coveted the world for 40 days and 40 nights, and was turned into King Kong by satan [1] when he made him climb the fortress-like temple to jump and commit suicide.  Yet, the Bible considers
    coveting to be a sin.

    The Mighty Test of being on Earth:

    From https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php/topic,2498.msg15738.html#msg15738:


    The more I study the infallibility of all humans, including all Prophets, the more and more I understand the following Allah Almighty's Holy Words:

    [017:095]  Say, "If there were settled, on earth, angels walking about in peace and quiet, We should certainly have sent them down from the heavens  an angel for an apostle ملكا رسولا."

    ‏17:95 قل لو كان في الارض ملائكة يمشون مطمئنين لنزلنا عليهم من السماء ملكا رسولا

    ملكا رسولا literally translates as an Angel-Prophet.  Even the Angels would need an Angel-Prophet to guide them.


    Being a flesh and blood here on earth is not easy.  This is why Allah Almighty had all of the Beings of the World of Command bow to the flesh and blood Adam, peace be upon him.

    Please visit:

    Take care,
    Osama Abdallah


    Crooked Texts:

    From https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php/topic,1996.msg15710.html#msg15710:


    We Muslims believe that some previous scriptures have remnants of Divine Truth in them.  For more on Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, in previous scriptures, visit:


    Also, what agrees with the Glorious Quran, from Hadiths and non-Islamic texts, is closest to the Truth, but not absolute Truth like the Pure Holy Quran.  This is according to the Glorious Quran Itself:


    As Muslims, it is not our problem to sort out the non-Muslims' corrupted scriptures.  This is why Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, commanded us to neither say they are false nor true when they're used as evidence.  We always must say Allah Almighty alone knows what is True and what is false in them.  This is also why Allah Almighty Said this about the Glorious Quran:

    [018:001]  Praise be to God, Who hath sent to His Servant the Book, and hath allowed therein no Crookedness:

    [039:028]  (It is) a Quran in Arabic, without any crookedness (therein): in order that they may guard against Evil.

    Only the Holy Quran is without crookedness and man-made lies.  All other scriptures are crooked.  Again, visit the above link.

    Take care,
    Osama Abdallah


    This is why those who say that the Prophet never spoke out of his own desire, and that every word he spoke was an inspiration are all in error.  The following Noble Verses that they use only refer to the Holy Quran's Revelations:

    [053:002]  You companion has neither erred, nor has he gone astray,
    [053:003]  Nor does he speak out of his own desire.
    [053:004]  It is nothing but pure revelation revealed by God.
    [053:005]  The Lord of the Mighty Powers has taught him (i.e., Angel Gabriel),

    Those who say that Prophet Muhammad was a "Walking Quran", and that every single word he spoke was an inspiration are full of rubbish nonsense.  Also visit:

    Are the Jinns bacteria according to Islam?

    And last and not least, to see the Glorious Quran's True and Overwhelming Scientific Miracles that testify to the Divinity of the Holy Book, and proves that the Glorious Quran's Miracle is an Everlasting One and is contained in the Holy Book, visit:



    Do not utter Superstition, O Muhammad!

    As'salamu Alaikum Everyone,

    I have updated the following article, and added refutations from the Glorious Quran that refute the superstitious additions that were added to the Hadith 300 years after the Prophet, peace be upon him:




    I do not see how the Prophet could make any guarantee to anyone's personal safety in light of the following Noble Verses and many more like them:

    [009:051] Say: "Nothing will happen to us except what God has decreed for us قل لن يصيبنا الا ماكتب الله لنا: He is our protector": and on God let the Believers put their trust.

    [007:188]  Say, “I possess no power to gain any benefit for myself, nor to evade any harm; except whatever Allah wants. If I had any knowledge of the unseen future I could have amassed an abundance of wealth, and no misfortune would have ever touched me. I am only a warner, and a bearer of good news for the believing nation.”

    [006:050]  Tell them, “I do not say to you that I possess the treasures of Allah or the knowledge of the unseen future! And I do not claim to be an angel. I only just pursue and follow the revelation sent to me.” Say, “Can a blind man and the one endowed with sight ever be equal? Do you then not ponder?”


    Directly Commanded:

    Here the Prophet was directly commanded by Allah Almighty to never utter statements like this.  Yet, we find these superstitious statements in the Hadiths.  We also find them in the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).  The right toe and right finger blessing by the priest, and the sprinkling of bird's blood to remove evil, etc....  These things are found in the Bible.  Not Islam.  Please visit:


    Take care,
    Osama Abdallah



    Hadiths that hardly anyone knew about:

    The following Hadith is very weak that hardly anyone narrated it, and hardly anyone even knew about it.  It is not like the popular Mutawatir Hadiths, where many people have narrated them in several sources.  This is a weak lone hadith.  These types of hadiths are easy to fabricate on the mouth of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, especially that Hadiths were officially compiled 300 years after the Prophet.

    From https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php/topic,2844.msg13540.html#msg13540:

    The Hadith says the following:

    Narrated Al-Miqdam ibn Ma'dikarib:
    The Prophet (ﷺ) said: Beware! I have been given the Qur'an and something like it, yet the time is coming when a man replete on his couch will say: Keep to the Qur'an; what you find in it to be permissible treat as permissible, and what you find in it to be prohibited treat as prohibited. Beware! The domestic ass, beasts of prey with fangs, a find belonging to confederate, unless its owner does not want it, are not permissible to you If anyone comes to some people, they must entertain him, but if they do not, he has a right to mulct them to an amount equivalent to his entertainment.

    حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الْوَهَّابِ بْنُ نَجْدَةَ، حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو عَمْرِو بْنُ كَثِيرِ بْنِ دِينَارٍ، عَنْ حَرِيزِ بْنِ عُثْمَانَ، عَنْ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنِ أَبِي عَوْفٍ، عَنِ الْمِقْدَامِ بْنِ مَعْدِيكَرِبَ، عَنْ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم أَنَّهُ قَالَ ‏ "‏ أَلاَ إِنِّي أُوتِيتُ الْكِتَابَ وَمِثْلَهُ مَعَهُ أَلاَ يُوشِكُ رَجُلٌ شَبْعَانُ عَلَى أَرِيكَتِهِ يَقُولُ عَلَيْكُمْ بِهَذَا الْقُرْآنِ فَمَا وَجَدْتُمْ فِيهِ مِنْ حَلاَلٍ فَأَحِلُّوهُ وَمَا وَجَدْتُمْ فِيهِ مِنْ حَرَامٍ فَحَرِّمُوهُ أَلاَ لاَ يَحِلُّ لَكُمْ لَحْمُ الْحِمَارِ الأَهْلِيِّ وَلاَ كُلُّ ذِي نَابٍ مِنَ السَّبُعِ وَلاَ لُقَطَةُ مُعَاهِدٍ إِلاَّ أَنْ يَسْتَغْنِيَ عَنْهَا صَاحِبُهَا وَمَنْ نَزَلَ بِقَوْمٍ فَعَلَيْهِمْ أَنْ يَقْرُوهُ فَإِنْ لَمْ يَقْرُوهُ فَلَهُ أَنْ يُعْقِبَهُمْ بِمِثْلِ قِرَاهُ ‏"‏ ‏.‏
    Grade   : Sahih (Al-Albani)     صحيح   (الألباني)   حكم     :
    Reference    : Sunan Abi Dawud 4604
    In-book reference    : Book 42, Hadith 9
    English translation    : Book 41, Hadith 4587



    Halal and Haram Determination:

    Of course what is prohibited in the Quran is 100% prohibited in Islam.  The Halal (lawful) and Haram (sinful) determination is certainly built on both the Glorious Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.  We need the Hadiths and the Sunnah to explain to us how to do the Halal and how to avoid the Haram.  The following four points are important to keep in mind:

    1-  None of this, however, nullifies that if a Hadith is in direct clash with the Quran, then the hadith is a lie and a fabrication on the mouth of the Prophet:



    2-  If the Hadith gives a Law that is not mentioned in the Glorious Quran, then we take the Hadith if it's authentic.  But we reject everything that is directly in contradiction with the Glorious Quran.  The Holy Quran is Islam's Miracle:



    Invalid Argument:

    3-  The Prophet's warning to his people may not really apply to us today no matter how you look at it.  The simple reason for this is that it is not about rejecting the Prophet's Commands.  It is rather about filtering out the fabrications from the genuine Hadiths.  So, a Muslim simply can't use the above Hadith's argument against other Muslims today if there is a dispute between Muslims about the authenticity of a certain Hadith.  This argument is simply invalid today.

    There is also a possibility that the lone Hadith above is itself a fabrication.  It is very thin in its chain's authenticity, it is not among the popular Mutawatir Hadiths of the Prophet, where MANY people narrated them in all different sources.  This Hadith lacks all of this.  It is weak and very isolated.  Hardly anyone narrated it and hardly anyone even knew about it.  Those types of hadiths are easy to fabricate on the mouth of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, especially that Hadiths were officially compiled 300 years after the Prophet.

    I say beware of them!


    From https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php/topic,3155.msg15755.html#msg15755:


    The lies refuted:

    As'salamu Alaikum,

    Allah Almighty is not a deceiver.  He, however, does lead astray whom He decides to doom to Hell.  He does that but letting the doomed creation be as they want, and the Almighty sometimes even paves the way and/or helps the cursed ones to gain more and more power during their life to cause themselves to fail, and ultimately fall:



    As to abrogation in the Glorious Quran, the very Noble Verse that you quoted proves there is no abrogation:

    ماننسخ من اية او ننسها نات بخير منها او مثلها

    "None of Our revelations do We abrogate ماننسخ من اية or cause to be forgotten او ننسها, We bring better than It نات بخير منها or a similar او مثلها" (The Glorious Quran, 2:106)

    There is no "but We substitute".  It's a mistranslation of the English for Noble Verse 2:106

    "مَا نَنْسَخْ مِنْ آيَةٍ أَوْ نُنْسِهَا نَأْتِ بِخَيْرٍ مِنْهَا أَوْ مِثْلِهَا ۗ أَلَمْ تَعْلَمْ أَنَّ اللَّهَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ
    None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten,
    but We substitute something better or similar: Knowest thou not that Allah Hath power over all things?"

    The correct translation is:

    "None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring better than It or a similar...." (2:106)


    1-  The Glorious Quran has Laws that work for different situations.  They're not abrogations.  They're just different Laws for different situations.  Every single Noble Verse in the Quran stands.  No abrogations.  Anyone who tells you otherwise is a yapping ignorant, for that camp of ignorant can't even agree on which Verse abrogates which verse.  Nothing but conjecture and opinionated garbage.

    The Glorious Quran had been perfectly preserved and is perfectly complete:

    www.answering-christianity.com/ac20.htm#numerical_miracles (see the 1000s of examples in a zip file)


    2-  The Glorious Quran substituted the previous Laws.  Example: The stoning of the adulterer and adulterous to death.  This is a Jewish Law for married people in the book of Deuteronomy.  The Glorious Quran substituted this with the 100 lashes Law for all situations of zina (adultery and fornication).  The Hadith of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, about stoning the married adulterer or adulterous was during the early days of Islam before the Revelation of the Noble Verses.  The Hadiths are NEVER above the Quran.  If they're both in contradiction, then it means:

    (a)-  Either the Hadith was said during the early days of Islam, when Muslims used to get their Laws from the Jews:

    ‏16:43 وماارسلنا من قبلك الا رجالا نوحي اليهم فسألوا اهل الذكر ان كنتم لاتعلمون

    [016:043]  And before thee (thee here is Muhammad) also the apostles We sent were but men, to whom We granted inspiration: if ye realise this not, ask of those who possess the Message فسألوا اهل الذكر.

    Here the Prophet and the Believers were Commanded by Allah Almighty to go back to the Jews' Law if they were in doubt.  The Quran mentions two THIKRS (Laws):

    1-  The Thikr الذكر of Moses.
    2-  The Thikr الذكر of Muhammad.

    There is no third Thikr.  When Islam's Thikr was incomplete, the Muslims were commanded to follow the previous Thikr for a while.  This is covered in details at:

    www.answering-christianity.com/deuteronomy4_2.htm  (see sections 2C, 2F)


    (b)-  Or the hadith is a false lie on the mouth of the Prophet, or a misunderstanding:


    I hope this helps, Insha'Allah.  Good points from you.

    Take care,
    Osama Abdallah


    4-  If you have the Glorious Quran's Moral Code, which I have personally extracted 100s of them, and you use the Hadiths to clarify those that are not elaborated on enough in the Holy Quran, then what on GOD Almighty's earth do you need more??  Why are Muslims Hell bent on complicating Islam??


    I asked a shia doofus once on Paltalk this question:

  • What is in my Islam today that is in conflict with the Islam that Ali and the rest of Ahlul Bayt followed?  As always, I received BS for answer.  Not direct reply.  The context was:
    Why do shias raise 
    "Labbayka ya Hussein" (We answer thee's call O Hussein) banners against other Muslims?  What is it that we Muslims today are in conflict with Ahlul Bayt's Islam that they followed and practiced, so that a shia should raise such banner against other Muslims?  No answer.  Just BS for answer you get from them.

    Obey only the Messenger and the Message:

    Prophet Muhammad's duty was only to preach what explains the Glorious Quran.  All of the Noble Verses that Command us to obey the Prophet, they addressed him as the MESSENGER.  Also, it is worth noting that the Prophet came to only preach and explain the Holy Quran's Commands:

    "Say: 'Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger: but if ye turn away, he is only responsible for the duty placed on him and ye for that placed on you.   If ye obey him, ye shall be on right guidance.  The Messenger's duty is only to preach the clear (Message) وماعلى الرسول الا البلاغ المبين.  (The Noble Quran, 24:54)"


    Crooked Texts:

    From https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php/topic,1996.msg15710.html#msg15710:


    We Muslims believe that some previous scriptures have remnants of Divine Truth in them.  For more on Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, in previous scriptures, visit:


    Also, what agrees with the Glorious Quran, from Hadiths and non-Islamic texts, is closest to the Truth, but not absolute Truth like the Pure Holy Quran.  This is according to the Glorious Quran Itself:


    As Muslims, it is not our problem to sort out the non-Muslims' corrupted scriptures.  This is why Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, commanded us to neither say they are false nor true when they're used as evidence.  We always must say Allah Almighty alone knows what is True and what is false in them.  This is also why Allah Almighty Said this about the Glorious Quran:

    [018:001]  Praise be to God, Who hath sent to His Servant the Book, and hath allowed therein no Crookedness:

    [039:028]  (It is) a Quran in Arabic, without any crookedness (therein): in order that they may guard against Evil.

    Only the Holy Quran is without crookedness and man-made lies.  All other scriptures are crooked.  Again, visit the above link.

    Take care,
    Osama Abdallah



    Warning against fabricated lies:

    Again, many fabricated lies on Islam were invented by the hypocrites and infidels who pretended to embrace Islam.  Allah Almighty Warned us:

    "And in the like manner have WE made for every Prophet an enemy, the evil ones from among men and jinn. They suggest one to another gilded speech in order to deceive. And if thy Lord had enforced HIS will, they would not have done it; so leave them alone with that which they fabricate.  (The Noble Quran, 6:112)"

    "A section of the People of the Book say:  Believe in the morning what is revealed to the believers ( Muslims), but reject it at the end of the day; perchance they may (themselves) turn back (from Islam).  (The Noble Quran, Noble Verse 3:72)"

    "O ye who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of repentance for what ye have done.  (The Noble Quran, 49:6)"

    "But there are, among men, those who purchase idle tales, without knowledge (or meaning), to mislead (men) from the Path of God and throw ridicule (on the Path): for such there will be a Humiliating Penalty.  (The Noble Quran, 31:6)"

    "The hypocrites seek to deceive Allah, but it is actually He Who dupes them. They are lethargic (and listless) when they stand for ‘salat’ _ (they) only (wish) to be noticed by others (and just go through the motions of ‘salat’). Little do they remember Allah!  (The Noble Quran, 4:142)"

    "The hypocrites swear by Allah that they have said nothing (wrong); but surely they did utter the words of disbelief. After accepting Islam they have disbelieved! They attempted to do what they could not carry out. How hostile (and resentful) are they, simply because Allah, by His grace and through His messenger, enriched them! It would be to their advantage if they repented. However, if they turn away, Allah will torment them with a painful punishment in this world, as well as in the life-to-come. They do not have any friends or helpers in this world.  (The Noble Quran, 9:74)"

    "(Oh prophet), the appearance of the hypocrites and their physiques are pleasing to look at. Their speech is so glib and pleasant, one likes to just keep on listening. It is as if they were carved out of wood and propped up (against the wall). They think (like cowards), that every call to action is against them. They are the enemies! Beware of them! May Allah curse them. How perverted are they!  (The Noble Quran, 63:4)"





    Allah Almighty made it clear in the Glorious Quran that whatever disagrees with the Quran must be rejected.

    Problems with many of Al-Tabari's narrations (the first collection of Hadiths) according to Al-Tabari himself!

    The Hadith Vs. The Gospels, and Part II.

    Satanic verses..  Ironically, it was Jesus who 'suffered' from satan according to the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    Jesus, Isa (eesa): Which one is the original name in Hebrew and Aramaic?

    Quran Miracle: The Jews' and Christians' scribes changed and still change the Words.  Proven with images, text and videos from their corrupt bible and books!  See how they removed words and altered words.


    Crooked Texts:

    From https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php/topic,1996.msg15710.html#msg15710:


    We Muslims believe that some previous scriptures have remnants of Divine Truth in them.  For more on Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, in previous scriptures, visit:


    Also, what agrees with the Glorious Quran, from Hadiths and non-Islamic texts, is closest to the Truth, but not absolute Truth like the Pure Holy Quran.  This is according to the Glorious Quran Itself:


    As Muslims, it is not our problem to sort out the non-Muslims' corrupted scriptures.  This is why Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, commanded us to neither say they are false nor true when they're used as evidence.  We always must say Allah Almighty alone knows what is True and what is false in them.  This is also why Allah Almighty Said this about the Glorious Quran:

    [018:001]  Praise be to God, Who hath sent to His Servant the Book, and hath allowed therein no Crookedness:

    [039:028]  (It is) a Quran in Arabic, without any crookedness (therein): in order that they may guard against Evil.

    Only the Holy Quran is without crookedness and man-made lies.  All other scriptures are crooked.  Again, visit the above link.

    Take care,
    Osama Abdallah


    Also Visit:

    The authors of the New Testament had conflicts (hostility) with each others (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust).  The disciples had fights with each others!

    Paul's contradictions and corruptions.

    Bible's contradictions and history of corruption section.

    Just who were the authors of the Bible?

    Quran Miracle: The Jews' and Christians' scribes changed and still change the Words.  Proven with images, text and videos from their corrupt bible and books!  See how they removed words and altered words.


    Pay attention to the "The Bottom Line" section.

    List of Bible Laws the Quran abrogated, and/or Quran Laws that don't exist in the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him) Allah Almighty called them "shackles" [1].


    Did Prophet Muhammad understand everything in the Glorious Quran?

    The abrogation lie invented on the Glorious Quran!

    Hadiths' Categorization.  Science of the Hadiths.  Also, the Hadith of the fly discussed here.  Also visit:

    Quran's Stunning Scientific Miracles.

    Quran Miracle: The Jews' and Christians' scribes changed and still change the Words.  Proven with images, text and videos from their corrupt bible and books!  See how they removed words and altered words.


    Quran Miracle: The Jews' and Christians' scribes changed and still change the Words.  Proven with images, text and videos from their corrupt bible and books!  See how they removed words and altered words.


  • The disciples arguing about the Sabbath and other Laws.  Jesus promised them that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths and that there will be no arguments, confusions or riddles.  Yet, the NT is marred with open arguments, vilifications (calling each other cursed by GOD "anathema", satanic, false, wrong).  Where is Jesus' promise??  Totally a false promise!

    Rebecca's story and the
    goat skin lie to fool Isaac, who was blind at the time, and many others in the Bibles.  Rebecca put goat skin on Jacob's back to mimic Esau's back to fool blind Isaac into anointing Jacob while thinking he was anointing Esau.  Isaac wanted to anoint Esau and Rebecca wanted to anoint Jacob.  Esau had hair-full shoulders while Jacob had hairless shoulders.  Jacob was anointed via a lie [1].  Rebecca's story and others like it prove that the Bible is filled with lying spirits (GOD sends them in the OT to false people & prophets to further lead them astray.  See: 1 Samuel 19:9, 1 Kings 22:22-23, 2 Chronicles 18:21 and others) inspirations and not Holy Spirit ones.  This is why we say there is nothing called "Bible".  It is a man-made book and lie.  It is nothing but a compilation of text and history, much of which is filled with fabrications and corruption, even according to the Bibles' own theologians.  See what they say in great details about the corruption and fabrications that the Bibles are filled with.  GOD Almighty commanded the Jews to NEVER mix His Commandments with any other text (Jeremiah 31:31–32, Isaiah 42:10-13, Deuteronomy 18:18: The Jews' Covenant will expire and will be replaced with the Gentiles' one from Arabia).

    The Jews from their birth were called liars.

    The final Prophet from Arabia in Jeremiah 31:31–32, Isaiah 42:10-13, John 1:19-21 and John 7:40-44 will bring new covenant different from the one given to Moses ("It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors"), and he will be a gentile.  Only Islam's Covenant and Prophet fulfilled this.  Habakkuk 2:15-16 GOD's cup is against those who spoil their neighboring nations and others.  Israel is notorious in staging lies, fabricating stories and oppressing people.  Isaiah 48:8, Psalm 58:3, Psalm 25:3 and Jeremiah 8:8 Israel from their birth, they are liars.  See also:

    The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy by the Great Satan; not the Palestinians.

    Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

      (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus)  See also the prophecies about the Arabian land of Sela.  Half of the book of Psalms talks about Sela.  See also Isaiah 53's translations contain deliberate lies.



    The Jews' expiring Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31–32):

    Jeremiah 31:31–32
    31 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a 
    new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.
    32 It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a Master to them,” declares the Lord.

    A new Covenant different from the Covenant that was made after the Exodus of Egypt.  So it will be different from the Laws of books of Exodus, Deuteronomy, Leviticus and Numbers, and all of the Jewish Prophets' books, including this book of Prophet Jeremiah's.  See Bibles' prophecies about GOD's "New Song" and New Covenant from עֲרָבָ֛ה, Ărāḇā (Araba; Arabia) , and His new House will be in the desert of Arabia, and His new Prophet will be a Gentile Prophet from Arabia.

    Muslim is the new Name: Isaiah 56:5, Isaiah 65:15, Luke 6:40.

    New Torah (means Divine Revelation in Hebrew) shall be revealed: Isaiah 51:4, Isaiah 55:11.

    New Covenant different from the one given after the Exodus of Egypt: Jeremiah 31:31-32.

    GOD's New Song from Arabia, and GOD's New House in the Arabian Desert, and GOD's Burdens upon Arabia.

    The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy by the Great Satan; not the Palestinians.

    Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.



      Having any Bible upheld as the Holy and Pure Word of GOD Almighty is a direct violation to the Commandments of GOD Almighty (Jeremiah 31:31–32, Isaiah 42:10-13, Deuteronomy 18:18: The Jews'
    Covenant will expire and will be replaced with the Gentiles' one from Arabia).

    The Jews from their birth were called liars.

    The final Prophet from Arabia in Jeremiah 31:31–32, Isaiah 42:10-13, John 1:19-21 and John 7:40-44 will bring new covenant different from the one given to Moses ("It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors"), and he will be a gentile.  Only Islam's Covenant and Prophet fulfilled this.  Habakkuk 2:15-16 GOD's cup is against those who spoil their neighboring nations and others.  Israel is notorious in staging lies, fabricating stories and oppressing people.  Isaiah 48:8, Psalm 58:3, Psalm 25:3 and Jeremiah 8:8 Israel from their birth, they are liars.  See also:

    The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy by the Great Satan; not the Palestinians.

    Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

      (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus)  See also the prophecies about the Arabian land of Sela.  Half of the book of Psalms talks about Sela.  See also Isaiah 53's translations contain deliberate lies.



    The Jews' expiring Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31–32):

    Jeremiah 31:31–32
    31 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a 
    new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.
    32 It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a Master to them,” declares the Lord.

    A new Covenant different from the Covenant that was made after the Exodus of Egypt.  So it will be different from the Laws of books of Exodus, Deuteronomy, Leviticus and Numbers, and all of the Jewish Prophets' books, including this book of Prophet Jeremiah's.  See Bibles' prophecies about GOD's "New Song" and New Covenant from עֲרָבָ֛ה, Ărāḇā (Araba; Arabia) , and His new House will be in the desert of Arabia, and His new Prophet will be a Gentile Prophet from Arabia.

    Muslim is the new Name: Isaiah 56:5, Isaiah 65:15, Luke 6:40.

    New Torah (means Divine Revelation in Hebrew) shall be revealed: Isaiah 51:4, Isaiah 55:11.

    New Covenant different from the one given after the Exodus of Egypt: Jeremiah 31:31-32.

    GOD's New Song from Arabia, and GOD's New House in the Arabian Desert, and GOD's Burdens upon Arabia.

    The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy by the Great Satan; not the Palestinians.

    Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.



  • Bible says that Jews from their essence were liars.  From their "birth" they were liars writing lies the Old Testament declares them.  The Bible is full of man-made corruption and fabrications especially in the Jews' ancient history and stories.  Their writings were written with the "lying pens of the scribes".

    See also
    Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust

  • Isaiah's prophecy about the Jews will worship the pornographic goddess Asherah during the end of times.
  • The Bibles are full of lies. 

    Jubilees 1:12:  The Jews will "abrogate and change everything".

    Isaiah 48:8, Psalm 58:3, Psalm 25:3 and Jeremiah 8:8:  The Jews from their birth are traitors and write lies.

  • Bible & Quran declare:  Ishmael's Covenant is for the later generations [2] [3].
  • David was anointed via deception 1 Samuel 16:1-5.
  • Bibles and Talmud are marred with lies.

    The early believers were also expecting an Arabian Prophet.  The OT thoroughly talks about him and his new Covenant coming from Kedar in Arabia, and the NT talks about him coming after the Messiah:

    Why wasn't Prophet Muhammad preached by the early Christians in Jerusalem, Arabia, Africa and Europe?  Early cities like Antioch, Corinth, Rome and others were never taught the coming of Prophet Muhammad.  Doesn't this prove that Islam is falseBut he was preached!


  • Also visit:

    Matthew 7:22-23:  GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

    Oxymoron Trinity (100+ verses).  Bibles: Jesus will slaughter 100s of millions when he returns.

    The disciples arguing about the Sabbath and other Laws.  Jesus promised them that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths and that there will be no arguments, confusions or riddles.  Yet, the NT is marred with open arguments, vilifications (calling each other cursed by GOD "anathema", satanic, false, wrong).  Where is Jesus' promise??  Totally a false promise!

    Where is Jesus' promise??

    -  He promised that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, guide them in all ways, and that it will be the Holy Spirit speaking, not them.
    -  They ended up splitting into
    Paul vs. Peter two opposing groups, and were at odds with each other on several theological issues.
    1 Corinthians 7:40  Paul wasn't sure if he had the Holy Spirit in him or not. He said "I think I have the Holy Spirit".
    -  Their differences remain unsettled till this day in the NT.  They were never resolved.

    -  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    -  They were barking at each other like
    rabid dogs calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan!
    [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?


    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in their conflicting scriptures?



    If Paul is false, then Jesus is insufficient:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Yet, Paul admits that he speaks through a lying spirit  (Romans 3:7  But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?), while Jesus promised all of the disciples that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, and that it will not be them speaking, but the Holy Spirit. Yet, Paul says he was lying.  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    Paul and his team of disciples were also calling Peter's team, - and vice versa, - anathema ἀνάθεμα (cursed by GOD), false, bewitched, dogs, and many other things.  Jesus' original message got corrupt from the false christianity and the deification of flesh and blood creations like Jesus, Mary and others like they used to do in ancient Europe in Greece, Rome, Byzantine and throughout ancient ancient Europe of three-headed gods and trinities, such as the trinity of Zeus, Athena and Apollo; also Hell's three-headed guardian dog, or the trinity of Delian, Artemis and Apollo and many other ancient trinities.  Only Islam completes GOD Almighty's Religion.  See ample prophecies.
      Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah



    Dismal Spiritual Failures:

    Let us examine the following:

    Romans 3:23 ESV
    For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

    Ecclesiastes 7:20 ESV
    Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.

    No man is sinless and faultless.  The NT even says Jesus himself sinned via coveting the sins of the world.  Paul then barfs the following gem:


    1 Corinthians 2:15
    A spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself
    is not subject to any man's judgment.



    How can any flesh and blood sinner not be subjected to judgment?  The world has seen how disastrous your pedophilic and corrupt priests, ministers and churches are, from sex abuse on children, theft, prostitution and so much more.  Ironically also, Paul and the disciples themselves dismally failed this standard when they turned into rabid dogs in harsh judgments on each other; calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan! [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?  There is also conflict regarding misogyny:

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11–13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Which book were the people of the Book reciting (فسأل الذين يقرؤون الكتاب) during Prophet Muhammad's days according to the Glorious Quran 10:94?


    Insufficient Jesus:

    Edward Dalcour says that Jesus would be insufficient if Paul was proven to be false:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Does Noble Verse 9:31 say that Allah and Jesus are two equal Lords?  Also, thorough refutation to  توحيد الربوبية  (tawheed alruboobiyyah, or Oneness of Lordship between Jesus and Allah) concept by the polytheist trinitarian pagans (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    The Bibles' sacred "book of toiletספר קודש של שירותים    and praised incestuous rape can be read here
    كتاب المرحاض المقدس


    ***** Bibles' OT and NT:  Spirits that GOD Almighty sends down including lying ones in the Bibles.  Jesus in several passages was Commanded by GOD to become one to forge falseianity (christianity) because of the ample blasphemies of the Jews.

    Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?

    Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

    Notice the language of how Satan was:

    1. "You were perfect from the day you were created".  Jesus was also created from the Word of GOD.
    2. Glorious.
    3. "the chosen one".
    4. The "Anointed".
    5. ruler over earth.
    6. Ruler over the "Holy Mount" of GOD

    Matthew 24:25-27 Jesus will return as an Arabian Messiah from Damascus.

    He was all of these and more before arrogance, pride, stubbornness and blasphemies caused Satan to fall from Grace.  Jesus then became the substitute, i.e., the Perfect", "Glorious", "the chosen one", the "Anointed", "ruler over earth" and ruler over the "Holy Mount" chosen one of GOD Almighty.

    Jesus also said the direction of the Prayer towards Jerusalem will be no more (Psalm 138:2, John 4:21, Matthew 21:43, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 60, Genesis 25:12-13).  It will be replaced with the Qibla (direction) to Mecca and the Holy Path to Mecca.  Only Islam is the Divine Truth from Allah Almighty.  Christianity is pagan.  Even Christmas is an ancient Roman pagan holiday (video clip) according to the Christian theologians themselves:

    Jesus too carried the Spirit of GOD in him, and he carried also the Spirit of fearing GOD in him.  Jesus was also called slave of GOD in the OT many times.  He also had no Divine WillTrinity is a lie from Hell.

    See also 24 other Thrones and Messiahs besides Jesus (Revelations 4 & 5).

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


    Eid Al-Adha: Ishmael or Isaac?  GOD's peace be upon them both.  Who was the son to be sacrificed?  Bibles and Quran agree it was Ishmael.


    Satan & Peter VS. Paul: 2 Corinthians 12:7-11.  Paul literally put Peter and Satan in one team.


    Sam Shamoun also exposes the ample  holy group sex that occurs in his circle:



    Paul ordered the execution (actual killing) of some sinners.

    Paul ate his vomit.

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

     (Sam Shamoun declares gambling is allowed in Christianity)

    Jesus amputated his unholy testicles and head of penis to remain holy.  If his body was holy, were his testicles cursed and unholy, especially that he commanded to maim your sinful body parts?  You mean to tell me that they were not part of the Creator of the Universe's body??  Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.


    Why did Jesus amputate his own (NT calls them satanic flesh) testicles and penis' head?








    MORE LIES ON GOD: Rebuttal to Jochen Katz on FOX News' lying on their motto (Balanced Lies Rebuttal).

    Who was the sacrificed son?  Isaac or Ishmael?  Even the altered Bible thoroughly supports that it was Ishmael [1] in many passages.  And in Islam there is no "El" (God) in names as in Ishmael or Gabriel in Hebrew?  Is the GOD of Islam different?  Allah Almighty allowed for His Holy Name to be shortened (as "El" in Ishmael, and Lillah for Li-Allah in the Quran, as in Alhamdulillah) in both Islam and Judaism [1].

    Differences between the Noble Quran and Bible only prove Islam's Truthfulness and Divinity.

    GOD became concerned that the Babylonians' Tower that they were constructing will reach Him???

  • And they talk about Taqiya??

  • Bible says that Jews from their essence were liars (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust).  From their "birth" they were liars writing lies the Old Testament declares them.  The Bible is full of man-made corruption and fabrications especially in the Jews' ancient history and stories.  Their writings were written with the "lying pens of the scribes".

    See also
    Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust

    Deuteronomy 4:2 says it is a lie to have a Bible.


    Also Read:

    Bible defines "Lying Spirits by GOD" to mean GOD MAKES YOU LIE; you have no will (2 Samuel 12:7-12).

    David's wives made prostitutes by GOD:

    Made to be prostitutes by GOD:  In
    2 Samuel 12:7-12, King David's wives were turned into ***** prostitutes by GOD Almighty [1] as a punishment for David's sins with Bathsheba.  This means that GOD Almighty can create custom Laws for punishment even if they fully contradict GOD Almighty's Moral Code on morality and chastity.  Also, seduction and RAPING of virgins isn't a physically punishable crime in the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).  See Deuteronomy 22:25-29, Exodus 22:16-17.

    Would GOD Almighty validate falsehood?  Yes.  In 2 Samuel 12:7-12, GOD validated and commanded open pornography.  See also Matthew 7:22-23GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit.

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah


    3-year old girls raped:

    Bible condones 3-year old girls were raped under the command of Moses and his men:

    "Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that has known a man by sleeping with him. (Number 31:17).
    [This] refers to her who has slept with a man as well as her who is suitable for intercourse, even when she has not slept with a man...
    But all the young girls who have not known a man by sleeping with him, keep alive for yourselves. From here R. Shimon b. Yohai used to say: a Proselyte girl who became a proselyte in the age of less than
    three years and one day, is rendered fit to marry into the priesthood." [137]

    Said Rabbi Joseph, "Come and take note: A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse. And if a Levir has had intercourse with her, he has acquired her. And one can be liable on her account because of the law prohibiting intercourse with a married woman. And she imparts uncleanness to him who has intercourse with her when she is menstruating, to convey uncleanness to the lower as to the upper layer [of what lies beneath]. If she was married to a priest, she may eat food in the status of priestly rations. If one of those who are unfit for marriage with her had intercourse with her, he has rendered her unfit to marry into the priesthood. If any of those who are forbidden in the Torah to have intercourse with her had intercourse with her, he is put to death on her account, but she is free of responsibility [M.Nid. 5:4].
    Sanhedrin 7/55B [132]

    See ample more quotes, references, and the bibliography here.  Also visit: How big was the first New Testament?



    Also Visit:

    Who was the sacrificed son?  Isaac or Ishmael?  Even the altered Bible thoroughly supports that it was Ishmael [1] in many passages.  And in Islam there is no "El" (God) in names as in Ishmael or Gabriel in Hebrew?  Is the GOD of Islam different?  Allah Almighty allowed for His Holy Name to be shortened (as "El" in Ishmael, and Lillah for Li-Allah in the Quran, as in Alhamdulillah) in both Islam and Judaism [1].


  • The disciples arguing about the Sabbath and other Laws.  Jesus promised them that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths and that there will be no arguments, confusions or riddles.  Yet, the NT is marred with open arguments, vilifications (calling each other cursed by GOD "anathema", satanic, false, wrong).  Where is Jesus' promise??  Totally a false promise!

    Rebecca's story and the
    goat skin lie to fool Isaac, who was blind at the time, and many others in the Bibles.  Rebecca put goat skin on Jacob's back to mimic Esau's back to fool blind Isaac into anointing Jacob while thinking he was anointing Esau.  Isaac wanted to anoint Esau and Rebecca wanted to anoint Jacob.  Esau had hair-full shoulders while Jacob had hairless shoulders.  Jacob was anointed via a lie [1].  Rebecca's story and others like it prove that the Bible is filled with lying spirits (GOD sends them in the OT to false people & prophets to further lead them astray.  See: 1 Samuel 19:9, 1 Kings 22:22-23, 2 Chronicles 18:21 and others) inspirations and not Holy Spirit ones.  This is why we say there is nothing called "Bible".  It is a man-made book and lie.  It is nothing but a compilation of text and history, much of which is filled with fabrications and corruption, even according to the Bibles' own theologians.  See what they say in great details about the corruption and fabrications that the Bibles are filled with.  GOD Almighty commanded the Jews to NEVER mix His Commandments with any other text (Jeremiah 31:31–32, Isaiah 42:10-13, Deuteronomy 18:18: The Jews' Covenant will expire and will be replaced with the Gentiles' one from Arabia).

    The Jews from their birth were called liars.

    The final Prophet from Arabia in Jeremiah 31:31–32, Isaiah 42:10-13, John 1:19-21 and John 7:40-44 will bring new covenant different from the one given to Moses ("It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors"), and he will be a gentile.  Only Islam's Covenant and Prophet fulfilled this.  Habakkuk 2:15-16 GOD's cup is against those who spoil their neighboring nations and others.  Israel is notorious in staging lies, fabricating stories and oppressing people.  Isaiah 48:8, Psalm 58:3, Psalm 25:3 and Jeremiah 8:8 Israel from their birth, they are liars.  See also:

    The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy by the Great Satan; not the Palestinians.

    Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

      (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus)  See also the prophecies about the Arabian land of Sela.  Half of the book of Psalms talks about Sela.  See also Isaiah 53's translations contain deliberate lies.



    The Jews' expiring Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31–32):

    Jeremiah 31:31–32
    31 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a 
    new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.
    32 It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a Master to them,” declares the Lord.

    A new Covenant different from the Covenant that was made after the Exodus of Egypt.  So it will be different from the Laws of books of Exodus, Deuteronomy, Leviticus and Numbers, and all of the Jewish Prophets' books, including this book of Prophet Jeremiah's.  See Bibles' prophecies about GOD's "New Song" and New Covenant from עֲרָבָ֛ה, Ărāḇā (Araba; Arabia) , and His new House will be in the desert of Arabia, and His new Prophet will be a Gentile Prophet from Arabia.

    Muslim is the new Name: Isaiah 56:5, Isaiah 65:15, Luke 6:40.

    New Torah (means Divine Revelation in Hebrew) shall be revealed: Isaiah 51:4, Isaiah 55:11.

    New Covenant different from the one given after the Exodus of Egypt: Jeremiah 31:31-32.

    GOD's New Song from Arabia, and GOD's New House in the Arabian Desert, and GOD's Burdens upon Arabia.

    The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy by the Great Satan; not the Palestinians.

    Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.



      Having any Bible upheld as the Holy and Pure Word of GOD Almighty is a direct violation to the Commandments of GOD Almighty (Jeremiah 31:31–32, Isaiah 42:10-13, Deuteronomy 18:18: The Jews'
    Covenant will expire and will be replaced with the Gentiles' one from Arabia).

    The Jews from their birth were called liars.

    The final Prophet from Arabia in Jeremiah 31:31–32, Isaiah 42:10-13, John 1:19-21 and John 7:40-44 will bring new covenant different from the one given to Moses ("It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors"), and he will be a gentile.  Only Islam's Covenant and Prophet fulfilled this.  Habakkuk 2:15-16 GOD's cup is against those who spoil their neighboring nations and others.  Israel is notorious in staging lies, fabricating stories and oppressing people.  Isaiah 48:8, Psalm 58:3, Psalm 25:3 and Jeremiah 8:8 Israel from their birth, they are liars.  See also:

    The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy by the Great Satan; not the Palestinians.

    Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

      (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus)  See also the prophecies about the Arabian land of Sela.  Half of the book of Psalms talks about Sela.  See also Isaiah 53's translations contain deliberate lies.



    The Jews' expiring Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31–32):

    Jeremiah 31:31–32
    31 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a 
    new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.
    32 It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a Master to them,” declares the Lord.

    A new Covenant different from the Covenant that was made after the Exodus of Egypt.  So it will be different from the Laws of books of Exodus, Deuteronomy, Leviticus and Numbers, and all of the Jewish Prophets' books, including this book of Prophet Jeremiah's.  See Bibles' prophecies about GOD's "New Song" and New Covenant from עֲרָבָ֛ה, Ărāḇā (Araba; Arabia) , and His new House will be in the desert of Arabia, and His new Prophet will be a Gentile Prophet from Arabia.

    Muslim is the new Name: Isaiah 56:5, Isaiah 65:15, Luke 6:40.

    New Torah (means Divine Revelation in Hebrew) shall be revealed: Isaiah 51:4, Isaiah 55:11.

    New Covenant different from the one given after the Exodus of Egypt: Jeremiah 31:31-32.

    GOD's New Song from Arabia, and GOD's New House in the Arabian Desert, and GOD's Burdens upon Arabia.

    The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy by the Great Satan; not the Palestinians.

    Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.



  • Bible says that Jews from their essence were liars.  From their "birth" they were liars writing lies the Old Testament declares them.  The Bible is full of man-made corruption and fabrications especially in the Jews' ancient history and stories.  Their writings were written with the "lying pens of the scribes".

    See also
    Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust

  • Isaiah's prophecy about the Jews will worship the pornographic goddess Asherah during the end of times.
  • The Bibles are full of lies. 

    Jubilees 1:12:  The Jews will "abrogate and change everything".

    Isaiah 48:8, Psalm 58:3, Psalm 25:3 and Jeremiah 8:8:  The Jews from their birth are traitors and write lies.

  • Bible & Quran declare:  Ishmael's Covenant is for the later generations [2] [3].
  • David was anointed via deception 1 Samuel 16:1-5.
  • Bibles and Talmud are marred with lies.

    The early believers were also expecting an Arabian Prophet.  The OT thoroughly talks about him and his new Covenant coming from Kedar in Arabia, and the NT talks about him coming after the Messiah:

    Why wasn't Prophet Muhammad preached by the early Christians in Jerusalem, Arabia, Africa and Europe?  Early cities like Antioch, Corinth, Rome and others were never taught the coming of Prophet Muhammad.  Doesn't this prove that Islam is falseBut he was preached!


  • Also visit:

    Matthew 7:22-23:  GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

    Oxymoron Trinity (100+ verses).  Bibles: Jesus will slaughter 100s of millions when he returns.

    The disciples arguing about the Sabbath and other Laws.  Jesus promised them that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths and that there will be no arguments, confusions or riddles.  Yet, the NT is marred with open arguments, vilifications (calling each other cursed by GOD "anathema", satanic, false, wrong).  Where is Jesus' promise??  Totally a false promise!

    Where is Jesus' promise??

    -  He promised that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, guide them in all ways, and that it will be the Holy Spirit speaking, not them.
    -  They ended up splitting into
    Paul vs. Peter two opposing groups, and were at odds with each other on several theological issues.
    1 Corinthians 7:40  Paul wasn't sure if he had the Holy Spirit in him or not. He said "I think I have the Holy Spirit".
    -  Their differences remain unsettled till this day in the NT.  They were never resolved.

    -  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    -  They were barking at each other like
    rabid dogs calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan!
    [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?


    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in their conflicting scriptures?



    If Paul is false, then Jesus is insufficient:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Yet, Paul admits that he speaks through a lying spirit  (Romans 3:7  But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?), while Jesus promised all of the disciples that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, and that it will not be them speaking, but the Holy Spirit. Yet, Paul says he was lying.  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    Paul and his team of disciples were also calling Peter's team, - and vice versa, - anathema ἀνάθεμα (cursed by GOD), false, bewitched, dogs, and many other things.  Jesus' original message got corrupt from the false christianity and the deification of flesh and blood creations like Jesus, Mary and others like they used to do in ancient Europe in Greece, Rome, Byzantine and throughout ancient ancient Europe of three-headed gods and trinities, such as the trinity of Zeus, Athena and Apollo; also Hell's three-headed guardian dog, or the trinity of Delian, Artemis and Apollo and many other ancient trinities.  Only Islam completes GOD Almighty's Religion.  See ample prophecies.
      Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah



    Dismal Spiritual Failures:

    Let us examine the following:

    Romans 3:23 ESV
    For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

    Ecclesiastes 7:20 ESV
    Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.

    No man is sinless and faultless.  The NT even says Jesus himself sinned via coveting the sins of the world.  Paul then barfs the following gem:


    1 Corinthians 2:15
    A spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself
    is not subject to any man's judgment.



    How can any flesh and blood sinner not be subjected to judgment?  The world has seen how disastrous your pedophilic and corrupt priests, ministers and churches are, from sex abuse on children, theft, prostitution and so much more.  Ironically also, Paul and the disciples themselves dismally failed this standard when they turned into rabid dogs in harsh judgments on each other; calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan! [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?  There is also conflict regarding misogyny:

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11–13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Which book were the people of the Book reciting (فسأل الذين يقرؤون الكتاب) during Prophet Muhammad's days according to the Glorious Quran 10:94?


    Insufficient Jesus:

    Edward Dalcour says that Jesus would be insufficient if Paul was proven to be false:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Does Noble Verse 9:31 say that Allah and Jesus are two equal Lords?  Also, thorough refutation to  توحيد الربوبية  (tawheed alruboobiyyah, or Oneness of Lordship between Jesus and Allah) concept by the polytheist trinitarian pagans (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    The Bibles' sacred "book of toiletספר קודש של שירותים    and praised incestuous rape can be read here
    كتاب المرحاض المقدس


    ***** Bibles' OT and NT:  Spirits that GOD Almighty sends down including lying ones in the Bibles.  Jesus in several passages was Commanded by GOD to become one to forge falseianity (christianity) because of the ample blasphemies of the Jews.

    Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?

    Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

    Notice the language of how Satan was:

    1. "You were perfect from the day you were created".  Jesus was also created from the Word of GOD.
    2. Glorious.
    3. "the chosen one".
    4. The "Anointed".
    5. ruler over earth.
    6. Ruler over the "Holy Mount" of GOD

    Matthew 24:25-27 Jesus will return as an Arabian Messiah from Damascus.

    He was all of these and more before arrogance, pride, stubbornness and blasphemies caused Satan to fall from Grace.  Jesus then became the substitute, i.e., the Perfect", "Glorious", "the chosen one", the "Anointed", "ruler over earth" and ruler over the "Holy Mount" chosen one of GOD Almighty.

    Jesus also said the direction of the Prayer towards Jerusalem will be no more (Psalm 138:2, John 4:21, Matthew 21:43, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 60, Genesis 25:12-13).  It will be replaced with the Qibla (direction) to Mecca and the Holy Path to Mecca.  Only Islam is the Divine Truth from Allah Almighty.  Christianity is pagan.  Even Christmas is an ancient Roman pagan holiday (video clip) according to the Christian theologians themselves:

    Jesus too carried the Spirit of GOD in him, and he carried also the Spirit of fearing GOD in him.  Jesus was also called slave of GOD in the OT many times.  He also had no Divine WillTrinity is a lie from Hell.

    See also 24 other Thrones and Messiahs besides Jesus (Revelations 4 & 5).

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


    Eid Al-Adha: Ishmael or Isaac?  GOD's peace be upon them both.  Who was the son to be sacrificed?  Bibles and Quran agree it was Ishmael.


    Satan & Peter VS. Paul: 2 Corinthians 12:7-11.  Paul literally put Peter and Satan in one team.


    Sam Shamoun also exposes the ample  holy group sex that occurs in his circle:



    Paul ordered the execution (actual killing) of some sinners.

    Paul ate his vomit.

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

     (Sam Shamoun declares gambling is allowed in Christianity)

    Jesus amputated his unholy testicles and head of penis to remain holy.  If his body was holy, were his testicles cursed and unholy, especially that he commanded to maim your sinful body parts?  You mean to tell me that they were not part of the Creator of the Universe's body??  Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.


    Why did Jesus amputate his own (NT calls them satanic flesh) testicles and penis' head?








    Deuteronomy 4:2 says it is a lie to have a Bible.

    The Bible's Sacred Black Stones

    Bible's Sacred Lunar Festivals

    Gambling allowed in Christianity


    Hadith of the fly - Scientifically proven Western Scientists!


    The Quran Declares that the earth [1]:

    1- Spherical.
    2- Suspended in Space.
    3- Rotating around itself.
    4- Is traveling in Space.

    Who killed Muhammad?  Another lie refuted.

    Bible Prophets died from poisoning as a punishment from GOD (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).  Was Prophet Muhammad punished by also dying from poisoning?

    In the Bible, GOD swore by His creation. Does Islam's GOD swear by His creations?  Contradiction between Amos 8:7 and Hebrews 6:12-14.

    Other important rebuttals.

    Jesus, Isa (eesa): Which one is the original name in Hebrew and Aramaic?

    Dhul Qarnayn's story.  Sunrise and sunset.  Also Why حمئة and not حاميةٍ.  Dhil Qarnayn's journey is detailed with scientific and geographical maps that are more 1000 years old.

  • The sunsetless North Pole Miracle in the Glorious Quran [1].
  • Sunrise and sunset in the Hadiths((Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca)).
  • The iron gates of Dhul Qarnayn were found.
  • The overwhelming Scientific and Numerical Miracles in the Glorious Quran.
  • The north and south poles, colonizing Mars, and prayer and fasting times.
  • Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran said that earth is:

           -  Spherical: "egg-shaped" [1].
           -  Is rotating around itself.
           -  Is moving in space in curvy orbits [2].
           -  Is in constant motion.
           -  Is suspended in space.
           -  Is swimming in space.
           -  Is traveling through the constantly expanding universe [3].
           -  The sunsetless North Pole miracle in the Glorious Quran [4]. 

  • At the top of the North Pole, the sun never sets [4], and I showed the video for that, and also quoted the scientific sources for that. Also in the lands near by, it almost never sets either, and I quoted sources for that as well, and also showed pictures of the "polar night" skies on these lands that are near the sunsetless North Pole.

    (Click to play clip by physicist, Brian Cox)

    They also spoke almost unintelligibly (18:93), the Glorious Quran says.  They hardly spoke intelligibly (18:93).  Historians have proven that the Barbarians of the North used to speak unintelligibly.  The actual meaning of the word "Barbarian" is someone who speaks unintelligibly.

  • He saw the Aurora Lights covering:

    Aurora Lights Hadith


  • Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saw the aurora lights covering the horizons of space above the earth when he was taken up to Heaven:

    Narrated Abdullah: "Regarding the Verse: “Indeed he (Muhammad) did see. Of the Signs of his Lord, The Greatest!” (Quran 53.18) That the Prophet had seen a green carpet spread all over the horizon of the sky قَالَ رَأَى رَفْرَفًا أَخْضَرَ سَدَّ أُفُقَ السَّمَاء." (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 456)

    Visit also:
    Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca.


    Regarding Dhil-Qarnayn (literally means "man of two horns"), Allah Almighty said this about his journey to the farthest northern lands and people:

    ‏18:90 حتى اذا بلغ مطلع الشمس وجدها تطلع على قوم لم نجعل لهم من دونها ستر

    "Until he reached near حتى اذا بلغ where the sun is up مطلع الشمس, he found it above وجدها تطلع على people قوم whom We made no cover for them from it لم نجعل لهم من دونها ستر (The Noble Quran, 18:90)"

    Noble Verse(s) 18:91


    [018:091]  Thus it was. And we had full knowledge of the forces that were with him.

    Arabic (Read from right to left.  Also, all png image files: [1] [2].  Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):

    18:91 كذلك وقد احطنا بما لديه خبرا


    Prophet Muhammad "did see" (Quran 53.18) the Aurora Lights covering the horizons above the earth from space.  Dhil-Qarnayn went up to the farthest northern lands where the sun is up, and "Thus it was", Allah Almighty completed the "full knowledge" regarding Dhil-Qarnayn's mission.  This further supports the story below about Dhil-Qarnayn's journey to the farthest northern lands and people (The sunsetless [4] North Pole Quran-miracle).  They also spoke almost unintelligibly (18:93), the Glorious Quran says.  They hardly spoke intelligibly (18:93)For example, can you read or say this:

    "Vaðlaheiðarvegavinnuverkfærageymsluskúrslyklakippuhringurinn" ??  This is an actual word. Historians have proven that the Barbarians of the North used to speak unintelligibly.  The actual meaning of the word "Barbarian" is someone who speaks unintelligibly.  The description of the people of the North, whose North Pole is truly sunsetless (see ample pictures), perfectly fits the Barbarians of the Vikings in the Scandinavian and other Barbarians in the near by lands:

    The early Muslims believed that Dhil Qarnayn reached the people of the farthest norths of the earth.  The following is a map of Al-Sharif Al-Idrisi in year 1154 giving the geographic location of where Dhil Qarnayn went according to the understanding of the early Muslims of Noble Verses 18:83-100:

    Dhil-Qarnayn literally means "man of two horns"

    Dhil = One who has.
    قرنين Qarnayn = two horns
    Qarnayn is a dual plural of Qarn (horn).
    Three or more horns is Quroon, in Arabic.


    Noble Verses 53:18 and 18:91 are also prophetically linked together; that Prophet Muhammad also saw what Dhil-Qarnayn ذي القرنين  saw.  Also visit: 

    Aurora Lights Hadith


    Other pronunciations to "Dhil Qarnayn"ذي القرنين  name:  Zul-qarnain, Dhul Qurnain, Dhu'l Qarnain, Zulqarnain, Dhu'l-Qarneyn, Dhu'lkarnein, Dhul-Qarnain, Dhu'l Qarnain, Dhool Karnain, Zul-Qarnain, Dhoulkarnain.

    (Video from NASA filming the Green Carpet Aurora Lights from space)

    Again, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saw the aurora lights covering the horizons of space above the earth when he was taken up to Heaven:

    Narrated Abdullah: "Regarding the Verse: “Indeed he (Muhammad) did see. Of the Signs of his Lord, The Greatest!” (Quran 53.18) That the Prophet had seen a green carpet spread all over the horizon of the sky قَالَ رَأَى رَفْرَفًا أَخْضَرَ سَدَّ أُفُقَ السَّمَاء."(Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 456)

    Visit also:
    Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca.

           -  The Glorious Quran also speaks about many earths [5] and not just earth.
           -  The Glorious Quran predicts
    11 planets in our solar system [6].


    In the end, Allah Almighty uses the Glorious Quran to "...Thus doth God leave to stray whom He pleaseth, and guide whom He pleaseth..." (74:31).  The infidels misuse the Glorious Quran to find "scientific errors".  The Glorious Quran is Allah Almighty's Perfect Divine Holy Book.  It contains no scientific error.  Visit the following example and the link to see 1000s of Numerical and Scientific Miracles:

    1-  The root for message and all of its derivatives, such as messenger and others occurs 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran.  The Prophets' and Messengers', peace be upon them, actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all combined mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran.  The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here.

    Coincidence?  See 1,000s of examples! [1]. (zip file).

    Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

    Stunning Prophecies [2] [3]




    Is the Tale of the Army of the Elephants being bombed/struck by the Sijjeel (سجيل) Stones by the Ababeel (أبابيل) Birds, a mere fable or a True Historical Event, in the Glorious Quran?  See the new archeological discoveries.

    Did Prophet Muhammad kiss the penis of his baby grandson Hasan?  The Jews and Christians actually suck the penises with ample quotes and proofs.

  • Also about the Prophet sucking the tongue [1] of his baby grandchildren, Hasan and Hussein [1].


    Yes, the Jews did call Ezra a special Son of GOD with special Divine Connections.


    Camel Urine as Medicine: [1]
  • Go to Google and type "Medicine made from urine" [2].  Also Google: "PREMARIN made from urine".  The infidels have nothing but noise and lies on Islam.  Besides, the Prophet ordered the men to mix it with camel milk.  It wasn't raw urine.  But either way, EVEN TODAY urine is still used for medicine.  Continue reading in the article.
  • https://www.google.com/search?q=medicine+made+from+urine
  • https://www.google.com/search?q=PREMARIN+made+from+urine
  • https://www.google.com/search?q=urine+as+medicine
  • Urine Therapy as antibiotics, and antibiotics even for AIDS for some people:
  • Allah Almighty Said in the Glorious Quran:
    [088:017] Do they not look at the camel (and wonder)? How (superbly) is it created?
    Knowing that the Glorious Quran has 100s of Scientific Notions and Miracles that had been thoroughly demonstrated and proven by science today, then camels and camel urine and cures from camels should be further researched by Western scientists.
  • The Context of Prophet Muhammad's Hadith:
    1. There were no advanced medicine and medical technology back then. People were primitive, especially in nomadic Arabia.  Even today, urine has been proven to contain some healing to your body. It contains secreted minerals, and does contain a variety of healings to the body.  I am not advocating drinking urine today, because science and medicine have advanced to levels that are far beyond any primitive society of old. But for the Islam-hating infidels to sit here and mock out of ignorance is wrong.
    2. Again, the doomed-to-Hell infidels have nothing but noise and lies on Islam.
  • Visit www.answering-christianity.com/urine.htm
  • Visit the Glorious Quran's Stunning Numerical and Scientific Miracles.
  • Also visit Islam's Stunning Prophecies.

    In 2 Samuel 12:7-12, King David's wives were turned into ***** prostitutes by GOD Almighty ***** as a punishment for David's sins with Bathsheba.  This means that GOD Almighty can create custom Laws for punishment even if they fully contradict GOD Almighty's Moral Code on morality and chastity.  Also, seduction and raping of virgins isn't a physically punishable crime in the Bible in Deuteronomy 22:25-29, Exodus 22:16-17.


    3-year old girls raped:

    Bible condones 3-year old girls were raped under the command of Moses and his men:

    "Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that has known a man by sleeping with him. (Number 31:17).
    [This] refers to her who has slept with a man as well as her who is suitable for intercourse, even when she has not slept with a man...
    But all the young girls who have not known a man by sleeping with him, keep alive for yourselves. From here R. Shimon b. Yohai used to say: a Proselyte girl who became a proselyte in the age of less than
    three years and one day, is rendered fit to marry into the priesthood." [137]

    Said Rabbi Joseph, "Come and take note: A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse. And if a Levir has had intercourse with her, he has acquired her. And one can be liable on her account because of the law prohibiting intercourse with a married woman. And she imparts uncleanness to him who has intercourse with her when she is menstruating, to convey uncleanness to the lower as to the upper layer [of what lies beneath]. If she was married to a priest, she may eat food in the status of priestly rations. If one of those who are unfit for marriage with her had intercourse with her, he has rendered her unfit to marry into the priesthood. If any of those who are forbidden in the Torah to have intercourse with her had intercourse with her, he is put to death on her account, but she is free of responsibility [M.Nid. 5:4].
    Sanhedrin 7/55B [132]

    See ample more quotes, references, and the bibliography here.  Also visit: How big was the first New Testament?




    Another related article: What parts of the Bible and Hadiths do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth? and Why? (Click here)

    Also visit: Satanic Verses.

    And Who killed Muhammad:  My detailed rebuttal from my blog with captured screen shots.  Assuming that David Wood's theory is true.  See detailed rebuttals to David Wood.

    Bible Prophets died from poisoning as a punishment from GOD (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).  Was Prophet Muhammad punished by also dying from poisoning?

    Did Prophet Muhammad understand everything in the Glorious Quran?



    My AUDIO Clip on Jesus' temptation:

    Listen to my the AUDIO clip which proves that Jesus actually sinned when he allowed satan to tempt him according to several verses from the New Testament (NT) itself!  I also proved from the New Testament that satan tempted Jesus to lust after women!


    Jesus having "evil desires"!

    I also proved from the New Testament that satan tempted Jesus to lust after women!  The NT even says that Jesus had "evil desires" when he allowed satan to tempt him!  Listen to the biblical verses and evidence and you be the judge!

    Anyway, Jesus wasn't really having "evil desires" according to the filthy standards of the gospel of porn bible, because the pornographic book sings praises about women's vaginas and breasts tasting like "wine"So if anything, Jesus was only following the proper standards on how to lust, that are very well laid out in the gospel of porn.


    Jesus Castrated Himself:

    Jesus amputated his own (satanic?) testicles and penis' head.  He said it was to remain sanctified and holy (??) for the Kingdom of GOD (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).  How is running away is actually defeating to satan's temptations?  Jesus also kissed Mary Magdalene on the mouth.  GOD Almighty was also "charitable" (Luke 2:52) with Jesus and forgave him.

    Oxymoron:  Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.  Jesus said maim your sinful body parts.  Jesus maims his testicles and the head of his penis, but also never his (satanic?) eyes.  See also Oxymoron Trinity (100+ verses).  All Bibles call Jesus slave of GOD (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    Jesus' Hyperboles: Confusing hyperboles and riddles, incoherent and oxymoronic language falsely made sinful lawful and lawful sinful (ex: pork [1] became lawful, polygamy became sinful and many other examples of blasphemies and quackery)

    Quran:  All Bibles are mostly of corrupt [1]  (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.



    I mean it is well known accepted belief of Muslims that on judgement day Allah will count (or weight) the deeds of people and whoever's bad deeds outnumber good deeds will go to hell. Is this justice? Is this concept supported in Quran?? If that's the case then no one will go to heaven! Why are Muslims so scared about their salvation? Why do they think we have to be REALLY REALLY REALLY nice and righteous like angels to earn heaven? Is this what Allah said?

    May Allah forgive me if I said anything wrong.

    As'salamu Alaikum dear brother,

    First of all, it is only Allah Almighty alone who determines what deeds to count and don't.  A Believer must have a clean heart in order for his/her good deeds to count:

    [026:089]  "But only he (will prosper) that brings to God a sound heart;

    [037:084]  Behold! he approached his Lord with a sound heart.

    So it isn't like a game where you collect points.  The intentions of the person in all of what he/she does are what determines whether the person is True or false:

    [033:005] Call them after their fathers. That is more equitable in the sight of ALLAH. But if you know not their fathers, then they are your brothers in Faith and your friends. And there is no blame on you in respect of any mistake you may unintentionally make in this matter; but you will be called to account for that which your hearts purpose. And ALLAH is Most Forgiving. Ever Merciful.

    [002:225]  God will not call you to account for thoughtlessness in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts; and He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Forbearing.

    [004:106] but ask pardon of God for thy wrong intention, since God is indulgent and merciful.

    And after all is settled with Allah Almighty, then and only then will Allah Almighty take into consideration the weight of your scale.  But your scale will be put together only by Allah Almighty with the following factors applied to it:

    1-  Allah Almighty's Mercy.
    2-  Allah Almighty's Forgiveness.
    3-  Allah Almighty's Justice.
    4-  Allah Almighty's Wrath.
    5-  Allah Almighty's Judgment.

    Only Allah Almighty alone will balance all of these in your scale as He, the Almighty, Pleases.  No one can tell which sin will be forgiven and which will be punished, because there are many factors that will be factored into it such as:

    1-  Age (if he/she is less than or more than 40.  This is mentioned in the Holy Quran.  See link below)
    2-  Situation the person was in.
    3-  Intention.
    4-  How he was brought up.

    And so many other ones.  For ample more details, visit the following links:

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah



    Do Hajj and Prayers in certain places and times clean all of the sins:

    As always, you won't find these claims in the Holy Quran.  And these are very big claims; that your sins of the past, present and also future ones (see below) will be forgiven.  So, they would've been mentioned by Allah Almighty in the Holy Quran if they were true.  But these are lies that were invented on Islam.  Many hadiths that exist in the sahih collections were proven to be fabricated lies on the mouth of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and his companions:


    This is why what the Glorious Quran doesn't reject is accepted as CLOSEST TO THE TRUTH, and not absolute Truth (only the Quran is Absolute Truth).  Otherwise, it belongs to the garbage.  I don't believe those hadiths are true, because they contradict the Glorious Quran.  There are hadiths that speak about:

    1-  Hajj cleaning all of the sins.

    2-  Praying in Jerusalem or in Mecca or in Medina will bring 1000s of times more good deeds than praying in regular Mosques.

    3-  Some prayers and fastings
    remove sins of the past and of the future.

    I believe those hadiths are all lies.  Their substance is worthless and it clashes with the Holy Quran's Divine Message in the Noble Verses that I mentioned above and in many others (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust).  This is because:

    1-  Praying in certain places and/or in certain times has nothing to do with intentions and with having a clean heart.

    2-  If such thing is true, then Allah Almighty would've covered it in the Glorious Quran.  Forgiving all of the sins of the past, present and future isn't big deal enough to be mentioned in the Glorious Quran? 
    Seriously??  Are we really that ridiculous??  Yes, according to the cultists that count themselves on Islam, and Islam is innocent from them, yes we are.

    3-  The biggest hypocrites from among the Muslims had always been from among the "very religious" cultists, because they use Islam to validate their hypocrisies and falsehoods.

    4-  You'll find that the most straight forward Muslims are the ones that are in the Middle.  They're not to the far right nor to the far left.  And this is how a Muslim should be anyway:

    [002:143] Thus We have appointed you a middle nation, that ye may be witnesses against mankind, and that the messenger may be a witness against you. And We appointed the qiblah which ye formerly observed only that We might know him who followeth the messenger, from him who turneth on his heels. In truth it was a hard (test) save for those whom Allah guided. But it was not Allah's purpose that your faith should be in vain, for Allah is Full of Pity, Merciful toward mankind.


    What about the Qadr Night during Ramadan?  Isn't it better than 1000 Months?

    [097:001]  We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power:
    [097:002]  And what will explain to thee what the night of power is?
    [097:003]  The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.
    [097:004]  Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by God's permission, on every errand:
    [097:005]  Peace!...This until the rise of morn!

    The Night of Power is better than 1000 months because:

    1-  The Holy Quran was revealed in It.
    2-  The Spirit and the Angels will come down in It.

    Nothing about a good deed being equal to 1000s of normal good deeds is mentioned.  Yet, we have false hadiths that say if you fast in this night, then your sins of the past and in the future will be forgiven!  So using this rotten logic, then I don't have to do anything else during the whole year except to fast this night.  In fact, just fast ONE RAMADAN in my whole life is more than enough, because my sins of the past and future will be forgiven, because I would have had fasted during the Night of Power in just this one month.

    And who said that the Night of Power's Blessings are limited to those who fast in It anyway??  Does the Holy Quran say that?  Do you read that you must FAST IN THIS NIGHT in order to receive Allah Almighty's Mercy, Forgiveness, Guidance and Blessings?  No.  Allah Almighty only talked about this Night being a very special Night, because the Holy Quran was revealed in It and because the Spirit and Angels come down in It.

    The claim about fasting in this Night will remove your past, current and future sins is a lie!  These are all lies that were invented on Islam.


    What about Allah Almighty Multiplying the Good Deeds in the Glorious Quran?

    Allah Almighty Said:

    [042:019] Allah is Gracious to His servants. He supplies (ample) provisions to whom He wants; He is the Mighty and the Powerful.
    [042:020] We multiply the benefits for those who want to reap the worth (of their deeds) in the afterlife. We grant the benefits in this world to those who seek the fruits of their labor, right here in this world.

    Allah Almighty would multiply your deeds based on your intentions, clean heart, piety, charity, justice, ethics and morals.  It is about how True you are.  No mention about praying or fasting in certain places or times at all in the Glorious Quran; let alone the garbage about erasing your
    FUTURE SINS and the past and current ones.  The Noble Verses that speak about the intentions, clean heart, piety, charity, justice, ethics and morals are far too many to list here.  But 100s of them are listed here in my detailed analysis of the entire Glorious Quran:



    Changing evil deeds for Good Deeds:

    If the person truly wins the Favor of Allah Almighty through his good heart and intentions, then he might get many of his/her evil deeds converted into good deeds after they get forgiven:

    [025:070] Except those who repent, believe and perform righteous acts. For such ones Allah will exchange their bad deeds with good ones. And Allah is the most Forgiving, the most Merciful!

    [027:011] "But if any have done wrong and have thereafter substituted good to take the place of evil, truly, I am Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

    Please visit:


    I hope this helps, insha'Allah.
    Take care,
    Osama Abdallah


    Also Visit:

    Quran Miracle: The Jews' and Christians' scribes changed and still change the Words.  Proven with images, text and videos from their corrupt bible and books!  See how they removed words and altered words.


    The Bible's Scientific Absurdities!

    A 51-second clip of Dr. Neil deGrasse
    Tyson exposes the fundamental problem
    of the Bibles' ample scientific absurdities.

    Which "Book" is the "People of the Book's"?
    The Law of Moses is the "Book" that the Noble Quran mentioned.

    The Sunnah and Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad.

       Isaiah 53 and Psalm 91 both confirm that Jesus never got crucified!


    Prophet Muhammad was like Prophet Moses:


    From https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php?topic=3297.msg16160#msg16160:

     Wa Alaikum As'salam,

    Deuteronomy and the NT also make prophecy about the 10,000 believers, which only Islam fulfilled.  Yes, Prophet Muhammad is the expected Prophet, who was like Moses, peace be upon them both:


    Isaiah 29:12 mentions the first Quran-Revelation upon Prophet Muhammad in Cave Hira by the name.  The Quran's first revelation upon Prophet Muhammad inside cave Hira.


    Isaiah 29: Mentions Mecca's precise cave Hira (χιρα), Jireh, Quran & Muhammad.


    Both Prophets received Al-Thikr (the Law). There are two Thikrs in the Glorious Quran:

    1- Al-Thikr that was sent to Moses.
    2- Al-Thikr that was sent to Muhammad.

    Both Prophets also received:

    1- Al-Kitab.
    2- Al-Huda.
    3- Al-Furqan.


    The only Book "inherited" to them:

    Also, the Book that was sent to Moses, peace be upon him, was the only one "inherited" by GOD Almighty to the Jews.  Visit the links above for more details and proofs.

    Take care,
    Osama Abdallah




    2-  Which parts of the Bible do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth?


  • The disciples arguing about the Sabbath and other Laws.  Jesus promised them that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths and that there will be no arguments, confusions or riddles.  Yet, the NT is marred with open arguments, vilifications (calling each other cursed by GOD "anathema", satanic, false, wrong).  Where is Jesus' promise??  Totally a false promise!

    Rebecca's story and the
    goat skin lie to fool Isaac, who was blind at the time, and many others in the Bibles.  Rebecca put goat skin on Jacob's back to mimic Esau's back to fool blind Isaac into anointing Jacob while thinking he was anointing Esau.  Isaac wanted to anoint Esau and Rebecca wanted to anoint Jacob.  Esau had hair-full shoulders while Jacob had hairless shoulders.  Jacob was anointed via a lie [1].  Rebecca's story and others like it prove that the Bible is filled with lying spirits (GOD sends them in the OT to false people & prophets to further lead them astray.  See: 1 Samuel 19:9, 1 Kings 22:22-23, 2 Chronicles 18:21 and others) inspirations and not Holy Spirit ones.  This is why we say there is nothing called "Bible".  It is a man-made book and lie.  It is nothing but a compilation of text and history, much of which is filled with fabrications and corruption, even according to the Bibles' own theologians.  See what they say in great details about the corruption and fabrications that the Bibles are filled with.  GOD Almighty commanded the Jews to NEVER mix His Commandments with any other text (Jeremiah 31:31–32, Isaiah 42:10-13, Deuteronomy 18:18: The Jews' Covenant will expire and will be replaced with the Gentiles' one from Arabia).

    The Jews from their birth were called liars.

    The final Prophet from Arabia in Jeremiah 31:31–32, Isaiah 42:10-13, John 1:19-21 and John 7:40-44 will bring new covenant different from the one given to Moses ("It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors"), and he will be a gentile.  Only Islam's Covenant and Prophet fulfilled this.  Habakkuk 2:15-16 GOD's cup is against those who spoil their neighboring nations and others.  Israel is notorious in staging lies, fabricating stories and oppressing people.  Isaiah 48:8, Psalm 58:3, Psalm 25:3 and Jeremiah 8:8 Israel from their birth, they are liars.  See also:

    The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy by the Great Satan; not the Palestinians.

    Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

      (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus)  See also the prophecies about the Arabian land of Sela.  Half of the book of Psalms talks about Sela.  See also Isaiah 53's translations contain deliberate lies.



    The Jews' expiring Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31–32):

    Jeremiah 31:31–32
    31 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a 
    new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.
    32 It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a Master to them,” declares the Lord.

    A new Covenant different from the Covenant that was made after the Exodus of Egypt.  So it will be different from the Laws of books of Exodus, Deuteronomy, Leviticus and Numbers, and all of the Jewish Prophets' books, including this book of Prophet Jeremiah's.  See Bibles' prophecies about GOD's "New Song" and New Covenant from עֲרָבָ֛ה, Ărāḇā (Araba; Arabia) , and His new House will be in the desert of Arabia, and His new Prophet will be a Gentile Prophet from Arabia.

    Muslim is the new Name: Isaiah 56:5, Isaiah 65:15, Luke 6:40.

    New Torah (means Divine Revelation in Hebrew) shall be revealed: Isaiah 51:4, Isaiah 55:11.

    New Covenant different from the one given after the Exodus of Egypt: Jeremiah 31:31-32.

    GOD's New Song from Arabia, and GOD's New House in the Arabian Desert, and GOD's Burdens upon Arabia.

    The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy by the Great Satan; not the Palestinians.

    Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.



      Having any Bible upheld as the Holy and Pure Word of GOD Almighty is a direct violation to the Commandments of GOD Almighty (Jeremiah 31:31–32, Isaiah 42:10-13, Deuteronomy 18:18: The Jews'
    Covenant will expire and will be replaced with the Gentiles' one from Arabia).

    The Jews from their birth were called liars.

    The final Prophet from Arabia in Jeremiah 31:31–32, Isaiah 42:10-13, John 1:19-21 and John 7:40-44 will bring new covenant different from the one given to Moses ("It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors"), and he will be a gentile.  Only Islam's Covenant and Prophet fulfilled this.  Habakkuk 2:15-16 GOD's cup is against those who spoil their neighboring nations and others.  Israel is notorious in staging lies, fabricating stories and oppressing people.  Isaiah 48:8, Psalm 58:3, Psalm 25:3 and Jeremiah 8:8 Israel from their birth, they are liars.  See also:

    The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy by the Great Satan; not the Palestinians.

    Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

      (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus)  See also the prophecies about the Arabian land of Sela.  Half of the book of Psalms talks about Sela.  See also Isaiah 53's translations contain deliberate lies.



    The Jews' expiring Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31–32):

    Jeremiah 31:31–32
    31 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a 
    new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.
    32 It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a Master to them,” declares the Lord.

    A new Covenant different from the Covenant that was made after the Exodus of Egypt.  So it will be different from the Laws of books of Exodus, Deuteronomy, Leviticus and Numbers, and all of the Jewish Prophets' books, including this book of Prophet Jeremiah's.  See Bibles' prophecies about GOD's "New Song" and New Covenant from עֲרָבָ֛ה, Ărāḇā (Araba; Arabia) , and His new House will be in the desert of Arabia, and His new Prophet will be a Gentile Prophet from Arabia.

    Muslim is the new Name: Isaiah 56:5, Isaiah 65:15, Luke 6:40.

    New Torah (means Divine Revelation in Hebrew) shall be revealed: Isaiah 51:4, Isaiah 55:11.

    New Covenant different from the one given after the Exodus of Egypt: Jeremiah 31:31-32.

    GOD's New Song from Arabia, and GOD's New House in the Arabian Desert, and GOD's Burdens upon Arabia.

    The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy by the Great Satan; not the Palestinians.

    Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.



  • Bible says that Jews from their essence were liars.  From their "birth" they were liars writing lies the Old Testament declares them.  The Bible is full of man-made corruption and fabrications especially in the Jews' ancient history and stories.  Their writings were written with the "lying pens of the scribes".

    See also
    Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust

  • Isaiah's prophecy about the Jews will worship the pornographic goddess Asherah during the end of times.
  • The Bibles are full of lies. 

    Jubilees 1:12:  The Jews will "abrogate and change everything".

    Isaiah 48:8, Psalm 58:3, Psalm 25:3 and Jeremiah 8:8:  The Jews from their birth are traitors and write lies.

  • Bible & Quran declare:  Ishmael's Covenant is for the later generations [2] [3].
  • David was anointed via deception 1 Samuel 16:1-5.
  • Bibles and Talmud are marred with lies.

    The early believers were also expecting an Arabian Prophet.  The OT thoroughly talks about him and his new Covenant coming from Kedar in Arabia, and the NT talks about him coming after the Messiah:

    Why wasn't Prophet Muhammad preached by the early Christians in Jerusalem, Arabia, Africa and Europe?  Early cities like Antioch, Corinth, Rome and others were never taught the coming of Prophet Muhammad.  Doesn't this prove that Islam is falseBut he was preached!


  • Also visit:

    Matthew 7:22-23:  GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

    Oxymoron Trinity (100+ verses).  Bibles: Jesus will slaughter 100s of millions when he returns.

    The disciples arguing about the Sabbath and other Laws.  Jesus promised them that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths and that there will be no arguments, confusions or riddles.  Yet, the NT is marred with open arguments, vilifications (calling each other cursed by GOD "anathema", satanic, false, wrong).  Where is Jesus' promise??  Totally a false promise!

    Where is Jesus' promise??

    -  He promised that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, guide them in all ways, and that it will be the Holy Spirit speaking, not them.
    -  They ended up splitting into
    Paul vs. Peter two opposing groups, and were at odds with each other on several theological issues.
    1 Corinthians 7:40  Paul wasn't sure if he had the Holy Spirit in him or not. He said "I think I have the Holy Spirit".
    -  Their differences remain unsettled till this day in the NT.  They were never resolved.

    -  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    -  They were barking at each other like
    rabid dogs calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan!
    [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?


    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in their conflicting scriptures?



    If Paul is false, then Jesus is insufficient:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Yet, Paul admits that he speaks through a lying spirit  (Romans 3:7  But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?), while Jesus promised all of the disciples that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, and that it will not be them speaking, but the Holy Spirit. Yet, Paul says he was lying.  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    Paul and his team of disciples were also calling Peter's team, - and vice versa, - anathema ἀνάθεμα (cursed by GOD), false, bewitched, dogs, and many other things.  Jesus' original message got corrupt from the false christianity and the deification of flesh and blood creations like Jesus, Mary and others like they used to do in ancient Europe in Greece, Rome, Byzantine and throughout ancient ancient Europe of three-headed gods and trinities, such as the trinity of Zeus, Athena and Apollo; also Hell's three-headed guardian dog, or the trinity of Delian, Artemis and Apollo and many other ancient trinities.  Only Islam completes GOD Almighty's Religion.  See ample prophecies.
      Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah



    Dismal Spiritual Failures:

    Let us examine the following:

    Romans 3:23 ESV
    For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

    Ecclesiastes 7:20 ESV
    Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.

    No man is sinless and faultless.  The NT even says Jesus himself sinned via coveting the sins of the world.  Paul then barfs the following gem:


    1 Corinthians 2:15
    A spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself
    is not subject to any man's judgment.



    How can any flesh and blood sinner not be subjected to judgment?  The world has seen how disastrous your pedophilic and corrupt priests, ministers and churches are, from sex abuse on children, theft, prostitution and so much more.  Ironically also, Paul and the disciples themselves dismally failed this standard when they turned into rabid dogs in harsh judgments on each other; calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan! [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?  There is also conflict regarding misogyny:

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11–13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Which book were the people of the Book reciting (فسأل الذين يقرؤون الكتاب) during Prophet Muhammad's days according to the Glorious Quran 10:94?


    Insufficient Jesus:

    Edward Dalcour says that Jesus would be insufficient if Paul was proven to be false:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Does Noble Verse 9:31 say that Allah and Jesus are two equal Lords?  Also, thorough refutation to  توحيد الربوبية  (tawheed alruboobiyyah, or Oneness of Lordship between Jesus and Allah) concept by the polytheist trinitarian pagans (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    The Bibles' sacred "book of toiletספר קודש של שירותים    and praised incestuous rape can be read here
    كتاب المرحاض المقدس


    ***** Bibles' OT and NT:  Spirits that GOD Almighty sends down including lying ones in the Bibles.  Jesus in several passages was Commanded by GOD to become one to forge falseianity (christianity) because of the ample blasphemies of the Jews.

    Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?

    Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

    Notice the language of how Satan was:

    1. "You were perfect from the day you were created".  Jesus was also created from the Word of GOD.
    2. Glorious.
    3. "the chosen one".
    4. The "Anointed".
    5. ruler over earth.
    6. Ruler over the "Holy Mount" of GOD

    Matthew 24:25-27 Jesus will return as an Arabian Messiah from Damascus.

    He was all of these and more before arrogance, pride, stubbornness and blasphemies caused Satan to fall from Grace.  Jesus then became the substitute, i.e., the Perfect", "Glorious", "the chosen one", the "Anointed", "ruler over earth" and ruler over the "Holy Mount" chosen one of GOD Almighty.

    Jesus also said the direction of the Prayer towards Jerusalem will be no more (Psalm 138:2, John 4:21, Matthew 21:43, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 60, Genesis 25:12-13).  It will be replaced with the Qibla (direction) to Mecca and the Holy Path to Mecca.  Only Islam is the Divine Truth from Allah Almighty.  Christianity is pagan.  Even Christmas is an ancient Roman pagan holiday (video clip) according to the Christian theologians themselves:

    Jesus too carried the Spirit of GOD in him, and he carried also the Spirit of fearing GOD in him.  Jesus was also called slave of GOD in the OT many times.  He also had no Divine WillTrinity is a lie from Hell.

    See also 24 other Thrones and Messiahs besides Jesus (Revelations 4 & 5).

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


    Eid Al-Adha: Ishmael or Isaac?  GOD's peace be upon them both.  Who was the son to be sacrificed?  Bibles and Quran agree it was Ishmael.


    Satan & Peter VS. Paul: 2 Corinthians 12:7-11.  Paul literally put Peter and Satan in one team.


    Sam Shamoun also exposes the ample  holy group sex that occurs in his circle:



    Paul ordered the execution (actual killing) of some sinners.

    Paul ate his vomit.

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

     (Sam Shamoun declares gambling is allowed in Christianity)

    Jesus amputated his unholy testicles and head of penis to remain holy.  If his body was holy, were his testicles cursed and unholy, especially that he commanded to maim your sinful body parts?  You mean to tell me that they were not part of the Creator of the Universe's body??  Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.


    Why did Jesus amputate his own (NT calls them satanic flesh) testicles and penis' head?








    The Noble Verses and points are detailed after the following important tables:


    From www.answering-christianity.com/deuteronomy4_2.htm:


    Does the Quran say conclusively the bible was corrupted?

    Also visit:

  • Which book were the people of the Book reciting (فسأل الذين يقرؤون الكتاب) during Prophet Muhammad's days according to the Glorious Quran 10:94?
  • Judge the Jews and Christians by the Quran, because it has full authority over them and their scriptures 5:48 المهيمن.
  • The Jews' 600+ Commandments.  (Jeremiah 31:31–32, Isaiah 42:10-13, Deuteronomy 18:18: The Jews' Covenant will expire and will be replaced with the Gentiles' one from Arabia)
  • The bible itself refutes the lie about a Divine book called "Bible":
    Deuteronomy 4:2  "Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you."

    The Glorious Quran is also in perfect agreement with this:

    [002:087] We gave Moses the Book and followed him up with a succession of apostles....
    [017:002] We gave Moses the Book, and made it a Guide to the Children of Israel, (commanding)....
    [025:035] (Before this,) We sent Moses The Book, and appointed his brother Aaron with him as minister;

    Not even Jesus was given the Book according to the Glorious Quran.  Which book were the people of the Book reciting (فسأل الذين يقرؤون الكتاب) during Prophet Muhammad's days according to the Glorious Quran 10:94?  It is the Book given to Moses.

    Jesus also summarized the Gospel sent to him perfectly:

    Matthew 23:1-3
    1 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples,
    2 “The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees are the official interpreters of the law of Moses.
    3 So practice and obey whatever they tell you, but don’t follow
    their example. For they don’t practice what they teach.


    How is this "practice and obey the Law in harmony with allowing
    pork, eating unclean meat, and thoroughly breaking the Law as falseianity (satan's religion christianity) has been doing?  Do not follow their false examples doesn't mean do not follow the Law.

    So for example in section #3, If eating rotten flesh or feces, or drinking urine are all still forbidden, and if sodomy between men, for example, was never allowed in the absolute statement that allows all of them on its own, and it was emphasized twice by Jesus, then what makes you think that eating pork, for example, is now allowed or that Jesus even meant to make it lawful?  Yet, you are the world's biggest pork consumers by your false religion of conjecture as the Glorious Quran described it.  Isn't it obvious that Jesus' statements are highly problematic and anti-GOD?  Do they not falsely turn sinful into lawful and lawful into sinful?  Isn't Christianity's claims about the Holy Spirit thoroughly inspiring it is a big lie?

    a-  He (Jesus) did not come to abolish the Law (Matthew 5:17-20, Matthew 23:1-3), and you must practice and obey the Jewish Law.
    b-  But nothing that goes inside you makes you unclean (
    Mark 7:15-18) despite that there are many things in the Jewish Law that do.  This is the same Jewish Law that Jesus commanded you to practice and obey.

    c-  Jesus also said if you are merciful and believe in GOD, then I have not come for you.  Jesus falsified the belief that his blood is a salvation.  He never died on the cross.  The OT greatly prophesied in many passages about him will be saved.  Even the NT makes this very clear that he was actually saved from death.

    Matthew 9:12-13  I have not come for you if you are merciful:

    Matthew 9
    12 Jesus heard them and answered, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor, but sick people do.
    13 Go and learn what the Scriptures mean when they say, ‘Instead of offering sacrifices to me, I want you to 
    be merciful to others (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust).’  I didn’t come to invite good people to be my followers. I only came to invite sinners.”

    Matthew 5:7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

    Being Merciful to others makes you a good person.  And Jesus didn't come for you if you are.  Jesus didn't come to invite merciful and good people.  They're already saved.  They need no invitation.  The Christian lie about one must accept that Jesus died on the cross for his/her sins is mandatory for their salvation, and that otherwise they'd be doomed to Hell is thoroughly destroyed in Matthew 9:12-13.  Ample more passages and proofs in the linked article.  In fact, both the OT and NT in many passages confirmed that GOD Almighty will save his Messiah from crucifixion and from death and harm.

    d-  You have no idea whether you're coming or going in Christianity.


    Matthew 7:22-23:  GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah


    Is there anything legitimate called "Bible" to begin with? There is no Divine book called "Bible".  It's a man-made lie. The Bible is no more than a book that contains collections of writings of people that were not the original Prophets and Disciples.  Even the Christian theologians declare this:


    Ironically, the very Bible itself also declares this:

    www.answering-christianity.com/deuteronomy4_2.htm  See section 3-f in this article "So which Book is the People of the Book's?"  It is the Dhikr (Law) of Moses according to several Noble Verses.



    I've heard that Quran 2:79 is not really referring to the Jews, but the "ummi", the gentiles who write books, because the verse right before 2:78 is talking about people who don't know the book, writing the book.

    Also the others say that the Quranic mensions of "distort the scripture" is "by their tongue". So they are not describing the written text being distorted, but the way they speak, they distort it.

    If someone can show me that the context of this verse is referring to the Jews corrupting the scripture, that would be very helpful! :)

    If there is any new thing you could add, it would be helpful to me for native Arabic speakers like Osama to help prove that the Quran conclusively says the older scriptures were corrupted.


    [002:078] And there are among them illiterates, who know not the Book, but (see therein their own) desires, and they do nothing but conjecture.

    [002:079] Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say:"This is from God," to traffic with it for miserable price!- Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby.

    Again, these Noble Verses confirm that there is nothing called "Bible". It is a book of conjecture, false desires and lies.  Indeed, woe to them for what their hands do write.


    General Principle:

    The following Noble Verse 2:79 is a general principle and not limited to people in the Prophet's time:

    [002:079]  Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: "This is from God," to traffic with it for miserable price!- Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby.

    1.  The general principle here is similar to the "Produce your Proof if you are Truthful" one in 2:111.  It is not just limited to the people of the Book.  It is for Muslims and for all people.

    2.  Another general principle example is the freeing of all slaves Quranic Law.

    Slavery Example:

    Another example of the Glorious Quran's general principle VS. local and limited situations (i.e., in the interim of things), is the law of slavery.  Allah Almighty's Highest Standard regarding slavery is to end it in all of the lands:

    [090:012] And what will make you comprehend what the uphill road is?
    [090:013] (It is) the setting free of a slave,

    So one of the monumental tasks upon the Muslims is to end all forms of slavery.  Yet, the Glorious Quran also allows enslaving, buying slaves, selling slaves, having harems (female slaves).  So is this a contradiction?  No.  Is this an abrogation (90:12-13 abrogating all other verses or vise versa)?  No.  All Noble Verses concerning slaves and slavery still stand TILL THIS DAY!  All 6236 Noble Verses that make up the entire Glorious Quran still stand today and will always stand till the Day of Judgment.  We have no abrogation here.  The Muslim State and Court and people must be mindful that Allah Almighty has set high and monumental goals in the Glorious Quran.  In the interim of things, however, the slavery Noble Verses could be activated and applied due to battles that may occur or deals and/or transactions.  But the ultimate goal must be to end all forms of slavery in all Muslim lands.


    Which Book is their book?

    Notice how Allah Almighty mentions His Divine Book, and also mentions their corrupt book that they fabricate in Noble Verses 2:78-79, above.  Two books mentioned.  Their Divine Book is the Laws that call for the Oneness of GOD Almighty, and the Laws that Allah Almighty called "burdens and shackles" (7:157) upon the Jews that Islam came to free them from:


    www.answering-christianity.com/deuteronomy4_2.htm  See section 3-f in this article "So which Book is the People of the Book's?"  It is the Dhikr (Law) of Moses according to several Noble Verses.


    Like all previous Divine Books that Allah Almighty willed for them to be lost forever (ex: books of Ishmael, Noah and others), the people of the Book's "book" is no different.  It's original text too got lost forever.  However, the Divine Commandments still live.  Again, those are the BURDENS AND SHACKLES that Islam came to free them from.  What the Jews and Christians have is crookedness of false desires and conjecture.  This is why Allah Almighty said this about the Glorious Quran:

    [018:001] Praise be to God, Who hath sent to His Servant the Book, and hath allowed therein no Crookedness:

    [039:028] (It is) a Quran in Arabic, without any crookedness (therein): in order that they may guard against Evil.


    So the Ultimate Book of the people of the Book is the Glorious Quran.  Not the pile of dung of praising boyfriend-girlfriend fornication in an incestuous-like description that is called "the Bible":




    From www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php?topic=1940.msg7927#msg7927:

    If Gospel was corrupted then why Allah ordered to judge by corrupted book?

     It was God's orders at time of Prophet Jesus (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him). Now, things changed.

    Quran: The Ultimate Reference.

    Just read in context.

    Noble Verses 5:46-49 above in text:

    46. And We sent, following in their footsteps, Jesus, the son of Mary, confirming that which came before him in the Torah; and We gave him the Gospel, in which were guidance and light and confirming that which preceded  it of the Torah as guidance and instruction for the righteous.

    47. And let the People of the Gospel judge by what Allah has revealed therein. And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are defiantly disobedient.

    48. And We have sent down to you (O Muhammad) the Book (this Qur'an) in truth, confirming the Scripture that came before it as a criterion over it. So judge between them by what Allah has revealed, and follow not their vain desires, diverging away from the Truth that has come to you. To each among you, We have prescribed a law and a clear way. If Allah willed, He would have made you one nation, but that (He) may test you in what He has given you; so strive as in a race in good deeds. The return of you (all) is to Allah; then He will inform you about that in which you used to differ.

    49. And so judge (You O Muhammad) between them by what Allah has revealed and follow not their vain desires, but beware of them lest they turn you (O Muhammad) far away from some of that which Allah has send down to you.  And if they turn away, then know that Allah's Will is to punish them for some sins of theirs. And truly, most of men are Fasiqun  (rebellious and disobedient to Allah).  Also visit:


    Matthew 7:22-23:  GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

    Oxymoron Trinity (100+ verses).  Bibles: Jesus will slaughter 100s of millions when he returns.

    The disciples arguing about the Sabbath and other Laws.  Jesus promised them that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths and that there will be no arguments, confusions or riddles.  Yet, the NT is marred with open arguments, vilifications (calling each other cursed by GOD "anathema", satanic, false, wrong).  Where is Jesus' promise??  Totally a false promise!

    Where is Jesus' promise??

    -  He promised that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, guide them in all ways, and that it will be the Holy Spirit speaking, not them.
    -  They ended up splitting into
    Paul vs. Peter two opposing groups, and were at odds with each other on several theological issues.
    1 Corinthians 7:40  Paul wasn't sure if he had the Holy Spirit in him or not. He said "I think I have the Holy Spirit".
    -  Their differences remain unsettled till this day in the NT.  They were never resolved.

    -  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    -  They were barking at each other like
    rabid dogs calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan!
    [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?


    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in their conflicting scriptures?



    If Paul is false, then Jesus is insufficient:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Yet, Paul admits that he speaks through a lying spirit  (Romans 3:7  But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?), while Jesus promised all of the disciples that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, and that it will not be them speaking, but the Holy Spirit. Yet, Paul says he was lying.  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    Paul and his team of disciples were also calling Peter's team, - and vice versa, - anathema ἀνάθεμα (cursed by GOD), false, bewitched, dogs, and many other things.  Jesus' original message got corrupt from the false christianity and the deification of flesh and blood creations like Jesus, Mary and others like they used to do in ancient Europe in Greece, Rome, Byzantine and throughout ancient ancient Europe of three-headed gods and trinities, such as the trinity of Zeus, Athena and Apollo; also Hell's three-headed guardian dog, or the trinity of Delian, Artemis and Apollo and many other ancient trinities.  Only Islam completes GOD Almighty's Religion.  See ample prophecies.
      Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah



    Dismal Spiritual Failures:

    Let us examine the following:

    Romans 3:23 ESV
    For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

    Ecclesiastes 7:20 ESV
    Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.

    No man is sinless and faultless.  The NT even says Jesus himself sinned via coveting the sins of the world.  Paul then barfs the following gem:


    1 Corinthians 2:15
    A spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself
    is not subject to any man's judgment.



    How can any flesh and blood sinner not be subjected to judgment?  The world has seen how disastrous your pedophilic and corrupt priests, ministers and churches are, from sex abuse on children, theft, prostitution and so much more.  Ironically also, Paul and the disciples themselves dismally failed this standard when they turned into rabid dogs in harsh judgments on each other; calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan! [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?  There is also conflict regarding misogyny:

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11–13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Which book were the people of the Book reciting (فسأل الذين يقرؤون الكتاب) during Prophet Muhammad's days according to the Glorious Quran 10:94?


    Insufficient Jesus:

    Edward Dalcour says that Jesus would be insufficient if Paul was proven to be false:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Does Noble Verse 9:31 say that Allah and Jesus are two equal Lords?  Also, thorough refutation to  توحيد الربوبية  (tawheed alruboobiyyah, or Oneness of Lordship between Jesus and Allah) concept by the polytheist trinitarian pagans (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    The Bibles' sacred "book of toiletספר קודש של שירותים    and praised incestuous rape can be read here
    كتاب المرحاض المقدس


    ***** Bibles' OT and NT:  Spirits that GOD Almighty sends down including lying ones in the Bibles.  Jesus in several passages was Commanded by GOD to become one to forge falseianity (christianity) because of the ample blasphemies of the Jews.

    Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?

    Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

    Notice the language of how Satan was:

    1. "You were perfect from the day you were created".  Jesus was also created from the Word of GOD.
    2. Glorious.
    3. "the chosen one".
    4. The "Anointed".
    5. ruler over earth.
    6. Ruler over the "Holy Mount" of GOD

    Matthew 24:25-27 Jesus will return as an Arabian Messiah from Damascus.

    He was all of these and more before arrogance, pride, stubbornness and blasphemies caused Satan to fall from Grace.  Jesus then became the substitute, i.e., the Perfect", "Glorious", "the chosen one", the "Anointed", "ruler over earth" and ruler over the "Holy Mount" chosen one of GOD Almighty.

    Jesus also said the direction of the Prayer towards Jerusalem will be no more (Psalm 138:2, John 4:21, Matthew 21:43, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 60, Genesis 25:12-13).  It will be replaced with the Qibla (direction) to Mecca and the Holy Path to Mecca.  Only Islam is the Divine Truth from Allah Almighty.  Christianity is pagan.  Even Christmas is an ancient Roman pagan holiday (video clip) according to the Christian theologians themselves:

    Jesus too carried the Spirit of GOD in him, and he carried also the Spirit of fearing GOD in him.  Jesus was also called slave of GOD in the OT many times.  He also had no Divine WillTrinity is a lie from Hell.

    See also 24 other Thrones and Messiahs besides Jesus (Revelations 4 & 5).

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


    Eid Al-Adha: Ishmael or Isaac?  GOD's peace be upon them both.  Who was the son to be sacrificed?  Bibles and Quran agree it was Ishmael.


    Satan & Peter VS. Paul: 2 Corinthians 12:7-11.  Paul literally put Peter and Satan in one team.


    Sam Shamoun also exposes the ample  holy group sex that occurs in his circle:



    Paul ordered the execution (actual killing) of some sinners.

    Paul ate his vomit.

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

     (Sam Shamoun declares gambling is allowed in Christianity)

    Jesus amputated his unholy testicles and head of penis to remain holy.  If his body was holy, were his testicles cursed and unholy, especially that he commanded to maim your sinful body parts?  You mean to tell me that they were not part of the Creator of the Universe's body??  Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.


    Why did Jesus amputate his own (NT calls them satanic flesh) testicles and penis' head?







    Where is Jesus' promise?? [1]

    -  Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, guide them in all ways, and that it will be the Holy Spirit speaking, not them.

    Mark 13:11
    Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is
    not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit.

    Matthew 10:20
    for it will
    not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.

    -  They ended up splitting into Paul vs. Peter two opposing groups, and were at odds with each other on several theological issues.
    1 Corinthians 7:40  Paul wasn't sure if he had the Holy Spirit in him or not. He said "I think I have the Holy Spirit".
    -  Their differences remain unsettled till this day in the NT.  They were never resolved.

    -  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    -  They were barking at each other like
    rabid dogs calling each other
    cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan! [1]


    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in all of this?


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11–13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

    Even the 12th disciple was chosen by rolling the dice (casting lots), - a game of chance, - and not by the Holy Spirit.  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52?


    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah




    Bibles' Glorified incestuous-like boyfriend-girlfriend fornications:

    Song of Songs 8:1-3
    1. Oh, I wish you were my brother, who nursed at my mother’s breasts. Then I could kiss you no matter who was watching, and no one would criticize me.
    2 I would bring you to my childhood home, and there you would teach me. I would give you spiced wine to drink, my sweet pomegranate wine.
    3 Your left arm would be under my head, and your right arm would embrace me.

  • "my sweet pomegranate wine"  Her wine is her vagina's wet and cum (audio clip).  He also did say that her vagina and breasts taste like "wine" (Song of Songs 7:1-4, 8-9).
  • Song of Solomon 3:4
    Then scarcely had I left them when I found my love! I caught and held him tightly, then I brought him to
    my mother’s house, into my mother’s bed, where I had been conceived.

    Song of Solomon 7:10-12
    10 I am my lover’s, and he claims me as his own.
    11 Come, my love, let us go out to the fields and spend the night among the wildflowers.
    12 Let us get up early and go to the vineyards to see if the grapevines have budded, if the blossoms have opened, and if the pomegranates have bloomed. There I will give you my love


    Little sister & mom's bed:

    Song of Songs 8:8-9
    We have a little sister, and her breasts are not yet grown. What shall we do for our sister on the day she is spoken for?

    Song of Songs 8:8
    Our sister is little, and hath no breasts. What shall we do to our sister in the day when she is to be spoken to?

    What shall you (plural) do with your little sister and her little breasts?  Let me guess:

    Deflower her in your mentioned mother's bed?


    Also, is the holy book of  toilet   ספר קודש של שירותים    كتاب المرحاض المقدس  further suggesting group incestuous rape of the little sister by her horny and holy-praised siblings?  The following LGBTQ flag is for incest.  How is it not appropriate for the fecal revelations of satan above?


    ספר קודש של שירותים   
    كتاب المرحاض المقدس



    Incest Rape of Mary & Trinity Bed:

    The verse indeed calls for incest rape.  Here is the more accurate translation:

    Song of Songs 8:8  Our sister is little, and hath no breasts. What shall we do to our sister before the day she marries?

    The gospel of porn's slang translation:

    Our little sister (many Christians consider this pornographic book to be about the virgin Mary [2]) is increasingly becoming more and more sexually attractive, and her breasts (the more honest translation to what the praised perverts really meant is: boobs or tits) are beginning to bulge.  What must we do to our sister before she gets married off and gets deflowered by some husband, and gives him her precious virginity?  We are running out of time!!



    That is why I asked above:

    What shall you (plural) do with your little sister and her little breasts?

    Deflower her in your mentioned mother's bed?!

    More on the
    trinity bed that the virgin Mary got deflowered in by her older siblings.

    Islam honors our Virgin Mother Mary, peace be upon her:


    The alcohol-less Baptist is greater than Jesus:

    John the Baptist, Jesus' cousin, was greater than Jesus.  The NT calls Jesus a fat drunk "gluttonous, and a winebibber" (Matthew 11:19, Luke 7:34).   Jesus was addicted to alcohol:


    a habitual drinker of alcohol.

    Matthew 11:19 (NIV)
    19 The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ But wisdom is proved right by her deeds.”
    Luke 7:34 (NIV)
    34 The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’

    "But wisdom is proved right by her deeds"?  What but wisdom is there when people see you drunk and stuffing your face and mouth with food like your life depended on it?  And what Wisdom is there in drinking and being drunk when Yahweh Almighty Himself, your GOD, despises it?  Hypocrisy and being false, and just wanting to be opposite, are now Wisdom?  What horrible health advice and butt-wisdom are you giving when you allow enjoying alcohol consumption?  People witnessed you regularly getting addicted and drunk.  Did not your toilet spirit teach you that alcohol seriously damages the human body?

    Of course it never did!
       (See Holy Spirit of Islam
    , and alcohol is forbidden in Islam)


    High Concentrations and Intoxication:

    Was Jesus also drunk when he decided to castrate and emasculate himself?  Yes, according to early Christians' writings, Jesus amputated his testicles and the head of his penis. 
      Was the barfing christ drunk??  It is nearly impossible for addicts to remain sober, and to genuinely think and speak responsibly.  All of that holy sh*t and sacred piss revealed from him had high concentrations of alcohol in them.  This explains Jesus' ample confusing and oxymoronic riddles in the NT that turned sinful into lawful and lawful into sinful (ex: pork became lawful; polygamy became sinful and many other examples).  He was not clear-headed (sober).  He was high on ample pooping and peeing himself alcoholic wisdom.  Jesus was also verbally abusive.  Was he walking down the streets at 2:00 am shouting and screaming insults at everyone while being drunk?  And again, was he pooping and peeing himself with some alcohol-heavy holy sh*t and sacred piss?  

    People also called him out on his lack of hygiene problems. 
    Jesus had disregard for personal hygiene (Matthew 15:1-2, Mark 7:1-5).  He emphasized that the outside filth is totally irrelevant.  He probably showered a lot less, had a stench for body odor, and was lice infested
     in his beard and hair, and throughout his clothes and body.  See what Islam says about personal hygiene.  Being physically smelly and filthy is satanic according to the Glorious Quran.  Jesus (the false Jesus of the NT, not the true Isa of Islam) and GOD are Heaven and Hell apart in this.  The NT also says GOD considers John the Baptist great because he never drank alcohol.

    Yahweh despised Jesus' wisdom:

    Jesus:  It is wisdom to drink, get drunk and barf for the sake of appeasing hypocrites and infidels.  I am powerless and desperate and want to commit this sin.  After all, satan also made me covet the sins of the world for 40 days and 40 nights.  I was between him and GOD during this period.  That was another wisdom.

    Yahweh:  You would not be a great person, nor pleasing to GOD if you drink alcohol.  You drink alcohol you would not be pleasing to GOD, nor would you be considered a great person by GOD.

    GOD despised Jesus' hypocritical wisdom that appeased evil and displeased GOD (Luke 1:15).

    Luke 1:15
    for he (John the Baptist) will be great in the sight of the Lord. He is never to take wine or other fermented drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born.

    So according to the New Testament itself, we have:

    1-  John the baptist.
    2-  Barf the baptist.   And I am told to dump Islam and to take this castrated and emasculated brain-stoned addict as my Creator??  The Jesus of Islam is the true Messiah  .

    Is John the Baptist another member of the barfinity?





    The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy by the Great Satan; not the Palestinians.

    Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Woke is evil Israel's invention; from the same satanic cesspool:


    Woke is one of Israel's lies.  9/11 is 100% an Israeli lie


    X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.

    Watch the video here.  Sam Shamoun exposes the sex scandals of many inside his inner circle.


    Their sister's vagina tastes like "wine"
    : [1] AUDIO clip
    (Song of Songs 7:1-4, 8-9).  The Bible praises, and even promotes, incestuous-like boyfriend-girlfriend fornications: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9].  Notice "no one would criticize me" (Song of Songs 8:1), above.  A husband and wife, or even a brother and sister, would not be criticized if people saw them walking to their home.  Clearly, this is not a husband and wife relationship.  And this is the pile of dung that Jews and Christians uphold as the Holy Word of GOD Almighty??


    Praised Incest:
    The Bibles praise fornications in
    incest-like descriptions.  The brothers, little sister and mother sexing, and the vaginas taste like "wine", and a praise for group incest rape in the gospel of LGBTQ, Woke and porn:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


    If Paul is false, then Jesus is insufficient:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Yet, Paul admits that he speaks through a lying spirit  (Romans 3:7  But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?), while Jesus promised all of the disciples that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, and that it will not be them speaking, but the Holy Spirit. Yet, Paul says he was lying.  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    Paul and his team of disciples were also calling Peter's team, - and vice versa, - anathema ἀνάθεμα (cursed by GOD), false, bewitched, dogs
    , and many other things.  Jesus' original message got corrupt from the false christianity and the deification of flesh and blood creations like Jesus, Mary and others like they used to do in ancient Europe in Greece, Rome, Byzantine and throughout ancient ancient Europe of three-headed gods and trinities, such as the trinity of Zeus, Athena and Apollo; also Hell's three-headed guardian dog, or the trinity of Delian, Artemis and Apollo and many other ancient trinities.  Only Islam completes GOD Almighty's Religion.  See ample prophecies.  Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah


    Also Visit:

    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit.

    Would GOD Almighty validate falsehood?  Yes.  In 2 Samuel 12:7-12, GOD validated and commanded open pornography between David's wives and all men in town in broad day light.  See many other examples of GOD Almighty validating and commanding lies in the Bibles to purposefully lead astray the false ones, who were supposed to be otherwise Believers, into Hell Fire.  Also visit the link given in this video for more.

    Was Adam 90 feet tall?  Science supports Islam's claims.

    Mankind multiplied via cloning from Adam, not incest [1]:  Evidence that Allah Almighty created the People of Adam through Cloning.  (html backup).  Another STUNNING Scientific Claim from Islam.

    Earth Cloning:  Evidence from the Quran that Allah Almighty Created the 7 Heavens and all of their Earths from Cloning.

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:


    The links above are for LGBTQ pronouns.


    Human cloning and gender alteration were prophesied in Islam.


    Alteration of Creation Prophecy in Quran:

    The somatic cells from the ears are the most preferred ones to make cloning:  "...but somatic cells from ear clippings will be much easier to obtain and are therefore preferable."  (Source, 2, pdf (page 13 in PDF, page 4 in article)).  Notice the two phases of satan's future temptation to mankind.  Notice ولامرنهم (and I will command them) is mentioned twice for two different phases:

    Noble Verse(s) 4:119
    Arabic (Read from right to left.  Also, all png image files: [1] [2].  Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):

    4:119 ولاضلنهم ولامنينهم ولامرنهم فليبتكن اذان الانعام ولامرنهم فليغيرن خلق الله ومن يتخذ الشيطان وليا من دون الله فقد خسر خسرانا مبينا


    [004:119]  and will lead them astray, and will stir desires within them, and will command them and they shall cut the ears of animals (phase 1: Dolly the sheep and cloning research); and I will further command them, and they shall alter the creation of God (phase 2: Cloning industry, LGBTQ, transgenders, Woke, gender alteration, they-them, he-she, she-he, Ze/Zir, Xe/Xem, Sie/Hir, They/Them, (any animal)/human, (any it)/human, etc...)." He who taketh Satan rather than God for his patron, is ruined with palpable ruin:



    Cloning began with the cutting of animals' ears:

    Satan's big battle with GOD Almighty is to cause so much evil, among them is to "cut the cattle's ears and to then further command them to alter the creation of Allah" (4:119), i.e., cloning (as this is how it began today) [1]

    Transgenders also began after Dolly the sheep's cloning.  LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) are covered below in this article.  Today they're even researching making males get pregnant, or at least plant fertilized female eggs inside them and grow the fetuses into babies.

    The alteration of Allah Almighty's creations indeed began with the cutting of the animals' ears and extracting the necessary somatic cells from them.  Dolly the sheep was the first creation to ever be cloned:

    "Dolly was a female domestic sheep, and the first mammal cloned from an adult somatic cell, using the process of nuclear transfer." (Source)

    "...but somatic cells from ear clippings will be much easier to obtain and are therefore preferable."  (Source, 2, pdf (page 13 in PDF, page 4 in article))

    Ample more quotes are below in this articleIn the pdf file, we read:



    Evidence that Allah Almighty created the People of Adam through Cloning in the Glorious Quran.  (html backup).  Cloning is mentioned in multiple places in the Glorious Quran [1], and is one of the End of Times Prophecies as well.  Cloning is definitely NOT a foreign concept in the Glorious Quran.

    Please visit:

  • The Overwhelming Numerical and Scientific Miracles in the Glorious Quran.
  • The Quran's and Islam's Amazing Prophecies.
    Stunning Prophecies [2] [3]

    Sheikh Hamza Yusuf (Muslim convert Mark Hanson) [1] [2] on some of Islam's most STUNNING End of Times Prophecies [1] [2] including ISIS:


    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy.


    If Paul is false, then Jesus is insufficient:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Yet, Paul admits that he speaks through a lying spirit  (Romans 3:7  But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?), while Jesus promised all of the disciples that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, and that it will not be them speaking, but the Holy Spirit. Yet, Paul says he was lying.  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    Paul and his team of disciples were also calling Peter's team, - and vice versa, - anathema ἀνάθεμα (cursed by GOD), false, bewitched, dogs
    , and many other things.  Jesus' original message got corrupt from the false christianity and the deification of flesh and blood creations like Jesus, Mary and others like they used to do in ancient Europe in Greece, Rome, Byzantine and throughout ancient ancient Europe of three-headed gods and trinities, such as the trinity of Zeus, Athena and Apollo; also Hell's three-headed guardian dog, or the trinity of Delian, Artemis and Apollo and many other ancient trinities.  Only Islam completes GOD Almighty's Religion.  See ample prophecies.  Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah



    Allah Almighty quoted satan telling Him, the Almighty, in the Glorious Quran the following:

    4:119 ولاضلنهم ولامنينهم ولامرنهم فليبتكن اذان الانعام ولامرنهم فليغيرن خلق الله ومن يتخذ الشيطان وليا من دون الله فقد خسر خسرانا مبينا

    [004:119]  and (1) will lead them astray ولاضلنهمand (2) will stir desires within them ولامنينهمand (3) will command them ولامرنهم and (4) they shall cut the ears of animals فليبتكن اذان الانعامand (5) I will command them ولامرنهم to alter the creation of God فليغيرن خلق الله ." He who taketh Satan rather than God for his patron, is ruined with palpable ruin:

    Satan will:

    1-  Lead astray.
    2-  Stir desires.
    3-  Will command the evil ones.
    4-  They will cut the animals' ears.
    5-  Then proceed to alter the creation of GOD Almighty.

    Notice the fifth "and":

    (5) and I will command them ولامرنهم  to alter the creation of God فليغيرن خلق الله ."


    Human cloning and gender alteration were prophesied in Islam.

    Evidence from the Quran that Allah Almighty Created the 7 Heavens and all of their Earths from Cloning.



    Masturbating on his sister:

    Now let me ask the horny creep in Song of Songs 8:8-9How many times have you already masturbated on your sister in your thoughts?  And did you also fantasize about your mother and her bed? 

    Again, this is the pile of dung that Jews and Christians uphold as the Holy Word of GOD Almighty??


  • Matthew 7:22-23GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit.

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

    Fabricating books:

    Allah Almighty Said in the Noble Quran:

    "Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: "This is from God," to traffic with it for miserable price!- Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby.  (The Noble Quran, 2:79)"



    Bride is not wife:

    In the Middle East, there is no "boyfriend" and "girlfriend".  If two are spoken of, or if two fall in love and want to get married, then the guy would call her his bride.  This is close enough to a fiancée.  So in this gospel of porn, when he calls her his "bride", he's not calling her his wife as the barking sodomized-by-their-priests proclaim.  It's a relationship between a boyfriend and a girlfriend.  "Bride" is a Semitic language metaphor.  In this gospel of porn, it is referring to his girlfriend.  In the chaste world of Islam, a wife is one who had sexual intercourse with her husband.  She now changed from being a bride to a wife.  A bride has not yet had sex with her groom.  They have not yet married.

    Song of Songs 4:8-12
    8 Come with me from Lebanon, my bride, come with me from Lebanon. Descend from the crest of Amana, from the top of Senir, the summit of Hermon, from the lions' dens and the mountain haunts of the leopards.
    9 You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride; you have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace.
    10 How delightful is your love, my sister, my bride! How much more pleasing is your love than wine, and the fragrance of your perfume than any spice!
    11 Your lips drop sweetness as the honeycomb, my bride; milk and honey are under your tongue. The fragrance of your garments is like that of Lebanon.
    12 You are a garden locked up, my sister, my bride; you are a spring enclosed, a sealed fountain.

    Visit the following X-Rated pornography in the Bible article to see ample verses that thoroughly demonstrate that they were incestuous-like boyfriend-girlfriend fornicators:

  • Jesus problematic hyperboles.  Sinful became lawful, and lawful became sinful.
  • Jesus coveted the sins of the world for 40 days and nights.
  • Anal sex is forbidden in Islam.
  • X-Rated Pornography in the Bible section.
  • Incestuous fantasies are allowed and praised in the gospel of porn (bible).
  • The Bible praises incestuous-like boyfriend-girlfriend fornications.
  • Bride is Wife?  She's a girlfriend or fiancée in the Middle East's context.
  • Isaiah's prophecy about the Jews will worship the pornographic goddess Asherah during the end of times.
  • X-Rated Pornography in the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

  • Christian holy women (i.e., pornography).  Countless sacred pictures with holy crosses.
  • Miss California's Nude Pictures: Being "Biblically Correct".
  • Women in the Bible and Islam.
  • His 5.5 inches penis vs. his former wife lover's 7 inches according to him.  (video).
    Sam Shamoun's obsession with penis sizes on his wife and himself.(Video)

    Watch the video here.
    Sam Shamoun exposes the
    sex scandals of many inside his inner circle.  It seems that so many inner holy men wanted to get inner with his wife according to him, and so many were cheating on their marriages, from men and women, according to his testimony.  Watch the video here.  Hassamo fartoon whose real name is Hassamo Shamoun (aka Sam Shamoun) is also obsessed with penis sizes, even on his wife and himself.  How many women did Sam Shamoun fornicate with?  We never heard this fraud answer this one.

    Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.
      Jesus permitted for church members to have sex with each other.
     Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny.

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11–13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.



    If Paul is false, then Jesus is insufficient:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Yet, Paul admits that he speaks through a lying spirit  (Romans 3:7  But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?), while Jesus promised all of the disciples that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, and that it will not be them speaking, but the Holy Spirit. Yet, Paul says he was lying.  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    Paul and his team of disciples were also calling Peter's team, - and vice versa, - anathema ἀνάθεμα (cursed by GOD), false, bewitched, dogs
    , and many other things.  Jesus' original message got corrupt from the false christianity and the deification of flesh and blood creations like Jesus, Mary and others like they used to do in ancient Europe in Greece, Rome, Byzantine and throughout ancient ancient Europe of three-headed gods and trinities, such as the trinity of Zeus, Athena and Apollo; also Hell's three-headed guardian dog, or the trinity of Delian, Artemis and Apollo and many other ancient trinities.  Only Islam completes GOD Almighty's Religion.  See ample prophecies.  Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah




    Is the Bible a womanizer for allowing polygamy in NT and OT? [1]

    Some amazing Bible thumping quacks declare Islam a womanizing religion for allowing polygamy for up to four wives, while polygamy has no limits in the OT and NT:


    Jesus allowed polygamy:

    Matthew 19
    9. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman
    a similar commits adultery.

    Notice "another woman" got crossed. This is because the word "woman" is not there in the Greek, and the word for "another" also means similar. If we look at the Greek in https://biblehub.com/lexicon/matthew/19-9.htm, we'll find this:


    ἄλλην (allēn) 243: other, another

    If you click on 243, you'll see its definition: "another of the same kind; another of similar type."

    (Click on image to enlarge)

    It is quite ludicrous that the one and only verse that prohibits polygamy is not even talking about polygamy.  Jesus warned against marrying already-married women irrespective of whether the man is single or married.  This is further proven in:


    Matthew 5:31-32
    31 "It has been said, 'Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.'
    32 But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness,
    causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery.

    A man can marry multiple women, while the woman can only marry one man.  Here Jesus warns that unlawful divorces will cause women, who would still be remaining married while thinking they've been divorced, to commit adultery.  They would still be married to their former husbands.

    Keep in mind also that the men that Jesus was speaking to had many polygamists amongst them.  So if Jesus was to prohibit polygamy, he would've said that if any married man after today marries another woman then he commits adultery.  But no, he didn't even talk about polygamy at all.


    Polygamy was Commanded by GOD:

    In the OT, polygamy is not only allowed, but it was also commanded by GOD in some cases [1].


    Paul and Jesus allowed polygamy:

    Paul also allowed polygamy to the masses, and Jesus in other verses also allowed it to the masses.  This is further discussed at: www.answering-christianity.com/ntpoly.htm.  This article thoroughly proves that polygamy is indeed allowed in the New Testament, and that Christianity is built on false inspirations and "conjecture", exactly as Allah Almighty said in the Glorious Quran [1] about the religion of conjecture [1], Christianity.  Again, it is quite ludicrous that the one and only verse that prohibits polygamy is not even talking about polygamy.  This false religion of conjecture makes sinful things lawful and lawful things sinful [2] [3].  And that in itself is a blasphemy against GOD Almighty.


    Islam is the Divine Truth:

    Islam is GOD Almighty's Divine Truth.  To be 100% sure about this, visit:

  • The Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles.
  • What is Islam?
  • Marriage in Islam.  Early-Islam's Muta marriage [1] is also covered here.
  • From www.answering-christianity.com/quran_moral_code.htm:

    245 Womanizing and womanizers are condemned in the Glorious Quran.  Allah Almighty said:

    "It is not lawful for you (to marry other) women after this, nor to change them for other wives even though their beauty attracts you, except those (captives or slaves) whom your right hand possesses. And Allah is Ever a Watcher over all things.  (The Noble Quran, 33:52)"

    Throughout the entries above, we've seen how Allah Almighty commanded the Muslim men and women to:

    1-  Be always chaste.
    2-  To lower their gazes.
    3-  To never be sexually enticing or tempting.
    4-  To never even put disbelievers into any trial or temptation.
    5-  To always be upright and a great moral example to all of mankind.
    6-  To always do what is right and condemn what is wrong.

    Islam does not condone womanizers.  Neither the Prophet was a womanizer, nor does Islam condone womanizing.  Islam honors marriage and considers its covenant to be a "Solemn Covenant". (ميثاقا غليظا).  This ميثاقا غليظا  was mentioned three times throughout the Glorious Quran:

    1-  The ميثاقا غليظا that Allah Almighty took between Him and His Prophets.

    2-  The ميثاقا غليظا that Allah Almighty took with the Jews on the holiness of the Sabbath.

    3-  The ميثاقا غليظا between the husband and the wife in Islam.

    See Noble Verses 4:21, 4:154, 33:7.

    33:52, 4:21, 4:154, 33:7




  • Quran Miracle: The Jews' and Christians' scribes changed and still change the Words.  Proven with images, text and videos from their corrupt bible and books!  See how they removed words and altered words.

    There existed many different Bibles during the time of the Roman Emperor, Constantine, which were widely believed in by different Christian sects in the year 312.  In other words, during the first 3 centuries of "Christianity" (300 years), many different canons with 100s of books/gospels combined existed!  That is a lot of canons, a lot of books/gospels, and a lot of time (300 years) of different Christian religions existed.   Also, Constantine's own "unified canon or bible" got lost and only small portions of it were found!  So what we have today from "Bible(s)" are not even Constantine's books.

    Let us listen to the following AUDIO files from the "Banned from the Bible" documentary film by some popular historians, theologians and books' authors were the spokes people in this film.  So, like I mentioned above, the information in the AUDIO files is very reliable, authentic and objective:

    1-  Constantine's unified "Bible" was permanently lost!  Only portions of it were found almost 1/2 century later.

    Theologians' voices are:

    1. John Dominic Crossan, Author, Excavating Jesus (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).
    2. Dr. Marvin Meyer, Author, The Gnostic Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    2-  Hundreds of conflicting manuscripts existed among early Christians.

    Theologians' voices are:

    1. Daniel Smith-Christopher, Ph.D., Hebrew Bible Studies, Loyola Marymount University.
    2. Anthea D. Butler, Ph.D., Global Christianity, Loyala Marymount University.


    Quran Miracle: The Jews' and Christians' scribes changed and still change the Words.  Proven with images, text and videos from their corrupt bible and books!  See how they removed words and altered words.



    The different "Canons" of the Bible!

    Different and conflicting variations of "gospels" and "books" that are disagreed upon by the Churches today.


    The Noble Quran came to confirm Truth that exists in the Manuscripts in the different canons and to filter out Truth from falsehood in them.  Allah Almighty never claimed that the bible is fully and 100% Divine.  Islam is a witness on the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).  It filters out the truth from falsehood and corruption in the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him)The Noble Quran only recognizes the Bible as a HISTORY BOOK with errors and man's alteration in it.  Anything that agrees 100% with Islam is valid, and anything else that has even the slightest disagreement with Islam is discarded:

    "Those who follow the apostle, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (scriptures),- in the law and the Gospel;- for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure); He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon them. So it is those who believe in him, honour him, help him, and follow the light which is sent down with him,- it is they who will prosper.  (The Noble Quran, 7:157)"

    "It is He Who sent down to thee (step by step), in truth, the Book, confirming what went before it; and He sent down the Law (of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus) before this, as a guide to mankind, and He sent down the criterion (of judgment be tween right and wrong).  (The Noble Quran, 3:3)"

    Noble Verse(s) 5:48
    Yusuf Ali:

    [005:048]  To thee We sent the Scripture in truth, confirming the scripture that came before it from the Book من الكتاب, and guarding it in safety and has full authority over it ومهيمنا: so judge between them by what God hath revealed (i.e., the Quran that was sent to Muhammad), and follow not their vain desires, diverging from the Truth that hath come to thee. To each among you have we prescribed a law and an open way. If God had so willed, He would have made you a single people, but (His plan is) to test you in what He hath given you: so strive as in a race in all virtues. The goal of you all is to God; it is He that will show you the truth of the matters in which ye dispute;

    Note:  ومهيمنا meaning full authority is thoroughly proven in section (2.C) using ample translations.

    Arabic (Read from right to left.  Also, all png image files: [1] [2].  Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):

    5:48 وانزلنا اليك الكتاب بالحق مصدقا لما بين يديه من الكتاب ومهيمنا عليه فاحكم بينهم بما انزل الله ولاتتبع اهواءهم عما جاءك من الحق لكل جعلنا منكم شرعة ومنهاجا ولو شاء الله لجعلكم امة واحدة ولكن ليبلوكم فيما اتاكم فاستبقوا الخيرات الى الله مرجعكم جميعا فينبئكم بما كنتم فيه تختلفون


    From www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php?topic=1940.msg7927#msg7927:  


    "so judge between them by what God hath revealed" فاحكم بينهم بما انزل الله in Noble Verse 5:48 above.  The grand judgment has to be based on the Glorious Quran, because it is the Divine Book, the reliable one from Allah Almighty, and it is the Muhaymin مهيمن Book.  All others are marred with crookedness, alterations, and are overall not entirely Divine.

    It was God's orders at time of Prophet Jesus (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him). Now, things changed.  Quran: The Ultimate Reference.  Just read in context (5:46-49):

    Noble Verses 5:46-49 above in text:

    46. And We sent, following in their footsteps, Jesus, the son of Mary, confirming that which came before him in the Torah; and We gave him the Gospel, in which were guidance and light and confirming that which preceded  it of the Torah as guidance and instruction for the righteous.

    47. And let the People of the Gospel judge by what Allah has revealed therein. And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed - then it is those who are defiantly disobedient.

    48. And We have sent down to you (O Muhammad) the Book (this Qur'an) in truth, confirming the Scripture that came before it as a criterion over it. So judge between them by what Allah has revealed, and follow not their vain desires, diverging away from the Truth that has come to you. To each among you, We have prescribed a law and a clear way. If Allah willed, He would have made you one nation, but that (He) may test you in what He has given you; so strive as in a race in good deeds. The return of you (all) is to Allah; then He will inform you about that in which you used to differ.

    49. And so judge (You O Muhammad) between them by what Allah has revealed and follow not their vain desires, but beware of them lest they turn you (O Muhammad) far away from some of that which Allah has send down to you.  And if they turn away, then know that Allah's Will is to punish them for some sins of theirs. And truly, most of men are Fasiqun  (rebellious and disobedient to Allah).
      Also visit:


    Matthew 7:22-23GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah


    Quran declares all Bibles are corrupt.

    Oxymoron Trinity (100+ verses).  Bibles: Jesus will slaughter 100s of millions when he returns.

    The disciples arguing about the Sabbath and other Laws.  Jesus promised them that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths and that there will be no arguments, confusions or riddles.  Yet, the NT is marred with open arguments, vilifications (calling each other cursed by GOD "anathema", satanic, false, wrong).  Where is Jesus' promise??  Totally a false promise!

    Where is Jesus' promise??

    -  He promised that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, guide them in all ways, and that it will be the Holy Spirit speaking, not them.
    -  They ended up splitting into
    Paul vs. Peter two opposing groups, and were at odds with each other on several theological issues.
    1 Corinthians 7:40  Paul wasn't sure if he had the Holy Spirit in him or not. He said "I think I have the Holy Spirit".
    -  Their differences remain unsettled till this day in the NT.  They were never resolved.

    -  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    -  They were barking at each other like
    rabid dogs calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan!
    [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?


    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in their conflicting scriptures?



    If Paul is false, then Jesus is insufficient:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Yet, Paul admits that he speaks through a lying spirit  (Romans 3:7  But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?), while Jesus promised all of the disciples that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, and that it will not be them speaking, but the Holy Spirit. Yet, Paul says he was lying.  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    Paul and his team of disciples were also calling Peter's team, - and vice versa, - anathema ἀνάθεμα (cursed by GOD), false, bewitched, dogs, and many other things.  Jesus' original message got corrupt from the false christianity and the deification of flesh and blood creations like Jesus, Mary and others like they used to do in ancient Europe in Greece, Rome, Byzantine and throughout ancient ancient Europe of three-headed gods and trinities, such as the trinity of Zeus, Athena and Apollo; also Hell's three-headed guardian dog, or the trinity of Delian, Artemis and Apollo and many other ancient trinities.  Only Islam completes GOD Almighty's Religion.  See ample prophecies.
      Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah



    Dismal Spiritual Failures:

    Let us examine the following:

    Romans 3:23 ESV
    For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

    Ecclesiastes 7:20 ESV
    Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.

    No man is sinless and faultless.  The NT even says Jesus himself sinned via coveting the sins of the world.  Paul then barfs the following gem:


    1 Corinthians 2:15
    A spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself
    is not subject to any man's judgment.



    How can any flesh and blood sinner not be subjected to judgment?  The world has seen how disastrous your pedophilic and corrupt priests, ministers and churches are, from sex abuse on children, theft, prostitution and so much more.  Ironically also, Paul and the disciples themselves dismally failed this standard when they turned into rabid dogs in harsh judgments on each other; calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan! [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?  There is also conflict regarding misogyny:

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11–13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Which book were the people of the Book reciting (فسأل الذين يقرؤون الكتاب) during Prophet Muhammad's days according to the Glorious Quran 10:94?


    Insufficient Jesus:

    Edward Dalcour says that Jesus would be insufficient if Paul was proven to be false:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Does Noble Verse 9:31 say that Allah and Jesus are two equal Lords?  Also, thorough refutation to  توحيد الربوبية  (tawheed alruboobiyyah, or Oneness of Lordship between Jesus and Allah) concept by the polytheist trinitarian pagans (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    The Bibles' sacred "book of toiletספר קודש של שירותים    and praised incestuous rape can be read here
    كتاب المرحاض المقدس


    ***** Bibles' OT and NT:  Spirits that GOD Almighty sends down including lying ones in the Bibles.  Jesus in several passages was Commanded by GOD to become one to forge falseianity (christianity) because of the ample blasphemies of the Jews.

    Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?

    Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

    Notice the language of how Satan was:

    1. "You were perfect from the day you were created".  Jesus was also created from the Word of GOD.
    2. Glorious.
    3. "the chosen one".
    4. The "Anointed".
    5. ruler over earth.
    6. Ruler over the "Holy Mount" of GOD

    Matthew 24:25-27 Jesus will return as an Arabian Messiah from Damascus.

    He was all of these and more before arrogance, pride, stubbornness and blasphemies caused Satan to fall from Grace.  Jesus then became the substitute, i.e., the Perfect", "Glorious", "the chosen one", the "Anointed", "ruler over earth" and ruler over the "Holy Mount" chosen one of GOD Almighty.

    Jesus also said the direction of the Prayer towards Jerusalem will be no more (Psalm 138:2, John 4:21, Matthew 21:43, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 60, Genesis 25:12-13).  It will be replaced with the Qibla (direction) to Mecca and the Holy Path to Mecca.  Only Islam is the Divine Truth from Allah Almighty.  Christianity is pagan.  Even Christmas is an ancient Roman pagan holiday (video clip) according to the Christian theologians themselves:

    Jesus too carried the Spirit of GOD in him, and he carried also the Spirit of fearing GOD in him.  Jesus was also called slave of GOD in the OT many times.  He also had no Divine WillTrinity is a lie from Hell.

    See also 24 other Thrones and Messiahs besides Jesus (Revelations 4 & 5).

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


    Eid Al-Adha: Ishmael or Isaac?  GOD's peace be upon them both.  Who was the son to be sacrificed?  Bibles and Quran agree it was Ishmael.


    Satan & Peter VS. Paul: 2 Corinthians 12:7-11.  Paul literally put Peter and Satan in one team.


    Sam Shamoun also exposes the ample  holy group sex that occurs in his circle:



    Paul ordered the execution (actual killing) of some sinners.

    Paul ate his vomit.

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

     (Sam Shamoun declares gambling is allowed in Christianity)

    Jesus amputated his unholy testicles and head of penis to remain holy.  If his body was holy, were his testicles cursed and unholy, especially that he commanded to maim your sinful body parts?  You mean to tell me that they were not part of the Creator of the Universe's body??  Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.


    Why did Jesus amputate his own (NT calls them satanic flesh) testicles and penis' head?






    Sam Shamoun declares that the bibles and trinity
    are man-made and are not from the living Word of GOD Almighty.
    Sam Shamoun:  If Catholicism is false, then the entire NT is a fraud, and there is "no Christianity".  It would be like the "pagan worship of Baal".  Sam Shamoun also declares the 2nd and 3rd centuries bibles-writings are forgeries, and declares that if you study the bible logically, then you will become an atheist.
    Click to play
    video clip.

    Quran: Bibles are mostly corrupt.

    Noble Verses 5:44-49 are thoroughly unpacked in this article.  According to the Glorious Quran, there is nothing called new testament, or bible or even old testament.  There is the Thikr of Moses, which contains the Wasaya (Commandments, which are the 600+ Law Commandments), which the Prophets before Prophet Muhammad and Islam "the prophets did judge by it" (5:44).  Even in the bibles we find in Deuteronomy 4:2 and other places say that the Commandments (600+) must not be mixed with any other text.  Also, the Injeel or Injil is not the NT.  It is the direct commands of Prophet Eesa (not Jesus), in which he mostly gave beautiful Commandments of Mercy, Compassion, Love, Fasting, Praying and Worshiping GOD Almighty Alone and associating no partners with Him, and also gave glad tidings about the coming of Prophet Muhammad and the new Covenant of Allah Almighty.  The Bibles are all corrupt.  The Glorious Quran also declares them all to be corrupt.  The Glorious Quran also confirms the Messiah, Eesa (not Jesus) and his virgin mother, Marium (not Mary), peace be upon both of them and upon all of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah Almighty (Not even Jesus was given the Book according to the Glorious Quran).  We also read in Noble Verses 5:46-49:

    Sam Shamoun declares 2nd and 3rd centuries bibles-writings are forgeries:


    How big was the first New Testament?

    The early believers were also expecting an Arabian Prophet.  The OT thoroughly talks about him and his new Covenant coming from Kedar in Arabia, and the NT talks about him coming after the Messiah:

    Why wasn't Prophet Muhammad preached by the early Christians in Jerusalem, Arabia, Africa and Europe?  Early cities like Antioch, Corinth, Rome and others were never taught the coming of Prophet Muhammad.  Doesn't this prove that Islam is falseBut he was preached!



    Note:  ومهيمنا meaning full authority is thoroughly proven in section (2.C) using ample translations.


    "That which We have revealed to thee of the Book is the Truth,- confirming what was (revealed) before it: for God is assuredly- with respect to His Servants - well acquainted and Fully Observant.  (The Noble Quran, 35:31)"

    That is why we Muslims believe in only the parts of the Bible that agree with the Noble Quran.  The parts that contradict the Noble Quran are not the Truth:

    "That they rejected Faith; That they uttered against Mary A grave false charge;  That they said (in boast):  'We killed Christ Jesus The son of Mary, The Messenger of Allah.'  But they killed him not, Nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not.  Nay, Allah raised him up Unto Himself; and Allah Is Exalted in Power, Wise.  And there is none of the people of the book (Jews and Christians) But must believe in him  (Jesus) Before his death; And on the Day of Judgment He (Jesus) will be a witness Against them.   (The Noble Quran, 4:156-159)"  

    Allah Almighty here declares that Christianity is no more than a man-made conjecture.  And conjecture is forbidden in the Glorious Quran.


    Conjecture is forbidden in the Glorious Quran:
  • "But they have no knowledge therein. They follow nothing but conjecture; and conjecture avails nothing against Truth.  (The Noble Quran, 53:28)"
  • "And there are among them illiterates, who know not the Book, but (see therein their own) desires, and they do nothing but conjecture.  (The Noble Quran, 2:78)"
  • "Wert thou to follow the common run of those on earth, they will lead thee away from the way of God (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him). They follow nothing but conjecture: they do nothing but lie.  (The Noble Quran, 6:116)"
  • "Those who give partners (to God) will say: "If God had wished, we should not have given partners to Him nor would our fathers; nor should we have had any taboos." So did their ancestors argue falsely, until they tasted of Our wrath. Say: "Have ye any (certain) knowledge? If so, produce it before us. Ye follow nothing but conjecture: ye do nothing but lie. (The Noble Quran, 6:148)"
  • "And they say: "What is there but our life in this world? We shall die and we live, and nothing but time can destroy us." But of that they have no knowledge: they merely conjecture(The Noble Quran, 45:24)"
  • "These are nothing but names which ye have devised,- ye and your fathers,- for which God has sent down no authority (whatever). They follow nothing but conjecture and what their own souls desire!- Even though there has already come to them Guidance from their Lord!  (The Noble Quran, 53:23)"


    Quran Miracle: The Jews' and Christians' scribes changed and still change the Words.  Proven with images, text and videos from their corrupt bible and books!  See how they removed words and altered words:

    Noble Verse(s) 2:77-2:79
    Yusuf Ali:

    [002:077]  Know they not that God knoweth what they conceal and what they reveal?

    [002:078]  And there are among them illiterates, who know not the Book, but (see therein their own) desires, and they do nothing but conjecture.

    [002:079]  Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say:"This is from God," to traffic with it for miserable price!- Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby.

    Arabic (Read from right to left.  Also, all png image files: [1] [2].  Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):

    2:77 اولايعلمون ان الله يعلم مايسرون ومايعلنون

    2:78 ومنهم اميون لايعلمون الكتاب الا اماني وان هم الا يظنون

    2:79 فويل للذين يكتبون الكتاب بايديهم ثم يقولون هذا من عند الله ليشتروا به ثمنا قليلا فويل لهم مما كتبت ايديهم وويل لهم مما يكسبون


    General Principle:

    The following Noble Verse 2:79 is a general principle and not limited to people in the Prophet's time:

    [002:079]  Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: "This is from God," to traffic with it for miserable price!- Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby.

    1.  The general principle here is similar to the "Produce your Proof if you are Truthful" one in 2:111.  It is not just limited to the people of the Book.  It is for Muslims and for all people.

    2.  Another general principle example is the freeing of all slaves Quranic Law.

    Slavery Example:

    Another example of the Glorious Quran's general principle VS. local and limited situations (i.e., in the interim of things), is the law of slavery.  Allah Almighty's Highest Standard regarding slavery is to end it in all of the lands:

    [090:012] And what will make you comprehend what the uphill road is?
    [090:013] (It is) the setting free of a slave,

    So one of the monumental tasks upon the Muslims is to end all forms of slavery.  Yet, the Glorious Quran also allows enslaving, buying slaves, selling slaves, having harems (female slaves).  So is this a contradiction?  No.  Is this an abrogation (90:12-13 abrogating all other verses or vise versa)?  No.  All Noble Verses concerning slaves and slavery still stand TILL THIS DAY!  All 6236 Noble Verses that make up the entire Glorious Quran still stand today and will always stand till the Day of Judgment.  We have no abrogation here.  The Muslim State and Court and people must be mindful that Allah Almighty has set high and monumental goals in the Glorious Quran.  In the interim of things, however, the slavery Noble Verses could be activated and applied due to battles that may occur or deals and/or transactions.  But the ultimate goal must be to end all forms of slavery in all Muslim lands.


    Noble Verse(s) 5:41
    Yusuf Ali:

    [005:041]  O Apostle! let not those grieve thee, who race each other into unbelief: (whether it be) among those who say "We believe" with their lips but whose hearts have no faith; or it be among the Jews,- men who will listen to any lie,- will listen even to others who have never so much as come to thee. They change the words from their (right) times and places: they say, "If ye are given this, take it, but if not, beware!" If any one's trial is intended by God, thou hast no authority in the least for him against God (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him). For such - it is not God's will to purify their hearts. For them there is disgrace in this world, and in the Hereafter a heavy punishment.

    Arabic (Read from right to left.  Also, all png image files: [1] [2].  Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):

    5:41 ياايها الرسول لايحزنك الذين يسارعون في الكفر من الذين قالوا امنا بافواههم ولم تؤمن قلوبهم ومن الذين هادوا سماعون للكذب سماعون لقوم اخرين لم ياتوك يحرفون الكلم من بعد مواضعه يقولون ان اوتيتم هذا فخذوه وان لم تؤتوه فاحذروا ومن يرد الله فتنته فلن تملك له من الله شيئا اولئك الذين لم يرد الله ان يطهر قلوبهم لهم في الدنيا خزي ولهم في الاخرة عذاب عظيم


    Noble Verse(s) 5:13
    Yusuf Ali:

    [005:013]  But because of their breach of their covenant, We cursed them, and made their hearts grow hard; they change the words from their (right) places and forget a good part of the message that was sent them, nor wilt thou cease to find them- barring a few - ever bent on (new) deceits: but forgive them, and overlook (their misdeeds): for God loveth those who are kind.

    Arabic (Read from right to left.  Also, all png image files: [1] [2].  Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):

    5:13 فبما نقضهم ميثاقهم لعناهم وجعلنا قلوبهم قاسية يحرفون الكلم عن مواضعه ونسوا حظا مما ذكروا به ولاتزال تطلع على خائنة منهم الا قليلا منهم فاعف عنهم واصفح ان الله يحب المحسنين


    Quran Miracle: The Jews' and Christians' scribes changed and still change the Words.  Proven with images, text and videos from their corrupt bible and books!  See how they removed words and altered words.



    "Say: 'O People of the Book (i.e., Jews and Christians)!   Come to common terms as between us and you:  That we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with Him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah.'  If then they turn back, say ye: 'Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah's Will).'   (The Noble Quran, 3:64)"

    Narrated Ubaidullah:  "Ibn 'Abbas said, "Why do you ask the people of the scripture about anything while your Book (Quran) which has been revealed to Allah's Apostle is newer and the latest? You read it pure, undistorted and unchanged, and Allah has told you that the people of the scripture (Jews and Christians) changed their scripture and distorted it, and wrote the scripture with their own hands and said, 'It is from Allah,' to sell it for a little gain. Does not the knowledge which has come to you prevent you from asking them about anything? No, by Allah, we have never seen any man from them asking you regarding what has been revealed to you!"  (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Holding Fast to the Qur'an and Sunnah, Volume 9, Book 92, Number 461)"

    Please visit Contradictions and Proofs of Historical Corruption in the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    Quran Miracle: The Jews' and Christians' scribes changed and still change the Words.  Proven with images, text and videos from their corrupt bible and books!  See how they removed words and altered words.


    In the "Missionary Traps for Muslims" section below in the article, you will see detailed explanations that will further shed some light upon what parts of the Bible do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth.

    Please visit Why did GOD Almighty allow for the Bible to get corrupted?

    Did Prophet Muhammad recognize the Bible as an error-free book?

    My rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's "Fully Detailed Or Incomplete?" article.

    My rebuttal to Sam and Jochen's "Is the Torah like the Qur'an, or is it not?" article.

    What is the best way to convert a Christian to Islam?

    Obvious mistranslations of the Hebrew Manuscripts.  See proofs of alterations and deceptions done by the Jews and Christians to disprove Islam in the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    Jesus, Isa (eesa): Which one is the original name in Hebrew and Aramaic?


    Prophet Muhammad was like Prophet Moses:


    From https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php?topic=3297.msg16160#msg16160:

     Wa Alaikum As'salam,

    Deuteronomy and the NT also make prophecy about the 10,000 believers, which only Islam fulfilled.  Yes, Prophet Muhammad is the expected Prophet, who was like Moses, peace be upon them both:


    Isaiah 29:12 mentions the first Quran-Revelation upon Prophet Muhammad in Cave Hira by the name.  The Quran's first revelation upon Prophet Muhammad inside cave Hira.


    Isaiah 29: Mentions Mecca's precise cave Hira (χιρα), Jireh, Quran & Muhammad.


    Both Prophets received Al-Thikr (the Law). There are two Thikrs in the Glorious Quran:

    1- Al-Thikr that was sent to Moses.
    2- Al-Thikr that was sent to Muhammad.

    Both Prophets also received:

    1- Al-Kitab.
    2- Al-Huda.
    3- Al-Furqan.


    The only Book "inherited" to them:

    Also, the Book that was sent to Moses, peace be upon him, was the only one "inherited" by GOD Almighty to the Jews.  Visit the links above for more details and proofs.

    Take care,
    Osama Abdallah



    3-   Some evidence proving that the previous "Scriptures" that existed in Arabia were different from Constantine's "Bible":

    Again, one can easily see the many canons that existed among the early Christians at:

    The different "Canons" of the Bible!

    Different and conflicting variations of "gospels" and "books" that are disagreed upon by the Churches today.

    The fact that Arabia was never part Rome's empire, and the fact that Jews and Christians existed among the Arabs in the city of Medina before and after Islam, and the fact that early Christians had many canons that were conflicting with each others proves the following:

    1-  It is quite possible and very highly probable that the early Christians who had the Scriptures that agreed with Islam's claims, such as Jesus never got crucified and a Prophet was going to come after Jesus, fled to Arabia due to the fear that the new Trinitarian Emperor, Constantine, would persecute them as the Jews suffered in the past before Jesus' birth from the same Romans.

    2-  The Scriptures that the Jews and Christians possessed during Prophet Muhammad's days in Medina were not just limited to the Constantine's Bible, especially that the Arabs, like I mentioned, were never under Rome's rulership.

    Therefore, those from among the Christians today who claim that Islam "confirms" the Bible's divinity (even though the Bible is notorious in having countless contradictions and historical errors) are miserably wrong.   Not only that, but their insistence on using Islam's Noble Quran to somehow demonstrate to the Muslims that their corrupt book does not contain errors only shows and demonstrates their desperate position to win a faulty argument.

    In other words, they have to rely on lies and deception, along with awkward logic to prove their corrupt script to answer way any contradiction or historical error that a Muslim might present to them.  Also visit:

    Jesus, Isa (eesa): Which one is the original name in Hebrew and Aramaic?

    Quran Miracle: The Jews' and Christians' scribes changed and still change the Words.  Proven with images, text and videos from their corrupt bible and books!  See how they removed words and altered words.


  • The disciples arguing about the Sabbath and other Laws.  Jesus promised them that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths and that there will be no arguments, confusions or riddles.  Yet, the NT is marred with open arguments, vilifications (calling each other cursed by GOD "anathema", satanic, false, wrong).  Where is Jesus' promise??  Totally a false promise!

    Rebecca's story and the
    goat skin lie to fool Isaac, who was blind at the time, and many others in the Bibles.  Rebecca put goat skin on Jacob's back to mimic Esau's back to fool blind Isaac into anointing Jacob while thinking he was anointing Esau.  Isaac wanted to anoint Esau and Rebecca wanted to anoint Jacob.  Esau had hair-full shoulders while Jacob had hairless shoulders.  Jacob was anointed via a lie [1].  Rebecca's story and others like it prove that the Bible is filled with lying spirits (GOD sends them in the OT to false people & prophets to further lead them astray.  See: 1 Samuel 19:9, 1 Kings 22:22-23, 2 Chronicles 18:21 and others) inspirations and not Holy Spirit ones.  This is why we say there is nothing called "Bible".  It is a man-made book and lie.  It is nothing but a compilation of text and history, much of which is filled with fabrications and corruption, even according to the Bibles' own theologians.  See what they say in great details about the corruption and fabrications that the Bibles are filled with.  GOD Almighty commanded the Jews to NEVER mix His Commandments with any other text (Jeremiah 31:31–32, Isaiah 42:10-13, Deuteronomy 18:18: The Jews' Covenant will expire and will be replaced with the Gentiles' one from Arabia).

    The Jews from their birth were called liars.

    The final Prophet from Arabia in Jeremiah 31:31–32, Isaiah 42:10-13, John 1:19-21 and John 7:40-44 will bring new covenant different from the one given to Moses ("It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors"), and he will be a gentile.  Only Islam's Covenant and Prophet fulfilled this.  Habakkuk 2:15-16 GOD's cup is against those who spoil their neighboring nations and others.  Israel is notorious in staging lies, fabricating stories and oppressing people.  Isaiah 48:8, Psalm 58:3, Psalm 25:3 and Jeremiah 8:8 Israel from their birth, they are liars.  See also:

    The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy by the Great Satan; not the Palestinians.

    Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

      (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus)  See also the prophecies about the Arabian land of Sela.  Half of the book of Psalms talks about Sela.  See also Isaiah 53's translations contain deliberate lies.



    The Jews' expiring Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31–32):

    Jeremiah 31:31–32
    31 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a 
    new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.
    32 It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a Master to them,” declares the Lord.

    A new Covenant different from the Covenant that was made after the Exodus of Egypt.  So it will be different from the Laws of books of Exodus, Deuteronomy, Leviticus and Numbers, and all of the Jewish Prophets' books, including this book of Prophet Jeremiah's.  See Bibles' prophecies about GOD's "New Song" and New Covenant from עֲרָבָ֛ה, Ărāḇā (Araba; Arabia) , and His new House will be in the desert of Arabia, and His new Prophet will be a Gentile Prophet from Arabia.

    Muslim is the new Name: Isaiah 56:5, Isaiah 65:15, Luke 6:40.

    New Torah (means Divine Revelation in Hebrew) shall be revealed: Isaiah 51:4, Isaiah 55:11.

    New Covenant different from the one given after the Exodus of Egypt: Jeremiah 31:31-32.

    GOD's New Song from Arabia, and GOD's New House in the Arabian Desert, and GOD's Burdens upon Arabia.

    The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy by the Great Satan; not the Palestinians.

    Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.



      Having any Bible upheld as the Holy and Pure Word of GOD Almighty is a direct violation to the Commandments of GOD Almighty (Jeremiah 31:31–32, Isaiah 42:10-13, Deuteronomy 18:18: The Jews'
    Covenant will expire and will be replaced with the Gentiles' one from Arabia).

    The Jews from their birth were called liars.

    The final Prophet from Arabia in Jeremiah 31:31–32, Isaiah 42:10-13, John 1:19-21 and John 7:40-44 will bring new covenant different from the one given to Moses ("It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors"), and he will be a gentile.  Only Islam's Covenant and Prophet fulfilled this.  Habakkuk 2:15-16 GOD's cup is against those who spoil their neighboring nations and others.  Israel is notorious in staging lies, fabricating stories and oppressing people.  Isaiah 48:8, Psalm 58:3, Psalm 25:3 and Jeremiah 8:8 Israel from their birth, they are liars.  See also:

    The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy by the Great Satan; not the Palestinians.

    Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

      (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus)  See also the prophecies about the Arabian land of Sela.  Half of the book of Psalms talks about Sela.  See also Isaiah 53's translations contain deliberate lies.



    The Jews' expiring Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31–32):

    Jeremiah 31:31–32
    31 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a 
    new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.
    32 It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a Master to them,” declares the Lord.

    A new Covenant different from the Covenant that was made after the Exodus of Egypt.  So it will be different from the Laws of books of Exodus, Deuteronomy, Leviticus and Numbers, and all of the Jewish Prophets' books, including this book of Prophet Jeremiah's.  See Bibles' prophecies about GOD's "New Song" and New Covenant from עֲרָבָ֛ה, Ărāḇā (Araba; Arabia) , and His new House will be in the desert of Arabia, and His new Prophet will be a Gentile Prophet from Arabia.

    Muslim is the new Name: Isaiah 56:5, Isaiah 65:15, Luke 6:40.

    New Torah (means Divine Revelation in Hebrew) shall be revealed: Isaiah 51:4, Isaiah 55:11.

    New Covenant different from the one given after the Exodus of Egypt: Jeremiah 31:31-32.

    GOD's New Song from Arabia, and GOD's New House in the Arabian Desert, and GOD's Burdens upon Arabia.

    The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy by the Great Satan; not the Palestinians.

    Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.



  • Bible says that Jews from their essence were liars.  From their "birth" they were liars writing lies the Old Testament declares them.  The Bible is full of man-made corruption and fabrications especially in the Jews' ancient history and stories.  Their writings were written with the "lying pens of the scribes".

    See also
    Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust

  • Isaiah's prophecy about the Jews will worship the pornographic goddess Asherah during the end of times.
  • The Bibles are full of lies. 

    Jubilees 1:12:  The Jews will "abrogate and change everything".

    Isaiah 48:8, Psalm 58:3, Psalm 25:3 and Jeremiah 8:8:  The Jews from their birth are traitors and write lies.

  • Bible & Quran declare:  Ishmael's Covenant is for the later generations [2] [3].
  • David was anointed via deception 1 Samuel 16:1-5.
  • Bibles and Talmud are marred with lies.

    The early believers were also expecting an Arabian Prophet.  The OT thoroughly talks about him and his new Covenant coming from Kedar in Arabia, and the NT talks about him coming after the Messiah:

    Why wasn't Prophet Muhammad preached by the early Christians in Jerusalem, Arabia, Africa and Europe?  Early cities like Antioch, Corinth, Rome and others were never taught the coming of Prophet Muhammad.  Doesn't this prove that Islam is falseBut he was preached!


  • Also visit:

    Matthew 7:22-23GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah




    4-  What is the best way to convert a Christian to Islam?

    Please visit What is the best way to convert a Christian to Islam?

    The Overwhelming Scientific Miracles in the Glorious Quran.


    Quran's STUNNING Divine Miracles: [1]

    Here are some of my favorite Stunning Numerical and Scientific Miracles in the Glorious Quran that are listed in the main sections, below:

    1-  The root for message and all of its derivatives, such as messenger and others occurs 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran.  The Prophets' and Messengers', peace be upon them, actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all combined mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran.  The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here.

    Coincidence?  See 1,000s of examples! [1]. (zip file).

    Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

    Stunning Prophecies [2] [3]



    2-  The Great Miracle.  Allah Almighty in the Holy Quran called the Number 19 Miracle "One of the Mighty Ones (Miracles)" (74:30-37) [1] [2].  See the 100s of Noble Verses that clearly testify to this Great Miracle.  Also, did you know that Allah Almighty Said in Surat Nuh (that's Noble Chapter Nuh (Noah)) that Prophet Noah lived for 950 years among his people. 

    Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the entire Noble Surah is exactly written in 950 Letters [1] [2]!  You can thoroughly see this in the scanned images that thoroughly verify every single Noble Letter, in the links.  Click on the links to see the many other Numerical Miracles in the Holy Quran.  Also, see the Numerical Miracles section along with all of the other great sections.  Also, 1,000s of examples in zip & PDF (fonts) files all demonstrated in this article.

    3-  19 X 115 = 2185 Number 19 and BASMALA Miracle.  The total numerical value of Noble Verses 74:30-37 themselves, which are the heart of the Number 19 Miracle, has a stunning Miracle in it.  The value of these Noble Verses matches the multiplication of the BASMALA's number of letters (19 Letters) and their total numerical values (115): 19 X 115 = 2185.  The Basmala, which full text in Arabic means "In the Name of Allah The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful" is the Key to the Glorious Quran.  It is recited first before reading the Holy Quran, and it is also obligatory upon every Muslim to start with the Basmala before starting any task.  Again, 1,000s of examples in zip & PDF (fonts) files all demonstrated in this article.

    4-  The Glorious Quran has 114 Chapters. The sum of those Chapters is 6555 (1+2+...+114 = 6555). There are also 6236 Noble Verses in the Glorious Quran. Now, if you add each Chapter's number with the number of its Verses, then you get a list of numbers. So 1 (first Chapter) + 7 (# of its Verses) = 8.  Do this for all Chapters.

    1-  The sum of the odd numbers from the list = 6555.
    2-  The sum of the even numbers from the list = 6236.

    See the XLS file for 100% confirmation.  Also, see the ample STUNNING Numerical Miracles in the Glorious Quran, with 1,000s of examples! [1] (zip file)..  See also the ample Textual Miracles [2] in the Glorious Quran, where Noble Words are spelled in certain ways depending on their certain historical and geographical context and timing in the Noble Verse.


    5-  Please also checkout the many hundreds (1,000s) of Great Numerical Miracles, and the many tens (10s) of other Great Scientific Miracles:


    Quran's STUNNING-Miracles Section: [1]

    Click on the following numbers:

    1-    Geology, Earth's spherical expansion, formation, Mountains and Oceanology.
    2-    The Universe, Time, Astronomy, UFOs and Space Shuttles.
    3-    Embryology, Human Anatomy, Formation, and Creation.

    4-    STUNNING Numerical Miracles in the Glorious Quran.  With 1,000s of examples! [4].  See also the ample Textual Miracles [2] in the Glorious Quran, where Noble Words are spelled in certain ways depending on their certain historical and geographical context and timing in the Noble Verse.

    5-    Medicine, Humans, Insects and Animals.
    6-    Life, Origins of life from water and dust in the Noble Quran, Plants and their origins.
    7-    Psychology.
    8-    Archeology and History.
    9-    Great Web Sites and Online Books.

    10-   Rebuttals.
    11-   General articles.

    12-   STUNNING Prophecies, and Allah's Divine Promises to reveal the Quran's Miracles.

              Stunning Prophecies [2] [3]


    13-   Audios and Videos.
    14-   Bibles' scientific absurdities and Other.

    For example:

    1-  The explosion of the Universe, Galaxies and Stars bring about Smoke.
    "When the sky disintegrates, and turns rose colored like paint (
    وردة كالدهان)." (The Noble Quran, 55:37) [2] [3]

    As we also see from the picture, Noble Verse 55:37
    is a Divine Promise (Allah promised to show mankind) that
    mankind will
    actually see this
    come to pass one day.  NASA and other space
    agencies, by Allah Almighty's Will, have certainly fulfilled this
    Prophecy, because a natural rose wouldn't form when a
    "Heaven" or a Solar System or even an entire galaxy and its
    trillions of solar systems all blow up (explode).  It is rather the
    look of it, and this is exactly what NASA confirms.



    The Glorious Quran declares that the earth is spherical: [1]
    Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran said that earth is:

           -  Spherical: "egg-shaped" [1].
           -  Is rotating around itself.
           -  Is moving in space in curvy orbits [2].
           -  Is in constant motion.
           -  Is suspended in space.
           -  Is swimming in space.
           -  Is traveling through the constantly expanding universe [3].
           -  The sunsetless North Pole miracle in the Glorious Quran [4]. 

  • At the top of the North Pole, the sun never sets [4], and I showed the video for that, and also quoted the scientific sources for that. Also in the lands near by, it almost never sets either, and I quoted sources for that as well, and also showed pictures of the "polar night" skies on these lands that are near the sunsetless North Pole.

    (Click to play clip by physicist, Brian Cox)

    They also spoke almost unintelligibly (18:93), the Glorious Quran says.  They hardly spoke intelligibly (18:93).  Historians have proven that the Barbarians of the North used to speak unintelligibly.  The actual meaning of the word "Barbarian" is someone who speaks unintelligibly.

  • He saw the Aurora Lights covering:

    Aurora Lights Hadith


  • Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saw the aurora lights covering the horizons of space above the earth when he was taken up to Heaven:

    Narrated Abdullah: "Regarding the Verse: “Indeed he (Muhammad) did see. Of the Signs of his Lord, The Greatest!” (Quran 53.18) That the Prophet had seen a green carpet spread all over the horizon of the sky قَالَ رَأَى رَفْرَفًا أَخْضَرَ سَدَّ أُفُقَ السَّمَاء." (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 456)

    Visit also:
    Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca.


    Regarding Dhil-Qarnayn (literally means "man of two horns"), Allah Almighty said this about his journey to the farthest northern lands and people:

    ‏18:90 حتى اذا بلغ مطلع الشمس وجدها تطلع على قوم لم نجعل لهم من دونها ستر

    "Until he reached near حتى اذا بلغ where the sun is up مطلع الشمس, he found it above وجدها تطلع على people قوم whom We made no cover for them from it لم نجعل لهم من دونها ستر (The Noble Quran, 18:90)"

    Noble Verse(s) 18:91


    [018:091]  Thus it was. And we had full knowledge of the forces that were with him.

    Arabic (Read from right to left.  Also, all png image files: [1] [2].  Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):

    18:91 كذلك وقد احطنا بما لديه خبرا


    Prophet Muhammad "did see" (Quran 53.18) the Aurora Lights covering the horizons above the earth from space.  Dhil-Qarnayn went up to the farthest northern lands where the sun is up, and "Thus it was", Allah Almighty completed the "full knowledge" regarding Dhil-Qarnayn's mission.  This further supports the story below about Dhil-Qarnayn's journey to the farthest northern lands and people (The sunsetless [4] North Pole Quran-miracle).  They also spoke almost unintelligibly (18:93), the Glorious Quran says.  They hardly spoke intelligibly (18:93)For example, can you read or say this:

    "Vaðlaheiðarvegavinnuverkfærageymsluskúrslyklakippuhringurinn" ??  This is an actual word. Historians have proven that the Barbarians of the North used to speak unintelligibly.  The actual meaning of the word "Barbarian" is someone who speaks unintelligibly.  The description of the people of the North, whose North Pole is truly sunsetless (see ample pictures), perfectly fits the Barbarians of the Vikings in the Scandinavian and other Barbarians in the near by lands:

    The early Muslims believed that Dhil Qarnayn reached the people of the farthest norths of the earth.  The following is a map of Al-Sharif Al-Idrisi in year 1154 giving the geographic location of where Dhil Qarnayn went according to the understanding of the early Muslims of Noble Verses 18:83-100:

    Dhil-Qarnayn literally means "man of two horns"

    Dhil = One who has.
    قرنين Qarnayn = two horns
    Qarnayn is a dual plural of Qarn (horn).
    Three or more horns is Quroon, in Arabic.


    Noble Verses 53:18 and 18:91 are also prophetically linked together; that Prophet Muhammad also saw what Dhil-Qarnayn ذي القرنين  saw.  Also visit: 

    Aurora Lights Hadith


    Other pronunciations to "Dhil Qarnayn"ذي القرنين  name:  Zul-qarnain, Dhul Qurnain, Dhu'l Qarnain, Zulqarnain, Dhu'l-Qarneyn, Dhu'lkarnein, Dhul-Qarnain, Dhu'l Qarnain, Dhool Karnain, Zul-Qarnain, Dhoulkarnain.

    (Video from NASA filming the Green Carpet Aurora Lights from space)

    Again, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saw the aurora lights covering the horizons of space above the earth when he was taken up to Heaven:

    Narrated Abdullah: "Regarding the Verse: “Indeed he (Muhammad) did see. Of the Signs of his Lord, The Greatest!” (Quran 53.18) That the Prophet had seen a green carpet spread all over the horizon of the sky قَالَ رَأَى رَفْرَفًا أَخْضَرَ سَدَّ أُفُقَ السَّمَاء."(Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 456)

    Visit also:
    Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca.

           -  The Glorious Quran also speaks about many earths [5] and not just earth.
           -  The Glorious Quran predicts
    11 planets in our solar system [6].


    In the end, Allah Almighty uses the Glorious Quran to "...Thus doth God leave to stray whom He pleaseth, and guide whom He pleaseth..." (74:31).  The infidels misuse the Glorious Quran to find "scientific errors".  The Glorious Quran is Allah Almighty's Perfect Divine Holy Book.  It contains no scientific error.  Visit the following example and the link to see 1000s of Numerical and Scientific Miracles:

    1-  The root for message and all of its derivatives, such as messenger and others occurs 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran.  The Prophets' and Messengers', peace be upon them, actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all combined mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran.  The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here.

    Coincidence?  See 1,000s of examples! [1]. (zip file).

    Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

    Stunning Prophecies [2] [3]


    This is also all demonstrated in good details in the following
    video file and articles:

    www.answering-christianity.com/detailed_meanings_of_scientific_words_in_verses.htm.  I used seven encyclopedic dictionaries:

    This is a picture of the seven encyclopedic dictionaries that I
    used that thoroughly demonstrate the Noble Words that contain
    the Scientific Miracles in them, and how they were used by the
    Arabs of old before and after Islam.  Ample quotations, sayings,
    proverbs and examples quoted from these dictionaries at:


    6-  The Glorious Quran's Perfect Preservation despite all of the odds and the many challenges to corrupt It.

  • Hafs vs Warsh, and Ahruf vs Qiraat thoroughly compared here.
  • Also, the produce Surah like it Quran challenge to all.  Click here.

    7-  Prophet Muhammad, and Divine Islam, and the New Covenant from Arabia were thoroughly prophesied in previous scriptures.


    The Quran's Overwhelming Scientific Miracles!

    There are many STUNNING Scientific Miracles in the Glorious Quran that testify to the Divinity of the Glorious Quran.  The following are small examples from many tens (10s) of Miracles:

    1-  Did you know that the Glorious Quran declares that the earth is:

  • Spherical.
  • Suspended in Space.
  • Traveling in Space.
  • Revolves around itself, or its own axle?
  • Also, all celestial bodies are يعرجون Yaa'rujoon (traveling in orbits [2] [3] [4] [5]) in space.  This video is about Noble Verses 32:5, 34:2, 57:4, 70:3-4 and others, and the Arabic words عرج , عروج , معارج  and  معراج  that all refer to "going in an orbital and curvy path" in the Glorious Quran and our Islamic Texts.


    The sun never ceases nor disappears [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]:

    (Play video file: [1] [2])

    Prophet Muhammad: The sun is in constant orbit always rising on people while setting on others (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust).

    عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم سئل :هذه المغارب اين تغرب ؟ وهذه المطالع اين تطلع ؟ فقال صلى الله عليه وسلم هي على رسلها لا تبرح ولا تزول , تغرب عن قوم وتطلع على قوم ,وتغرب عن قوم وتطلع , فقوم يقولون غربت ,وقوم يقولون طلعت

    "Ibn Abbas narrated on Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, that the Prophet was asked: Where does the sun go after all of these sunsets? And where does it come from after all of these sunrises? The Prophet, peace be upon him, replied: It is in constant motion. It doesn't stop nor disappear. It sets on people and rises on others, and it sets on people and rises on others (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust). So people would say it has risen while others say it has set."


    1- Jami'a Al-Usool li-ibn Al-Atheer.
    جامع الأصول لابن الأثير

    2- Musnad Al-Imam Abi Is'haq Al-Hamadani
    مسند الامام ابي اسحاق الهمداني

    3- Al-Ijaz Al-Ilmi Fe Al-Sunna Al-Nabawiyyah, Dr. Zahloul Al-Najjar, Page 132.

    Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran said that earth is:

           -  Spherical: "egg-shaped" [1].
           -  Is rotating around itself.
           -  Is moving in space in curvy orbits [2].
           -  Is in constant motion.
           -  Is suspended in space.
           -  Is swimming in space.
           -  Is traveling through the constantly expanding universe [3].
           -  The sunsetless North Pole miracle in the Glorious Quran [4]. 

  • At the top of the North Pole, the sun never sets [4], and I showed the video for that, and also quoted the scientific sources for that. Also in the lands near by, it almost never sets either, and I quoted sources for that as well, and also showed pictures of the "polar night" skies on these lands that are near the sunsetless North Pole.

    (Click to play clip by physicist, Brian Cox)

    They also spoke almost unintelligibly (18:93), the Glorious Quran says.  They hardly spoke intelligibly (18:93).  Historians have proven that the Barbarians of the North used to speak unintelligibly.  The actual meaning of the word "Barbarian" is someone who speaks unintelligibly.

  • He saw the Aurora Lights covering:

    Aurora Lights Hadith


  • Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saw the aurora lights covering the horizons of space above the earth when he was taken up to Heaven:

    Narrated Abdullah: "Regarding the Verse: “Indeed he (Muhammad) did see. Of the Signs of his Lord, The Greatest!” (Quran 53.18) That the Prophet had seen a green carpet spread all over the horizon of the sky قَالَ رَأَى رَفْرَفًا أَخْضَرَ سَدَّ أُفُقَ السَّمَاء." (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 456)

    Visit also:
    Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca.


    Regarding Dhil-Qarnayn (literally means "man of two horns"), Allah Almighty said this about his journey to the farthest northern lands and people:

    ‏18:90 حتى اذا بلغ مطلع الشمس وجدها تطلع على قوم لم نجعل لهم من دونها ستر

    "Until he reached near حتى اذا بلغ where the sun is up مطلع الشمس, he found it above وجدها تطلع على people قوم whom We made no cover for them from it لم نجعل لهم من دونها ستر (The Noble Quran, 18:90)"

    Noble Verse(s) 18:91


    [018:091]  Thus it was. And we had full knowledge of the forces that were with him.

    Arabic (Read from right to left.  Also, all png image files: [1] [2].  Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):

    18:91 كذلك وقد احطنا بما لديه خبرا


    Prophet Muhammad "did see" (Quran 53.18) the Aurora Lights covering the horizons above the earth from space.  Dhil-Qarnayn went up to the farthest northern lands where the sun is up, and "Thus it was", Allah Almighty completed the "full knowledge" regarding Dhil-Qarnayn's mission.  This further supports the story below about Dhil-Qarnayn's journey to the farthest northern lands and people (The sunsetless [4] North Pole Quran-miracle).  They also spoke almost unintelligibly (18:93), the Glorious Quran says.  They hardly spoke intelligibly (18:93)For example, can you read or say this:

    "Vaðlaheiðarvegavinnuverkfærageymsluskúrslyklakippuhringurinn" ??  This is an actual word. Historians have proven that the Barbarians of the North used to speak unintelligibly.  The actual meaning of the word "Barbarian" is someone who speaks unintelligibly.  The description of the people of the North, whose North Pole is truly sunsetless (see ample pictures), perfectly fits the Barbarians of the Vikings in the Scandinavian and other Barbarians in the near by lands:

    The early Muslims believed that Dhil Qarnayn reached the people of the farthest norths of the earth.  The following is a map of Al-Sharif Al-Idrisi in year 1154 giving the geographic location of where Dhil Qarnayn went according to the understanding of the early Muslims of Noble Verses 18:83-100:

    Dhil-Qarnayn literally means "man of two horns"

    Dhil = One who has.
    قرنين Qarnayn = two horns
    Qarnayn is a dual plural of Qarn (horn).
    Three or more horns is Quroon, in Arabic.


    Noble Verses 53:18 and 18:91 are also prophetically linked together; that Prophet Muhammad also saw what Dhil-Qarnayn ذي القرنين  saw.  Also visit: 

    Aurora Lights Hadith


    Other pronunciations to "Dhil Qarnayn"ذي القرنين  name:  Zul-qarnain, Dhul Qurnain, Dhu'l Qarnain, Zulqarnain, Dhu'l-Qarneyn, Dhu'lkarnein, Dhul-Qarnain, Dhu'l Qarnain, Dhool Karnain, Zul-Qarnain, Dhoulkarnain.

    (Video from NASA filming the Green Carpet Aurora Lights from space)

    Again, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saw the aurora lights covering the horizons of space above the earth when he was taken up to Heaven:

    Narrated Abdullah: "Regarding the Verse: “Indeed he (Muhammad) did see. Of the Signs of his Lord, The Greatest!” (Quran 53.18) That the Prophet had seen a green carpet spread all over the horizon of the sky قَالَ رَأَى رَفْرَفًا أَخْضَرَ سَدَّ أُفُقَ السَّمَاء."(Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 456)

    Visit also:
    Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca.

           -  The Glorious Quran also speaks about many earths [5] and not just earth.
           -  The Glorious Quran predicts
    11 planets in our solar system [6].


    In the end, Allah Almighty uses the Glorious Quran to "...Thus doth God leave to stray whom He pleaseth, and guide whom He pleaseth..." (74:31).  The infidels misuse the Glorious Quran to find "scientific errors".  The Glorious Quran is Allah Almighty's Perfect Divine Holy Book.  It contains no scientific error.  Visit the following example and the link to see 1000s of Numerical and Scientific Miracles:

    1-  The root for message and all of its derivatives, such as messenger and others occurs 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran.  The Prophets' and Messengers', peace be upon them, actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all combined mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran.  The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here.

    Coincidence?  See 1,000s of examples! [1]. (zip file).

    Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

    Stunning Prophecies [2] [3]




    Did Prophet Muhammad know think that the earth was spherical or flat?


    In this Hadith, above, he certainly seems to have known this fact very well.  And this Hadith is even older than Sahih Bukhari.  It is important to know that Imam Bukhari and others have declared that they have discarded thousands of Hadiths:


  • "The two sahih collections did not gather the totality of the authentic ahadith as proved by al-Bukhari's testimony: "I have not included in my book al-Jami` but what is authentic, and I left out among the authentic for fear of [excessive] length."

  • "... Bukhari, collected twenty thousand of them, of which he rejected ten thousand, accounting them untrue. Of the remaining ten thousand he accepted only 7,275, declaring the rest to be untrustworthy. Abu Da'ud accepted as authentic only 4,800 rules out 50,000."

    This is to keep their volumes as simple and manageable as possible.  So it is quite possible that the Prophet spoke about the earth being spherical, and the Glorious Quran certainly did, and
    people just dismissed them as nonsense.  I have covered your question in great details at:



    2-  Did you know that the Glorious Quran has 1000s (thousands) of Numerical Notions that have yet to be fully made clear to us?  For example, here is just one Numerical Miracle from among hundreds that were already discovered:

  • The Glorious Quran has 114 Chapters. The sum of those Chapters is 6555 (1+2+...+114 = 6555). There are also 6236 Noble Verses in the Glorious Quran. Now, IF YOU ADD EACH CHAPTER # with the number of its Verses, then you get a list of numbers. So 1 (first Chapter) + 7 (# of its Verses) = 8. Do this for all Chapters.
     1-  The sum of the odd numbers from the list = 6555.
     2-  The sum of the even numbers from the list = 6236.
  • See the XLS file for 100% confirmation.
  • Dr. Zaghloul Al-najjar has proven the Speed of Light in the Glorious Quran: Time and the Speed of Light precisely calculated and mentioned in the Noble Quran.
    1. Speed of Light detailed article.
  • The Great Miracle, Part 2, Episode 10, by the Engineer Mr. Adnan Al Refaei [1] المهندس عدنان الرفاعي.  Translated to English by Osama Abdallah (me).  Allah Almighty Said that the Number 19 Sign is "One of the Greatest Miracles" (74:35) in the Noble Quran [1] [2]. This Miracle is thoroughly examined throughout this 30-Episode TV Program.  I am going to have it all translated into English in both Audio and Video, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).  I will also translate the 653-page book that gave 100s of examples from the Glorious Quran's Numerical Miracles:

    Episodes of Program in Video: [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]...
    Episodes of Program in Audio: [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]...

    Disclaimer:  This article is not associated with the liar Rashad Khalifa, whose work has been proven to be erroneous, and his numbers don't add up, and his omission of two Quran-Verses is blasphemous.  The Miracles below are 100% confirmed, and are based on 100% of the Glorious Quran.


    The Great Miracle of Number 19 is thoroughly demonstrated:

    Allah Almighty Said in the Glorious Quran:

    [074:030]  Over it are Nineteen عليها تسعة عشر.
    [074:031] And We have set none but angels as Guardians of the Fire; and We have
    fixed their number only وماجعلنا عدتهم الا  as (1) a trial for Unbelievers,- (2) in order that the People of the Book may arrive at certainty, (3) and the Believers may increase in Faith,- (4) and that no doubts may be left for the People of the Book and the Believers, (5) and that those in whose hearts is a disease and the Unbelievers may say, "What symbol doth God intend by this?" Thus doth God leave to stray whom He pleaseth, and guide whom He pleaseth: and none can know the forces of thy Lord, except He and this is no other than awarning to mankind.
    [074:032] Nay, verily: By the Moon,
    [074:033] And by the Night as it retreateth,
    [074:034] And by the Dawn as it shineth forth,-
    [074:035] This is but one of the
    might ones (i.e., miracles)
    انها لاحدى الكبر.
    [074:036] A warning to mankind,-
    [074:037] To any of you that chooses to press forward, or to follow behind;-

    It is not only one of the Greatest Miracles, but it is also for those who want to press forward and advance Our Muslim Ummah should take a hard look at these Noble Verses.  And yes, prophet Nuh's (Noah) Surah in the Glorious Quran, and its STUNNING Miracle in Text and Number, makes it indeed the cornerstone [1] of this Great Miracle.  Allah Almighty also make his bloodline be the bloodline of prophets and kings.  Notice also:

    [074:036] A warning to mankind,-

    If the number 19 Miracle is trivial or irrelevant, or simply doesn't exist, then Allah Almighty would not have said it is a warning to mankind

    The scanned images that demonstrate the STUNNING Numerical Miracles of these Noble Verses, based on the newly discovered Numerical Law from Surat Nuh in the Glorious Quran, and 1000s others are listed below.


    19 X 115 Basmala Miracle:

    All Praise and Thanks and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone.  First of all, Allah Almighty said in the Holy Quran that the Number 19 Miracle is "One of the Mighty Ones" in Noble Verses 74:30-37.  Click this sub-section in this article for the text and details about the Noble Verses.  In the scanned images below, you will not only see that Noble Verses 74:30-37 are in perfect match with the Number 19 Miracle (2185 is their total numerical value and it is equal to 19 X 115) [1], but they're also in perfect match with the Glorious Quran's "Key Noble Verse", the Basmala, in both its total Numerical value, 115, and total number of Letters, which are 19 Letters.  See the scanned images, again, with 1,000s of examples in zip & PDF (fonts) files all demonstrated in this article, listed below:

    The following images contain my calculations, which thoroughly verify the claim about Noble Verses
    74:30-37.  Their total numerical value is exactly 2185, which is equal to 19 X 115:


  • Sections:
    -  More elaboration and proofs in the next section.
    -  Also, more images for other examples below.
  • The Quranic Law, which is thoroughly defined in the Glorious Quran, that differentiates between a "written letter" (also known as a "drawn letter") and a letter that is only a vowel, and defines the numerical value (see table) of the written letter, this Quranic Law is thoroughly laid out in Noble Chapter 71.  The Chapter is called Surat Nuh.  Nuh is Prophet Noah, peace be upon him.  Allah Almighty used this Noble Surah to determine what is a drawn letter and what is a vowel in all Noble Verses throughout the Glorious Quran.  Only the written letters have numerical values.  Vowels don't have numerical values.  See the following images.


    950 Years 950 Letters:

    Also, Allah Almighty Said in Noble Verse 29:14 that Prophet Nuh (Noah) lived for 950 years among his people.  Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the entire Noble Surah, Nuh (Noah, which is Surah 71), is exactly written in 950 Letters!  Once we counted the drawn letters, we found them to be exactly 950 letters.  You can see this in the scanned images that I produced with my own hand-written verification for each Noble Letter:


    In the above images, you'll see some of the ALIF letter's combinations circled in red:

    (see table)
    ALIF letter combinations

    Also visit:  Prophet Noah (Nuh) is the cornerstone of the number 19 Miracle: [1] [2 html]


    The following examples are stunningly amazing:

  • Prophet Nuh's story with his people in 24 Noble Verses, which are 11:25-49.  These Noble Verses are in Surat Hud, which is Chapter 11 in the Holy Quran.  Except for one verse inside them that speaks directly to Prophet Muhammad, all other verses speak about Noah and his people.  What is STUNNINGLY MIRACULOUS about these Noble Verses is that the first set from Noble Verses 11:25 to 34, they have the total numerical value of 4,177.  Then Noble Verse 11:35, which is about Prophet Muhammad, has the total numerical value of 327.  Then Noble Verses 11:36-49 have the total numerical value of 6,159.  Therefore, 4177 + 6159 = 10,336, which is equal to 19 X 544.  In other words, the Noble Verses that only speak about Prophet Noah and his people have a total numerical value that is divisible by 19 without any remainder:
  • www.answering-christianity.com/the_great_miracle_book/Scan0268.jpg

  • Furthermore on Noble Verse 11:35, it starts with: "Or do they say, "Has he forged it"?" ام يقولون افتراه:

    When we take all of the Noble Verses (10:38, 11:13, 11:35, 32:3, 46:8) throughout the Glorious Quran that start with this exact phrase
    ام يقولون افتراه, we also find that their total numerical value is divisible by 19 without any remainder.  2470 = 19 X 130.  The following images give all of the details.  You can also see my hand-count in these images:
    www.answering-christianity.com/the_great_miracle_book/Scan0277.jpg  (start from last verse in this image, the one that has the count of 478)

    Click to enlarge:

    Verification from my website, www.QuranSearch.com.  Search for text:
    ام يقولون افتراه:

    Here is the link for the
    search result page.
    19 X 19:

  • The Nooraniyyah Letters, or the Noorani Letters of the Holy Quran.  These are the opening Letters of several of the Noble Surahs (Chapters) that have hidden Divine meanings in them.  All Praise and Glory and Thanks are due to Allah Almighty Alone!  Now adding all of them together, using the main table's values, gave us a total that is a multiple of the number 19 without any remainder.  Not only that, but their total number is 361, which is equal to 19 X 19:
  • www.answering-christianity.com/the_great_miracle_book/Scan0138.jpg

    Does the Quran say the earth is sitting on an Angel-Whale?  Showing the difference between نون and ن.  The story of the nun (noon) whale and Prophet Jonah in the Quran.

  • Adding all of the numerical values of the Prophets' and Messengers' names that were mentioned in the Holy Quran also all add up to a number that is a multiple of the number 19 without any remainder:
  • www.answering-christianity.com/the_great_miracle_book/Scan0236.jpg

  • Prophet Noah (Nuh) is the cornerstone of the number 19 Miracle: [1] [2 html]
    Taking this standard for determining which is an actual written/drawn letter and which is only a vowel from all of the Glorious Quran's characters, and applying it to the entire Quran, we found literally THOUSANDS OF STUNNING EXAMPLES AND PATTERNS [1] and Miracles.  And building a numerical table that gives numerical values to the Drawn Letters from most occurring to the least (value 1 given to the most occurring drawn letter, value 2 given to the second most occurring one, and so on....), and applying these numerical values to calculate the numerical value of the Glorious Quran's Drawn Letters and Words, we found thousands of stunning numerical results [1].  And the Number 19 Miracle and the BASMALA and Noble Verses 74:30-37 give you an amazing demonstration of this Divine Miracle [1] [2] [3].

    The following points will clearly explain and demonstrate this Divine Miracle:

    1-  Allah Almighty has designed the Holy Quran's Text to be written in a certain complex form, and with great consistency throughout the Holy Quran's 114 Chapters, which are made of 6236 Noble Verses.  The following table shows each Noble Quran Letter's numerical value:


    Also, the following zip file contains thousands of the examples, from the thousands others that I have not yet been able to get to due to my busy schedule:



    1-  Prophet Noah is the Miracle's Cornerstone:

    Prophet Noah (Nuh), peace be upon him, is the cornerstone of this number 19 Miracle.  It's based on him and his Holy Surah (chapter), Surat Nuh, in the Glorious Quran.  Read the detailed section about his 950 years that he lived, and his Surah written in exactly 950 letters in this article.


    2-  Bloodline of Prophets and Kings:

    The bloodline of Noah is the bloodline of Prophets and Kings:

    [007:069]  "Do ye wonder that there hath come to you a message from your Lord through a man of your own people, to warn you? call in remembrance that He made you inheritors after the people of Noah, and gave you a stature tall among the nations. Call in remembrance the benefits (ye have received) from God: that so ye may prosper."

    The bloodline of Noah, peace be upon him, was a blood line of Prophets and the chosen people of GOD Almighty.  And Allah Almighty made the Jews kings over people in status and closeness to Allah Almighty:

    [005:020]  Remember Moses said to his people: "O my people! Call in remembrance the favour of God unto you, when He produced prophets among you, made you kings, and gave you what He had not given to any other among the peoples.

    For more details, visit:


    Prophet Noah, peace be upon him, is the cornerstone of this Noble Miracle.  Not the dajjal (liar) Rashad Khalifa [1] [2 backup][3].  Read detailed article below.


    3-  Also Covered:

    Also, "Fixed their number as a trial for unbelievers" وماجعلنا عدتهم الا فتنة للذين كفروا. and "What symbol doth God intend by this?" ماذا اراد الله بهذا مثلا are about the disbelievers, not the genuine believers (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).  I used other examples [5] [6] from the Glorious Quran to prove this.

    This Miracle is not based on the deceiver, Rashad Khalifa [3].  The STUNNING Numerical Miracles, below, are all based on the entire Glorious Quran, and on Prophet Noah being its cornerstone.


    4-  The Arab infidels can't deny it:

    Also, Usama Dakdok, voluntarily on his own, approached me and challenged me regarding the 950 Letters and Years Miracle, below.  Since he is fluent in Arabic, and even preaches his Bible also in Arabic, I repeatedly challenged him to show me from my uploaded images where there are errors in the counts.  He continued to be deceptive and ignore the Truth: [image1] [image2] [image3] [image4].  May all liars be doomed to Hell, because they purposefully lie and deceive the masses.  Ameen.

    Also, a detailed QA session [2].  This is not a deviant pro Rashad Khalifa website!  The Miracle is based on 100% of the Glorious Quran, and the article below is based on the work of brother, who is also a Civil Engineer, Adnan Al Refaei المهندس عدنان الرفاعي .  Also, 1,000s of examples in zip & PDF (fonts) files all demonstrated below, in this article.



    Number of Years = Number of Letters:

    There is nothing random about the Glorious Quran's Words and their Letters.  As it is thoroughly demonstrated in the scanned images, when we for example see that Noble Surah (Chapter) Nuh (Noah) is written in exactly 950 Noble Letters [1], and Allah Almighty Said that Prophet Nuh lived among his people for 950 years in the same Noble Surah, then there is nothing random about this one.

    Not only that, but there are many other Numerical patterns discovered in the Glorious Quran that are linked to the number of years.  For example, Allah Almighty's two Divine Promises to the people of Israel's destruction were both combined written in 75 Words, and each Promise was written in 75 letters.  And the two sets of Noble Verses for the two Promises are after each others in the same Noble Surah 17:4-8.  So the first set of Noble Verses that speak about the first Promise, which already took place, were written in 75 Letters, and the second set of Noble Verses that speak about the future destruction were written also in 75 Letters:


    Brother Adnan raised the following questions:

  • Could these Noble Verses be referring to the second destruction of Israel in 75 years after its establishment?
  • And if so, then would they be 75 years after 1948 or 1967?
  • Only Allah Almighty Alone Knows.  We are currently living some of ISLAM'S STUNNING PROPHECIES about Israel, the zionist machine, and their evil that is being spread throughout earth as exactly prophesied in the Glorious Quran:


    See also Daniel Prophecies about Israel and its map [2].  Daniel 11:45: "(the evil one) will establish his settlement between Mount Zion (Jerusalem) and the Mediterranean sea.  Then he will be destroyed, and no one will be able to save him."

    See also Isaiah's prophecy about the Jews will worship the pornographic goddess Asherah during the end of times.

      That is precisely Israel today!


    Similarly, when we look into the number 19 Miracle, which Allah Almighty called it "One of the  Mighty Ones" in Noble Verses 74:30-37, and we find out that It is indeed a MIGHTY MIRACLE, then there is nothing random about it either.  What brother Adnan Al Refaei المهندس عدنان الرفاعي did was he took the Arabic drawn alphabets, that are not vowels, and calculated how many times each letter occurred in the Glorious Quran, since the Glorious Quran's Letters are Miraculous, and there is nothing random about them as we've seen in the few examples above, and also in many more like them [1].  See images below.  Brother Adnan then built a numerical table where the highest occurring letter would have the value 1, and the second highest would carry the value 2, and so on.  He then started calculating the numerical values of the Noble Letters in the Glorious Quran and came up with these mighty discoveries.  Again, the table's link is:


    This table in the link has more elaboration in it than the one brother, who also used to be an Engineer, Adnan Al Refaei [1] المهندس عدنان الرفاعي gave in his book on page 140, which is page 136 in the PDF file (If you see gibberish, then install these required fonts & instructionMy Sony Vaio laptop didn't require them.  My other older computers did.  The fonts on my Sony Vaio also seem a bit better than these ones.  So please only install them if you see gibberish).

    And again, the following zip file contains thousands of the examples, from the thousands others that I have not yet been able to get to due to my busy schedule:




    The Number 19 Miracle:

    This Noble Miracle is not about bringing random numerical combinations' values and show that they're equal to other certain combinations.  Some tried to belittle this Noble Divine Miracle by bringing random combinations and said that they matched certain phrases in the Glorious Quran.  For example:

    "America is Great" "Allah is Great" Therefore, America is Divine?
    "Satan is evil" "Jesus is evil" Therefore, Jesus is evil?
    "Satan is good" "Muhammad is good" Therefore, satan is good?
    "Jesus" "Satanic" Therefore, Jesus is satanic?
    "Abraham" "GOD is One" Therefore, Abraham is GOD?
    "Prophets" "Prostitutes" Therefore, all Prophets were prostitutes?
    "Mary" "Liar" Therefore, Mary was a liar?
    "Moses" "Satanist" Therefore, Moses was a satanist?
    "GOD is Love" "Satan loves you" Therefore, GOD is satan?
    "GOD is Light" "Satan's darkness" Therefore, satan and GOD are both the same Light?
  • These are just hypothetical examples.  The values may not match.  But you get the point.  You could come up with any phrase that numerically has the same value as another phrase and claim that they have the same meaning.
  • But this is not how the Miracle works!  The way it works, with already 1,000s of confirmed examples [2 (fonts)], is as follows:

    The Noble Verses and Statements (Parts of Noble Verses that are specific to a specific point.  Some Noble Verses speak about multiple things), in the Holy Quran, that are correlating to each others, and are ones that collectively make up an entire case, - a full picture, - will have a total numerical value that is divisible by the number 19 without any remainder.  Thousands of examples [1] [2] already demonstrated this.  And Noble Verses 74:30-37, which are the heart of the Number 19 Miracle, and in them Allah Almighty Said about this Noble Miracle that it is "One of the Greatest Ones" (74:35), are thoroughly demonstrated in the following images and tables.

    Again, in the following scanned images, you will not only see that Noble Verses 74:30-37 are in perfect match with the Number 19 Miracle (2185 is their total numerical value and it is equal to 19 X 115) [1], but they're also in perfect match with the Glorious Quran's "Key Noble Verse", the Basmala, in both its total Numerical value, 115, and total number of Letters, which are 19 Letters:


  • More images for other examples below.
  • Prophet Noah (Nuh) is the cornerstone of the number 19 Miracle: [1] [2 html]

    In the following Noble Verses 74:30-37, notice the following important points:

    1. Allah Almighty mentioned, in Noble Verses 74:30-37, that He based the Glorious Quran on the Number 19 Miracle for the following reasons:
      (a)-  As a trial to the disbelievers (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).
      (b)-  To help strengthen the Believers' faith more.
      (c)-  To assure the disbelievers that Islam is Divine.
      (d)-  Because it is one of the Greatest Signs and Miracles!
      (e)-  It is a warning to mankind, and especially for those who want to press forward and advance.

    2. And once again, GOD Almighty made the number 19 be the Noble Quran's Main Numerical Miracle.  He called it: "One of the Greatest Ones" in Chapter 74:35.


    Let's all read Noble Verses 74:30-37, and look at its scanned images:

    Read the Noble Verses for yourself to clearly see the points that I mentioned above:

    [074:030]  Over it are Nineteen عليها تسعة عشر.
    [074:031] And We have set none but angels as Guardians of the Fire; and We have
    fixed their number only وماجعلنا عدتهم الا  as (1) a trial for Unbelievers,- (2) in order that the People of the Book may arrive at certainty, (3) and the Believers may increase in Faith,- (4) and that no doubts may be left for the People of the Book and the Believers, (5) and that those in whose hearts is a disease and the Unbelievers may say, "What symbol doth God intend by this?" Thus doth God leave to stray whom He pleaseth, and guide whom He pleaseth: and none can know the forces of thy Lord, except He and this is no other than awarning to mankind.
    [074:032] Nay, verily: By the Moon,
    [074:033] And by the Night as it retreateth,
    [074:034] And by the Dawn as it shineth forth,-
    [074:035] This is but one of the
    might ones (i.e., miracles)
    انها لاحدى الكبر.
    [074:036] A warning to mankind,-
    [074:037] To any of you that chooses to press forward, or to follow behind;-


    The scanned images  are below the following table.  Let us see the Noble Verses in English and Arabic:

    Noble Verse(s) 74:30-74:37
    Yusuf Ali:

    [074:030] Over it are Nineteen  عليها تسعة عشر.

    [074:031] And We have set none but angels as Guardians of the Fire; AND WE HAVE FIXED THEIR NUMBER ONLY وماجعلنا عدتهم الا as a trial for Unbelievers,- in order that the People of the Book may arrive at certainty, and the Believers may increase in Faith,- and that no doubts may be left for the People of the Book and the Believers, and that those in whose hearts is a disease and the Unbelievers may say, "What symbol doth God intend by this ?" Thus doth God leave to stray whom He pleaseth, and guide whom He pleaseth: and none can know the forces of thy Lord, except He and this is no other than awarning to mankind.

    [074:032] Nay, verily: By the Moon,

    [074:033] And by the Night as it retreateth,

    [074:034] And by the Dawn as it shineth forth,-

    [074:035] This is but one of the MIGHTY (portents) MIGHTY ONES (Miracles) انها لاحدى الكبر.

    [074:036] A warning to mankind,-

    [074:037] To any of you that chooses to press forward, or to follow behind;-

    Arabic (from right to left):

    Original Quran-Arabic:

    Limited Arabic for internet browsers:

     عليها تسعة عشر

    74:31 وماجعلنا اصحاب النار الا ملائكة وماجعلنا عدتهم الا فتنة للذين كفروا ليستيقن الذين اوتوا الكتاب ويزداد الذين امنوا ايمانا ولايرتاب الذين اوتوا الكتاب والمؤمنون وليقول الذين في قلوبهم مرض والكافرون ماذا اراد الله بهذا مثلا كذلك يضل الله من يشاء ويهدي من يشاء ومايعلم جنود ربك الا هو وماهي الا ذكرى للبشر

    74:32 كلا والقمر

    74:33 والليل اذ ادبر

    74:34 والصبح اذا اسفر

    74:35 انها لاحدى الكبر

    74:36 نذيرا للبشر

    74:37 لمن شاء منكم ان يتقدم او يتاخر


    2-  The following examples are stunningly amazing:

  • The NOORANIYYAH Letters, or the Noorani Letters of the Holy Quran.  These are the opening Letters of several of the Noble Surahs (Chapters) that have hidden Divine meanings in them.  All Praise and Glory and Thanks are due to Allah Almighty Alone!  Now adding all of them together, using the main table's values, gave us a total that is a multiple of the number 19 without any remainder.  Not only that, but their total number is 361, which is equal to 19 X 19:
  • www.answering-christianity.com/the_great_miracle_book/Scan0138.jpg

    Does the Quran say the earth is sitting on an Angel-Whale?  Showing the difference between نون and ن.  The story of the nun (noon) whale and Prophet Jonah in the Quran.

  • Adding all of the numerical values of the Prophets' and Messengers' names that were mentioned in the Holy Quran also all add up to a number that is a multiple of the number 19 without any remainder:
  • www.answering-christianity.com/the_great_miracle_book/Scan0236.jpg


  • Prophet Nuh's story with his people in 24 Noble Verses, which are 11:25-49.  These Noble Verses are in Surat Hud, which is Chapter 11 in the Holy Quran.  Except for one verse inside them that speaks directly to Prophet Muhammad, all other verses speak about Noah and his people.  What is STUNNINGLY MIRACULOUS about these Noble Verses is that the first set from Noble Verses 11:25 to 34, they have the total numerical value of 4,177.  Then Noble Verse 11:35, which is about Prophet Muhammad, has the total numerical value of 327.  Then Noble Verses 11:36-49 have the total numerical value of 6,159.  Therefore, 4177 + 6159 = 10,336, which is equal to 19 X 544.  In other words, the Noble Verses that only speak about Prophet Noah and his people have a total numerical value that is divisible by 19 without any remainder:
  • www.answering-christianity.com/the_great_miracle_book/Scan0268.jpg

  • Prophet Noah (Nuh) is the cornerstone of the number 19 Miracle: [1] [2 html]
  • Furthermore on Noble Verse 11:35, it starts with: "Or do they say, "Has he forged it"?" ام يقولون افتراه:

    When we take all of the Noble Verses (10:38, 11:13, 11:35, 32:3, 46:8) throughout the Glorious Quran that start with this exact phrase
    ام يقولون افتراه, we also find that their total numerical value is divisible by 19 without any remainder.  2470 = 19 X 130.  The following images give all of the details.  You can also see my hand-count in these images:
    www.answering-christianity.com/the_great_miracle_book/Scan0277.jpg  (start from last verse in this image, the one that has the count of 478)

    Click to enlarge:

    Verification from my website, www.QuranSearch.com.  Search for text:
    ام يقولون افتراه:

    Here is the link for the
    search result page.
    There are many other examples that Mr. Adnan Al Refaei [1] المهندس عدنان الرفاعي gave in his book (Again, if you see gibberish, then install these required fonts & instructionMy Sony Vaio laptop didn't require them.  My other older computers did.  The fonts on my Sony Vaio also seem a bit better than these ones.  So please only install them if you see gibberish).

    Furthermore, the total numerical value of Noble Verses 74:30-37 themselves, which are the heart of the Number 19 Miracle, has a stunning Miracle in it.  The value of these Noble Verses matches the multiplication of the BASMALA's number of letters (19 Letters) and their total numerical values (115): 19 X 115 = 2185.  The Basmala, which full text in Arabic means "In the Name of Allah The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful" is the Key to the Glorious Quran.  It is recited first before reading the Holy Quran, and it is also obligatory upon every Muslim to start with the Basmala before starting any task:

    The following links are the original images from the PDF book of Noble Verses 74:30-37 and the Basmala.  Also, the link to the PDF book is in the following as well:


    The following images contain my calculations, which thoroughly verify the claim about Noble Verses 74:30-37.  Their total numerical value is exactly 2185, which is equal to 19 X 115:


    Again, the Holy Quran's Law that Mr. Adnan Al Refaei [1] المهندس عدنان الرفاعي discovered is as follows:

    (a)-  The Noble Verses and Statements (Parts of Noble Verses that are specific to a specific point.  Some Noble Verses speak about multiple things) of the Holy Quran that are correlating to each others, and are ones that collectively make up an entire case, - a full picture, - will have a total numerical value that is divisible by the number 19 without any remainder.

    (b)-  You can also watch The Great Miracle, Part 2, Episode 10, by the Engineer Mr. Adnan Al Refaei [1] المهندس عدنان الرفاعي.  Translated to English by Osama Abdallah (me).

    Episodes of Program in Video: [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]...
    Episodes of Program in Audio: [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]...

    Allah Almighty Said that the Number 19 Sign is "One of the Greatest Miracles" (74:35) in the Noble Quran. This Miracle is thoroughly examined throughout this TV Program.

    You can download this video, and all of the videos that are available on my website at: www.answering-christianity.com/free_downloads.htm.


    3-  Again, to clearly and thoroughly see the Number 19 Divine Miracle of the Holy Quran, you can see the 100s of images that I scanned and processed from Mr. Adnan Al Refaei [1] المهندس عدنان الرفاعي book, which is 653 pages long at:


    I only processed 1/3 of the book so far.  But the examples that I provided give thorough demonstration and ample examples that demonstrate this Great Divine Miracle from the Glorious Quran.


    4-  Furthermore, Allah Almighty Promised and took it upon Himself to Perfectly Preserve the Holy Quran in both:

    (a)-  Text documentation and compilation.
    (b)-  Reading and Noble Words and Letters pronunciations.

    This is because the Holy Quran that we have here on earth is a copy of the One that is in the "Preserved Divine Tablet".  To see the ample Noble Verses that clearly prove this, please visit:



    The following is from: www.answering-christianity.com/quran.htm

    Also visit these posts with very important images and points:

    1-  Thorough studies on the Quran's Compilation by the "Islamic Awareness" website:

  • http://www.islamic-awareness.org/Quran/Text/Mss/
  • http://www.islamic-awareness.org/Quran/
  • http://www.islamic-awareness.org/Quran/Text/
  • http://www.islamic-awareness.org/Quran/Sources/
    2-  The Sana Manuscripts lie:

  • Islamic Awareness' research.
  • https://www.answering-christianity.com/karim/mosque_of_sanaa.htm  (A very good response by brother Karim)
  • https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php/topic,1542.msg6030.html#msg6030  Sana is 677.4 miles away from Mecca!
    3-  The Divine Miracle of the Quran's Text and Compilation:

  • https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php/topic,1457.msg5825.html#msg5825
  • https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php/topic,1457.msg5856.html#msg5856
  • https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php/topic,1457.0.html
  • Dr. Munir Munshey's [2] Quran Translation document.
  • 100% guarantee that the Quran is from GOD Almighty.
  • The Overwhelming Scientific Miracles of the Glorious Quran.  Here is one little sample from just the Numerical Miracles alone:
  • The Divine Promise and Miracle of the Glorious Quran's Preservation in Text and Pronunciation:

    Allah Almighty Said in the Glorious Quran regarding preserving the Holy Quran's Text and Pronunciation the following:

    Noble Verse(s) 15:9
    Yusuf Ali:

    [015:009]  We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption).

    Arabic (from right to left):

    Original Quran-Arabic:

    Limited Arabic for internet browsers:

    15:9 انا نحن نزلنا الذكر وانا له لحافظون


    Noble Verse(s) 41:42
    Yusuf Ali:

    [041:042]  No falsehood can approach it (the Quran) from before or behind it: It is sent down by One Full of Wisdom, Worthy of all Praise.

    Arabic (from right to left):

    41:42 لاياتيه الباطل من بين يديه ولامن خلفه تنزيل من حكيم حميد


    Noble Verse(s) 75:16-75:19
    Sher Ali:

    [075:016]  Move not thy tongue, O Prophet, with the revelation of the Qur'an that thou mayest hasten to preserve it.

    [075:017]  Surely, upon US rests its collection and its recital.

    [075:018]  So when WE recite it, then follow thou its recital.

    [075:019]  Then upon US rests the expounding thereof.

    Arabic (from right to left):

    75:16 لاتحرك به لسانك لتعجل به

    75:17 ان علينا جمعه وقرانه

    75:18 فاذا قراناه فاتبع قرانه

    75:19 ثم ان علينا بيانه

    The Noble Verses above give Divine Promise from Allah Almighty:

    1-  To send down the Holy Quran to mankind.

    2-  To protect the Holy Quran from all corruption.

    3-  To preserve the way the Holy Quran's recitation.

         (i)-  Prophet Muhammad was trained by Angel Gabriel on how to recite the Holy Quran.

         (ii)- The Prophet was further instructed to not be careless with his tongue when he recites that Holy Quran.

         (iii)- The Prophet was also instructed to not be haste when it comes to reading the Holy Quran.  He should read it with extreme care.

    Important Note:  The Sunni Muslims, who make up more than 90% of all Muslims, today have perfected the recitation of the Holy Quran.  We have yearly tournaments with big prizes on who memorizes the Holy Quran the best, not just in Holy Words, but also in the pronunciation of the Holy Words.

    4-  To make the Holy Quran clear and an official Book for all Muslims.  Noble Verse 75:19 "ثم ان علينا بيانه" literally translates as "It is Upon Us to manifest it, make it clear, make it known.

          (i)-  The Arabic Word بيانه is derived from بيان , which literally means:

               1.  statement
               2.  declaration
               3.  proclamation
               4.  report
               5.  representation
               6.  notice
               7.  notification
               8.  list
               9.  pronouncement
               10.  list
               11.  bulletin
               12.  handout
               13.  program

    When a government official, such as the president or any senior person makes an official statement, he sends out a بيان bayan.  Clearly, this Divine Promise by Allah Almighty had come true.  All Praise and Glory and Thanks are due to Him, Alone!  The Holy Quran today is indeed perfectly preserved in both text and pronunciation No religious scripture on the face of this earth has this.  For ample more proofs, please see this discussion on this website's blog: https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php/topic,1116.msg3760.html#msg3760.

    Furthermore, the actual text of the Glorious Quran is a Miracle by Itself.  The variations in the spelling of certain Words, and the fact that their Numerical Values match, and their total is a multiple of the #19 without remainders, testifies to the Glorious Quran's Great #19 Miracle, which Allah Almighty called it: "One of the Greatest Ones (Miracles)" (74:35).


    5-  Also, when Allah Almighty set the number 19 as a Law for the Universe and the Holy Quran, then this is something that humans should thoroughly investigate here on earth and in space:

  • Spherical Geometry, the number 19 Miracle, the Inner-Nature of the Planets' System, and the Universe's function.  The Glorious Quran Says that Number 19 is لاحدى الكبر "One of the Great Ones (i.e., Miracles)".


    6-  And once again, here are other STUNNING Miracles:

    Quran's STUNNING Divine Miracles: [1]

    Here are some of my favorite Stunning Numerical and Scientific Miracles in the Glorious Quran that are listed in the main sections, below:

    1-  The root for message and all of its derivatives, such as messenger and others occurs 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran.  The Prophets' and Messengers', peace be upon them, actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all combined mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran.  The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here.

    Coincidence?  See 1,000s of examples! [1]. (zip file).

    Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

    Stunning Prophecies [2] [3]



    2-  The Great Miracle.  Allah Almighty in the Holy Quran called the Number 19 Miracle "One of the Mighty Ones (Miracles)" (74:30-37) [1] [2].  See the 100s of Noble Verses that clearly testify to this Great Miracle.  Also, did you know that Allah Almighty Said in Surat Nuh (that's Noble Chapter Nuh (Noah)) that Prophet Noah lived for 950 years among his people. 

    Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the entire Noble Surah is exactly written in 950 Letters [1] [2]!  You can thoroughly see this in the scanned images that thoroughly verify every single Noble Letter, in the links.  Click on the links to see the many other Numerical Miracles in the Holy Quran.  Also, see the Numerical Miracles section along with all of the other great sections.  Also, 1,000s of examples in zip & PDF (fonts) files all demonstrated in this article.

    3-  19 X 115 = 2185 Number 19 and BASMALA Miracle.  The total numerical value of Noble Verses 74:30-37 themselves, which are the heart of the Number 19 Miracle, has a stunning Miracle in it.  The value of these Noble Verses matches the multiplication of the BASMALA's number of letters (19 Letters) and their total numerical values (115): 19 X 115 = 2185.  The Basmala, which full text in Arabic means "In the Name of Allah The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful" is the Key to the Glorious Quran.  It is recited first before reading the Holy Quran, and it is also obligatory upon every Muslim to start with the Basmala before starting any task.  Again, 1,000s of examples in zip & PDF (fonts) files all demonstrated in this article.

    4-  The Glorious Quran has 114 Chapters. The sum of those Chapters is 6555 (1+2+...+114 = 6555). There are also 6236 Noble Verses in the Glorious Quran. Now, if you add each Chapter's number with the number of its Verses, then you get a list of numbers. So 1 (first Chapter) + 7 (# of its Verses) = 8.  Do this for all Chapters.

    1-  The sum of the odd numbers from the list = 6555.
    2-  The sum of the even numbers from the list = 6236.

    See the XLS file for 100% confirmation.  Also, see the ample STUNNING Numerical Miracles in the Glorious Quran, with 1,000s of examples! [1] (zip file)..  See also the ample Textual Miracles [2] in the Glorious Quran, where Noble Words are spelled in certain ways depending on their certain historical and geographical context and timing in the Noble Verse.


    5-  Please also checkout the many hundreds (1,000s) of Great Numerical Miracles, and the many tens (10s) of other Great Scientific Miracles:


    Quran's STUNNING-Miracles Section: [1]

    Click on the following numbers:

    1-    Geology, Earth's spherical expansion, formation, Mountains and Oceanology.
    2-    The Universe, Time, Astronomy, UFOs and Space Shuttles.
    3-    Embryology, Human Anatomy, Formation, and Creation.

    4-    STUNNING Numerical Miracles in the Glorious Quran.  With 1,000s of examples! [4].  See also the ample Textual Miracles [2] in the Glorious Quran, where Noble Words are spelled in certain ways depending on their certain historical and geographical context and timing in the Noble Verse.

    5-    Medicine, Humans, Insects and Animals.
    6-    Life, Origins of life from water and dust in the Noble Quran, Plants and their origins.
    7-    Psychology.
    8-    Archeology and History.
    9-    Great Web Sites and Online Books.

    10-   Rebuttals.
    11-   General articles.

    12-   STUNNING Prophecies, and Allah's Divine Promises to reveal the Quran's Miracles.

              Stunning Prophecies [2] [3]


    13-   Audios and Videos.
    14-   Bibles' scientific absurdities and Other.

    For example:

    1-  The explosion of the Universe, Galaxies and Stars bring about Smoke.
    "When the sky disintegrates, and turns rose colored like paint (
    وردة كالدهان)." (The Noble Quran, 55:37) [2] [3]

    As we also see from the picture, Noble Verse 55:37
    is a Divine Promise (Allah promised to show mankind) that
    mankind will
    actually see this
    come to pass one day.  NASA and other space
    agencies, by Allah Almighty's Will, have certainly fulfilled this
    Prophecy, because a natural rose wouldn't form when a
    "Heaven" or a Solar System or even an entire galaxy and its
    trillions of solar systems all blow up (explode).  It is rather the
    look of it, and this is exactly what NASA confirms.



    The Glorious Quran declares that the earth is spherical: [1]
    Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran said that earth is:

           -  Spherical: "egg-shaped" [1].
           -  Is rotating around itself.
           -  Is moving in space in curvy orbits [2].
           -  Is in constant motion.
           -  Is suspended in space.
           -  Is swimming in space.
           -  Is traveling through the constantly expanding universe [3].
           -  The sunsetless North Pole miracle in the Glorious Quran [4]. 

  • At the top of the North Pole, the sun never sets [4], and I showed the video for that, and also quoted the scientific sources for that. Also in the lands near by, it almost never sets either, and I quoted sources for that as well, and also showed pictures of the "polar night" skies on these lands that are near the sunsetless North Pole.

    (Click to play clip by physicist, Brian Cox)

    They also spoke almost unintelligibly (18:93), the Glorious Quran says.  They hardly spoke intelligibly (18:93).  Historians have proven that the Barbarians of the North used to speak unintelligibly.  The actual meaning of the word "Barbarian" is someone who speaks unintelligibly.

  • He saw the Aurora Lights covering:

    Aurora Lights Hadith


  • Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saw the aurora lights covering the horizons of space above the earth when he was taken up to Heaven:

    Narrated Abdullah: "Regarding the Verse: “Indeed he (Muhammad) did see. Of the Signs of his Lord, The Greatest!” (Quran 53.18) That the Prophet had seen a green carpet spread all over the horizon of the sky قَالَ رَأَى رَفْرَفًا أَخْضَرَ سَدَّ أُفُقَ السَّمَاء." (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 456)

    Visit also:
    Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca.


    Regarding Dhil-Qarnayn (literally means "man of two horns"), Allah Almighty said this about his journey to the farthest northern lands and people:

    ‏18:90 حتى اذا بلغ مطلع الشمس وجدها تطلع على قوم لم نجعل لهم من دونها ستر

    "Until he reached near حتى اذا بلغ where the sun is up مطلع الشمس, he found it above وجدها تطلع على people قوم whom We made no cover for them from it لم نجعل لهم من دونها ستر (The Noble Quran, 18:90)"

    Noble Verse(s) 18:91


    [018:091]  Thus it was. And we had full knowledge of the forces that were with him.

    Arabic (Read from right to left.  Also, all png image files: [1] [2].  Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):

    18:91 كذلك وقد احطنا بما لديه خبرا


    Prophet Muhammad "did see" (Quran 53.18) the Aurora Lights covering the horizons above the earth from space.  Dhil-Qarnayn went up to the farthest northern lands where the sun is up, and "Thus it was", Allah Almighty completed the "full knowledge" regarding Dhil-Qarnayn's mission.  This further supports the story below about Dhil-Qarnayn's journey to the farthest northern lands and people (The sunsetless [4] North Pole Quran-miracle).  They also spoke almost unintelligibly (18:93), the Glorious Quran says.  They hardly spoke intelligibly (18:93)For example, can you read or say this:

    "Vaðlaheiðarvegavinnuverkfærageymsluskúrslyklakippuhringurinn" ??  This is an actual word. Historians have proven that the Barbarians of the North used to speak unintelligibly.  The actual meaning of the word "Barbarian" is someone who speaks unintelligibly.  The description of the people of the North, whose North Pole is truly sunsetless (see ample pictures), perfectly fits the Barbarians of the Vikings in the Scandinavian and other Barbarians in the near by lands:

    The early Muslims believed that Dhil Qarnayn reached the people of the farthest norths of the earth.  The following is a map of Al-Sharif Al-Idrisi in year 1154 giving the geographic location of where Dhil Qarnayn went according to the understanding of the early Muslims of Noble Verses 18:83-100:

    Dhil-Qarnayn literally means "man of two horns"

    Dhil = One who has.
    قرنين Qarnayn = two horns
    Qarnayn is a dual plural of Qarn (horn).
    Three or more horns is Quroon, in Arabic.


    Noble Verses 53:18 and 18:91 are also prophetically linked together; that Prophet Muhammad also saw what Dhil-Qarnayn ذي القرنين  saw.  Also visit: 

    Aurora Lights Hadith


    Other pronunciations to "Dhil Qarnayn"ذي القرنين  name:  Zul-qarnain, Dhul Qurnain, Dhu'l Qarnain, Zulqarnain, Dhu'l-Qarneyn, Dhu'lkarnein, Dhul-Qarnain, Dhu'l Qarnain, Dhool Karnain, Zul-Qarnain, Dhoulkarnain.

    (Video from NASA filming the Green Carpet Aurora Lights from space)

    Again, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saw the aurora lights covering the horizons of space above the earth when he was taken up to Heaven:

    Narrated Abdullah: "Regarding the Verse: “Indeed he (Muhammad) did see. Of the Signs of his Lord, The Greatest!” (Quran 53.18) That the Prophet had seen a green carpet spread all over the horizon of the sky قَالَ رَأَى رَفْرَفًا أَخْضَرَ سَدَّ أُفُقَ السَّمَاء."(Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 456)

    Visit also:
    Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca.

           -  The Glorious Quran also speaks about many earths [5] and not just earth.
           -  The Glorious Quran predicts
    11 planets in our solar system [6].


    In the end, Allah Almighty uses the Glorious Quran to "...Thus doth God leave to stray whom He pleaseth, and guide whom He pleaseth..." (74:31).  The infidels misuse the Glorious Quran to find "scientific errors".  The Glorious Quran is Allah Almighty's Perfect Divine Holy Book.  It contains no scientific error.  Visit the following example and the link to see 1000s of Numerical and Scientific Miracles:

    1-  The root for message and all of its derivatives, such as messenger and others occurs 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran.  The Prophets' and Messengers', peace be upon them, actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all combined mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran.  The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here.

    Coincidence?  See 1,000s of examples! [1]. (zip file).

    Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

    Stunning Prophecies [2] [3]


    This is also all demonstrated in good details in the following
    video file and articles:

    www.answering-christianity.com/detailed_meanings_of_scientific_words_in_verses.htm.  I used seven encyclopedic dictionaries:

    This is a picture of the seven encyclopedic dictionaries that I
    used that thoroughly demonstrate the Noble Words that contain
    the Scientific Miracles in them, and how they were used by the
    Arabs of old before and after Islam.  Ample quotations, sayings,
    proverbs and examples quoted from these dictionaries at:


    6-  The Glorious Quran's Perfect Preservation despite all of the odds and the many challenges to corrupt It.

  • Hafs vs Warsh, and Ahruf vs Qiraat thoroughly compared here.
  • Also, the produce Surah like it Quran challenge to all.  Click here.

    7-  Prophet Muhammad, and Divine Islam, and the New Covenant from Arabia were thoroughly prophesied in previous scriptures.


    7-  Quran's STUNNING-Miracles Section: [1]

    Click on the following numbers:

    1-    Geology, Earth's spherical expansion, formation, Mountains and Oceanology.
    2-    The Universe, Time, Astronomy, UFOs and Space Shuttles.
    3-    Embryology, Human Anatomy, Formation, and Creation.

    4-    STUNNING Numerical Miracles in the Glorious Quran.  With 1,000s of examples! [4].  See also the ample Textual Miracles [2] in the Glorious Quran, where Noble Words are spelled in certain ways depending on their certain historical and geographical context and timing in the Noble Verse.

    5-    Medicine, Humans, Insects and Animals.
    6-    Life, Origins of life from water and dust in the Noble Quran, Plants and their origins.
    7-    Psychology.
    8-    Archeology and History.
    9-    Great Web Sites and Online Books.

    10-   Rebuttals.
    11-   General articles.

    12-   STUNNING Prophecies, and Allah's Divine Promises to reveal the Quran's Miracles.

              Stunning Prophecies [2] [3]


    13-   Audios and Videos.
    14-   Other.

    And last and not least, indeed, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone for making the Noble Quran be the Perfect and Everlasting Miracle, for us humans, out of all of His Divine Miracles!  And may Allah Almighty send His Peace, Mercy and Blessings upon our Beloved and Blessed Prophet, Teacher and Role Model, Muhammad.  Ameen.




    Further articles to research:

    Jesus, Isa (eesa): Which one is the original name in Hebrew and Aramaic?

    The Bible's Scientific Absurdities!

    A 51-second clip of Dr. Neil deGrasse
    Tyson exposes the fundamental problem
    of the Bibles' ample scientific absurdities.

    The abrogation lie invented on the Glorious Quran!

  • List of Bible Laws the Quran abrogated, and/or Quran Laws that don't exist in the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him) Allah Almighty called them "shackles" [1].
  • Was Muta immoral?

    Why did Allah Almighty allow for the Muslims to eat from the "People of the Book's" (Jews and Christians) food?

  • All true divine religions were Islam.  However, those who call themselves "Jews" and follow "Judaism" are really people who follow a strict version of Islam that was made special for them.  According to Islam, Allah Almighty made the Jews' religion as "burdens and shackles" (7:157) and Islam came to give them a way out of this hard covenant [1] [2].  Their covenant was made as chains for them due to their transgressions "ذلك جزيناهم ببغيهم".  But some of them are nonetheless righteous people who will enter Paradise.
  • Abrogation in Bible and Abrogation lie about Islam.
  • List of Bible Laws the Quran abrogated, and/or Quran Laws that don't exist in the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him) Allah Almighty called them "shackles" [1].
  • Was Muta immoral?
  • Abrogation lie about Islam.  Allah Almighty also guaranteed in the Quran that HE WOULD NOT cause for any Verse to be replaced or forgotten.

    Allah Almighty made it clear in the Glorious Quran that whatever disagrees with the Quran must be rejected.


  • The disciples arguing about the Sabbath and other Laws.  Jesus promised them that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths and that there will be no arguments, confusions or riddles.  Yet, the NT is marred with open arguments, vilifications (calling each other cursed by GOD "anathema", satanic, false, wrong).  Where is Jesus' promise??  Totally a false promise!

    Rebecca's story and the
    goat skin lie to fool Isaac, who was blind at the time, and many others in the Bibles.  Rebecca put goat skin on Jacob's back to mimic Esau's back to fool blind Isaac into anointing Jacob while thinking he was anointing Esau.  Isaac wanted to anoint Esau and Rebecca wanted to anoint Jacob.  Esau had hair-full shoulders while Jacob had hairless shoulders.  Jacob was anointed via a lie [1].  Rebecca's story and others like it prove that the Bible is filled with lying spirits (GOD sends them in the OT to false people & prophets to further lead them astray.  See: 1 Samuel 19:9, 1 Kings 22:22-23, 2 Chronicles 18:21 and others) inspirations and not Holy Spirit ones.  This is why we say there is nothing called "Bible".  It is a man-made book and lie.  It is nothing but a compilation of text and history, much of which is filled with fabrications and corruption, even according to the Bibles' own theologians.  See what they say in great details about the corruption and fabrications that the Bibles are filled with.  GOD Almighty commanded the Jews to NEVER mix His Commandments with any other text (Jeremiah 31:31–32, Isaiah 42:10-13, Deuteronomy 18:18: The Jews' Covenant will expire and will be replaced with the Gentiles' one from Arabia).

    The Jews from their birth were called liars.

    The final Prophet from Arabia in Jeremiah 31:31–32, Isaiah 42:10-13, John 1:19-21 and John 7:40-44 will bring new covenant different from the one given to Moses ("It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors"), and he will be a gentile.  Only Islam's Covenant and Prophet fulfilled this.  Habakkuk 2:15-16 GOD's cup is against those who spoil their neighboring nations and others.  Israel is notorious in staging lies, fabricating stories and oppressing people.  Isaiah 48:8, Psalm 58:3, Psalm 25:3 and Jeremiah 8:8 Israel from their birth, they are liars.  See also:

    The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy by the Great Satan; not the Palestinians.

    Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

      (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus)  See also the prophecies about the Arabian land of Sela.  Half of the book of Psalms talks about Sela.  See also Isaiah 53's translations contain deliberate lies.



    The Jews' expiring Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31–32):

    Jeremiah 31:31–32
    31 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a 
    new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.
    32 It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a Master to them,” declares the Lord.

    A new Covenant different from the Covenant that was made after the Exodus of Egypt.  So it will be different from the Laws of books of Exodus, Deuteronomy, Leviticus and Numbers, and all of the Jewish Prophets' books, including this book of Prophet Jeremiah's.  See Bibles' prophecies about GOD's "New Song" and New Covenant from עֲרָבָ֛ה, Ărāḇā (Araba; Arabia) , and His new House will be in the desert of Arabia, and His new Prophet will be a Gentile Prophet from Arabia.

    Muslim is the new Name: Isaiah 56:5, Isaiah 65:15, Luke 6:40.

    New Torah (means Divine Revelation in Hebrew) shall be revealed: Isaiah 51:4, Isaiah 55:11.

    New Covenant different from the one given after the Exodus of Egypt: Jeremiah 31:31-32.

    GOD's New Song from Arabia, and GOD's New House in the Arabian Desert, and GOD's Burdens upon Arabia.

    The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy by the Great Satan; not the Palestinians.

    Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.



      Having any Bible upheld as the Holy and Pure Word of GOD Almighty is a direct violation to the Commandments of GOD Almighty (Jeremiah 31:31–32, Isaiah 42:10-13, Deuteronomy 18:18: The Jews'
    Covenant will expire and will be replaced with the Gentiles' one from Arabia).

    The Jews from their birth were called liars.

    The final Prophet from Arabia in Jeremiah 31:31–32, Isaiah 42:10-13, John 1:19-21 and John 7:40-44 will bring new covenant different from the one given to Moses ("It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors"), and he will be a gentile.  Only Islam's Covenant and Prophet fulfilled this.  Habakkuk 2:15-16 GOD's cup is against those who spoil their neighboring nations and others.  Israel is notorious in staging lies, fabricating stories and oppressing people.  Isaiah 48:8, Psalm 58:3, Psalm 25:3 and Jeremiah 8:8 Israel from their birth, they are liars.  See also:

    The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy by the Great Satan; not the Palestinians.

    Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

      (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus)  See also the prophecies about the Arabian land of Sela.  Half of the book of Psalms talks about Sela.  See also Isaiah 53's translations contain deliberate lies.



    The Jews' expiring Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31–32):

    Jeremiah 31:31–32
    31 “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a 
    new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.
    32 It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a Master to them,” declares the Lord.

    A new Covenant different from the Covenant that was made after the Exodus of Egypt.  So it will be different from the Laws of books of Exodus, Deuteronomy, Leviticus and Numbers, and all of the Jewish Prophets' books, including this book of Prophet Jeremiah's.  See Bibles' prophecies about GOD's "New Song" and New Covenant from עֲרָבָ֛ה, Ărāḇā (Araba; Arabia) , and His new House will be in the desert of Arabia, and His new Prophet will be a Gentile Prophet from Arabia.

    Muslim is the new Name: Isaiah 56:5, Isaiah 65:15, Luke 6:40.

    New Torah (means Divine Revelation in Hebrew) shall be revealed: Isaiah 51:4, Isaiah 55:11.

    New Covenant different from the one given after the Exodus of Egypt: Jeremiah 31:31-32.

    GOD's New Song from Arabia, and GOD's New House in the Arabian Desert, and GOD's Burdens upon Arabia.

    The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy by the Great Satan; not the Palestinians.

    Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.



  • Bible says that Jews from their essence were liars.  From their "birth" they were liars writing lies the Old Testament declares them.  The Bible is full of man-made corruption and fabrications especially in the Jews' ancient history and stories.  Their writings were written with the "lying pens of the scribes".

    See also
    Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust

  • Isaiah's prophecy about the Jews will worship the pornographic goddess Asherah during the end of times.
  • The Bibles are full of lies. 

    Jubilees 1:12:  The Jews will "abrogate and change everything".

    Isaiah 48:8, Psalm 58:3, Psalm 25:3 and Jeremiah 8:8:  The Jews from their birth are traitors and write lies.

  • Bible & Quran declare:  Ishmael's Covenant is for the later generations [2] [3].
  • David was anointed via deception 1 Samuel 16:1-5.
  • Bibles and Talmud are marred with lies.

    The early believers were also expecting an Arabian Prophet.  The OT thoroughly talks about him and his new Covenant coming from Kedar in Arabia, and the NT talks about him coming after the Messiah:

    Why wasn't Prophet Muhammad preached by the early Christians in Jerusalem, Arabia, Africa and Europe?  Early cities like Antioch, Corinth, Rome and others were never taught the coming of Prophet Muhammad.  Doesn't this prove that Islam is falseBut he was preached!


  • Also visit:

    Matthew 7:22-23GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah



    Dhul Qarnayn's story.  Sunrise and sunset.  Also Why حمئة and not حاميةٍ.  Dhil Qarnayn's journey is detailed with scientific and geographical maps that are more 1000 years old.

  • The sunsetless North Pole Miracle in the Glorious Quran [1].
  • Sunrise and sunset in the Hadiths((Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca)).
  • The iron gates of Dhul Qarnayn were found.
  • The overwhelming Scientific and Numerical Miracles in the Glorious Quran.
  • The north and south poles, colonizing Mars, and prayer and fasting times.
  • Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran said that earth is:

           -  Spherical: "egg-shaped" [1].
           -  Is rotating around itself.
           -  Is moving in space in curvy orbits [2].
           -  Is in constant motion.
           -  Is suspended in space.
           -  Is swimming in space.
           -  Is traveling through the constantly expanding universe [3].
           -  The sunsetless North Pole miracle in the Glorious Quran [4]. 

  • At the top of the North Pole, the sun never sets [4], and I showed the video for that, and also quoted the scientific sources for that. Also in the lands near by, it almost never sets either, and I quoted sources for that as well, and also showed pictures of the "polar night" skies on these lands that are near the sunsetless North Pole.

    (Click to play clip by physicist, Brian Cox)

    They also spoke almost unintelligibly (18:93), the Glorious Quran says.  They hardly spoke intelligibly (18:93).  Historians have proven that the Barbarians of the North used to speak unintelligibly.  The actual meaning of the word "Barbarian" is someone who speaks unintelligibly.

  • He saw the Aurora Lights covering:

    Aurora Lights Hadith


  • Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saw the aurora lights covering the horizons of space above the earth when he was taken up to Heaven:

    Narrated Abdullah: "Regarding the Verse: “Indeed he (Muhammad) did see. Of the Signs of his Lord, The Greatest!” (Quran 53.18) That the Prophet had seen a green carpet spread all over the horizon of the sky قَالَ رَأَى رَفْرَفًا أَخْضَرَ سَدَّ أُفُقَ السَّمَاء." (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 456)

    Visit also:
    Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca.


    Regarding Dhil-Qarnayn (literally means "man of two horns"), Allah Almighty said this about his journey to the farthest northern lands and people:

    ‏18:90 حتى اذا بلغ مطلع الشمس وجدها تطلع على قوم لم نجعل لهم من دونها ستر

    "Until he reached near حتى اذا بلغ where the sun is up مطلع الشمس, he found it above وجدها تطلع على people قوم whom We made no cover for them from it لم نجعل لهم من دونها ستر (The Noble Quran, 18:90)"

    Noble Verse(s) 18:91


    [018:091]  Thus it was. And we had full knowledge of the forces that were with him.

    Arabic (Read from right to left.  Also, all png image files: [1] [2].  Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):

    18:91 كذلك وقد احطنا بما لديه خبرا


    Prophet Muhammad "did see" (Quran 53.18) the Aurora Lights covering the horizons above the earth from space.  Dhil-Qarnayn went up to the farthest northern lands where the sun is up, and "Thus it was", Allah Almighty completed the "full knowledge" regarding Dhil-Qarnayn's mission.  This further supports the story below about Dhil-Qarnayn's journey to the farthest northern lands and people (The sunsetless [4] North Pole Quran-miracle).  They also spoke almost unintelligibly (18:93), the Glorious Quran says.  They hardly spoke intelligibly (18:93)For example, can you read or say this:

    "Vaðlaheiðarvegavinnuverkfærageymsluskúrslyklakippuhringurinn" ??  This is an actual word. Historians have proven that the Barbarians of the North used to speak unintelligibly.  The actual meaning of the word "Barbarian" is someone who speaks unintelligibly.  The description of the people of the North, whose North Pole is truly sunsetless (see ample pictures), perfectly fits the Barbarians of the Vikings in the Scandinavian and other Barbarians in the near by lands:

    The early Muslims believed that Dhil Qarnayn reached the people of the farthest norths of the earth.  The following is a map of Al-Sharif Al-Idrisi in year 1154 giving the geographic location of where Dhil Qarnayn went according to the understanding of the early Muslims of Noble Verses 18:83-100:

    Dhil-Qarnayn literally means "man of two horns"

    Dhil = One who has.
    قرنين Qarnayn = two horns
    Qarnayn is a dual plural of Qarn (horn).
    Three or more horns is Quroon, in Arabic.


    Noble Verses 53:18 and 18:91 are also prophetically linked together; that Prophet Muhammad also saw what Dhil-Qarnayn ذي القرنين  saw.  Also visit: 

    Aurora Lights Hadith


    Other pronunciations to "Dhil Qarnayn"ذي القرنين  name:  Zul-qarnain, Dhul Qurnain, Dhu'l Qarnain, Zulqarnain, Dhu'l-Qarneyn, Dhu'lkarnein, Dhul-Qarnain, Dhu'l Qarnain, Dhool Karnain, Zul-Qarnain, Dhoulkarnain.

    (Video from NASA filming the Green Carpet Aurora Lights from space)

    Again, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saw the aurora lights covering the horizons of space above the earth when he was taken up to Heaven:

    Narrated Abdullah: "Regarding the Verse: “Indeed he (Muhammad) did see. Of the Signs of his Lord, The Greatest!” (Quran 53.18) That the Prophet had seen a green carpet spread all over the horizon of the sky قَالَ رَأَى رَفْرَفًا أَخْضَرَ سَدَّ أُفُقَ السَّمَاء."(Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 456)

    Visit also:
    Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca.

           -  The Glorious Quran also speaks about many earths [5] and not just earth.
           -  The Glorious Quran predicts
    11 planets in our solar system [6].


    In the end, Allah Almighty uses the Glorious Quran to "...Thus doth God leave to stray whom He pleaseth, and guide whom He pleaseth..." (74:31).  The infidels misuse the Glorious Quran to find "scientific errors".  The Glorious Quran is Allah Almighty's Perfect Divine Holy Book.  It contains no scientific error.  Visit the following example and the link to see 1000s of Numerical and Scientific Miracles:

    1-  The root for message and all of its derivatives, such as messenger and others occurs 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran.  The Prophets' and Messengers', peace be upon them, actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all combined mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran.  The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here.

    Coincidence?  See 1,000s of examples! [1]. (zip file).

    Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

    Stunning Prophecies [2] [3]



    Is the Tale of the Army of the Elephants being bombed/struck by the Sijjeel (سجيل) Stones by the Ababeel (أبابيل) Birds, a mere fable or a True Historical Event, in the Glorious Quran?  See the new archeological discoveries.


    Yes, the Jews did call Ezra a special Son of GOD with special Divine Connections.

    Did Prophet Muhammad kiss the penis of his baby grandson Hasan?  The Jews and Christians actually suck the penises with ample quotes and proofs.


    Camel Urine as Medicine: [1]
  • Go to Google and type "Medicine made from urine" [2].  Also Google: "PREMARIN made from urine".  The infidels have nothing but noise and lies on Islam.  Besides, the Prophet ordered the men to mix it with camel milk.  It wasn't raw urine.  But either way, EVEN TODAY urine is still used for medicine.  Continue reading in the article.
  • https://www.google.com/search?q=medicine+made+from+urine
  • https://www.google.com/search?q=PREMARIN+made+from+urine
  • https://www.google.com/search?q=urine+as+medicine
  • Urine Therapy as antibiotics, and antibiotics even for AIDS for some people:
  • Allah Almighty Said in the Glorious Quran:
    [088:017] Do they not look at the camel (and wonder)? How (superbly) is it created?
    Knowing that the Glorious Quran has 100s of Scientific Notions and Miracles that had been thoroughly demonstrated and proven by science today, then camels and camel urine and cures from camels should be further researched by Western scientists.
  • The Context of Prophet Muhammad's Hadith:
    1. There were no advanced medicine and medical technology back then. People were primitive, especially in nomadic Arabia.  Even today, urine has been proven to contain some healing to your body. It contains secreted minerals, and does contain a variety of healings to the body.  I am not advocating drinking urine today, because science and medicine have advanced to levels that are far beyond any primitive society of old. But for the Islam-hating infidels to sit here and mock out of ignorance is wrong.
    2. Again, the doomed-to-Hell infidels have nothing but noise and lies on Islam.
  • Visit www.answering-christianity.com/urine.htm
  • Visit the Glorious Quran's Stunning Numerical and Scientific Miracles.
  • Also visit Islam's Stunning Prophecies.

    In 2 Samuel 12:7-12, King David's wives were turned into ***** prostitutes by GOD Almighty ***** as a punishment for David's sins with Bathsheba.  This means that GOD Almighty can create custom Laws for punishment even if they fully contradict GOD Almighty's Moral Code on morality and chastity.  Also, seduction and raping of virgins isn't a physically punishable crime in the Bible in Deuteronomy 22:25-29, Exodus 22:16-17.


    3-year old girls raped:

    Bible condones 3-year old girls were raped under the command of Moses and his men:

    "Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that has known a man by sleeping with him. (Number 31:17).
    [This] refers to her who has slept with a man as well as her who is suitable for intercourse, even when she has not slept with a man...
    But all the young girls who have not known a man by sleeping with him, keep alive for yourselves. From here R. Shimon b. Yohai used to say: a Proselyte girl who became a proselyte in the age of less than
    three years and one day, is rendered fit to marry into the priesthood." [137]

    Said Rabbi Joseph, "Come and take note: A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse. And if a Levir has had intercourse with her, he has acquired her. And one can be liable on her account because of the law prohibiting intercourse with a married woman. And she imparts uncleanness to him who has intercourse with her when she is menstruating, to convey uncleanness to the lower as to the upper layer [of what lies beneath]. If she was married to a priest, she may eat food in the status of priestly rations. If one of those who are unfit for marriage with her had intercourse with her, he has rendered her unfit to marry into the priesthood. If any of those who are forbidden in the Torah to have intercourse with her had intercourse with her, he is put to death on her account, but she is free of responsibility [M.Nid. 5:4].
    Sanhedrin 7/55B [132]

    See ample more quotes, references, and the bibliography here.  Also visit: How big was the first New Testament?



    Which "Book" is the "People of the Book's"?  The Law of Moses is the "Book" that the Noble Quran mentioned.

    The Sunnah and Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad.

    Did Prophet Muhammad understand everything in the Glorious Quran?

    Allah Almighty made it clear in the Glorious Quran that whatever disagrees with the Quran must be rejected.

    Hadiths' Categorization.  Science of the Hadiths.  Also, the Hadith of the fly discussed here.  Also visit:

  • Quran's Stunning Scientific Miracles.


    Isaiah 53 and Psalm 91 both confirm that Jesus never got crucified!

    Obvious mistranslations of the Hebrew Manuscripts.  See proofs of alterations and deceptions done by the Jews and Christians to disprove Islam in the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    Muhammad peace be upon him in the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    Contradictions and Proofs of Historical Corruptions in the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    The original Bible was lost! See comments from the NIV Bible itself admitting to this fact.

    History of man's corruption in the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    The blessed Jesus in Islam.

    Answering Trinity.

    Ask me any question.

    What is the Wisdom of Islam?

    Why choose Islam as your Religion?

    Why did GOD Almighty allow for the Bible to get corrupted?

    Did Prophet Muhammad recognize the Bible as an error-free book?

    How can I convert to Islam?

    What is the best way to convert a Christian to Islam?


    Laws of war and peace in Islam:

    Jihad section.

    Justice, mercy, forgiveness, good manners section.

    Laws, War, Captives treatment, Peace section.

    Slavery-ending commands, Equality section.  Slavery, Equality.

    Does Islam hate non-Muslims?  The word "hate" does not even exist in the Glorious Quran.  Allah Almighty used "loves not" on both non-Muslims and Muslims.

    Does Christianity teach peace and love and Islam teaches war and hate?

    What is the punishment for the Muslim who kills a non-Muslim?

    Debate PPT Templates section.


    Also Visit:

    John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God was with authority (same Greek word for satan's rule [2] [3])."

    Is Jesus the GOD-Man?

    Dr. Edward Dalcour


    Osama Abdallah

    Also visit:

    Is Jesus Allah Almighty for creating things in the Noble Quran?  And is he better than Prophet Muhammad for being a creator?  And is there a contradiction in the Noble Quran regarding idol gods not being able to create and Jesus Christ?  See the Books that Allah Almighty gave to certain powerful Beings to enable them to possess certain Powers and to do certain Miracles, including limited Creations.

    Yahweh is Baal to the Jews in Isaiah 54:5 and Hosea 2:16. Exposing the Christians' pagan-god Baal lie.

    Other important links:

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

    [1] [2] [3]

    Jesus had no Divine Will according to the New Testament. How could he be our Creator?
    Jesus said he had no Divine Will.  Jesus had to seek permission from GOD before performing any Miracle.


    Does Muhammad exist in the Bible?

    Anthony Rogers


    Osama Abdallah

    Also visit: Prophet Muhammad was mentioned in the previous Scriptures.  Also, his Prophetic Name, AHMED or AHMAD, was both mentioned in the Glorious Quran and the DEAD SEA SCROLLS.  Yes, his name was recently found in the Dead Sea Scrolls as the coming Servant.  See the image for yourself.


    Is the Bible the True Word of GOD Almighty?

    Louis Lionheart


    Osama Abdallah

    What parts of the Bible and Hadiths do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth, and Why? [1] [2]

    Note to Muslims:

    As Muslims, we must be very careful when we comment on the previous Scriptures, because there is always a possibility that there might be Divine Revelations parts in the verses that we might be objecting to.  I know that the many of the disbelievers constantly insult and mock Islam all the time, and even lie on their own Scriptures with their "End of Times Prophecies" lies, -where they hijacked even the Bible with their bigotry, hate and lies, - but still dear brothers and sisters in Islam, we must always be very careful when we deal with previous Scriptures, because as Muslims we do believe that they do contain remnants of Divine Revelations in them.  May Allah Almighty forgive me, and forgive all sincere Muslims, for any and all mistakes and errors that we may have fell into.  Ameen.

    The Gospel Christ:

    So, what was the Gospel of Jesus Christ then, i.e., the Injil of Jesus Christ?  Even among Christians, this remains a mystery.  But the Didache; a Gospel which existed even before the current Bible-Gospels (or canonized Gospels), contains a great deal of teachings of Jesus Christ.  The following points are important to always keep in mind: (1)- No single Scripture, the Didache or any other Scripture, is 100% pure and accurate.  There are always forgeries and alterations.  This is the same with every single book and gospel. (2)- The Original Teachings of Christ exist in Scriptures that are in the Bible and outside the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    For ample proofs, watch the debate-video above.

    Prophet Muhammad thoroughly prophesied in the Bible & Old Scriptures.

    See also:  Islam's end of times STUNNING Prophecies section.



    Zionist Israel will rule the earth with Mighty Evil!  (Islamic Prophecy)

    The Glorious Quran declared 1,400 years ago that the Israeli Zionist machine will rule the entire earth with mighty evil and power.  They will reach "Mighty Heights" علوا كبيرا  of evil power and might on earth.  See Noble Verses 17:4-8:

  • https://www.answering-christianity.com/nuclear_doom_prophecy.htm

  • Also, Israel will be annihilated by people of non-Muslims and Muslims according to the Glorious Quran's Prophecy.

  • What does the Glorious Quran say about the Jews' mighty success and dominance in wealth, science, media and politics?  "a rope from Allah and a rope from people" extended to them to enable the reaching of the Mighty Heights.

  • The Jews' financial domination and the Stock Market  (control of the earth's wealth) are STUNNINGLY prophesied in the Glorious Quran!

  • https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php/topic,1515.msg5943.html#msg5943     (backup)

  • https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php/topic,1515.msg5950.html#msg5950     (backup)

  • https://www.answering-christianity.com/ac3.htm#prophecies

  • https://www.answering-christianity.com/convert_christians.htm


    Also, Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, made a stunning prophecy about the one-eyed anti-Christ who will rule the infidels and the world:

    Narrated Ibn Umar: "Once Allah's Apostle stood amongst the people, glorified and praised Allah as He deserved and then mentioned the Dajjal (anti-Christ) saying, "l warn you against him (i.e. the Dajjal) and there was no prophet but warned his nation against him. No doubt, Noah warned his nation against him but I tell you about him something of which no prophet told his nation before me. You should know that he is one-eyed, and Allah is not one-eyed."  (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 55, Number 553)"

    Prophet Muhammad had many visions about the dajjal, and gave many signs about him.  Some of the things the Prophet said about the dajjal were literal, and some were vision-metaphors.  The most prominent one is that he will be one-eyed.  This is both literal and metaphoric.  It is literal today because the zionist anti-Christ system is indeed represented by the ONE-EYE symbol as seen in the following images.  The metaphors here are Allah Almighty not being ONE-EYED, because nothing can describe Allah Almighty.  There is "none like unto Him" (Quran, 112:4).  In other words also, the Prophet warned that this ONE-EYED SATANIC system will be a worshiped deity.  And that false deity is not Allah Almighty.  For ample more details and proofs, please visit link below.

    Was the Islamic ONE-EYE Prophecy foretold before Islam in the Bible's Zechariah 11:17?  I demonstrated using ample Biblical verses that the ONE-EYED DAJJAL (anti-Christ) was never prophesied in the Bible to be ONE-EYED, nor was this Sign ever given in the Bible to any being.

  • I also showed how Jesus Christ, from among many other verses, used this "right eye" expression.  So it was never a Sign about the dajjal before Islam.  It was no more than a general language of the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).
  • The Bible in many verses uses "right hand" and "right eye" expressions for people and for GOD Almighty.
  • None of these are Signs to anything.
  • For ample Noble Verses and Hadiths (Sayings of the Prophet), and proofs, please visit:

  • The ONE-EYED Dajjal's Signs and Powers according to Islam.

  • Also visit: 9/11 was 100% an Israeli Mossad Operation!

  • Many references of this Hadith (Saying) exist throughout our Islamic Texts.  This is one of the most popular Hadiths and Prophecies of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.  And indeed, we are seeing it come to pass before our very eyes.  Please also visit:
  • The hijacked Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).
  • Listen also to Jeremiah 18:1-10! .  No Prophecy is fixed.  All can be cancelled by the Almighty.
  • The 666 symbol is actually referring to today's neo-con Christianity and Zionism!  See the clear-cut proofs and images here.
  • Also see the sub-section: The Israeli 666 symbol.
  • Does the Bible predict the dividing of Israel?  Who are the nations that divided Israel?  And what will be their punishment?
  • The ONE-EYED Dajjal's Signs and Powers according to Islam.
  • Was the Islamic ONE-EYE Prophecy foretold before Islam in the Bible's Zechariah 11:17?
  • Sheikh Hamza Yusuf (Muslim convert Mark Hanson) on some of Islam's most STUNNING End of Times Prophecies [1] [2] including ISIS:

  • Also visit this website's Youtube Channel at: www.youtube.com/QuranSearchCom.
  • The Gospel Christ:

    So, what was the Gospel of Jesus Christ then, i.e., the Injil of Jesus Christ?  Even among Christians, this remains a mystery.  But the Didache; a Gospel which existed even before the current Bible-Gospels (or canonized Gospels), contains a great deal of teachings of Jesus Christ.  The following points are important to always keep in mind: (1)- No single Scripture, the Didache or any other Scripture, is 100% pure and accurate.  There are always forgeries and alterations.  This is the same with every single book and gospel. (2)- The Original Teachings of Christ exist in Scriptures that are in the Bible and outside the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    For ample proofs, watch the debate-video above.


    See Also:

    The "Son of God" Title in the 1 John 2:22

    Jesus is Yahweh the Son?  See how Christians got this very wrong in the NT, using Jesus' words himself!
    Also, is Islam the anti-Christ system according to 1 John 2:22?

    Anti-Christ | 1john 2:22-23 | 911 was 100% an Israeli Lie | Boston | 666| Dividing Israel

    Also visit:

  • Trinity Crucified!  100s of verses prove trinity is false.  Jesus healed others only after getting permissions from GOD Almighty.  His wishes were sometimes denied. [1] [2].  200 years no gospels | 24 other thrones besides Jesus' | Jesus was created | Isaiah 53 mistranslations
  • Oxymoron Trinity: Jesus is the resurrection (John 11:25), but yet he doesn't know when the Hour of the resurrection will come (Matthew 24:36) [1], and he had to cry, weep and beg GOD to resurrect Lazarus back to life.  And this proves he is our Creator?  And how is he exactly The Resurrection?  Could Jesus and the disciples honestly even resurrect or create a fly on their own?  This is one of the Glorious Quran's challenges to the polytheists from mankind who insist on deifying flesh and blood, dust and water, and idols.  All are helpless.

    John 5:30
    "I cannot do anything on my own."
      (i.e., I am totally powerless.  In other verses, Jesus could not even perform a single Miracle without GOD sending it down to him first!).  And Jesus could not determine who gets to sit on his right and on his left in Heaven.  Only GOD alone decides this, Jesus said.  He also said:

    John 5:31 "If I (Jesus) bear withness of myself, then I would be a liar!"


    Matthew 9:3-4: Jesus said: Thinking I am GOD is an evil thought!


    Contradictions in Jesus' miracle-less miracles.  Mustard seed of faith and Great Faith both still failed: [1].

  • Except GOD Alone!  Jesus rejected ἀγαθόνJesus forbade anyone from calling him ἀγαθόν.  He said it is only for the Supreme GOD Almighty.
  • Is the metaphoric Son of GOD title supported in the Glorious Quran?  Yes.  Here are several Noble Verses that do support it.  Was even used for both followers of satan and GOD (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).


    Doubting Thomas couldn't raise Jesus??  No way!!  He raised many before (Matthew 10:7-8):

    Thomas raised many people from the dead (Matthew 10:7-8).  Yet, he and the disciples could not raise Jesus back to life after the crucifixion?  Not only that, but they all fled, and Thomas became the "doubting Thomas" because he did not believe that the man who returned was Jesus (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).  But did you not raise people from the dead already, Thomas?  What happened there?  You could've raised Jesus himself back to life with your own hands!  Yet, it was impossible for you to believe that it was Jesus who returned?  Why?


    These alleged miracles are very loud!  If you raise people from the dead, then the entire land of Palestine would've heard about it.  Yet, nothing recorded historically about them.  So do we have here loud miracles or loud lies?
    Also, 1 John 2:22 church-written lie is discussed further down in details in this table.  Ironically, the Bible's own theologians admit that 1 John contains forgeries by church fathers.

    Doubting Thomas supposedly said (in Greek???) "My Lord and my God" to Jesus (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him)The church thoroughly admits that NT is badly altered, and earliest copies of NT don't date before year 200.  So not only the Aramaic original language of Jesus was never documented, hence his original sayings are permanently lost, but the Greek writings (a language Jesus never spoke) had been badly corrupted.  Trinity and all its faulty analysis are based on writings that are totally off (different language and phrases spoken altogether) and utter nonsense.  Yet, all believers were called "God", and Moses was the "God" of the Believers, Aaron and Pharaoh:

  • Moses was called "The God" (Exodus 7:1) of the Believers, Aaron and Pharaoh.  Jesus said he was greater than Moses.  Thomas, the Disciple, called Jesus "My Lord and my God" (John 20:28).  Jesus denied to be GOD Almighty.  All Believers were called "GODS and Sons of GOD" (Psalm 82:6) in the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).  "GOD" in the Bible also means master, leader, priest.  Therefore, the doubting Thomas' statement didn't suggest that Jesus was his Creator.  And Jesus being a "God" doesn't mean that he is GOD Almighty.  He is just another mere "God" like the rest of the believing creations and nothing more.

  • Except GOD Alone!  Jesus rejected ἀγαθόν Jesus forbade anyone from calling him ἀγαθόν.  He said it is only for the Supreme GOD Almighty.
  • Jesus' rule is only limited to his Mansion.  Jesus also said that this Mansion is ruled by twelve Thrones (also called them 12 Fruits).  King of kings for Jesus does not refer to the corrupt earthly kings and thieves.  They were offered to Jesus before during his temptation by satan, and Jesus ultimately refused them all.  Jesus is the king of the twelve thrones inside his Mansion.  Other people in the OT were called King of kings also.  So the title is not even unique to Jesus (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).


    Allah is the GOD of the Bibles: [1]

    Did you know that Elohim is Allah [1,*] [2] [3].  The "im" in Hebrew is a majestic plural for GOD Almighty.  The root Word is "Eloh".  And the more original Jews such as Yemenites and others say Alohim or Alah-im.  And when you yourself pronounce it, you do naturally pronounce it with a double "l": Allah.  Jews do call Him: Allah-im.  Aramaic-speaking people also call GOD Almighty Allah.  See the following videos for Biblical references and proofs.  Also, pre-Islamic Biblical archeological findings have GOD Almighty as "Allah".  So the Original Holy Name for GOD Almighty is not Eloh.  It is Allah!  Eloh is a Hebrew dialect, which not all Hebrew speakers use anyway.  Allah had always been the Original and Universal GOD Almighty even before birth of Judaism, and the existence Hebrew.  And Hebrew is a developed language from Phoenician.  See the following links:

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

    (Click to play videos)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

    Daniel 3:26 in Aramaic says "Servants of Allah (GOD Most High GOD)"

    Sam Shamoun showed where portions of his OT is mixed between Hebrew and Aramaic writings.  He also unintentionally proved that the Hebrew "ben" (son) is not the same as the Aramaic "bar" (wrongly gets translated as "son").  The correct and accurate translation is for "bar" is "the chosen pious one".  Again, Allah Almighty has NO DIVINE SON.  He considers the pious chosen ones as close BARS.  The Aramaic and Arabic are the same in this one.  See the ample verses and analysis in the video. 

    Please also visit: The definition of "Son of God" in Islam.

    Yahweh is Baal to the Jews in Isaiah 54:5 and Hosea 2:16. Exposing the Christians' pagan-god Baal lie.



  • Contradictions in Jesus' miracle-less miracles.  Mustard seed of faith and Great Faith both still failed: [1].
  • The Romans had to fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues:


    Click to play video [1].  Matthew 12:40: "shall be buried deep in the heart of
     earth for 3 days and nights as Jonah was deep in the belly of the whale."

    Jonah was alive:  But Jonah was always alive in his ordeal.  He was alive on the shore,
    alive in the whale's belly, and alive when vomited out of the whale. 
    Alive, alive, alive!

    This Prophecy is a lie! Jesus laid on the floor, got healed, and got up and
    left.  He was
    never inside any coffin nor ever got buried.  Also, because 100s
    of thousands of pilgrims were coming to Jerusalem for the Passover, the
    Romans had to rush his "crucifixion" and bring him down.  The soldiers were
    even denied food due to lack of time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).
    Jesus never got crucified: [1] [2] [3] [4].  The OT and NT clearly spell it out.  He was saved.

    Matthew 27:16-17:  There were two Jesuses!  Not one.  Allah Almighty Said in the Glorious Quran:
    [004:156] That they rejected Faith; that they uttered against Mary a grave false charge;
    That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Apostle of God";-but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) know ledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:-
    Nay, God raised him up unto Himself; and God is Exalted in Power, Wise;-

    Divine Setup for Conjecture:

    Matthew 7:22-23GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

    "... but so it was made to appear to them..." (Quran 4:157)


    The two double-Jesus men & Pontus Pilate in Matthew 27:16-17:

    According to the Gospel of Matthew, Pontus Pilate was standing between two double-Jesus men:

    1-  Jesus Barabbas.
    2-  Jesus Barabbas.

    "...The Bibles' Christ was put on the cross for three hours. Any one of us would've survived this silly crucifixion.  Your human body, when faced with death, can become 10+ times stronger, more resilient, more resistant and more stubborn than normal. This is what would enable you, for example, to lift an entire truck with your bare hands if your precious child was under it. Similarly, if you were put on the cross for three silly hours, your body would've survived it. A soldier was placed on the cross for 63 hours and still lived to tell the world about it." (Source)

    Again, a Divine Setup for Conjecture.


    Was Jesus Christ Crucified?

    At hour 1:00:00 - 1:25:00, Dr. Zakir Naik really sealed
    this debate and destroyed Christianity!
    This is yet another wonderful 3-hour debate and video by
    Dr. Zakir Naik where he thoroughly demonstrated from
    the Bible's New Testament
    that Jesus Christ was never
    crucified, nor did he ever rise from the dead.  This 3-hour
    debate was between Dr. Zakir Naik and Pastor Rukni.

    Psalm 91 promises Jesus will never get hurt or die.  Satan in the NT challenged Jesus on Psalm 91.  Yashua (salvation) is the last word in Psalm 91, and it also happens to be one of Jesus' names in the New Testament.
    Here is my shortened version videoDr. Naik also provided many more verses than the following ones.  But the following verses and points were from my shortened version video.  See also this text-debate [2] between me and a Christian brother on my blog.  You're welcomed to join in.


    Christianity's Salvation Lie:

    Because Christianity's scriptures didn't get documented for 200+ years after Jesus, the Church and Christians had developed and invented the crucifixion lie and its requirement to save a person from Hell (by him believing in it), which had been thoroughly proven from both the Bible and the Glorious Quran, to be a fabricated lie [1].  Salvation verses like John 3:16 and others are all forgeries that were invented by liars 100s of years after the real Eesa , the real Messiah.  Even in Latin, it is Iesu, and in Greek it is Iesus.  Notice here Jesus' statements:

    Matthew 9
    12 Jesus heard them and answered, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor, but sick people do.
    13 Go and learn what the Scriptures mean when they say, ‘Instead of offering sacrifices to me, I want you to
    be merciful to others (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust).’ I didn’t come to invite good people to be my followers. I only came to invite sinners.”

    Matthew 5:7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

    Being Merciful to others makes you a good person.  And Jesus didn't come for you if you are.  Jesus didn't come to invite merciful and good people.  They're already saved.  They need no invitation.  The Christian lie about one must accept that Jesus died on the cross for his/her sins is mandatory for their salvation, and that otherwise they'd be doomed to Hell is thoroughly destroyed in Matthew 9:12-13.  In fact, both the OT and NT in many passages confirmed that GOD Almighty will save his Messiah from crucifixion and from death and harm.


     Matthew 9:12-13  I have not come for you if you're a merciful Jew.



    Three Isaiah 53 translation lies:

    Three lies in translations of Isaiah 53, as further elaborated below in this table, that need to be clarified:

    1-  He was assigned a grave.  This doesn't mean he was buried in it, because Jesus was never buried in any grave.  He laid on the floor inside a tomb (cave-like structure), got healed and got up and left.  He was never inside any coffin nor ever got buried inside the earth.

    2-  He was pierced for our sins.  No, he was hurt (the word is not pierced or stabbed) because of "our" (Jews only) sins and transgressions.  If you drive with your family and get hit by a drunk driver and your baby ends up getting killed, your baby didn't die for his sin.  Your baby died BECAUSE of his sin and transgression.  Otherwise, you would not have driven on the same road that day if you knew the future.

    Also visit:

    John 11:50:  It is expedient, whether through hook or by crook, that we must convict Jesus


    Early Church Fathers:  Jesus never died for anyone's sins!

    Sam Shamoun:  The early fathers declared Jesus never died for any sin!  Shamoun is
    realizing how full of forged lies & conjecture his historical
    Christianity is.  They declared that Jesus never bore (carried) any sin for anyone on the cross.

    Jesus never died for anyone's sins! He was placed on the cross
    BECAUSE of (not for) the Jews' sins, and Allah Almighty SAVED HIM.
    Read the detailed analysis on Isaiah 53, Psalm 91 and others at:


    Also see proofs from OT and NT that Jesus transformed himself into lying spirit by GOD's Command to forge Christianity.  GOD Almighty in the OT has Commanded it before:


    Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?



    3-  In his death.  It is talking about his sentencing to death and not actual death.  It is also symbolic, because Jesus didn't even stay for 3 hours on the cross (2.a) and was never killed.  Plus, Jesus begged GOD (Luke 6:12, Matthew 26:36-44, Matthew 16:39, Matthew 6:5-8) all night to save him from crucifixion and all hurt.  all hurt.


    Lies about Psalm 91:13:

    Some polytheist trinitarian pagans say that Psalm 91:13 proves that Jesus was never crucified:

    Psalm 91:13
    You will tread on the lion and the adder, the young lion and the serpent you will trample under foot.

    They say that Jesus treading (stomping on) the lion and the snake means that he defeated satan via the cross.  Satan is called both lion and snake. So Jesus stomped on him by getting crucified (killed on the cross) and resurrecting from death.  They also say the NT books such as Matthew and Luke that quote Psalm 91 for Jesus both claim that Jesus was killed on the cross.



    But Psalm 91:14-16 refute this:

    14 Because he cleaves to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name.
    15 When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will
    rescue him and honor him.
    16 With long life I will satisfy him, and show him my salvation.

    1-  Also, Jesus was only placed for 3 hours on the cross (2.a).  They had to pull the plug on crucifixion because the Passover was about to begin, where 1/2 million Jewish pilgrims were to shortly start pouring into Jerusalem.  I, Osama Abdallah, would have survived Jesus' crucifixion.

    2-  Also, Jesus was never killed.  He laid on the floor in the tomb, received medical treatment from the two Marys and other women, and then got up and left.

    3-  The books that say he was killed on the cross were written 200 to 400 years after Jesus.  The majority of Christian historians and theologians claim this.

    4-  Psalm 91:15"...I will be with him in trouble, I will rescue him and honor him."  Clearly declares he will be saved from death.


    Merciful Palestinian and Good Neighbor Parable:

    5-  Jesus said below in Luke 10:25-37, Matthew 9:12-13:  If you're merciful, a good neighbor like the Palestinian Samaritan in Luke 10:33, and above all, GOD-Fearing (OT says Jesus was a slave of GOD and GOD-Fearing), then you have nothing to fear. "Do this, and you will live" Jesus said.  That's it.  Jesus even used good Palestinians in his parable.  Dying on the cross is a developed Christian lie centuries after Jesus (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him)It's a forgery.



    Visit section 2.a in the article.


    Also visit:

    Matthew 7:22-23:  GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah


    Quran declares all Bibles are corrupt.

    Oxymoron Trinity (100+ verses).  Bibles: Jesus will slaughter 100s of millions when he returns.

    The disciples arguing about the Sabbath and other Laws.  Jesus promised them that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths and that there will be no arguments, confusions or riddles.  Yet, the NT is marred with open arguments, vilifications (calling each other cursed by GOD "anathema", satanic, false, wrong).  Where is Jesus' promise??  Totally a false promise!

    Where is Jesus' promise??

    -  He promised that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, guide them in all ways, and that it will be the Holy Spirit speaking, not them.
    -  They ended up splitting into
    Paul vs. Peter two opposing groups, and were at odds with each other on several theological issues.
    1 Corinthians 7:40  Paul wasn't sure if he had the Holy Spirit in him or not. He said "I think I have the Holy Spirit".
    -  Their differences remain unsettled till this day in the NT.  They were never resolved.

    -  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    -  They were barking at each other like
    rabid dogs calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan!
    [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?


    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in their conflicting scriptures?



    If Paul is false, then Jesus is insufficient:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Yet, Paul admits that he speaks through a lying spirit  (Romans 3:7  But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?), while Jesus promised all of the disciples that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, and that it will not be them speaking, but the Holy Spirit. Yet, Paul says he was lying.  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    Paul and his team of disciples were also calling Peter's team, - and vice versa, - anathema ἀνάθεμα (cursed by GOD), false, bewitched, dogs, and many other things.  Jesus' original message got corrupt from the false christianity and the deification of flesh and blood creations like Jesus, Mary and others like they used to do in ancient Europe in Greece, Rome, Byzantine and throughout ancient ancient Europe of three-headed gods and trinities, such as the trinity of Zeus, Athena and Apollo; also Hell's three-headed guardian dog, or the trinity of Delian, Artemis and Apollo and many other ancient trinities.  Only Islam completes GOD Almighty's Religion.  See ample prophecies.
      Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah



    Dismal Spiritual Failures:

    Let us examine the following:

    Romans 3:23 ESV
    For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

    Ecclesiastes 7:20 ESV
    Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.

    No man is sinless and faultless.  The NT even says Jesus himself sinned via coveting the sins of the world.  Paul then barfs the following gem:


    1 Corinthians 2:15
    A spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself
    is not subject to any man's judgment.



    How can any flesh and blood sinner not be subjected to judgment?  The world has seen how disastrous your pedophilic and corrupt priests, ministers and churches are, from sex abuse on children, theft, prostitution and so much more.  Ironically also, Paul and the disciples themselves dismally failed this standard when they turned into rabid dogs in harsh judgments on each other; calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan! [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?  There is also conflict regarding misogyny:

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11–13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Which book were the people of the Book reciting (فسأل الذين يقرؤون الكتاب) during Prophet Muhammad's days according to the Glorious Quran 10:94?


    Insufficient Jesus:

    Edward Dalcour says that Jesus would be insufficient if Paul was proven to be false:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Does Noble Verse 9:31 say that Allah and Jesus are two equal Lords?  Also, thorough refutation to  توحيد الربوبية  (tawheed alruboobiyyah, or Oneness of Lordship between Jesus and Allah) concept by the polytheist trinitarian pagans (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    The Bibles' sacred "book of toiletספר קודש של שירותים    and praised incestuous rape can be read here
    كتاب المرحاض المقدس


    ***** Bibles' OT and NT:  Spirits that GOD Almighty sends down including lying ones in the Bibles.  Jesus in several passages was Commanded by GOD to become one to forge falseianity (christianity) because of the ample blasphemies of the Jews.

    Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?

    Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

    Notice the language of how Satan was:

    1. "You were perfect from the day you were created".  Jesus was also created from the Word of GOD.
    2. Glorious.
    3. "the chosen one".
    4. The "Anointed".
    5. ruler over earth.
    6. Ruler over the "Holy Mount" of GOD

    Matthew 24:25-27 Jesus will return as an Arabian Messiah from Damascus.

    He was all of these and more before arrogance, pride, stubbornness and blasphemies caused Satan to fall from Grace.  Jesus then became the substitute, i.e., the Perfect", "Glorious", "the chosen one", the "Anointed", "ruler over earth" and ruler over the "Holy Mount" chosen one of GOD Almighty.

    Jesus also said the direction of the Prayer towards Jerusalem will be no more (Psalm 138:2, John 4:21, Matthew 21:43, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 60, Genesis 25:12-13).  It will be replaced with the Qibla (direction) to Mecca and the Holy Path to Mecca.  Only Islam is the Divine Truth from Allah Almighty.  Christianity is pagan.  Even Christmas is an ancient Roman pagan holiday (video clip) according to the Christian theologians themselves:

    Jesus too carried the Spirit of GOD in him, and he carried also the Spirit of fearing GOD in him.  Jesus was also called slave of GOD in the OT many times.  He also had no Divine WillTrinity is a lie from Hell.

    See also 24 other Thrones and Messiahs besides Jesus (Revelations 4 & 5).

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


    Eid Al-Adha: Ishmael or Isaac?  GOD's peace be upon them both.  Who was the son to be sacrificed?  Bibles and Quran agree it was Ishmael.


    Satan & Peter VS. Paul: 2 Corinthians 12:7-11.  Paul literally put Peter and Satan in one team.


    Sam Shamoun also exposes the ample  holy group sex that occurs in his circle:



    Paul ordered the execution (actual killing) of some sinners.

    Paul ate his vomit.

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

     (Sam Shamoun declares gambling is allowed in Christianity)

    Jesus amputated his unholy testicles and head of penis to remain holy.  If his body was holy, were his testicles cursed and unholy, especially that he commanded to maim your sinful body parts?  You mean to tell me that they were not part of the Creator of the Universe's body??  Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.


    Why did Jesus amputate his own (NT calls them satanic flesh) testicles and penis' head?






    Sam Shamoun declares that the bibles and trinity
    are man-made and are not from the living Word of GOD Almighty.
    Sam Shamoun:  If Catholicism is false, then the entire NT is a fraud, and there is "no Christianity".  It would be like the "pagan worship of Baal".  Sam Shamoun also declares the 2nd and 3rd centuries bibles-writings are forgeries, and declares that if you study the bible logically, then you will become an atheist.
    Click to play
    video clip.

    Quran: Bibles are mostly corrupt.

    Noble Verses 5:44-49 are thoroughly unpacked in this article.  According to the Glorious Quran, there is nothing called new testament, or bible or even old testament.  There is the Thikr of Moses, which contains the Wasaya (Commandments, which are the 600+ Law Commandments), which the Prophets before Prophet Muhammad and Islam "the prophets did judge by it" (5:44).  Even in the bibles we find in Deuteronomy 4:2 and other places say that the Commandments (600+) must not be mixed with any other text.  Also, the Injeel or Injil is not the NT.  It is the direct commands of Prophet Eesa (not Jesus), in which he mostly gave beautiful Commandments of Mercy, Compassion, Love, Fasting, Praying and Worshiping GOD Almighty Alone and associating no partners with Him, and also gave glad tidings about the coming of Prophet Muhammad and the new Covenant of Allah Almighty.  The Bibles are all corrupt.  The Glorious Quran also declares them all to be corrupt.  The Glorious Quran also confirms the Messiah, Eesa (not Jesus) and his virgin mother, Marium (not Mary), peace be upon both of them and upon all of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah Almighty (Not even Jesus was given the Book according to the Glorious Quran).  We also read in Noble Verses 5:46-49:

    Sam Shamoun declares 2nd and 3rd centuries bibles-writings are forgeries:


    How big was the first New Testament?

    The early believers were also expecting an Arabian Prophet.  The OT thoroughly talks about him and his new Covenant coming from Kedar in Arabia, and the NT talks about him coming after the Messiah:

    Why wasn't Prophet Muhammad preached by the early Christians in Jerusalem, Arabia, Africa and Europe?  Early cities like Antioch, Corinth, Rome and others were never taught the coming of Prophet Muhammad.  Doesn't this prove that Islam is falseBut he was preached!



    The Bibles are all corrupt. The Glorious Quran also declares them all to be corrupt.  The Glorious Quran also confirms the Messiah, Eesa (not Jesus) and his virgin mother, Marium (not Mary), peace be upon both of them.



  • King Melchizedek [1]:

  • The Bible also says that Jesus had to be "in according to Melchizedek".  And who is Melchizedek?  According to the Bible, he was the Jews' highest priest who had "no father and no mother", and "no beginning and no end" (Genesis 14:18, Psalm 110:4, Hebrews 5:6-10, Hebrews 7:1-20).
  • Jesus had to be similar and inline with him; another proof that Jesus being "God" doesn't mean he is the Creator of the Universe.
  • Also, Jesus said Prophets are Servants, Jesus is the Son Son here means he is the Messiah.  The Old Testament thoroughly calls Jesus the slave of GOD [1] and who also fears GOD Yes indeed, the Islamic Isa (eesa) is the Messiah.  This is his special sonship.  He is also the Lord of his Mansion, which has twelve thrones or fruits [2].  He is more than a mere Jewish Rasul (Prophet) in this regard.  He is also heir of GOD on earth only.  That's the limit of his sonship.  Otherwise, it is sun chips!  There is nothing GODly about him.  He is not our Creator.  With all of his glory and might, he still remains a mere abd (slave) of GOD [1] as all sons of GOD were also called slaves of GOD (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him) See also:

  • Sons of GOD in the Glorious Quran.  They are "....no more than servants raised to honor.  (The Noble Quran, 21:26)".
  • Oxymoron Trinity.
  • Jesus is the heir of GOD on earth only.
  • Again, could "Jesus" and the disciples honestly even resurrect or create a fly on their own?  This is one of the Glorious Quran's challenges to the polytheists from mankind who insist on deifying flesh and blood, dust and water, and idols.  All are helpless.  All are worthless when compared to Allah Almighty.
    Sun Chips oxymoron:  The polytheist trinitarian pagans' oxymoron here is that they're making a sun chips out of Islam's Prophet-Isa's sacred Messiahship and special sonship ("no more than servants raised to honour") with their blasphemies of inflating him with hot air and making him the Creator of the Universe.

  • Jesus denied knowing when Judgment Day will come, and said I DON'T KNOW, ONLY GOD ALONE KNOWS!
  • 1 John 2:22-23 [1] church-written lie are discussed further down in details in this table.  Ironically, the Bible's own theologians admit that 1 John contains forgeries by church fathers.


    For ample more details, visit:


  • Also, the Family of Allah أهل الله in Islam [1], and the Majestic "We" [1] [2] [3] [4]
  • www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php?topic=1904.msg7673#msg7673
    www.answering-christianity.com/jesus_miracles.htm (non of Jesus' Miracles were unique)


    Adam is greater than Jesus:

    Jesus forbade people from calling him "son of David" and "son of Abraham" ( Muslims bless Abraham everyday.  Shedding light on Genesis 12:1-3 "I will bless those who bless you...").  He said he is greater than them, and no one should call him son of any of these two servants of GOD Almighty.  Yet, Jesus walked around and called himself son of Adam countless times:

  • Is Jesus greater than Adam?  NT says no.


    Oxymoron Trinity [1]:

    From www.answering-christianity.com/trinity_crucified.htm#permission:

    Trinitarians:  Jesus is our Creator.
    Jesus:  Why are you thinking such evil things?

    Matthew 9:3-4 (CEV)
    3 Some teachers of the Law of Moses said to themselves, “Jesus must think he is God!
    4 But Jesus knew what was in their minds, and he said,
    Why are you thinking such
    evil things?

    Mark 10:18 ""Why do you call me good ἀγαθόν (agathon)?" Jesus answered. "No one is good--except God alone."
    Good = agathon ἀγαθόν, agathos ἀγαθὸς

    So from people who opposed and followed Jesus, some from both sides thought he was claiming to be GOD Almighty.  Jesus absolutely rejected this blasphemy and misunderstanding!

    Also visit:  Jesus had no Divine Will according to the New Testament. How could he be our Creator?


    Jesus was also called slave of GOD in the OT many times.  Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Also visit: How many members are there in the Trinity?  There are 39+ Holy Figures.

    The disciples arguing about the Sabbath and other Laws.  Jesus promised them that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths and that there will be no arguments, confusions or riddles.  Yet, the NT is marred with open arguments, vilifications (calling each other cursed by GOD "anathema", satanic, false, wrong).  Where is Jesus' promise??  Totally a false promise!

    Where is Jesus' promise??

    -  He promised that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, guide them in all ways, and that it will be the Holy Spirit speaking, not them.
    -  They ended up splitting into
    Paul vs. Peter two opposing groups, and were at odds with each other on several theological issues.
    1 Corinthians 7:40  Paul wasn't sure if he had the Holy Spirit in him or not. He said "I think I have the Holy Spirit".
    -  Their differences remain unsettled till this day in the NT.  They were never resolved.

    -  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    -  They were barking at each other like
    rabid dogs calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan!
    [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?


    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in their conflicting scriptures?



    If Paul is false, then Jesus is insufficient:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Yet, Paul admits that he speaks through a lying spirit  (Romans 3:7  But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?), while Jesus promised all of the disciples that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, and that it will not be them speaking, but the Holy Spirit. Yet, Paul says he was lying.  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    Paul and his team of disciples were also calling Peter's team, - and vice versa, - anathema ἀνάθεμα (cursed by GOD), false, bewitched, dogs, and many other things.  Jesus' original message got corrupt from the false christianity and the deification of flesh and blood creations like Jesus, Mary and others like they used to do in ancient Europe in Greece, Rome, Byzantine and throughout ancient ancient Europe of three-headed gods and trinities, such as the trinity of Zeus, Athena and Apollo; also Hell's three-headed guardian dog, or the trinity of Delian, Artemis and Apollo and many other ancient trinities.  Only Islam completes GOD Almighty's Religion.  See ample prophecies.
      Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah



    Dismal Spiritual Failures:

    Let us examine the following:

    Romans 3:23 ESV
    For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

    Ecclesiastes 7:20 ESV
    Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.

    No man is sinless and faultless.  The NT even says Jesus himself sinned via coveting the sins of the world.  Paul then barfs the following gem:


    1 Corinthians 2:15
    A spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself
    is not subject to any man's judgment.



    How can any flesh and blood sinner not be subjected to judgment?  The world has seen how disastrous your pedophilic and corrupt priests, ministers and churches are, from sex abuse on children, theft, prostitution and so much more.  Ironically also, Paul and the disciples themselves dismally failed this standard when they turned into rabid dogs in harsh judgments on each other; calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan! [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?  There is also conflict regarding misogyny:

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11–13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Which book were the people of the Book reciting (فسأل الذين يقرؤون الكتاب) during Prophet Muhammad's days according to the Glorious Quran 10:94?


    Insufficient Jesus:

    Edward Dalcour says that Jesus would be insufficient if Paul was proven to be false:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Does Noble Verse 9:31 say that Allah and Jesus are two equal Lords?  Also, thorough refutation to  توحيد الربوبية  (tawheed alruboobiyyah, or Oneness of Lordship between Jesus and Allah) concept by the polytheist trinitarian pagans (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    The Bibles' sacred "book of toiletספר קודש של שירותים    and praised incestuous rape can be read here
    كتاب المرحاض المقدس


    ***** Bibles' OT and NT:  Spirits that GOD Almighty sends down including lying ones in the Bibles.  Jesus in several passages was Commanded by GOD to become one to forge falseianity (christianity) because of the ample blasphemies of the Jews.

    Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?

    Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

    Notice the language of how Satan was:

    1. "You were perfect from the day you were created".  Jesus was also created from the Word of GOD.
    2. Glorious.
    3. "the chosen one".
    4. The "Anointed".
    5. ruler over earth.
    6. Ruler over the "Holy Mount" of GOD

    Matthew 24:25-27 Jesus will return as an Arabian Messiah from Damascus.

    He was all of these and more before arrogance, pride, stubbornness and blasphemies caused Satan to fall from Grace.  Jesus then became the substitute, i.e., the Perfect", "Glorious", "the chosen one", the "Anointed", "ruler over earth" and ruler over the "Holy Mount" chosen one of GOD Almighty.

    Jesus also said the direction of the Prayer towards Jerusalem will be no more (Psalm 138:2, John 4:21, Matthew 21:43, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 60, Genesis 25:12-13).  It will be replaced with the Qibla (direction) to Mecca and the Holy Path to Mecca.  Only Islam is the Divine Truth from Allah Almighty.  Christianity is pagan.  Even Christmas is an ancient Roman pagan holiday (video clip) according to the Christian theologians themselves:

    Jesus too carried the Spirit of GOD in him, and he carried also the Spirit of fearing GOD in him.  Jesus was also called slave of GOD in the OT many times.  He also had no Divine WillTrinity is a lie from Hell.

    See also 24 other Thrones and Messiahs besides Jesus (Revelations 4 & 5).

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


    Eid Al-Adha: Ishmael or Isaac?  GOD's peace be upon them both.  Who was the son to be sacrificed?  Bibles and Quran agree it was Ishmael.


    Satan & Peter VS. Paul: 2 Corinthians 12:7-11.  Paul literally put Peter and Satan in one team.


    Sam Shamoun also exposes the ample  holy group sex that occurs in his circle:



    Paul ordered the execution (actual killing) of some sinners.

    Paul ate his vomit.

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

     (Sam Shamoun declares gambling is allowed in Christianity)

    Jesus amputated his unholy testicles and head of penis to remain holy.  If his body was holy, were his testicles cursed and unholy, especially that he commanded to maim your sinful body parts?  You mean to tell me that they were not part of the Creator of the Universe's body??  Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.


    Why did Jesus amputate his own (NT calls them satanic flesh) testicles and penis' head?






    Jesus is the resurrection (John 11:25), but yet does not know when the Hour of the resurrection will come (Matthew 24:36) [1], and he had to cry, weep and beg GOD to resurrect Lazarus back to life.  And this proves he is our Creator?  And how is he exactly The Resurrection?  Could Jesus and the disciples honestly even resurrect or create a fly on their own?  This is one of the Glorious Quran's challenges to the polytheists from mankind who insist on deifying flesh and blood, dust and water, and idols.  All are helpless.  All are worthless when compared to Allah Almighty.

    In the OT, Elisha and many others also raised the dead:

    2 Kings 4
    32 Elisha arrived at the woman’s house and went straight to his room, where he saw the boy’s body on his bed.
    33 He walked in, shut the door, and prayed to the Lord.
    34 Then he got on the bed and stretched out over the
    dead body, with his mouth on the boy’s mouth, his eyes on his eyes, and his hand on his hands. As he lay there, the boy’s body became warm.
    35 Elisha got up and walked back and forth in the room, then he went back and leaned over the boy’s body. The boy sneezed seven times and opened his eyes.
    36 Elisha called out to Gehazi, “Have the boy’s mother come here.” Gehazi did, and when she was at the door, Elisha said, “You can take your son.”
    37 She came in and bowed down at Elisha’s feet. Then she picked up her son and left.

    Is Elisha and others like him now our Creator?


    John 5:30
     "I cannot do anything on my own."
      (i.e., I am totally powerless.  In other verses, Jesus could not even perform a single Miracle without GOD sending it down to him first!).

    And Jesus could not determine (Mark 10:40) who gets to sit on his right and on his left in Heaven.  Only GOD alone decides this, Jesus said.  Visit also:

  • Bible's problematic hyperboles.  Jesus has, for example, caused Christians to eat pork, and they're now even the world's biggest pork consumers.  But a closer look at the text reveals that he never allowed it and could never even DARE to violate GOD Almighty by allowing it.
  • The last two chapters of the book of Isaiah make an End of Time Prophecy about the evil and immoral ones who will be pork (pig's meat) eaters.
  • The Bible has ample problems with its hyperbole and excessive confusing metaphoric language, to a point where we don't know what Jesus actually means, and it has made lawful things sinful and sinful things lawful.  Interestingly, people in the NT called Jesus a fat drunk, because they observed him drinking too much wine (alcohol) and eating too much.  He was a "gluttonous, and a winebibber" (Matthew 11:19, Luke 7:34) [1] [2].  This could've played a major role in the nonsensical language that he was uttering left and right.  Only Allah Almighty Knows best.
  • Ample more examples are given in the link above.

    Did Jesus ever claim to be God? (8 minutes)

    John 11:50: It is expedient, whether through hook or by crook,
    that we must
    convict Jesus

    Did GOD ever appear in a human form to anyone?


    Click on image to play video:



    Video: 1, 2.
    Sam Shamoun, the trinitarian barfoon, forgot that "GOD IS ONE" is
    mentioned countless times in his scriptures.  Also, Jesus was also called
    "SLAVE OF GOD" in NT and OT. There is no Divine Son that is part of
    Allah Almighty. That's one of the several things Islam came to correct:



    Matthew 7:22-23:  GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah


    Quran declares all Bibles are corrupt.

    Oxymoron Trinity (100+ verses).  Bibles: Jesus will slaughter 100s of millions when he returns.

    The disciples arguing about the Sabbath and other Laws.  Jesus promised them that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths and that there will be no arguments, confusions or riddles.  Yet, the NT is marred with open arguments, vilifications (calling each other cursed by GOD "anathema", satanic, false, wrong).  Where is Jesus' promise??  Totally a false promise!

    Where is Jesus' promise??

    -  He promised that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, guide them in all ways, and that it will be the Holy Spirit speaking, not them.
    -  They ended up splitting into
    Paul vs. Peter two opposing groups, and were at odds with each other on several theological issues.
    1 Corinthians 7:40  Paul wasn't sure if he had the Holy Spirit in him or not. He said "I think I have the Holy Spirit".
    -  Their differences remain unsettled till this day in the NT.  They were never resolved.

    -  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    -  They were barking at each other like
    rabid dogs calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan!
    [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?


    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in their conflicting scriptures?



    If Paul is false, then Jesus is insufficient:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Yet, Paul admits that he speaks through a lying spirit  (Romans 3:7  But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?), while Jesus promised all of the disciples that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, and that it will not be them speaking, but the Holy Spirit. Yet, Paul says he was lying.  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    Paul and his team of disciples were also calling Peter's team, - and vice versa, - anathema ἀνάθεμα (cursed by GOD), false, bewitched, dogs, and many other things.  Jesus' original message got corrupt from the false christianity and the deification of flesh and blood creations like Jesus, Mary and others like they used to do in ancient Europe in Greece, Rome, Byzantine and throughout ancient ancient Europe of three-headed gods and trinities, such as the trinity of Zeus, Athena and Apollo; also Hell's three-headed guardian dog, or the trinity of Delian, Artemis and Apollo and many other ancient trinities.  Only Islam completes GOD Almighty's Religion.  See ample prophecies.
      Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah



    Dismal Spiritual Failures:

    Let us examine the following:

    Romans 3:23 ESV
    For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

    Ecclesiastes 7:20 ESV
    Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.

    No man is sinless and faultless.  The NT even says Jesus himself sinned via coveting the sins of the world.  Paul then barfs the following gem:


    1 Corinthians 2:15
    A spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself
    is not subject to any man's judgment.



    How can any flesh and blood sinner not be subjected to judgment?  The world has seen how disastrous your pedophilic and corrupt priests, ministers and churches are, from sex abuse on children, theft, prostitution and so much more.  Ironically also, Paul and the disciples themselves dismally failed this standard when they turned into rabid dogs in harsh judgments on each other; calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan! [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?  There is also conflict regarding misogyny:

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11–13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Which book were the people of the Book reciting (فسأل الذين يقرؤون الكتاب) during Prophet Muhammad's days according to the Glorious Quran 10:94?


    Insufficient Jesus:

    Edward Dalcour says that Jesus would be insufficient if Paul was proven to be false:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Does Noble Verse 9:31 say that Allah and Jesus are two equal Lords?  Also, thorough refutation to  توحيد الربوبية  (tawheed alruboobiyyah, or Oneness of Lordship between Jesus and Allah) concept by the polytheist trinitarian pagans (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    The Bibles' sacred "book of toiletספר קודש של שירותים    and praised incestuous rape can be read here
    كتاب المرحاض المقدس


    ***** Bibles' OT and NT:  Spirits that GOD Almighty sends down including lying ones in the Bibles.  Jesus in several passages was Commanded by GOD to become one to forge falseianity (christianity) because of the ample blasphemies of the Jews.

    Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?

    Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

    Notice the language of how Satan was:

    1. "You were perfect from the day you were created".  Jesus was also created from the Word of GOD.
    2. Glorious.
    3. "the chosen one".
    4. The "Anointed".
    5. ruler over earth.
    6. Ruler over the "Holy Mount" of GOD

    Matthew 24:25-27 Jesus will return as an Arabian Messiah from Damascus.

    He was all of these and more before arrogance, pride, stubbornness and blasphemies caused Satan to fall from Grace.  Jesus then became the substitute, i.e., the Perfect", "Glorious", "the chosen one", the "Anointed", "ruler over earth" and ruler over the "Holy Mount" chosen one of GOD Almighty.

    Jesus also said the direction of the Prayer towards Jerusalem will be no more (Psalm 138:2, John 4:21, Matthew 21:43, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 60, Genesis 25:12-13).  It will be replaced with the Qibla (direction) to Mecca and the Holy Path to Mecca.  Only Islam is the Divine Truth from Allah Almighty.  Christianity is pagan.  Even Christmas is an ancient Roman pagan holiday (video clip) according to the Christian theologians themselves:

    Jesus too carried the Spirit of GOD in him, and he carried also the Spirit of fearing GOD in him.  Jesus was also called slave of GOD in the OT many times.  He also had no Divine WillTrinity is a lie from Hell.

    See also 24 other Thrones and Messiahs besides Jesus (Revelations 4 & 5).

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


    Eid Al-Adha: Ishmael or Isaac?  GOD's peace be upon them both.  Who was the son to be sacrificed?  Bibles and Quran agree it was Ishmael.


    Satan & Peter VS. Paul: 2 Corinthians 12:7-11.  Paul literally put Peter and Satan in one team.


    Sam Shamoun also exposes the ample  holy group sex that occurs in his circle:



    Paul ordered the execution (actual killing) of some sinners.

    Paul ate his vomit.

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

     (Sam Shamoun declares gambling is allowed in Christianity)

    Jesus amputated his unholy testicles and head of penis to remain holy.  If his body was holy, were his testicles cursed and unholy, especially that he commanded to maim your sinful body parts?  You mean to tell me that they were not part of the Creator of the Universe's body??  Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.


    Why did Jesus amputate his own (NT calls them satanic flesh) testicles and penis' head?






    Sam Shamoun declares that the bibles and trinity
    are man-made and are not from the living Word of GOD Almighty.
    Sam Shamoun:  If Catholicism is false, then the entire NT is a fraud, and there is "no Christianity".  It would be like the "pagan worship of Baal".  Sam Shamoun also declares the 2nd and 3rd centuries bibles-writings are forgeries, and declares that if you study the bible logically, then you will become an atheist.
    Click to play
    video clip.

    Quran: Bibles are mostly corrupt.

    Noble Verses 5:44-49 are thoroughly unpacked in this article.  According to the Glorious Quran, there is nothing called new testament, or bible or even old testament.  There is the Thikr of Moses, which contains the Wasaya (Commandments, which are the 600+ Law Commandments), which the Prophets before Prophet Muhammad and Islam "the prophets did judge by it" (5:44).  Even in the bibles we find in Deuteronomy 4:2 and other places say that the Commandments (600+) must not be mixed with any other text.  Also, the Injeel or Injil is not the NT.  It is the direct commands of Prophet Eesa (not Jesus), in which he mostly gave beautiful Commandments of Mercy, Compassion, Love, Fasting, Praying and Worshiping GOD Almighty Alone and associating no partners with Him, and also gave glad tidings about the coming of Prophet Muhammad and the new Covenant of Allah Almighty.  The Bibles are all corrupt.  The Glorious Quran also declares them all to be corrupt.  The Glorious Quran also confirms the Messiah, Eesa (not Jesus) and his virgin mother, Marium (not Mary), peace be upon both of them and upon all of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah Almighty (Not even Jesus was given the Book according to the Glorious Quran).  We also read in Noble Verses 5:46-49:

    Sam Shamoun declares 2nd and 3rd centuries bibles-writings are forgeries:


    How big was the first New Testament?

    The early believers were also expecting an Arabian Prophet.  The OT thoroughly talks about him and his new Covenant coming from Kedar in Arabia, and the NT talks about him coming after the Messiah:

    Why wasn't Prophet Muhammad preached by the early Christians in Jerusalem, Arabia, Africa and Europe?  Early cities like Antioch, Corinth, Rome and others were never taught the coming of Prophet Muhammad.  Doesn't this prove that Islam is falseBut he was preached!



    Muslims honor the Virgin Birth:

    We Muslims believe in the virgin birth of Isa Al-Maseeh, from our mother Mariam, peace be upon them both.  We also believe Isa performed many Miracles.  In fact, it was the Christians who doubted the virgin birth.  Islam came to cement it.  But Isa (eesa) was nonetheless a creation of GOD Almighty, and a slave of GOD (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).  Even the Old Testament calls Jesus "Slave of GOD":

  • Islam cemented the virgin birth of Jesus!  Christians doubted it.  Christian scholars admit this.
  • Isa (Jesus), the Islamic Messiah and creation of Allah Almighty, is NOT our Creator:


  • Jesus, in the Bible, said he does not know when the Hour will come, only GOD alone Knows, Jesus said.
  • Jesus said if he bears witness of himself he would be a liar.
  • Jesus prostrated on his face and prayed and begged GOD all night long to save him from crucifixion.
  • Is Jesus greater than Adam?  NT says no.
  • Jesus was called slave of GOD in Old Testament.
  • If Jesus was GOD questions.
  • None of Jesus' Miracles were unique in the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).
  • Trinity Crucified!  100s of verses thoroughly destroy the trinity lie.
  • The Fly's Digestive Miracle - Mentioned in the Holy Quran and Confirmed by Science!
  • Is Jesus greater than Adam?  NT says no.

    The disciples arguing about the Sabbath and other Laws.  Jesus promised them that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths and that there will be no arguments, confusions or riddles.  Yet, the NT is marred with open arguments, vilifications (calling each other cursed by GOD "anathema", satanic, false, wrong).  Where is Jesus' promise??  Totally a false promise!

    Where is Jesus' promise??

    -  He promised that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, guide them in all ways, and that it will be the Holy Spirit speaking, not them.
    -  They ended up splitting into
    Paul vs. Peter two opposing groups, and were at odds with each other on several theological issues.
    1 Corinthians 7:40  Paul wasn't sure if he had the Holy Spirit in him or not. He said "I think I have the Holy Spirit".
    -  Their differences remain unsettled till this day in the NT.  They were never resolved.

    -  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    -  They were barking at each other like
    rabid dogs calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan!
    [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?


    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in their conflicting scriptures?



    If Paul is false, then Jesus is insufficient:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Yet, Paul admits that he speaks through a lying spirit  (Romans 3:7  But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?), while Jesus promised all of the disciples that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, and that it will not be them speaking, but the Holy Spirit. Yet, Paul says he was lying.  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    Paul and his team of disciples were also calling Peter's team, - and vice versa, - anathema ἀνάθεμα (cursed by GOD), false, bewitched, dogs, and many other things.  Jesus' original message got corrupt from the false christianity and the deification of flesh and blood creations like Jesus, Mary and others like they used to do in ancient Europe in Greece, Rome, Byzantine and throughout ancient ancient Europe of three-headed gods and trinities, such as the trinity of Zeus, Athena and Apollo; also Hell's three-headed guardian dog, or the trinity of Delian, Artemis and Apollo and many other ancient trinities.  Only Islam completes GOD Almighty's Religion.  See ample prophecies.
      Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah



    Dismal Spiritual Failures:

    Let us examine the following:

    Romans 3:23 ESV
    For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

    Ecclesiastes 7:20 ESV
    Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.

    No man is sinless and faultless.  The NT even says Jesus himself sinned via coveting the sins of the world.  Paul then barfs the following gem:


    1 Corinthians 2:15
    A spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself
    is not subject to any man's judgment.



    How can any flesh and blood sinner not be subjected to judgment?  The world has seen how disastrous your pedophilic and corrupt priests, ministers and churches are, from sex abuse on children, theft, prostitution and so much more.  Ironically also, Paul and the disciples themselves dismally failed this standard when they turned into rabid dogs in harsh judgments on each other; calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan! [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?  There is also conflict regarding misogyny:

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11–13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Which book were the people of the Book reciting (فسأل الذين يقرؤون الكتاب) during Prophet Muhammad's days according to the Glorious Quran 10:94?


    Insufficient Jesus:

    Edward Dalcour says that Jesus would be insufficient if Paul was proven to be false:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Does Noble Verse 9:31 say that Allah and Jesus are two equal Lords?  Also, thorough refutation to  توحيد الربوبية  (tawheed alruboobiyyah, or Oneness of Lordship between Jesus and Allah) concept by the polytheist trinitarian pagans (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    The Bibles' sacred "book of toiletספר קודש של שירותים    and praised incestuous rape can be read here
    كتاب المرحاض المقدس


    ***** Bibles' OT and NT:  Spirits that GOD Almighty sends down including lying ones in the Bibles.  Jesus in several passages was Commanded by GOD to become one to forge falseianity (christianity) because of the ample blasphemies of the Jews.

    Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?

    Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

    Notice the language of how Satan was:

    1. "You were perfect from the day you were created".  Jesus was also created from the Word of GOD.
    2. Glorious.
    3. "the chosen one".
    4. The "Anointed".
    5. ruler over earth.
    6. Ruler over the "Holy Mount" of GOD

    Matthew 24:25-27 Jesus will return as an Arabian Messiah from Damascus.

    He was all of these and more before arrogance, pride, stubbornness and blasphemies caused Satan to fall from Grace.  Jesus then became the substitute, i.e., the Perfect", "Glorious", "the chosen one", the "Anointed", "ruler over earth" and ruler over the "Holy Mount" chosen one of GOD Almighty.

    Jesus also said the direction of the Prayer towards Jerusalem will be no more (Psalm 138:2, John 4:21, Matthew 21:43, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 60, Genesis 25:12-13).  It will be replaced with the Qibla (direction) to Mecca and the Holy Path to Mecca.  Only Islam is the Divine Truth from Allah Almighty.  Christianity is pagan.  Even Christmas is an ancient Roman pagan holiday (video clip) according to the Christian theologians themselves:

    Jesus too carried the Spirit of GOD in him, and he carried also the Spirit of fearing GOD in him.  Jesus was also called slave of GOD in the OT many times.  He also had no Divine WillTrinity is a lie from Hell.

    See also 24 other Thrones and Messiahs besides Jesus (Revelations 4 & 5).

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


    Eid Al-Adha: Ishmael or Isaac?  GOD's peace be upon them both.  Who was the son to be sacrificed?  Bibles and Quran agree it was Ishmael.


    Satan & Peter VS. Paul: 2 Corinthians 12:7-11.  Paul literally put Peter and Satan in one team.


    Sam Shamoun also exposes the ample  holy group sex that occurs in his circle:



    Paul ordered the execution (actual killing) of some sinners.

    Paul ate his vomit.

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

     (Sam Shamoun declares gambling is allowed in Christianity)

    Jesus amputated his unholy testicles and head of penis to remain holy.  If his body was holy, were his testicles cursed and unholy, especially that he commanded to maim your sinful body parts?  You mean to tell me that they were not part of the Creator of the Universe's body??  Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.


    Why did Jesus amputate his own (NT calls them satanic flesh) testicles and penis' head?




  • Sun Chips Blasphemies:
    Jesus said
    Prophets are Servants, Jesus is the Son But the Old Testament thoroughly calls Jesus the slave of GOD [1] and who also fears GOD Yes indeed, the Islamic Isa (eesa) is the Messiah.  This is his special sonship.  He is also the Lord of his Mansion, which has twelve thrones or fruits [2].  He is more than a mere Jewish Rasul (Prophet) in this regard.  He is also the heir of GOD on earth only.  That's the limit of his sonship.  Otherwise, it is sun chips!  There is nothing GODly about him.  He is not our Creator.  With all of his glory and might, he still remains a mere abd (slave) of GOD [1] as all sons of GOD were also called slaves of GOD (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him)
    See also:

  • Sons of GOD in the Glorious Quran.  They are "....no more than servants raised to honor.  (The Noble Quran, 21:26)".
  • Oxymoron Trinity.
  • Jesus is the heir of GOD on earth only.
  • Again, could "Jesus" and the disciples honestly even resurrect or create a fly on their own?  This is one of the Glorious Quran's challenges to the polytheists from mankind who insist on deifying flesh and blood, dust and water, and idols.  All are helpless.  All are worthless when compared to Allah Almighty.
    Sun Chips oxymoron:  The polytheist trinitarian pagans' oxymoron here is that they're making a sun chips out of Islam's Prophet-Isa's sacred Messiahship and special sonship ("no more than servants raised to honour") with their blasphemies of inflating him with hot air and making him the Creator of the Universe.


    What is Islam?

  • What is Islam?
  • How and Why do I convert to Islam?
  • How do I convert a non-Muslim to Islam?


  • www.answering-christianity.com/arabs_no_longer_jews_dogs.htm (according to Jesus)
  • www.answering-christianity.com/east.htm (Matthew 24:25-27: Jesus will return as an Arab from Syria)

  • Trinity Crucified!  100s of verses thoroughly destroy the trinity lie.

    Note:  The (*) links below are html backups of the website's blog topic threads, in case the blog and its database are down.


    From: www.answering-christianity.com/convert_christians.htm:

    1 John 2:22-23 [1] church-written lie are discussed further down in details in this table.  Ironically, the Bible's own theologians admit that 1 John contains forgeries by church fathers.

  • God in the OT addresses people as "my son" and describes them as his begotten son.  Why does God use these terms with others in the time of Moses and Jesus and Abraham and other prophets, and now condemns these tittles in the Quran?  Why would God give room to misuse these terms like the Greek and Romans did?
  • What is the definition of Messiah in the Quran?


    Son of GOD definition:

    From www.answering-christianity.com/trinity_crucified.htm#permission:

    Trinitarians:  Jesus is our Creator.
    Jesus:  Why are you thinking such evil things?

    Matthew 9:3-4 (CEV)
    3 Some teachers of the Law of Moses said to themselves, "Jesus must think he is God!"
    4 But Jesus knew what was in their minds, and he said,
    Why are you thinking such
    evil things?

    Mark 10:18 ""Why do you call me good ἀγαθόν (agathon)?" Jesus answered. "No one is good--except God alone."
    Good = agathon ἀγαθόν, agathos ἀγαθὸς

    So from people who opposed and followed Jesus, some from both sides thought he was claiming to be GOD Almighty.  Jesus absolutely rejected this blasphemy and misunderstanding!

    Also visit:  Jesus had no Divine Will according to the New Testament. How could he be our Creator?


    Jesus was also called slave of GOD in the OT many times.  Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Also visit: How many members are there in the Trinity?  There are 39+ Holy Figures.

    The disciples arguing about the Sabbath and other Laws.  Jesus promised them that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths and that there will be no arguments, confusions or riddles.  Yet, the NT is marred with open arguments, vilifications (calling each other cursed by GOD "anathema", satanic, false, wrong).  Where is Jesus' promise??  Totally a false promise!

    Where is Jesus' promise??

    -  He promised that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, guide them in all ways, and that it will be the Holy Spirit speaking, not them.
    -  They ended up splitting into
    Paul vs. Peter two opposing groups, and were at odds with each other on several theological issues.
    1 Corinthians 7:40  Paul wasn't sure if he had the Holy Spirit in him or not. He said "I think I have the Holy Spirit".
    -  Their differences remain unsettled till this day in the NT.  They were never resolved.

    -  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    -  They were barking at each other like
    rabid dogs calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan!
    [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?


    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in their conflicting scriptures?



    If Paul is false, then Jesus is insufficient:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Yet, Paul admits that he speaks through a lying spirit  (Romans 3:7  But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?), while Jesus promised all of the disciples that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, and that it will not be them speaking, but the Holy Spirit. Yet, Paul says he was lying.  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    Paul and his team of disciples were also calling Peter's team, - and vice versa, - anathema ἀνάθεμα (cursed by GOD), false, bewitched, dogs, and many other things.  Jesus' original message got corrupt from the false christianity and the deification of flesh and blood creations like Jesus, Mary and others like they used to do in ancient Europe in Greece, Rome, Byzantine and throughout ancient ancient Europe of three-headed gods and trinities, such as the trinity of Zeus, Athena and Apollo; also Hell's three-headed guardian dog, or the trinity of Delian, Artemis and Apollo and many other ancient trinities.  Only Islam completes GOD Almighty's Religion.  See ample prophecies.
      Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah



    Dismal Spiritual Failures:

    Let us examine the following:

    Romans 3:23 ESV
    For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

    Ecclesiastes 7:20 ESV
    Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.

    No man is sinless and faultless.  The NT even says Jesus himself sinned via coveting the sins of the world.  Paul then barfs the following gem:


    1 Corinthians 2:15
    A spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself
    is not subject to any man's judgment.



    How can any flesh and blood sinner not be subjected to judgment?  The world has seen how disastrous your pedophilic and corrupt priests, ministers and churches are, from sex abuse on children, theft, prostitution and so much more.  Ironically also, Paul and the disciples themselves dismally failed this standard when they turned into rabid dogs in harsh judgments on each other; calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan! [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?  There is also conflict regarding misogyny:

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11–13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Which book were the people of the Book reciting (فسأل الذين يقرؤون الكتاب) during Prophet Muhammad's days according to the Glorious Quran 10:94?


    Insufficient Jesus:

    Edward Dalcour says that Jesus would be insufficient if Paul was proven to be false:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Does Noble Verse 9:31 say that Allah and Jesus are two equal Lords?  Also, thorough refutation to  توحيد الربوبية  (tawheed alruboobiyyah, or Oneness of Lordship between Jesus and Allah) concept by the polytheist trinitarian pagans (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    The Bibles' sacred "book of toiletספר קודש של שירותים    and praised incestuous rape can be read here
    كتاب المرحاض المقدس


    ***** Bibles' OT and NT:  Spirits that GOD Almighty sends down including lying ones in the Bibles.  Jesus in several passages was Commanded by GOD to become one to forge falseianity (christianity) because of the ample blasphemies of the Jews.

    Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?

    Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

    Notice the language of how Satan was:

    1. "You were perfect from the day you were created".  Jesus was also created from the Word of GOD.
    2. Glorious.
    3. "the chosen one".
    4. The "Anointed".
    5. ruler over earth.
    6. Ruler over the "Holy Mount" of GOD

    Matthew 24:25-27 Jesus will return as an Arabian Messiah from Damascus.

    He was all of these and more before arrogance, pride, stubbornness and blasphemies caused Satan to fall from Grace.  Jesus then became the substitute, i.e., the Perfect", "Glorious", "the chosen one", the "Anointed", "ruler over earth" and ruler over the "Holy Mount" chosen one of GOD Almighty.

    Jesus also said the direction of the Prayer towards Jerusalem will be no more (Psalm 138:2, John 4:21, Matthew 21:43, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 60, Genesis 25:12-13).  It will be replaced with the Qibla (direction) to Mecca and the Holy Path to Mecca.  Only Islam is the Divine Truth from Allah Almighty.  Christianity is pagan.  Even Christmas is an ancient Roman pagan holiday (video clip) according to the Christian theologians themselves:

    Jesus too carried the Spirit of GOD in him, and he carried also the Spirit of fearing GOD in him.  Jesus was also called slave of GOD in the OT many times.  He also had no Divine WillTrinity is a lie from Hell.

    See also 24 other Thrones and Messiahs besides Jesus (Revelations 4 & 5).

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


    Eid Al-Adha: Ishmael or Isaac?  GOD's peace be upon them both.  Who was the son to be sacrificed?  Bibles and Quran agree it was Ishmael.


    Satan & Peter VS. Paul: 2 Corinthians 12:7-11.  Paul literally put Peter and Satan in one team.


    Sam Shamoun also exposes the ample  holy group sex that occurs in his circle:



    Paul ordered the execution (actual killing) of some sinners.

    Paul ate his vomit.

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

     (Sam Shamoun declares gambling is allowed in Christianity)

    Jesus amputated his unholy testicles and head of penis to remain holy.  If his body was holy, were his testicles cursed and unholy, especially that he commanded to maim your sinful body parts?  You mean to tell me that they were not part of the Creator of the Universe's body??  Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.


    Why did Jesus amputate his own (NT calls them satanic flesh) testicles and penis' head?







    We read in the Bible that Prophets are servants and Jesus is the Son (Matthew 21:33-46).  Jesus is more than a Rasul (Prophet).  Jesus was also called Abd (slave) of GOD throughout the Old Testament, as all sons of GOD were also called slaves of GOD (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him) Jesus' rule is only limited to his Mansion.  Jesus also said that this Mansion is ruled by twelve Thrones (also called them 12 Fruits).  Jesus being King of kings means that he is the King of his Mansion's twelve thrones.

  • King of kings for Jesus does not refer to the corrupt earthly kings and thieves.  They were offered to Jesus before during his temptation by satan, and Jesus ultimately refused them all.  Jesus is the king of the twelve thrones inside his Mansion.  Other people in the OT were called King of kings also.  So the title is not even unique to Jesus (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).


    Allah is the GOD of the Bibles: [1]

    Did you know that Elohim is Allah [1,*] [2] [3].  The "im" in Hebrew is a majestic plural for GOD Almighty.  The root Word is "Eloh".  And the more original Jews such as Yemenites and others say Alohim or Alah-im.  And when you yourself pronounce it, you do naturally pronounce it with a double "l": Allah.  Jews do call Him: Allah-im.  Aramaic-speaking people also call GOD Almighty Allah.  See the following videos for Biblical references and proofs.  Also, pre-Islamic Biblical archeological findings have GOD Almighty as "Allah".  So the Original Holy Name for GOD Almighty is not Eloh.  It is Allah!  Eloh is a Hebrew dialect, which not all Hebrew speakers use anyway.  Allah had always been the Original and Universal GOD Almighty even before birth of Judaism, and the existence Hebrew.  And Hebrew is a developed language from Phoenician.  See the following links:

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

    (Click to play videos)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

    Daniel 3:26 in Aramaic says "Servants of Allah (GOD Most High GOD)"

    Sam Shamoun showed where portions of his OT is mixed between Hebrew and Aramaic writings.  He also unintentionally proved that the Hebrew "ben" (son) is not the same as the Aramaic "bar" (wrongly gets translated as "son").  The correct and accurate translation is for "bar" is "the chosen pious one".  Again, Allah Almighty has NO DIVINE SON.  He considers the pious chosen ones as close BARS.  The Aramaic and Arabic are the same in this one.  See the ample verses and analysis in the video. 

    Please also visit: The definition of "Son of God" in Islam.

    Yahweh is Baal to the Jews in Isaiah 54:5 and Hosea 2:16. Exposing the Christians' pagan-god Baal lie.



  • In the Bible, "the Son" refers to the Messiah, - the Ultimate Messenger to the Jews.  Son in their time meant Servant of GOD (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).  Allah Almighty also explained it precisely like this in the Glorious Quran: "....servants raised to honour.  (The Noble Quran, 21:26)".  Please visit:


    This is what we will be called in Heaven, and Allah Almighty also does recognize "Son of GOD" title in the Glorious Quran, but Says that they are no more than pious "....servants raised to honour.  (The Noble Quran, 21:26)".  Nothing Divine about them except that they exist with Allah Almighty Eternally in Heaven.  But as far as Divine Authority and Power, all Divine Authority and Power belong to Allah Almighty Alone and none else.  You can visit:

    Muslims bless Abraham everyday.  Shedding light on Genesis 12:1-3 "I will bless those who bless you..."

  • Is the metaphoric Son of GOD title supported in the Glorious Quran?  Yes.  Here are several Noble Verses that do support it.  Was even used for both followers of satan and GOD (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).
  • Trinity Crucified!  100s of verses prove trinity is false.  Jesus healed others only after getting permissions from GOD Almighty.  His wishes were sometimes denied. [1] [2]
  • Except GOD Alone!  Jesus rejected ἀγαθόνJesus forbade anyone from calling him ἀγαθόν.  He said it is only for the Supreme GOD Almighty.

    And other great figures in the Old Testament were also called:

    1-  GOD (El) of other people.
    2-  Son of GOD (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him)
    3-  Begotten Son of GOD (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).
    4-  GOD's First Born.
    5-  GOD's Heir and Heirs (for believers).
    6-  GODly name with Yahweh and El attached to the name.
    7-  King of Kings (called by Yahweh Himself in the OT).
    8-  All believers are GODs (Elohim) and Sons of GOD (Beni Elohim).

    Is Jesus "God's Son" or "God's Servant (SLAVE)?" [1]

    King James Version
    Acts 3:25 - Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed.

    Acts 3:26 - Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities.

    New King James Version
    Acts 3:25 - You are the sons of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying to Abraham, 'And in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed.

    Acts 3:26 - To you first, God, having raised up His Servant Jesus, sent Him to bless you, in turning every one of you away from his iniquities.

    "Servant" here is slave.  Jesus was called ABD (SLAVE) in the OT [2], the
    same word used for the Jews' slaves, and all slaves in general, throughout
    the Bible [
    2].  Jesus, the abd of GOD, is also the slave of GOD in the NT.

    In Arabic also it's the same.  My name Osama Abdallah, which means
    Osama slave of Allah (GOD).  Slave is a subject of GOD (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him)
    .  A servant is
    independent.  A servant provides services.  He/she can quit serving
    without consequences and can even kick you out of their territory.  But
    a slave (ABD) is totally OWNED.


    I elaborated on this point in details at:



    Muslims bless Abraham everyday.  Shedding light on Genesis 12:1-3 "I will bless those who bless you..."

    The Servants are the Prophets of Israel.  But Jesus is "the Son" because he is the Messiah, the highest Jew and highest Jewish Prophet.  Jesus' rule is only limited to his Mansion.  Jesus also said that this Mansion is ruled by twelve Thrones (also called them 12 Fruits).  Prophets are Servants, Jesus is the Son (Matthew 21:33-46).  Jesus is only the Lord of the Jews' Mansion.

    Is the metaphoric Son of GOD title supported in the Glorious Quran?  Yes.  Here are several Noble Verses that do support it.  Was even used for both followers of satan and GOD (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).


    Jesus was called ABD (SLAVE) of GOD:



    John 1:1:

    John 1:1 answered from the Glorious Quran Includes a Scientific Miracle in the Glorious Quran.

    John 1:1
    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God
    was with authority (same Greek word for satan's rule [ [1] [2] [3])


    The Word encompasses Jesus:

    From www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php/topic,2884.msg13839.html#msg13839:

    From brother Shaad:

    The Logos and Jesus are differentiated in Revelation.....

    Revelation 20:4 King James Version (KJV)

    4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the ;witness of Jesus, and for the word of God...

    Revelation 1:2

    2 who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ

    Jazaka Allah Khayr, dear brother Shaad.  I took the liberty to add the emphasis to your text, akhi.  Indeed, the Word of GOD Almighty ENCOMPASSES Jesuss, because he was made/created from it; exactly as Islam declares.

    Trinity is false.  I have added your addition to:


    take care, Osama Abdallah


    Messiah definition:



    Also visit:   

  • The Romans had to fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues:

    Click to play video [1].  Matthew 12:40: "shall be buried deep in the heart of
     earth for 3 days and nights as Jonah was deep in the belly of the whale."

    Jonah was alive:  But Jonah was always alive in his ordeal.  He was alive on the shore,
    alive in the whale's belly, and alive when vomited out of the whale. 
    Alive, alive, alive!

    This Prophecy is a lie! Jesus laid on the floor, got healed, and got up and
    left.  He was
    never inside any coffin nor ever got buried.  Also, because 100s
    of thousands of pilgrims were coming to Jerusalem for the Passover, the
    Romans had to rush his "crucifixion" and bring him down.  The soldiers were
    even denied food due to lack of time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).
    Jesus never got crucified: [1] [2] [3] [4].  The OT and NT clearly spell it out.  He was saved.

    Matthew 27:16-17:  There were two Jesuses!  Not one.  Allah Almighty Said in the Glorious Quran:
    [004:156] That they rejected Faith; that they uttered against Mary a grave false charge;
    That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Apostle of God";-but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) know ledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:-
    Nay, God raised him up unto Himself; and God is Exalted in Power, Wise;-

    Divine Setup for Conjecture:

    Matthew 7:22-23GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

    "... but so it was made to appear to them..." (Quran 4:157)


    The two double-Jesus men & Pontus Pilate in Matthew 27:16-17:

    According to the Gospel of Matthew, Pontus Pilate was standing between two double-Jesus men:

    1-  Jesus Barabbas.
    2-  Jesus Barabbas.

    "...The Bibles' Christ was put on the cross for three hours. Any one of us would've survived this silly crucifixion.  Your human body, when faced with death, can become 10+ times stronger, more resilient, more resistant and more stubborn than normal. This is what would enable you, for example, to lift an entire truck with your bare hands if your precious child was under it. Similarly, if you were put on the cross for three silly hours, your body would've survived it. A soldier was placed on the cross for 63 hours and still lived to tell the world about it." (Source)

    Again, a Divine Setup for Conjecture.


    Was Jesus Christ Crucified?

    At hour 1:00:00 - 1:25:00, Dr. Zakir Naik really sealed
    this debate and destroyed Christianity!
    This is yet another wonderful 3-hour debate and video by
    Dr. Zakir Naik where he thoroughly demonstrated from
    the Bible's New Testament
    that Jesus Christ was never
    crucified, nor did he ever rise from the dead.  This 3-hour
    debate was between Dr. Zakir Naik and Pastor Rukni.

    Psalm 91 promises Jesus will never get hurt or die.  Satan in the NT challenged Jesus on Psalm 91.  Yashua (salvation) is the last word in Psalm 91, and it also happens to be one of Jesus' names in the New Testament.
    Here is my shortened version videoDr. Naik also provided many more verses than the following ones.  But the following verses and points were from my shortened version video.  See also this text-debate [2] between me and a Christian brother on my blog.  You're welcomed to join in.


    Christianity's Salvation Lie:

    Because Christianity's scriptures didn't get documented for 200+ years after Jesus, the Church and Christians had developed and invented the crucifixion lie and its requirement to save a person from Hell (by him believing in it), which had been thoroughly proven from both the Bible and the Glorious Quran, to be a fabricated lie [1].  Salvation verses like John 3:16 and others are all forgeries that were invented by liars 100s of years after the real Eesa , the real Messiah.  Even in Latin, it is Iesu, and in Greek it is Iesus.  Notice here Jesus' statements:

    Matthew 9
    12 Jesus heard them and answered, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor, but sick people do.
    13 Go and learn what the Scriptures mean when they say, ‘Instead of offering sacrifices to me, I want you to
    be merciful to others (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust).’ I didn’t come to invite good people to be my followers. I only came to invite sinners.”

    Matthew 5:7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

    Being Merciful to others makes you a good person.  And Jesus didn't come for you if you are.  Jesus didn't come to invite merciful and good people.  They're already saved.  They need no invitation.  The Christian lie about one must accept that Jesus died on the cross for his/her sins is mandatory for their salvation, and that otherwise they'd be doomed to Hell is thoroughly destroyed in Matthew 9:12-13.  In fact, both the OT and NT in many passages confirmed that GOD Almighty will save his Messiah from crucifixion and from death and harm.


     Matthew 9:12-13  I have not come for you if you're a merciful Jew.



    Three Isaiah 53 translation lies:

    Three lies in translations of Isaiah 53, as further elaborated below in this table, that need to be clarified:

    1-  He was assigned a grave.  This doesn't mean he was buried in it, because Jesus was never buried in any grave.  He laid on the floor inside a tomb (cave-like structure), got healed and got up and left.  He was never inside any coffin nor ever got buried inside the earth.

    2-  He was pierced for our sins.  No, he was hurt (the word is not pierced or stabbed) because of "our" (Jews only) sins and transgressions.  If you drive with your family and get hit by a drunk driver and your baby ends up getting killed, your baby didn't die for his sin.  Your baby died BECAUSE of his sin and transgression.  Otherwise, you would not have driven on the same road that day if you knew the future.

    Also visit:

    John 11:50:  It is expedient, whether through hook or by crook, that we must convict Jesus


    Early Church Fathers:  Jesus never died for anyone's sins!

    Sam Shamoun:  The early fathers declared Jesus never died for any sin!  Shamoun is
    realizing how full of forged lies & conjecture his historical
    Christianity is.  They declared that Jesus never bore (carried) any sin for anyone on the cross.

    Jesus never died for anyone's sins! He was placed on the cross
    BECAUSE of (not for) the Jews' sins, and Allah Almighty SAVED HIM.
    Read the detailed analysis on Isaiah 53, Psalm 91 and others at:


    Also see proofs from OT and NT that Jesus transformed himself into lying spirit by GOD's Command to forge Christianity.  GOD Almighty in the OT has Commanded it before:


    Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?



    3-  In his death.  It is talking about his sentencing to death and not actual death.  It is also symbolic, because Jesus didn't even stay for 3 hours on the cross (2.a) and was never killed.  Plus, Jesus begged GOD (Luke 6:12, Matthew 26:36-44, Matthew 16:39, Matthew 6:5-8) all night to save him from crucifixion and all hurt.  all hurt.


    Lies about Psalm 91:13:

    Some polytheist trinitarian pagans say that Psalm 91:13 proves that Jesus was never crucified:

    Psalm 91:13
    You will tread on the lion and the adder, the young lion and the serpent you will trample under foot.

    They say that Jesus treading (stomping on) the lion and the snake means that he defeated satan via the cross.  Satan is called both lion and snake. So Jesus stomped on him by getting crucified (killed on the cross) and resurrecting from death.  They also say the NT books such as Matthew and Luke that quote Psalm 91 for Jesus both claim that Jesus was killed on the cross.



    But Psalm 91:14-16 refute this:

    14 Because he cleaves to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name.
    15 When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will
    rescue him and honor him.
    16 With long life I will satisfy him, and show him my salvation.

    1-  Also, Jesus was only placed for 3 hours on the cross (2.a).  They had to pull the plug on crucifixion because the Passover was about to begin, where 1/2 million Jewish pilgrims were to shortly start pouring into Jerusalem.  I, Osama Abdallah, would have survived Jesus' crucifixion.

    2-  Also, Jesus was never killed.  He laid on the floor in the tomb, received medical treatment from the two Marys and other women, and then got up and left.

    3-  The books that say he was killed on the cross were written 200 to 400 years after Jesus.  The majority of Christian historians and theologians claim this.

    4-  Psalm 91:15"...I will be with him in trouble, I will rescue him and honor him."  Clearly declares he will be saved from death.


    Merciful Palestinian and Good Neighbor Parable:

    5-  Jesus said below in Luke 10:25-37, Matthew 9:12-13:  If you're merciful, a good neighbor like the Palestinian Samaritan in Luke 10:33, and above all, GOD-Fearing (OT says Jesus was a slave of GOD and GOD-Fearing), then you have nothing to fear. "Do this, and you will live" Jesus said.  That's it.  Jesus even used good Palestinians in his parable.  Dying on the cross is a developed Christian lie centuries after Jesus (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him)It's a forgery.



    Visit section 2.a in the article.


    Also visit:

    Matthew 7:22-23:  GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah


    Quran declares all Bibles are corrupt.

    Oxymoron Trinity (100+ verses).  Bibles: Jesus will slaughter 100s of millions when he returns.

    The disciples arguing about the Sabbath and other Laws.  Jesus promised them that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths and that there will be no arguments, confusions or riddles.  Yet, the NT is marred with open arguments, vilifications (calling each other cursed by GOD "anathema", satanic, false, wrong).  Where is Jesus' promise??  Totally a false promise!

    Where is Jesus' promise??

    -  He promised that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, guide them in all ways, and that it will be the Holy Spirit speaking, not them.
    -  They ended up splitting into
    Paul vs. Peter two opposing groups, and were at odds with each other on several theological issues.
    1 Corinthians 7:40  Paul wasn't sure if he had the Holy Spirit in him or not. He said "I think I have the Holy Spirit".
    -  Their differences remain unsettled till this day in the NT.  They were never resolved.

    -  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    -  They were barking at each other like
    rabid dogs calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan!
    [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?


    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in their conflicting scriptures?



    If Paul is false, then Jesus is insufficient:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Yet, Paul admits that he speaks through a lying spirit  (Romans 3:7  But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?), while Jesus promised all of the disciples that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, and that it will not be them speaking, but the Holy Spirit. Yet, Paul says he was lying.  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    Paul and his team of disciples were also calling Peter's team, - and vice versa, - anathema ἀνάθεμα (cursed by GOD), false, bewitched, dogs, and many other things.  Jesus' original message got corrupt from the false christianity and the deification of flesh and blood creations like Jesus, Mary and others like they used to do in ancient Europe in Greece, Rome, Byzantine and throughout ancient ancient Europe of three-headed gods and trinities, such as the trinity of Zeus, Athena and Apollo; also Hell's three-headed guardian dog, or the trinity of Delian, Artemis and Apollo and many other ancient trinities.  Only Islam completes GOD Almighty's Religion.  See ample prophecies.
      Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah



    Dismal Spiritual Failures:

    Let us examine the following:

    Romans 3:23 ESV
    For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

    Ecclesiastes 7:20 ESV
    Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.

    No man is sinless and faultless.  The NT even says Jesus himself sinned via coveting the sins of the world.  Paul then barfs the following gem:


    1 Corinthians 2:15
    A spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself
    is not subject to any man's judgment.



    How can any flesh and blood sinner not be subjected to judgment?  The world has seen how disastrous your pedophilic and corrupt priests, ministers and churches are, from sex abuse on children, theft, prostitution and so much more.  Ironically also, Paul and the disciples themselves dismally failed this standard when they turned into rabid dogs in harsh judgments on each other; calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan! [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?  There is also conflict regarding misogyny:

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11–13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Which book were the people of the Book reciting (فسأل الذين يقرؤون الكتاب) during Prophet Muhammad's days according to the Glorious Quran 10:94?


    Insufficient Jesus:

    Edward Dalcour says that Jesus would be insufficient if Paul was proven to be false:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Does Noble Verse 9:31 say that Allah and Jesus are two equal Lords?  Also, thorough refutation to  توحيد الربوبية  (tawheed alruboobiyyah, or Oneness of Lordship between Jesus and Allah) concept by the polytheist trinitarian pagans (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    The Bibles' sacred "book of toiletספר קודש של שירותים    and praised incestuous rape can be read here
    كتاب المرحاض المقدس


    ***** Bibles' OT and NT:  Spirits that GOD Almighty sends down including lying ones in the Bibles.  Jesus in several passages was Commanded by GOD to become one to forge falseianity (christianity) because of the ample blasphemies of the Jews.

    Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?

    Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

    Notice the language of how Satan was:

    1. "You were perfect from the day you were created".  Jesus was also created from the Word of GOD.
    2. Glorious.
    3. "the chosen one".
    4. The "Anointed".
    5. ruler over earth.
    6. Ruler over the "Holy Mount" of GOD

    Matthew 24:25-27 Jesus will return as an Arabian Messiah from Damascus.

    He was all of these and more before arrogance, pride, stubbornness and blasphemies caused Satan to fall from Grace.  Jesus then became the substitute, i.e., the Perfect", "Glorious", "the chosen one", the "Anointed", "ruler over earth" and ruler over the "Holy Mount" chosen one of GOD Almighty.

    Jesus also said the direction of the Prayer towards Jerusalem will be no more (Psalm 138:2, John 4:21, Matthew 21:43, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 60, Genesis 25:12-13).  It will be replaced with the Qibla (direction) to Mecca and the Holy Path to Mecca.  Only Islam is the Divine Truth from Allah Almighty.  Christianity is pagan.  Even Christmas is an ancient Roman pagan holiday (video clip) according to the Christian theologians themselves:

    Jesus too carried the Spirit of GOD in him, and he carried also the Spirit of fearing GOD in him.  Jesus was also called slave of GOD in the OT many times.  He also had no Divine WillTrinity is a lie from Hell.

    See also 24 other Thrones and Messiahs besides Jesus (Revelations 4 & 5).

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


    Eid Al-Adha: Ishmael or Isaac?  GOD's peace be upon them both.  Who was the son to be sacrificed?  Bibles and Quran agree it was Ishmael.


    Satan & Peter VS. Paul: 2 Corinthians 12:7-11.  Paul literally put Peter and Satan in one team.


    Sam Shamoun also exposes the ample  holy group sex that occurs in his circle:



    Paul ordered the execution (actual killing) of some sinners.

    Paul ate his vomit.

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

     (Sam Shamoun declares gambling is allowed in Christianity)

    Jesus amputated his unholy testicles and head of penis to remain holy.  If his body was holy, were his testicles cursed and unholy, especially that he commanded to maim your sinful body parts?  You mean to tell me that they were not part of the Creator of the Universe's body??  Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.


    Why did Jesus amputate his own (NT calls them satanic flesh) testicles and penis' head?






    Sam Shamoun declares that the bibles and trinity
    are man-made and are not from the living Word of GOD Almighty.
    Sam Shamoun:  If Catholicism is false, then the entire NT is a fraud, and there is "no Christianity".  It would be like the "pagan worship of Baal".  Sam Shamoun also declares the 2nd and 3rd centuries bibles-writings are forgeries, and declares that if you study the bible logically, then you will become an atheist.
    Click to play
    video clip.

    Quran: Bibles are mostly corrupt.

    Noble Verses 5:44-49 are thoroughly unpacked in this article.  According to the Glorious Quran, there is nothing called new testament, or bible or even old testament.  There is the Thikr of Moses, which contains the Wasaya (Commandments, which are the 600+ Law Commandments), which the Prophets before Prophet Muhammad and Islam "the prophets did judge by it" (5:44).  Even in the bibles we find in Deuteronomy 4:2 and other places say that the Commandments (600+) must not be mixed with any other text.  Also, the Injeel or Injil is not the NT.  It is the direct commands of Prophet Eesa (not Jesus), in which he mostly gave beautiful Commandments of Mercy, Compassion, Love, Fasting, Praying and Worshiping GOD Almighty Alone and associating no partners with Him, and also gave glad tidings about the coming of Prophet Muhammad and the new Covenant of Allah Almighty.  The Bibles are all corrupt.  The Glorious Quran also declares them all to be corrupt.  The Glorious Quran also confirms the Messiah, Eesa (not Jesus) and his virgin mother, Marium (not Mary), peace be upon both of them and upon all of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah Almighty (Not even Jesus was given the Book according to the Glorious Quran).  We also read in Noble Verses 5:46-49:

    Sam Shamoun declares 2nd and 3rd centuries bibles-writings are forgeries:


    How big was the first New Testament?

    The early believers were also expecting an Arabian Prophet.  The OT thoroughly talks about him and his new Covenant coming from Kedar in Arabia, and the NT talks about him coming after the Messiah:

    Why wasn't Prophet Muhammad preached by the early Christians in Jerusalem, Arabia, Africa and Europe?  Early cities like Antioch, Corinth, Rome and others were never taught the coming of Prophet Muhammad.  Doesn't this prove that Islam is falseBut he was preached!



    The Bibles are all corrupt. The Glorious Quran also declares them all to be corrupt.  The Glorious Quran also confirms the Messiah, Eesa (not Jesus) and his virgin mother, Marium (not Mary), peace be upon both of them.



    Jesus' Original Name:

    Prophet Jesus' original name was Eesa, as this is also his Islamic name.  The article (Eesa) also gives ample Hebrew references and proofs.  Even in Latin, it is Iesu, and in Greek it is Iesus.  There is also a great deal of evidence that Jesus spoke and preached in Arabic.  Not only that, but Greek wasn't even that popular in Palestine.  Islam's claims are very strongly supported.  See proofs below.


    Did early Christians preach Prophet Muhammad in Rome?

    Did the early believers preach Prophet Muhammad in Corinth, Antioch, Rome and all other places?  Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, was the Jews' Messiah and final Prophet.  In both the Glorious Quran and the Dead Sea Scrolls, Ahmed was prophesied to come.  Ahmed in the Quran is Prophet Muhammad's prophetic name.  Also, see below the Dead Sea Scroll image.  The New Testament too predicts the coming of three:

    1.  Elijah.
    2.  The Messiah.
    3.  The Prophet.

    John 1:19-21 and John 7:40-44.  Click on the images to expand:

  • John the Baptist calls Jesus a liar! (Matthew 11:1-6).


    Roman massacres:

    So did the early believers preach the coming of Prophet Ahmed or Muhammad?  The answer is quite possible, but Muhammad would've been phase 2 for them and not phase 1.  Jesus was the early believers' immediate Prophet, not Muhammad.  And all of the details that they had were about Jesus, not Muhammad.  It is also important to know that the following seven Roman Emperors have thoroughly burned all (burnt all) of the early believers' writings:

    1.  Nero (54-68)
    2.  Domitian (81-96)
    3.  Marcus Aurelius (161-180)
    4.  Septimius Severus (193-211; up to a point)
    5.  Maximinius I Thrax (235-8; up to a point)
    6.  Trajanus Decius (249-251)
    7.  Valerian (253-260)

    Read all the details with references here.  Also visit: How big was the first New Testament?

    What we have today from "gospels" and "New Testament" were written 100 years to 300 years after Jesus' departure from this earth.  So, the current writings that we have are not original writings.  Also, to appease the Roman Empire's 3-headed pagan religion and practices, the pagan 3-headed trinity was invented [1] [2] [3] [4] [5].  Many lies had been fabricated after the original writings were all lost.  The Jews and Christians of Arabia, however, did have writings that predicted the coming of Prophet Muhammad.  These were some of the original texts that survived.

    The early believers were expecting an Arabian Prophet.  The OT thoroughly talks about him and his new Covenant coming from Kedar in Arabia, and the NT talks about him coming after the Messiah:

    Why wasn't Prophet Muhammad preached by the early Christians in Jerusalem, Arabia, Africa and Europe?  Early cities like Antioch, Corinth, Rome and others were never taught the coming of Prophet Muhammad.  Doesn't this prove that Islam is falseBut he was preached!


    From Why Jews settled in Arabia section:

    Video and text are in the linked section above.


    Jesus also preached in Arabic:

    See the clear proofs in the following:

  • Proofs that early Christian believers' title was Muslims from the Jews' and Christians sources themselves.  Also, Greek wasn't even the first language in Palestine, nor was it even hardly spoken by the natives there.
  • Also, ample proofs that Jesus also spoke and preached in Arabic, and there were many early manuscripts written in Arabic that spoke about the coming of Prophet Muhammad in details.  Arabic is estimated to date back 8000 to 20000 years by non-Muslim researchers, and had always been the first language in the entire lands of the Middle East, North and Central Africa.
  • Prophet Muhammad in the Early Christians' writings.
  • Prophet Muhammad foretold, by the name, in the previous Scriptures.  We still have texts today and from the Bible itself and outside the Bible that tell about the coming of Prophet Muhammad and Islam as the Servant of GOD Almighty and the New Religion and Covenant of GOD Almighty, respectively.
  • Important:
    What is the definition of Messiah in the Quran?
    Jesus was created from the Word of GOD and filled with the Holy Spirit, according to Islam.
  • In the Bible, Muslims, Salamays, Mushlams, Mushlems, Mushlimana are the Believers' original title [1].  Islam came to restore the original Faith [1].


    Prophet "AHMAD" is found in the Dead Sea Scrolls:

    Click on image to play video:

    (Clip also in this article)

    Prophet Muhammad in the previous Scriptures.  Prophet Muhammad was thoroughly foretold in the Bible, and his prophetic Name, "Ahmed", was also found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, and it was mentioned precisely in the Glorious Quran for the Prophet to be foretold by this very Name, Ahmed [1] [2].



    Father and Son Definitions:

    Definition of Key Terms (*) (a discussion between me and a Christian):

    1-  What does "The Father" really mean in the Bible?  How is it defined in Islam? (see point #5 below)  How does the Bible really define it?

    2-  What does "Son of GOD" really mean in the Bible? 

    3-  Jesus had to match Melchizedek in Miracles and Power, according to the New Testament.  See this text-debate (*) between me and a Christian.  Jesus' Miracles and Miraculous Birth and Nature were given to him because he needed to be in according to Melchizedek.  He had to be “in according to Melchizedek” as the Bible specifically says.  See Genesis 14:18, Psalm 110:4, Hebrews 5:6-10, Hebrews 7:1-20 [2].


    Who is Melchizedek?

    According to the Bible, he was the Jews' highest priest who had "no father and no mother", and "no beginning and no end" (Genesis 14:18, Psalm 110:4, Hebrews 5:6-10, Hebrews 7:1-20) [2].  The Bible literally says that.  Jesus had to be similar and inline with him; another proof that Jesus being "God" doesn't mean he is the Creator of the Universe.

  • Is Jesus Allah Almighty for creating things in the Noble Quran?  And is he better than Prophet Muhammad for being a creator?  And is there a contradiction in the Noble Quran regarding idol gods not being able to create and Jesus Christ?  See the Books that Allah Almighty gave to certain powerful Beings to enable them to possess certain Powers and to do certain Miracles, including limited Creations.

  • Also again, see this text-debate (*) between me and a Christian.

  • 4-  Does the Bible say that Yahweh created Jesus Yes it does (*)

  • John 1:1
    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God was with authority
    (same Greek word for satan's rule (*) [2] [3])."

  • Detailed discussion about Jesus' Will (*) with ample verses.

  • In Islam, there are three "Worlds" or Realms:

  • (a)-  GOD Almighty, who is not seen by anyone or anything, nor is like unto anyone or anything.

    (b)-  The World of Command, which is the invisible world of the Beings that were made by the Word and the Spirit.

    (c)-  The World of Creation, the flush and blood, dust and water physical world and Universes (plural).

    Also visit: Is the Noble Quran a Creator or Creation?



    1 John 2:22-23:

    1 John 2:22-23 is another church-written lie.  Again, ironically, the Bible's own theologians admit that 1 John contains forgeries by church fathersChristians often quote the following verses to prove that Islam is the Anti-Christ:

    1 John 2
    22  Who is a liar but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
    23  No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

    Muslims firmly believe in the Messiah and his virgin birth miracle.  Islam cemented the virgin birth of Jesus belief after it was fading away.  Christians admit this.  Also, the Glorious Quran claims that sons of GOD title was used for servants raised to honor:  Sons of GOD in the Glorious Quran.  They are "....no more than servants raised to honor.  (The Noble Quran, 21:26)".


    "Messiah" is the sonship:

    Jesus said Prophets are Servants, Jesus is the Son Son here means he is the Messiah.  The Old Testament thoroughly calls Jesus the slave of GOD [1] and who also fears GODYes indeed, the Islamic Isa (eesa) is the Messiah.  This is his special sonship.  He is also the Lord of his Mansion, which has twelve thrones or fruits [2].  He is more than a mere Jewish Rasul (Prophet) in this regard.  He is also heir of GOD on earth only.  That's the limit of his sonship.  Otherwise, it is sun chips!  There is nothing GODly about him.  He is not our Creator.  With all of his glory and might, he still remains a mere abd (slave) of GOD [1] as all sons of GOD were also called slaves of GOD (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him) See also:

    1-  Sons of GOD in the Glorious Quran.  They are "....no more than servants raised to honor.  (The Noble Quran, 21:26)".

    2-  Oxymoron Trinity .

    3-  Jesus is the heir of GOD on earth only.


    Sun Chips blasphemies:

    The polytheist trinitarian pagans' oxymoron here is that they're making a sun chips out of Islam's Prophet-Isa's sacred Messiahship and special sonship ("no more than servants raised to honour") with their blasphemies of inflating him with hot air and making him the Creator of the Universe.

    Could Jesus and the disciples honestly even resurrect or create a fly on their own?  This is one of the Glorious Quran's challenges to the polytheists from mankind who insist on deifying flesh and blood, dust and water, and idols.  All are helpless.  All are worthless when compared to Allah Almighty.

    Did Jesus ever claim to be God? (8 minutes)

    John 11:50: It is expedient, whether through hook or by crook,
    that we must
    convict Jesus

    Did GOD ever appear in a human form to anyone?


    Click on image to play video:



    Video: 1, 2.
    Sam Shamoun, the trinitarian barfoon, forgot that "GOD IS ONE" is
    mentioned countless times in his scriptures.  Also, Jesus was also called
    "SLAVE OF GOD" in NT and OT. There is no Divine Son that is part of
    Allah Almighty. That's one of the several things Islam came to correct:



    Matthew 7:22-23:  GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah


    Quran declares all Bibles are corrupt.

    Oxymoron Trinity (100+ verses).  Bibles: Jesus will slaughter 100s of millions when he returns.

    The disciples arguing about the Sabbath and other Laws.  Jesus promised them that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths and that there will be no arguments, confusions or riddles.  Yet, the NT is marred with open arguments, vilifications (calling each other cursed by GOD "anathema", satanic, false, wrong).  Where is Jesus' promise??  Totally a false promise!

    Where is Jesus' promise??

    -  He promised that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, guide them in all ways, and that it will be the Holy Spirit speaking, not them.
    -  They ended up splitting into
    Paul vs. Peter two opposing groups, and were at odds with each other on several theological issues.
    1 Corinthians 7:40  Paul wasn't sure if he had the Holy Spirit in him or not. He said "I think I have the Holy Spirit".
    -  Their differences remain unsettled till this day in the NT.  They were never resolved.

    -  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    -  They were barking at each other like
    rabid dogs calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan!
    [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?


    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in their conflicting scriptures?



    If Paul is false, then Jesus is insufficient:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Yet, Paul admits that he speaks through a lying spirit  (Romans 3:7  But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?), while Jesus promised all of the disciples that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, and that it will not be them speaking, but the Holy Spirit. Yet, Paul says he was lying.  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    Paul and his team of disciples were also calling Peter's team, - and vice versa, - anathema ἀνάθεμα (cursed by GOD), false, bewitched, dogs, and many other things.  Jesus' original message got corrupt from the false christianity and the deification of flesh and blood creations like Jesus, Mary and others like they used to do in ancient Europe in Greece, Rome, Byzantine and throughout ancient ancient Europe of three-headed gods and trinities, such as the trinity of Zeus, Athena and Apollo; also Hell's three-headed guardian dog, or the trinity of Delian, Artemis and Apollo and many other ancient trinities.  Only Islam completes GOD Almighty's Religion.  See ample prophecies.
      Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah



    Dismal Spiritual Failures:

    Let us examine the following:

    Romans 3:23 ESV
    For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

    Ecclesiastes 7:20 ESV
    Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.

    No man is sinless and faultless.  The NT even says Jesus himself sinned via coveting the sins of the world.  Paul then barfs the following gem:


    1 Corinthians 2:15
    A spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself
    is not subject to any man's judgment.



    How can any flesh and blood sinner not be subjected to judgment?  The world has seen how disastrous your pedophilic and corrupt priests, ministers and churches are, from sex abuse on children, theft, prostitution and so much more.  Ironically also, Paul and the disciples themselves dismally failed this standard when they turned into rabid dogs in harsh judgments on each other; calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan! [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?  There is also conflict regarding misogyny:

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11–13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Which book were the people of the Book reciting (فسأل الذين يقرؤون الكتاب) during Prophet Muhammad's days according to the Glorious Quran 10:94?


    Insufficient Jesus:

    Edward Dalcour says that Jesus would be insufficient if Paul was proven to be false:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Does Noble Verse 9:31 say that Allah and Jesus are two equal Lords?  Also, thorough refutation to  توحيد الربوبية  (tawheed alruboobiyyah, or Oneness of Lordship between Jesus and Allah) concept by the polytheist trinitarian pagans (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    The Bibles' sacred "book of toiletספר קודש של שירותים    and praised incestuous rape can be read here
    كتاب المرحاض المقدس


    ***** Bibles' OT and NT:  Spirits that GOD Almighty sends down including lying ones in the Bibles.  Jesus in several passages was Commanded by GOD to become one to forge falseianity (christianity) because of the ample blasphemies of the Jews.

    Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?

    Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

    Notice the language of how Satan was:

    1. "You were perfect from the day you were created".  Jesus was also created from the Word of GOD.
    2. Glorious.
    3. "the chosen one".
    4. The "Anointed".
    5. ruler over earth.
    6. Ruler over the "Holy Mount" of GOD

    Matthew 24:25-27 Jesus will return as an Arabian Messiah from Damascus.

    He was all of these and more before arrogance, pride, stubbornness and blasphemies caused Satan to fall from Grace.  Jesus then became the substitute, i.e., the Perfect", "Glorious", "the chosen one", the "Anointed", "ruler over earth" and ruler over the "Holy Mount" chosen one of GOD Almighty.

    Jesus also said the direction of the Prayer towards Jerusalem will be no more (Psalm 138:2, John 4:21, Matthew 21:43, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 60, Genesis 25:12-13).  It will be replaced with the Qibla (direction) to Mecca and the Holy Path to Mecca.  Only Islam is the Divine Truth from Allah Almighty.  Christianity is pagan.  Even Christmas is an ancient Roman pagan holiday (video clip) according to the Christian theologians themselves:

    Jesus too carried the Spirit of GOD in him, and he carried also the Spirit of fearing GOD in him.  Jesus was also called slave of GOD in the OT many times.  He also had no Divine WillTrinity is a lie from Hell.

    See also 24 other Thrones and Messiahs besides Jesus (Revelations 4 & 5).

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


    Eid Al-Adha: Ishmael or Isaac?  GOD's peace be upon them both.  Who was the son to be sacrificed?  Bibles and Quran agree it was Ishmael.


    Satan & Peter VS. Paul: 2 Corinthians 12:7-11.  Paul literally put Peter and Satan in one team.


    Sam Shamoun also exposes the ample  holy group sex that occurs in his circle:



    Paul ordered the execution (actual killing) of some sinners.

    Paul ate his vomit.

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

     (Sam Shamoun declares gambling is allowed in Christianity)

    Jesus amputated his unholy testicles and head of penis to remain holy.  If his body was holy, were his testicles cursed and unholy, especially that he commanded to maim your sinful body parts?  You mean to tell me that they were not part of the Creator of the Universe's body??  Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.


    Why did Jesus amputate his own (NT calls them satanic flesh) testicles and penis' head?








    5-  What does the Glorious Quran say about the “Father” and “Son” titles:

  • The Quran is against the exaggerated and inflated meanings of the words, which ultimately the polytheistic religion of trinity was born out of.

  • Allah Almighty Said: "And they say: "(God) Most Gracious has begotten offspring." Glory to Him! they are (but) servants raised to honour (The Noble Quran, 21:26)"

    From https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php?topic=2141.msg9505#msg9505:


    The Family of Allah أهل الله in Islam, and the Majestic "We":


    In regards to your question, there are two legitimate answers for it:
    1-  GOD Almighty can and does refer to Himself as WE and I.  So the plural We can and does refer to Allah Almighty Alone.
    2-  In Allah Almighty's Realm, there are the People of Allah.  Even our Hadiths call them  أهل الله .

  • Go to www.google.com , and search for  إن لله - تعالى - من الناس، قالوا: يا رسول الله من هم؟ قال: هم أهل القران، أهل الله وخاصته
  • The Hadith in Arabic translates as:
    Allah Almighty has AHLEEN (families) أهلين from mankind.  They asked: "O Messenger of Allah, who are they?"  He said: They are the People of the Quran; the Family/People of GOD أهل الله , and they are His Special Ones خاصته.";

  • This is what we will be called in Heaven, and Allah Almighty also does recognize "Son of GOD" title in the Glorious Quran, but Says that they are no more than pious "....servants raised to honour.  (The Noble Quran, 21:26))".  Nothing Divine about them except that they exist with Allah Almighty Eternally in Heaven.  But as far as Divine Authority and Power, all Divine Authority and Power belong to Allah Almighty Alone and none else.  You can visit:
    www.answering-christianity.com/definition_son_of_god.htm (The definition of "Son of God" in Islam)

  • Trinity Crucified!  100s of verses prove trinity is false.  Jesus healed others only after getting permissions from GOD Almighty.  His wishes were sometimes denied. [1] [2]
  • "....servants raised to honour. 


    Iblis, who later became satan, used to be from AHLU ALLAH أهل الله (Family of Allah) when he was a pious Servant.  /span> But because he and his followers disobeyed GOD Almighty, they were cursed and kicked out of the COMMUNITY OF GOD Almighty:
    So it is quite possible that Allah Almighty uses the WE to refer to Him and His Servants that HE spoke with directly and Commanded directly.  But even in that ca/span>se, the WE still also means Allah Almighty Alone (the Majestic We), because Allah Almighty is the
     One and Only Decision Maker, and there is none other besides Him.
    I hope this helps, insha'Allah.
    Take care,
    Osama Abdallah


  • So people did call each others “Son” and “Daughter” of “GOD”. But in all reality, they are no more than Servants of GOD raised to honor.

  • Here are some Bible facts regarding "FATHER" and "SON": 

  • Allah Almighty is the Believers' only Guardian (المولى): See Noble Verses 8:40, 22:13, 22:78.
  • In Arabic we say ولي الأمر , which means "The Legal Guardian".  المولى is derived from the root word ولي  .ولي also means a chosen friend to Allah Almighty.
  • FRIENDS = SONS in the Bible and Quran (ولي , وليهما and خليلا).  We further read the following in the Bibles:

    Isaiah 41:8/font> "But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, you descendants of Abraham my friend,

    Chronicles 20:7 Our God, did you not drive out the inhabitants of this land before your people Israel and give it forever to the descendants of Abraham your friend?

    James 2:23 And the scripture was fulfilled that says, "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness," and he was called God's friend.
  • So being GOD Almighty's "SON" in the Bible is equal to being GOD Almighty's "FRIEND".  Now compare this to the following from the Holy Quran:
    [002:257] Allah is the friend (ولي) and patron of those who believe. He brings them out of the depths of darkness into light. While those who do not believe, have the forces of evil as their friends; they lead them out of light, into the very depths of darkness. Such ones shall be the inmates of the fire. They will stay there forever.
    [003:122] (And remember) when the two groups among you lost heart (and almost fell out), even though Allah was their Friend and Protector (وليهما)? In Allah (alone), should the believers place their trust!
    [004:125] Who can be better in religion than one who submits his whole self to God, does good, and follows the way of Abraham the true in Faith? For God did take Abraham for a friend (خليلا).
  • So the Bible's "FATHER" & "SON" for GOD Almighty and the Believers is clearly metaphoric, and it only means that GOD Almighty:
    1-  Is the Protector.
    2-  Is the Friend.
    3-  Is the Guardian.
  • Also, BEGET = CHOSE.
  • King James Bible Psalm 2:7 I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
  • Allah Almighty used اصطفاك اصطفيتك يصطفي اصطفى اصطفينا to mean to Choose a Servant in Noble Verses 27:59, 3:33, 3:42, 7:144, 22:75, 35:32, 38:47, 39:4 in the Glorious Quran.
  • So clearly Islam is in harmony with GOD Almighty being our:

    -  Guardian
    -  Friend
    -  Protector
    -  And the One who Chose us.
  • And we definitely believe that Isa (Jesus) is the Messiah.
  • One last important point:  Nowhere in the Bible is Jesus ever called "from the Seed of GOD" or "the Seed of GOD".  We do have "Jesus is from the seed of David" (Psalm 132:10-11, Romans 1:3)But never from GOD!
  • GOD has no seed according to both the Bible and the Quran.
  • Therefore, the claim that Islam is the Anti-Christ is false.

    So, is Islam the anti-Christ system according to 1john 2:22 No it isn't.  Here are some Quran and Bible facts regarding "FATHER" and "SON" in more details:

    (a)-  Allah Almighty is the Believers' only Guardian (المولى):

  • See Noble Verses 8:40, 22:13, 22:78.  In Arabic we say ولي الأمر , which means "The Legal Guardian".  المولى is derived from the root word ولي  .ولي also means a chosen friend to Allah Almighty, as in the following point.   

  • (b)-  FRIENDS = SONS in the Bible and Quran (ولي , وليهما and خليلا):

    We further read the following in the Bibles:

    Isaiah 41:8
    "But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, you descendants of Abraham my friend,

    Chronicles 20:7
    Our God, did you not drive out the inhabitants of this land before your people Israel and give it forever to the descendants of Abraham your friend?

    James 2:23
    And the scripture was fulfilled that says, "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness," and he was called God's friend.

    So being GOD Almighty's "SON" in the Bible is equal to being GOD Almighty's "FRIEND".  Now compare this to the following from the Holy Quran:

    [002:257] Allah is the friend (ولي) and patron of those who believe. He brings them out of the depths of darkness into light. While those who do not believe, have the forces of evil as their friends; they lead them out of light, into the very depths of darkness. Such ones shall be the inmates of the fire. They will stay there forever.

    [003:122] (And remember) when the two groups among you lost heart (and almost fell out), even though Allah was their Friend and Protector (وليهما)? In Allah (alone), should the believers place their trust!

    [004:125] Who can be better in religion than one who submits his whole self to God, does good, and follows the way of Abraham the true in Faith? For God did take Abraham for a friend (خليلا).

    So the Bible's "FATHER" & "SON" for GOD Almighty and the Believers is clearly metaphoric, and it only means that GOD Almighty:

    1-  Is the Protector.
    2-  Is the Friend.
    3-  Is the Guardian.

    Please visit the following link to further see what Words the Glorious Quran uses for these words and definitions:

    https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php/topic,1368.msg5203.html#msg5203     (backup)

    (c)-  BEGET = CHOSE:

    Regarding the following verse, and many others like it:

    King James Bible Psalm 2:7
    I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.

    Let us look at Noble Verses 27:59, 3:33, 3:42, 7:144, 22:75, 35:32, 38:47, 39:4 from the Glorious Quran:

    [027:059] Say: Praise be to God, and Peace on his servants whom He has chosen اصطفى (for his Message). (Who) is better?- God or the false gods they associate (with Him)?

    ‏27:59 قل الحمد لله وسلام على عباده الذين اصطفى ءالله خير اما يشركون

    [003:033] God did choose اصطفى Adam and Noah, the family of Abraham, and the family of 'Imran above all people,-

    ‏3:33 ان الله اصطفى ادم ونوحا وال ابراهيم وال عمران على العالمين

    [003:042] Behold! the angels said: "O Mary! God hath chosen thee اصطفاك and purified thee- chosen thee above the women of all nations.

    ‏3:42 واذ قالت الملائكة يامريم ان الله اصطفاك وطهرك واصطفاك على نساء العالمين

    [007:144] (God) said: "O Moses! I have chosen thee اصطفيتك above (other) men, by the mission I (have given thee) and the words I (have spoken to thee): take then the (revelation) which I give thee, and be of those who give thanks."

    ‏7:144 قال ياموسى اني اصطفيتك على الناس برسالاتي وبكلامي فخذ ما اتيتك وكن من الشاكرين

    [022:075] God chooses يصطفي messengers from angels and from men for God is He Who hears and sees (all things).

    ‏22:75 الله يصطفي من الملائكة رسلا ومن الناس ان الله سميع بصير

    [035:032] Then We have given the Book for inheritance to such of Our Servants as We have chosen اصطفينا: but there are among them some who wrong their own souls; some who follow a middle course; and some who are, by God's leave, foremost in good deeds; that is the highest Grace.

    ‏35:32 ثم اورثنا الكتاب الذين اصطفينا من عبادنا فمنهم ظالم لنفسه ومنهم مقتصد ومنهم سابق بالخيرات باذن الله ذلك هو الفضل الكبير

    [038:047] They were, in Our sight, truly, of the company of the Elect المصطفين and the Good.

    ‏38:47 وانهم عندنا لمن المصطفين الاخيار

    [039:004] Had God wished to take to Himself an (actual) son, He could have chosen لاصطفى whom He pleased out of those whom He doth create: but Glory be to Him! (He is above such things.) He is God, the One, the Irresistible.

    ‏39:4 لو اراد الله ان يتخذ ولدا لاصطفى مما يخلق مايشاء سبحانه هو الله الواحد القهار

    Furthermore, when Jesus was asked about when the Hour will come, he replied by saying that only GOD Almighty Knows, and that no one knows, and that Jesus himself also didn't know.  Please visit:


  • Trinity Crucified!  100s of verses prove trinity is false.  Jesus healed others only after getting permissions from GOD Almighty.  His wishes were sometimes denied. [1] [2]


    Jesus spelled it out clearly that he knew NOT.  And as to calling GOD Almighty "Father", and that Islam denies that GOD Almighty is an ACTUAL FATHER to anyone, in Islam GOD Almighty is called:

    1-  Rab - Lord, Father (you are the Rab of your home for being the husband and the father).

    2-  Wali - Guardian.

    In the old Aramaic and Hebrew, GOD Almighty was called what-is-equivalent-to-Islam our Rab and Wali.  But that doesn't make GOD Almighty our actual Father.  This is exactly as Judaism metaphors such as idolatry is equivalent to spiritual adultery.  No Jew is actually married to GOD Almighty to actually commit a personal marriage-adultery against GOD Almighty!  Yet, the Jews use metaphors like these.  Islam came to straighten all of this out and to set the record straight that GOD Almighty has no son and no daughter.  Otherwise, why would GOD Almighty torture us to Hell if we were His perfect sons and daughters??  No imperfect being could be an actual son of GOD Almighty (and no being is the son or daughter of GOD Almighty, period!):

    [005:018] (Both) the Jews and the Christians say: "We are sons of God, and his beloved." Say: "Why then doth He punish you for your sins? Nay, ye are but men,- of the men he hath created: He forgiveth whom He pleaseth, and He punisheth whom He pleaseth: and to God belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between: and unto Him is the final goal (of all)"

    Again, please visit: https://www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php/topic,1368.msg5203.html#msg5203     (backup).



    The Romans had to fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues:


    Click to play video [1].  Matthew 12:40: "shall be buried deep in the heart of
     earth for 3 days and nights as Jonah was deep in the belly of the whale."

    Jonah was alive:  But Jonah was always alive in his ordeal.  He was alive on the shore,
    alive in the whale's belly, and alive when vomited out of the whale. 
    Alive, alive, alive!

    This Prophecy is a lie! Jesus laid on the floor, got healed, and got up and
    left.  He was
    never inside any coffin nor ever got buried.  Also, because 100s
    of thousands of pilgrims were coming to Jerusalem for the Passover, the
    Romans had to rush his "crucifixion" and bring him down.  The soldiers were
    even denied food due to lack of time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).
    Jesus never got crucified: [1] [2] [3] [4].  The OT and NT clearly spell it out.  He was saved.

    Matthew 27:16-17:  There were two Jesuses!  Not one.  Allah Almighty Said in the Glorious Quran:
    [004:156] That they rejected Faith; that they uttered against Mary a grave false charge;
    That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Apostle of God";-but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) know ledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:-
    Nay, God raised him up unto Himself; and God is Exalted in Power, Wise;-

    Divine Setup for Conjecture:

    Matthew 7:22-23GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

    "... but so it was made to appear to them..." (Quran 4:157)


    The two double-Jesus men & Pontus Pilate in Matthew 27:16-17:

    According to the Gospel of Matthew, Pontus Pilate was standing between two double-Jesus men:

    1-  Jesus Barabbas.
    2-  Jesus Barabbas.

    "...The Bibles' Christ was put on the cross for three hours. Any one of us would've survived this silly crucifixion.  Your human body, when faced with death, can become 10+ times stronger, more resilient, more resistant and more stubborn than normal. This is what would enable you, for example, to lift an entire truck with your bare hands if your precious child was under it. Similarly, if you were put on the cross for three silly hours, your body would've survived it. A soldier was placed on the cross for 63 hours and still lived to tell the world about it." (Source)

    Again, a Divine Setup for Conjecture.


    Was Jesus Christ Crucified?

    At hour 1:00:00 - 1:25:00, Dr. Zakir Naik really sealed
    this debate and destroyed Christianity!
    This is yet another wonderful 3-hour debate and video by
    Dr. Zakir Naik where he thoroughly demonstrated from
    the Bible's New Testament
    that Jesus Christ was never
    crucified, nor did he ever rise from the dead.  This 3-hour
    debate was between Dr. Zakir Naik and Pastor Rukni.

    Psalm 91 promises Jesus will never get hurt or die.  Satan in the NT challenged Jesus on Psalm 91.  Yashua (salvation) is the last word in Psalm 91, and it also happens to be one of Jesus' names in the New Testament.
    Here is my shortened version videoDr. Naik also provided many more verses than the following ones.  But the following verses and points were from my shortened version video.  See also this text-debate [2] between me and a Christian brother on my blog.  You're welcomed to join in.


    Christianity's Salvation Lie:

    Because Christianity's scriptures didn't get documented for 200+ years after Jesus, the Church and Christians had developed and invented the crucifixion lie and its requirement to save a person from Hell (by him believing in it), which had been thoroughly proven from both the Bible and the Glorious Quran, to be a fabricated lie [1].  Salvation verses like John 3:16 and others are all forgeries that were invented by liars 100s of years after the real Eesa , the real Messiah.  Even in Latin, it is Iesu, and in Greek it is Iesus.  Notice here Jesus' statements:

    Matthew 9
    12 Jesus heard them and answered, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor, but sick people do.
    13 Go and learn what the Scriptures mean when they say, ‘Instead of offering sacrifices to me, I want you to
    be merciful to others (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust).’ I didn’t come to invite good people to be my followers. I only came to invite sinners.”

    Matthew 5:7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

    Being Merciful to others makes you a good person.  And Jesus didn't come for you if you are.  Jesus didn't come to invite merciful and good people.  They're already saved.  They need no invitation.  The Christian lie about one must accept that Jesus died on the cross for his/her sins is mandatory for their salvation, and that otherwise they'd be doomed to Hell is thoroughly destroyed in Matthew 9:12-13.  In fact, both the OT and NT in many passages confirmed that GOD Almighty will save his Messiah from crucifixion and from death and harm.


     Matthew 9:12-13  I have not come for you if you're a merciful Jew.



    Three Isaiah 53 translation lies:

    Three lies in translations of Isaiah 53, as further elaborated below in this table, that need to be clarified:

    1-  He was assigned a grave.  This doesn't mean he was buried in it, because Jesus was never buried in any grave.  He laid on the floor inside a tomb (cave-like structure), got healed and got up and left.  He was never inside any coffin nor ever got buried inside the earth.

    2-  He was pierced for our sins.  No, he was hurt (the word is not pierced or stabbed) because of "our" (Jews only) sins and transgressions.  If you drive with your family and get hit by a drunk driver and your baby ends up getting killed, your baby didn't die for his sin.  Your baby died BECAUSE of his sin and transgression.  Otherwise, you would not have driven on the same road that day if you knew the future.

    Also visit:

    John 11:50:  It is expedient, whether through hook or by crook, that we must convict Jesus


    Early Church Fathers:  Jesus never died for anyone's sins!

    Sam Shamoun:  The early fathers declared Jesus never died for any sin!  Shamoun is
    realizing how full of forged lies & conjecture his historical
    Christianity is.  They declared that Jesus never bore (carried) any sin for anyone on the cross.

    Jesus never died for anyone's sins! He was placed on the cross
    BECAUSE of (not for) the Jews' sins, and Allah Almighty SAVED HIM.
    Read the detailed analysis on Isaiah 53, Psalm 91 and others at:


    Also see proofs from OT and NT that Jesus transformed himself into lying spirit by GOD's Command to forge Christianity.  GOD Almighty in the OT has Commanded it before:


    Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?



    3-  In his death.  It is talking about his sentencing to death and not actual death.  It is also symbolic, because Jesus didn't even stay for 3 hours on the cross (2.a) and was never killed.  Plus, Jesus begged GOD (Luke 6:12, Matthew 26:36-44, Matthew 16:39, Matthew 6:5-8) all night to save him from crucifixion and all hurt.  all hurt.


    Lies about Psalm 91:13:

    Some polytheist trinitarian pagans say that Psalm 91:13 proves that Jesus was never crucified:

    Psalm 91:13
    You will tread on the lion and the adder, the young lion and the serpent you will trample under foot.

    They say that Jesus treading (stomping on) the lion and the snake means that he defeated satan via the cross.  Satan is called both lion and snake. So Jesus stomped on him by getting crucified (killed on the cross) and resurrecting from death.  They also say the NT books such as Matthew and Luke that quote Psalm 91 for Jesus both claim that Jesus was killed on the cross.



    But Psalm 91:14-16 refute this:

    14 Because he cleaves to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name.
    15 When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will
    rescue him and honor him.
    16 With long life I will satisfy him, and show him my salvation.

    1-  Also, Jesus was only placed for 3 hours on the cross (2.a).  They had to pull the plug on crucifixion because the Passover was about to begin, where 1/2 million Jewish pilgrims were to shortly start pouring into Jerusalem.  I, Osama Abdallah, would have survived Jesus' crucifixion.

    2-  Also, Jesus was never killed.  He laid on the floor in the tomb, received medical treatment from the two Marys and other women, and then got up and left.

    3-  The books that say he was killed on the cross were written 200 to 400 years after Jesus.  The majority of Christian historians and theologians claim this.

    4-  Psalm 91:15"...I will be with him in trouble, I will rescue him and honor him."  Clearly declares he will be saved from death.


    Merciful Palestinian and Good Neighbor Parable:

    5-  Jesus said below in Luke 10:25-37, Matthew 9:12-13:  If you're merciful, a good neighbor like the Palestinian Samaritan in Luke 10:33, and above all, GOD-Fearing (OT says Jesus was a slave of GOD and GOD-Fearing), then you have nothing to fear. "Do this, and you will live" Jesus said.  That's it.  Jesus even used good Palestinians in his parable.  Dying on the cross is a developed Christian lie centuries after Jesus (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him)It's a forgery.



    Visit section 2.a in the article.


    Also visit:

    Matthew 7:22-23:  GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah


    Quran declares all Bibles are corrupt.

    Oxymoron Trinity (100+ verses).  Bibles: Jesus will slaughter 100s of millions when he returns.

    The disciples arguing about the Sabbath and other Laws.  Jesus promised them that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths and that there will be no arguments, confusions or riddles.  Yet, the NT is marred with open arguments, vilifications (calling each other cursed by GOD "anathema", satanic, false, wrong).  Where is Jesus' promise??  Totally a false promise!

    Where is Jesus' promise??

    -  He promised that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, guide them in all ways, and that it will be the Holy Spirit speaking, not them.
    -  They ended up splitting into
    Paul vs. Peter two opposing groups, and were at odds with each other on several theological issues.
    1 Corinthians 7:40  Paul wasn't sure if he had the Holy Spirit in him or not. He said "I think I have the Holy Spirit".
    -  Their differences remain unsettled till this day in the NT.  They were never resolved.

    -  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    -  They were barking at each other like
    rabid dogs calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan!
    [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?


    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in their conflicting scriptures?



    If Paul is false, then Jesus is insufficient:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Yet, Paul admits that he speaks through a lying spirit  (Romans 3:7  But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?), while Jesus promised all of the disciples that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, and that it will not be them speaking, but the Holy Spirit. Yet, Paul says he was lying.  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    Paul and his team of disciples were also calling Peter's team, - and vice versa, - anathema ἀνάθεμα (cursed by GOD), false, bewitched, dogs, and many other things.  Jesus' original message got corrupt from the false christianity and the deification of flesh and blood creations like Jesus, Mary and others like they used to do in ancient Europe in Greece, Rome, Byzantine and throughout ancient ancient Europe of three-headed gods and trinities, such as the trinity of Zeus, Athena and Apollo; also Hell's three-headed guardian dog, or the trinity of Delian, Artemis and Apollo and many other ancient trinities.  Only Islam completes GOD Almighty's Religion.  See ample prophecies.
      Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah



    Dismal Spiritual Failures:

    Let us examine the following:

    Romans 3:23 ESV
    For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

    Ecclesiastes 7:20 ESV
    Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.

    No man is sinless and faultless.  The NT even says Jesus himself sinned via coveting the sins of the world.  Paul then barfs the following gem:


    1 Corinthians 2:15
    A spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself
    is not subject to any man's judgment.



    How can any flesh and blood sinner not be subjected to judgment?  The world has seen how disastrous your pedophilic and corrupt priests, ministers and churches are, from sex abuse on children, theft, prostitution and so much more.  Ironically also, Paul and the disciples themselves dismally failed this standard when they turned into rabid dogs in harsh judgments on each other; calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan! [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?  There is also conflict regarding misogyny:

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11–13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Which book were the people of the Book reciting (فسأل الذين يقرؤون الكتاب) during Prophet Muhammad's days according to the Glorious Quran 10:94?


    Insufficient Jesus:

    Edward Dalcour says that Jesus would be insufficient if Paul was proven to be false:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Does Noble Verse 9:31 say that Allah and Jesus are two equal Lords?  Also, thorough refutation to  توحيد الربوبية  (tawheed alruboobiyyah, or Oneness of Lordship between Jesus and Allah) concept by the polytheist trinitarian pagans (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    The Bibles' sacred "book of toiletספר קודש של שירותים    and praised incestuous rape can be read here
    كتاب المرحاض المقدس


    ***** Bibles' OT and NT:  Spirits that GOD Almighty sends down including lying ones in the Bibles.  Jesus in several passages was Commanded by GOD to become one to forge falseianity (christianity) because of the ample blasphemies of the Jews.

    Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?

    Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

    Notice the language of how Satan was:

    1. "You were perfect from the day you were created".  Jesus was also created from the Word of GOD.
    2. Glorious.
    3. "the chosen one".
    4. The "Anointed".
    5. ruler over earth.
    6. Ruler over the "Holy Mount" of GOD

    Matthew 24:25-27 Jesus will return as an Arabian Messiah from Damascus.

    He was all of these and more before arrogance, pride, stubbornness and blasphemies caused Satan to fall from Grace.  Jesus then became the substitute, i.e., the Perfect", "Glorious", "the chosen one", the "Anointed", "ruler over earth" and ruler over the "Holy Mount" chosen one of GOD Almighty.

    Jesus also said the direction of the Prayer towards Jerusalem will be no more (Psalm 138:2, John 4:21, Matthew 21:43, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 60, Genesis 25:12-13).  It will be replaced with the Qibla (direction) to Mecca and the Holy Path to Mecca.  Only Islam is the Divine Truth from Allah Almighty.  Christianity is pagan.  Even Christmas is an ancient Roman pagan holiday (video clip) according to the Christian theologians themselves:

    Jesus too carried the Spirit of GOD in him, and he carried also the Spirit of fearing GOD in him.  Jesus was also called slave of GOD in the OT many times.  He also had no Divine WillTrinity is a lie from Hell.

    See also 24 other Thrones and Messiahs besides Jesus (Revelations 4 & 5).

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


    Eid Al-Adha: Ishmael or Isaac?  GOD's peace be upon them both.  Who was the son to be sacrificed?  Bibles and Quran agree it was Ishmael.


    Satan & Peter VS. Paul: 2 Corinthians 12:7-11.  Paul literally put Peter and Satan in one team.


    Sam Shamoun also exposes the ample  holy group sex that occurs in his circle:



    Paul ordered the execution (actual killing) of some sinners.

    Paul ate his vomit.

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

     (Sam Shamoun declares gambling is allowed in Christianity)

    Jesus amputated his unholy testicles and head of penis to remain holy.  If his body was holy, were his testicles cursed and unholy, especially that he commanded to maim your sinful body parts?  You mean to tell me that they were not part of the Creator of the Universe's body??  Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.


    Why did Jesus amputate his own (NT calls them satanic flesh) testicles and penis' head?






    Sam Shamoun declares that the bibles and trinity
    are man-made and are not from the living Word of GOD Almighty.
    Sam Shamoun:  If Catholicism is false, then the entire NT is a fraud, and there is "no Christianity".  It would be like the "pagan worship of Baal".  Sam Shamoun also declares the 2nd and 3rd centuries bibles-writings are forgeries, and declares that if you study the bible logically, then you will become an atheist.
    Click to play
    video clip.

    Quran: Bibles are mostly corrupt.

    Noble Verses 5:44-49 are thoroughly unpacked in this article.  According to the Glorious Quran, there is nothing called new testament, or bible or even old testament.  There is the Thikr of Moses, which contains the Wasaya (Commandments, which are the 600+ Law Commandments), which the Prophets before Prophet Muhammad and Islam "the prophets did judge by it" (5:44).  Even in the bibles we find in Deuteronomy 4:2 and other places say that the Commandments (600+) must not be mixed with any other text.  Also, the Injeel or Injil is not the NT.  It is the direct commands of Prophet Eesa (not Jesus), in which he mostly gave beautiful Commandments of Mercy, Compassion, Love, Fasting, Praying and Worshiping GOD Almighty Alone and associating no partners with Him, and also gave glad tidings about the coming of Prophet Muhammad and the new Covenant of Allah Almighty.  The Bibles are all corrupt.  The Glorious Quran also declares them all to be corrupt.  The Glorious Quran also confirms the Messiah, Eesa (not Jesus) and his virgin mother, Marium (not Mary), peace be upon both of them and upon all of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah Almighty (Not even Jesus was given the Book according to the Glorious Quran).  We also read in Noble Verses 5:46-49:

    Sam Shamoun declares 2nd and 3rd centuries bibles-writings are forgeries:


    How big was the first New Testament?

    The early believers were also expecting an Arabian Prophet.  The OT thoroughly talks about him and his new Covenant coming from Kedar in Arabia, and the NT talks about him coming after the Messiah:

    Why wasn't Prophet Muhammad preached by the early Christians in Jerusalem, Arabia, Africa and Europe?  Early cities like Antioch, Corinth, Rome and others were never taught the coming of Prophet Muhammad.  Doesn't this prove that Islam is falseBut he was preached!



    The Bibles are all corrupt. The Glorious Quran also declares them all to be corrupt.  The Glorious Quran also confirms the Messiah, Eesa (not Jesus) and his virgin mother, Marium (not Mary), peace be upon both of them.






    Allah is the GOD of the Bibles: [1]

    Did you know that Elohim is Allah [1, *] [2] [3].  The "im" in Hebrew is a majestic plural for GOD Almighty.  The root Word is "Eloh".  And the more original Jews such as Yemenites and others say Alohim or Alah-im.  And when you yourself pronounce it, you do naturally pronounce it with a double "l": Allah.  Jews do call Him: Allah-im.  Aramaic-speaking people also call GOD Almighty Allah.  See the following videos for Biblical references and proofs.  Also, pre-Islamic Biblical archeological findings have GOD Almighty as "Allah".  So the Original Holy Name for GOD Almighty is not Eloh.  It is Allah!  Eloh is a Hebrew dialect, which not all Hebrew speakers use anyway.  Allah had always been the Original and Universal GOD Almighty even before birth of Judaism, and the existence Hebrew.  And Hebrew is a developed language from Phoenician.  See the following links:

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

           (Click to play videos)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

           Daniel 3:26 in Aramaic says "Servants of Allah (GOD Most High GOD)"

    Sam Shamoun showed where portions of his OT is mixed between Hebrew and Aramaic writings.  He also unintentionally proved that the Hebrew "ben" (son) is not the same as the Aramaic "bar" (wrongly gets translated as "son").  The correct and accurate translation is for "bar" is "the chosen pious one".  Again, Allah Almighty has NO DIVINE SON.  He considers the pious chosen ones as close BARS.  The Aramaic and Arabic are the same in this one.  See the ample verses and analysis in the video. 

    Please also visit: The https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenician_alphabet
           Yahweh is Baal to the Jews in Isaiah 54:5 and Hosea 2:16. Exposing the Christians' pagan-god Baal lie.


    Send your comments.

    Back to Main Page.



    The Romans had to fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues: [1]


    Mary:  Fornicate with you "in my mother's bed" [1].  Are virgin Mary's mother and bed also members of the barfinity ?

    200 years no gospels | 24 other thrones besides Jesus' | Jesus was created | Isaiah 53 mistranslations | What's new | A-Z library (3300+ articles) | "Muslims" was the original title | Quran Search | Quran Moral Code (100s of them) | Quran: Bibles are filled with corrupt  قول  qaowl (doctrines of sayings and writings)  | "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah | Jesus said he was powerless | Daniel 7:25: Christianity will change time and the Law |  Paul wasn't sure about the Holy Spirit (Romans 9:1, 1 Corinthians 7:40) |  Eesa (Quran's name for Jesus) is Iesu and Iesus in Latin and Greek for Jesus, and Eesa is also a Hebrew word that means doctor or healer; all of Jesus' Miracles were medical |  Paul was a holy barfaliphor (ΜΠαρφαλιφωρ) | Research & Blog | 9/11 Israel-lie | Youtube



    Quran's STUNNING Divine Miracles: [1]

    Allah Almighty also promised in several Divine Prophecies that He will show the Glorious Quran's Miracles to mankind.  For example:

    1-  The root letters for "message" and all of its derivatives occur 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran.  Yet, the Prophets' and Messengers' actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran.  See detailed listing here.

      See 1,000s of examples! [1]. (zip file).

    Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

    Stunning Prophecies [2] [3]


    2-  Allah Almighty said that Prophet Noah lived for 950 years.  Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the entire Noble Surah (chapter Noah) is exactly written in 950 Letters.  You can thoroughly see the accurate count in the scanned images.

    3-  Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran said that earth is:

           -  Spherical: "egg-shaped" [1].
           -  Is rotating around itself.
           -  Is moving in space in curvy orbits [2].
           -  Is traveling through the constantly expanding universe [3].

    "When the sky disintegrates, and turns rose colored like paint (وردة كالدهان)." (The Noble Quran, 55:37) [2] [3]
    As we also see from the picture, Noble Verse 55:37 is a Divine Promise (Allah promised to show mankind) that mankind will actually see this come to pass one day.  NASA and other space agencies, by Allah Almighty's Will, have certainly fulfilled this Prophecy, because a natural rose wouldn't form when a "Heaven" or a Solar System or even an entire galaxy and its
    trillions of solar systems all blow up (explode).  It is rather the look of it, and this is exactly what NASA confirms.


    Coincidence?  See 1,000s of examples [1].Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

    Islam also thoroughly rejects as man-made lies the Trinity and Crucifixion [2].  Jesus was also thoroughly called
    slave of GOD [1] in both the OT and NT.

    Quran:  All Bibles are mostly of corrupt [1] قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


    John 5:30  "I cannot do anything on my own."  (i.e., Jesus could not perform a single Miracle without GOD sending it down to him first!).  I can not perform a single Miracle on my own!!  I am totally POWERLESS without Allah Almighty!

    John 5:31  "if I (Jesus) bear witness of myself, then I would be a liar!" 

    GOD didn't talk this way when He spoke to Moses.  GOD's testimony alone is always sufficient!  Jesus also bowed his face down to the ground, like we Muslims  (Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name, and sons and daughters of GOD titles will be "no more";    ; Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40)  Muslims do everyday, and prayed to GOD Almighty.