Quran's STUNNING Divine Miracles: [1]

Allah Almighty also promised in several Divine Prophecies that He will show the Glorious Quran's Miracles to mankind:

1-  The root letters for "message" and all of its derivatives occur 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran.  Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the Prophets' and Messengers' actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran.  The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here.  This Miracle is covered in 100s (hundreds) of Noble Verses.

2-  Allah Almighty said that Prophet Noah lived for 950 years.  Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the entire Noble Surah (chapter Noah) is exactly written in 950 Letters.  You can thoroughly see the accurate count in the scanned images.

Coincidence?  See 1,000s of examples [1].  Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

Islam also thoroughly rejects as man-made lies the Trinity and Crucifixion [2].  Jesus was also thoroughly called
slave of GOD [1] in both the OT and NT.


Further Topic Research:
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Examining Sam Shamoun's character part 2




This shall be the second part of my series of 'Examining Sam Shamoun's character'. The reason I once again write an article of his character is because me and Shamoun recently had a chat on paltalk. In the conversation we had Shamoun insulted, and as usual lied. However so, much to his sadness, I saved the conversation for all to see, so all could see how he lies and how he acts, which is like a kid. So I must thank Shamoun for this conversation, he exposed himself for me, which I must say is rather sweet. After the conversation I will be writing my comments on what he lied about.


The Conversation


I am Answering-Christianity, Shamoun is Answering nobody, oh sorry Answering Islam, silly me. :)



Answering-Christianity:  im writing a rebuttal to u now                                      

Answering-Christianity:  so no can do                     

Answering Islam: lool                                                                                          

Answering-Christianity:  very bad article of urs

Answering-Christianity:  look seriously

Answering-Christianity:  no jokes

Answering Islam: u mean more comedie skteches?

Answering Islam: sure

Answering-Christianity:  but ur jewish messiah article

Answering-Christianity:  seriously

Answering Islam: my man

Answering Islam: keep dreaming

Answering-Christianity:  re check it

Answering-Christianity:  because

Answering Islam: ur stuff is pathetic

Answering-Christianity:  u mis interpret

Answering-Christianity:  the islamic concept

Answering Islam: like ur latest piece

Answering-Christianity:  of spirit

Answering-Christianity:  and word

Answering-Christianity:  etc

Answering Islam: ah huh

Answering-Christianity:  so

Answering Islam: sure I did

Answering-Christianity:  either

Answering-Christianity:  re check it

Answering Islam: like I did prayer

Answering-Christianity:  or keep it

Answering Islam: come in

Answering-Christianity:  and get exposed up to u

Answering-Christianity:  no u will see in this one

Answering Islam: we are badly needing someone to expose

Answering-Christianity:  i quote

Answering-Christianity:  what ibn kathir

Answering Islam: and u are the top ioft

Answering-Christianity:  and them

Answering Islam: I mean guy

Answering-Christianity:  early muslims

Answering Islam: for the job

Answering Islam:   

Answering-Christianity:  on whattttttt they say

Answering-Christianity:  about jesus being spirit

Answering-Christianity:  and word

Answering Islam: ah huh

Answering-Christianity:  its not like u interpreted

Answering Islam: sure u will

Answering-Christianity:  so hmmmmm

Answering Islam: ah huh

Answering-Christianity:  yup i did


Answering Islam: sure

Answering-Christianity:  anyway im going to be refuting sina

Answering Islam: loool

Answering-Christianity:  and u can refute him to

Answering Islam: man

Answering-Christianity:  he said

Answering-Christianity:  the biblical account

Answering Islam: u can't refute a kid

Answering-Christianity:  of moses

Answering-Christianity:  and the calf

Answering-Christianity:  is fabricated

Answering Islam: he is entitled to his views

Answering-Christianity:  i wrote in the article that you would be happy to refute that   

Answering Islam: but u are not the oen to do it

Answering Islam: since u will humiliate urself

Answering-Christianity:  yes yes

Answering-Christianity:  yessss sureeeeeee

Answering-Christianity:  muslims like my stuff

Answering-Christianity:  thats what matters

Answering Islam: sure they do

Answering-Christianity:  yes

Answering Islam: every time they have tried to use it in the rooms

Answering Islam: tehy get smoked

Answering-Christianity:  aha

Answering-Christianity:  sure

Answering-Christianity:  sure

Answering Islam: so thanks for helping them get humiliated

Answering Islam: they owe it to u

Answering-Christianity:  yes yes

Answering Islam:   

Answering-Christianity:  yes yes keep blabbering onnnnnn

Answering Islam: ah huh

Answering Islam: come in

Answering-Christianity:  im writing

Answering Islam: take a break

Answering-Christianity:  no

Answering-Christianity:  lol

Answering Islam: and join us

Answering Islam: since ur stuff is trash anyway

Answering-Christianity:  i havent been doing alot

Answering-Christianity:  i took a small break

Answering Islam: and could u please ur ur latest stuff

Answering-Christianity:  so i must stay on task                     

Answering Islam: on so called contraditing myself regarding Jesus being the last

Answering-Christianity:  yes the one where u contradict yourself 4 timesssss

Answering-Christianity:  hahahahahah

Answering-Christianity:  FOUR TIMES!

Answering-Christianity:  FOURRRRRRRR

Answering Islam: since I want the room to see even more reasons y u lack basic comprehension

Answering-Christianity:  maybe 5

Answering-Christianity:  i lost count

Answering Islam:   

Answering Islam: ah huh

Answering-Christianity:  yes i got ur point

Answering Islam: come in

Answering-Christianity:  but

Answering-Christianity:  u still

Answering Islam: and tell the room that

Answering-Christianity:  contradicted urself

Answering-Christianity:  u must say

Answering-Christianity:  this

Answering-Christianity:  FROM THE BEGINING

Answering-Christianity:  not give the impression

Answering-Christianity:  that there are NOOOO MOREEEEE

Answering-Christianity:  then say there areeeeee

Answering Islam: ah huh

Answering Islam: please come in the room

Answering Islam: since I don't wat to talk behin ur back and say how stupid u are

Answering Islam: it is more fair for u to be here

Answering Islam: and use that agrument against me

Answering Islam: so people can see how stupid u are

Answering Islam:   

Answering-Christianity:  yes yes like a child you act

Answering Islam: ah huh

Answering-Christianity:  go back to the play ground

Answering Islam: man

Answering Islam: here is ur chance to prove to the world I contradicted myself

Answering Islam: FIVE times

Answering Islam: so wait are u waiting for

Answering-Christianity:  4 times

Answering-Christianity:  the world can see

Answering-Christianity:  i quoted u


Answering Islam: ah huh

Answering Islam: sure they can

Answering Islam: they can see that u have proven my charge against u

Answering Islam: so please expose me in here

Answering-Christianity:  say sorry for mocking me,     

Answering Islam: before I do it behind ur back

Answering-Christianity:  last time

Answering Islam:   

Answering-Christianity:  u mocked so just say sorry

Answering Islam: well

Answering Islam: I didn't mock

Answering-Christianity:  yup u did

Answering Islam: I have to call stupidity for wut it is

Answering Islam: and ur stuff is stupid

Answering-Christianity:  theres different ways

Answering-Christianity:  u mocked

Answering Islam: worse then OSAMA

From me, Osama Abdallah:

Osama, by the Grace and Mercy of Allah Almighty, has converted countless people to Islam both directly (people taking the Shahada by him) and indirectly (people thanking him for helping them embrace Islam).

How many people have you converted?

Answering-Christianity:  u know it

Answering-Christianity:  i know it

Answering Islam: CAN'T LIE

Answering-Christianity:  sure

Answering-Christianity:  sure it is

Answering Islam: please

Answering Islam: we are waiting for u to embarrass me

Answering-Christianity:  LOL

Answering-Christianity:  sureeeeeeeeeeeeee

Answering-Christianity:  mic vs txt

Answering-Christianity:  yahhhh

Answering-Christianity:  thumbs up


Answering Islam: nice excuse

Answering Islam: u have the etxt all to ur self

Answering-Christianity:  look we had 3 dialog-debates, u lost each one man, u didnt prove Allah prays, u didnt refute the terror in the OT, and u cudnt show muhammad had no miracles so dude get over it, on mic u can fool, but the hard facts u didnt proveeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Answering Islam: to flood it if u want

Answering Islam: can't help it if u are too cheap

Answering Islam: to get a mic

Answering Islam: well

Answering-Christianity:  im not cheap at all

Answering Islam: try this latest one

Answering Islam: please

Answering Islam: that one I really want people to hear

Answering Islam: that I contradicted myself

Answering Islam: please show the room

Answering Islam: PLEASE EXPOSE ME

Answering-Christianity:  ur exposed already


Answering Islam: ah huh

Answering-Christianity:  inconsisten very

Answering Islam: sure I am

Answering-Christianity:  veryyyyyyyy

Answering Islam: yes

Answering Islam: very

Answering Islam: so come in here

Answering-Christianity:  very inconsistennttttttttt

Answering-Christianity:  very very

Answering Islam: since I will have to make a recording of me destroying ur paper

Answering Islam: without u prsent to defend it

Answering Islam: we are waiting

Answering-Christianity:  yes go ahead

Answering-Christianity:  then ill refute ur recorded trash

Answering-Christianity:  and expose u more

Answering Islam: ok

Answering-Christianity:  than u have already been

Answering Islam: I will open th room for u later

Answering Islam: since I really want u to embarrass me

Answering-Christianity:  yes yes

Answering Islam: in front of people

Answering Islam: and show them

Answering-Christianity:  shooooooooo

Answering Islam: how I contradicted myself

Answering-Christianity:  more refutations on the way

Answering Islam: and we will record for the site

Answering-Christianity:  ur finnished

Answering-Christianity:  over

Answering Islam: my man

Answering-Christianity:  over

Answering-Christianity:  i aint ur man

Answering Islam: please keep producing them

Answering-Christianity:  i aint ur freind neither

Answering-Christianity:  and i dont like you neither

Answering-Christianity:  so lets stop games

Answering Islam: u now have the rep of being the worse debater

Answering-Christianity:  and all that crap

Answering Islam: worse then Osama

Again, from me, Osama Abdallah:

Osama, by the Grace and Mercy of Allah Almighty, has converted countless people to Islam both directly (people taking the Shahada by him) and indirectly (people thanking him for helping them embrace Islam).

How many people have you converted?

Answering-Christianity:  be a man

Answering Islam: u make him look good

Answering Islam:   

Answering-Christianity:  and dont lie like a satan

Answering Islam: so keep it up

Answering-Christianity:  and act all freindly

Answering Islam: come in

Answering Islam: and I will be frinedly

Answering-Christianity:  nop u broke it

Answering Islam: u are the hypocrit and liar who attcks my character in ur papers

Answering-Christianity:  i thought maybe

Answering-Christianity:  maybe u are abit good

Answering-Christianity:  but nahhhhh

Answering-Christianity:  ur trash

Answering Islam: and all i do is expose and humiliate u

Answering-Christianity:  i dont respect u

Answering Islam: that's it

Answering-Christianity:  dont like u

Answering Islam:   

Answering Islam: my man

Answering-Christianity:  and ill enjoy exposing u

Answering-Christianity:  and i do

Answering Islam: that's fine

Answering-Christianity:  very much so

Answering-Christianity:  yes it is fine

Answering Islam: it is because I have humiliated ur prophet

Answering Islam: that is y

Answering Islam: u can't stand me

Answering Islam: too bad

Answering Islam: we are waiting

Answering-Christianity:  nop

Answering Islam: ok

Answering Islam: I will opne later

Answering-Christianity:  LOL u havent done anything

Answering-Christianity:  u know

Answering Islam: when svyat is on

Answering-Christianity:  i read ur papers

Answering Islam: and rename the room's title

Answering-Christianity:  when i didnt know much on Islam and so on

Answering-Christianity:  and u still cudnt convince me!

Answering Islam: Answering-Christianity Ashamed of His prophet

Answering Islam: so I expect to see u online later

Answering-Christianity:  yes yes that will be a lie

Answering-Christianity:  do it

Answering Islam: take care

Answering-Christianity:  and ill write about it

Answering-Christianity:  go ahead

Answering Islam: ah huh

Answering Islam: sure

Answering-Christianity:  u will see a new one

Answering Islam: please do

Answering-Christianity:  exposing ur character


Answering Islam: since u will prove my point

Answering-Christianity:  yah that ur a liar

Answering Islam: that I opened a room and u were too ashamed to defedn ur prophet

Answering Islam: I have already

Answering-Christianity:  yes yes

Answering Islam: written on that very point on NA

Answering-Christianity:  i will expose u on that 2

Answering-Christianity:  as i did

Answering Islam: so please do

Answering-Christianity:  in ur character article

Answering Islam: so I expect to se u later

Answering-Christianity:  every one sees

Answering Islam: bye

Answering-Christianity:  how low u are

Answering-Christianity:  and how bad u act

Answering Islam: I don't blame u

Answering-Christianity:  yes

Answering-Christianity:  yes

Answering-Christianity:  i dont blame u neither for lying

Answering Islam: I would be ashamed of Muhammad too

Answering-Christianity:  i mean

Answering-Christianity:  paul

Answering-Christianity:  what can u say

Answering-Christianity:  and thanks

Answering Islam: yes Muhammad

Answering Islam: was a liar

Answering Islam: since he followed the father of lies

Answering-Christianity:  for quoting ishaq

Answering-Christianity:  thanks

Answering Islam:   

Answering-Christianity:  for quoting on ishaq

Answering Islam: sure

Answering-Christianity:  on paul

Answering Islam: my pleasure

Answering-Christianity:  to act like muslims are supposed to believe in him as a good man

Answering Islam: and I also quoted Qurtubi

Answering-Christianity:  because i exposed u on it nice and easily


Answering Islam: and Tabari

Answering-Christianity:  yes quote them ALLLLLL

Answering Islam: see u soon

Answering-Christianity:  yes

Answering-Christianity:  good

Answering Islam:   

Answering-Christianity:  u touched on it

Answering-Christianity:  in this article

Answering Islam: too bad u are ashamed of ur prophet and articles

Answering-Christianity:  and nice easily brisked offffffff

Answering Islam: see u later

Answering-Christianity:  yes yes

Answering Islam: and expect u to be there

Answering-Christianity:  yes yes

Answering-Christianity:  make the title so i can expose u as a liar even more

Answering Islam: ah huh

Answering Islam: when u don't enmter

Answering Islam: u prove my point

Answering Islam: by

Answering Islam logged off at 8:27 PM

Answering Islam came online at  8:28 PM

Answering-Christianity:  no i dont enter

Answering-Christianity:  because i told u

Answering-Christianity:  u mocked

Answering-Christianity:  u made fun

Answering-Christianity:  so i told u

Answering-Christianity:  i dont do it like thaty


Answering-Christianity:  so dont go invent new lies

Answering-Christianity:  like u do with ur book

Answering Islam: we will be waiting

Answering Islam: take care

Answering-Christianity:  yes wait

Answering-Christianity:  i dont waste my time with u, i only refute, u lost ur chance



So there you go, note how he mocks, insults and so on. At least I was honest enough to say that I dont like him, nor do I respect him. I dont hide the truth unlike him, he smiles at you but deep down he hates you, this is a sign of a hypocrite.


Now Shamoun did lie, so its good we can all see it togethor, here was his first lie:


Answering-Christianity:  muslims like my stuff

Answering-Christianity:  thats what matters

Answering Islam: sure they do

Answering-Christianity:  yes

Answering Islam: every time they have tried to use it in the rooms

Answering Islam: tehy get smoked


I was telling Shamoun that Muslims like my articles, so Shamoun knowing he was cornered went and said that he always smokes them when they come to his room and use my material. The reason why this is a lie is because he is inventing stories up now, or he is exagerating. I can assure you that many Muslims who have gone to his room have NOT used my material against him, this is a joke by him, I only know of two people who went to his room using my material, one of them was SPRONX, who is an imposter to start off with, and the other one shall remain un-named. So hence stop inventing stories up.


Secondly, are we supposed to take Shamoun's word that he actually did refute those people who supposedly used my material? According to Shamoun he refutes everyone! Me and Shamoun had 3 debates, in each one of them he claimed to have humiliated me when he never proved his point!


1- He failed to show Allah prays, yet he said he humiliated me.


2- He failed to refute me on the terrorist verses in the OT, he went on to say that babies were hitlers, and yet he said I got humiliated!


3- He failed to show Muhammad had no miracles, he even mis-interpreted a surah to try and act like he did to which I easily answered him. Consult this link as it deals with the issue he brought up:




So hence Sam is guilty of over-exageration, and keeps on using it as if its true, hence he is now lying. See when you are dellusional, you start to have fantasies, and after a while you start to believe in them, this is the case with Shamoun.


Now to his second lie:


Answering Islam: and rename the room's title

Answering-Christianity:  when i didnt know much on Islam and so on

Answering-Christianity:  and u still cudnt convince me!

Answering Islam: Answering-Christianity Ashamed of His prophet

Answering Islam: so I expect to see u online later

Answering-Christianity:  yes yes that will be a lie

Answering-Christianity:  do it


That is a huge lieee, and thank God its documented, and this proves that Shamoun is the biggest liar, note he says he will be opening up a room called 'Answering Christianity Ashamed of his prophet'. That is a lie, I am not ashamed of Muhammad at all!


So hence Shamoun has to open up a room title with a false statement, hence giving a false impression to his puppet Christians who hang around him. So thank you for lying, I am not ashamed of Muhammad at all, you should be ashamed of yourself for lying like a coward and making false banners to give false impressions. So hence thank you for lying.


Third lie:


Answering-Christianity:  and ill write about it

Answering-Christianity:  go ahead

Answering Islam: ah huh

Answering Islam: sure

Answering-Christianity:  u will see a new one

Answering Islam: please do

Answering-Christianity:  exposing ur character


Answering Islam: since u will prove my point

Answering-Christianity:  yah that ur a liar

Answering Islam: that I opened a room and u were too ashamed to defedn ur prophet


Shamoun once again goes on lying. He is acting like he wants me to post the conversation, as he says it will expose me for being a coward. LOL, Shamoun is trying to make it seem that im afraid to go into his room, yet the man seems to lack memory, because I have been to his room NINE times, and out of those NINE times we have debated three times. So this actually exposes you for being a liar, the fact is that you have never gone into a Muslim room even when we were waiting for you, I on the other hand came to your room and debated you THREE times even when it was unfair as you were on mic and I was on text. So dont give false impressions that im afraid to go to your room, I have been to your room NINE times and debated you THREE times infront of your own crowd, so that should silence your lie. If I was afraid of you and your room, I would have never even gone in one time, and I would never have debated you once.


However so we will let the reader decide.


Question to the reader:


I have been to Sam Shamouns room 9 times, out of those 9 times I have debated him 3 times, I never left any of those debates until they were finnished, and the debates were infront of a large Christian audiance who are supporters of Shamoun. So the question is this, do you the reader honestly think that I am scared to enter Shamoun's room?


Now let me remind Shamoun to why I no longer go to his room, infact I told him that the last time I was in his room. Incase he didnt catch it here it is again:








So now do you understand why I dont go into your silly room? You even said lets be respectable, YOU BROKE THAT AGREEMENT, not me.


However so here is what I say to Shamoun:










So the as soon as I have a mic, I will inform you, and we shall get it on infront of the Muslims! Infact when I get a mic, I will post it on the site for all to know that I have a microphone. This will be very soon, I am just currently busy so that is why I have not bothered in getting a micrphone for debates, I just started posting the rebuttals less than a month ago, and I am also now currently refuting Ali Sina, so it is a busy schedule. However so, sit tight, I will be having a microphone very soon, but im not going to go and rush myself for you.


Now finally, if you noticed, Shamoun is quite fond of mocking me, by claiming I cant refute a kid, that my articles are terrible. I find this funny as he has yet not been able to refute A SINGLE ARTICLE OR ARGUMENT OF MINE. So as I said before, talk is cheap. All your doing is talking, but actually try and refute what I said, rather than mock and insult which is all you can do. Infact let me help you out, here is the link with all of my rebuttals to you, try and refute one of them so I can crush your response as I do to your initial arguments.





So I would like to send a big thank you to Shamoun, this would not have been possible without you.


P.S.: I am sure Shamoun will be barking and pretending that he wanted me to show this conversation, but thats a common argument tactic, or a form of intimidation. Its like when someone says you just wait! I am going to show everyone what you said! The other person being cornered, and having no options has to play his last card by claiming: Go ahead and show it! I want you to show it! Basically hes bluffing, basically he's trying to play his last card, he's trying to intimidate you into not showing people what you said you would show. This is a common trick, this shows how silly Shamoun is. Well Shamoun, there you go, I posted it for all to see, yes yes as you said, it would expose me. ;).







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Quran's STUNNING Divine Miracles: [1]

Allah Almighty also promised in several Divine Prophecies that He will show the Glorious Quran's Miracles to mankind:

1-  The root letters for "message" and all of its derivatives occur 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran.  Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the Prophets' and Messengers' actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran.  The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here.  This Miracle is covered in 100s (hundreds) of Noble Verses.

2-  Allah Almighty said that Prophet Noah lived for 950 years.  Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the entire Noble Surah (chapter Noah) is exactly written in 950 Letters.  You can thoroughly see the accurate count in the scanned images.

Coincidence?  See 1,000s of examples [1].  Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

Islam also thoroughly rejects as man-made lies the Trinity and Crucifixion [2].  Jesus was also thoroughly called
slave of GOD [1] in both the OT and NT.