Quran's STUNNING Divine Miracles: [1] Allah Almighty also promised in several Divine Prophecies that He will show the Glorious Quran's Miracles to mankind: 1- The root letters for "message" and all of its derivatives occur 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran. Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the Prophets' and Messengers' actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran. The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here. This Miracle is covered in 100s (hundreds) of Noble Verses. 2- Allah Almighty said that Prophet Noah lived for 950 years. Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the entire Noble Surah (chapter Noah) is exactly written in 950 Letters. You can thoroughly see the accurate count in the scanned images. Coincidence? See 1,000s of examples [1]. Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles. |
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Responding to A Christian apologist’s response on the Christology of Jesus
Mr ,
i'm Mark Bennett, a Christian Apologist. Nice to meet you and I appreciate
your section on answering-christianity.com
commenting on your rebuttal 35 to Sam Shamoun. If you make a retraction or make some
corrections or atleast a logical response to me, I will give you more of my comments on
other articles of yours if you would like.
will be examing your last point to Sam, on this response of yours to his article: https://www.answering-christianity.com/christology_rebuttal.htm
Hello Mark, glad to see your e-mail, I
always enjoy these dialogs with Christians.
I shall respond to each points of
yours hopefully, so lets go.
So if the fullness of God dwelt in Jesus, then why
would satan try and tempt Jesus? Satan already would know God
is in Jesus so why would he try and tempt him? That’s one problem you must solve for
us. It makes no sense for satan to try and tempt Jesus while satan knew the fullness of
God was in Jesus, and Jesus himself must have known this, so why did satan try and tempt
Jesus like he did?
My Response to
There are several points in order here:
1) This is a question from ignorance on what the
bible says. To begin with you are assuming Satan is afraid of tempting God, however the Holy Bible teaches Satan has indeed tempted
God and he is NOT afraid of tempting God. At this point your argument fails
because you made some priori assumptions that God cannot be tempted by Satan, Yet we find these assumptions to be unbiblical and
pressupositional from another source of your own rather than the bible.
2) Secondly, Christ has 2 natures. One is Deity, One
is Humanity. As you are aware Satan is able to tempt humans. Jesus is Fully Human and as a
Man he does exhibit all weaknesses of humans and all human attributes and qualities
except sin and his very nature is human, not half god half human, Jesus is not
some kind of superhuman or superman or spiderman or batman, he is fully man not
superman. So even if Satan was to afraid to tempt God(which we
find he is not in the bible), again Satan has nothing to be scared of because he is
tempting Jesus humanity which is not all powerful.
My Response
Now as for your first point, I think
it is you who has mis-understood what I am going for, I am not saying satan
never tries to tempt God, I am not saying that at all. What I am saying is that satan in
no way would tempt God the way he did Jesus, satan would never make such a silly request
such as asking God to worship him, nor would satan tempt God by telling him he will give
him all the kingdoms of the earth when they already belong to God! Please read rebuttal 6
which is just on this very topic of satan tempting Jesus. The
way in which satan tempted God showed he did not view Jesus as
God because satan would never ask God to worship him, nor would he make such silly offers
to God. So my point is not that satan would never tempt God, my
point is satan would never tempt God which such silly ideas such as these. These acts
carried out by satan did show he clearly viewed Jesus as a man ONLY, what he offered to
Jesus were things MEN would love, such as power etc. That is what satan
offered Jesus, satan would not make such silly actions on the true God. So that is my
point, my point is satan would never tempt God in the way he
did Jesus. Please visit rebuttal 6.
As for your second response, this in
my opinion is a very weak response. I addressed this slightly in rebuttal 6 but I will
bring it up again. The fact that Jesus is man and has those weaknesses is true and valid,
but here is why this argument fails. Did not Jesus know he was God? Yes, offcourse he did,
Jesus always knew he was God. So deep down he knows he is God, he already knows that all
the kingdoms of the heaven and the earth are his. This argument is strong ONLY if Jesus
did not know he was God, the fact he knows he is God helps him a lot to over come such
human weaknesses such as in this case.
The fact is satan did this
is because Jesus is not God, nor did satan take Jesus as God.
My Response to
1) This is a strawman fallacy. Whether satan believes Jesus is God is not relevant to the aim of sams
article. The aim is to prove the historical orthodox christian position on
whether christology agrees with these particular 3 biblical passages, what
satan thinks is not relevant to this article.
My Response
It is indeed very relevant and not a
straw man at all. If you read what I said earlier which is related to what Sam brought up
which is:
Colossians 2:9:
"For in Him dwells (katoikei) all the fullness
(pleroma) of the Deity (theotetos) bodily (somatikos)."
I simply responded to this by bringing
up a relevant issue which is if the fullness of God dwelt in Jesus, then why would satan ever try to tempt Jesus in the way he did! He knew it would be
useless and he would gain nothing, the fact he did tempt Jesus the way he did is because
he did not view Jesus as God but a mere man which is why he tempted him with such things.
So I am sticking to the topic, I
brought up a point which conflicts with this verse, so not a straw man at all. You have to
take it all together, if you bring a verse saying Jesus is God, and I bring something from
your Bible which shows the opposite then that is not a straw man at all as long as it
still dealing with the topic at hand which is ‘is Jesus God’? If I had
mis-interpreted the verse Sam provided and then from that mis-interpretation attacked him
that would be a straw man, but I have not mis-interpreted the verse at all and I am going
by it, if the fullness of God was in Jesus, why would satan tempt him in such a way in
which he knew he would fail before he even tried it?
and Jesus knew he
wasn’t God.
My Response to
This is a false assertion.
My Response
Not at all, Jesus did know he is not God. Consult rebuttal 24
Secondly if the fullness of God is in Jesus,
then this means God went to the bathroom, went to sleep, went to eat, and went to cry and
My Response to
1) This is correct. This seems to be an appeal to
emotion that it is beneth the dignity of God to become a human and exhibit human
qualities. I don't need to comment on this because again this is not
relevant to the purpose of sams article. The article is simply
seeing what these verses say about christological issues.
2) Also by affirming "If the fullness of
God is in Jesus, oh by the way then your God would be going to the bathroom etc...(your
argument: Christian God goes to the bathroom, sleeps, prays??)", you
have confirmed Jesus is God according to Paul, because Paul explictly said the
"fullness of God is in him bodily". So we are infact in agreement that Paul
thinks Jesus is God bodily. Now you are contradicting your own position in your very
own article.
My Response
As to your first response, this is
very relevant to the topic. If the fullness of God in Jesus which is what Sam brought up,
then this means God slept and ate etc. This is not something God does
nor will ever do, he is above that. That is why he is God.
As to your second response, you have
mis-understood me, I am showing the fallacy in believing in
such a statement. I am showing that if I did believe like you did, then this means God
went to the bathroom, went to bed, ate food and so on, and God does not do that. So I am
showing the error in this.
Thirdly this also means your God is not all-knowing,
since Jesus stated he doesn’t know the last hour, since the fullness of God was in
him, then this means God to didn’t know therefore he cant be God.
My Response to
This is a false dilemma that needs
to be corrected. The fullness of God is in Jesus bodily, yet the divine nature of God
is not in Jesus bodily.
My Response
The divine nature is not in Jesus? How
can the fullness of God be in Jesus yes the divine nature is not there? This does not make
sense. Anyway once again, the fact that Jesus did not know the last hour means he is not
God, note he said ONLY the father meaning even the divine nature of Jesus did not know but
ONLY the father.
Or was that the man part only? Question, when do you
know the man Jesus is talking and not the divine Jesus? The fact is you don’t but you
have to guess.
My Response to
The question is irrelevent to sams
article. Another red herring. This is a
christological verse written by Paul and we are trying to see what Paul is saying about
My Response
This is not a red herring and is very relevant, it seems you are not following my argument. Shamoun brought
a verse which said the fullness of God is in Jesus, if so. Then How
come Jesus did not know the last hour? Infact you gave the answer which I said Christians
would which is if this was the man part only which is what you implied in your last
statement. So then my question again is, when do you know when the man Jesus is speaking,
and when do you know the divine nature of Jesus is speaking? These are all important
questions that arise from the verse that was brought up.
Secondly, what happens to the divine spirit of Jesus
when the man part of Jesus takes over? Is it hiding? Is it conscious? Where is it?
My Response to
This is a follow up question to the former question
above. Non-related to the topic again, but I will answer. Let me first correct your
false assumption. The divine Jesus does not possess the human Jesus when he needs to
speak. Jesus is fully man and when he speaks he is speaking as a man and when
making divine claims he is referring to his very own deity. As for the divine spirit of
Jesus he is omnipresent.
My Response
This is all related to the topic at
hand, it all falls under the verse which was brought up. If the fullness of God is in
Jesus, then how come he did not know the last hour? You would say that is the man part of
Jesus, so hence I am asking where is the divine nature of Jesus when the man nature of
Jesus takes over? So you see this all related to the topic at hand.
Now I must you have not corrected me,
I still state when Jesus is talking as a man with his man nature, then where is the divine
nature of Jesus? Where is that divine nature of Jesus which knows everything, which is all
power full and so on? Where is it? Everyone knows that according to Christians that Jesus
has dual natures, the man and the divine, so when the man is talking where is the divine
and what happened?
Thirdly, how can the human nature overcome the divine
nature of God? That is illogical and IMPOSSIBLE.
My Response to
Here we agree, it cannot.
And theres no reason to believe these verses teach anything
like that unless we be illogical and bring our false pressupositions to the table.
My Response
Here we do not agree, we do not agree
at all. You do in fact believe the man nature of Jesus does overcome the divine nature.
When Jesus does not know the last hour you say that was the man and the weaknesses of the
man, so hence the man nature overcomed the divine, same when Jesus eats and so on. This is
still all connected to the verse which Shamoun brought up.
So this verse actually leaves you with more problems
than solutions,
My Response to
There are no problems except when you make logical
fallacies that CAUSE problems.
My Response
No logical fallacy has been committed
so the problem remains. I just showed that you as Christians do believe the man nature
overcomes the divine nature so the problem remains, and it is a very big problem.
but anyway, Paul
said it, not Jesus, and Paul is a liar so I for one could care less to what he has to say.
My Response to
You here are confirming Paul confirmed Jesus Divinity
and Jesus did not and so you pass Paul off as a liar. Why are you then refuting sam on
this last verse? You agree with him that Paul says Jesus is God. This is a waste of
time. This of course tells us that this rebuttal to the last verse was irrelevant.
The aim of the article was to establish whether these 3 biblical passages were in
agreement with the Historical Orthodox Christian view that Jesus is Eternal God. You
however seem to not care what Paul thinks therefore making your article redundant to
yourself and others. You admit since Paul made this explict statement that the Fullness of
God is in Jesus bodily that Paul believes Jesus is God and he goes to the bathroom etc. On
the one point your article is redundant because you don't care what paul thinks, yet you confirm the christian position that Paul teaches
Jesus is God, but then try refuting it at the same time by saying Sam failed to prove this
verse proves Jesus is God. This needs to be changed
My Response
I am refuting Sam on this verse to
show that Paul has no idea to what he is saying which I believed I did. As you can see how
many questions and problems have arisen by this single passage, this is why I called Paul
a liar because this verse causes a lot of problems. Yes Paul may have viewed as Jesus is
God, but as you can see he cannot back it up as it contradicts what Jesus said and did. I
still say, I could care less to what Paul says, I just decided to respond because it
wouldn’t be good enough for me to just say ‘ah yes Paul said it so who
cares’ that would be weak from me, so I decided I would respond to it although I
could care less to what Paul has to say.
So yes Sam did fail to prove Jesus is
God with this verse, as you can see all the problems and questions that arose. So I stick
with it, Paul is a liar and I am merely showing his inconsistency.
Much more could be said to show how silly this
verse is, but that should be enough.
My Response to
No lets hear these other
points. Just no more logical fallacies
My Response
Well there has not been one single
logical fallacy yet, you can find these other points here:
This brief examination of yours on three key biblical
passages to show that Jesus is God completely failed.
My Response to
This of course is a false conclussion when we
can clearly see a direct comment by Paul showing
otherwise. I will deal with the book of John aswell at a future date.
My Response
This is not a false conclusion, they
failed very badly. We ended up with more questions than answers from ONE single verse!
That shows how bad this situation is and that Paul did not know what he was saying.
Jesus is not God, get over it, you will never
be able to prove it, and whatever information you bring I will always be there to refute
it, insha'Allah. J
My Conclussion
As everyone can see it doesn't
matter what information one brings to Mr he has already decided he can refute it.
These last comments show that you are unfortunately indeed close minded to evidence and
truth. Your motives when evaluating evidence from the bible are already clearly bias.
Not only this but you agree Paul
says Jesus is God, while at the same time you attempt to refute sam believing he
failed to prove Jesus is God while maintaining that what Paul says is irrelevant anyway.
My conclussion is that you are very confused and need to correct atleast this part of the
Thankyou Mr
Samatri for taking the time to read my review of your work. I hope we can have a
good correspondance in the future.
My Response
There is no need for any correction,
it seems you have not understood my points, maybe they were a
bit to much. The fact is let me say it once again. If we take what Paul says as the truth,
this leaves us with several problems as you saw, that is what I am getting at. You are now
going on straw mans my friend, you are mis interpreting my stand point and from that you
are leading your argument.
Paul can say whatever he wants, he can
bring 700 verses of him saying Jesus is God, what I do is examine them and see if they are
consistent with the 4 gospels of John, Matthew, Mark, and Luke. This is what I did here,
and as we saw, Paul’s statements show he is wrong and Jesus cannot be God, yes this
verse may claim Jesus is God but does that mean it’s the truth? As we saw no it isn’t, so yes Shamoun still failed to prove Jesus is God
because this verse fails and falls and has a lot of problems. So I am not confused at all,
my position is very clear and straight forward.
I also look forward to more dialogs
with you to.
Rebuttals, and exposing the lies of the Answering Islam team section.
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Quran's STUNNING Divine Miracles: [1] Allah Almighty also promised in several Divine Prophecies that He will show the Glorious Quran's Miracles to mankind: 1- The root letters for "message" and all of its derivatives occur 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran. Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the Prophets' and Messengers' actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran. The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here. This Miracle is covered in 100s (hundreds) of Noble Verses. 2- Allah Almighty said that Prophet Noah lived for 950 years. Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the entire Noble Surah (chapter Noah) is exactly written in 950 Letters. You can thoroughly see the accurate count in the scanned images. Coincidence? See 1,000s of examples [1]. Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles. |