Further Topic Research:


Mary:  Fornicate with you "in my mother's bed" [1].  Are virgin Mary's mother and bed also members of the barfinity ?

200 years no gospels | 24 other thrones besides Jesus' | Jesus was created | Isaiah 53 mistranslations | What's new | A-Z library (3300+ articles) | "Muslims" was the original title | Quran Search | Quran Moral Code (100s of them) | Quran: Bibles are filled with corrupt  قول  qaowl (doctrines of sayings and writings)  | "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah | Jesus said he was powerless | Daniel 7:25: Christianity will change time and the Law |  Paul wasn't sure about the Holy Spirit (Romans 9:1, 1 Corinthians 7:40) |  Eesa (Quran's name for Jesus) is Iesu and Iesus in Latin and Greek for Jesus, and Eesa is also a Hebrew word that means doctor or healer; all of Jesus' Miracles were medical |  Paul was a  barfaliphor (ΜΠαρφαλιφωρ) | Research & Blog | 9/11 Israel-lie | Youtube |

Where was the promised Holy Spirit in the disciples' apostatizing of each other??

The Romans had to fake fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues: [



The Glorious Quran's Moral Code: (100s of them)

The Glorious Quran is very rich.  Now, while Allah Almighty left the details on how to perform Praying, Fasting, Pilgrimage and a few other Islamic rituals for the Hadiths (Sayings) of Prophet Muhammad to explain, but aside from that, the Quran pretty much contains everything the Muslim needs for his/her Islamic faith, morality and ethics in great details.  Allah Almighty also made the Glorious Quran be scientifically and numerical miraculous, and He gave Divine Promises, Prophecies, to reveal them to mankind.  Please visit the Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles.

The table below can also be used as a Topic Search on the Glorious Quran.  To do word searches on this page, press the "CONTROL" and "F" keys, and type in your topic.  For example, you can search for "bribery" or "bullying":


  Topic Noble Verses
1 True Believers establish Prayers to Allah Almighty.  They also Prostrate to Allah Almighty in Worship.

You must be patient with Salat (Prayer):

وامر اهلك بالصلاة واصطبر عليها لانسألك رزقا نحن نرزقك والعاقبة للتقوى

[020:132] Bid your family to observe the ‘salat' وامر اهلك بالصلاة, and stay steadfast upon it yourself. We do not seek sustenance from you. Indeed, We bestow sustenance. The final outcome hinges on piety.

2:43, 5:55, 8:4, 9:54, 9:112, 13:22, 15:98, 16:48-49, 17:78-79, 17:107, 20:130, 20:132, 22:35, 22:77, 22:78, 25:60, 25:64, 29:56, 32:15-17, 39:9, 53:62, 70:22-23, 70:34, 74:39-48, 77:48, 84:21, 96:19, 107:4-7, 108:2
2 When Praying, do not pray too loud, nor too low in tone. 17:110
3 Do not approach Prayer while you're lazy. 9:54, 4:142
4 Pray towards the direction of the Kaaba. 2:149-150, 5:97
5 Be kind to parents, relatives, wayfarers, the needy, orphans. 2:83, 16:90, 17:23-24, 30:38, 31:14, 89:17-20, 93:9-11, 107:1-3
6 Do not cut the relationship with your relatives.  Among the signs of the cursed people and nations is that they cut ties with their kin and relatives, i.e., upholding individualism and isolation as this is the dominant lifestyle of the Western societies:

‏47:22 فهل عسيتم ان توليتم ان تفسدوا في الارض وتقطعوا ارحامكم
‏47:23 اولئك الذين لعنهم الله فاصمهم واعمى ابصارهم

[047:022] If given authority توليتم in the land, you would disobey (Allah), spread mischief, and violate the family ties.
[047:023] Those are the ones Allah has cursed. He has made them go deaf, and has blinded their eyes.

See entry# 259 below regarding cutting ties with and parting with never-changing negative people.  So you must be mindful of both Holy Commands and to be honest with yourself and others when you try to balance between the two Holy Commands of Allah Almighty regarding the decisions that you make concerning the people that you deal with.  Simply be honest with Allah Almighty and with yourself, and draw the line loud and clear between you and all people; ALL people including relatives and strangers.  See also all other entries here and Noble Verses that deal with being kind and upright to all people, and also how to deal with neighbors (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust).


Exceptions trump General Principles:

Narcissists who never stand corrected, are never wrong, and/or ones who are harmful even with the smallest details about you, such as a neighbor or relative that is waiting learn about the least embarrassing information about you so they can go and scandalize you. Such people are to be abandoned immediately.  You can not apply the Noble General Principles of the Glorious Quran, such as in these examples keeping the family ties and to be good to your neighbors (Quran 47:22-23, 4:36), and bring more and more emotional and physical harm to yourself and to your loved ones.  You would be wrong in doing so.  When there is an exception, then the Law of Exception, not the General Principle, applies.

Allah Almighty allowed the Muslims to nullify Islamic Laws if the situation is exceptional:

فمن اضطر غير باغ ولاعاد فلا اثم عليه

[002:173] ....But if one is forced by necessity, without wilful disobedience, nor transgressing due limits,- then is he guiltless....

See also Noble Verses 6:145, 16:115.

47:22-23, 4:36
7 Do not steal the Orphans money or rip them off. 4:2, 4:10, 17:34, 
8 Take care of the Orphans. 4:3, 4:6, 4:8-9, 4:127, 6:152
9 Do not accept wicked and corrupt things, money or wealth. 4:2
10 Do not corrupt the lands, the earth, people, creations. 7:56, 7:85
11 Say kind things to people. 4:5, 4:8-9
12 Do not entrust the weak in mind with your wealth. 4:5
13 Be kind to prisoners of war. 2:85
14 Magic and superstition are the work of the devils.  Seek refuge with Allah Almighty from those who practice black magic. 2:102, 5:103, 10:81, 20:73, 113:3-4
15 Islam's Golden Rule.  Also, forgive and forget the faults of others (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust).  Be forgiving to those who disagree with your faith who are not hostile.  Show kindness to them.  Pardon people.  Restrain your anger.  And be just. 2:109, 3:134, 5:13, 7:199, 15:85, 24:22, 45:14, 5:8, 60:8, 5:2, 4:58, 4:135, 7:159, 5:44, 2:62, 3:134, 7:199, 15:85, 5:13, 2:109, 24:22, 45:14, 76:7-10, 90:11-17, 2:177, 2:215, 17:26, 38:26, 42:42
16 Establish Prayer and pay Zakat (charity). 2:110, 6:72, 6:92, 7:29, 7:206, 8:4, 13:22, 22:35, 22:41, 24:56, 31:4, 70:22-25, 75:31, 
17 Put on your best pious clothes when you go to the Mosque. 7:31
18 The times allowed for us to dress down at home and who is allowed to see us.  In all cases, we must look modest and not be too revealing in our dress downs and loose or informal clothes at home! (ثيابهن غير متبرجات بزينة). 24:58-60
19 Pious Clothes لباس التقوى are mandatory upon the Believers to wear.  Purify and Clean and Wash your clothes (وثيابك فطهر). 8:11, 74:4-5, 56:79, 7:31, 2:222, 4:43, 7:26, 24:58-60
20 Abandon or stay away from all impurities, or all things that are impure (والرجز فاهجر), whether physical or spiritual. 8:11, 74:4-5, 56:79, 7:31, 2:222, 4:43
21 Provide proof and Truth to what you claim.  Produce your proof if you are Truthful. 2:111, 21:24, 27:64, 28:75
22 Do not tamper with the Mosques, or prevent Muslims from entering the Mosques.  Mosques are for Allah Almighty, and so do not call unto others beside Allah Almighty. 2:114, 9:18, 72:18
23 Do not use the Mosques to divide the Muslims.  Cursed are those who use the Mosques to divide the Muslims. The are the liars. 9:107-110
24 Do not enter the mosques that are used to divide the Muslims. 9:108
25 Be an Imam (a pious leader) to the righteous (والذين يقولون ربنا هب لنا من ازواجنا وذرياتنا قرة اعين واجعلنا للمتقين اماما).  Every Believer should be a Khalifah or Good Leader (ويجعلكم خلفاء الارض). 17:71, 25:74, 27:62, 28:5, 38:26, 57:7
26 Believers do not mix their oaths with falsehood. 6:82
27 Do not conceal the Revelations of Allah Almighty. 2:159, 2:174, 3:78
28 Thank Allah Almighty for everything you have. 2:172
29 Give for the LOVE OF ALLAH financial support to kinsfolk, the orphans, the poor, and the wayfarer. (Pious is the one who) gives (help) to those who ask (for help), and (spends money) to free slaves. And (pious are those who) establish ‘salat', pay the ‘zakat', and fulfill the pledges made by them. Those who endure and display fortitude during poverty and adversity, and during times of crises. Such are the people who are sincere! Such are the pious ones. 2:177, 2:215, 2:83, 2:220, 9:24, 17:26, 90:11-17, 58:3, 5:89, 4:92, 24:33
30 Free a slave!  It is the harder course.  Islam came to end slavery.  Slavery is no more.  Just like captives of war.  Their status is temporary.  They are ultimately to be set free.  Slaves are the same thing.  There are many Noble Verses that Command the Muslims to free slaves whenever they can:

‏90:11 فلا اقتحم العقبة 
90:12 وماادراك ماالعقبة 
فك رقبة 

[090:011]  But man does not attempt the harder (uphill course).
[090:012]  And how would you 
know what the harder course العقبة (of action) is?
[090:013]  (It is) freeing slaves فك رقبة,

Noble Verse 24:33 "Let those who find not the wherewithal for marriage keep themselves chaste, until God gives them means out of His grace. And if any of your slaves ask for a deed in writing (to enable them to earn their freedom for a certain sum), give them such a deed if ye know any good in them: yea, give them something yourselves out of the means which God has given to you. But force not your maids to prostitution when they desire chastity, in order that ye may make a gain in the goods of this life. But if anyone compels them, yet, after such compulsion, is God, Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful (to them)," 

The Glorious Quran has general principle VS. local and limited situations (i.e., in the interim of things).  One example of this is the law of slavery.  Allah Almighty's Highest Standard regarding slavery is to end it in all of the lands:

[090:012] And what will make you comprehend what the uphill road is?
[090:013] (It is) the setting free of a slave,

So one of the monumental tasks upon the Muslims is to end all forms of slavery.  Yet, the Glorious Quran also allows enslaving, buying slaves, selling slaves, having harems (female slaves).  So is this a contradiction?  No.  Is this an abrogation (90:12-13 abrogating all other verses or vise versa)?  No.  All Noble Verses concerning slaves and slavery still stand TILL THIS DAY!  All 6236 Noble Verses that make up the entire Glorious Quran still stand today and will always stand till the Day of Judgment.  We have no abrogation here.  The Muslim State and Court and people must be mindful that Allah Almighty has set high and monumental goals in the Glorious Quran.  In the interim of things, however, the slavery Noble Verses could be activated and applied due to battles that may occur or deals and/or transactions.  But the ultimate goal must be to end all forms of slavery in all Muslim lands.

2:177, 90:11-17, 58:3, 5:89, 4:92, 24:33
31 Do not bribe or take bribery. Also, corrupt money is forbidden 2:188
32 Do not come to houses from their back doors, but come from the front and proper door.  Manners of how and when to enter homes. 2:189, 24:27-30
33 Fight the infidels and drive them out from where they've driven you out, but cease the fighting if they cease. 2:191-193
34 Fight in the Cause of Allah Almighty, but do not transgress limits for Allah Almighty does not love the transgressors. وقاتلوا المشركين كافة كما يقاتلونكم كافة Fight the disbelievers as they fight you. 2:190, 9:36, 22:39, 22:78, 47:20-21
35 Fight/struggle against those who cast doubt about your Faith. 9:123-129
36 Fear Allah (ويدعوننا رغبا ورهبا). 9:123, 21:90
37 Do not procrastinate or go lazy when the call for the Cause of Allah Almighty is made.  Be active and do not be lazy to spread Islam and to do the work of Allah Almighty.

[009:038]  O ye who believe! what is the matter with you, that, when ye are asked to go forth in the cause of God اذا قيل لكم انفروا في سبيل الله, ye cling heavily to the earth اثاقلتم الى الارض? Do ye prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, as compared with the Hereafter.

Also, avoid procrastinators and lazy people.  They will demoralize you, tempt you and drive you to become heavy and lazy and a procrastinator like them:

[009:046] If they had intended to come out, they would certainly have made some preparation therefor; but God was averse to their being sent forth كره الله انبعاثهم; so He made them lag behind فثبطهم, and they were told, "Sit ye among those who sit (inactive). وقيل اقعدوا مع القاعدين"

[009:047] If they had come out with you, they would not have added to your (strength) but only (made for) disorder لو خرجوا فيكم مازادوكم الا خبالا, hurrying to and fro in your midst and sowing sedition among you ولاوضعوا خلالكم يبغونكم الفتنة, and there would have been some among you who would have listened to them. But God knoweth well those who do wrong.

[011:061]...It is He who hath produced you out of the earth, and hath given you an habitation therein...

Where ever Allah Almighty settles you and your family on earth, make sure that you make as best habitation of it as you can.  Be true, good and upright.  Build and be productive.  Fear Allah Almighty and always remember Him.  Advance yourself and your community in good and in Islam, and always be pleasing to Allah Almighty in all that you do and work.


9:38, 9:46-47, 11:61
38 If a disbeliever seeks refuge to you to protect him, then grant him the protection, and take him to where he would be safe so that he may hear the Holy Quran. 9:6
39 Putting people through fitnah, trial and tumult, and causing chaos, or causing corruption in the society is worse than death itself. 30:31-32, 2:191, 2:217, 10:85, 60:4-9, 59:16-17, 85:10, 8:39, 3:103
40 Do not divide the Muslims. 30:31-32, 2:191, 2:217, 10:85, 60:4-9, 59:16-17, 85:10
41 Fight until there is no more fitnah, tumult or trial or corruption. 8:39, 3:103, 30:31-32, 2:191, 2:217, 10:85, 60:4-9, 59:16-17, 85:10
42 Do not be a fitnah or trial to the disbelievers (‏ان الذين فتنوا المؤمنين والمؤمنات ثم لم يتوبوا فلهم عذاب جهنم ولهم عذاب الحريق). 

Do not lie to them or deceive them (ربنا لاتجعلنا فتنة للذين كفروا واغفر لنا ربنا انك انت العزيز الحكيم).  Allah Almighty wants to bring peace and harmony between the Muslims and the disbelievers (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).  We have to be true  and genuine all the time.


The false ones do not want peace:

"When they are told, "Do not spread corruption in the land," they reply, "We are only peace-makers!. Indeed, it is they who are the corruptors, but they fail to perceive it. And when they are told, "Believe as others believe," they reply, "Will we believe as the fools believe?" Indeed, it is they who are fools, but they do not know." (The Glorious Quran 2:11-13)

‏2:11 واذا قيل لهم لاتفسدوا في الارض قالوا انما نحن مصلحون
‏2:12 الا انهم هم المفسدون ولكن لايشعرون
‏2:13 واذا قيل لهم امنوا كما امن الناس قالوا انؤمن كما امن السفهاء الاانهم هم السفهاء ولكن لايعلمون


60:4-9, 10:85, 2:11-13
43 Punish those who hurt you in the same amount and way they hurt you.  Punish as you were punished.  But if you show patience it'll be better for you.  If you forgive and fix, then that will be great! 2:194, 16:126, 22:60, 42:40-43
44 Do not throw yourself into destruction. 2:195
45 Don't be fooled by good talk or speech. 2:204
46 Follow the best of the constructive talk (speech), and the one that gives the best instructions (الذين يستمعون القول فيتبعون احسنه).

Also, be mindful of the words you utter, because Allah Almighty has assigned watchers over you to record everything you speak مايلفظ من قول الا لديه رقيب عتيد.

39:18, 50:18
47 Arrogance and being egoistic and self-centered, and boasting in pride is a sin.  Also, do not let your ego, arrogance and self-centeredness cause you to transgress and not be pious. واذا قيل له اتق الله اخذته العزة بالاثم فحسبه جهنم ولبئس المهاد.  Also, stubbornness against recognizing that you are wrong and that you must change your wrong ways is a sin. 2:206, 57:23
48 People should co-exist in peace. 2:208, 8:61, 2:11-13
49 If the enemy inclines towards peace, then do also incline toward peace, and put your trust in Allah Almighty. 

If you have the advantage and you are the stronger, then don't call for peace, and do push to the end until Islam is victorious and the infidels become Muslims.
8:61, 47:35, 48:16

See also entry #258 below about Allah Almighty's prohibition of evil addictions, such as video games, porn, gambling, alcohol, etc...

All intoxicants including alcohol and drugs, and Gambling, divination, and sorcery, and all abominations are evil.  The same Noble Word for avoiding them was also used for idols false talk or speech, lying and false testimony (فاجتنبوا الرجس من الاوثان واجتنبوا قول الزور).

Allah Almighty said: "O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination,- of Satan's handwork: eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper.  Satan's plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of God, and from prayer: will ye not then abstain? انما يريد الشيطان ان يوقع بينكم العداوة والبغضاء في الخمر والميسر ويصدكم عن ذكر الله وعن الصلاة فهل انتم منتهون   (The Noble Quran, 5:90-91)"

Eschew all abominations.  And will you not abstain from all abominations?  The abominations include all intoxicants, gambling and all harmful things.

Also, Gambling and alcohol are some of satan's tools to create enmity, hatred and disunity among the Believers, and to stop the Believers from remembering Allah Almighty and from Praying.  "Satan's plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of God, and from prayer: will ye not then abstain?" (5:91) انما يريد الشيطان ان يوقع بينكم العداوة والبغضاء في الخمر والميسر ويصدكم عن ذكر الله وعن الصلاة فهل انتم منتهون

Allah Almighty calls unto all Muslims TO STOP all gambling and all intoxicants consumption: "eschew such (abomination)" and "will ye not then abstain?" فهل انتم منتهون.

2:219, 5:90-91, 22:30
51 Disbelievers and hypocrites are unclean. 9:28, 9:95
52 Disbelievers are not allowed to fill the Mosques of Allah Almighty. 9:17-18, 9:28
53 Muslim men and women are forbidden from marrying disbelievers (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him). 2:221
54 Do not carelessly or excessively swear in the Name of Allah Almighty.  Those who swear by Allah Almighty a lot are despicable (ولاتطع كل حلاف مهين). 2:224, 5:107, 24:53, 68:10
55 Do not touch the Holy Quran when you're not in a pure state. 8:11, 74:4-5, 56:79, 7:31, 2:222, 4:43
56 Repel evil with good so that the one whom there is animosity or enmity (is your enemy) between you and him might become a dear friend to you (ولاتستوي الحسنة ولاالسيئة ادفع بالتي هي احسن فاذا الذي بينك وبينه عداوة كانه ولي حميم). 41:34, 27:11

Always remind those who fear Allah Almighty's Warnings and Promises with the Holy Quran فذكر بالقران من يخاف وعيد Remind the Believers to do Good because it is beneficial to them وذكر فان الذكرى تنفع المؤمنين.  Also, remind the believers that Good deeds erase the bad deeds ان الحسنات يذهبن السيئات ذلك ذكرى للذاكرين.  Also, remind those who eventually might listen to the Truth of the Glorious Quran and Islam, if you see benefit in reminding them - if the recipient is worthy of the advise فذكر ان نفعت الذكرى.  And always invite people to Islam with wisdom and beautiful preaching, and argue with people in ways that are best and most gracious.  See entries above for more details.

11:114, 51:55, 50:45, 87:9, 88:21, 16:125
58 When spending money for any thing good or for good cause, do not boast, brag nor try to seek the people whom the money came to for worldly recognition or gain (ولاتمنن تستكثر), or to be seen by people, or to show off. Do not hurt people with your charity.

[002:262] Those who spend their wealth in the path of Allah _ (provided) they do not, afterwards, inflict abuse (on the recipients of charity) by bragging and boasting about their generosity _ shall have their reward with their Lord. They shall not have any fear, nor shall they ever grieve.

[004:038] And (also) for those who flaunt (and flash), when they spend their wealth, in order to show off to the people. They do not believe in Allah or the Day of Judgment. Whoever has Shaitan as an intimate companion has indeed an evil companion!

[074:006] Do not seek worldly gains (in return) for favors done.

2:262, 4:38, 74:6
59 Do not pray for the sake of being seen and recognized by people.  Now being seen and visible while praying is ok, but do not do it for the sake of worldly recognition. 107:4-7
60 Never hurt people with your charity! 2:263
61 It is better if you give your charity in secret to the poor 2:271
62 Speaking good and offering forgiveness is better than giving charity and hurt or annoy or SCANDALIZE people with it. 2:263-265, 3:134
63 Charity givers are blessed in secret or in public will be rewarded for their deeds. الذين ينفقون اموالهم بالليل والنهار سرا وعلانية فلهم اجرهم عند ربهم 2:274, 13:22, 14:31, 16:75, 35:29, 51:19, 92:5-11, 92:17-18
64 Charity and Alms:

[009:060]  Alms are for the poor and the needy, and those employed to administer the (funds); for those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to Truth); for those in bondage and in debt; in the cause of God; and for the wayfarer: (thus is it) ordained by God, and God is full of knowledge and wisdom.
65 Do not give Charity while you're resenting it or in resentment 9:54
66 Do Good and ask for no Reward (اتبعوا من لايسألكم اجرا وهم مهتدون). 6:90, 11:29, 11:51, 12:104, 26:109, 26:127, 26:145, 26:164, 26:180, 34:47, 36:21, 38:86, 42:23
67 Do not teach the Glorious Quran for money.  No reward. 12:104, 25:57, 42:23
68 Do not be costly or a burden or expensive on people, especially when you're trying to do good for them (قل ما اسألكم عليه من اجر وماانا من المتكلفين). 38:86
69 Fulfill your oaths, vows and promises, and be trust worthy to all people. 2:270, 3:76, 76:7-10
70 Be a straight and upright believer. 46:13
71 The righteous of the poor are those who are modest and don't go around asking people for money. 2:273
72 Riba (usury) is forbidden, and it is not the same as selling goods. Do not take riba when lending money to others (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust). 2:275, 2:278, 3:130, 30:39
73 Grant a delay (to the debtor) if he is up against hard time, until his (financial) situation eases. To waive the debt by way of charity would be better for you, if only you knew. 2:280
74 When loan is given, record it in writing and bring two witnesses, either two males, or a man and two females, in case one female makes a mistake so the other would correct her.

Note from me, Osama Abdallah: Men back then were apparently more experienced in dealing with money and trades between goods and services with other merchants than women.  Women were more experienced in raising children, milking the cattle, shaving wool off of cattle, making clothes and matrices and pillows from the wool, farming and cooking.
75 Do not delay paying back what you owe to people "And withhold not things justly due to people" ولاتبخسوا الناس اشياءهم .  Do not be slow in paying back your debt.  Also, give back what you held for others in your trust فليؤد الذي اؤتمن امانته.  Give back to people what they have entrusted you with.  Do not be slow nor hesitant in paying back your dues.  Do not procrastinate it. 2:283, 26:183
76 The Moral Code that Allah Almighty Commands us to follow, and is the minimum for the disbelievers to consider and follow if they wish to embrace Islam:

[006:151]  Say: "Come, I will rehearse what God hath (really) prohibited you from": Join not anything as equal with Him; be good to your parents; kill not your children on a plea of want;- We provide sustenance for you and for them;- come not nigh to shameful deeds. Whether open or secret; take not life, which God hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law: thus doth He command you, that ye may learn wisdom.
[006:152]  And come not nigh to the orphan's property, except to improve it, until he attain the age of full strength; give measure and weight with (full) justice;- no burden do We place on any soul, but that which it can bear;- whenever ye speak, speak justly, even if a near relative is concerned; and fulfill the covenant of God: thus doth He command you, that ye may remember.
[006:153]  Verily, this is My way, leading straight: follow it: follow not (other) paths: they will scatter you about from His (great) path: thus doth He command you. that ye may be righteous.

Be wise.  Be a person of wisdom.  Those whom Allah Almighty give Wisdom have gained a Mighty Benefit.  Allah Almighty called it "an abundant wealth" خيرا كثيرا.

2:269, 6:151-153, 4:63, 16:125, 29:46
77 Do not over commit nor over burden yourself. 2:286, 9:91, 23:62
78 Do not take the disbelievers as protectors and allies, especially without or against the Believers. الذين يتخذون الكافرين اولياء من دون المؤمنين ايبتغون عندهم العزة فان العزة لله جميعا 3:28, 3:118, 5:51, 5:57-59, 4:139
79 Be true to your covenant that you take with disbelievers or with anyone, as long as they don't betray you.  Be true to any covenant you take!  You will be asked for it by Allah Almighty (واوفوا بالعهد ان العهد كان مسؤولا).  Keep safe the things you have in your possession and Trust (والذين هم لاماناتهم وعهدهم راعون).  Be true to the Oaths that you take in the Name of Allah Almighty. 6:152, 8:27, 8:56, 9:4, 13:20-21, 13:25, 16:91-96, 17:34, 70:32
80 Be true to your word.  Do not say what you do not do (وانهم يقولون مالايفعلون).

[061:003]  It is greatly despised by Allah that you should say something, and then not do it كبر مقتا عند الله ان تقولوا مالاتفعلون.

26:226, 61:2-3, 
81 Blessed are those who give charity.  Their reward is Great! 4:114
82 Be very generous with your charity, and spend even from the most precious things to yourself, whether you are financial comfortable or not ويؤثرون على انفسهم ولو كان بهم خصاصة ومن يوق شح نفسه فاولئك هم المفلحون.

It's best to give from what you love:

لن تنالوا البر حتى تنفقوا مما تحبون وماتنفقوا من شئ فان الله به عليم

[003:092] Ye will not attain unto piety until ye spend of that which ye love حتى تنفقوا مما تحبون. And whatsoever ye spend, Allah is Aware thereof.

This is not just limited to money.  If you want love, you must give love.  If you want respect, you must give respect.  If you want peace, you must give peace.  If you want trust, you must give trust.  If you want friendship, you must give friendship.  Always take the lead in being a great example, and spend from what is most dear and precious to you to attain piety.

3:92, 3:134, 59:9
83 Spend money on good things. 4:39
84 Do not be cheap or stingy. Cheap people will be punished severely.  They are also among the hypocrites.
واذا قيل لهم انفقوا مما رزقكم الله قال الذين كفروا للذين امنوا
انطعم من لو يشاء الله اطعمه ان انتم الا في ضلال مبين 
3:180, 4:37, 9:53, 9:67, 9:76, 17:29, 25:67, 36:47, 47:37-38, 57:24, 92:5-11
85 Do not spend money excessively ولاتبذر تبذيرا, or be extravagant, because people who spend too much on worldly things are the siblings of satan, or brothers and sisters of satans according to the Glorious Quran. 17:26-29, 25:67
86 Be neither cheap or excessive spender or extravagant.  Be in the middle ( ولاتجعل يدك مغلولة الى عنقك ولاتبسطها كل البسط فتقعد ملوما محسورا). 17:29, 25:67
87 Always be a Muslim 3:102
88 Do not be be divided

See also: 

The Glorious Quran also speaks about The fights between Paul's vs. Peter's teams (43:65) apostatizing each other (Quran, 2:253, 43:63-68).

3:103, 3:105
89 Call others towards excellence (in character and conduct) _ enjoining (and encouraging) virtue, and forbidding the wrong (and the indecent).  Command what is right and condemn what is wrong 3:104, 3:110, 9:112, 22:41
90 The True Believers are:

[023:001]  The believers must (eventually) win through,-
[023:002]  Those who humble themselves in their prayers;
[023:003]  Who avoid vain talk (or speech);
[023:004]  Who are active in deeds of charity;
[023:005]  Who abstain from sex,
[023:006]  Except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands possess,- for (in their case) they are free from blame.
[023:007]  But those whose desires exceed those limits are transgressors;-
[023:008]  Those who faithfully observe their trusts and their covenants;
[023:009]  And who (strictly) guard their prayers;-
[023:010]  These will be the heirs,
[023:011]  Who will inherit Paradise: they will dwell therein (for ever).

Again, be mindful of the words you utter, because Allah Almighty has assigned watchers over you to record everything you speak مايلفظ من قول الا لديه رقيب عتيد.

9:112, 23:1-11, 50:18
91 Be Just!  Also, Allah Almighty does not like injustice.  Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to God, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor. 4:58, 3:108, 4:3, 4:135, 5:42, 5:106, 6:70, 6:152, 11:84-85, 11:112, 16:90, 20:111-112, 42:40-43, 57:25, 38:26, 42:42
92 Do not obey your parents if they lead you to shirk (associating anything with Allah Almighty) or evil, or if they relentlessly call unto you to become an apostate or an infidel.  But still keep their company and be kind and just with them. وان جاهداك على ان تشرك بي ماليس لك به علم فلا تطعهما وصاحبهما في الدنيا معروفا 29:8, 31:15, 58:22
93 Do not do mischief on earth, or destroy the crops, land and people's lives, or causing people losses or harm.  Mischief also means spreading sexual immorality ( قال رب انصرني على القوم المفسدين).  Earth is to be protected. 2:60, 2:205, 26:183, 29:30, 29:34-36, 38:28, 42:40-43, 47:22
94 Do not spread mischief in the land, nor plot conspiracies against people unjustly 5:33, 11:84-85, 13:25, 26:151-152, 28:77
95 Do not damage the earth. 5:33
96 Judges be just and judge with justice! 5:42, 38:26
97 Do not cheat with balance:
26:181 اوفوا الكيل ولاتكونوا من المخسرين
26:182 وزنوا بالقسطاس المستقيم
26:183 ولاتبخسوا الناس اشياءهم ولاتعثوا في الارض مفسدين
26:184 واتقوا الذي خلقكم والجبلة الاولين
11:84-85, 17:35, 21:47, 26:181, 55:7-9, 83:1-5
98 Do not cheat people (ولاتبخسوا الناس اشياءهم). 26:183, 
99 We are permitted to love the disbelievers from the People of the Book even if they don't love us, and they wish us harm. هاانتم اولاء تحبونهم ولايحبونكم...... and وان تصبروا وتتقوا.  And we are permitted to help all people for the Love of Allah, including the prisoners of war from the infidels that were captured by the Muslims. 3:119-120, 76:8, 60:8
100 Put all of your trust in Allah Almighty 3:122, 9:51, 12:67, 14:11-12, 16:42
101 Be thankful to Allah Almighty; be satisfied with what Allah Almighty gives you. 3:123, 9:59
102 (Paradise is for) those who spend (for the sake of Allah) in good financial times and bad. Those who repress their rage, and forgive people; Allah loves the righteous! 3:134-136, 9:88-89
103 Seek Allah Almighty's Forgiveness and retreat from any sin you commit, and Allah Almighty will forgive you.  Always race, hurry and hasten in seeking Allah Almighty's Forgiveness. 3:133-135, 4:106, 4:110, 6:54
104 Do not take credit for what you did not earn or deserve. 3:188
105 Homosexuals, gays and lesbians are condemned. 4:15-18, 26:165
106 Be kind to your spouse. 30:21, 
107 Do not steal the women's and wives' wealth, or rip them off, or force them to give up from their wealth. 4:19-20
108 Seek refuge with Allah Almighty from the evil of all creations. 113:2
109 Seek refuge with Allah Almighty from all evil ones (satans) from humans and  jinns; those who whisper in the chests and minds and tempt people to do evil.  Also, be mindful of your own self and its deviance and satan's influence over it. 114:1-6, 50:16
110 Do not be evil! 113:2
111 Do not steal  4:29-30, 4:33, 60:12
112 Do not covet the things others have Also, avarice is forbidden.  Do not be swayed by greed:  Be content with what Allah Almighty has given you:

‏4:32 ولاتتمنوا مافضل الله به بعضكم على بعض للرجال نصيب مما اكتسبوا وللنساء نصيب مما اكتسبن واسألوا الله من فضله ان الله كان بكل شئ عليما

[004:032] And do not covet those things in which God Hath bestowed His gifts More freely on some of you than on others ولاتتمنوا مافضل الله به بعضكم على بعض: To men is allotted what they earn, and to women what they earn: But ask God of His bounty. For God hath full knowledge of all things.

‏20:131 ولاتمدن عينيك الى مامتعنا به ازواجا منهم زهرة الحياة الدنيا لنفتنهم فيه ورزق ربك خير وابقى

[020:131] Nor strain thine eyes in longing for the things ولاتمدن عينيك الى مامتعنا We have given for enjoyment to parties of them, the splendour of the life of this world, through which We test them: but the provision of thy Lord is better and more enduring.

Be content and fulfilled and satisfied with what Allah Almighty has given you.  Yes, always work towards advancing yourself and your life, but be content in the end with Allah Almighty's favors, blessings and also trials upon you.  Allah Almighty said

[011:061]...It is He who hath produced you out of the earth, and hath given you an habitation therein...

Where ever Allah Almighty settles you and your family on earth, make sure that you make as best habitation of it as you can.  Be true, good and upright.  Build and be productive.  Fear Allah Almighty and always remember Him.  Advance yourself and your community in good and in Islam, and always be pleasing to Allah Almighty in all that you do and work.

4:32, 20:131, 113:5, 59:9, 64:16, 4:128, 4:54, 11:61
113 Seek refuge with Allah Almighty from the harm of those who are envious and spiteful.  Jealous and envious people hate you for having what they do not have.  They covet and are constantly covetous, and as a result they become spiteful and harmful toward you.  Spiteful people hate you even if they have more than what you have.  Just you having something good is enough for them to hate you, and as a result they also become envious of you.  So an envious person is spiteful, and a spiteful person is envious.  Both hate and both are evil.

[113:005] `And from the evil of the envier ومن شر حاسد when he envies.'

[004:054] Or do they envy people ام يحسدون الناس for what God hath given them of his bounty? but We had already given the people of Abraham the Book and Wisdom, and conferred upon them a great kingdom.

113:5, 4:54, 4:32, 20:131, 59:9, 64:16, 4:128
114 Do not be jealous and envious by nature, because jealousy and envy are evil:

[004:054] Or do they envy people ام يحسدون الناس for what God hath given them of his bounty? but We had already given the people of Abraham the Book and Wisdom, and conferred upon them a great kingdom.

And do not be spiteful, harmful and evil towards people:

[113:005] `And from the evil of the envier ومن شر حاسد when he envies.'

4:54, 113:5, 4:32, 20:131, 59:9, 64:16, 4:128
115 Serve Allah, and associate no one with Him. Be kind and gracious to your parents; (also be kind) to the kinsfolk, the orphans, the needy, the neighbor who is a kin as well as the one who is not, the fellow traveler, the wayfarer and the slaves (and captives). Of course, Allah does not like the conceited braggarts. 4:36, 29:8, 46:15-17, 76:7-10
116 Feed for the Love of Allah the indigent, the orphan, and the captive or prisoner of war:

76:7 يوفون بالنذر ويخافون يوما كان شره مستطيرا
76:8 ويطعمون الطعام على حبه مسكينا ويتيما واسيرا
76:9 انما نطعمكم لوجه الله لانريد منكم جزاء ولاشكورا
76:10 انا نخاف من ربنا يوما عبوسا قمطريرا
76:11 فوقاهم الله شر ذلك اليوم ولقاهم نضرة وسرورا 
76:7-10,  90:11-17
117 Give words of Wisdom and Guidance to those who disbelieve. 2:269, 6:151-153, 4:63, 16:125, 29:46
118 Good Wisdom and Manners in Islam.  Invite people to Islam with beautiful preaching, wisdom and argue in ways that are best and friendliest.  Argue with the people of the Book in kindness except for those among them who do wrong (to Islam) (ولاتجادلوا اهل الكتاب الا بالتي هي احسن الا الذين ظلموا منهم).

Again, be wise.  Be a person of wisdom.  Those whom Allah Almighty give Wisdom have gained a Mighty Benefit.  Allah Almighty called it "an abundant wealth" خيرا كثيرا.

2:269, 6:151-153, 4:63, 16:125, 29:46
119 Spend in charity and help the poor whenever you can:

[058:012]  O ye who believe! When ye consult the Apostle in private, spend something in charity before your private consultation. That will be best for you, and most conducive to purity (of conduct). But if ye find not (the wherewithal), God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

120 Do not kill a Believer 4:92-93
121 Do not kill an innocent soul from both believers and disbelievers (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).  Also do not kill your children. 6:151, 17:31
122 When greeted, greet a better one or the same 4:86
123 Be kind to all people, and return the greeting to all people 4:94
124 When you enter others' homes, greet them the Islamic greetings with blessing, with regards and purity (فاذا دخلتم بيوتا فسلموا على انفسكم تحية من عند الله مباركة طيبة).  But if ye enter houses, salute each other - a greeting of blessing and purity as from God. 24:61
125 Weak vs. Strong:

Do not allow yourself to be enslaved by any weakness.  Do not be weak in the eyes of others, nor allow others to devour you or take you for a weak or feeble person that they may want to abuse and/or enslave though domination (dominating you).

The parable of the powerless Muslim is like of a slave who has no power over anything, as shown in the following Noble Verse (16:75).  A weak Muslim is not the same as a strong Muslim.  Allah Almighty does not like the Weak and Oppressed ones who have little will, except for those who truly have no choice and no escape.  Allah Almighty also despises you if you're weak in will and live like a slave by others. Allah Almighty loves those who are strong Muslims and who are able and do make positive differences in the societies:

‏16:75 ضرب الله مثلا عبدا مملوكا لايقدر على شئ ومن رزقناه منا رزقا حسنا فهو ينفق منه سرا وجهرا هل يستوون الحمد لله بل اكثرهم لايعلمون

[016:075] God sets forth the Parable (of two men: one) a
slave under the dominion of another; He has no power of any sort
لايقدر على شئ; and (the other) a man on whom We have bestowed goodly favours from Ourselves, and he spends thereof (freely), privately and publicly: are the two equal? هل يستوون (By no means;) praise be to God (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him). But most of them understand not.


Allah Almighty loves the strong Muslims, and despises the weak ones unless they have no choice and can not bring themselves up:

[004:097] When angels take the souls of those who die in sin against their souls, they say: "In what (plight) Were ye?" They reply: "Weak and oppressed Were we in the earth." They say: "Was not the earth of God spacious enough for you to move yourselves away (From evil)?" Such men will find their abode in Hell,- What an evil refuge! -

[004:098] Except those who are (really) weak and oppressed - men, women, and children - who have no means in their power, nor (a guide-post) to their way.

[004:099] For these, there is hope that God will forgive: For God doth blot out (sins) and forgive again and again.


Muslims must fight tumult and evil and always stand for Justice and Truth.  See the ample entries here that give ample Noble Verses that Command standing up for Justice.  Here is an example of Noble Verses from Entry #208 below:

Do not let people take you for a light-minded fool فاستخف قومه.  Do not be one who people treat with levity, or be perceived as one with a light mind, or be treated with frivolity.

Challenge all arguments until the proof is thoroughly made clear to you.  Do not just accept arguments and assume they are truthful because they belong to certain people.  Produce your proof if you are truthful, and always ask for proof.

Be a straight and upright believer!  Do not trick people, or be a bad influence to them, or be a fitnah or a trial to them, even if they were disbelievers ربنا لاتجعلنا فتنة للذين كفروا واغفر لنا ربنا.  Do not be a deceiver and false.  Now, it's ok to look out for opportunities to advance yourself, and to be competitive.  But do not be a liar and a deceiver.  Do not be disingenuous and false.  Be upright:

ياايها الذين امنوا كونوا قوامين بالقسط شهداء لله

"Oh you who believe! Be upright قوامين, and uphold justice staunchly بالقسط. (Always) bear testimony for (the sake of) Allah شهداء لله...."

See Noble Verses: 43:54, 30:60, 2:111, 21:24, 27:64, 28:75, 46:13, 60:4-9, 10:85, 85:10, 4:135, 5:8, 30:31-32.

Also Entries #39 and #41:

Putting people through fitnah, trial and tumult, and causing chaos, or causing corruption in the society is worse than death itself.  See Noble Verses: 30:31-32, 2:191, 2:217, 10:85, 60:4-9, 59:16-17, 85:10, 8:39, 3:103.

Fight until there is no more fitnah, tumult or trial or corruption.  See Noble Verses: 8:39, 3:103, 30:31-32, 2:191, 2:217, 10:85, 60:4-9, 59:16-17, 85:10.

And several other entries and more Noble Verses.

4:97-99, 16:75, 43:54, 30:60, 2:111, 21:24, 27:64, 28:75, 46:13, 60:4-9, 10:85, 85:10, 4:135, 5:8, 30:31-32
126 Remembrance of Allah Almighty's Holy Name is greater than the actual Prayers, and is greater than and more important and more rewarding than everything else (ولذكر الله اكبر).  Remember Allah's Holy Name for it is greater than the actual PrayerThe times for Prayer were also prescribed upon all Believers. 4:103, 29:45
127 Eschew all sins, open or secret.  Allah Almighty Knows every secrete that we have.  Nothing is hidden from Allah Almighty on earth or in heavens. 3:5, 6:120, 6:151, 7:33, 13:8-9, 16:19, 16:23, 21:111
128 Do not lie on Allah Almighty فمن اظلم ممن افترى على الله كذبا ليضل الناس بغير علم This is the greatest injustice (ان الشرك لظلم عظيم). They are the ones who want the Message to be crooked, and they work to prevent It.  Those who do are criminals.  Also associating partners with Allah Almighty is a great injustice.  They also call unto others beside Allah Almighty.  Besides Allah Almighty (والذين يدعون من دونه لايستجيبون لهم بشئ).  Partners beside Allah Almighty.  The men who the idolaters call unto are powerless and can't answer any prayer.  Also ذلك بان الله هو الحق وان مايدعون من دونه هو الباطل They can't even create a fly (ان الذين تدعون من دون الله لن يخلقوا ذبابا ولو اجتمعوا له).  Do not bear false witness (‏ والذين لايشهدون الزور).  
والذين هم بشهاداتهم قائمون
Do not be disingenuous and false.

Pray to no god for sustanence (ان الذين تعبدون من دون الله لايملكون لكم رزقا فابتغوا عند الله الرزق واعبدوه واشكروا له اليه ترجعون).
6:144, 7:37, 7:86, 7:169, 7:194-197, 10:17, 11:18-22, 11:35, 11:102, 11:113, 13:14-16, 7:45, 14:3, 18:15, 18:52, 22:62, 22:71-73, 23:117, 25:72, 29:17, 29:68, 31:11-13, 35:13-14, 35:40, 39:28, 39:32, 46:3-6, 60:12, 61:7, 70:33
129 Do not associate partners with Allah Almighty 4:116, 17:22, 25:2, 25:68
130 Do not lie on people, and do not throw your sins and mistakes on people. 4:112, 22:30
131 Blessed are those who concile between people. 4:114
132 Blessed are those who do good to people. 4:114, 4:124, 22:77
133 Polygamy and the orphans 4:127
134 Naashiz men towards the women, what must be done? 4:128, 4:130
135 Naashiz women towards men, what must be done? 4:34
136 Avoid being influenced by disbelievers and hypocrites وفيكم سماعون لهم 9:47
137 Repent to Allah Almighty 4:146, 25:70-71
138 Do not advertise or propagate evil, nor boast about evil to the people. 4:146-149
139 Do not speak evil loudly in public, nor in private. 4:146-149 (yes, same as the one above)
140 Fulfill your obligations and contracts 5:1
141 Be an honest (truthful) witness in everything you do and see, and be True to Allah Almighty 5:8, 9:119
142 Do not kill those who tried to kill you and failed 5:27-31
143 Do not be a murderer. 5:27-32, 17:33, 25:68
144 Do not kill the disbelievers who repent before you overpower them. 5:34
145 Cut the hand of the theif, either male or female 5:38
146 Be constructive with people and in life (ان اريد الا الاصلاح). 11:88
147 Good and evil are never equal! 5:100
148 Muslims are forbidden to argue with each others on the Noble Quran's Verses. Advise them and Turn away from them if they desist.  When turning away from evil people, say kind words to them (‏واما تعرضن عنهم ابتغاء رحمة من ربك ترجوها فقل لهم قولا ميسورا). 6:68-69, 17:28
149 Do not curse or insult the disbelievers lest they profane the Holy Name of Allah Almighty! 6:108
150 Do not kill your offsprings. 6:137, 6:140
151 Do not make what's forbidden lawful, and what's lawful forbidden انما النسئ زيادة في الكفر يضل به الذين كفروا يحلونه عاما ويحرمونه عاما ليواطئوا عدة ماحرم الله فيحلوا ماحرم الله زين لهم سوء اعمالهم والله لايهدي القوم الكافرين  9:37
152 If you're forced, or under emergency, then it's ok to do something that is forbidden. 2:173, 6:145, 16:115
153 Say "Peace" to the ignorant ones. 43:89
154 Purify yourself from all evil!

‏91:7 ونفس وماسواها
91:8 فالهمها فجورها وتقواها
91:9 قد افلح من زكاها
91:10 وقد خاب من دساها 
155 When you hear rubbish talk or speech, or nonsense, or talk that is made of bad things, or vain, don't stay and listen to it.  Pass by it (والذين لايشهدون الزور واذا مروا باللغو مروا كراما). Nonsense, vain and nonsensical talk are forbidden.

[023:003]  Who avoid vain talk; والذين هم عن اللغو معرضون

[028:055]  And when they hear vain talk, they turn away therefrom and say: "To us our deeds, and to you yours; peace be to you: we seek not the ignorant. سلام عليكم لانبتغي الجاهلين" 

واذا سمعوا اللغو اعرضوا عنه وقالوا لنا اعمالنا ولكم اعمالكم سلام عليكم لانبتغي الجاهلين

19:62, 23:3, 25:72, 28:55, 31:6-7, 56:25, 78:35, 50:18
156 Speak words that are directed to what is Right (وقولوا قولا سديدا). 33:70-71
157 Call unto Allah Almighty by His Holy Names and Attributes. 7:180
158 Bring Peace to your heart by remembering Allah Almighty and calling unto Him.  Call onto Allah Almighty's Holy Name and Remember Him always.  Remembrance of Allah Almighty's Holy Name. 8:2, 13:28, 22:35, 24:37, 29:45, 33:21, 39:22, 39:23, 39:45, 57:16, 62:9, 63:9
159 When the Holy Quran is recited, listen and be quiet, and remember Allah Almighty. 7:204-205, 29:45
160 When you recite the Holy Quran seek refuge from the cursed satan by Allah Almighty's Great Name. 16:98
161 [007:205]  And do thou (O reader!) Bring thy Lord to remembrance in thy (very) soul, with humility and in reverence, without loudness in words, in the mornings and evenings; and be not thou of those who are unheedful. 7:205, 25:73
162 Do not be a traitor, betrayer, one who does treason, or is treacherous (ان الله يدافع عن الذين امنوا ان الله لايحب كل خوان كفور).  If you fear that one whom you have a covenant with is going to betray you, then throw back (end) the covenant with them. 8:58, 22:38
163 Do not be biased in favor of your family 9:23
164 Do not take a relative as a friend/protector/ally if he does kufr 9:23
165 Allah Almighty, then the Prophet then Jihad are what you must love the most. 9:24
166 Jihad with the Holy Quran. 25:52
167 Jihad with Allah Almighty (والذين جاهدوا فينا لنهدينهم سبلنا وان الله لمع المحسنين). 29:69
168 Jihad with our wealth and selves is the best bargain and trade with Allah Almighty:

‏61:10 ياايها الذين امنوا هل ادلكم على تجارة تنجيكم من عذاب اليم
61:11 تؤمنون بالله ورسوله وتجاهدون في سبيل الله باموالكم وانفسكم ذلكم خير لكم ان كنتم تعلمون
يغفر لكم ذنوبكم ويدخلكم جنات تجري من تحتها الانهار ومساكن طيبة في جنات عدن ذلك الفوز العظيم 
169 Do not store your gold and silver (wealth) to prevent spending in the Cause of Allah Almighty 9:34-35
170 Do not be selfish, greedy and unjust in your demands 9:58
171 Do no mock the volunteers from the Believers, and those who have nothing but their labor to give in charity.  Allah Almighty didn't forgive those who did it, and even if the Prophet asked for forgiveness for them 70 times, it would've been rejected. 9:79-80
172 Do not seek forgiveness from Allah Almighty for the polytheists. Abraham seeked forgiveness to his father before he knew he was considered an enemy of Allah Almighty and a disbeliever. 9:113-114, 14:41
173 Believers go through suffering and adversity in order to be humbled, or feel humility.  They walk on earth in humility.  They treat all people with humbleness and kindness ( وعباد الرحمن الذين يمشون على الارض هونا).  Be humble!  They also say peace to the ignorant ones. 7:94, 11:23, 25:63, 28:55
174 Be humble with the Believers. 26:215
175 Do not be arrogant or stuck-up or proud with arrogance.  Also, do not be brash.  Be humble.  Allah Almighty does not love those who boast with pride. 11:10, 17:37, 31:18, 57:23
176 Do not be passive and weak and allowing for people to take advantage of you in the wrong way (ولاتصعر خدك للناس ولاتمش في الارض مرحا ان الله لايحب كل مختال فخور). 31:18
177 Walk your path for Good Cause (واقصد في مشيك).  Don't be evil in your steps, or alluring, or enticing to others, or cause evil. 31:19
178 Lower your tone when you speak.  Do not speak loud (واغضض من صوتك).  31:19
179 No compulsion in religion (اعبدوا ماشئتم من دونه قل ان الخاسرين الذين خسروا انفسهم).  Can't force anyone in accepting Islam. 10:99, 18:29, 39:15, 2:256
180 Incest is forbidden.  Also, do not commit adultery or fornication.  Do not even come anywhere near places that promote adultery or fornication (zina) (ولاتقربوا الزنى انه كان فاحشة وساء سبيلا ).  Punishment for adultery and fornication.  Status of the adulterer and adulterous, and fornicator (ولايزنون ومن يفعل ذلك يلق اثاما).

Bestiality, incest, fornication, adultery and any and all types of sexual sinning and even alluring and enticing others to sin are all forbidden and must be avoided "And those who eschew the more grievous sins and indecencies" والذين يجتنبون كبائر الاثم والفواحش .  Allah Almighty spoke about animals in many Noble Verses: 3:14, 4:119, 5:1, 6:1, 6:136-139, 6:142, 6:146, 10:24, 16:5, 16:66, 16:80, 20:54, 22:28-30, 22:34, 23:21, 25:49, 26:133, 32:27, 35:28, 36:71, 39:6, 40:79, 42:11, 43:12, 47:12, 79:33, 80:32.  In all of them, Allah Almighty gave the Law regarding animals on:

1-  How and when we can eat their meat.
2-  What animals are permitted for us to eat.
3-  The benefits of the animals' skin, bones and "hair" (wool, fur, feather, etc...) for us.
4-  The benefits of riding animals for transportation.

Never once were animals mentioned for sex with humans.  Furthermore, When Prophet Lot, peace be upon him, scolded his people regarding homosexuality, he said:

[007:081] "You gratify your sexual desires by approaching men instead of women! You are a wanton people; (you have gone) far beyond all limits (of decency)."

No bestiality was ever given as an option for sex.  Only lawful women for men.  See also Noble Verses 7:80-81, 27:55, 26:165, 27:54-55, 29:28-29 regarding Sodom and Gomorrah.  Bestiality was never an option.  Furthermore, Allah Almighty defined the purpose of animals' benefits for us:

[040:079] GOD is the One who created the livestock for you; some you ride, and some you eat.

1-  Some you ride.
2-  Some you eat.

No sex with animals EVER permitted in the Glorious Quran.  See also bestiality is punishable by death in Islam.

Islam came from the same religion of the other Prophets, including the Islam given to Moses:

[042:013]  The same religion has He established for you as that which He enjoined on Noah - the which We have sent by inspiration to thee - and that which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: Namely, that ye should remain steadfast in religion, and make no divisions therein: to those who worship other things than God, hard is the (way) to which thou callest them. God chooses to Himself those whom He pleases, and guides to Himself those who turn (to Him).

We know in the Jewish Law, bestiality is forbidden.  Now Islam might abrogate previous Laws such as permitting camel meat, for example.  Camel meat is forbidden in the Jewish Law.  Also, eating meat with fat is forbidden, and seafood with shells also forbidden and a list of other food items.  Islam abrogated much of those.  Muslims are not Jews and we are not under the Jewish Covenant.  We are under the Islamic Covenant.  But the bestiality Law still stands.  The punishment may vary (in Judaism it is always by death; in Islam its ceiling is death, but other lower punishments exist for lesser bestiality acts), but the principle of bestiality being a sin still remains in the Islamic Covenant.

Jews are called upon to embrace Islam.  Islam came to free them from much of the shackles and heavy burdens that Allah Almighty has placed on them.  Allah Almighty called them "burdens and shackles" (7:157).  Here is a list of some of them:


Castrating 7-year old boys:

Forget Aisha was 9 when Prophet Muhammad consummated their marriage.  Her father was also the Prophet's closest companion and the first elected Islamic Caliph after the Prophet died.  Jesus castrated and emasculated himself, and he created a major plague in the Christian world that continues till this day.  Did you know that young boys as young as 7 were castrated in the Christian world, and under the blessing of the thoroughly sodomized priests of the barfatican?

By the church!

Matthew 19:12 Jesus commanded his followers embrace, and to advocate for and promote self-castrations:


Islam came to free the Jews from the "burdens and shackles" (7:157) of their hardened Law, and to free the Christians from their "conjecture" (4:157), and to restore the Original Divine Religion of GOD Almighty, Islam, and to invite all of Mankind to Allah Almighty's Light and Guidance of Islam.

Isaiah 21:13  The burden upon Arabia [1]

New Song: [1]

300 years before Islam, Paran was Mecca

Did early Christians preach Prophet Muhammad in Rome?

See also the Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles, and Prophecies.

Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

Other examples of Quran abrogating the previous traditions:

- Castration and Emasculation.
- Camel meat being forbidden.
- Meat of livestock animals with only split hoof.
- Sea food with shell forbidden.
- Fat from cattle meat forbidden.
- Stoning married adulterer and/or adulterous to death.  In Islam, it was reduced to 100 lashes for each.
- The Sabbath breakers must be put to death.
- Revile your parents is punishable by death.
- The Qiblah (direction of Prayer).
- The waiting period to have sex with a female right had possession.
- Divorce.  In Islam, the divorce is final after the third divorce.
- Polygamy without limits.  In Islam, the maximum is four wives.
- Gambling.  In Islam it is forbidden.
- Killing of captives including children and all civilians.  Islam prohibits all of this.
- Killing of civilians, and everything that "breathes" (including animals and plants).  Islam prohibits this.
- Holy Stones and Objects in Temple.  Islam prohibits this.
- Inheritance of sons vs daughters.  Islam gives inheritance to both sons and daughters.
- Children bearing the sins of their fathers for generations.  Islam prohibits this.
- Bastard children rights and status in society.  Islam doesn't punish bastards.
- Rape punishment.  In Judaism, the raped woman must marry her rapist.  Islam does not have this Law.
- Slavery ending, and slaves rights and freedom.  In Judaism, slaves and their children are inherited.  Islam prohibits this.

Also visit:

The Jewish Law had some very harsh laws.  Allah Almighty called them "burdens and shackles":

[007:157] (My mercy is for) those who follow the messenger, the prophet who can neither read nor write. They will find him mentioned in their scriptures, the Torah and the gospels. He orders them to do the right thing, and to avoid the wrong. He makes the pure and the wholesome lawful for them, and he forbids them the foul and the filthy. He relieves them of the burdens and the shackles ويضع عنهم اصرهم والاغلال with which they were bogged down. Successful indeed, are those who believe in him, honor and help him, and follow the light (the Qur'an) that was revealed to him.

The Glorious Quran came and abrogated most of the burdens and shackles اصرهم والاغلال.  For ample more details, please visit this article, and this article.

4:23, 17:32, 24:2-3, 25:68, 42:37, 60:12, 3:14, 4:119, 5:1, 6:1, 6:136-139, 6:142, 6:146, 10:24, 16:5, 16:66, 16:80, 20:54, 22:28-30, 22:34, 23:21, 25:49, 26:133, 32:27, 35:28, 36:71, 39:6, 40:79, 42:11, 43:12, 47:12, 79:33, 80:32, 7:80-81, 27:55, 26:165, 27:54-55, 29:28-29
181 Do not utter slander ( هماز مشاء بنميم). 60:12, 68:11
182 Do not be of a violent or an aggressive type personality and person; a bully and an obnoxious and repulsive one that is resented by others (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust).  Also, do not try to impose your will on others and transgress:

‏68:12 مناع للخير معتد اثيم
68:13 عتل بعد ذلك زنيم
[068:012]  (Habitually) hindering (all) good, transgressing beyond bounds, deep in sin,
[068:013]  Violent (and cruel),- with all that, base-born,-

See also Violent criminals will flood the world's societies - Islamic prophecy.

Do not be argumentative, confrontational, violent, aggressive, belligerent, quarrelsome, loud-mouthed, obnoxious, intolerable, insufferable.  Please find all of the entries (57, 118, 148, 205, 238, 244, 250, 256, 258, 182, 195, 235, 70, 208, 229, 239, 245, 246, 43, 191, 192, 232, 237, 253) about the Glorious Quran prohibiting arguing, bullying, and the Quran's commands on how you must walk away from nonsensical and negative talk, and how you must always be upright and a good example for all people, and invite and guide people to the Right Path of Allah Almighty with beautiful wisdom, talk and patience, and to understand and appreciate people's backgrounds and situations.

183 Do not assume responsibility or authority over things that you have no knowledge of ( ولاتقف ماليس لك به علم). 17:36
184 Seek knowledge and education that pleases Allah Almighty.  The knowledgable is not equal to the ignorant or the one who is not knowledgable (قل هل يستوي الذين يعلمون والذين لايعلمون انما يتذكر اولوا الالباب).  Allah Almighty does not want Muslims to be illiterate.  The first Divine Command that Allah Almighty gave to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was to "read".

What does the Quran say about Scientific Research, Libraries, Universities and Documenting Knowledge of all fields (history, geography, science, math, religion, archeology, etc...)?  Is learning only limited to learning the Quran and Hadiths (Sayings of Prophet Muhammad) only?

39:9, 96:1
185 Say insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing) when you promise or plan to do something in the future. 18:23-24
186 If you forget, then mention the Name of Allah Almighty. 18:24
187 Say Masha'Allah (only through Allah Almighty's Willing) and no power except through Allah when you see something pleasing (قلت ماشاء الله لاقوة الا بالله). 18:39
188 Glorify the Islamic Rituals. 22:32-33, 
189 Lower your gaze.  Be chaste.  Be Modest.  Protect your Chastity.  Do not be sexually open.  Honor chastity and modesty:

‏70:29 والذين هم لفروجهم حافظون
70:30 الا على ازواجهم او ماملكت ايمانهم فانهم غير ملومين

70:31 فمن ابتغى وراء ذلك فاولئك هم العادون

Also, do not force your female right hand possession slaves into sex or prostitution when they desire chastity (
ولاتكرهوا فتياتكم على البغاء ان اردن تحصنا).

Also, women must not be sexually provocative غير متبرجات.  Do not dress in sexually provocative clothes.  And all Muslims (men and women) must be chaste and honor chastity.

24:60, 24:30-34, 33:35, 70:29-31
190 Do not let your work or anything worldly thing take you from remembering Allah Almighty, and from Praying to Allah Almighty and Prostrating to Allah Almighty, and also from paying charity (رجال لاتلهيهم تجارة ولابيع عن ذكر الله واقام الصلاة وايتاء الزكاة). 24:37
191 The people of Uli Al-Azm or people of constancy and firmness (Uli al3azm) (يابني اقم الصلاة وامر بالمعروف وانه عن المنكر واصبر على مااصابك ان ذلك من عزم الامور).  Be from the people of Uli Al-Azm (people of firmness): Establish regular prayer, enjoin what is just, and forbid what is wrong: and bear with patient constancy whatever betide thee. 31:17, 38:17, 42:40-43, 46:35, 47:21, 89:15-25, 38:26, 42:42
192 Be extra patient and put your full Trust and Faith in Allah Almighty as Prophet Job and other Prophets did (....واذكر عبدنا ايوب). 38:17, 38:41-44, 74:7, 89:15-25
193 Always follow the best of what you can follow from Allah Almighty's Commands ( واتبعوا احسن ماانزل اليكم من ربكم). 39:55
194 Islamic democracy.  Shura, and seeking the opinion of all and following the decision of the majority.  Voting.  Vote.  Establish democracy among you.  Follow the decision of the majority. 42:38
195 Do not bully disbelievers who are living peacefully with you.  Be kind and just with them.  Treat them with kindness and justice. لاينهاكم الله عن الذين لم يقاتلوكم في الدين ولم يخرجوكم من دياركم ان تبروهم وتقسطوا اليهم ان الله يحب المقسطين.  Also, do not be a bully!  Bullying people and being resented by them is detested by Allah Almighty.  Do not be rude, brash or arrogant towards people. Do not impose your will on people. 60:8, 68:12-13, 38:26, 42:42
196 The intentions of your heart and the good intentions in your works, and the purity of your heart are what Allah Almighty looks for.  The Muslim must have a clean, pure and forgiving heart.  Also a clean and healthy heart that is pure from evil and bad intentions.

Do not equate or make equal the intentions of the believers like the intentions of the disbelievers when you are in disagreement:

[068:035] Shall We then treat the People of Faith like the People of Sin?
What is the matter with you? How judge ye?

‏68:35 افنجعل المسلمين كالمجرمين
68:36 مالكم كيف تحكمون

Unless the Muslim clearly becomes an apostate, do not assume ill-will and ill-intentions from them, and do not start treating them like infidels just because they disagree with you.

26:89, 37:84, 50:33, 2:225, 49:14, 2:204, 3:159, 8:24, 68:35-36
197 No evil thoughts and intentions.  Be pure in your thoughts, intentions and heart. 17:25, 20:7, 21:110, 33:32, 5:52, 21:49
198 Do not profess purity and piety for yourself.  Ascribe not purity and piety to yourselves.  فلا تزكوا انفسكم 53:32
199 The Believers are brothers and sisters to each others. 49:10
200 Be dignified!  Walk with dignity.  Do not beg for money or anything.  Do not act like one who is begging for money or aid:

[002:273] (Charity is) for those in need, who, in God's cause are restricted (from travel), and cannot move about in the land, seeking (For trade or work): the ignorant man thinks, because of their modesty, that they are free from want يحسبهم الجاهل اغنياء من التعفف. Thou shalt know them by their (Unfailing) mark: They beg not importunately from all the sundry لايسئلون الناس الحافا. And whatever of good ye give, be assured God knoweth it well.

Now, it is ok to ask people for help when you need it.  Allah Almighty spoke about helping the needy and the poor in ample Noble Verses as shown in the entries above.  So if you are one, then it's ok.  But do not be one who begs.  Do not approach people from the status of you being beneath them.  Be dignified!

Do not be rude, brash or arrogant.  That's also amply covered above from the Glorious Quran.  Just be dignified.  Allah Almighty Said:

[063:008] They say, "If we return to Medina, surely the more honourable (element) will expel therefrom the meaner." But honour belongs to God and His Apostle, and to the Believers ولله العزة ولرسوله وللمؤمني ; but the Hypocrites know not.

2:273, 63:8
201 Do not be lazy and low energy in what you do.  Also, be true and high in energy when you approach Prayer (Salat).  Also, be energetic in pursuing the things that please Allah Almighty and win you the Hereafter in all that you do.

The fact also that Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran commanded the Muslims to pray at least 5 daily physical sets of prayers (See Noble Verses 2:277, 4:142, 7:170, 9:5, 9:11, 13:22, 22:41, 35:18, 35:29, 42:38) further proves that Allah Almighty wants Muslims to be physically fit and full of energy.  Laziness is totally rejected in Islam.  In fact, Allah Almighty said about those who are not genuine in their Prayers:

واذا قاموا الى الصلاة قاموا كسالى يراؤون الناس

"...And when they stand up for Prayer, they stand up lazily and to be seen of men..." (4:142)

[011:061]...It is He who hath produced you out of the earth, and hath given you an habitation therein...

Where ever Allah Almighty settles you and your family on earth, make sure that you make as best habitation of it as you can.  Be true, good and upright.  Build and be productive.  Fear Allah Almighty and always remember Him.  Advance yourself and your community in good and in Islam, and always be pleasing to Allah Almighty in all that you do and work.


9:47, 9:38, 9:54, 3:118, 4:142, 17:19, 53:39, 80:8-12, 2:277, 4:142, 7:170, 9:5, 9:11, 13:22, 22:41, 35:18, 35:29, 42:38, 11:61
202 To Allah Almighty all good talk (speech) and good deeds (works) are brought before.  To Him all good deeds go up to Him. اليه يصعد الكلم الطيب والعمل الصالح يرفعه 35:10, 50:18
203 You may take a disbeliever as a companion صاحب (saahib).  A صاحب can be your neighbor, workmate, classmate, friend (he is not a brother in faith) احسانا وبذي القربى واليتامى والمساكين والجار ذي القربى والجار الجنب والصاحب.  See Noble Verse 4:36.

Even if your parents relentlessly call you to become an apostate or an infidel, do not follow them, but still be kind to them and be their companion صاحب (saahib).وان جاهداك على ان تشرك بي ماليس لك به علم فلا تطعهما وصاحبهما في الدنيا معروفا See Noble Verse 31:15.

صاحب (saahib) can be a disbeliever (18:37): قال له صاحبه وهو يحاوره اكفرت بالذي خلقك من تراب ثم من نطفة ثم سواك رجلا.

Also, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was addressed as the صاحب (saahib) of the both the believers and disbelievers in Noble Verses 34:46, 53:2, 81:22.

A Muslim man can also marry a Jewish or Christian woman.  Also, some of the people of the Book (Jews and Christians) are from among the blessed ones.  See Noble Verses 5:5, 3:199, 3:113-114.  More proof that having a life friendship with disbelievers is permitted.

However, the disbelievers may not be your allies without or against the Believers.  And if he's hostile towards Islam, then you must end your relationship with him (4:89, 2:193, 58:8-9, 29:46, 60:8).

Be forgiving to those who disagree with your faith who are not hostile.  Show kindness to them.  Pardon people.  Restrain your anger.  And be just.  See Noble Verses 5:8, 60:8, 5:2, 4:58, 4:135, 7:159, 5:44, 2:62, 3:134, 7:199, 15:85, 5:13, 2:109, 24:22, 45:14, 76:7-10, 90:11-17, 2:177, 2:215, 17:26, 38:26, 42:42.

4:36, 31:15, 18:37, 29:8, 31:15, 58:22, 34:46, 53:2, 81:22, 3:28, 3:118, 5:51, 5:57-59, 4:139, 9:23, 5:5, 3:199, 3:199, 3:113-114, 4:89, 2:193, 58:8-9, 29:46, 60:8, 5:8, 60:8, 5:2, 4:58, 4:135, 7:159, 5:44, 2:62, 3:134, 7:199, 15:85, 5:13, 2:109, 24:22, 45:14, 76:7-10, 90:11-17, 2:177, 2:215, 17:26, 38:26, 42:42
204 The deprived, destitute and needy in the society have a right to be helped upon the Muslims and the State. وفي اموالهم حق للسائل والمحروم 51:19, 70:24
205 Remind those who eventually might listen to the Truth of the Glorious Quran and Islam, if you see benefit in reminding them - if the recipient is worthy of the advise فذكر ان نفعت الذكرى.  And always invite people to Islam with wisdom and beautiful preaching, and argue with people in ways that are best and most gracious. 50:45, 87:9, 88:21, 16:125, 11:114, 51:55
206 Women must not strike the ground with their heels or feet to make noise that attracts attention to them, or to use it to signal what is hidden from their ornaments or any other thing for enticement ولايضربن بارجلهن ليعلم مايخفين من زينتهن.

Also, women must not be sexually provocative غير متبرجات.  Do not dress in sexually provocative clothes.  And all Muslims (men and women) must be chaste and honor chastity.

24:60, 24:30-34, 33:35, 70:29-31
207 Those who can't get married must remain chaste until Allah Almighty enriches them by His Grace وليستعفف الذين لايجدون نكاحا حتى يغنيهم الله من فضلهMuslims must remain Chaste until they get married. 24:33
208 Do not let people take you for a light-minded fool فاستخف قومه.  Do not be one who people treat with levity, or be perceived as one with a light mind, or be treated with frivolity.

Challenge all arguments until the proof is thoroughly made clear to you.  Do not just accept arguments and assume they are truthful because they belong to certain people.  Produce your proof if you are truthful, and always ask for proof.

Be a straight and upright believer!  Do not trick people, or be a bad influence to them, or be a fitnah or a trial to them, even if they were disbelievers ربنا لاتجعلنا فتنة للذين كفروا واغفر لنا ربنا.  Do not be a deceiver and false.  Now, it's ok to look out for opportunities to advance yourself, and to be competitive.  But do not be a liar and a deceiver.  Do not be disingenuous and false.  Be upright:

ياايها الذين امنوا كونوا قوامين بالقسط شهداء لله

"Oh you who believe! Be upright قوامين, and uphold justice staunchly بالقسط. (Always) bear testimony for (the sake of) Allah شهداء لله...."


43:54, 30:60, 2:111, 21:24, 27:64, 28:75, 46:13, 60:4-9, 10:85, 85:10, 4:135, 5:8, 30:31-32
209 Do not settle for conjecture.  Avoid conjecture and stick with clear proofs and truth. 2:78, 4:157, 6:116, 6:148, 45:24, 53:23, 53:28, 49:12
210 When the call for Prayer is made on Friday (the Friday noon Prayer), do attend it with the believers (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).  It is the day of assembly; congregational prayer Hasten earnestly to the Remembrance of God, and leave off work and business وذروا البيع.

(If possible in the town that you live in) leave work and business and go join the Friday Prayer. 

Note: If you fear bigotry or Islamophobia, and that you will be discriminated against or raise the ire of people who may hurt your job from "under the table" or "behind the curtains", then its ok if you make exception and not go.  Allah Almighty doesn't burden people beyond what they can bear.  See Noble Verses 6:152, 2:286, 9:91, 23:62.  Otherwise, if you can leave work to go to the Friday Prayer and come back, then do not procrastinate nor neglect.  And certainly do not make false excuses.  Energize yourself and do it.

The fact also that Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran commanded the Muslims to pray at least 5 daily physical sets of prayers (See Noble Verses 2:277, 4:142, 7:170, 9:5, 9:11, 13:22, 22:41, 35:18, 35:29, 42:38) further proves that Allah Almighty wants Muslims to be physically fit and full of energy.  Laziness is totally rejected in Islam.  In fact, Allah Almighty said about those who are not genuine in their Prayers:

واذا قاموا الى الصلاة قاموا كسالى يراؤون الناس

"...And when they stand up for Prayer, they stand up lazily and to be seen of men..." (4:142)


In general, if a person is forced by necessity, without willful disobedience, nor transgressing due limits, then it's ok to do the forbidden thing.  If you're forced, or under emergency, then it's ok to do something that is forbidden فمن اضطر غير باغ ولاعاد فلا اثم عليه.  See Noble Verses 2:173, 6:145, 16:115.

Make sure, though, that you are not careless with your excuses.  Be true to Allah Almighty.  If you can go, then do not procrastinate nor neglect.  And certainly do not make false excuses.  Energize yourself and do it.

62:9, 6:152, 2:286, 9:91, 23:62, 2:173, 6:145, 16:115, 2:277, 4:142, 7:170, 9:5, 9:11, 13:22, 22:41, 35:18, 35:29, 42:38)
211 Good Muslims give to other needy believers, and love to give them, and prefer them over themselves.  They also preserve themselves from all coveting and niggardliness:

[059:009]  And those who made their abode in the city and in the faith before them love those who have fled to them, and do not find in their hearts a need of what they are given, and prefer (them) before themselves though poverty may afflict them ويؤثرون على انفسهم ولو كان بهم خصاصة, and whoever is preserved from the niggardliness of his soul, these it is that are the successful ones.

But you must also be in the middle in your spending.  Do not be cheap nor excessive.  Do not spend money excessively ولاتبذر تبذيرا, or be extravagant, because people who spend too much on worldly things are the siblings of satan, or brothers and sisters of satans according to the Glorious Quran.  See Noble Verses 17:27, 17:29, 25:67.

59:9, 17:27-29, 25:67, 4:54
212 Do not be a racist or a bigot.  Do not judge people based on the way they've been created, or by their colors ان اكرمكم عند الله اتقاكم.  See Noble Verse 49:13.  Allah Almighty created mankind in different colors ومن الناس والدواب والانعام مختلف الوانه 35:28, and expects from all of us to treat each other with justice and equality based on our piety, character, conduct and merits.  We have to be fair and just, and fix and reconcile between people with justice. 49:13, 2:44, 2:224, 3:21, 4:1, 4:114, 5:32, 14:1, 26:183, 34:28, 35:15, 35:28, 38:26, 42:42
213 Do not judge people based on the trials that Allah Almighty puts them through.  Accept the trials of life that Allah Almighty tests you on, and do not judge the good or bad in people based on the calamities that they're afflicted with:

[089:015] Now, as for man, when his Lord trieth him, giving him honour and gifts, then saith he, (puffed up), "My Lord hath honoured me." فيقول ربي اكرمن

[089:016] But when He trieth him, restricting his subsistence for him, then saith he (in despair), "My Lord hath humiliated me!" فيقول ربي اهانن

[089:017] Nay كلا....

Allah Almighty tests people in certain ways based on His Divine Wisdom.  And the believers when they're struck with calamities, they say:

[002:156] Who say, when afflicted with calamity اذا اصابتهم مصيبة: "To God We belong, and to Him is our return":-

89:15-25, 2:156, 64:11, 22:11, 29:10, 30:33
214 Perform the Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) if you physically and financially can.  You must have no debt (one of Islam's rules regarding Hajj). 3:97, 2:196-197, 22:27, 9:3, 2:158, 2:189
215 The priorities in spending your money for charity and helping others are:

[002:215]  They ask thee what they should spend (In charity). Say: Whatever ye spend that is good, is for parents and kindred and orphans and those in want and for wayfarers. And whatever ye do that is good, -God knoweth it well.

يسألونك ماذا ينفقون قل ماانفقتم من خير فللوالدين والاقربين واليتامى والمساكين وابن السبيل وماتفعلوا من خير فان الله به عليم
216 Only ask Allah Almighty وقال ربكم ادعوني استجب لكم.  Do not ask anyone else (no Hussein, Zahra, Muhammad, Ali, or any person).  And anyone who acts arrogantly or stubbornly towards asking Allah Almighty alone will be lead to the Hell Fire:

[040:060]  And your Lord says: "Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer) وقال ربكم ادعوني استجب لكم: but those who are too arrogant to serve worship Me ان الذين يستكبرون عن عبادتي will surely find themselves in Hell - in humiliation"

Allah Almighty is near, and therefore, we do not need anyone else besides Him فاني قريب اجيب دعوة الداع اذا دعان.  And He is nearer to us than our own jugular veins ونحن اقرب اليه من حبل الوريد.

Unfortunately for the heretic Muslims from the Shias and Sufies, they do not understand this concept.  They bow to graves, do tawaf (circumambulation) around graves, ask mere pious people for:

1-  Help.
2-  Mercy.
3-  Guidance.
4-  Forgiveness.


Will swear in front of Allah Almighty:

I tell such heretic Muslims that Allah Almighty Said that many will swear in His Holy Name right in front of Him, in the Hereafter, that they were not associating partners with Him, the Almighty:

[006:023]  Then they will have no excuse save that they shall say, `By ALLAH, our Lord, we were not idolaters.'

[006:024]  See how they shall lie against themselves. And that which they fabricated shall fail them.

[006:025]  And among them are some who give ear to thee (so they are also among the Muslims); but WE have put veils on their hearts, that they should not understand, and deafness in their ears. And even if they see every Sign, they would not believe therein, so much so that when they come to thee, disputing with thee, those who disbelieve say, `This is nothing but fables of the ancients.'

[006:026]  And they forbid others to believe in it and themselves too they keep away from it. And they ruin none but their own selves; only they perceive not.

40:60, 2:186, 50:16, 6:21-26, 18:102, 9:31, 3:64
217 Not bathing and showering enough, and not being hygienic, and not being ceremonially clean and pure is the work and way of satan:

[008:011] And when HE caused sleep to come upon you as a sign of security from HIM, and HE sent down water upon you from the clouds, that thereby HE might purify you, and remove from you the uncleanliness of Satan وينزل عليكم من السماء ماء ليطهركم به ويذهب عنكم رجز الشيطان, and that HE might strengthen your hearts and make your steps firm therewith.

[002:222] They ask thee concerning women's courses. Say: They are a hurt and a pollution: So keep away from women in their courses, and do not approach them until they are clean. But when they have purified themselves, ye may approach them in any manner, time, or place ordained for you by God (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him). For God loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean ان الله يحب التوابين ويحب المتطهرين.

Being physically smelly and filthy is satanic according to the Glorious Quran.  Yes India-curries (curry) and Italian and non-Italian garlics, and everyone with any type of foul odor and breath.  This includes all of you.  If you're a Muslim, then be mindful of your foul odor and breath.  It is a trial from Allah Almighty.  Otherwise, you're filth makes you satanic.  Prophet Muhammad also hated these types of smells.

In case you wish to dismiss this as a bunch of bible-like nonsense, I invite you to visit the Glorious Quran's overwhelming Numerical and Scientific Miracles.

8:11, 74:4-5, 56:79, 7:31, 2:222, 4:43
218 Polytheists are also those who divide the Muslims into sects.  Do not disunite or divide the Believers, or cause corruption among them.  Those who cause disunity or divisions or tumult or corruption among the Muslims are considered polytheists.  They are guilty of shirk (associating partners with Allah Almighty):

[030:031] (Stay firm), turning to Him in repentance! Fear Him, establish the ‘salat' (Prayer), and do not be among the ‘mushriqeen' ولاتكونوا من المشركين _ (those associating partners with Allah).

[030:032] (Don't be one of) those who divided their religion into many sects, each happy and contented with what it holds من الذين فرقوا دينهم وكانوا شيعا كل حزب بما لديهم فرحون.

Mushrikeen is a plural of mushrik.  Mushrik is derived from shirk.  A mushrik is also one who is guilty of shirk.  He practices shirk.  Therefore, he is a mushrik.  Like in English, one who practices sin becomes a sinner.  Sinner is derived from sin.

I believe the reason why Allah Almighty chose this title, mushrikeen, for those who put the Muslims through fitnah, trials and divisions is to warn all Muslims of the severity of this sin.  This is especially important since Allah Almighty also Said that He does not forgive the sin of shirk:

[004:048] In fact, Allah does not forgive ‘shirk' _ (an act of associating others as equal to Him). Baring that, He may forgive anything He wants, and whomever He pleases. The one who commits ‘shirk' has indeed invented a singularly sinister sin!

Allah Almighty also Said:

[085:010] Verily, those who make trial of the believers, men and women, and then do not repent, for them is the torment of hell, and for them is the torment of the burning!

So those who divide the Muslims into sects are themselves guilty of the great sin that Allah Almighty may not forgive it for them in the Day of Judgment.  To Allah Almighty, it is no less than committing shirk itself.

All Muslims are commanded to cling to the rope of Allah as ONE UNIT:

[003:103] Cling firmly to the rope of Allah, all of you together (as a single entity)! Do not fall into disunity. Remember the favors of Allah upon you, when you were each other's enemy? He brought your hearts together; and so by His grace you became (like) brothers. You were (perched precariously) at the brink of a fire filled abyss. But He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes the revelations clear to you. Perhaps you will find the right path.

See also: 

The Glorious Quran also speaks about The fights between Paul's vs. Peter's teams (43:65) apostatizing each other (Quran, 2:253, 43:63-68).

30:31-32, 2:191, 2:217, 10:85, 60:4-9, 59:16-17, 85:10, 8:39, 3:103
219 Do not desert or neglect the Glorious Quran.  You must make It part of your life and read It regularly. 25:30
220 Do not harden your heart.  Do not have a hard heart. 22:53, 39:22, 5:13
221 Always change yourself to the better.  Allah Almighty does not change the bad status or situation or condition of people until they change what's in themselves:

[013:011] For each (such person) there are (angels) in succession, before and behind him: They guard him by command of God (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him). Verily never will God change the condition of a people until they change it themselves ان الله لايغير مابقوم حتى يغيروا مابانفسهم. But when (once) God willeth a people's punishment, there can be no turning it back, nor will they find, besides Him, any to protect.

[008:053] "Because God will never change the grace which He hath bestowed on a people until they change what is in themselves ذلك بان الله لم يك مغيرا نعمة انعمها على قوم حتى يغيروا مابانفسهم: and verily God is He Who heareth and knoweth (all things)."

Remember you must always maintain a clean, pure and forgiving heart.  This is amply covered above.

13:11, 8:53
222 Always race, hurry and hasten in doing good and in seeking Allah Almighty's Forgiveness.

‏3:114 يؤمنون بالله واليوم الاخر ويامرون بالمعروف وينهون عن المنكر ويسارعون في الخيرات واولئك من الصالحين

[003:114]  They believe in Allah and the last day, and they enjoin what is right and forbid the wrong and they strive with one another in hastening to good deeds, and those are among the good.

3:133, 3:114, 21:90, 23:61
223 Be mindful that your striving, efforts, labour (labor), and all of the work that you do in life, - whether it is good or bad, - will be shown and will be made manifest in the Day of Judgment. 53:40, 99:7-8
224 Allah Almighty exchanges, substitutes the evil deed with good deeds if He accepts the repentance of those who repent from such evil deeds. 25:70, 27:11, 68:32, 7:95
225 Warning to all Muslims:  If the current Muslims fail with Allah Almighty, then Allah Almighty will replace them with new Muslims who are True to Him, and who are different from and better than the replaced ones.  And none of this would ever harm Allah Almighty. 9:39, 47:38
226 The Quran is best recited during dawn:

[017:078]  Establish worship at the going down of the sun until the dark of night, and (the recital of) the Qur'an at dawn. Lo! (the recital of) the Qur'an at dawn is ever witnessed ان قران الفجر كان مشهودا.

227 People before us were given different Islams.  They were given their own customized Ways, Creeds, Laws and Covenants by Allah Almighty.  So a Muslim must not just assume that only a modern-day Muslim will enter Heaven.  A Non-idol worshiping Unitarian (حنيف haneef or Hanif or hanafi) could be considered Muslims by Allah Almighty.

The Haneef Religion is the religion that Allah Almighty has put in our human instincts فطرة from birth:

[030:030] Therefore, forsaking all else stay firm on this religion. It suits the innate character and the very instincts with which Allah has created the human kind فاقم وجهك للدين حنيفا فطرة الله التي فطر الناس عليها. Let there be no violation of the natural laws of Allah. This is the straight and true religion! But most people do not know!

And it was our father Abraham, peace be upon him, who named us Muslims:

[022:078] And strive for Allah with the endeavour which is His right. He hath chosen you and hath not laid upon you in religion any hardship; the faith of your father Abraham (is yours). He hath named you Muslims  هو سماكم المسلمين of old time and in this (Scripture), that the messenger may be a witness against you, and that ye may be witnesses against mankind. So establish worship, pay the poor-due, and hold fast to Allah. He is your Protecting friend. A blessed Patron and a blessed Helper!

5:48, 3:137, 4:26, 49:13, 3:113-3:114, 3:199, 2:62, 2:112, 7:159, 2:135, 3:67, 3:95, 4:125, 8:38, 15:13, 17:77, 18:55, 6:79, 6:161, 10:105, 16:120-123, 30:30, 22:78, 33:38, 33:62, 35:43, 40:85, 48:23
228 Do not love money and wealth excessively.  Do not be obsessed with money and wealth. 89:20, 100:8
229 Backbiting is forbidden in the Glorious Quran.  But warning people about a bad person is not backbiting, and you are OBLIGATED to speak up and warn if it causes no harm to you or to others:

[006:152] ....whenever ye speak, speak justly, even if a near relative is concerned; and fulfil the covenant of God: thus doth He command you, that ye may remember.

[004:135] O ye who believe! stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to God, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for God can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily God is well- acquainted with all that ye do.

A Muslim must always be upright, courageous and brave, and always be ready to speak justice and truth irrespective of whom it is against, even if it's against his own self.  So if you know there is truth to be told, then speak up.  But backbiting and scandalizing people is forbidden in the Glorious Quran.  One can't go around and talk about people's personal things that are embarrassing to them.  See the other entries and Noble Verses about backbiting.

Also regarding "as witnesses to God", a witness has the moral obligation to speak up and to testify when he/she sees wrong.  Covering up is not something an honest and true witness would do.  So imagine how being a witness to Allah Almighty should be done.  Even if it's a costly burden, one must do it as long as it brings no serious threat or harm to you and to others (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust).  There is always a way out for exceptional cases.  In general, if a person is forced by necessity, without willful disobedience, nor transgressing due limits, then it's ok to do the forbidden thing.  If you're forced, or under emergency, then it's ok to do something that is forbidden فمن اضطر غير باغ ولاعاد فلا اثم عليه.  See Noble Verses 2:173, 6:145, 16:115.  See entry #210 above.

Make sure, though, that you are not careless with your excuses.  Be true to Allah Almighty.  If you can go, then do not procrastinate nor neglect.  And certainly do not make false excuses.  Energize yourself and do it.

So, do not backbite or speak ill unjustly about people in their absence or in their back unless it is justified.  This is under normal circumstances and in casual conversations.  But if one is guilty of causing fitnah or trial or tumult or trouble among people, then it is ok to warn people from his or her evil.  Also, do not be a fitnah maker among people.  See all of the entries that speak about fitnah in great details above.  Remember Allah Almighty Said:

[049:012] O you who believe! Avoid much suspicions, indeed some suspicions are sins.  And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hate backbiting) . And fear Allah. Verily, Allah is the One Who accepts repentance, Most Merciful.

[060:005]  "Our Lord! Make us not a (test and) trial for the Unbelievers ربنا لاتجعلنا فتنة للذين كفروا, but forgive us, our Lord! for Thou art the Exalted in Might, the Wise."

And we must always give words of wisdom and guidance to those who disbelieve (the disbelievers).  See Noble Verses: 2:269, 6:151-153, 4:63, 16:125, 29:46.

It is a must upon every Muslim to be the best moral example:

3:110 كنتم خير امة اخرجت للناس تامرون بالمعروف وتنهون عن المنكر وتؤمنون بالله ولو امن اهل الكتاب لكان خيرا لهم منهم المؤمنون واكثرهم الفاسقون

[003:110] Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind كنتم خير امة اخرجت للناس , enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in God (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him). If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors.

Be content and fulfilled and satisfied with what Allah Almighty has given you.  Yes, always work towards advancing yourself and your life, but be content in the end with Allah Almighty's favors, blessings and also trials upon you.  Allah Almighty said

[011:061]...It is He who hath produced you out of the earth, and hath given you an habitation therein...

Where ever Allah Almighty settles you and your family on earth, make sure that you make as best habitation of it as you can.  Be true, good and upright.  Build and be productive.  Fear Allah Almighty and always remember Him.  Advance yourself and your community in good and in Islam, and always be pleasing to Allah Almighty in all that you do and work.


49:12, 60:5, 3:110, 2:269, 6:151-153, 4:63, 4:135, 16:125, 29:46, 49:12, 2:173, 6:145, 16:115, 11:61
230 Those who love for lewdness and sexual sinning and all sins to run wild among the Muslims have terrible and painful punishment that awaits them in this life and in the Lifeafter. ان الذين يحبون ان تشيع الفاحشة في الذين امنوا لهم عذاب اليم في الدنيا والاخرة 24:19
231 Do not hate or refuse a good advise. 7:79
232 Be appreciative and grateful.  Express gratitude.  Be persevere, steadfast, patient, and give thanks.  And to Allah Almighty very few are really true appreciative servants:

"....but few of My servants are grateful! " (34:13)  وقليل من عبادي الشكور

So, you can clearly see how important it is to Allah Almighty for you to be an appreciative person.

14:5, 17:3, 31:31, 34:13, 34:19, 35:30, 35:34, 42:23, 42:33, 64:17
233 Twice "nearest to piety" اقرب للتقوى was mentioned in the Glorious Quran:

1-  For forgiving others' faults and debts وان تعفوا اقرب للتقوى.
2-  For being just and standing up for Justice اعدلوا هو اقرب للتقوى.

Doing these two good deeds would bring the believing Muslim nearest to piety, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).

2:237, 5:8
234 Do not forget be courteous, and to show kindness, courtesy and generosity to one another: ولاتنسوا الفضل بينكم.  Do not forget to maintain amicable relations among you.  Be bountiful to one another, and maintain liberality between you.  Always remember that. 2:237
235 Be physically fit and ready.  Learn how to fight.  Do not allow yourself to be a victim of bullying and bullies.  Do not be a bully yourself (see the entries above for this).  Physical fitness, learning Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) or Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ), working out at home or at the gym, staying in shape, and being physically fit and strong are Commanded by Allah Almighty:

1-  Do not allow yourself to be enslaved by any weakness.  Do not be weak in the eyes of others, nor allow others to devour you or take you for a weak or feeble person that they may want to abuse and/or enslave though domination (dominating you).

The parable of the powerless Muslim is like of a slave who has no power over anything, as shown in the following Noble Verse (16:75).  A weak Muslim is not the same as a strong Muslim.  Allah Almighty does not like the Weak and Oppressed ones who have little will, except for those who truly have no choice and no escape.  Allah Almighty also despises you if you're weak in will and live like a slave by others. Allah Almighty loves those who are strong Muslims and who are able and do make positive differences in the societies:

‏16:75 ضرب الله مثلا عبدا مملوكا لايقدر على شئ ومن رزقناه منا رزقا حسنا فهو ينفق منه سرا وجهرا هل يستوون الحمد لله بل اكثرهم لايعلمون

[016:075] God sets forth the Parable (of two men: one) a
slave under the dominion of another; He has no power of any sort
لايقدر على شئ; and (the other) a man on whom We have bestowed goodly favours from Ourselves, and he spends thereof (freely), privately and publicly: are the two equal? هل يستوون (By no means;) praise be to God (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him). But most of them understand not.


Allah Almighty loves the strong Muslims, and despises the weak ones unless they have no choice and can not bring themselves up:

[004:097] When angels take the souls of those who die in sin against their souls, they say: "In what (plight) Were ye?" They reply: "Weak and oppressed Were we in the earth." They say: "Was not the earth of God spacious enough for you to move yourselves away (From evil)?" Such men will find their abode in Hell,- What an evil refuge! -

[004:098] Except those who are (really) weak and oppressed - men, women, and children - who have no means in their power, nor (a guide-post) to their way.

[004:099] For these, there is hope that God will forgive: For God doth blot out (sins) and forgive again and again.


2-  Do not be lazy and/or demoralized.  See Noble Verses 9:54, 4:142, 9:38, 9:46-47, 3:118, 17:19, 53:39, 80:8-12.

3-  Laziness can also be a curse upon you from Allah Almighty: ولكن كره الله انبعاثهم فثبطهم

[009:046] ....but God was averse to their being sent forth; so He made them lag behind....

The Almighty can cause you to become lazy if He detests you.  Laziness can be a very bad sign and warning to you.

4-  Always prepare yourself physically as best as you can: واعدوا لهم مااستطعتم من قوة

[008:060] Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power....

وقل اعملوا فسيرى الله عملكم ورسوله والمؤمنون

[009:105] And say: Work; so Allah will see your work and (so will) His Apostle and the believers (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him)....

لايستوي القاعدون من المؤمنين غير اولى الضرر والمجاهدون في سبيل الله

[004:095] Not equal are those of the believers who sit (at home), except those who are disabled (by injury or are blind or lame, etc.), and those who strive hard and fight in the Cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives....

See also entries#: 37, 190, 196, 200, 202, 210, 217, 223 above.

What does the Quran say about Scientific Research, Libraries, Universities and Documenting Knowledge of all fields (history, geography, science, math, religion, archeology, etc...)?  Is learning only limited to learning the Quran and Hadiths (Sayings of Prophet Muhammad) only?


[011:061]...It is He who hath produced you out of the earth, and hath given you an habitation therein...

Where ever Allah Almighty settles you and your family on earth, make sure that you make as best habitation of it as you can.  Be true, good and upright.  Build and be productive.  Fear Allah Almighty and always remember Him.  Advance yourself and your community in good and in Islam, and always be pleasing to Allah Almighty in all that you do and work.


16:75, 4:97-99, 9:54, 4:142, 9:38, 9:46-47, 3:118, 17:19, 53:39, 80:8-12, 8:60, 9:105, 4:95, 11:61



236 Husbands are higher in authority than the wives.  The husband is also the lord of his wife:

ولهن مثل الذي عليهن بالمعروف وللرجال عليهن درجة

[002:228] ....And they (women) have rights similar to those (of men) over them in kindness, and men are a degree above them وللرجال عليهن درجة....

واستبقا الباب وقدت قميصه من دبر والفيا سيدها لدى الباب

[012:025] So they both raced each other to the door, and she tore his shirt from the back: they both found her lord سيدها near the door....

The Al-Azeez was her husband (12:30).  Here Allah Almighty called him "her lord".

The wife is also expected to be obedient to her husband:

[004:034] ....Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient فالصالحات قانتات, and guard in (the husband's) absence what God would have them guard.....

But men must treat their women with kindness, and to never abuse them, and to also never pressure them to give up from their wealth.  A husband can not pressure or force his wife to give him money.  See Noble Verses 30:21, 2:228-232, 2:236-237, 2:240-241, 2:233, 4:128, 4:19, 4:4, 4:25, 65:7, 4:34.

However, in countries where the wife automatically has access to her husband's properties, and she gets half of his wealth in case of divorce, then this Islamic Law about the husband can not demand from his wife to give him money may not be applicable.  In the Islamic Law, what belongs to the the individual (man or woman) remains with him or her.  No 50-50 split.  Allah Almighty allowed the Muslims to nullify Islamic Laws if the situation is exceptional:

فمن اضطر غير باغ ولاعاد فلا اثم عليه

[002:173] ....But if one is forced by necessity, without wilful disobedience, nor transgressing due limits,- then is he guiltless....

See also Noble Verses 6:145, 16:115.  In the West, where Islamic Sharia Laws don't apply, the Muslims are not obligated to follow all of Islam's Laws, especially the ones that are directly at odds with the country's laws.

The general rule between the husband and the wife in Islam is that the husband works and provides, - and he is responsible for all of the financial obligations, - and the wife is obedient and remains home and takes care of her home and the children, and guards her home in the absence of her husband:

‏الرجال قوامون على النساء بما فضل الله بعضهم على بعض وبما انفقوا من اموالهم فالصالحات قانتات حافظات للغيب بما حفظ الله واللاتي تخافون نشوزهن فعظوهن واهجروهن في المضاجع واضربوهن فان اطعنكم فلاتبغوا عليهن سبيلا ان الله كان عليا كبيرا

[004:034] Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because God has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient فالصالحات قانتات, and guard in (the husband's) absence what God would have them guard حافظات للغيب بما حفظ الله.....

The man under the Islamic Sharia Law is also responsible for the child support and alimony (allowance and maintenance) payments in case of divorce:

[002:241] For divorced women Maintenance (should be provided) on a reasonable (scale) متاع بالمعروف. This is a duty on the righteous.

[002:236] It is no crime in you if ye divorce your women ere you have yet touched them, or settled for them a settlement. But provide maintenance for them ومتعوهن; the wealthy according to his power, and the straitened in circumstances according to his power, must provide, in reason;- a duty this upon the kind.

[002:233] And mothers shall give suck to their children for two whole years; this is for those who desire to complete the period of suckling. And the man to whom the child belongs shall be responsible for their (the mothers') maintenance وعلى المولود له رزقهن and clothing according to usage.....

[060:011] (Even) if any of your wives leaves you for the disbeliever (without returning the nuptial dowry) still in your turn, pay the disbelievers whose wives leave them for you (an amount) equal to what they had spent. (Always) fear Allah, in Whom you (profess to) believe!

The Islamic Sharia court would determine the amount and duration of the payments.  See also the Noble Verses listed above.

30:21, 2:228-232, 2:236-237, 2:240-241, 2:233, 4:128, 4:19, 4:4, 4:25, 65:7, 4:34, 60:11
237 While you must work very hard and strive very hard in this life, but do not be too obsessed with the treasures of this world for worldly and personal gain.  Be mindful of being balanced and to not get derailed by evil.  Only the evil ones are obsessed with this world.  The life after is for the believers (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).  The disbelievers desire only this world and they don't believe in the life after.  This entry also answers the common question: Why does GOD Almighty give the arrogant and wrong-doers much power in life and takes it away from the good people?

ولولاان يكون الناس امة واحدة لجعلنا لمن يكفر بالرحمن لبيوتهم سقفا من فضة ومعارج عليها يظهرون

[043:033] And were it not that all mankind would have become of one community (all disbelievers, desiring worldly life only), We would have provided for those who disbelieve in the Most Beneficent (Allah), silver roofs for their houses, and elevators لبيوتهم سقفا من فضة ومعارج (and stair-ways, etc. of silver) whereby they ascend,

[11:15-16] Those who desire the life of the present and its glitter,- to them we shall pay (the price of) their deeds therein,- without diminution. They are those for whom There is nothing in the Hereafter But the Fire: vain Are the designs they frame therein, And of no effect Are the deeds that they do!

[002:086] These are the people who buy the life of this world at the price of the Hereafter: their penalty shall not be lightened nor shall they be helped.

"But when they forgot the warning they had received, We opened to them the gates of all (good) things, until, in the midst of their enjoyment of Our gifts, on a sudden, We called them to account, when lo! they were plunged in despair!  (The Noble Quran, 6:44)"

"Let not the Unbelievers think that our respite to them is good for themselves: We grant them respite that they may grow in their iniquity: But they will have a shameful punishment.  (The Noble Quran, 3:178)"

"Why were there not, among the generations before you, persons possessed of balanced good sense, prohibiting (men) from mischief in the earth - except a few among them whom We saved (from harm)? But the wrong-doers pursued the enjoyment of the good things of life which were given them, and persisted in sin.   (The Noble Quran, 11:116)"

This life is not for the believers (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).  Yes, we as believers must work hard and strive hard in life, and to always be prepared.  See entries#: 37, 190, 196, 200, 202, 210, 217, 223, 235 above, and all of the other ones regarding being successful in this life, and giving to the poor and charity, and to never be arrogant.  But we must not be too obsessed over this life for personal gains:

قل هل ننبئكم بالاخسرين اعمالا
‏ الذين ضل سعيهم في الحياة الدنيا وهم يحسبون انهم يحسنون صنعا

[018:103] Say: Shall We inform you who will be the greatest losers بالاخسرين اعمالا by their works ?
[018:104] Those whose effort goeth astray in the life of the world, and yet they reckon that they do good work
وهم يحسبون انهم يحسنون صنعا.


What does the Quran say about Scientific Research, Libraries, Universities and Documenting Knowledge of all fields (history, geography, science, math, religion, archeology, etc...)?  Is learning only limited to learning the Quran and Hadiths (Sayings of Prophet Muhammad) only?


Muslims must always be accepting to everything Allah Almighty gives them in life from blessing and hardship.  A Muslim must always be patient and seek Allah Almighty in Prayer (whether during the five-daily prayers or in wishing and asking):

"And be steadfast in patience: For verily Allah will not suffer The reward of the righteous To perish.  (The Noble Quran, 11:115)"

"Nay, seek (Allah's) help With patient perseverance And prayer: It is indeed hard, except To those who bring a lowly spirit -- Who bear in mind the certainty That they are to meet their Lord, And that they are to return to Him.  (The Noble Quran, 2:45-46)"

"O ye who believe! seek help With patient Perseverance And Prayer: for Allah is with those Who patiently preserve.  (The Noble Quran, 2:153)"

"It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces Towards east or West; but it is righteousness- to believe in God and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; to fulfil the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the God-fearing.  (The Noble Quran, 2:177)"

Those who show patience, Firmness and self-control; who are true (in word and deed); who worship devoutly; who spend (in the way of God); and who pray for forgiveness in the early hours of the morning.   (The Noble Quran, 3:17)"

"O ye who believe! Persevere in patience and constancy; vie in such perseverance; strengthen each other; and fear God; that ye may prosper.  (The Noble Quran, 3:200)"

"Not so do those who show patience and constancy, and work righteousness; for them is forgiveness (of sins) and a great reward.  (The Noble Quran, 11:11)"

"And be steadfast in patience; for verily God will not suffer the reward of the righteous to perish.  (The Noble Quran, 11:115)"

Our wealth, poorness and ranks are all tests (trials) from Allah Almighty:

"It is He Who hath made you (His) agents, inheritors of the earth: He hath raised you in ranks, some above others: that He may try you in the gifts He hath given you: for thy Lord is quick in punishment: yet He is indeed Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (The Noble Quran, 6:165)"

43:33, 11:15-16, 2:86, 6:44, 3:178, 11:115, 2:45-46, 2:153, 2:177, 3:17, 3:200, 11:11, 11:115-116, 6:165, 18:103-104
238 Leave stubborn people alone.  While we are commanded by Allah Almighty to advise and to help, but when people show clear stubbornness, such as internet trolls and others, then we are commanded to leave them alone after we thoroughly give them the Truth.

1-  Remind the Believers to do Good because it is beneficial to them وذكر فان الذكرى تنفع المؤمنين.  Remind those who fear Allah Almighty's Warnings and Promises with the Holy Quran فذكر بالقران من يخاف وعيد.  See Noble Verses 11:114, 51:55, 50:45, 87:9, 88:21, 16:125.

2-  Remind those who eventually might listen to the Truth of the Glorious Quran and Islam, if you see benefit in reminding them - if the recipient is worthy of the advise فذكر ان نفعت الذكرى.  And always invite people to Islam with wisdom and beautiful preaching, and argue with people in ways that are best and most gracious.

3-  For those who are stubborn, "leave them alone" ذرهم  and "turn away from them" فتول عنهم.  Do not argue with them and do not create unnecessary hostility and noise with them:

ذرهم في خوضهم يلعبون

[006:091] ...Then leave them alone and let them stay engrossed in their meaningless and playful debates.

فتول عنهم حتى حين

[037:174] So turn thou away from them for a little while حتى حين,

"for a little while حتى حين," here means till the time becomes right and it would be fruitful to come back to them.  Otherwise, we are commanded to desert completely all nonsense talk and hostile environments:

[023:003]  Who avoid vain talk; والذين هم عن اللغو معرضون

[028:055]  And when they hear vain talk, they turn away therefrom and say: "To us our deeds, and to you yours; peace be to you: we seek not the ignorant. سلام عليكم لانبتغي الجاهلين" 

When you hear rubbish talk or speech, or nonsense, or talk that is made of bad things, or vain, don't stay and listen to it.  Pass by it (والذين لايشهدون الزور واذا مروا باللغو مروا كراما). Nonsense, vain and nonsensical talk are forbidden.

Now of course, if they impose themselves upon you and transgress limits, then respond back.  See Noble Verses 68:12-13, 2:206, 57:23, 9:112, 23:1-11, 50:18.  But otherwise, leave them to their nonsense.

11:114, 51:55, 50:45, 87:9, 88:21, 16:125, 68:12-13, 2:206, 57:23, 9:112, 23:1-11, 50:18, 6:91, 6:112, 6:137, 15:3, 32:30, 37:174-178, 19:62, 23:3, 25:72, 28:55, 31:6-7, 56:25, 78:35, 50:18
239 Be brave!  Allah Almighty commanded the following aspects of bravery and courage in the Glorious Quran, which all of them are mentioned in the entries above.  Do a word-search on them:

1-  Be upright, true and genuine.  Stand up for the Truth.

2-  Be just and standup for justice, even if it's against yourself, your own father or any of your elders, your own people (anyone of them), or rich or poor.  Be just to the disbelievers, even if your people are at war with their tribe or nation.

3-  Command what is right and condemn what is wrong.

4-  Do not be a trial or tumult to anyone, believer or disbeliever.  Do not be a bad influence.  Do not entice people to do evil things.

5-  Do not lie or cheat, or take credit for what is not yours.

6-  Standup for the weak and the persecuted against all oppression, and never oppress anyone unjustly.  See entry 258 below for details.  Fight the good fight so no tumult remains, and put your trust in Allah Almighty.

7-  Restrain your anger and pardon people as much as possible.  Be forgiving, loving and kind.  Also, show the "love of Allah" to all people through your actions.

8-  Fight in the cause of Allah Almighty, and wage Jihad against all evil.  Jihad in the Glorious Quran is:

     (a)-  Through actual physical fighting.
     (b)-  Through the Glorious Quran (debates and propagation).

Of course, physical-fighting-Jihad has to be done only on the order of the Islamic ruler that you're under, unless it is an uprising against oppression and corruption.  But this doesn't mean you become a terrorist and go blow up soft targets or police or anyone!  Killing people is forbidden in Islam.  Search the "do not kill" and "be just" entries above.  The Glorious Quran spoke about the being just and genuine to the disbelievers and believers (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).  Not just believers.  Not only that, but we must also preach in Wisdom and beautiful preaching:

"Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance.  (The Noble Quran, 16:125)"

The ordinary Muslims' Jihad is the Islamic propagation one through the media.  Notice "....and argue with them..."  This is through debates and Islamic media propagations.  And it has to be done

1-  "with wisdom and beautiful preaching".

2-  "in ways that are best and most gracious".

Allah Almighty, however, also commanded us to leave the hostile, meaningless and fruitless debates and arguments.  If a person is hostile and/or stubborn, then Allah Almighty commanded you to leave him.  Search "hostile" in the entries above.  But if the debating is ok, then Allah Almighty said:

[025:052] So obey not the disbelievers and strive against them by means of the Qur'an وجاهدهم به with a mighty striving.

Do your argumentations (debates) and Quran-Jihads through the media and in person.  Believe me, this is both a monumental and a very difficult task for those who are committed to it, and it will win insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing) far more Muslim-converts than anything else.

See the many Noble Verses above.
240 Do not eat and drink excessively.  Do not be gluttonous.  Do not eat unhealthy food or in unhealthy ways.  Do not embrace bad eating habits.  Do not eat and drink too much.  Allah Almighty does not love those who are excessive and not balanced:

‏7:31 يابني ادم خذوا زينتكم عند كل مسجد وكلوا واشربوا ولاتسرفوا انه لايحب المسرفين

[007:031] O children of Adam ! take your adornment at every time and place of worship, and eat and drink كلوا واشربوا, but be not immoderate ولاتسرفوا; surely, HE does not love those who are immoderate انه لايحب المسرفين.

A person who is musrif مسرف, which is what al-musrifeen المسرفين above is derived from, is a person who is evil, corrupt, defiant.  Take the following examples:

7:81 انكم لتاتون الرجال شهوة من دون النساء بل انتم قوم مسرفون

[007:081]  "For ye practise your lusts on men in preference to women : ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds مسرفون."

Here the doomed sodomites of Sodom and Gomorrah were called مسرفون.  So eating unhealthy food and/or embracing bad eating habits does indeed fall under sarf سرف, because the person is here is doing evil to him/herself via eating and drinking.


Other translations of Noble Verse 7:31 above:

[007:031] O Children of Adam! Look to your adornment at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but be not prodigal. Lo! He loveth not the prodigals.

[007:031] O children of Adam, take your decent apparel at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but be not guilty of excess; for He loveth not those who are guilty of excess.

[007:031] O children of Adam, you shall be clean and dress nicely when you go to the masjid. And eat and drink moderately; Surely, He does not love the gluttons.

241 Taking care of the orphans, and being kind to them, and spending money on them, and protecting their wealth, and guiding them in the Right Path is thoroughly commanded by Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran.  See Entry# 5, 7, 8, 29, 115, 133, 215, 237 with the ample Noble Verses that I listed in them.

You are allowed to sponsor orphans and have them live with you.  In this case, they would become like siblings (brothers and sisters) to you and/or to your children in your family:

‏2:220 في الدنيا والاخرة ويسألونك عن اليتامى قل اصلاح لهم خير وان تخالطوهم فاخوانكم والله يعلم المفسد من المصلح ولو شاء الله لاعنتكم ان الله عزيز حكيم

[002:220]  (Their bearings) on this life and the Hereafter. They ask thee concerning orphans. Say: "The best thing to do is what is for their good; if ye mix their affairs with yours, they are your brethren وان تخالطوهم فاخوانكم; but God knows the man who means mischief from the man who means good. And if God had wished, He could have put you into difficulties: He is indeed Exalted in Power, Wise."

However, according to the Islamic Law, they're not your heirs, because they're not your biological children.  They can not inherit from you unless you specify a will, which any Muslim is allowed to have a will for a 1/3 of his/her wealth to any person or people who are not part of the 2/3:

[004:012]  Moreover ye may claim half of what your wives shall leave, if they have no issue; but if they have issue, then ye shall have the fourth part of what they shall leave, after the legacies which they shall bequeath, and the debts be paid. They also shall have the fourth part of what ye shall leave, in case ye have no issue; but if ye have issue, then they shall have the eighth part of what ye shall leave, after the legacies which ye shall bequeath, and your debts be paid. And if a man or woman's substance be inherited by a distant relation, and he or she have a brother or sister; each of them two shall have a sixth part of the estate. But if there be more than this number, they shall be equal sharers in a third part, after payment of the legacies which shall be bequeathed فهم شركاء في الثلث من بعد وصية يوصى بها, and the debts, without prejudice to the heirs. This is an ordinance from God: And God is knowing and gracious.

The Hadiths elaborate a lot more on this point.  But it is an established Law, in the Islamic Shariah Law, that a person can write a will for a 1/3 of his/her wealth to whomever they please, provided that the beneficiary is not part of the remaining two thirds (2/3).

2:220, 4:12
242 Does Praying determine if one is a disbeliever or not?

1-  If one doesn't believe in Praying, like those who rejected Zakat which caused the battles of apostates, then he/she becomes a disbeliever.

2-  If one is lazy, or physically tired and wouldn't Pray because he/she doesn't want to Pray a nonsensical Prayer, then he/she would not be an infidel.  Here is the proof:

‏29:45 اتل مااوحي اليك من الكتاب واقم الصلاة ان الصلاة تنهى عن الفحشاء والمنكر ولذكر الله اكبر والله يعلم ماتصنعون

[029:045]  Recite that which hath been inspired in thee of the Scripture, and establish worship. Lo! worship preserveth from lewdness and iniquity, but verily remembrance of Allah is more important ولذكر الله اكبر. And Allah knoweth what ye do.

Notice in this Noble Verse Allah Almighty Commanded the Muslims to establish Prayer.  But the Almighty finished the Noble Verse by saying that the remembrance of Allah is the greatest thing to do.  The context here says that remembering Allah Almighty and Glorifying Him is greater than Prayer itself.

Therefore, one who does not Pray due to physical limitations would not be an infidel.  I know there is a Hadith that says "The one who leaves Salat (Prayer) is a kafir (infidel)".  The problem with such too-general Hadiths and the cults that abuse them is that they do not reveal the details.  They're too general and too open that it is easy to use them to condemn all or most Muslims by the wholesale.  This is completely wrong and shows a great deal of ignorance in Islam.

We all must Pray:

Please do not use this post as an excuse to further abuse your neglect of Prayer.  I declare my innocence before Allah Almighty from all such people.  I also seek refuge in Allah from all laziness and satan.  Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, used to make a similar dua.  We all must Pray to Allah Almighty.  Allah Almighty Said:

[051:056]  I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me.

See also Entries #1, 2, 3, 4, 16, 50, 59, 90, 126, 128, 190, 191, 201, 210, 216, 218, 237, above with the tens (10s) of Noble Verses listed in them that give the importance of Salat (Prayer) in Islam.

I myself do my Salat (Prayer) walhamdulillah (Thanks to Allah Almighty).  But I just wanted to respond to those who might use such Hadiths as clubs to beat other Muslims' faiths and to belittle them and to eventually apostatize them.

29:45, 51:56
243 Do not spy or pry on others (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust).  Do not eavesdrop.  Eavesdropping is forbidden.  Do not secretly try to listen to what others are talking about from personal and/or sensitive information that could scandalize them or cause them any type of harm or embarrassment:

‏49:12 ياايها الذين امنوا اجتنبوا كثيرا من الظن ان بعض الظن اثم ولاتجسسوا ولايغتب بعضكم بعضا ايحب احدكم ان ياكل لحم اخيه ميتا فكرهتموه واتقوا الله ان الله تواب رحيم

[049:012] O you who believe! Avoid much suspicions, indeed some suspicions are sins. And spy not ولاتجسسوا, neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hate backbiting) . And fear Allah. Verily, Allah is the One Who accepts repentance, Most Merciful.


Be the best Moral Example:

It is also a must upon every Muslim to be the best moral example:

‏60:5 ربنا لاتجعلنا فتنة للذين كفروا واغفر لنا ربنا انك انت العزيز الحكيم

[060:005] `Our Lord, make us not a trial for those who disbelieve ربنا لاتجعلنا فتنة للذين كفروا, and forgive us, our Lord; for, Thou alone art Mighty, the Wise.'

3:110 كنتم خير امة اخرجت للناس تامرون بالمعروف وتنهون عن المنكر وتؤمنون بالله ولو امن اهل الكتاب لكان خيرا لهم منهم المؤمنون واكثرهم الفاسقون

[003:110] Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind
كنتم خير امة اخرجت للناس, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in God (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him). If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors.

And we must always give words of wisdom and guidance to those who disbelieve (the disbelievers).  See Noble Verses: 2:269, 6:151-153, 4:63, 16:125, 29:46.

49:12, 60:5, 3:110, 2:269, 6:151-153, 4:63, 16:125, 29:46
244 Do not hate.  Islam does not hate.  The word "hate" does not exist in the Glorious Quran, and Muslims are not supposed to be hateful an vengeful. Allah Almighty used "loves not" on both non-Muslims and Muslims.  See Noble Verses 28:77, 30:45, 2:190, 2:205, 2:276, 3:32, 3:57, 3:140, 4:36, 4:107, 5:87, 6:141, 8:58, 16:23, 22:38, 28:77, 30:45, 31:18, 42:40, 57:23.

Furthermore, Muslims are supposed to show the love of Allah Almighty in their behaviors and treatments:

"They perform (their) vows, and they fear a Day whose evil flies far and wide. And they feed, for the love of God, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive,- (Saying),"We feed you for the sake of God alone: no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks. "We only fear a Day of distressful Wrath from the side of our Lord." (The Noble Quran, 76:7-10)"

See also Islam's Golden Rule in entry #15, above.  Also, forgive and forget the faults of others.  Be forgiving to those who disagree with your faith who are not hostile.  Show kindness to them.  Pardon people.  Restrain your anger.  And be just.

Also, good Wisdom and Manners in Islam are mandatory.  Invite people to Islam with beautiful preaching, wisdom and argue in ways that are best and friendliest:

[016:125] Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance.

Argue with the people of the Book in kindness except for those among them who do wrong (to Islam) (‏ولاتجادلوا اهل الكتاب الا بالتي هي احسن الا الذين ظلموا منهم).  Be wise.  Be a person of wisdom.  Those whom Allah Almighty give Wisdom have gained a Mighty Benefit.  Allah Almighty called it "an abundant wealth" خيرا كثيرا.

28:77, 30:45, 2:190, 2:205, 2:276, 3:32, 3:57, 3:140, 4:36, 4:107, 5:87, 6:141, 8:58, 16:23, 22:38, 28:77, 30:45, 31:18, 42:40, 57:23, 76:7-10, 2:109, 3:134, 5:13, 7:199, 15:85, 24:22, 45:14, 5:8, 60:8, 5:2, 4:58, 4:135, 7:159, 5:44, 2:62, 3:134, 7:199, 15:85, 5:13, 2:109, 24:22, 45:14, 76:7-10, 90:11-17, 2:177, 2:215, 17:26, 38:26, 42:42, 2:269, 6:151-153, 4:63, 16:125, 29:46
245 Womanizing and womanizers are condemned in the Glorious Quran.  Allah Almighty said:

"It is not lawful for you (to marry other) women after this, nor to change them for other wives even though their beauty attracts you, except those (captives or slaves) whom your right hand possesses. And Allah is Ever a Watcher over all things.  (The Noble Quran, 33:52)"

Throughout the entries above, we've seen how Allah Almighty commanded the Muslim men and women to:

1-  Be always chaste.
2-  To lower their gazes.
3-  To never be sexually enticing or tempting.
4-  To never even put disbelievers into any trial or temptation.
5-  To always be upright and a great moral example to all of mankind.
6-  To always do what is right and condemn what is wrong.
7-  To never covet.
8-  To never wish ill on people and to always be forgiving when possible.
9-  To fight evil.
10- To always be just with everyone, and to always stand up for justice as witnesses to Allah, even if its against ourselves, our parents or against rich or poor Allah Almighty Commanded.

Islam does not condone womanizers.  Neither the Prophet was a womanizer, nor does Islam condone womanizing.  Islam honors marriage and considers its covenant to be a "Solemn Covenant". (ميثاقا غليظا).  This ميثاقا غليظا  was mentioned three times throughout the Glorious Quran:

1-  The ميثاقا غليظا that Allah Almighty took between Him and His Prophets.

2-  The ميثاقا غليظا that Allah Almighty took with the Jews on the holiness of the Sabbath.

3-  The ميثاقا غليظا between the husband and the wife in Islam.

See Noble Verses 4:21, 4:154, 33:7.

33:52, 4:21, 4:154, 33:7
246 No wholesale or mass stereotypes or judgments on people.  Always be just with all, and always judge justly and in all fairness on individual basis:

4:105 انا انزلنا اليك الكتاب بالحق لتحكم بين الناس بما اراك الله ولاتكن للخائنين خصيما

[004:105] Indeed, We have revealed to you the book with the (absolute) truth. So that, you may judge among people (in accordance) with what Allah has guided you. Do not act as a pleader and a proponent for the treacherous ولاتكن للخائنين خصيما _ those who betray their trust.

Indeed, do not dispute on behalf of the dishonest. Do not side with the Muslim against the non-Muslim because he is a Muslim. The Muslim could be the liar.  Always judge fairly.  Do not treat or judge individuals unjustly because of what their people did from wrong:

[005:008] O ye who believe! stand out firmly for God, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and fear God (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him). For God is well-acquainted with all that ye do.

See the entries above for ample Noble Verses regarding being a true moral example for all, and a true, honest, fair, and upright Muslim.

Generally, no nation 100% goes against all people.  There is always the good people that will side with you.  Islam prohibits lump summing people wholesale into one category.  In the civilized world there are courts and legal avenues a community can take to bring down the oppressors.  People of color have done exactly this in the US and Europe.  So no, you do not fight wholesale everyone.  You don't paint everyone with a broad brush.  You are permitted to fight the immediate and direct attack and threat on you and your family.  But this can never be used as a cheap excuse to start terroristic attacks and vandalism in a country.

9/11 was an Israeli and CIA and FBI lie and attack on Muslims and the USA.  You fight the sons of satan by exposing them to the masses.  The masses are not your enemies.  They are usually the ignorant ones who know little, and they would convert when they know the Truth.  Eventually, Allah Almighty will bring the Truth to all:


4:105, 5:8
247 Do not wish evil or curse any already-dead Believer.  When you remember them, pray to Allah for their forgiveness.  Leave not in your heart any resentment towards your passed-away believing brother or sister in Islam:

59:10 والذين جاؤوا من بعدهم يقولون ربنا اغفر لنا ولاخواننا الذين سبقونا بالايمان ولاتجعل في قلوبنا غلا للذين امنوا ربنا انك رؤوف رحيم

[059:010]  And those who came after them say: "Our Lord! Forgive us, and our brethren who came before us into the Faith ربنا اغفر لنا ولاخواننا الذين سبقونا بالايمان, and leave not, in our hearts, rancour (or sense of injury) against those who have believed. Our Lord! Thou art indeed Full of Kindness, Most Merciful."

The shia cult base their false religion on cursing the sahaba (companions) of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, in every prayer of theirs.  Those companions whom they curse were certainly NOT perfect, but they sacrificed everything they had to spread Islam.  Many of them died in foreign lands away from their homes and families. 

Allah Almighty directly Commands all Muslims to pray for Allah Almighty's Forgiveness for themselves and for their brothers and sisters in Islam who came before them.

248 "I'll sin now and repent later".  I'll go to Hajj (pilgrimage) and clear up the sins.  This evil mentality is forbidden in Islam, and the false repentance is guaranteed by Allah Almighty that it will not be accepted:

1-  A work and deed that is acceptable to Allah Almighty has to be a True and sincere one:

‏2:139 قل اتحاجوننا في الله وهو ربنا وربكم ولنا اعمالنا ولكم اعمالكم ونحن له مخلصون

[002:139]  Say: Will ye dispute with us about God, seeing that He is our Lord and your Lord; that we are responsible for our doings and ye for yours; and that We are sincere مخلصون (in our faith) in Him?


2-  When you repent, you must confess of your sin first and then demonstrate your repentance:

2:160 الا الذين تابوا واصلحوا وبينوا فاولئك اتوب عليهم وانا التواب الرحيم

[002:160]  Except those who repent and make amends and openly declare وبينوا  (the Truth): To them I turn; for I am Oft-returning, Most Merciful.

9:102 واخرون اعترفوا بذنوبهم خلطوا عملا صالحا واخر سيئا عسى الله ان يتوب عليهم ان الله غفور رحيم

[009:102]  And there are others who confessed اعترفوا their faults. They mixed good works with others that are evil. It may be that ALLAH will turn to them with compassion. Surely, ALLAH is Most Forgiving, Merciful.


3-  Repent shortly after.  Repentance must happen in a short time after the sin:

4:17 انما التوبة على الله للذين يعملون السوء بجهالة ثم يتوبون من قريب فاولئك يتوب الله عليهم وكان الله عليما حكيما

4:18 وليست التوبة للذين يعملون السيئات حتى اذا حضر احدهم الموت قال اني تبت الان ولاالذين يموتون وهم كفار اولئك اعتدنا لهم عذابا اليما

[004:017]  God accept the repentance of those who do evil in ignorance and repent soon afterwards ثم يتوبون من قريب; to them will God turn in mercy: For God is full of knowledge and wisdom.

[004:018]  Of no effect is the repentance of those who continue to do evil وليست التوبة للذين يعملون السيئات, until death faces one of them, and he says, "Now have I repented indeed;" nor of those who die rejecting Faith: for them have We prepared a punishment most grievous.

So to say that I'll just go to Hajj or Umrah to Mecca next year and clean the sins, or I'll just repent later, this kind of thinking is evil, and your work is worthless.  Allah Almighty will sink your deeds to nothingness (i.e., your time, money and efforts put into your false repentance will not be accepted).  See Noble Verses 18:103, 25:23, 2:167, 2:217, 3:22, 5:53, 7:147, 8:48, 9:17, 9:69, 14:18, 47:8 and many others about false "good" deeds that are totally worthless and rejected by Allah Almighty حبطت اعمالهم and هباء منثورا because they were false.  Your repentance will not be accepted by Allah Almighty.

To all Muslims, if you are one of those scammed idiots who think that if you go to Hajj or Pray one day in Mecca then all of your sins' weight will be either erased or overpowered by the heavier weight of the good deeds (a prayer in Mecca is like 1000000000000000000000000 times the regular prayers elsewhere pile of lies), then I give you the glad tidings that you're heading straight to Hell.  And you will be barking in the Day of Judgment that you were from the weak ones and scammed ones. But it will be rejected from you. See Noble Verses 14:021, 34:31-33, 40:47:

[040:047] And (imagine) when they would argue with each other in the hellfire. The weak (in this life) would say to those who deemed themselves important, "We followed you, because we were under your dominion and control. Are you now able to help us avoid some (of the pain and suffering) of the fire?"


4-  Must repent and amend:

5:39 فمن تاب من بعد ظلمه واصلح فان الله يتوب عليه ان الله غفور رحيم

[005:039]  But if someone (relents and) repents his evil deeds and mends واصلح his ways, then of course Allah will accept his repentance. Indeed, Allah is the most Forgiving and the most Merciful.


5-  False repentance is for the hypocrites:

33:24 ليجزي الله الصادقين بصدقهم ويعذب المنافقين ان شاء او يتوب عليهم ان الله كان غفورا رحيما

[033:024]  That God may reward the men of Truth for their Truth, and punish the Hypocrites المنافقين if that be His Will, or turn to them in Mercy: for God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

6-  In a capsule, do not be disingenuous and false.

7-  However, do not just scandalize yourself or others to anyone and everyone without it being necessary:

‏4:148 لايحب الله الجهر بالسوء من القول الا من ظلم وكان الله سميعا عليما

[004:148] God loveth not that evil should be noised abroad in public speech, except where injustice hath been done; for God is He who heareth and knoweth all things.

Allah Almighty does not like us to boast about wrong doings and/or scandalizing ourselves or others, except when it comes to amending and fixing and repenting. There you would need to make it known that you have wronged the people you have wronged and that you are taking full responsibility and that you are working on fixing.

So for example, if I committed zina (fornication) in the past, Allah Almighty does not like me to scandalize myself about it.  If I already repented and ceased doing the sin, and it's been dead for many years, then no need to resurrect it unnecessarily to anyone and everyone.  Same thing if you learn something similar about your neighbor or anyone.  No need for libel.  You wouldn't need to know for example if I did. I wouldn't be required to tell you. However, if I want to marry a woman and she wants to know about my past, then I would required to tell her, because that would now involve marriage and a commitment from both sides.  The same goes if I hold a position for example that would require for this information to be known.

If I sin, and my sin caused harm to others, such as lying at work that caused someone to get fired or get demoted while it wasn't their fault, then I am required to speak up openly, repent and amend, and pay up for damages.  Otherwise, my repentance will not be accepted by Allah Almighty.  The Glorious Quran makes this condition very clear in the Noble Verses above.

Do not ever think about covering up for anyone.  The Noble Verses above make it abundantly clear that Allah Almighty's Wrath will be upon you.

Simply put:

To simply put it:  Personal sins that are limited to just you, such as watching pornography for example, are not needed to be scandalized to the public or others if you're able to cease and repent on your own to Allah Almighty.  But sins that harm others and cause injustice and damage, those MUST be exposed to the public.  You must also know that in any and all cases, all sins must be sincerely resisted, fought and ceased by the Muslim with sincere repentance to Allah Almighty, and the Muslim must step up and amend and fix any and all damages caused to others, and to seek help.  Otherwise, Allah Almighty never accepts repentance from the false ones.

Repentance in the Quran requires you to mend and to confess and to make it public and known that you have done wrong and have confessed and amended and paid back what is due to others, and that you have changed, and that you are not going back ever to the sin again.

2:139, 2:160, 9:102, 4:17-18, 4:148, 5:39, 33:24, 18:103, 25:23, 2:167, 2:217, 3:22, 5:53, 7:147, 8:48, 9:17, 9:69, 14:18, 47:8, 14:021, 34:31-33, 40:47, 4:97-99, 31:18, 4:96-100, 14:20-23, 33:66-68, 34:31-33, 40:45-52, 2:193, 8:25, 8:39, 8:73
249 Do not be a quitter يؤس.  Do not be one who gives up ييأس easily.  Do not fall in despair, become despondent, and lose hope ولاتايئسوا.  Instead, you should be optimistic and hopefull:

18:46 المال والبنون زينة الحياة الدنيا والباقيات الصالحات خير عند ربك ثوابا وخير املا

[018:046] Wealth and children are ornaments of the life of this world. But enduring good works are better in the sight of thy Lord in respect of immediate reward, and better in respect of future hope وخير املا.

11:9, 12:87, 12:110, 18:46
250 Do genuinely practice and demonstrate your convictions and what you lecture people about.  Allah Almighty detests a lot saying what we do not practice.  Do not be disingenuous and false.  Ample Noble Verses above also talk about this in details, but the focus here is do not speak empty words, or lecture about things which you are not true with.  For example, you lecturing people on morality when you're highly immoral yourself, or you being known to give empty promises, or your words are considered worthless:

61:3 كبر مقتا عند الله ان تقولوا مالاتفعلون

[061:003] Grievously odious is it in the sight of God that ye say that which ye do not.

You are still commanded to remind others to stay in the Path of Allah Almighty:

[051:055] And remind, for the reminder benefits the believers (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

Always remind those who fear Allah Almighty's Warnings and Promises with the Holy Quran فذكر بالقران من يخاف وعيد Remind the Believers to do Good because it is beneficial to them وذكر فان الذكرى تنفع المؤمنين.  Also, remind the believers that Good deeds erase the bad deeds ان الحسنات يذهبن السيئات ذلك ذكرى للذاكرين.  Also, remind those who eventually might listen to the Truth of the Glorious Quran and Islam, if you see benefit in reminding them - if the recipient is worthy of the advise فذكر ان نفعت الذكرى.  And always invite people to Islam with wisdom and beautiful preaching, and argue with people in ways that are best and most gracious.  See entries above for more details.

Be mindful of yourself not becoming a self-contradicting hypocrite, because this will anger Allah Almighty.  Again, do not be disingenuous and false.

61:3, 51:55, 50:45, 87:9, 88:21, 16:125, 11:114
251 "United we stand, divided we fall."  The Glorious Quran commands this motto to all Muslims to follow; that is to be united under Allah Almighty:

[003:103] And hold fast, all together, by the rope which God (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude God's favour on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus doth God make His Signs clear to you: That ye may be guided.

Allah Almighty promised the Muslims a sever punishment from within (civil wars) if they divide:

[006:065]  Say: "He hath power to send calamities on you, from above and below, or to cover you with confusion in party strife, giving you a taste of mutual vengeance - each from the other." See how We explain the signs by various (symbols); that they may understand.

Indeed, united we stand, divided we fall.  The Glorious Quran strongly supports this motto.  Muslims must come back together in unity, and to hold on to the "rope of Allah" in unity and to not be divided

See also: 

The Glorious Quran also speaks about The fights between Paul's vs. Peter's teams (43:65) apostatizing each other (Quran, 2:253, 43:63-68).

3:103-105, 6:65, 6:159, 9:56
252 Do not sit with any one who ridicules or mocks and makes fun of Allah Almighty's Signs or Book, the Glorious Quran:

[004:140] Already has He sent you Word in the Book, that when ye hear the signs of God held in defiance and ridicule, ye are not to sit with them unless they turn to a different theme: if ye did, ye would be like them. For God will collect the hypocrites and those who defy faith - all in Hell:-

253 Being weak is not an excuse for being a hypocrite, a coward and disingenuous.  So being a hypocrite journalist, or a hypocrite person knowingly speaking falsehood is never accepted by Allah Almighty.  You being weak does not excuse you:

[004:097] When angels take the souls of those who die in sin against their souls, they say: "In what (plight) Were ye?" They reply: "Weak and oppressed Were we in the earth." They say: "Was not the earth of God spacious enough for you to move yourselves away (From evil)?" Such men will find their abode in Hell,- What an evil refuge! -

[014:021] They will all be marshalled before God together: then will the weak say to those who were arrogant, "For us, we but followed you; can ye then avail us to all against the wrath of God?" They will reply, "If we had received the Guidance of God, we should have given it to you: to us it makes no difference (now) whether we rage, or bear (these torments) with patience: for ourselves there is no way of escape."

[014:022] And Satan will say when the matter is decided: "It was God Who gave you a promise of Truth: I too promised, but I failed in my promise to you. I had no authority over you except to call you but ye listened to me: then reproach not me, but reproach your own souls. I cannot listen to your cries, nor can ye listen to mine. I reject your former act in associating me with God (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him). For wrong-doers there must be a grievous penalty."

[033:067]  And they would say: "Our Lord! We obeyed our chiefs and our great ones, and they misled us as to the (right) Path.

[034:031] The Unbelievers say: "We shall neither believe in this scripture nor in (any) that (came) before it." Couldst thou but see when the wrong-doers will be made to stand before their Lord, throwing back the word (of blame) on one another! Those who had been despised will say to the arrogant ones: "Had it not been for you, we should certainly have been believers!"
[034:033] Those who had been despised will say to the arrogant ones: "Nay! it was a plot (of yours) by day and by night: Behold! Ye (constantly) ordered us to be ungrateful to God and to attribute equals to Him!" They will declare (their) repentance when they see the Penalty: We shall put yokes on the necks of the Unbelievers: It would only be a requital for their (ill) Deeds.

[040:047] Behold, they will dispute with each other in the Fire! The weak ones (who followed) will say to those who had been arrogant, "We but followed you: Can ye then take (on yourselves) from us some share of the Fire?
[040:050] They will say: "Did there not come to you your apostles with Clear Signs?" They will say, "Yes". They will reply, "Then pray (as ye like)! But the prayer of those without Faith is nothing but (futile wandering) in (mazes of) error!"

4:96-100, 14:20-23, 33:66-68, 34:31-33, 40:45-52
254 From www.answering-christianity.com/muta_forbidden_with_shias.htm:


1-  Careless divorce will bring sin upon you:

Marriage with the intention of divorce (just for only sexual enjoyment) is forbidden in the Glorious Quran.  Allah Almighty said that careless and irresponsible divorce will bring sin upon you:

"You bear no sin if you divorce your wives AS LONG AS YOU HAVE NOT (ma-lam مالم) had a sexual contact with them, ....  (The Noble Quran, 2:236)"

If the marriage has not been consummated yet (no sexual intercourse yet; still in a fiancée-like relationship but through a legal and legit marriage), then the couple can break up; divorce.  But after sexual intercourse is done between the bride and groom, they are now a husband and wife.  So while they are still a bride and groom, they can divorce without issue.


Muta marriage was a temporary marriage that destined for divorce, which Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, is said to have allowed for Muslim men who fought in battles in distant lands.  They were allowed to marry women there temporarily.  Allah Almighty has thoroughly prohibited all forms of temporary marriages, and has stressed the holiness of permanent marriage in the Glorious Quran.

Was it legalized prostitution?  Was it a form of pimping women and men for just sex?  Absolutely not, because even with the Muta marriage, there was still the requirement of at least two witnesses testifying that the couple have married (announcing the marriage publiclyprotects everyone.  Ex: Married women are not approached by other men as single women, and pregnant women are known to be pregnant wives, not pregnant harlots), the dowry payment upon the husband, and Muslim women still had to go through the Idda period after the divorce.  So it was a legitimate full marriage but with the exception that it was destined for planned divorce (i.e., termination).  Allah Almighty ultimately forbade intentional non-permanent marriages. 

Again, here is what Allah Almighty Said regarding divorce in the Noble Quran.  It almost always brings sin upon the regular married folks.  However, if a man is engaged with a woman, and they had a marriage contract already done, with dowry payment, witnesses and announcing to all people in their community that they got married, but they have not yet consummated the marriage through sexual intercourse, then there is no sin upon them if they divorce, as long as they have not consummated the marriage:

2:236 لاجناح عليكم ان طلقتم النساء مالم تمسوهن او تفرضوا لهن فريضة ومتعوهن على الموسع قدره وعلى المقتر قدره متاعا بالمعروف حقا على المحسنين

"You bear no sin if you divorce your wives AS LONG AS YOU HAVE NOT (ma-lam مالم) had a sexual contact with them تمسوهن, and before settling (the amount of) the nuptial premium (for them). Yet, you should make provisions for them (even then); the affluent in keeping with his means, and the poor according to what he can afford. A fair provision is an obligation upon the pious.  (The Noble Quran, 2:236)"


Ma-lam مالم in Arabic means "as long as you have not," which makes it a condition and a Law.  The meaning of the word مالم as "as long as you have not" is very well-known in Arabic and the translation is also proven by ample English translations of this Noble Verse.  So irresponsible divorce after the consummation of marriage (after sex) will bring sin upon the irresponsible and guilty one(s).  The Noble Verse is crystal-clear about this.


2-  The solemn holiness of marriage (ميثاقا غليظا):

Also, the covenant of marriage in the Glorious Quran Is a Mighty and Solemn Covenant ميثاقا غليظا (mee-thaa-qan gha-leetha).  This exact phrase is mentioned three times (4:21, 4:154, 33:7) in the Glorious Quran for the following Covenants:


1-  For the solemn covenant ميثاقا غليظا of marriage between the husband and wife.

2-  For the solemn covenant ميثاقا غليظا between GOD Almighty and the Prophets.

3-  For the solemn covenant ميثاقا غليظا between GOD Almighty and the Jews on the holiness of the Sabbath.


Again, please see Noble Verses 4:21, 4:154, 33:7.  Divorce is allowed, but it is a detested lawful thing to Allah Almighty.  Abusing it or misusing it will bring sin upon you.


X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.

Sam Shamoun exposes the sex scandals of many inside his inner circle.


3-  One wife is the most preferred to Allah Almighty:

Furthermore, Allah Almighty made it crystal clear that He best prefers for Muslim men to only marry one wife, each.  Messing around with marrying multiple women is a slippery slope that could bring sin upon you:

Noble Verse 4:3 "If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess, that will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice."

Marry one woman to prevent you from doing injustice.  This is further supported also in the following Noble Verse:

Noble Verse 4:129 "Ye are never able to be fair and just as between women, even if it is your ardent desire: But turn not away (from a woman) altogether, so as to leave her (as it were) hanging (in the air). If ye come to a friendly understanding, and practise self-restraint, God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful."

Polygamy is allowed by Allah Almighty, but like divorce, it too is a detested lawful thing to Allah Almighty.  And most certainly, abusing it or misusing it will bring sin upon you.

2:236, 4:21, 4:154, 33:7, 4:3, 4:129
255 Be kind and generous with your guests.  Guests should be honored.  But guests themselves are also expected to be honorable and respectful when they enter a house, and to not disrupt the peace that is in it.  In other words, do not be a hostile guest.  Also, enter houses through their proper doors.  Do not enter a house from its backdoor (back door):

[016:080] Allah provided houses for you to rest and stay in peace....

[051:024] Has the story of the honored guests of Ibraheem reached you?

[015:068] He said, "They are my guests. Do not disgrace me!"

[002:189] ....It is no virtue if ye enter your houses from the back: It is virtue if ye fear God (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him). Enter houses through the proper doors: And fear God: That ye may prosper.


2:189, 11:78, 15:68, 16:80, 51:24
256 Monopoly of any kind is forbidden.  كي لايكون دولة بين الاغنياء منكم  "So no monopoly from the rich and powerful be imposed upon the poor among you." (59:7)

دولة doolatan means to cycle continuously; meaning having a continuous monopoly among certain people.  Other example of use in the Glorious Quran is  نداولها in Noble Verse 3:140, which is derived from دولة , and it is talking about Allah Almighty cycling the days and time among the nations: وتلك الايام نداولها بين الناس "....and these are the days that we cycle among people...."

Allah Almighty in Noble Verse 59:7 forbade for power and wealth to keep cycling between and among the rich and powerful only.  Examples of monopoly today are:

1-  Large businesses driving smaller businesses to bankruptcy.

2-  Dictatorships, and only the immediate family members, i.e., the "ruling family", get to rule the country, and they have total monopoly over the country's wealth and resources, politics, constitution and rule.

3-  Marginalizing certain people in the society for any unjustified reason.


Everything in the society and life has to be in balance:

[055:007] He raised the sky far above, and set up a balance.
So do not transcend the balance.

You also must not allow yourself to be monopolized upon by the corrupt society that you may exist in.  If corruption doesn't get fixed, then Allah Almighty commands you to migrate if you could:

"....Wasn't the land of Allah vast and spacious enough, so you could emigrate (and seek refuge) elsewhere?...." (4:97-98)

If you can't, then Allah Almighty forgives you: "....who do not possess the strength, nor the means to find a way out...." (4:98)


59:7, 3:140, 4:97-98, 55:7-8
257 Forgive when you get angry: "and whenever they are angry they forgive" واذا ماغضبوا هم يغفرون .  See also all of the Noble Verses above about forgiving and forgiveness. 42:37
258 Addictions:

Anything and everything which you do that becomes compulsive to you, dominates you, and becomes addictive to a point where you become glued to it and can't get yourself out of it is considered an addiction.  Allah Almighty defines it beautifully in the Glorious Quran as things satan uses to ويصدكم عن ذكر الله وعن الصلاة  "hinder you يصدكم from the remembrance of God, and from prayer" (The Noble Quran, 5:90-91).

So if you are unable to maintain remembrance of Allah Almighty and you are unable to perform your daily prayers due to evil compulsive and excessive things that you may have subjected and surrendered yourself to such as video games, porn, gambling, alcohol, etc..., then you suffer addiction.


To be addicted to anything evil or negative is forbidden in the Glorious Quran, and one must fight it off with all of his will, passion and power.  You must have a strong will:

You must "muster the means" (4:98) to fight your weaknesses.

"eschew such (abomination)" (5:90) and "will ye not then abstain?" (5:91) فهل انتم منتهون.

[004:097] The angels, when they took the souls of those who had been unjust to their own weal, demanded, "What hath been your state?" They said, "We were the weak ones of the earth." They replied, "Was not God's earth broad enough for you to flee away in?" These! their home shall be Hell, and evil the passage to it -

[003:139] Do not weaken and do not grieve. You will come up on top, if you are the believers (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

[004:075] What is wrong with you? Why would you not fight for the sake of Allah on behalf of the weak and oppressed men, women and children? Those who pray (to Allah), "Our Lord! Rescue us from this town; its residents are cruel. Raise, by Your grace, an ally for us. Grant us by Your will a helper!"

You must not succumb, retire or surrender yourself to any evil.  Also, always fight the good fight; fight for the oppressed and fight injustice so no more tumult remains.  Yes, you can't always be victorious, but you must not ever given in or give up to evil, and you must always keep the good fight for Allah Almighty's sake in you at all time, and always put your trust and faith in Allah Almighty.  This is what Islam calls doing Jihad against yourself, which includes defeating and overcoming your weaknesses and temptations.  Do not allow yourself to ever become and addict.  The following is from Entry #50 above:

All intoxicants including alcohol and drugs, and Gambling, divination, and sorcery, and all abominations are evil.  The same Noble Word for avoiding them was also used for idols false talk or speech, lying and false testimony (فاجتنبوا الرجس من الاوثان واجتنبوا قول الزور).

Allah Almighty said: "O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination,- of Satan's handwork: eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper.  Satan's plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of God, and from prayer: will ye not then abstain? انما يريد الشيطان ان يوقع بينكم العداوة والبغضاء في الخمر والميسر ويصدكم عن ذكر الله وعن الصلاة فهل انتم منتهون   (The Noble Quran, 5:90-91)"

Eschew all abominations.  And will you not abstain from all abominations?  The abominations include all intoxicants, gambling and all harmful things.

Also, Gambling and alcohol are some of satan's tools to create enmity, hatred and disunity among the Believers, and to stop the Believers from remembering Allah Almighty and from Praying.  "Satan's plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of God, and from prayer: will ye not then abstain?" (5:91) انما يريد الشيطان ان يوقع بينكم العداوة والبغضاء في الخمر والميسر ويصدكم عن ذكر الله وعن الصلاة فهل انتم منتهون

Allah Almighty calls unto all Muslims TO STOP all gambling and all intoxicants consumption: "eschew such (abomination)" and "will ye not then abstain?" فهل انتم منتهون.


Allah Almighty's Forgiveness and Mercy are always there for the weak.  But you must be genuine and not false:

[004:098] Except for the men, women and children who are weak and oppressed! They are unable to muster the means (to migrate), and (therefore) find no way out.

[004:099] Perhaps, Allah will grant forgiveness to those (weak) ones. Allah is oft-Pardoning, and the most Forgiving!

You must "muster the means" (4:98) to fight your weaknesses.  Do not be false and easy target and prey for satan.  You can also fight addiction with fasting and praying to Allah Almighty, because they both strengthen your self-restraint:

[002:183] O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self-restraint,-

[029:045] Recite what has been revealed to thee of the Book; and be steadfast in prayer; verily, prayer forbids sin and wrong; and surely the mention of God is greater; for God knows what ye do.

Always stay away from temptations that lead to evil and addiction رجس من عمل الشيطان فاجتنبوه:

[005:090] O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination,- of Satan's handwork: eschew such (abomination)  رجس من عمل الشيطان فاجتنبوه, that ye may prosper.

4:97, 3:139, 4:75, 4:98-99, 2:183, 29:45, 2:219, 5:90-91, 22:30, 2:139, 2:160, 9:102, 4:17-18, 4:148, 5:39, 33:24, 18:103, 25:23, 2:167, 2:217, 3:22, 5:53, 7:147, 8:48, 9:17, 9:69, 14:18, 47:8, 14:021, 34:31-33, 40:47, 4:97-99, 31:18, 4:96-100, 14:20-23, 33:66-68, 34:31-33, 40:45-52, 2:193, 8:25, 8:39, 8:73
259 Part with the never-changing Negative People:

Now be mindful also that Allah Almighty forbade cutting family ties with kin and relatives.  Also, Among the signs of the cursed people and nations is that they cut ties with their kin and relatives, i.e., upholding individualism and isolation as this is the dominant lifestyle of the Western societies:

‏47:22 فهل عسيتم ان توليتم ان تفسدوا في الارض وتقطعوا ارحامكم
‏47:23 اولئك الذين لعنهم الله فاصمهم واعمى ابصارهم

[047:022] If given authority توليتم in the land, you would disobey (Allah), spread mischief, and violate the family ties.
[047:023] Those are the ones Allah has cursed. He has made them go deaf, and has blinded their eyes.

But for those people who are never-changing and hopeless cases in negativity, whether they are relatives or strangers, Allah Almighty commands you to avoid and abandon all negative and hopeless people who won't change, and who keep turning things into negative environments and trials.  Negative energy is rejected in Islam.  There are ample Noble Verses that thoroughly cover this point in great details as shown above and in the entries cited below, but the following Noble Verse really captured my heart:

‏73:10 واصبر على مايقولون واهجرهم هجرا جميلا

[073:010] And patiently endure واصبر على what they utter, and part company واهجرهم هجرا with them in a handsome and polite manner جميلا.

Allah Almighty wants us to be patient with all people, and to part company واهجرهم هجرا , with those who are too negative and hopeless to change, in a handsome and polite manner جميلا.  In the Noble Verses in the entries cited below, Allah Almighty commands us to be an upright and shining example to all people.  We are commanded to be the best in manners.  In the entries above, you'll find ample Noble Verses that command:

Good Wisdom and Manners in Islam.  Invite people to Islam with beautiful preaching, wisdom and argue in ways that are best and friendliest.  Argue with the people of the Book in kindness except for those among them who do wrong (to Islam) (ولاتجادلوا اهل الكتاب الا بالتي هي احسن الا الذين ظلموا منهم).

Again, be wise.  Be a person of wisdom.  Those whom Allah Almighty give Wisdom have gained a Mighty Benefit.  Allah Almighty called it "an abundant wealth" خيرا كثيرا.


You must be mindful of both Holy Commands and to be honest with yourself and others when you try to balance between the two Holy Commands of Allah Almighty regarding the decisions that you make concerning the people that you deal with.  Simply be honest with Allah Almighty and with yourself, and draw the line loud and clear between you and all people; ALL people including relatives and strangers.  See also all other entries here and Noble Verses that deal with being kind and upright to all people, and also how to deal with neighbors (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust)..

Do not be argumentative, confrontational, violent, aggressive, belligerent, quarrelsome, loud-mouthed, obnoxious, intolerable, insufferable.  Please find all of the entries above (57, 118, 148, 205, 238, 244, 250, 256, 258, 182, 195, 235, 70, 208, 229, 239, 245, 246, 43, 191, 192, 232, 237, 253) about the Glorious Quran prohibiting arguing, bullying, and the Quran's commands on how you must walk away from nonsensical and negative talk, and how you must always be upright and a good example for all people, and invite and guide people to the Right Path of Allah Almighty with beautiful wisdom, talk and patience, and to understand and appreciate people's backgrounds and situations.

See also Violent criminals will flood the world's societies - Islamic prophecy.

Please see the mentioned entries.
260 Those who are ungrateful to comfort and technology will be deprived of them.  Let us look at the following Noble Verses:

34:18 We placed between them and between the towns that We blessed, towns that were easy to see; and We measured the journey between them: "Travel in them by night and day in complete security."

34:19 But they said, "Our Lord, make the measure between our journeys longer," and they wronged themselves. So We made them a thing of the past, and We scattered them into small groups. In this are signs for every person who is patient, thankful.

I got this entry from a Muslim brother who added it here.  May Allah Almighty always be pleased with him.  Ameen.

261 Being couth and well-mannered in your talk, elegant and well presented, organized and disciplined are commanded in the Glorious Quran.

Couth and well-mannered:

[068:004] And thou (standest) on an exalted standard of character.وانك لعلى خلق عظيم

[016:125] Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance.

Do not come to houses from their back doors, but come from the front and proper door. Manners of how and when to enter homes (2:189, 24:27-30).

Be wise.  Be a person of wisdom.  Those whom Allah Almighty give Wisdom have gained a Mighty Benefit.  Allah Almighty called it "an abundant wealth" خيرا كثيرا.

[073:010] And patiently endure واصبر على what they utter, and part company واهجرهم هجرا with them in a handsome and polite manner جميلا.

[011:075] Ibraheem was really very mild mannered, forbearing, and soft hearted!


Organized and disciplined:

1-  Again, do not come to houses from their back doors, but come from the front and proper door. Manners of how and when to enter homes.

2-  [061:004] Indeed, Allah loves those who fight in His path, organized and arrayed as if they were a single solid structure.

3-  [003:103] Cling firmly to the rope of Allah, all of you together (as a single entity)! Do not fall into disunity. Remember the favors of Allah upon you, when you were each other's enemy? He brought your hearts together; and so by His grace you became (like) brothers. You were (perched precariously) at the brink of a fire filled abyss. But He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes the revelations clear to you. Perhaps you will find the right path.

4-  [049:009] If two groups of believers fought with each other, you shall reconcile them. If one group aggresses against the other, you shall fight the aggressing group until they submit to GOD's command. Once they submit, you shall reconcile the two groups equitably. You shall maintain justice; GOD loves those who are just.

Unity among Muslims as one requires organization, and coordination among each other and in unison, and also requires individual discipline, and personal management and organization; being organized.  Laziness is also forbidden in the Glorious Quran, as shown below. The antithesis and opposite of being lazy is actually being disciplined, energetic, results-oriented, and organized.  Praying, regularly and daily, requires physical and mental organization, discipline, and stability.

The fact also that Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran commanded the Muslims to pray at least 5 daily physical sets of prayers (See Noble Verses 2:277, 4:142, 7:170, 9:5, 9:11, 13:22, 22:41, 35:18, 35:29, 42:38) further proves that Allah Almighty wants Muslims to be physically fit and full of energy.  Laziness is totally rejected in Islam.  In fact, Allah Almighty said about those who are not genuine in their Prayers:

واذا قاموا الى الصلاة قاموا كسالى يراؤون الناس

"...And when they stand up for Prayer, they stand up lazily and to be seen of men..." (4:142)


[011:061]...It is He who hath produced you out of the earth, and hath given you an habitation therein...

Where ever Allah Almighty settles you and your family on earth, make sure that you make as best habitation of it as you can.  Be true, good and upright.  Build and be productive.  Fear Allah Almighty and always remember Him.  Advance yourself and your community in good and in Islam, and always be pleasing to Allah Almighty in all that you do and work.


2:269, 2:277, 3:103, 4:63, 4:142, 6:151-153, 7:170, 9:5, 9:11, 11:75, 13:22, 16:125, 22:41, 29:46, 35:18, 35:29, 49:9, 42:38, 61:4, 68:4, 73:10, 11:61


262 Do not refuse the Islamic Salam (peace) greeting from a disbeliever:

ولاتقولوا لمن القى اليكم السلام لست مؤمنا

"...and say not to any one who offers you a salutation: "Thou art none of a believer! لست مؤمنا"..."

263 Do not listen to nor take advise from crooks or negative people:

وفيكم سماعون لهم

"...and among you those who listen to them..."

264 The false ones do not want peace:

"When they are told, "Do not spread corruption in the land," they reply, "We are only peace-makers!. Indeed, it is they who are the corruptors, but they fail to perceive it. And when they are told, "Believe as others believe," they reply, "Will we believe as the fools believe?" Indeed, it is they who are fools, but they do not know." (The Glorious Quran 2:11-13)

‏2:11 واذا قيل لهم لاتفسدوا في الارض قالوا انما نحن مصلحون
‏2:12 الا انهم هم المفسدون ولكن لايشعرون
‏2:13 واذا قيل لهم امنوا كما امن الناس قالوا انؤمن كما امن السفهاء الاانهم هم السفهاء ولكن لايعلمون


Do not be a narcissist.  A narcissist is one who is quite a negative person, wishes negativity upon the people around him, and wishes ill to those around him.  He constantly plays the victim role, and always blames the people around him for his failures.  He is never wrong.  It is always someone else's fault, and he is always right.  He also threatens and harms the people whom he has the upper hand on.  He is a bully and a repulsive person.  He is dark and evil from inside.  He also lies a lot and spreads misinformation about people, and works hard to remove the harmony and peace between people.  The evil state of Israel is a narcissistic state.  You also see the Jews constantly play the victim role and lie endlessly.  Israel is evil, wishes ill on everyone, spreads ample lies and misinformation, makes up lies on its enemies, and threatens people who disagree with it.  GOD in their Torah tells them "Even from your birth, you are liars" (Isaiah 48:8, Psalm 58:3, Psalm 25:3 and Jeremiah 8:8).

Even evil Israel's media in the USA and Europe is now threatening the freedoms and jobs of everyone who even dares to show the slightest doubt towards its lies.  Visit the ample videos the expose Israel's ample lies at: www.facebook.com/QuranSearchCom.  Even it's so-called 40-beheaded-babies lie has been exposed, and the reporter who reported it retracted from their position.

Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran forbade upon Muslims to be narcissists, and gave the healing from narcissism in the Glorious Quran.  We are forbidden from being a bad trial to both non-Muslims and Muslims.  Not only that, but Allah Almighty promised a severe punishment in Hell Fire to those who do not repent from being a bad trial to people, and commanded Muslims to stand up against narcissists and to fight them until they stop.  See the ample Noble Verses in the entries #39, 40, 41, 42, 112, 125, 208, 213, 217, 218, 229, 237, 239, 243, 245, 259 above.

Throughout the entries above, we've seen how Allah Almighty commanded the Muslim men and women to:

1-  Be always chaste.
2-  To lower their gazes.
3-  To never be sexually enticing or tempting.
4-  To never even put disbelievers into any trial or temptation.
5-  To always be upright and a great moral example to all of mankind.
6-  To always do what is right and condemn what is wrong.
7-  To never covet.
8-  To never wish ill on people and to always be forgiving when possible.
9-  To fight evil.
10- To always be just with everyone, and to always stand up for justice as witnesses to Allah, even if its against ourselves, our parents or against rich or poor Allah Almighty Commanded.

For further research, please visit the Glorious Quran's Miracles in Psychology section.


Exceptions trump General Principles:

Narcissists who never stand corrected, are never wrong, and/or ones who are harmful even with the smallest details about you, such as a neighbor or relative that is waiting learn about the least embarrassing information about you so they can go and scandalize you. Such people are to be abandoned immediately.  You can not apply the Noble General Principles of the Glorious Quran, such as in these examples keeping the family ties and to be good to your neighbors (Quran 47:22-23, 4:36), and bring more and more emotional and physical harm to yourself and to your loved ones.  You would be wrong in doing so.  When there is an exception, then the Law of Exception, not the General Principle, applies.

Allah Almighty allowed the Muslims to nullify Islamic Laws if the situation is exceptional:

فمن اضطر غير باغ ولاعاد فلا اثم عليه

[002:173] ....But if one is forced by necessity, without wilful disobedience, nor transgressing due limits,- then is he guiltless....

See also Noble Verses 6:145, 16:115.


The false ones do not want peace:

"When they are told, "Do not spread corruption in the land," they reply, "We are only peace-makers!. Indeed, it is they who are the corruptors, but they fail to perceive it. And when they are told, "Believe as others believe," they reply, "Will we believe as the fools believe?" Indeed, it is they who are fools, but they do not know." (The Glorious Quran 2:11-13)

‏2:11 واذا قيل لهم لاتفسدوا في الارض قالوا انما نحن مصلحون
‏2:12 الا انهم هم المفسدون ولكن لايشعرون
‏2:13 واذا قيل لهم امنوا كما امن الناس قالوا انؤمن كما امن السفهاء الاانهم هم السفهاء ولكن لايعلمون


See the ample Noble Verses in the entries #39, 40, 41, 42, 112, 125, 208, 213, 217, 218, 229, 237, 239, 243, 245, 259 above.
265 Avoid all kinds of cynicism.  Do not be a cynic.  Among the meanings of being a cynic or cynical is one who knowingly does aggression and all types of evil because people around him/her are also doing it.  So for example, he would bear a false witness and/or remains silent when he knows that he must speak and that he must stand up for what is right.  A cynic remains negative even when he knows well that they are wrong. He just goes with the flow.  A cynic has no real values. The following are some of the Noble Verses in the Glorious Quran that deal directly with cynicism.  See also the ample entries above about being True, Genuine, and to not be a hypocrite, coward, liar and false, and to never be a tumult or trial to anyone, including disbelievers.

[005:002] ......Do not let your hatred (and prejudice) against a nation _ a nation that once forbade you to enter the sacred mosque _ cause you to become unjust and commit excesses. Assist and support each other in matters of virtue and piety. Do not help each other in sin and transgression. Fear Allah! Allah is very severe in (inflicting) punishment.

Noble Verse 5:2 clearly states that we have to be true to everyone, including non-Muslims and those people who are hostile to us.  We still have to be true and upright.  This is further proven also in the following Noble Verse:

60:5 ربنا لاتجعلنا فتنة للذين كفروا واغفر لنا ربنا انك انت العزيز الحكيم

[060:005]  "Our Lord! Make us not a (test and) trial for the Unbelievers, but forgive us, our Lord! for Thou art the Exalted in Might, the Wise."


Furthermore, Allah Almighty also Commanded:

[058:009] ....but confer for the purpose of promoting virtue and righteousness, and fear ALLAH unto Whom you shall all be gathered.

[002:170] When it is said to them: "Follow what God hath revealed:" They say: "Nay! we shall follow the ways of our fathers." What! even though their fathers Were void of wisdom and guidance?

[007:028] When they do aught that is shameful, they say: "We found our fathers doing so"; and "God commanded us thus": Say: "Nay, God never commands what is shameful: do ye say of God what ye know not?"


The following Noble Verse pretty much sums it all up:

[004:097] When angels take the souls of those who die in sin against their souls, they say: "In what (plight) Were ye?" They reply: "Weak and oppressed Were we in the earth." They say: "Was not the earth of God spacious enough for you to move yourselves away (From evil)?" Such men will find their abode in Hell,- What an evil refuge! -

There are ample Noble Verses that I could list, but the above should suffice, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).

5:2, 58:9, 2:170, 7:28, 60:5, 4:97

See also all entries above about being True, Genuine, and to not be a hypocrite, coward, liar and false, and to never be a tumult or trial to anyone, including disbelievers.

266 Balance your life and health.  The salt that you eat; the sugar that you eat; the spending of money; the relationships and dealings with people; keep everything balanced.  Allah Almighty Commands us to be balanced in our lives:

[055:007] He raised the sky far above, and set up a balance.
So do not transcend the balance.

Yes, these Noble Verses, and the many others in the entries above, command us to be genuine, honest and to never cheat with balance, but 55:7-8 also speak about the general Quranic Principle of being balanced with your life; that Allah Almighty expects everything in life to work in balance.

Noble Verse 55:7 also speaks about the balanced gravitational pulls between stars and planets in the orbits systems and solar systems.  For ample STUNNING Scientific Miracles about Astronomy in the Glorious Quran, please visit:





Entries# 6, 97, 237, 240, 256, 259

267 Chivalry.  What does the Glorious Quran say about chivalry especially towards non-Muslims?  Does such concept even exist in the Quran?

The Noble Verses above that command the Muslims to stand up for justice even if it's against their own selves or their own parents or rich or poor or any powerful person, and to be just and kind to unbelievers, and to give handsomely and generously to charity, and also give to even the prisoners of war who fought and harmed Muslims for the Love of Allah and to "expect no reward" back from anyone, and to fight until there is no more tumult and evil in the land, and to never be a trial to disbelievers or to Muslims, and to never spread mischief in any land, and to never be a source of evil or trial to anyone, and to be charitable, generous, forgiving and upright, and to always come to Allah Almighty with a "genuine heart" (26:89, 37:84); all of these Noble Verses build ample chivalry in the Muslim.

26:89, 37:84 and all of the the mentioned entries above.
268 Are Muslims permitted to demonstrate?  Yes.

[004:148] God loveth not that evil should be noised abroad in public speech, except where injustice hath been done; for God is He who heareth and knoweth all things.

4:148 لايحب الله الجهر بالسوء من القول الا من ظلم وكان الله سميعا عليما

In Islamic principle, speaking foul out loud and in public is an offense that would bring legal problems to the individual.  Also, signs with foul words like t-shirts with foul words or signs with foul words in public are also forbidden in the Glorious Quran.  But Allah Almighty did allow for the oppressed, if they're too frustrated, to vent out in public and to speak foul if necessary or if they just couldn't help it.  It is an exception.  Of course, one must not be disingenuous and try to be abusive with the system.  The الجهر من القول (speaking out loud in public), which includes demonstrations against government's ill and corruption, is allowed in itself.  In principle, it is allowed.  Just not with foul words and violence (in Arabic بالسوء means with ill, evil or mal), except if the oppressed just must vent out.


It is Sunnah (something Prophet Muhammad did):

Surat Al-Masad, which is the 111th Noble Surah in the Glorious Quran, was revealed because:

1-  Prophet Muhammad commanded his followers to go out with him to demonstrate against the idol worship and all evil traditions in Mecca, and to spread Islam.

2-  The people of Mecca, aka Quraysh, started throwing rocks at the Muslims and beating them with rods and sticks, and also tried to set them on fire.  It was bloody.

3-  Surat Al-Masad was revealed because of this occasion.


So angry population from the corruption and lies of their governments are allowed to demonstrate and to fight all evil.  Just be as foul-less and as less obnoxious and repulsive and vile as you (plural) possibly can, and be as much constructive and direct to confronting the evil and to the point as you can.  Don't just bring random chaos and violence that will backfire at the Truth and Justice and True Islam (not their false "islam" of cowardice and hypocrisy) that you are supposed to be fighting for:

[002:193] And fight them on until there is no more Tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in God; but if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practise oppression.

[008:025] And fear tumult or oppression, which affecteth not in particular (only) those of you who do wrong: and know that God is strict in punishment.

Allah Almighty Commanded that Justice must also include all ordinary citizens from the non-believers:

[005:008] O you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah and 
be just witnesses and let not the enmity and hatred of others make you avoid justiceBe just: that is nearer to piety, and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is Well Acquainted with what you do.


See also exposing the Islamic cults section.

الشيخ عثمان الخميس: لا تجوز المظاهرات حتى لو أذن بها ولي الأمر


So for the hypocrites to just prohibit any and all forms of demonstrations, "even if the ruler of the land permits it people are still forbidden from going out and demonstrate" as the hypocrite Uthman Al-Khamees عثمان الخميس said, is totally false according to the Glorious Quran.  Muslims are not just permitted by Allah Almighty to openly and publicly reject evil and corruption, but they are commanded by Allah Almighty to go out and to fight all forms of corruption and evil and tumult until Justice and faith in Allah Almighty prevail.  The rise of the false scholars and false "islam" is becoming a problem in our Islamic Ummah.

Look at Gaza.  Many of the non-Muslim nations, with millions upon millions, go out and demonstrate against Israel.  You don't find this in the overwhelming majority in the Muslim countries.  They are dead silent.  And the false scholars are constantly preaching and commanding Muslims to stay home and to not go out and demonstrate in the Muslim countries:

"When they are told, "Do not spread corruption in the land," they reply, "We are only peace-makers!. Indeed, it is they who are the corruptors, but they fail to perceive it....." (The Glorious Quran 2:11-13)

This is total hypocrisy and even blasphemy.  Being false is never accepted by Allah Almighty.  The following proofs and Noble Verses' references are taken from the entries above:

1-  8:39, 3:103, 30:31-32, 2:191, 2:217, 10:85, 60:4-9, 59:16-17, 85:10  Fight until there is no more fitnah, tumult or trial or corruption.

2-  4:2  Do not accept wicked and corrupt things, money or wealth.

3-  7:56, 7:85  Do not corrupt the lands, the earth, people, creations.

4-  2:188  Do not bribe or take bribery. Also, corrupt money is forbidden.

5-  Putting people through fitnah, trial and tumult, and causing chaos, or causing corruption in the society is worse than death itself: 30:31-32, 2:191, 2:217, 10:85, 60:4-9, 59:16-17, 85:10, 8:39, 3:103.


Entry #208:

Do not let people take you for a light-minded fool فاستخف قومه.  Do not be one who people treat with levity, or be perceived as one with a light mind, or be treated with frivolity.

Challenge all arguments until the proof is thoroughly made clear to you.  Do not just accept arguments and assume they are truthful because they belong to certain people.  Produce your proof if you are truthful, and always ask for proof.

Be a straight and upright believer!  Do not trick people, or be a bad influence to them, or be a fitnah or a trial to them, even if they were disbelievers ربنا لاتجعلنا فتنة للذين كفروا واغفر لنا ربنا.  Do not be a deceiver and false.  Now, it's ok to look out for opportunities to advance yourself, and to be competitive.  But do not be a liar and a deceiver.  Do not be disingenuous and false.  Be upright:

ياايها الذين امنوا كونوا قوامين بالقسط شهداء لله

"Oh you who believe! Be upright قوامين, and uphold justice staunchly بالقسط. (Always) bear testimony for (the sake of) Allah شهداء لله...."

See Noble Verses 43:54, 30:60, 2:111, 21:24, 27:64, 28:75, 46:13, 60:4-9, 10:85, 85:10, 4:135, 5:8, 30:31-32.


Entry #253:

Being weak is not an excuse for being a hypocrite, a coward and disingenuous.  So being a hypocrite journalist, or a hypocrite person knowingly speaking falsehood is never accepted by Allah Almighty.  You being weak does not excuse you:

[004:097] When angels take the souls of those who die in sin against their souls, they say: "In what (plight) Were ye?" They reply: "Weak and oppressed Were we in the earth." They say: "Was not the earth of God spacious enough for you to move yourselves away (From evil)?" Such men will find their abode in Hell,- What an evil refuge! -

[014:021] They will all be marshalled before God together: then will the weak say to those who were arrogant, "For us, we but followed you; can ye then avail us to all against the wrath of God?" They will reply, "If we had received the Guidance of God, we should have given it to you: to us it makes no difference (now) whether we rage, or bear (these torments) with patience: for ourselves there is no way of escape."

[014:022] And Satan will say when the matter is decided: "It was God Who gave you a promise of Truth: I too promised, but I failed in my promise to you. I had no authority over you except to call you but ye listened to me: then reproach not me, but reproach your own souls. I cannot listen to your cries, nor can ye listen to mine. I reject your former act in associating me with God (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him). For wrong-doers there must be a grievous penalty."

[033:067]  And they would say: "Our Lord! We obeyed our chiefs and our great ones, and they misled us as to the (right) Path.

[034:031] The Unbelievers say: "We shall neither believe in this scripture nor in (any) that (came) before it." Couldst thou but see when the wrong-doers will be made to stand before their Lord, throwing back the word (of blame) on one another! Those who had been despised will say to the arrogant ones: "Had it not been for you, we should certainly have been believers!"
[034:033] Those who had been despised will say to the arrogant ones: "Nay! it was a plot (of yours) by day and by night: Behold! Ye (constantly) ordered us to be ungrateful to God and to attribute equals to Him!" They will declare (their) repentance when they see the Penalty: We shall put yokes on the necks of the Unbelievers: It would only be a requital for their (ill) Deeds.

[040:047] Behold, they will dispute with each other in the Fire! The weak ones (who followed) will say to those who had been arrogant, "We but followed you: Can ye then take (on yourselves) from us some share of the Fire?
[040:050] They will say: "Did there not come to you your apostles with Clear Signs?" They will say, "Yes". They will reply, "Then pray (as ye like)! But the prayer of those without Faith is nothing but (futile wandering) in (mazes of) error!"

See Noble Verses 4:96-100, 14:20-23, 33:66-68, 34:31-33, 40:45-52.

[011:061]...It is He who hath produced you out of the earth, and hath given you an habitation therein...

Where ever Allah Almighty settles you and your family on earth, make sure that you make as best habitation of it as you can.  Be true, good and upright.  Build and be productive.  Fear Allah Almighty and always remember Him.  Advance yourself and your community in good and in Islam, and always be pleasing to Allah Almighty in all that you do and work.


Also visit:  Paul permitted lying.

4:148, 2:193, 8:25, 2:11-13, 8:39, 3:103, 30:31-32, 2:191, 2:217, 10:85, 60:4-9, 59:16-17, 85:10, 4:2, 7:56, 7:85, 2:188, 30:31-32, 2:191, 2:217, 10:85, 60:4-9, 59:16-17, 85:10, 8:39, 3:103, 43:54, 30:60, 2:111, 21:24, 27:64, 28:75, 46:13, 60:4-9, 10:85, 85:10, 4:135, 5:8, 30:31-32, 4:96-100, 14:20-23, 33:66-68, 34:31-33, 40:45-52, 11:61

Again, you can also use this website's www.QuranSearch.com to verify all of the Noble Verses, above.





Muslims (Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name, and sons and daughters of GOD titles will be "no more";    ; Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40)  Muslims

JUSTICE, Mercy, Good Manners, Forgiveness, Moral Code, Ethics in Islam.

Do the Ten Commandments, especially the "do not covet" part, exist in the Noble Quran?

Psalms in the Glorious Quran.

Good Manners in Islam.

The Mercy of Allah Almighty on Mankind, and our age of 40 Wisdom in Islam, Psychology and Science.


Laws of war and peace in Islam:

Can a Believer be unjust and evil doer to non-Muslims?

Jihad section.

Justice, mercy, forgiveness, good manners section.

Laws, War, Captives treatment, Peace section.

Slavery-ending commands, Equality section.  Slavery, Equality.

Does Islam hate non-Muslims?  The word "hate" does not even exist in the Glorious Quran.  Allah Almighty used "loves not" on both non-Muslims and Muslims.

Does Christianity teach peace and love and Islam teaches war and hate?

What is the punishment for the Muslim who kills a non-Muslim?

Debate PPT Templates section.

Quran Moral Code.  100s of them.

Bibles: Jesus will slaughter 100s of millions when he returns.

The disciples arguing about the Sabbath and other Laws.  Jesus promised them that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths and that there will be no arguments, confusions or riddles.  Yet, the NT is marred with open arguments, vilifications (calling each other cursed by GOD "anathema", satanic, false, wrong).  Where is Jesus' promise??  Totally a false promise!

Where is Jesus' promise??

-  He promised that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, guide them in all ways, and that it will be the Holy Spirit speaking, not them.
-  They ended up splitting into
Paul vs. Peter two opposing groups, and were at odds with each other on several theological issues.
1 Corinthians 7:40  Paul wasn't sure if he had the Holy Spirit in him or not. He said "I think I have the Holy Spirit".
-  Their differences remain unsettled till this day in the NT.  They were never resolved.

-  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

-  They were barking at each other like
rabid dogs calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan!
[1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?

Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

The Creator of everything, Jesus, learned (??) about GOD:
"As Jesus grew up, he learned more and more about GOD" (Luke 2:52)

Even the little girl thought this was quite stupidAnd Jesus said we must have the faith of little children (Matthew 18:3) in order to be saved.


Where was the promised Holy Spirit in their conflicting scriptures?

Jesus' oxymoronic hyperboles and incoherence created serious problems blasphemies!



If Paul is false, then Jesus is insufficient:

Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Bibles praised Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

Holy Gambling:
Sam Shamoun promoted Christianity's
Holy Gambling, and he even funded other gamblers.  He himself spent 10s of thousands of dollars on it.  Also, the 12th disciple, Mathias, was chosen via gambling by the other disciples.  They literally rolled the holy dice [1] amongst each other to choose him from among other choices.  Then they claimed it was the Holy Spirit that chose him (??).  Dice and chance had nothing to do with it.

The Church used to castrat 7-year old boys: [1]

Where was the promised Holy Spirit in the disciples' apostatizing of each other??

The Romans had to fake fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues: 


Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11-13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

Paul protected sex predators!

Self-Castrating King Kong?
Satan tempted Jesus and made him climb the high temple like King Kong and to try throwing himself off.  Also, why did Jesus masturbate before and after the temptation?  Visit:

www.answering-christianity.com/satanic_verses.htm  Strong evidence supported by NT and early Christian writings that satan even made Jesus 

  Jesus later on castrated and emasculated himself; our Creator???

Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.  Jesus said maim and pluck your sinful body parts.  Jesus maims his satanic genitals but not his eyes and hands?  See also Oxymoron Trinity (100+ verses).


Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

 NT calls Jesus fat drunk [1] "gluttonous, and a winebibber" (Matthew 11:19, Luke 7:34).  Jesus was a brain-stoned addict to alcohol.  This also explains why he was highly verbally abusive in the NT (87 insults).  So him castrating and emasculating himself could've been no more than a drunk barf.  This is the same person that commanded maiming and plucking sinful body parts. 

So why did he maim his??  They weren't perfect?
  Or was he really genuinely afraid of satan to make him sin?  And why did John the Baptist call Jesus a liar? (Matthew 11:1-6).

Jude 1:9  "Even Michael, the chief angel, did not dare to insult the devil."  In either case and in all cases, how is Jesus my Creator?

Castrating 7-year old boys:

Forget Aisha was 9 when Prophet Muhammad consummated their marriage.  Her father was also the Prophet's closest companion and the first elected Islamic Caliph after the Prophet died.  Jesus castrated and emasculated himself, and he created a major plague in the Christian world that continues till this day.  Did you know that young boys as young as 7 were castrated in the Christian world, and under the blessing of the thoroughly sodomized priests of the barfatican?

By the church!

Matthew 19:12 Jesus commanded his followers embrace, and to advocate for and promote self-castrations:


Islam came to free the Jews from the "burdens and shackles" (7:157) of their hardened Law, and to free the Christians from their "conjecture" (4:157), and to restore the Original Divine Religion of GOD Almighty, Islam, and to invite all of Mankind to Allah Almighty's Light and Guidance of Islam.

Isaiah 21:13  The burden upon Arabia [1]

New Song: [1]

300 years before Islam, Paran was Mecca

Did early Christians preach Prophet Muhammad in Rome?

See also the Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles, and Prophecies.

Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

Yet, Paul admits that he speaks through a lying spirit  (Romans 3:7  But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?), while Jesus promised all of the disciples that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, and that it will not be them speaking, but the Holy Spirit. Yet, Paul says he was lying.  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

Paul and his team of disciples were also calling Peter's team, - and vice versa, - anathema ἀνάθεμα (cursed by GOD), false, bewitched, dogs, and many other things.  Jesus' original message got corrupt from the false christianity and the deification of flesh and blood creations like Jesus, Mary and others like they used to do in ancient Europe in Greece, Rome, Byzantine and throughout ancient ancient Europe of three-headed gods and trinities, such as the trinity of Zeus, Athena and Apollo; also Hell's three-headed guardian dog, or the trinity of Delian, Artemis and Apollo and many other ancient trinities.  Only Islam completes GOD Almighty's Religion.  See ample prophecies.
  Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

"bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

Eesa  is Iesu and Iesus in Latin and Greek for Jesus, and Eesa is also a Hebrew word that means doctor = عيسى

"...are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow..." (The Noble Quran, 4:157)



Dismal Spiritual Failures:

Let us examine the following:

Romans 3:23 ESV
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

Ecclesiastes 7:20 ESV
Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.

No man is sinless and faultless.  The NT even says Jesus himself sinned via coveting the sins of the world.  Paul then barfs the following gem:


1 Corinthians 2:15
A spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself
is not subject to any man's judgment.



How can any flesh and blood sinner not be subjected to judgment?  The world has seen how disastrous your pedophilic and corrupt priests, ministers and churches are, from sex abuse on children, theft, prostitution and so much more.  Ironically also, Paul and the disciples themselves dismally failed this standard when they turned into rabid dogs in harsh judgments on each other; calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan! [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?  There is also conflict regarding misogyny:

Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11-13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

Paul protected sex predators!

Self-Castrating King Kong?
Satan tempted Jesus and made him climb the high temple like King Kong and to try throwing himself off.  Also, why did Jesus masturbate before and after the temptation?  Visit:

www.answering-christianity.com/satanic_verses.htm  Strong evidence supported by NT and early Christian writings that satan even made Jesus 

  Jesus later on castrated and emasculated himself; our Creator???

Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.  Jesus said maim and pluck your sinful body parts.  Jesus maims his satanic genitals but not his eyes and hands?  See also Oxymoron Trinity (100+ verses).


Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

 NT calls Jesus fat drunk [1] "gluttonous, and a winebibber" (Matthew 11:19, Luke 7:34).  Jesus was a brain-stoned addict to alcohol.  This also explains why he was highly verbally abusive in the NT (87 insults).  So him castrating and emasculating himself could've been no more than a drunk barf.  This is the same person that commanded maiming and plucking sinful body parts. 

So why did he maim his??  They weren't perfect?
  Or was he really genuinely afraid of satan to make him sin?  And why did John the Baptist call Jesus a liar? (Matthew 11:1-6).

Jude 1:9  "Even Michael, the chief angel, did not dare to insult the devil."  In either case and in all cases, how is Jesus my Creator?

Castrating 7-year old boys:

Forget Aisha was 9 when Prophet Muhammad consummated their marriage.  Her father was also the Prophet's closest companion and the first elected Islamic Caliph after the Prophet died.  Jesus castrated and emasculated himself, and he created a major plague in the Christian world that continues till this day.  Did you know that young boys as young as 7 were castrated in the Christian world, and under the blessing of the thoroughly sodomized priests of the barfatican?

By the church!

Matthew 19:12 Jesus commanded his followers embrace, and to advocate for and promote self-castrations:


Islam came to free the Jews from the "burdens and shackles" (7:157) of their hardened Law, and to free the Christians from their "conjecture" (4:157), and to restore the Original Divine Religion of GOD Almighty, Islam, and to invite all of Mankind to Allah Almighty's Light and Guidance of Islam.

Isaiah 21:13  The burden upon Arabia [1]

New Song: [1]

300 years before Islam, Paran was Mecca

Did early Christians preach Prophet Muhammad in Rome?

See also the Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles, and Prophecies.

Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

Which book were the people of the Book reciting (فسأل الذين يقرؤون الكتاب) during Prophet Muhammad's days according to the Glorious Quran 10:94?


Insufficient Jesus:

Edward Dalcour says that Jesus would be insufficient if Paul was proven to be false:

Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Bibles praised Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

Where was the promised Holy Spirit in the disciples' apostatizing of each other??

The Romans had to fake fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues: 


Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11-13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

Paul protected sex predators!

Self-Castrating King Kong?
Satan tempted Jesus and made him climb the high temple like King Kong and to try throwing himself off.  Also, why did Jesus masturbate before and after the temptation?  Visit:

www.answering-christianity.com/satanic_verses.htm  Strong evidence supported by NT and early Christian writings that satan even made Jesus 

  Jesus later on castrated and emasculated himself; our Creator???

Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.  Jesus said maim and pluck your sinful body parts.  Jesus maims his satanic genitals but not his eyes and hands?  See also Oxymoron Trinity (100+ verses).


Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

 NT calls Jesus fat drunk [1] "gluttonous, and a winebibber" (Matthew 11:19, Luke 7:34).  Jesus was a brain-stoned addict to alcohol.  This also explains why he was highly verbally abusive in the NT (87 insults).  So him castrating and emasculating himself could've been no more than a drunk barf.  This is the same person that commanded maiming and plucking sinful body parts. 

So why did he maim his??  They weren't perfect?
  Or was he really genuinely afraid of satan to make him sin?  And why did John the Baptist call Jesus a liar? (Matthew 11:1-6).

Jude 1:9  "Even Michael, the chief angel, did not dare to insult the devil."  In either case and in all cases, how is Jesus my Creator?

Castrating 7-year old boys:

Forget Aisha was 9 when Prophet Muhammad consummated their marriage.  Her father was also the Prophet's closest companion and the first elected Islamic Caliph after the Prophet died.  Jesus castrated and emasculated himself, and he created a major plague in the Christian world that continues till this day.  Did you know that young boys as young as 7 were castrated in the Christian world, and under the blessing of the thoroughly sodomized priests of the barfatican?

By the church!

Matthew 19:12 Jesus commanded his followers embrace, and to advocate for and promote self-castrations:


Islam came to free the Jews from the "burdens and shackles" (7:157) of their hardened Law, and to free the Christians from their "conjecture" (4:157), and to restore the Original Divine Religion of GOD Almighty, Islam, and to invite all of Mankind to Allah Almighty's Light and Guidance of Islam.

Isaiah 21:13  The burden upon Arabia [1]

New Song: [1]

300 years before Islam, Paran was Mecca

Did early Christians preach Prophet Muhammad in Rome?

See also the Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles, and Prophecies.

Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

Does Noble Verse 9:31 say that Allah and Jesus are two equal Lords?  Also, thorough refutation to  توحيد الربوبية  (tawheed alruboobiyyah, or Oneness of Lordship between Jesus and Allah) concept by the polytheist trinitarian pagans (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

The Bibles' sacred "book of toiletספר קודש של שירותים    and praised incestuous rape can be read here
كتاب المرحاض المقدس

Bibles praised Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.


***** Bibles' OT and NT:  Spirits that GOD Almighty sends down including lying ones in the Bibles.  Jesus in several passages was Commanded by GOD to become one to forge falseianity (christianity) because of the ample blasphemies of the Jews.

Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?

Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

The Creator of everything, Jesus, learned (??) about GOD:
"As Jesus grew up, he learned more and more about GOD" (Luke 2:52)

Even the little girl thought this was quite stupidAnd Jesus said we must have the faith of little children (Matthew 18:3) in order to be saved.

Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

Notice the language of how Satan was:

1. "You were perfect from the day you were created".  Jesus was also created from the Word of GOD.
2. Glorious.
3. "the chosen one".
4. The "Anointed".
5. ruler over earth.
6. Ruler over the "Holy Mount" of GOD

Matthew 24:25-27 Jesus will return as an Arabian Messiah from Damascus.

He was all of these and more before arrogance, pride, stubbornness and blasphemies caused Satan to fall from Grace.  Jesus then became the substitute, i.e., the Perfect", "Glorious", "the chosen one", the "Anointed", "ruler over earth" and ruler over the "Holy Mount" chosen one of GOD Almighty.

Holy Gambling:
Sam Shamoun promoted Christianity's
Holy Gambling, and he even funded other gamblers.  He himself spent 10s of thousands of dollars on it.  Also, the 12th disciple, Mathias, was chosen via gambling by the other disciples.  They literally rolled the holy dice [1] amongst each other to choose him from among other choices.  Then they claimed it was the Holy Spirit that chose him (??).  Dice and chance had nothing to do with it.

The Church used to castrat 7-year old boys: [1]

Where was the promised Holy Spirit in the disciples' apostatizing of each other??

The Romans had to fake fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues: 


Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11-13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

Paul protected sex predators!

Self-Castrating King Kong?
Satan tempted Jesus and made him climb the high temple like King Kong and to try throwing himself off.  Also, why did Jesus masturbate before and after the temptation?  Visit:

www.answering-christianity.com/satanic_verses.htm  Strong evidence supported by NT and early Christian writings that satan even made Jesus 

  Jesus later on castrated and emasculated himself; our Creator???

Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.  Jesus said maim and pluck your sinful body parts.  Jesus maims his satanic genitals but not his eyes and hands?  See also Oxymoron Trinity (100+ verses).


Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

 NT calls Jesus fat drunk [1] "gluttonous, and a winebibber" (Matthew 11:19, Luke 7:34).  Jesus was a brain-stoned addict to alcohol.  This also explains why he was highly verbally abusive in the NT (87 insults).  So him castrating and emasculating himself could've been no more than a drunk barf.  This is the same person that commanded maiming and plucking sinful body parts. 

So why did he maim his??  They weren't perfect?
  Or was he really genuinely afraid of satan to make him sin?  And why did John the Baptist call Jesus a liar? (Matthew 11:1-6).

Jude 1:9  "Even Michael, the chief angel, did not dare to insult the devil."  In either case and in all cases, how is Jesus my Creator?

Castrating 7-year old boys:

Forget Aisha was 9 when Prophet Muhammad consummated their marriage.  Her father was also the Prophet's closest companion and the first elected Islamic Caliph after the Prophet died.  Jesus castrated and emasculated himself, and he created a major plague in the Christian world that continues till this day.  Did you know that young boys as young as 7 were castrated in the Christian world, and under the blessing of the thoroughly sodomized priests of the barfatican?

By the church!

Matthew 19:12 Jesus commanded his followers embrace, and to advocate for and promote self-castrations:


Islam came to free the Jews from the "burdens and shackles" (7:157) of their hardened Law, and to free the Christians from their "conjecture" (4:157), and to restore the Original Divine Religion of GOD Almighty, Islam, and to invite all of Mankind to Allah Almighty's Light and Guidance of Islam.

Isaiah 21:13  The burden upon Arabia [1]

New Song: [1]

300 years before Islam, Paran was Mecca

Did early Christians preach Prophet Muhammad in Rome?

See also the Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles, and Prophecies.

Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

Jesus also said the direction of the Prayer towards Jerusalem will be no more (Psalm 138:2, John 4:21, Matthew 21:43, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 60, Genesis 25:12-13).  It will be replaced with the Qibla (direction) to Mecca and the Holy Path to Mecca.  Only Islam is the Divine Truth from Allah Almighty.  Christianity is pagan.  Even Christmas is an ancient Roman pagan holiday (video clip) according to the Christian theologians themselves:

Jesus too carried the Spirit of GOD in him, and he carried also the Spirit of fearing GOD in him.  Jesus was also called slave of GOD in the OT many times.  He also had no Divine WillTrinity is a lie from Hell.

See also 24 other Thrones and Messiahs besides Jesus (Revelations 4 & 5).

Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


Eid Al-Adha: Ishmael or Isaac?  GOD's peace be upon them both.  Who was the son to be sacrificed?  Bibles and Quran agree it was Ishmael.


Satan & Peter VS. Paul: 2 Corinthians 12:7-11.  Paul literally put Peter and Satan in one team.


Sam Shamoun also exposes the ample  holy group sex that occurs in his circle:



Paul ordered the execution (actual killing) of some sinners.

Paul ate his vomit.

Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

 (Sam Shamoun declares gambling is allowed in Christianity)

Jesus amputated his unholy testicles and head of penis to remain holy.  If his body was holy, were his testicles cursed and unholy, especially that he commanded to maim your sinful body parts?  You mean to tell me that they were not part of the Creator of the Universe's body??  Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.


Why did Jesus amputate his own (NT calls them satanic flesh) testicles and penis' head?








Is the Bible a womanizer for allowing polygamy in NT and OT? [1]

Some amazing Bible thumping quacks declare Islam a womanizing religion for allowing polygamy for up to four wives, while polygamy has no limits in the OT and NT:


Jesus allowed polygamy:

Matthew 19
9. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman
a similar commits adultery.

Notice "another woman" got crossed. This is because the word "woman" is not there in the Greek, and the word for "another" also means similar. If we look at the Greek in https://biblehub.com/lexicon/matthew/19-9.htm, we'll find this:


ἄλλην (allēn) 243: other, another

If you click on 243, you'll see its definition: "another of the same kind; another of similar type."

(Click on image to enlarge)

It is quite ludicrous that the one and only verse that prohibits polygamy is not even talking about polygamy.  Jesus warned against marrying already-married women irrespective of whether the man is single or married.  This is further proven in:


Matthew 5:31-32
31 "It has been said, 'Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.'
32 But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness,
causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery.

A man can marry multiple women, while the woman can only marry one man.  Here Jesus warns that unlawful divorces will cause women, who would still be remaining married while thinking they've been divorced, to commit adultery.  They would still be married to their former husbands.

Keep in mind also that the men that Jesus was speaking to had many polygamists amongst them.  So if Jesus was to prohibit polygamy, he would've said that if any married man after today marries another woman then he commits adultery.  But no, he didn't even talk about polygamy at all.


Polygamy was Commanded by GOD:

In the OT, polygamy is not only allowed, but it was also commanded by GOD in some cases [1].


Paul and Jesus allowed polygamy:

Paul also allowed polygamy to the masses, and Jesus in other verses also allowed it to the masses.  This is further discussed at: www.answering-christianity.com/ntpoly.htm.  This article thoroughly proves that polygamy is indeed allowed in the New Testament, and that Christianity is built on false inspirations and "conjecture", exactly as Allah Almighty said in the Glorious Quran [1] about the religion of conjecture [1], Christianity.  Again, it is quite ludicrous that the one and only verse that prohibits polygamy is not even talking about polygamy.  This false religion of conjecture makes sinful things lawful and lawful things sinful [2] [3].  And that in itself is a blasphemy against GOD Almighty.


Islam is the Divine Truth:

Islam is GOD Almighty's Divine Truth.  To be 100% sure about this, visit:

  • The Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles.
  • What is Islam?
  • Marriage in Islam.  Early-Islam's Muta marriage [1] is also covered here.
  • From www.answering-christianity.com/quran_moral_code.htm:

    245 Womanizing and womanizers are condemned in the Glorious Quran.  Allah Almighty said:

    "It is not lawful for you (to marry other) women after this, nor to change them for other wives even though their beauty attracts you, except those (captives or slaves) whom your right hand possesses. And Allah is Ever a Watcher over all things.  (The Noble Quran, 33:52)"

    Throughout the entries above, we've seen how Allah Almighty commanded the Muslim men and women to:

    1-  Be always chaste.
    2-  To lower their gazes.
    3-  To never be sexually enticing or tempting.
    4-  To never even put disbelievers into any trial or temptation.
    5-  To always be upright and a great moral example to all of mankind.
    6-  To always do what is right and condemn what is wrong.
    7-  To never covet.
    8-  To never wish ill on people and to always be forgiving when possible.
    9-  To fight evil.
    10- To always be just with everyone, and to always stand up for justice as witnesses to Allah, even if its against ourselves, our parents or against rich or poor Allah Almighty Commanded.

    Islam does not condone womanizers.  Neither the Prophet was a womanizer, nor does Islam condone womanizing.  Islam honors marriage and considers its covenant to be a "Solemn Covenant". (ميثاقا غليظا).  This ميثاقا غليظا  was mentioned three times throughout the Glorious Quran:

    1-  The ميثاقا غليظا that Allah Almighty took between Him and His Prophets.

    2-  The ميثاقا غليظا that Allah Almighty took with the Jews on the holiness of the Sabbath.

    3-  The ميثاقا غليظا between the husband and the wife in Islam.

    See Noble Verses 4:21, 4:154, 33:7.

    33:52, 4:21, 4:154, 33:7



    Bibles' Glorified incestuous-like boyfriend-girlfriend fornications:

    Song of Songs 8:1-3
    1. Oh, I wish you were my brother, who nursed at my mother’s breasts. Then I could kiss you no matter who was watching, and no one would criticize me.
    2 I would bring you to my childhood home, and there you would teach me. I would give you spiced wine to drink, my sweet pomegranate wine.
    3 Your left arm would be under my head, and your right arm would embrace me.

  • "my sweet pomegranate wine"  Her wine is her vagina's wet and cum (audio clip).  He also did say that her vagina and breasts taste like "wine" (Song of Songs 7:1-4, 8-9).
  • Song of Solomon 3:4
    Then scarcely had I left them when I found my love! I caught and held him tightly, then I brought him to
    my mother’s house, into my mother’s bed, where I had been conceived.

    Song of Solomon 7:10-12
    10 I am my lover’s, and he claims me as his own.
    11 Come, my love, let us go out to the fields and spend the night among the wildflowers.
    12 Let us get up early and go to the vineyards to see if the grapevines have budded, if the blossoms have opened, and if the pomegranates have bloomed. There I will give you my love


    Little sister & mom's bed:

    Song of Songs 8:8-9
    We have a little sister, and her breasts are not yet grown. What shall we do for our sister on the day she is spoken for?

    Song of Songs 8:8
    Our sister is little, and hath no breasts. What shall we do to our sister in the day when she is to be spoken to?

    What shall you (plural) do with your little sister and her little breasts?  Let me guess:

    Deflower her in your mentioned mother's bed?


    Also, is the holy book of  toilet   ספר קודש של שירותים    كتاب المرحاض المقدس  further suggesting group incestuous rape of the little sister by her horny and holy-praised siblings?  The following LGBTQ flag is for incest.  How is it not appropriate for the fecal revelations of satan above that the Jews and Christians uphold above their heads as the Holy Words of "Gowwwwd"?


    ספר קודש של שירותים   
    كتاب المرحاض المقدس

    The Zionists Created LGBTQ: [1] [2]


    Incest Rape of Mary & Trinity Bed:

    The verse indeed calls for incest rape.  Here is the more accurate translation:

    Song of Songs 8:8  Our sister is little, and hath no breasts. What shall we do to our sister before the day she marries?

    The gospel of porn's slang translation:

    Our little sister (many Christians consider this pornographic book to be about the virgin Mary [2]) is increasingly becoming more and more sexually attractive, and her breasts (the more honest translation to what the praised perverts really meant is: boobs or tits) are beginning to bulge.  What must we do to our sister before she gets married off and gets deflowered by some husband, and gives him her precious virginity?  We are running out of time!!



    That is why I asked above:

    What shall you (plural) do with your little sister (Mary??) and her little breasts?  Again, let me guess your nonsense and blasphemies:

    Deflower her in your mentioned mother's bed?!

    More on the
    trinity bed that the virgin Mary got deflowered in by her older siblings.

    Islam honors our Virgin Mother Mary, peace be upon her:


    The alcohol-less Baptist is greater than Jesus:

    John the Baptist, Jesus' cousin, was greater than Jesus.  The NT calls Jesus a fat drunk "gluttonous, and a winebibber" (Matthew 11:19, Luke 7:34).   Jesus was addicted to alcohol:


    a habitual drinker of alcohol.

    Matthew 11:19 (NIV)
    19 The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.' But wisdom is proved right by her deeds."
    Luke 7:34 (NIV)
    34 The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.'

    Notice how he conceded to what people claimed about him:  "But wisdom is proved right by her deeds"?  What but butt-wisdom is there when people see you drunk and stuffing your face and mouth with food like your life depended on it?  And what Wisdom is there in drinking and being drunk when Yahweh Almighty Himself, your GOD, despises it?  Hypocrisy and being false, and just wanting to be opposite, are now Wisdom?  What horrible health advice and butt-wisdom are you giving when you allow enjoying alcohol consumption?  People witnessed you regularly getting addicted and drunk.  Did not your toilet spirit teach you that alcohol seriously damages the human body, which the body is supposed to be the temple of GOD?  (1 Corinthians 6:19)

    Of course it never did!
       (See the real Holy Spirit of Islam
    , and alcohol is forbidden in Islam)


    High Concentrations and Intoxication:

    Lice infested castrate?

    Jesus was also called out on being dirty.  He had total disregard for body cleanliness, sanitation and hygiene, and his "temple of GOD" (1 Corinthians 6:19) body was most probably lice infested and foul smelling (Matthew 15:1-2, Mark 7:1-5); thoroughly violating the Law in Leviticus 8:6, Leviticus 14:9, Leviticus 15:7, Numbers 19:7, Exodus 30:19, Exodus 30:21, Exodus 40:31, Leviticus 15:11, Deuteronomy 21:6, and many other verses.  Was Jesus also drunk when he decided to castrate and emasculate himself?  Yes, according to early Christians' writings, Jesus amputated his testicles and the head of his penis. 
      Was the barfing christ drunk??  It is nearly impossible for addicts to remain sober, and to genuinely think and speak responsibly.  All of that holy sh*t and sacred piss revealed from him had high concentrations of alcohol in them.  This explains Jesus' ample confusing and oxymoronic riddles in the NT that turned sinful into lawful and lawful into sinful (ex: pork became lawful; polygamy became sinful and many other examples).  He was not clear-headed (sober).  He was high on ample pooping and peeing himself alcoholic wisdom.  Jesus was also verbally abusive.  Was he walking down the streets at 2:00 am shouting and screaming insults at everyone while being drunk?  And again, was he pooping and peeing himself with some alcohol-heavy holy sh*t and sacred piss?  

    People also called him out on his lack of hygiene problems. 
    Jesus had disregard for personal hygiene (Matthew 15:1-2, Mark 7:1-5).  He emphasized that the outside filth is totally irrelevant.  He probably showered a lot less, had a stench for body odor, and was lice infested
     in his beard and hair, and throughout his clothes and body.  See what Islam says about personal hygiene.  Being physically smelly and filthy is satanic according to the Glorious Quran.  Jesus (the false Jesus of the NT, not the true Isa of Islam) and GOD are Heaven and Hell apart in this.  The NT also says GOD considers John the Baptist great because he never drank alcohol.

    And again, was not the (now lice infested and foul???) body supposed to be the temple of GOD according to 1 Corinthians 6:19?

    Yahweh despised Jesus' wisdom:

    Jesus:  It is wisdom "wisdom" (Matthew 11:19) to drink, get drunk and barf for the sake of appeasing hypocrites and infidels.  I am powerless and desperate and want to commit this sin.  After all, satan also made me covet the sins of the world for 40 days and 40 nights, and made me castrate and emasculate myself [1] as a result .  I was between him and GOD during this period.  That was another drunk barf that I called wisdom.  I am also lice infested and foul smelling (Matthew 15:1-2, Mark 7:1-5); thoroughly violating the Law in Leviticus 8:6, Leviticus 14:9, Leviticus 15:7, Numbers 19:7, Exodus 30:19, Exodus 30:21, Exodus 40:31, Leviticus 15:11, Deuteronomy 21:6, and many other verses.

    Yahweh:  You would not be a great person, nor pleasing to GOD if you drink alcohol.  You drink alcohol you would not be pleasing to GOD, nor would you be considered a great person by GOD.

    GOD despised Jesus' hypocritical wisdom that appeased evil and displeased GOD (Luke 1:15).

    Luke 1:15
    for he (John the Baptist) will be great in the sight of the Lord. He is never to take wine or other fermented drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born.

    So according to the New Testament itself, we have:

    1-  John the baptist.
    2-  Barf the baptized.   And I am told to dump Islam and to take this castrated and emasculated brain-stoned addict as my Creator??  The Jesus of Islam is the true Messiah  .

    Is John the Baptist another member of the barfinity?





    The invaded unwalled Israel Ezekiel prophecy by the Great Satan; not the Palestinians.

    Bibles praised Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Woke is evil Israel's invention; from the same satanic cesspool:


    Woke is one of Israel's lies.  9/11 is 100% an Israeli lie


    X-Rated Pornography in the Bible.

    Watch the video here.  Sam Shamoun exposes the sex scandals of many inside his inner circle.


    Their sister's vagina tastes like "wine"
    : [1] AUDIO clip
    (Song of Songs 7:1-4, 8-9).  The Bible praises, and even promotes, incestuous-like boyfriend-girlfriend fornications: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9].  Notice "no one would criticize me" (Song of Songs 8:1), above.  A husband and wife, or even a brother and sister, would not be criticized if people saw them walking to their home.  Clearly, this is not a husband and wife relationship.  And this is the pile of dung that Jews and Christians uphold as the Holy Word of GOD Almighty??


    Praised Incest:
    The Bibles praise fornications in
    incest-like descriptions.  The brothers, little sister and mother sexing, and the vaginas taste like "wine", and a praise for group incest rape in the gospel of LGBTQ, Woke and porn:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


    If Paul is false, then Jesus is insufficient:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Bibles praised Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in the disciples' apostatizing of each other??

    The Romans had to fake fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues: 


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11-13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

    Paul protected sex predators!

    Self-Castrating King Kong?
    Satan tempted Jesus and made him climb the high temple like King Kong and to try throwing himself off.  Also, why did Jesus masturbate before and after the temptation?  Visit:

    www.answering-christianity.com/satanic_verses.htm  Strong evidence supported by NT and early Christian writings that satan even made Jesus 

      Jesus later on castrated and emasculated himself; our Creator???

    Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.  Jesus said maim and pluck your sinful body parts.  Jesus maims his satanic genitals but not his eyes and hands?  See also Oxymoron Trinity (100+ verses).


    Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

     NT calls Jesus fat drunk [1] "gluttonous, and a winebibber" (Matthew 11:19, Luke 7:34).  Jesus was a brain-stoned addict to alcohol.  This also explains why he was highly verbally abusive in the NT (87 insults).  So him castrating and emasculating himself could've been no more than a drunk barf.  This is the same person that commanded maiming and plucking sinful body parts. 

    So why did he maim his??  They weren't perfect?
      Or was he really genuinely afraid of satan to make him sin?  And why did John the Baptist call Jesus a liar? (Matthew 11:1-6).

    Jude 1:9  "Even Michael, the chief angel, did not dare to insult the devil."  In either case and in all cases, how is Jesus my Creator?

    Castrating 7-year old boys:

    Forget Aisha was 9 when Prophet Muhammad consummated their marriage.  Her father was also the Prophet's closest companion and the first elected Islamic Caliph after the Prophet died.  Jesus castrated and emasculated himself, and he created a major plague in the Christian world that continues till this day.  Did you know that young boys as young as 7 were castrated in the Christian world, and under the blessing of the thoroughly sodomized priests of the barfatican?

    By the church!

    Matthew 19:12 Jesus commanded his followers embrace, and to advocate for and promote self-castrations:


    Islam came to free the Jews from the "burdens and shackles" (7:157) of their hardened Law, and to free the Christians from their "conjecture" (4:157), and to restore the Original Divine Religion of GOD Almighty, Islam, and to invite all of Mankind to Allah Almighty's Light and Guidance of Islam.

    Isaiah 21:13  The burden upon Arabia [1]

    New Song: [1]

    300 years before Islam, Paran was Mecca

    Did early Christians preach Prophet Muhammad in Rome?

    See also the Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles, and Prophecies.

    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Yet, Paul admits that he speaks through a lying spirit  (Romans 3:7  But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?), while Jesus promised all of the disciples that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, and that it will not be them speaking, but the Holy Spirit. Yet, Paul says he was lying.  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    Paul and his team of disciples were also calling Peter's team, - and vice versa, - anathema ἀνάθεμα (cursed by GOD), false, bewitched, dogs
    , and many other things.  Jesus' original message got corrupt from the false christianity and the deification of flesh and blood creations like Jesus, Mary and others like they used to do in ancient Europe in Greece, Rome, Byzantine and throughout ancient ancient Europe of three-headed gods and trinities, such as the trinity of Zeus, Athena and Apollo; also Hell's three-headed guardian dog, or the trinity of Delian, Artemis and Apollo and many other ancient trinities.  Only Islam completes GOD Almighty's Religion.  See ample prophecies.  Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

    Eesa  is Iesu and Iesus in Latin and Greek for Jesus, and Eesa is also a Hebrew word that means doctor = عيسى

    "...are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow..." (The Noble Quran, 4:157)


    Also Visit:

    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit.

    Would GOD Almighty validate falsehood?  Yes.  In 2 Samuel 12:7-12, GOD validated and commanded open pornography between David's wives and all men in town in broad day light.  See many other examples of GOD Almighty validating and commanding lies in the Bibles to purposefully lead astray the false ones, who were supposed to be otherwise Believers, into Hell Fire.  Also visit the link given in this video for more.

    Was Adam 90 feet tall?  Science supports Islam's claims.

    Mankind multiplied via cloning from Adam, not incest [1]:  Evidence that Allah Almighty created the People of Adam through Cloning.  (html backup).  Another STUNNING Scientific Claim from Islam.

    Earth Cloning:  Evidence from the Quran that Allah Almighty Created the 7 Heavens and all of their Earths from Cloning.

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:


    The links above are for LGBTQ pronouns.


    Human cloning and gender alteration were prophesied in Islam.


    Alteration of Creation Prophecy in Quran:

    The somatic cells from the ears are the most preferred ones to make cloning:  "...but somatic cells from ear clippings will be much easier to obtain and are therefore preferable."  (Source, 2, pdf (page 13 in PDF, page 4 in article)).  Notice the two phases of satan's future temptation to mankind.  Notice ولامرنهم (and I will command them) is mentioned twice for two different phases:

    Noble Verse(s) 4:119
    Arabic (Read from right to left.  Also, all png image files: [1] [2].  Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):

    4:119 ولاضلنهم ولامنينهم ولامرنهم فليبتكن اذان الانعام ولامرنهم فليغيرن خلق الله ومن يتخذ الشيطان وليا من دون الله فقد خسر خسرانا مبينا


    [004:119]  and will lead them astray, and will stir desires within them, and will command them and they shall cut the ears of animals (phase 1: Dolly the sheep and cloning research); and I will further command them, and they shall alter the creation of God (phase 2: Cloning industry, LGBTQ, transgenders, Woke, gender alteration, they-them, he-she, she-he, Ze/Zir, Xe/Xem, Sie/Hir, They/Them, (any animal)/human, (any it)/human, etc...)." He who taketh Satan rather than God for his patron, is ruined with palpable ruin:



    Cloning began with the cutting of animals' ears:

    Satan's big battle with GOD Almighty is to cause so much evil, among them is to "cut the cattle's ears and to then further command them to alter the creation of Allah" (4:119), i.e., cloning (as this is how it began today) [1]

    Transgenders also began after Dolly the sheep's cloning.  LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) are covered below in this article.  Today they're even researching making males get pregnant, or at least plant fertilized female eggs inside them and grow the fetuses into babies.

    The alteration of Allah Almighty's creations indeed began with the cutting of the animals' ears and extracting the necessary somatic cells from them.  Dolly the sheep was the first creation to ever be cloned:

    "Dolly was a female domestic sheep, and the first mammal cloned from an adult somatic cell, using the process of nuclear transfer." (Source)

    "...but somatic cells from ear clippings will be much easier to obtain and are therefore preferable."  (Source, 2, pdf (page 13 in PDF, page 4 in article))

    Ample more quotes are below in this articleIn the pdf file, we read:



    Evidence that Allah Almighty created the People of Adam through Cloning in the Glorious Quran.  (html backup).  Cloning is mentioned in multiple places in the Glorious Quran [1], and is one of the End of Times Prophecies as well.  Cloning is definitely NOT a foreign concept in the Glorious Quran.

    Please visit:

  • The Overwhelming Numerical and Scientific Miracles in the Glorious Quran.
  • The Quran's and Islam's Amazing Prophecies.
    Stunning Prophecies [2] [3]

    Sheikh Hamza Yusuf (Muslim convert Mark Hanson) [1] [2] on some of Islam's most STUNNING End of Times Prophecies [1] [2] including ISIS:


    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy.


    If Paul is false, then Jesus is insufficient:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Bibles praised Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in the disciples' apostatizing of each other??

    The Romans had to fake fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues: 


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11-13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

    Paul protected sex predators!

    Self-Castrating King Kong?
    Satan tempted Jesus and made him climb the high temple like King Kong and to try throwing himself off.  Also, why did Jesus masturbate before and after the temptation?  Visit:

    www.answering-christianity.com/satanic_verses.htm  Strong evidence supported by NT and early Christian writings that satan even made Jesus 

      Jesus later on castrated and emasculated himself; our Creator???

    Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.  Jesus said maim and pluck your sinful body parts.  Jesus maims his satanic genitals but not his eyes and hands?  See also Oxymoron Trinity (100+ verses).


    Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

     NT calls Jesus fat drunk [1] "gluttonous, and a winebibber" (Matthew 11:19, Luke 7:34).  Jesus was a brain-stoned addict to alcohol.  This also explains why he was highly verbally abusive in the NT (87 insults).  So him castrating and emasculating himself could've been no more than a drunk barf.  This is the same person that commanded maiming and plucking sinful body parts. 

    So why did he maim his??  They weren't perfect?
      Or was he really genuinely afraid of satan to make him sin?  And why did John the Baptist call Jesus a liar? (Matthew 11:1-6).

    Jude 1:9  "Even Michael, the chief angel, did not dare to insult the devil."  In either case and in all cases, how is Jesus my Creator?

    Castrating 7-year old boys:

    Forget Aisha was 9 when Prophet Muhammad consummated their marriage.  Her father was also the Prophet's closest companion and the first elected Islamic Caliph after the Prophet died.  Jesus castrated and emasculated himself, and he created a major plague in the Christian world that continues till this day.  Did you know that young boys as young as 7 were castrated in the Christian world, and under the blessing of the thoroughly sodomized priests of the barfatican?

    By the church!

    Matthew 19:12 Jesus commanded his followers embrace, and to advocate for and promote self-castrations:


    Islam came to free the Jews from the "burdens and shackles" (7:157) of their hardened Law, and to free the Christians from their "conjecture" (4:157), and to restore the Original Divine Religion of GOD Almighty, Islam, and to invite all of Mankind to Allah Almighty's Light and Guidance of Islam.

    Isaiah 21:13  The burden upon Arabia [1]

    New Song: [1]

    300 years before Islam, Paran was Mecca

    Did early Christians preach Prophet Muhammad in Rome?

    See also the Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles, and Prophecies.

    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Yet, Paul admits that he speaks through a lying spirit  (Romans 3:7  But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?), while Jesus promised all of the disciples that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, and that it will not be them speaking, but the Holy Spirit. Yet, Paul says he was lying.  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    Paul and his team of disciples were also calling Peter's team, - and vice versa, - anathema ἀνάθεμα (cursed by GOD), false, bewitched, dogs
    , and many other things.  Jesus' original message got corrupt from the false christianity and the deification of flesh and blood creations like Jesus, Mary and others like they used to do in ancient Europe in Greece, Rome, Byzantine and throughout ancient ancient Europe of three-headed gods and trinities, such as the trinity of Zeus, Athena and Apollo; also Hell's three-headed guardian dog, or the trinity of Delian, Artemis and Apollo and many other ancient trinities.  Only Islam completes GOD Almighty's Religion.  See ample prophecies.  Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

    Eesa  is Iesu and Iesus in Latin and Greek for Jesus, and Eesa is also a Hebrew word that means doctor = عيسى

    "...are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow..." (The Noble Quran, 4:157)



    Allah Almighty quoted satan telling Him, the Almighty, in the Glorious Quran the following:

    4:119 ولاضلنهم ولامنينهم ولامرنهم فليبتكن اذان الانعام ولامرنهم فليغيرن خلق الله ومن يتخذ الشيطان وليا من دون الله فقد خسر خسرانا مبينا

    [004:119]  and (1) will lead them astray ولاضلنهمand (2) will stir desires within them ولامنينهمand (3) will command them ولامرنهم and (4) they shall cut the ears of animals فليبتكن اذان الانعامand (5) I will command them ولامرنهم to alter the creation of God فليغيرن خلق الله ." He who taketh Satan rather than God for his patron, is ruined with palpable ruin:

    Satan will:

    1-  Lead astray.
    2-  Stir desires.
    3-  Will command the evil ones.
    4-  They will cut the animals' ears.
    5-  Then proceed to alter the creation of GOD Almighty.

    Notice the fifth "and":

    (5) and I will command them ولامرنهم  to alter the creation of God فليغيرن خلق الله ."


    Human cloning and gender alteration were prophesied in Islam.

    Evidence from the Quran that Allah Almighty Created the 7 Heavens and all of their Earths from Cloning.



    Masturbating on his sister:

    Now let me ask the horny creep in Song of Songs 8:8-9How many times have you already masturbated on your sister in your thoughts?  And did you also fantasize about your mother and her bed? 

    Again, this is the pile of dung that Jews and Christians uphold as the Holy Word of GOD Almighty??


  • Matthew 7:22-23GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit.

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

    Eesa  is Iesu and Iesus in Latin and Greek for Jesus, and Eesa is also a Hebrew word that means doctor = عيسى

    "...are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow..." (The Noble Quran, 4:157)

    Fabricating books:

    Allah Almighty Said in the Noble Quran:

    "Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: "This is from God," to traffic with it for miserable price!- Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby.  (The Noble Quran, 2:79)"



    Bride is not wife:

    In the Middle East, there is no "boyfriend" and "girlfriend".  If two are spoken of, or if two fall in love and want to get married, then the guy would call her his bride.  This is close enough to a fiancée.  So in this gospel of porn, when he calls her his "bride", he's not calling her his wife as the barking sodomized-by-their-priests proclaim.  It's a relationship between a boyfriend and a girlfriend.  "Bride" is a Semitic language metaphor.  In this gospel of porn, it is referring to his girlfriend.  In the chaste world of Islam, a wife is one who had sexual intercourse with her husband.  She now changed from being a bride to a wife.  A bride has not yet had sex with her groom.  They have not yet married.

    Song of Songs 4:8-12
    8 Come with me from Lebanon, my bride, come with me from Lebanon. Descend from the crest of Amana, from the top of Senir, the summit of Hermon, from the lions' dens and the mountain haunts of the leopards.
    9 You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride; you have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace.
    10 How delightful is your love, my sister, my bride! How much more pleasing is your love than wine, and the fragrance of your perfume than any spice!
    11 Your lips drop sweetness as the honeycomb, my bride; milk and honey are under your tongue. The fragrance of your garments is like that of Lebanon.
    12 You are a garden locked up, my sister, my bride; you are a spring enclosed, a sealed fountain.

    Visit the following X-Rated pornography in the Bible article to see ample verses that thoroughly demonstrate that they were incestuous-like boyfriend-girlfriend fornicators:

  • Jesus problematic hyperboles.  Sinful became lawful, and lawful became sinful.
  • Jesus coveted the sins of the world for 40 days and nights.
  • Anal sex is forbidden in Islam.
  • X-Rated Pornography in the Bible section.
  • Incestuous fantasies are allowed and praised in the gospel of porn (bible).
  • The Bible praises incestuous-like boyfriend-girlfriend fornications.
  • Bride is Wife?  She's a girlfriend or fiancée in the Middle East's context.
  • Isaiah's prophecy about the Jews will worship the pornographic goddess Asherah during the end of times.
  • X-Rated Pornography in the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

  • Christian holy women (i.e., pornography).  Countless sacred pictures with holy crosses.
  • Miss California's Nude Pictures: Being "Biblically Correct".
  • Women in the Bible and Islam.
  • His 5.5 inches penis vs. his former wife lover's 7 inches according to him.  (video).
    Sam Shamoun's obsession with penis sizes on his wife and himself.(Video)

    Watch the video here.
    Sam Shamoun exposes the
    sex scandals of many inside his inner circle.  It seems that so many inner holy men wanted to get inner with his wife according to him, and so many were cheating on their marriages, from men and women, according to his testimony.  Watch the video here.  Hassamo fartoon whose real name is Hassamo Shamoun (aka Sam Shamoun) is also obsessed with penis sizes, even on his wife and himself.  How many women did Sam Shamoun fornicate with?  We never heard this fraud answer this one.

    Bibles praised Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.
      Jesus permitted for church members to have sex with each other.
     Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny.

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11-13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

    Paul protected sex predators!

    Self-Castrating King Kong?
    Satan tempted Jesus and made him climb the high temple like King Kong and to try throwing himself off.  Also, why did Jesus masturbate before and after the temptation?  Visit:

    www.answering-christianity.com/satanic_verses.htm  Strong evidence supported by NT and early Christian writings that satan even made Jesus 

      Jesus later on castrated and emasculated himself; our Creator???

    Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.  Jesus said maim and pluck your sinful body parts.  Jesus maims his satanic genitals but not his eyes and hands?  See also Oxymoron Trinity (100+ verses).


    Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

     NT calls Jesus fat drunk [1] "gluttonous, and a winebibber" (Matthew 11:19, Luke 7:34).  Jesus was a brain-stoned addict to alcohol.  This also explains why he was highly verbally abusive in the NT (87 insults).  So him castrating and emasculating himself could've been no more than a drunk barf.  This is the same person that commanded maiming and plucking sinful body parts. 

    So why did he maim his??  They weren't perfect?
      Or was he really genuinely afraid of satan to make him sin?  And why did John the Baptist call Jesus a liar? (Matthew 11:1-6).

    Jude 1:9  "Even Michael, the chief angel, did not dare to insult the devil."  In either case and in all cases, how is Jesus my Creator?

    Castrating 7-year old boys:

    Forget Aisha was 9 when Prophet Muhammad consummated their marriage.  Her father was also the Prophet's closest companion and the first elected Islamic Caliph after the Prophet died. 
    Jesus castrated and emasculated himself, and he created a major plague in the Christian world that continues till this day.  Did you know that young boys as young as 7 were castrated in the Christian world, and under the blessing of the thoroughly sodomized priests of the barfatican?

    By the church!

    Matthew 19:12 Jesus commanded his followers embrace, and to advocate for and promote self-castrations:


    Islam came to free the Jews from the "burdens and shackles" (7:157) of their hardened Law, and to free the Christians from their "conjecture" (4:157), and to restore the Original Divine Religion of GOD Almighty, Islam, and to invite all of Mankind to Allah Almighty's Light and Guidance of Islam.

    Isaiah 21:13  The burden upon Arabia [1]

    New Song: [1]

    300 years before Islam, Paran was Mecca

    Did early Christians preach Prophet Muhammad in Rome?

    See also the Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles, and Prophecies.

    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.



    If Paul is false, then Jesus is insufficient:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Bibles praised Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in the disciples' apostatizing of each other??

    The Romans had to fake fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues: 


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11-13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

    Paul protected sex predators!

    Self-Castrating King Kong?
    Satan tempted Jesus and made him climb the high temple like King Kong and to try throwing himself off.  Also, why did Jesus masturbate before and after the temptation?  Visit:

    www.answering-christianity.com/satanic_verses.htm  Strong evidence supported by NT and early Christian writings that satan even made Jesus 

      Jesus later on castrated and emasculated himself; our Creator???

    Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.  Jesus said maim and pluck your sinful body parts.  Jesus maims his satanic genitals but not his eyes and hands?  See also Oxymoron Trinity (100+ verses).


    Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

     NT calls Jesus fat drunk [1] "gluttonous, and a winebibber" (Matthew 11:19, Luke 7:34).  Jesus was a brain-stoned addict to alcohol.  This also explains why he was highly verbally abusive in the NT (87 insults).  So him castrating and emasculating himself could've been no more than a drunk barf.  This is the same person that commanded maiming and plucking sinful body parts. 

    So why did he maim his??  They weren't perfect?
      Or was he really genuinely afraid of satan to make him sin?  And why did John the Baptist call Jesus a liar? (Matthew 11:1-6).

    Jude 1:9  "Even Michael, the chief angel, did not dare to insult the devil."  In either case and in all cases, how is Jesus my Creator?

    Castrating 7-year old boys:

    Forget Aisha was 9 when Prophet Muhammad consummated their marriage.  Her father was also the Prophet's closest companion and the first elected Islamic Caliph after the Prophet died.  Jesus castrated and emasculated himself, and he created a major plague in the Christian world that continues till this day.  Did you know that young boys as young as 7 were castrated in the Christian world, and under the blessing of the thoroughly sodomized priests of the barfatican?

    By the church!

    Matthew 19:12 Jesus commanded his followers embrace, and to advocate for and promote self-castrations:


    Islam came to free the Jews from the "burdens and shackles" (7:157) of their hardened Law, and to free the Christians from their "conjecture" (4:157), and to restore the Original Divine Religion of GOD Almighty, Islam, and to invite all of Mankind to Allah Almighty's Light and Guidance of Islam.

    Isaiah 21:13  The burden upon Arabia [1]

    New Song: [1]

    300 years before Islam, Paran was Mecca

    Did early Christians preach Prophet Muhammad in Rome?

    See also the Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles, and Prophecies.

    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Yet, Paul admits that he speaks through a lying spirit  (Romans 3:7  But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?), while Jesus promised all of the disciples that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, and that it will not be them speaking, but the Holy Spirit. Yet, Paul says he was lying.  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    Paul and his team of disciples were also calling Peter's team, - and vice versa, - anathema ἀνάθεμα (cursed by GOD), false, bewitched, dogs
    , and many other things.  Jesus' original message got corrupt from the false christianity and the deification of flesh and blood creations like Jesus, Mary and others like they used to do in ancient Europe in Greece, Rome, Byzantine and throughout ancient ancient Europe of three-headed gods and trinities, such as the trinity of Zeus, Athena and Apollo; also Hell's three-headed guardian dog, or the trinity of Delian, Artemis and Apollo and many other ancient trinities.  Only Islam completes GOD Almighty's Religion.  See ample prophecies.  Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

    Eesa  is Iesu and Iesus in Latin and Greek for Jesus, and Eesa is also a Hebrew word that means doctor = عيسى

    "...are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow..." (The Noble Quran, 4:157)




    Is the Bible a womanizer for allowing polygamy in NT and OT? [1]

    Some amazing Bible thumping quacks declare Islam a womanizing religion for allowing polygamy for up to four wives, while polygamy has no limits in the OT and NT:


    Jesus allowed polygamy:

    Matthew 19
    9. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman
    a similar commits adultery.

    Notice "another woman" got crossed. This is because the word "woman" is not there in the Greek, and the word for "another" also means similar. If we look at the Greek in https://biblehub.com/lexicon/matthew/19-9.htm, we'll find this:


    ἄλλην (allēn) 243: other, another

    If you click on 243, you'll see its definition: "another of the same kind; another of similar type."

    (Click on image to enlarge)

    It is quite ludicrous that the one and only verse that prohibits polygamy is not even talking about polygamy.  Jesus warned against marrying already-married women irrespective of whether the man is single or married.  This is further proven in:


    Matthew 5:31-32
    31 "It has been said, 'Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.'
    32 But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness,
    causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery.

    A man can marry multiple women, while the woman can only marry one man.  Here Jesus warns that unlawful divorces will cause women, who would still be remaining married while thinking they've been divorced, to commit adultery.  They would still be married to their former husbands.

    Keep in mind also that the men that Jesus was speaking to had many polygamists amongst them.  So if Jesus was to prohibit polygamy, he would've said that if any married man after today marries another woman then he commits adultery.  But no, he didn't even talk about polygamy at all.


    Polygamy was Commanded by GOD:

    In the OT, polygamy is not only allowed, but it was also commanded by GOD in some cases [1].


    Paul and Jesus allowed polygamy:

    Paul also allowed polygamy to the masses, and Jesus in other verses also allowed it to the masses.  This is further discussed at: www.answering-christianity.com/ntpoly.htm.  This article thoroughly proves that polygamy is indeed allowed in the New Testament, and that Christianity is built on false inspirations and "conjecture", exactly as Allah Almighty said in the Glorious Quran [1] about the religion of conjecture [1], Christianity.  Again, it is quite ludicrous that the one and only verse that prohibits polygamy is not even talking about polygamy.  This false religion of conjecture makes sinful things lawful and lawful things sinful [2] [3].  And that in itself is a blasphemy against GOD Almighty.


    Islam is the Divine Truth:

    Islam is GOD Almighty's Divine Truth.  To be 100% sure about this, visit:

  • The Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles.
  • What is Islam?
  • Marriage in Islam.  Early-Islam's Muta marriage [1] is also covered here.
  • From www.answering-christianity.com/quran_moral_code.htm:

    245 Womanizing and womanizers are condemned in the Glorious Quran.  Allah Almighty said:

    "It is not lawful for you (to marry other) women after this, nor to change them for other wives even though their beauty attracts you, except those (captives or slaves) whom your right hand possesses. And Allah is Ever a Watcher over all things.  (The Noble Quran, 33:52)"

    Throughout the entries above, we've seen how Allah Almighty commanded the Muslim men and women to:

    1-  Be always chaste.
    2-  To lower their gazes.
    3-  To never be sexually enticing or tempting.
    4-  To never even put disbelievers into any trial or temptation.
    5-  To always be upright and a great moral example to all of mankind.
    6-  To always do what is right and condemn what is wrong.

    Islam does not condone womanizers.  Neither the Prophet was a womanizer, nor does Islam condone womanizing.  Islam honors marriage and considers its covenant to be a "Solemn Covenant". (ميثاقا غليظا).  This ميثاقا غليظا  was mentioned three times throughout the Glorious Quran:

    1-  The ميثاقا غليظا that Allah Almighty took between Him and His Prophets.

    2-  The ميثاقا غليظا that Allah Almighty took with the Jews on the holiness of the Sabbath.

    3-  The ميثاقا غليظا between the husband and the wife in Islam.

    See Noble Verses 4:21, 4:154, 33:7.

    33:52, 4:21, 4:154, 33:7





    The sin of coveting.

    Who Suffers the Consequence of Sins according to the Qur'an? [2].  Who bears the sins of the misguided/misled according to the Glorious Quran? [2].

    What does the Quran say about being dignified and begging people?

    What is the punishment for the Muslim who kills a non-Muslim?

    What does Islam say about bad breath and body smell?

    Allah Almighty will not forgive the sins that are publicly disclosed and bragged about.

    Muslims must never do good and expect worldly gains in return.

    Prophet Muhammad's generosity in paying back debt (loan), and the prohibition of usury (riba) in Islam!

    Who should you take advise from and obey? The Signs of the Good people.

    Is watching pornography alone and without enticing or tempting anybody else allowed in Islam?

    What does the Noble Quran say about temptation in general, flirting and sexual enticement?

    Can a Muslim purposely entice, tempt, or mislead a disbeliever into a wrongdoing?  What does the Glorious Quran say about this?

    Can a Believer be unjust and an evil doer?  What does the Glorious Quran Say about this?

    Will Allah really weight our deeds or is it just metaphorical? [2]

    Ask me any question page.

    Back to Women in Islam and Christianity section.

    Islam and the Noble Quran - Questions and Answers.

    What is the place of Jesus, Jews, Christians and other non-Muslims in Islam?

    GOD Almighty supposedly Changing His Mind (abrogation) in the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).


    Quran Miracle: The Jews' and Christians' scribes changed and still change the Words.  Proven with images, text and videos from their corrupt bible and books!  See how they removed words and altered words.


    Bible Hoaxes on GOD:  Rebekah's story is a clear and indisputable proof that many of the Bible's accounts are full of hoaxes!

  • Permission by GOD to bless through lying and deceiving?? [1]  I think these are man's lies in the Bible!

    MORE LIES ON GOD: Rebuttal to Jochen Katz on FOX News' lying on their motto (Balanced Lies Rebuttal).

    Who was the sacrificed son?  Isaac or Ishmael?  Even the altered Bible thoroughly supports that it was Ishmael [1] in many passages.  And in Islam there is no "El" (God) in names as in Ishmael or Gabriel in Hebrew?  Is the GOD of Islam different?  Allah Almighty allowed for His Holy Name to be shortened (as "El" in Ishmael, and Lillah for Li-Allah in the Quran, as in Alhamdulillah) in both Islam and Judaism [1].

    Differences between the Noble Quran and Bible only prove Islam's Truthfulness and Divinity.

    GOD became concerned that the Babylonians' Tower that they were constructing will reach Him???

  • And they talk about Taqiya??

  • Bible says that Jews from their essence were liars (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust).  From their "birth" they were liars writing lies the Old Testament declares them.  The Bible is full of man-made corruption and fabrications especially in the Jews' ancient history and stories.  Their writings were written with the "lying pens of the scribes".

    See also
    Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust

    Deuteronomy 4:2 says it is a lie to have a Bible.


    Also Read:

    Bible defines "Lying Spirits by GOD" to mean GOD MAKES YOU LIE; you have no will (2 Samuel 12:7-12).

    David's wives made prostitutes by GOD:

    Made to be prostitutes by GOD:  In
    2 Samuel 12:7-12, King David's wives were turned into ***** prostitutes by GOD Almighty [1] as a punishment for David's sins with Bathsheba.  This means that GOD Almighty can create custom Laws for punishment even if they fully contradict GOD Almighty's Moral Code on morality and chastity.  Also, seduction and RAPING of virgins isn't a physically punishable crime in the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).  See Deuteronomy 22:25-29, Exodus 22:16-17.

    Would GOD Almighty validate falsehood?  Yes.  In 2 Samuel 12:7-12, GOD validated and commanded open pornography.  See also Matthew 7:22-23GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit.

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

    Eesa  is Iesu and Iesus in Latin and Greek for Jesus, and Eesa is also a Hebrew word that means doctor = عيسى

    "...are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow..." (The Noble Quran, 4:157)


    Castrating 7-year old boys:

    Forget Aisha was 9 when Prophet Muhammad consummated their marriage.  Her father was also the Prophet's closest companion and the first elected Islamic Caliph after the Prophet died.  Jesus castrated and emasculated himself, and he created a major plague in the Christian world that continues till this day.  Did you know that young boys as young as 7 were castrated in the Christian world, and under the blessing of the thoroughly sodomized priests of the barfatican?

    By the church!

    Matthew 19:12 Jesus commanded his followers embrace, and to advocate for and promote self-castrations:


    Islam came to free the Jews from the "burdens and shackles" (7:157) of their hardened Law, and to free the Christians from their "conjecture" (4:157), and to restore the Original Divine Religion of GOD Almighty, Islam, and to invite all of Mankind to Allah Almighty's Light and Guidance of Islam.

    Isaiah 21:13  The burden upon Arabia [1]

    New Song: [1]

    300 years before Islam, Paran was Mecca

    Did early Christians preach Prophet Muhammad in Rome?

    See also the Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles, and Prophecies.

    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    3-year old girls raped:

    Bible condones 3-year old girls were raped under the command of Moses and his men:

    "Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that has known a man by sleeping with him. (Number 31:17).
    [This] refers to her who has slept with a man as well as her who is suitable for intercourse, even when she has not slept with a man...
    But all the young girls who have not known a man by sleeping with him, keep alive for yourselves. From here R. Shimon b. Yohai used to say: a Proselyte girl who became a proselyte in the age of less than
    three years and one day, is rendered fit to marry into the priesthood." [137]

    Said Rabbi Joseph, "Come and take note: A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse. And if a Levir has had intercourse with her, he has acquired her. And one can be liable on her account because of the law prohibiting intercourse with a married woman. And she imparts uncleanness to him who has intercourse with her when she is menstruating, to convey uncleanness to the lower as to the upper layer [of what lies beneath]. If she was married to a priest, she may eat food in the status of priestly rations. If one of those who are unfit for marriage with her had intercourse with her, he has rendered her unfit to marry into the priesthood. If any of those who are forbidden in the Torah to have intercourse with her had intercourse with her, he is put to death on her account, but she is free of responsibility [M.Nid. 5:4].
    Sanhedrin 7/55B [132]

    See ample more quotes, references, and the bibliography here.  Also visit: How big was the first New Testament?

    How big was the first New Testament?  The first 200 years of pagan Christianity was forged by the pagan churches that were appeasing the pagan emperors and societies.  7 Roman emperors have thoroughly burnt as much of early writings of believers as possible.  From this pagan churches were born and were allowed to be built and for pagan Christianity to spread.   But they are all false; unoriginal and not Islam as the original believers were in Palestine.  Remember, Jesus called them Muslims (Luke 6:40).



    Bible defines "Lying Spirits by GOD" to mean GOD MAKES YOU LIE; you have no will (2 Samuel 12:7-12).


    Castrating 7-year old boys:

    Forget Aisha was 9 when Prophet Muhammad consummated their marriage.  Her father was also the Prophet's closest companion and the first elected Islamic Caliph after the Prophet died.  Jesus castrated and emasculated himself, and he created a major plague in the Christian world that continues till this day.  Did you know that young boys as young as 7 were castrated in the Christian world, and under the blessing of the thoroughly sodomized priests of the barfatican?

    By the church!

    Matthew 19:12 Jesus commanded his followers embrace, and to advocate for and promote self-castrations:


    Islam came to free the Jews from the "burdens and shackles" (7:157) of their hardened Law, and to free the Christians from their "conjecture" (4:157), and to restore the Original Divine Religion of GOD Almighty, Islam, and to invite all of Mankind to Allah Almighty's Light and Guidance of Islam.

    Isaiah 21:13  The burden upon Arabia [1]

    New Song: [1]

    300 years before Islam, Paran was Mecca

    Did early Christians preach Prophet Muhammad in Rome?

    See also the Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles, and Prophecies.

    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    3-year old girls raped:

    Bible condones 3-year old girls were raped under the command of Moses and his men:

    "Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that has known a man by sleeping with him. (Number 31:17).
    [This] refers to her who has slept with a man as well as her who is suitable for intercourse, even when she has not slept with a man...
    But all the young girls who have not known a man by sleeping with him, keep alive for yourselves. From here R. Shimon b. Yohai used to say: a Proselyte girl who became a proselyte in the age of less than
    three years and one day, is rendered fit to marry into the priesthood." [137]

    Said Rabbi Joseph, "Come and take note: A girl three years and one day old is betrothed by intercourse. And if a Levir has had intercourse with her, he has acquired her. And one can be liable on her account because of the law prohibiting intercourse with a married woman. And she imparts uncleanness to him who has intercourse with her when she is menstruating, to convey uncleanness to the lower as to the upper layer [of what lies beneath]. If she was married to a priest, she may eat food in the status of priestly rations. If one of those who are unfit for marriage with her had intercourse with her, he has rendered her unfit to marry into the priesthood. If any of those who are forbidden in the Torah to have intercourse with her had intercourse with her, he is put to death on her account, but she is free of responsibility [M.Nid. 5:4].
    Sanhedrin 7/55B [132]

    See ample more quotes, references, and the bibliography here.  Also visit: How big was the first New Testament?

    How big was the first New Testament?  The first 200 years of pagan Christianity was forged by the pagan churches that were appeasing the pagan emperors and societies.  7 Roman emperors have thoroughly burnt as much of early writings of believers as possible.  From this pagan churches were born and were allowed to be built and for pagan Christianity to spread.   But they are all false; unoriginal and not Islam as the original believers were in Palestine.  Remember, Jesus called them Muslims (Luke 6:40).


    Muslims are Commanded by Allah Almighty to show the Love of Allah to all of people through their treatment to them.

    What does the Glorious Quran say about lying and about taking credit and recognition for what you do not deserve?

    What does the Quran mean when It Says "Allah is the Greatest of all plotters"?  Does it also mean "Allah is the Greatest of all deceivers"?  Also, what does the Bible say about it?

    What is Taqiya?  Does Islam really permit lying?  Or is this another lie from the anti-Islamics?  Also allowed in the Bible's Old and New Testaments.  Jesus also in John 7:1-12 practiced Taqiya.

    Can a Believer be unjust and an evil doer?  What does the Glorious Quran Say about this?

    Can a Muslim purposely entice, tempt, or mislead a disbeliever into a wrongdoing?  What does the Glorious Quran say about this?

    What does the Noble Quran say about temptation in general, flirting and sexual enticement?

    What does Allah Almighty say about tumult?

    Are Muslims allowed to conceal or hide the Truth of Islam from anyone?

    "Balanced Lies" Rebuttal.

    Jesus was tempted for 40 days and 40 nights from satan, which caused him to covet - a sin forbidden in the Bible (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).  Also refutation to the "satanic verses" lie against Islam.

    Were the rubbish talk and and rubbish music of today prophesied in the Glorious Quran?

  • The Glorious Quran's Prophecies about satan and his evil are indeed amazing.  It is clear that satan's temptations and control over the evil ones from mankind will include:

    1-  Alteration of Allah Almighty's creations through cloning and making fundamental changes to Allah Almighty's creations.

    2-  Mass brainwashing to mankind through satan's voice through:

  • Corrupt and rubbish talk.
  • Corrupt and rubbish music.
  • Broken languages and words.
  • Broken manners and standards in how to talk.
  • 3-  Dominating and controlling mankind militarily and through power and might.

    4-  Share and control mankind's wealth.

    5-  Make false promises to mankind.  His heaven will lead to Hell, and his hell will lead to Heaven.

    Again, Allah Almighty Said:

    [017:064]  "Lead to destruction those whom thou canst among them, (1) with thy (seductive) voice; (2) make assaults on them with thy cavalry and thy infantry; (3) mutually share with them wealth and children; and (4) make promises to them." But Satan promises them nothing but deceit.

    Satan's threat is real!  We have to guard ourselves from him and turn to Allah Almighty in repentance and submission.  Indeed, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty alone for making the Noble Quran be the Perfect and Everlasting Miracle, for us humans, out of all of His Divine Miracles!  And may Allah Almighty send His Peace, Mercy and Blessings upon our Beloved and Blessed Prophet, Teacher and Role Model, Muhammad.  Ameen.

  • Send your comments.

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    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in the disciples' apostatizing of each other??

    The Romans had to fake fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues: [


    200 years no gospels | 24 other thrones besides Jesus'  | Jesus' problematic hyperboles: made sinful lawful and lawful sinful | Jesus was created |
    What's new | A-Z library (3300+ articles) | "Muslims" was the original title | Quran Search | Quran Moral Code (100s of them) | Quran: Bibles are filled with corrupt  قول  qaowl (doctrines of sayings and writings)  | "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah | Jesus said he was powerless |  Paul said he wasn't sure about Holy Spirit | Disciples called each other liars, satanic, false | Paul commanded women to not expose  sex predators | Research & Blog | 9/11 Israel-lie | Youtube



    Quran's STUNNING Divine Miracles: [1]

    Allah Almighty also promised in several Divine Prophecies that He will show the Glorious Quran's Miracles to mankind.  For example:

    1-  The root letters for "message" and all of its derivatives occur 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran.  Yet, the Prophets' and Messengers' actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran.  See detailed listing here.

      See 1,000s of examples! [1]. (zip file).

    Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

    Stunning Prophecies [2] [3]


    2-  Allah Almighty said that Prophet Noah lived for 950 years.  Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the entire Noble Surah (chapter Noah) is exactly written in 950 Letters.  You can thoroughly see the accurate count in the scanned images.

    3-  Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran said that earth is:

           -  Spherical: "egg-shaped" [1].
           -  Is rotating around itself.
           -  Is moving in space in curvy orbits [2].
           -  Is traveling through the constantly expanding universe [3].

    "When the sky disintegrates, and turns rose colored like paint (وردة كالدهان)." (The Noble Quran, 55:37) [2] [3]
    As we also see from the picture, Noble Verse 55:37 is a Divine Promise (Allah promised to show mankind) that mankind will actually see this come to pass one day.  NASA and other space agencies, by Allah Almighty's Will, have certainly fulfilled this Prophecy, because a natural rose wouldn't form when a "Heaven" or a Solar System or even an entire galaxy and its
    trillions of solar systems all blow up (explode).  It is rather the look of it, and this is exactly what NASA confirms.


    Coincidence?  See 1,000s of examples [1].Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

    Islam also thoroughly rejects as man-made lies the Trinity and Crucifixion [2].  Jesus was also thoroughly called
    slave of GOD [1] in both the OT and NT.

    Quran:  All Bibles are mostly of corrupt [1] قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


    John 5:30  "I cannot do anything on my own."  (i.e., Jesus could not perform a single Miracle without GOD sending it down to him first!).  I can not perform a single Miracle on my own!!  I am totally POWERLESS without Allah Almighty!

    John 5:31  "if I (Jesus) bear witness of myself, then I would be a liar!" 

    GOD didn't talk this way when He spoke to Moses.  GOD's testimony alone is always sufficient!  Jesus also bowed his face down to the ground, like we Muslims  (Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name, and sons and daughters of GOD titles will be "no more";    ; Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40)  Muslims do everyday, and prayed to GOD Almighty.