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Parameter: 91:1-91:5

Noble Verse(s) 91:1-91:5

Yusuf Ali:

[091:001]  By the Sun and his (glorious) splendour;

[091:002]  By the Moon as she follows him;

[091:003]  By the Day as it shows up (the Sun's) glory;

[091:004]  By the Night as it conceals it;

[091:005]  By the Firmament and its (wonderful) structure;

Dr. Munir Munshey (one of www.answering-christianity.com's authors):

[091:001]  (I swear) by the sun and its radiant light,

[091:002]  And the moon that trails (and reflects) its light.

[091:003]  By the day that reveals (the sun).

[091:004]  And the night that veils it.

[091:005]  (I swear) by the sky, and (by) Him Who made it.


[091:001]  Waalshshamsi waduhaha

[091:002]  Waalqamari itha talaha

[091:003]  Waalnnahari itha jallaha

[091:004]  Waallayli itha yaghshaha

[091:005]  Waalssama-i wama banaha

Arabic (Read from right to left.  Also, all png image files: [1] [2]).  Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):

91:1 سورة الشمس بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ٛــــ والشمس وضحاها

91:2 والقمر اذا تلاها

91:3 والنهار اذا جلاها

91:4 والليل اذا يغشاها

91:5 والسماء ومابناها

Sher Ali:

[091:001]  By the sun and its brightness,

[091:002]  And by the moon when it follows the sun,

[091:003]  And by the day when it reveals the sun's glory,

[091:004]  And by the night when it draws a veil over the light of the sun.

[091:005]  And by the heaven and its wonderful structure.


[091:001]  I swear by the sun and its brilliance,

[091:002]  And the moon when it follows the sun,

[091:003]  And the day when it shows it,

[091:004]  And the night when it draws a veil over it,

[091:005]  And the heaven and Him Who made it,


[091:001]  By the sun and his brightness,

[091:002]  And the moon when she followeth him,

[091:003]  And the day when it revealeth him,

[091:004]  And the night when it enshroudeth him,

[091:005]  And the heaven and Him Who built it,


[091:001]  By the sun, and its rising brightness;

[091:002]  by the moon, when she followeth him;

[091:003]  by the day, when it sheweth his splendor;

[091:004]  by the night, when it covereth him with darkness;

[091:005]  by the heaven, and Him who built it;

Muhammad Al-Hilali & Muhsin Khan:

[091:001]  And by the sun and its brightness;

[091:002]  And by the moon as it follows it (the sun);

[091:003]  And by the day as it shows up (the suns) brightness;

[091:004]  And by the night as it conceals it (the sun);

[091:005]  And by the heaven and Him Who built it;


[091:001]  By the sun and its noonday brightness!

[091:002]  And the moon when it follows him!

[091:003]  And the day when it displays him!

[091:004]  And the night when it covers him!

[091:005]  And the heaven and what built it!


[091:001]  By the sun and his morning brightness

[091:002]  and by the moon when she follows him,

[091:003]  and by the day when it displays him

[091:004]  and by the night when it enshrouds him!

[091:005]  By the heaven and That which built it

Khalifa: (why is he here?)

[091:001]  By the sun and its brightness.

[091:002]  The moon that follows it.

[091:003]  The day that reveals.

[091:004]  The night that covers.

[091:005]  The sky and Him who built it.


[091:001]  BY the SUN and his noonday brightness!

[091:002]  By the Moon when she followeth him!

[091:003]  By the Day when it revealeth his glory!

[091:004]  By the Night when it enshroudeth him!

[091:005]  By the Heaven and Him who built it!


The number of Noble Verses returned: 65

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See also Quran Moral Code (100s of them)