The Manifest Sign of Iron

by Joubin

In the Name of ALLAH The Inifinitely Good The Infinitely Merciful!

The Manifest Sign of Iron, to strengthen the faith of The Believers, by The Grace of ALLAH:

The Manifest Sign of Iron:

Iron (chemical symbol, Fe) is specifically mentioned in The
  as a 'material' which is:
    - Sent Down
    - is strong
    - has diverse uses
in Sura 57 (Hadid), Sign 26. [This is notated as 57.26]

This sura (57) has 30 Signs (Ayat or verses).

Overall partition of Sura 57 (for Fe)

[ Sura 57 has 30 Signs ]
aye: 1                  
26   30
diff:       25            4
5*5           2*2

[Note that the folding of this partition into a right-angle triangle gives
rise to a hypotenuse whose length is the square-root of 641, which is a Prime

It should be noted that Iron is also mentioned in 4 other Suras/Signs in The Qur'an:

[Note that 17+18+22=57 and 34 acts as a point of symmetry]

Manifest Signs (Scientific Facts):

- The atomic number of Fe (Iron) is 26.

    [Sura 57 Sign 26]
    [Gematrical value of 'HADID' (arabic for Iron) is also 26]

- There are 4 stable isotopes of Fe

[30 - 26] = 4

- One of the stable isotopes of Fe is is Fe-57.

[Sura 57]

- There are 22 known isotopes of Fe.

[Iron is mentioned in 22.22]

- The oxidation states of Fe are 2, 3.

    26 = 2 * 13
    57 = 3 * 19

    [Sura 57 Sign 26]

- Crystal Structure :
        Cell Parameters
            (a/pm), (b/pm), (c/pm) = 286.65

    286.65 = ((26 * 22)/2) + (26/40)

    [Sura 57 Sign 26
    Sura 22 Sign 22]

- The electro-negativity (Pauling units) of Fe is 1.83

    ~= ( ( 30 - 26 ) * 26 ) / 57 = 1.824561403509
    ~= ( 4 * 26 ) / 57 = 1.824561403509

    [Sura 57 Sign 26]
    [There are 30 ayats in Sura 57.]

- The melting point of Fe is (in 3 different scalar systems):

    Note that

        'F system is Antropomorphic
        'C system is Terramorphic
        'K system is Terramorphic (psuedo universal)

    [all: Sura 57 Sign 26]

i) 1538 'C = (57 * (26 + 1)) - 1

ii) 2800 'F = ((57 * (26 + 1)) - 1) * 9/5 + (26 / 2 + 57 / 3)

    This is using the formula 'F = 'C * 9/5 + 32
    Please note: 32 = 26/2 + 57/3 (!) 

    = (57 - 1) * (26 - 1) * 2
        [error of 0.4]

iii) 1811 'K
    = 1538 'C + 273 = 1538 + (26 * 21) / 2
    = (57 * ( 26 - 1)) + 411   [note: 114 backwards -- Qur'an has 114 Suras]
    = (57 - 1) * (26 - 1) + (26 * 4 * 4) - 4 = 1812

- The Boiling point of Fe is [See note re. systems]:

i) 2861 'C

    = ((( 17 + 18 + 22 + 34 + 57 ) -
5 ) * 5 * 4 ) + 1

    Note: Iron (HADID)

        - is mentioned exactly [5] times in Qur'an
        - is mentioned in [5] different Suras,
            Suras { 17,
18, 22, 34, 57 }
        - [4] are regarding uses of Iron
        - [1] is specifically regarding Iron as a Material [57.26]

ii) 3134 'K

    ~= 2861 'C + 273 = 2861 + ( ( 26 * 21 ) / 2 )

        Using formula 'K ~= 'C + 273
            Please note: 273 =
(26 * (22-1)) / 2 


    = ((( 57 * ( 26 + 1 )) + 26 + 4 ) * 2 ) - 4

- Standard Atomic Weight of Iron (Fe) is 55.845

    = 57 - (((4*26)+1)*22)/2000

    [Sura 57 Sign 26
    Sura 22 Sign 22]

- Mean Excitation Energy (eV) of Fe is 286.0

    286.0 = (26 * 22) / 2

    [Sura 57 Sign 26
    Sura 22 Sign 22]

- Effective Nuclear Charges

    Orbital (1s) = 25.38

        25.38 = 26.0 - 0.62 [note symmetry]

    [Sura 57 Sign 26]

- Electron Binding Energies (eV)


        1s = 7112   = ((26 * 547)/ 2) + 1
        2s = 845    
= ((26 * 65) / 2) - 1
        3s = 91.3   ~= ((26 * 7) / 2) [=91; error=0.3]
        3p1/2 = 52.7 ~= (26 * 2) [=52; error=0.7]
        3p2/3 = 52.7

    [Sura 57 Sign 26]

- Bonding Distance [in Pico meters /pm = 1 * 10^-12]

    For Fe <-> Fe = 248.2

        248.2 ~= ((26 * 57) / 6) + (26 / 22) [=248.18..;error < 0.02]

    [Sura 57 Sign 26]
    [Sura 22 Sign 22]

- Atomic Radius [/pm] For Fe:

    140 (empirical)

        140 = 5 * (26 + 2)

    156 (calculated)

        156 = 26 * 6

    [Sura 57 Sign 26]

- Covalent Radius [/pm] for Fe:

    125 (empirical)

        125 = ((26 * 5) - 5)

    [Sura 57 Sign 26]
    [5 Suras, 5 Signs]

- Ionic Radii of Fe [/pm]

    Fe(II) 4 cord,tetrahedral = 77
        77 = (26 * 3) - 1

    Fe(III) 4 cord,tetrahedral = 63
        63 = (26 * 2) + (22 / 2)

    Fe(II) 4 cord,square-planar = 78
        78 = (26 * 3)

    Fe(II) 6 cord,octahedral = 75
        75 = (26 * 3) - 3

    Fe(II) 6 cord,octahedral-highspin
    Fe(III) 8 cord = 92
        92 = ((26 * 7) / 2) + 1

    Fe(II) 8 cord = 106
        106 = (26 * 4) - 2

    [Sura 57 Sign 26]
    [Sura 22 Sign 22]

- Valence Shell Orbital Radii

    Orbital (s) = 136.6 [/pm]

        136.6 ~= (26 * (22 - 1)) / 4 [=136.5;error=0.1]

    Orbital (d) = 38.2 [/pm]

        38.2 ~= ((26 * 3) / 2) [=39; error=0.8]
~= ((57 * 2) / 3) [=38; error=0.2]

    [Sura 57 Sign 26]
    [Sura 22 Sign 22]

- Physical Properties of Fe

    Reflectivity: 65 [/%]

        65 = (26 * 5) / 2

    Molar Volume: 7.09 [/cm^3]

        7.09 ~= ((26 * 62) / (57 * 4)) [7.07017= ;error <
0.02 ; note symmetry: 26/62] 

    Density of Solid: 7874 [/kg m^-3]

        7874 = (26 * 303) - 4

        [note: 303 = (57 * 4 * 4)/3 - 1]

    Velocity of Sound: 4910 [/m s^-1]

    4910 = (26 * 189) - 4

        [note: 189 = (57 * 2 * 5)/3 - 1]

    (Brinell) Hardness: 490 [/MN m^-2]

    490 = ((26 * 57) /3) - 4

    (Vickers) Hardness: 608 [/MN m^-2]

    608 = (57 * 32) /3

    Rigidity Modulus: 82 [/GPa]

    82 = (26 * 3) + 4

    Bulk Modulus: 170 [/GPa]

    170 = (26 * 26)/4 + 1

    Electrical Resistivity: 9.7 [/10^-8 Ohm.m]

    9.7 = ((26 * 3) + (57 / 3)) / 10

    [Sura 57 Sign 26 (sura has 30 (i.e 26 + 4) signs)]




[Sura 26 Al-Hadid "Iron"]

    In the Name of ALLAH

        The Gracious
        The Merciful

    And HE IS

        The First
        And The Last

        And The Manifest
        And The Hidden

        And HE Has
            Full Knowledge of all things


        WE Sent Our Messengers
                With Manifest Signs

        And Sent Down With them
            The Book and
            The Balance

                That people may act with Justice

        And WE Sent Down 

                Wherein is material
                    For violent warfare
And diverse uses

            For mankind

                And that ALLAH may Know
                    Those who help HIM and HIS Messengers



        ALLAH IS


[ Sura 57 Sign 26]

    Thus it is

        That the People of The Book may know

            That they have no power
                Over anything
                    Of The Grace
                        Of ALLAH

            And that Grace is
                    In The Hands
                        Of ALLAH

                HE Gives it to whomsoever HE Pleases !

    And ALLAH IS

        The Master Of Immense Grace !

[Sura 57.30]



    And if you are in doubt

        As to what WE have Sent Down
            to OUR servant

            Then produce a Sura like it

And call upon your helpers
Besides ALLAH
If you are truthful

            But if you do it not
And never shall you do it

            Then guard against

The Fire

Whose fuel is
Men and Matter

Which is prepared
For the unbelievers

And give Glad Tidings

    To those who

        Believe and
        Do good works

    That For them are


            Beneath which flow streams

        Whenever they are given a portion
        Of fruit therefrom they will say

            This is what was given us before

        And Gifts mutually resembling Shall
Be Brought to them

            And they will have therein
Pure mates
            And therein will they abide

[The Glorious Qur'an]

All Praise is due to The Most Merciful alone

    The Friend & Teacher of the faithful.

And your LORD IS

    Most Forgiving
    Most Merciful


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Quran's STUNNING Divine Miracles: [1]

Allah Almighty also promised in several Divine Prophecies that He will show the Glorious Quran's Miracles to mankind:

1-  The root letters for "message" and all of its derivatives occur 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran.  Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the Prophets' and Messengers' actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran.  The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here.  This Miracle is covered in 100s (hundreds) of Noble Verses.

2-  Allah Almighty said that Prophet Noah lived for 950 years.  Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the entire Noble Surah (chapter Noah) is exactly written in 950 Letters.  You can thoroughly see the accurate count in the scanned images.

Coincidence?  See 1,000s of examples [1].  Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

Islam also thoroughly rejects as man-made lies the Trinity and Crucifixion [2].  Jesus was also thoroughly called
slave of GOD [1] in both the OT and NT.