The Divine Promise and Miracle of the Glorious
Quran's Preservation in Text and Pronunciation: Allah Almighty Said in the Glorious Quran regarding preserving the Holy Quran's Text and Pronunciation the following:
The Noble Verses above give Divine Promise from Allah Almighty: 1- To send down the Holy Quran to mankind. 2- To protect the Holy Quran from all corruption. 3- To preserve the way the Holy Quran's recitation. (i)- Prophet Muhammad was trained by Angel Gabriel on how to recite the Holy Quran. (ii)- The Prophet was further instructed to not be careless with his tongue when he recites that Holy Quran. (iii)- The Prophet was also instructed to not be haste when it comes to reading the Holy Quran. He should read it with extreme care. Important Note: The Sunni Muslims, who make up more than 90% of all Muslims, today have perfected the recitation of the Holy Quran. We have yearly tournaments with big prizes on who memorizes the Holy Quran the best, not just in Holy Words, but also in the pronunciation of the Holy Words. 4- To make the Holy Quran clear and an official Book for all Muslims. Noble Verse 75:19 "ثم ان علينا بيانه" literally translates as "It is Upon Us to manifest it, make it clear, make it known. (i)- The Arabic Word بيانه is derived from بيان , which literally means:
1. statement When a government official, such as the president or any senior person makes an official statement, he sends out a بيان bayan. Clearly, this Divine Promise by Allah Almighty had come true. All Praise and Glory and Thanks are due to Him, Alone! The Holy Quran today is indeed perfectly preserved in both text and pronunciation. No religious scripture on the face of this earth has this. |