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200 years no gospels | 24 other thrones besides Jesus'  | Jesus' problematic hyperboles: made sinful lawful and lawful sinful | Jesus was created |
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Where was the promised Holy Spirit in the disciples' apostatizing of each other??

The Romans had to fake fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues: [


My Response for this claim consists of my personal writtings and the footnotes descriptions of the Holy Verses from my Holy Quran, which was translated by Sheik (Minister) Abdallah Yusuf Ali.

Anti-Islamic Claim:  49.Marrying the wives of adopted sons? It is important that Muslims can marry the divorced wives of adopted sons [Sura 33:37], yet it is forbidden to adopt sons [Sura 33:4-5].

My Response:   Let us look at Noble Verse 33:37 "Behold! Thou didst say to one who had received the grace of Allah and thy favour: 'Retain thou (in wedlock) thy wife, and fear Allah.' But thou didst hide in thy heart that which Allah was about to make manifest: thou didst fear the people, but it is more fitting that thou shouldst fear Allah. Then when Zaid had dissolved (his marriage) with her, with the necessary (formality), We joined her in marriage to thee: in order that (in future) there may be no difficulty to the Believers in (the matter of) marriage with the wives of their adopted sons, when the latter have dissolved with the necessary (formality) (their marriage) with them. And Allah.s command must be fulfilled."

Let us look at Noble Verses 33:4-5 "4. Allah has not made for any man two hearts in his (one) body: nor has He made your wives whom ye divorce by Zihar your mothers: nor has He made your adopted sons your sons. Such is (only) your (manner of) speech by your mouths. But Allah tells (you) the Truth, and He shows the (right) Way.

5. Call them by (the names of) their fathers: that is juster in the sight of Allah. But if ye know not their father's (names, call them) your Brothers in faith, or your maulas. But there is no blame on you if ye make a mistake therein: (what counts is) the intention of your hearts: and Allah is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful."

There is no contradiction in the Noble Verses above.

Where does it prohibit the Muslims to adopt sons in Noble Verses 33:4-5 ??!!  There is a little fraud on your part Mr. Jochen Katz !.  I suggest for you to actually read the Noble Verses that you critisise first before you attack them.  Otherwise, you will be a big fool without even knowing it.

For Noble Verse 33:37 above, it was about Zayd, the son of Harithah, one of the first to accept the faith of Islam.  He was freedman of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, who loved him as a son and gave him in marriage to his own cousin Zaynab.  The marriage however turned out unhappy. 

Zaynab the high-born looked down upon Zayd the freedman who had been a slave.  And he was not comely to look at.  Both were good people in their own ways, and both loved the Prophet, but there was mutual incompatibility, and this is fatal to married life.  Zayd wished to divorce her, but the Prophet asked him to hold his hand, and he obeyed.  She was closely related to the Prophet; he had given a handsome marriage gift on her marriage to Zayd; and people would certainly talk if such a marriage was broken off.  But marriages are made on earth, not in heaven, and it is no part of Allah's plan to torture people in a bond which should be a source of happiness but actually is a source of misery.  Zayd's wish indeed the mutual wish of the couple was for the time being put away, but it became eventually an established fact, and everybody came to know it.

All actual facts are referred to Allah Almighty.  When the marriage is unhappy, Islam permits the bond to be dissolved, provided that all interests concerned are safeguarded.  Apparently there was no issue here to be considered.  Zaynab had to be considered, and she obtained the dearest with of her heart in being raised to be a Mother of the Believers, with all the dignity and responsibility of that position.

For Noble Verses 33:4-5 above, if a man called another's son "his son", it might create complications with natural and normal relationships if taken too literally.  The truth is the truth and can not be altered by men's adopting "sons".  Adoption in the technical sense is not allowed in Muslim law.  Those who have been "wives of your sons proceeding from your loins" are within the prohibited degrees of marriage; but this does not apply to adopted sons. 

Calling a stranger kid an "adopted son" is not prohibited in Islam.   Making him dear to your heart and treating him as a real son is not prohibited in Islam.  But that kid would never have the rights of the real son.  He will never become your real son, nor can he inherit anything from you.

Please visit Did Prophet Muhammad really marry his daughter in law? for more details.

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Where was the promised Holy Spirit in the disciples' apostatizing of each other??

The Romans had to fake fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues: [


200 years no gospels | 24 other thrones besides Jesus'  | Jesus' problematic hyperboles: made sinful lawful and lawful sinful | Jesus was created |
What's new | A-Z library (3300+ articles) | "Muslims" was the original title | Quran Search | Quran Moral Code (100s of them) | Quran: Bibles are filled with corrupt  قول  qaowl (doctrines of sayings and writings)  | "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah | Jesus said he was powerless |  Paul said he wasn't sure about Holy Spirit | Disciples called each other liars, satanic, false | Paul commanded women to not expose  sex predators | Research & Blog | 9/11 Israel-lie | Youtube



Quran's STUNNING Divine Miracles: [1]

Allah Almighty also promised in several Divine Prophecies that He will show the Glorious Quran's Miracles to mankind.  For example:

1-  The root letters for "message" and all of its derivatives occur 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran.  Yet, the Prophets' and Messengers' actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran.  See detailed listing here.

  See 1,000s of examples! [1]. (zip file).

Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

Stunning Prophecies [2] [3]


2-  Allah Almighty said that Prophet Noah lived for 950 years.  Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the entire Noble Surah (chapter Noah) is exactly written in 950 Letters.  You can thoroughly see the accurate count in the scanned images.

3-  Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran said that earth is:

       -  Spherical: "egg-shaped" [1].
       -  Is rotating around itself.
       -  Is moving in space in curvy orbits [2].
       -  Is traveling through the constantly expanding universe [3].

"When the sky disintegrates, and turns rose colored like paint (وردة كالدهان)." (The Noble Quran, 55:37) [2] [3]
As we also see from the picture, Noble Verse 55:37 is a Divine Promise (Allah promised to show mankind) that mankind will actually see this come to pass one day.  NASA and other space agencies, by Allah Almighty's Will, have certainly fulfilled this Prophecy, because a natural rose wouldn't form when a "Heaven" or a Solar System or even an entire galaxy and its
trillions of solar systems all blow up (explode).  It is rather the look of it, and this is exactly what NASA confirms.


Coincidence?  See 1,000s of examples [1].Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

Islam also thoroughly rejects as man-made lies the Trinity and Crucifixion [2].  Jesus was also thoroughly called
slave of GOD [1] in both the OT and NT.

Quran:  All Bibles are mostly of corrupt [1] قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


John 5:30  "I cannot do anything on my own."  (i.e., Jesus could not perform a single Miracle without GOD sending it down to him first!).  I can not perform a single Miracle on my own!!  I am totally POWERLESS without Allah Almighty!

John 5:31  "if I (Jesus) bear witness of myself, then I would be a liar!" 

GOD didn't talk this way when He spoke to Moses.  GOD's testimony alone is always sufficient!  Jesus also bowed his face down to the ground, like we Muslims  (Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name, and sons and daughters of GOD titles will be "no more";    ; Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40)  Muslims do everyday, and prayed to GOD Almighty.