Further Topic Research:

200 years no gospels | 24 other thrones besides Jesus'  | Jesus' problematic hyperboles: made sinful lawful and lawful sinful | Jesus was created |
What's new | A-Z library (3300+ articles) | "Muslims" was the original title | Quran Search | Quran Moral Code (100s of them) | Quran: Bibles are filled with corrupt  قول  qaowl (doctrines of sayings and writings)  | "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah | Jesus said he was powerless |  Paul said he wasn't sure about Holy Spirit | Disciples called each other liars, satanic, false | Paul commanded women to not expose  sex predators | Research & Blog | 9/11 Israel-lie | Youtube | |


What does the Quran say about Scientific Research, Libraries, Universities and Documenting Knowledge of all fields (history, geography, science, math, religion, archeology, etc...)?  Is learning only limited to learning the Quran and Hadiths (Sayings of Prophet Muhammad) only?

The sections of this article are:

1-  Allah Almighty taught us by the Pen.
2-  Prophet Muhammad also commanded it.
3-  The Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles.
4-  Conclusion.




1-  Allah Almighty taught us by the Pen:

Education seeking in all areas is Commanded by Allah Almighty.  Let us look at what Allah Almighty said in the Glorious Quran:

[096:003]  Proclaim ! and thy Lord is the Most Bounteous;

[096:004]  Who taught by the pen,

[096:005]  Taught man what he knew not.

"....Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know? It is those who are endued with understanding that receive admonition.  (The Noble Quran, 39:9)"

"...Those truly fear God, among His Servants, who have knowledge: for God is Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving.  (The Noble Quran, 35:28)"

Allah Almighty Said: "We will soon show them Our signs in the Universe and inside their selves, until it will become quite clear to them that it is the truth. Is it not sufficient as regards your Lord that He is a witness over all things?  (The Noble Quran, 41:53)"


We see in Noble Verses 96:3-5 how Allah Almighty inspired mankind to use the pen to create the library, the university, to document and to do scientific research, to advance the society, and to preserve knowledge so it can be passed down to future generations.  Via the pen, Allah Almighty made it possible for man to be taught was man knew not.  Pen means writing, documenting and reading.  Pen means research and gaining knowledge and advancing.  Scientific research and documenting knowledge, and creating libraries, schools, colleges and universities is something Allah Almighty Commanded all Muslims to seek and accomplish in the Glorious Quran.



Please visit: Muslims' contributions to science We also read in the same Noble Surah 96, in Noble Verses 96:2 and 96:16, two Scientific Miracles:


Sex determination and human creation in Islam.  Noble Verses 86:6-7 are discussed here about man created from between the Ribs and the Back Bone.  Science has confirmed that.  Allah Almighty and Prophet Muhammad both claimed that the human gender is determined by the male's ejaculated semen.  Also, refutation to the anti-Islamics' lie about sperm and semen generation in the Holy Quran.

What forms in the embryo first, the muscles or the bones?  Sex is determined by the male's sperm is mentioned in the Glorious Quran.


Summary about Embryology in the Glorious Quran: [1]
  1. Man is created from the purest and the best sperm (سلالة) that is also drawn with ease (سل ).
  2. And in another Noble Verse, sperm (نطفة) is said to be a piercing and penetrating one ( تمنى  and  يمنى  (to pierce)), which is exactly how the male's sperm enters the female's egg - through piercing through it. 
  3. The sperm (نطفة) is injected into (في) a secure and firm base (قرار مكين).  Read the following table:
  4. The sperm develops into a leech-like (علقة) substance.
  5. Then the leech-like substance develops into a chewed-like (مضغة) substance.
  6. Then from the chew-like substance bones (عظام) are created.
  7. Then the muscles (لحم) wrap around the bones.
  8. The fetus goes through "three Veils of darkness and Stages" development.  Science just confirmed it recently, and the Glorious Quran mentioned it 1,500 years ago.


See also: Sex determination and human creation in Islam.  Noble Verses 86:6-7 are discussed here about man created from between the Ribs and the Back Bone.  Science has confirmed that.  Allah Almighty and Prophet Muhammad both claimed that the human gender is determined by the male's ejaculated semen.  Also, refutation to the anti-Islamics' lie about sperm and semen generation in the Holy Quran.



From www.answering-christianity.com/blog/index.php/topic,2245.msg9932.html#msg9932:


The Male Sperm determines the Sex of the Fetus:

The Glorious Quran says that the male-sperm:

1.  Is a piercing one.  
2.  It also determines the gender.

[053:045]  And that HE creates the pairs, male and female,
From a sperm drop when it that is emitted and is penetrating 

‏53:45 وانه خلق الزوجين الذكر والانثى 
‏53:46 من نطفة اذا تمنى


[075:037]  Was he not a drop of fluid, emitted forth (and is penetrating) يمنى ?
[075:038]  The he became a clot, then ALLAH gave him shape and perfected him.
[075:039]  Then HE made of him a pair; the male and female.

‏75:37 الم يك نطفة من مني يمنى 
‏75:38 ثم كان علقة فخلق فسوى 
‏75:39 فجعل منه الزوجين الذكر والانثى


Pay attention to the definitions of تمنى and يمنى.  Both are the same word.  And notice how Allah Almighty said He created THE MALE AND THE FEMALE.  He could've just said Mankind.  But no, here Allah Almighty specified both genders.  And تمنى and يمنى is used for:

1-  Penetration.
2-  Cutting through.
3-  Piercing.

They even use the word for farmers when they insert their arms inside the cows' anus and vagina to help them with constipation and to artificially deposit semen for inseminate; for fertilization.  The Arabs also use it for stabbing and cutting with a blade!  We know that the male sperm is a piercing one.  I even provided the pictures in the article.



This is why I find it STUNNINGLY amazing that Allah Almighty said in the same Noble Verses that He created THE MALE AND THE FEMALE.  He didn't just say He created man as He did in many other Noble Verses.  Here He specified the genders.

Also pay attention regarding Allah Almighty's uses of خلقنا and جعلنا .


Please visit: www.answering-christianity.com/detailed_meanings_of_scientific_words_in_verses.htm#embryology [2]



Also Visit:

What forms in the embryo first, the muscles or the bones?
(Sex is determined by the male's sperm is mentioned explicitly in the Glorious Quran!) 




The Noble Quran on the Cerebrum: Lying is generated from the person's forehead.

What does the Glorious Quran say about lying and about taking credit and recognition for what you do not deserve?



The following article was taken from:
  • www.answering-christianity.com/detailed_meanings_of_scientific_words_in_verses.htm#embryology
  • The Noble Quran on the Cerebrum: Lying is generated from the person's forehead.
  • What does the Glorious Quran say about lying and about taking credit and recognition for what you do not deserve?

    Lying and deception are generated from the forehead:

    Noble Verse(s) 96:15-96:16

    [096:015]  Nay! if he desist not, We would will certainly smite his forehead,

    [096:016]  A lying, sinful forehead.


    [096:015]  Kalla la-in lam yantahi lanasfaAAan bialnnasiyati

    [096:016]  Nasiyatin kathibatin khati-atin

    Arabic (from right to left):

    96:15 كلا لئن لم ينته لنسفعا بالناصية

    96:16 ناصية كاذبة خاطئة

    According to

    1.  Lisan Al-Arab dictionary [1] , Book 8, Page 750.

    2.  Al-Muheet dictionary [2], Page 1229.

    3.  Al-Muajam Al-Waseet dictionary [3], Page 927.

    4.  Al-Mawrid dictionary Arabic-English section [4], Page 1152.

    5.  Arabic-English dictionary the Hans Wehr dictionary [6], Page .

    الناصية (al-naasiyah):  the forehead.

  •  قال الفراء في قوله تعالي" لنسفعن بالناصيه" ناصيته مقدمه راسه
    The Furaa' said that in Allah Almighty's Noble Verse " لنسفعن بالناصيه" (we will certainly smite his forehead),  ناصيته HIS NAASIYAH is the forehead.
  • قال الازهري: الناصيه عند العرب منبت الشعر في مقدمه الراس
    The Azhari said:  THE NAASIYAH الناصيه to the Arabs (of old) is the place where the hair grows on the beginning of the head (i.e., the forehead).


    Figure 12: Functional regions of the left hemisphere of the cerebral
    cortex.  The prefrontal area is located at the front of the cerebral
    cortex. (Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, Seeley and others, p. 210.) 

  • The Wisdom of the age of 40 in the Noble Quran, which had been Scientifically and Psychologically proven to be True.  See why Allah Almighty is more forgiving to those who are under the age of 40, and how Science and Psychology proved that people under 40 are less mature and tend to make more irresponsible decisions (i.e., mistakes and sins).
    One main reason is that the brain's "Frontal Cortex", which is also called "The Voice of Reason", develops last.  The brain takes a very long time to develop Myelin, which is a protective natural insulation that the body builds for its cells.  The brain not only doesn't complete developing Myelin for its cells until the late 20s or even past 30s, but it develops Myelin for the Frontal Cortex last!  This is where people might appear to be physically built and mature, while their brains are still underdeveloped:


    (Click to play video)
    This video demonstrates the Wisdom that is developed from the Frontal Cortex.  Allah Almighty spoke about the
    Frontal Cortex function in the Glorious Quran.  Indeed, the ones who have developed Wisdom but still deceive and
    do evil are going to be punished severely.

  • Why did the Quran describe the front of the head as being lying and sinful?  Why didn’t the Quran say that the person was lying and sinful?  What is the relationship between the front of the head and lying and sinfulness?

    If we look into the skull at the front of the head, we will find the prefrontal area of the cerebrum (see figure 12).  What does physiology tell us about the function of this area?  A book entitled Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology says about this area, The motivation and the foresight to plan and initiate movements occur in the anterior portion of the frontal lobes, the prefrontal area. This is a region of association cortex...” [1]  Also the book says, “In relation to its involvement in motivation, the prefrontal area is also thought to be the functional center for aggression....” [2]

    So, this area of the cerebrum is responsible for planning, motivating, and initiating good and sinful behavior and is responsible for the telling of lies and the speaking of truth.  Thus, it is proper to describe the front of the head as lying and sinful when someone lies or commits a sin, as the Quran has said, “...A lying, sinful naseyah (front of the head)!”

    Scientists have only discovered these functions of the prefrontal area in the last sixty years, according to Professor Keith L. Moore. [3]

    (1) Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, Seeley and others, p. 211.  Also see The Human Nervous System, Noback and others, pp. 410-411.

    (2) Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, Seeley and others, p. 211.

    (3) Al-Ejaz al-Elmy fee al-Naseyah (The Scientific Miracles in the Front of the Head), Moore and others, p. 41.



    2-  Prophet Muhammad also commanded it:

    I don't like to get into the Hadiths much, because non-Muslims and also Muslims can also pull the card of "this Hadith is considered weak... or this Hadith has broken chain which makes it doubtful".  But there is a Hadith from Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him where he did command Muslims to seek knowledge even if they have to travel to China to get it.  The following Hadiths are also important:


    Narrated Abu Musa Al-Ashari: "The Prophet said, 'He who has a slave-girl and teaches her good manners and improves her education and then manumits and marries her, will get a double reward; and any slave who observes Allah's right and his master's right will get a double reward.'  (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Manumission of Slaves, Volume 3, Book 46, Number 723)"

    Narrated AbudDarda': "Kathir ibn Qays said: I was sitting with AbudDarda' in the mosque of Damascus.  A man came to him and said: AbudDarda, I have come to you from the town of the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) for a tradition that I have heard you relate from the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him). I have come for no other purpose. 

    He said: I heard the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) say: If anyone travels on a road in search of knowledge, Allah will cause him to travel on one of the roads of Paradise. The angels will lower their wings in their great pleasure with one who seeks knowledge, the inhabitants of the heavens and the Earth and the fish in the deep waters will ask forgiveness for the learned man. The superiority of the learned man over the devout is like that of the moon, on the night when it is full, over the rest of the stars. The learned are the heirs of the Prophets, and the Prophets leave neither dinar nor dirham, leaving only knowledge, and he who takes it takes an abundant portion. (Translation of Sunan Abu-Dawud, Knowledge (Kitab Al-Ilm), Book 25, Number 3634)"

    Narrated AbuHurayrah: "The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: If anyone acquires knowledge of things by which Allah's good pleasure is sought, but acquires it only to get some worldly advantage, he will not experience the arf, i.e. the odour, of Paradise.  (Translation of Sunan Abu-Dawud, Knowledge (Kitab Al-Ilm), Book 25, Number 3656)"


    With the exception of the Hadith of China, the above Hadiths can be misinterpreted by the brainless to only be limited to one gaining knowledge of the Quran and Hadiths only, especially during the primitive days, the Madrasas (schools in Arabic) were pretty much limited to teaching the Glorious Quran and the Hadiths and some limited arithmetic (mathematics).  However, the Noble Verses above are far greater than any Hadith and are much stronger in content too.  Allah Almighty taught mankind via the pen.  Pen for us today is the universities and the libraries and the scientific research and the writing and documentation of knowledge.  Of course, one must always fear Allah Almighty in their work if they are Muslim.  Please also visit:

    Muslims' contributions to science.



    3-  The Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles:


    Quran's STUNNING Divine Miracles: [1]

    Here are some of my favorite Stunning Numerical and Scientific Miracles in the Glorious Quran that are listed in the main sections, below:

    1-  The root for message and all of its derivatives, such as messenger and others occurs 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran.  The Prophets' and Messengers', peace be upon them, actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all combined mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran.  The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here.

    Coincidence?  See 1,000s of examples! [1]. (zip file).

    Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

    Stunning Prophecies [2] [3]



    2-  The Great Miracle.  Allah Almighty in the Holy Quran called the Number 19 Miracle "One of the Mighty Ones (Miracles)" (74:30-37) [1] [2].  See the 100s of Noble Verses that clearly testify to this Great Miracle.  Also, did you know that Allah Almighty Said in Surat Nuh (that's Noble Chapter Nuh (Noah)) that Prophet Noah lived for 950 years among his people. 

    Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the entire Noble Surah is exactly written in 950 Letters [1] [2]!  You can thoroughly see this in the scanned images that thoroughly verify every single Noble Letter, in the links.  Click on the links to see the many other Numerical Miracles in the Holy Quran.  Also, see the Numerical Miracles section along with all of the other great sections.  Also, 1,000s of examples in zip & PDF (fonts) files all demonstrated in this article.

    3-  19 X 115 = 2185 Number 19 and BASMALA Miracle.  The total numerical value of Noble Verses 74:30-37 themselves, which are the heart of the Number 19 Miracle, has a stunning Miracle in it.  The value of these Noble Verses matches the multiplication of the BASMALA's number of letters (19 Letters) and their total numerical values (115): 19 X 115 = 2185.  The Basmala, which full text in Arabic means "In the Name of Allah The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful" is the Key to the Glorious Quran.  It is recited first before reading the Holy Quran, and it is also obligatory upon every Muslim to start with the Basmala before starting any task.  Again, 1,000s of examples in zip & PDF (fonts) files all demonstrated in this article.

    4-  The Glorious Quran has 114 Chapters. The sum of those Chapters is 6555 (1+2+...+114 = 6555). There are also 6236 Noble Verses in the Glorious Quran. Now, if you add each Chapter's number with the number of its Verses, then you get a list of numbers. So 1 (first Chapter) + 7 (# of its Verses) = 8.  Do this for all Chapters.

    1-  The sum of the odd numbers from the list = 6555.
    2-  The sum of the even numbers from the list = 6236.

    See the XLS file for 100% confirmation.  Also, see the ample STUNNING Numerical Miracles in the Glorious Quran, with 1,000s of examples! [1] (zip file).


    5-  Please also checkout the many hundreds (1,000s) of Great Numerical Miracles, and the many tens (10s) of other Great Scientific Miracles:


    Quran's STUNNING-Miracles Section: [1]

    Click on the following numbers:

    1-    Geology, Earth's spherical expansion, formation, Mountains and Oceanology.
    2-    The Universe, Time, Astronomy, UFOs and Space Shuttles.
    3-    Embryology, Human Anatomy, Formation, and Creation.

    4-    STUNNING Numerical Miracles in the Glorious Quran.  With 1,000s of examples! [4].  See also the ample Textual Miracles [2] in the Glorious Quran, where Noble Words are spelled in certain ways depending on their certain historical and geographical context and timing in the Noble Verse.

    5-    Medicine, Humans, Insects and Animals.
    6-    Life, Origins of life from water and dust in the Noble Quran, Plants and their origins.
    7-    Psychology.
    8-    Archeology and History.
    9-    Great Web Sites and Online Books.

    10-   Rebuttals.
    11-   General articles.

    12-   STUNNING Prophecies, and Allah's Divine Promises to reveal the Quran's Miracles.

              Stunning Prophecies [2] [3]


    13-   Audios and Videos.
    14-   Bibles' scientific absurdities and Other.

    For example:

    1-  The explosion of the Universe, Galaxies and Stars bring about Smoke.
    "When the sky disintegrates, and turns rose colored like paint (
    وردة كالدهان)." (The Noble Quran, 55:37) [2] [3]

    As we also see from the picture, Noble Verse 55:37
    is a Divine Promise (Allah promised to show mankind) that mankind will
    actually see this
    come to pass one day.  NASA and other space
    agencies, by Allah Almighty's Will, have certainly fulfilled this
    Prophecy, because a natural rose wouldn't form when a
    "Heaven" or a Solar System or even an entire galaxy and its
    trillions of solar systems all blow up (explode).  It is rather the
    look of it, and this is exactly what NASA confirms.



    The Glorious Quran declares that the earth is spherical: [1]
    Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran said that earth is:

           -  Spherical: "egg-shaped" [1].
           -  Is rotating around itself.
           -  Is moving in space in curvy orbits [2].
           -  Is in constant motion.
           -  Is suspended in space.
           -  Is swimming in space.
           -  Is traveling through the constantly expanding universe [3].
           -  The sunsetless North Pole miracle in the Glorious Quran [4]. 

  • At the top of the North Pole, the sun never sets [4], and I showed the video for that, and also quoted the scientific sources for that. Also in the lands near by, it almost never sets either, and I quoted sources for that as well, and also showed pictures of the "polar night" skies on these lands that are near the sunsetless North Pole.

    (Click to play clip by physicist, Brian Cox)

    They also spoke almost unintelligibly (18:93), the Glorious Quran says.  They hardly spoke intelligibly (18:93).  Historians have proven that the Barbarians of the North used to speak unintelligibly.  The actual meaning of the word "Barbarian" is someone who speaks unintelligibly.

  • He saw the Aurora Lights covering:

    Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saw the aurora lights covering the horizons of space above the earth when he was taken up to Heaven:

    Narrated Abdullah: "Regarding the Verse: “Indeed he (Muhammad) did see. Of the Signs of his Lord, The Greatest!” (Quran 53.18) That the Prophet had seen a green carpet spread all over the horizon of the sky قَالَ رَأَى رَفْرَفًا أَخْضَرَ سَدَّ أُفُقَ السَّمَاء." (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 456)

    Visit also:
    Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca.


    Regarding Dhil-Qarnayn (literally means "man of two horns"), Allah Almighty said this about his journey to the farthest northern lands and people:

    ‏18:90 حتى اذا بلغ مطلع الشمس وجدها تطلع على قوم لم نجعل لهم من دونها ستر

    "Until he reached near حتى اذا بلغ where the sun is up مطلع الشمس, he found it above وجدها تطلع على people قوم whom We made no cover for them from it لم نجعل لهم من دونها ستر (The Noble Quran, 18:90)"

    Noble Verse(s) 18:91


    [018:091]  Thus it was. And we had full knowledge of the forces that were with him.

    Arabic (Read from right to left.  Also, all png image files: [1] [2].  Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):

    18:91 كذلك وقد احطنا بما لديه خبرا


    Prophet Muhammad "did see" (Quran 53.18) the Aurora Lights covering the horizons above the earth from space.  Dhil-Qarnayn went up to the farthest northern lands where the sun is up, and "Thus it was", Allah Almighty completed the "full knowledge" regarding Dhil-Qarnayn's mission.  This further supports the story below about Dhil-Qarnayn's journey to the farthest northern lands and people (The sunsetless [4] North Pole Quran-miracle).  They also spoke almost unintelligibly (18:93), the Glorious Quran says.  They hardly spoke intelligibly (18:93).  For example, can you read or say this:

    "Vaðlaheiðarvegavinnuverkfærageymsluskúrslyklakippuhringurinn" ??  This is an actual word. Historians have proven that the Barbarians of the North used to speak unintelligibly.  The actual meaning of the word "Barbarian" is someone who speaks unintelligibly.  The description of the people of the North, whose North Pole is truly sunsetless (see ample pictures), perfectly fits the Barbarians of the Vikings in the Scandinavian and other Barbarians in the near by lands:

    The early Muslims believed that Dhil Qarnayn reached the people of the farthest norths of the earth.  The following is a map of Al-Sharif Al-Idrisi in year 1154 giving the geographic location of where Dhil Qarnayn went according to the understanding of the early Muslims of Noble Verses 18:83-100:

    Dhil-Qarnayn literally means "man of two horns"

    Dhil = One who has.
    قرنين Qarnayn = two horns. 
    Qarnayn is a dual plural of Qarn (horn).
    Three or more horns is Quroon, in Arabic.


    Noble Verses 53:18 and 18:91 are also prophetically linked together; that Prophet Muhammad also saw what Dhil-Qarnayn ذي القرنين  saw.  Also visit: 

    Aurora Lights Hadith


  • Other pronunciations to "Dhil Qarnayn"ذي القرنين  name:  Zul-qarnain, Dhul Qurnain, Dhu'l Qarnain, Zulqarnain, Dhu'l-Qarneyn, Dhu'lkarnein, Dhul-Qarnain, Dhu'l Qarnain, Dhool Karnain, Zul-Qarnain, Dhoulkarnain.

    (Video from NASA filming the Green Carpet Aurora Lights from space)

    Again, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saw the aurora lights covering the horizons of space above the earth when he was taken up to Heaven:

    Narrated Abdullah: "Regarding the Verse: “Indeed he (Muhammad) did see. Of the Signs of his Lord, The Greatest!†(Quran 53.18) That the Prophet had seen a green carpet spread all over the horizon of the sky قَالَ رَأَى رَفْرَفًا أَخْضَرَ سَدَّ أُفُقَ السَّمَاء."(Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 456)

    Also visit: Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca.

           -  The Glorious Quran also speaks about many earths [5] and not just earth.
           -  The Glorious Quran predicts
    11 planets in our solar system [6].


    In the end, Allah Almighty uses the Glorious Quran to "...Thus doth God leave to stray whom He pleaseth, and guide whom He pleaseth..." (74:31).  The infidels misuse the Glorious Quran to find "scientific errors".  The Glorious Quran is Allah Almighty's Perfect Divine Holy Book.  It contains no scientific error.  Visit the following example and the link to see 1000s of Numerical and Scientific Miracles:

    1-  The root for message and all of its derivatives, such as messenger and others occurs 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran.  The Prophets' and Messengers', peace be upon them, actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all combined mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran.  The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here.

    Coincidence?  See 1,000s of examples! [1]. (zip file).

    Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

    Stunning Prophecies [2] [3]


    This is also all demonstrated in good details in the following
    video file and articles:

    www.answering-christianity.com/detailed_meanings_of_scientific_words_in_verses.htm.  I used seven encyclopedic dictionaries:

    This is a picture of the seven encyclopedic dictionaries that I
    used that thoroughly demonstrate the Noble Words that contain
    the Scientific Miracles in them, and how they were used by the
    Arabs of old before and after Islam.  Ample quotations, sayings,
    proverbs and examples quoted from these dictionaries at:


    6-  The Glorious Quran's Perfect Preservation despite all of the odds and the many challenges to corrupt It.

  • Hafs vs Warsh, and Ahruf vs Qiraat thoroughly compared here.
  • Also, the produce Surah like it Quran challenge to all.  Click here.

    7-  Prophet Muhammad, and Divine Islam, and the New Covenant from Arabia were thoroughly prophesied in previous scriptures.



    4-  Conclusion.

    The Noble Quran is filled with scientific statements and notions.  These are statements of Allah Almighty describing how He created things on earth and in the Universe.  What's most amazing is that all of these scientific statements and notions had been proven to be in perfect agreement with science and our modern-day scientific discoveries.  Allah Almighty made the Noble Quran be Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) Everlasting Divine Miracle and proof for Prophethood.  The Holy Book certainly stood the test of time 1,500 years ago with Its Claims, Prophecies and Miraculous language eloquence, and it does again and again in our day today with Its overwhelming agreement with science and discoveries that were not known to man 1,500 years ago.

    Allah Almighty Said: "We will soon show them Our signs in the Universe and inside their selves, until it will become quite clear to them that it is the truth. Is it not sufficient as regards your Lord that He is a witness over all things?  (The Noble Quran, 41:53)"

    Scientific research and documenting knowledge, and creating libraries, schools, colleges and universities is something Allah Almighty Commanded all Muslims to seek and accomplish in the Glorious Quran.

    Indeed, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone for making the Noble Quran be the Perfect and Everlasting Miracle, for us humans, out of all of His Divine Miracles!  And may Allah Almighty send His Peace, Mercy and Blessings upon our Beloved and Blessed Prophet, Teacher and Role Model, Muhammad.  Ameen.





    Ask me any question section.

    Quran Moral Code (100s of them)

    The Overwhelming Scientific Miracles in the Holy Quran.

    Prophecies in the Noble Quran.

    Muslims' contributions to science.

    Prophet Muhammad's peace be upon him section.

    Allah, Islam, Quran, Muhammad questions and answers.

    What is the place of Jews, Christians and non-Muslims in Islam.

    Send your comments.

    Back to Main Page.


    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in the disciples' apostatizing of each other??

    The Romans had to fake fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues: [


    200 years no gospels | 24 other thrones besides Jesus'  | Jesus' problematic hyperboles: made sinful lawful and lawful sinful | Jesus was created |
    What's new | A-Z library (3300+ articles) | "Muslims" was the original title | Quran Search | Quran Moral Code (100s of them) | Quran: Bibles are filled with corrupt  قول  qaowl (doctrines of sayings and writings)  | "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah | Jesus said he was powerless |  Paul said he wasn't sure about Holy Spirit | Disciples called each other liars, satanic, false | Paul commanded women to not expose  sex predators | Research & Blog | 9/11 Israel-lie | Youtube



    Quran's STUNNING Divine Miracles: [1]

    Allah Almighty also promised in several Divine Prophecies that He will show the Glorious Quran's Miracles to mankind.  For example:

    1-  The root letters for "message" and all of its derivatives occur 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran.  Yet, the Prophets' and Messengers' actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran.  See detailed listing here.

      See 1,000s of examples! [1]. (zip file).

    Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

    Stunning Prophecies [2] [3]


    2-  Allah Almighty said that Prophet Noah lived for 950 years.  Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the entire Noble Surah (chapter Noah) is exactly written in 950 Letters.  You can thoroughly see the accurate count in the scanned images.

    3-  Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran said that earth is:

           -  Spherical: "egg-shaped" [1].
           -  Is rotating around itself.
           -  Is moving in space in curvy orbits [2].
           -  Is traveling through the constantly expanding universe [3].

    "When the sky disintegrates, and turns rose colored like paint (وردة كالدهان)." (The Noble Quran, 55:37) [2] [3]
    As we also see from the picture, Noble Verse 55:37 is a Divine Promise (Allah promised to show mankind) that mankind will actually see this come to pass one day.  NASA and other space agencies, by Allah Almighty's Will, have certainly fulfilled this Prophecy, because a natural rose wouldn't form when a "Heaven" or a Solar System or even an entire galaxy and its
    trillions of solar systems all blow up (explode).  It is rather the look of it, and this is exactly what NASA confirms.


    Coincidence?  See 1,000s of examples [1].Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

    Islam also thoroughly rejects as man-made lies the Trinity and Crucifixion [2].  Jesus was also thoroughly called
    slave of GOD [1] in both the OT and NT.

    Quran:  All Bibles are mostly of corrupt [1] قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


    John 5:30  "I cannot do anything on my own."  (i.e., Jesus could not perform a single Miracle without GOD sending it down to him first!).  I can not perform a single Miracle on my own!!  I am totally POWERLESS without Allah Almighty!

    John 5:31  "if I (Jesus) bear witness of myself, then I would be a liar!" 

    GOD didn't talk this way when He spoke to Moses.  GOD's testimony alone is always sufficient!  Jesus also bowed his face down to the ground, like we Muslims  (Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name, and sons and daughters of GOD titles will be "no more";    ; Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40)  Muslims do everyday, and prayed to GOD Almighty.