Author Topic: EXPOSING SHIISM  (Read 25482 times)

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Offline adnaanshaikh195

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« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2013, 07:58:21 PM »
It pleases me to know there are intelligent people here.

Hate achieves nothing.

A Muslim is a Muslim. Stop the sectarian division. You weaken the ummah when you do this.

The Shi'ites are willing to go to war for the ummah. We are all brethren.

The point of this topic was not hate and bash on Shiites, it's just to prove that their beliefs distinguish themselves from the people of Ahl us Sunnah and that some of the things they do can actually take them out of Islam without knowing!

The point of the topic was to expose them!

Offline Mujahid Saifullah

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« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2013, 08:04:41 PM »
It pleases me to know there are intelligent people here.

Hate achieves nothing.

A Muslim is a Muslim. Stop the sectarian division. You weaken the ummah when you do this.

The Shi'ites are willing to go to war for the ummah. We are all brethren.

The point of this topic was not hate and bash on Shiites, it's just to prove that their beliefs distinguish themselves from the people of Ahl us Sunnah and that some of the things they do can actually take them out of Islam without knowing!

The point of the topic was to expose them!
That is alright, brother. It is a raw issue, because Muslims are murdering other Muslims over this issue.

Offline zulfiqarchucknorris

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« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2013, 01:51:00 PM »
dear adnaanshaikh195
i have shown you no disrespect, so please dont disrespect me by calling me "a joke".
Another thing, I never claimed that you claimed that jews were fire worshippers, i just said that the claim that they decend from a jew and a fire worshiper is false, as for ibn saba', the shia actually have a negative view of him and view him as an extriemist.
As for the Mahdi, i said the shia claim that he is the son of hassan al askari, i know sunnis differ from the belief (I am neither shia or sunni, but i agree with thesunnis on this)also he would "restore islam", isn't that like the sunni interpretation, yet i agree with you that there are fundemental differences, however the basic idea is the same.
As for syria, you should know that people there are trying to establish a democracy and get rid of the dictator, and some of the more Islamist ones are terrorist groups, like al nusra. Also bashar is not just killing unnni smuslims he is also murdering christians, druze, shia, and even some of the alawites that are opposed to him, I fear for those alawites because bashar wants to kill them and so do the rebels.
Also the Caliphate from 632-1924 had SOME good rulers, Abu Bakr, Ali, etc. but it was not united, or peaceful, Almost (which means some were not) all the caliphs after the first 5 (Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Hassan) had there flaws and were either brutal, weak, oppresive, Spoiled, or lived like kings, and after those 5 the caliphate was a monarchy, not a democracy. and dont blame The unestablishment of the caliphate for division, the muslims were divided even when there was a caliph. BTW, if a syrian kurdish muslim died, then my fellow muslim brother has died, if a syrian arab druze dies, then my arab brother has died, if my syria arab muslim friend dies, then my arab-muslim brother dies, its not just muslims who are dying, its all syrians, and they want a democracy and removal of the dictator, not the establishment of the caliphate.

Offline There is only one God

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« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2013, 10:11:20 AM »
Waliyat does not mean belief in 12 demigods. A single Google search really makes the rest of your paragraph fall apart. Also, if Sunni books like Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim say stuff like the prophet became naked, possessed, cursed and whipped innocent people, had his mother thrown into hell, does that mean all Sunnis believe that? I most certainly don't. adnaanshaikh195 reminds me of these people:

Offline adnaanshaikh195

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« Reply #19 on: February 19, 2013, 12:48:33 PM »
Waliyat does not mean belief in 12 demigods. A single Google search really makes the rest of your paragraph fall apart. Also, if Sunni books like Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim say stuff like the prophet became naked, possessed, cursed and whipped innocent people, had his mother thrown into hell, does that mean all Sunnis believe that? I most certainly don't. adnaanshaikh195 reminds me of these people:

Period pains again I see,

Firstly, I got the information from an extract of a video

Secondly, if you used your brain, you would realize that it was not literal, meaning saying that they worship 12 demigods is referring to the imams they idolise and worship.

Thirdly, by googling if it is true, do you actually think a shia jew will say "Oh yeah btw, we worship 12 demigods", you are an idiot.

Finally, 'Sunni books'? So what other books are you going to reffer to, it's fardh to follow the sunnah, Sunnis are about 85% of muslims world-wide and it means that they are Ahlus-sunnah (People of the sunnah). you are a bellend, so what books do you refer to? Jack and the beanstalk? Also, the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) was put under a spell by a jewish magician, but it did not affect his attitude, Gabriel came down and told him how to undo it etc. It seems you are just a fool who picks and chooses what hadith he wants to follow, and believes anything he reads on the internet LMAO. Lemme guess, you searched up "Why are sunni's wrong " or anything along that crap, you believe everything on the internet.


Period pains

Offline There is only one God

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« Reply #20 on: February 19, 2013, 01:31:28 PM »
Waliyat does not mean belief in 12 demigods. A single Google search really makes the rest of your paragraph fall apart. Also, if Sunni books like Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim say stuff like the prophet became naked, possessed, cursed and whipped innocent people, had his mother thrown into hell, does that mean all Sunnis believe that? I most certainly don't. adnaanshaikh195 reminds me of these people:

Period pains again I see,

Firstly, I got the information from an extract of a video

Secondly, if you used your brain, you would realize that it was not literal, meaning saying that they worship 12 demigods is referring to the imams they idolise and worship.

Thirdly, by googling if it is true, do you actually think a shia jew will say "Oh yeah btw, we worship 12 demigods", you are an idiot.

Finally, 'Sunni books'? So what other books are you going to reffer to, it's fardh to follow the sunnah, Sunnis are about 85% of muslims world-wide and it means that they are Ahlus-sunnah (People of the sunnah). you are a bellend, so what books do you refer to? Jack and the beanstalk? Also, the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) was put under a spell by a jewish magician, but it did not affect his attitude, Gabriel came down and told him how to undo it etc. It seems you are just a fool who picks and chooses what hadith he wants to follow, and believes anything he reads on the internet LMAO. Lemme guess, you searched up "Why are sunni's wrong " or anything along that crap, you believe everything on the internet.


Period pains
Why are you always referring to your mom's predicament (period pains)?
Oh wow! Youtube is your primary citation! No wonder you are so hateful!
And my post was all from memory.
I see you still struggle with science as you fail to grasp even the proper spelling of the word 'Atheist'. You might wanna look up burial rites and ancient religion on google. Education helps. Unless you're one of those Christian fundies going "KNOWLEDGE IS FROM SATAN!"
I was referring to Sahih Bukhari.

Offline Mujahid Saifullah

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« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2013, 01:03:58 AM »

Your fascination with menstruation is bizarre.


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