Quran's STUNNING Divine Miracles: [1] Allah Almighty also promised in several Divine Prophecies that He will show the Glorious Quran's Miracles to mankind: 1- The root letters for "message" and all of its derivatives occur 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran. Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the Prophets' and Messengers' actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran. The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here. This Miracle is covered in 100s (hundreds) of Noble Verses.2- Allah Almighty said that Prophet Noah lived for 950 years. Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the entire Noble Surah (chapter Noah) is exactly written in 950 Letters. You can thoroughly see the accurate count in the scanned images.Coincidence? See 1,000s of examples [1]. Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles. |
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Response to a comment of Sam Shamoun
has written up a response to a rebuttal by Bassam Zawadi, Shamouns response can be
found her:
The aim of this article is
not to refute Shamouns whole comment, reason being is
because Bassam will be taking care of it.
However so, all I shall be
doing is responding to a cheap shot by Shamoun aimed at me.
Shamoun Says
Finally, another Muslim writer named also wrote a response to my paper:
s rebuttal was so bad that it would be a complete waste of time refuting.
My Response
I would like
to thank Shamoun for exposing himself yet again. The reason I
say that is because Shamoun and his fellow missionaries often
like to accuse Muslim apologists of poisoning the well. Basically what that means is to
try and influence the reader before they read anything you have to say so the reader will
not take what you say seriously.
So note, Shamoun is very guilty of that, he does not quote any of my rebuttal, but yet tries to influence the reader by a cheap shot in
claiming that my rebuttal was so bad, therefore he already manages to influence his reader
so they do not take my rebuttal seriously.
So next time Shamoun accuses anyone of poisoning the well, this article will
always come up to expose him, so thanks Sam, much appreciated.
Now to my
rebuttal which he claims is bad, I will merely quote it to show how silly Shamoun is and how badly he exposed himself.
From my
supposed bad rebuttal:
So Sunni Muslims, why are you hiding this piece of information from people, especially from those whom you seek to convert? And, in light of the various formulations of the Shahadah found within the Sunni collections of hadith, which one is the REAL testimony which a person is required to profess in order to become an orthodox Sunni Muslim?
Well I found the last part of Shamoun's
article very funny indeed. Note how he accuses all Sunni Muslims of hiding this shahada, maybe Shamoun should change his
profession now to a detective?
To begin with, the shahada is
bearing witness that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.
Secondly, Shamoun is very
wrong when he says Sunni Muslims are hiding this piece of information. I myself have heard
several shahadas in which the new convert pronounces the shahada which Shamoun brought up! Many
Muslims confess that Jesus is just a servant, and Allah's word and spirit when taking the shahada so Shamoun is wrong, no one is
hiding anything.
So now I ask Shamoun
something, ' why did you just falsely accuse all Sunni Muslims of hiding the shahada you showed when in fact many pronounce it'? Shamoun must apologize for making a false statement like that, he
should not be so quick in accusing others in the future or it will fall flat on his face
again like it just did.
Thirdly, Shamoun exposes
himself again. Shamoun claims Muslims are hiding this
information yet he is quoting from Muslim websites!!!!!! He is quoting from one of the
main english translated hadith websites, hillarious! So Sam is
now guilty of intentionally lying, since how can Sunni Muslims be
hiding this information when he is quoting a Sunni Muslim website? If the Sunni Muslims
were hiding this information then how is he able to quote it? So Shamoun
just exposed himself as a liar, typical missionary I must say.
I suggest that Shamoun
chooses his words more carefully next time when he seeks to attack his counter-parts in
case it backfires very badly. :)
So note how I exposed Shamoun for the liar he is. In his
article he attacked Muslims for supposedly hiding information on the shahada,
yet he was quoting from Sunni Muslim sources which are available online!!!!!! Now it makes
sense to why Shamoun wanted to poison the well, it was because
he did not want people to see how silly he looked, and how badly he got exposed for
getting caught in another lie.
Also, my rebuttal was a simple rebuttal,
Shamouns argument was that the shahada
had to mention Jesus, and Shamoun tried to assert not many
Muslims knew this etc. I showed that I knew this before-hand and had heard people mention
Jesus in their shahada which basically shuts Shamoun down.
So my question to Shamoun
is why did you prove that you are a typical lying missionary by claiming Sunni Muslims
hide this piece of information when they dont, and you quote Sunni sources, and if
they did hide it how did I hear it?
Shamoun also
tries to save face for this lie by saying:
Hiding here does not mean to erase but to downplay, ignore and teach people not to follow
it. Think and understand what you are reading before you say something, Zawadi.
Again, this is a lie, because I HAVE
HEARD THE SHAHADA WITH JESUS BEING MENTIONED. So once again you are lying, I have
witnessed it, so stop lying and thinking you can get away with, or actually keep lying so
I can keep exposing you so no one will take you seriously, in fact I do not know how
anyone can take you seriously after your sick insulting against me:
So keep lying more, it just helps me
more, and it is much appreciated so keep producing your rubbish which you actually think
convinces people.
And do not take this personally, I am
not trying to be mean or insulting but just stating things for the way they are. You do
not expect me to let you get away with cheap shots towards me, no it does not work like
that, if I see that you try and carry out a cheap shot against me, and try to influence
your readers to look negatively upon me then I will defend myself and expose you to the
Rebuttals, and exposing the lies of the Answering Islam team section.
Rebuttals to the so-called "Errors" in the Noble Quran.
Rebuttals to Sam Shamoun's Articles section.
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Quran's STUNNING Divine Miracles: [1] Allah Almighty also promised in several Divine Prophecies that He will show the Glorious Quran's Miracles to mankind: 1- The root letters for "message" and all of its derivatives occur 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran. Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the Prophets' and Messengers' actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran. The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here. This Miracle is covered in 100s (hundreds) of Noble Verses.2- Allah Almighty said that Prophet Noah lived for 950 years. Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the entire Noble Surah (chapter Noah) is exactly written in 950 Letters. You can thoroughly see the accurate count in the scanned images.Coincidence? See 1,000s of examples [1]. Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles. |