Author Topic: EXPOSING SHIISM  (Read 25468 times)

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Offline adnaanshaikh195

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« on: February 10, 2013, 11:19:34 AM »
Yes, I said I was leaving, but i came across a few videos yesterday that are exposing the blasphemy Shia do.

Shia rabbi says satan is braver than Allah

Yasir Habib - Suicide is allowed for sake of Hussein

Allah is name of Ali, Fatima, Hasan, Hussein

Shia priest says he can also make Allah cry 

They are not muslims. The reactions of the Shia sheep who did not say anything will shock you.

How shias view there imams

Origins of Shiaism

You will learn there why they hate Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) etc and why they worship Ali

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« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2013, 11:33:17 AM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Adnan,

Thank you akhi for the links.  Please don't be hard on yourself.  You're always welcomed to come back anytime.  Being a casual poster is the best.  You benefit Muslims with valuable information, and you're not devouring your time with endless arguments.  I am 100% for that, and I encourage all brothers and sisters on this board to consider this.

May Allah Almighty bless you!  Ameen.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2013, 12:05:15 PM »
Wow!!  In this link that brother Adan provided,, the Shia Priest said that Ali is the LORD of even Allah Almighty's Holy Attributes!

Amazing how these polytheists are!  I am going to generate a good video tonight insha'Allah with clips from the videos that brother Adnan gave.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline There is only one God

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« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2013, 12:24:04 PM »
*sigh* you do realize you're doing the same thing Hitler was doing when preparing for the Holocaust. Take a few random people from a certain group and make it look like the whole group is like that. You go to an Islamophobic site they'll show pics of Muslims doing bad stuff. There are only two who will know Shiism best:
The Shi'a

If we judge their sect, it will only make bad worse for us. Look behind the dollar bill, the Judeo-Christian alliance has already been established and is running the NWO.

Lowkey's sorted this for me i suppose:
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 12:27:01 PM by There is only one God »

Offline Mujahid Saifullah

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« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2013, 12:46:45 PM »
*sigh* you do realize you're doing the same thing Hitler was doing when preparing for the Holocaust. Take a few random people from a certain group and make it look like the whole group is like that. You go to an Islamophobic site they'll show pics of Muslims doing bad stuff. There are only two who will know Shiism best:
The Shi'a

If we judge their sect, it will only make bad worse for us. Look behind the dollar bill, the Judeo-Christian alliance has already been established and is running the NWO.

Lowkey's sorted this for me i suppose:

Offline Tanveer

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« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2013, 12:48:43 PM »
Koray's mum is very wise. Like she said. If they call themselves muslim regardless of whatever they do just leave it between them and Allah.

Offline There is only one God

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« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2013, 01:16:45 PM »
Koray's mum is very wise. Like she said. If they call themselves muslim regardless of whatever they do just leave it between them and Allah.
I find it so weird you mentioned Koray's mom LOL

Offline Tanveer

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« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2013, 01:29:04 PM »
Koray's mum is very wise. Like she said. If they call themselves muslim regardless of whatever they do just leave it between them and Allah.
I find it so weird you mentioned Koray's mom LOL
Hehe. Didnt he mention that he asked his mum if shias were muslims and she said if they say they're muslims its between them and Allah (or something along those lines). It stuck with me.

Offline There is only one God

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« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2013, 01:41:12 PM »
Koray's mum is very wise. Like she said. If they call themselves muslim regardless of whatever they do just leave it between them and Allah.
I find it so weird you mentioned Koray's mom LOL
Hehe. Didnt he mention that he asked his mum if shias were muslims and she said if they say they're muslims its between them and Allah (or something along those lines). It stuck with me.

What are you doing here? Help Quransearchcom find his missing Quran! He's been searching for it everywhere, even made a company about it called QuranSearchCompany

Offline adnaanshaikh195

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« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2013, 02:26:17 PM »
Koray's mum is very wise. Like she said. If they call themselves muslim regardless of whatever they do just leave it between them and Allah.
I find it so weird you mentioned Koray's mom LOL
Hehe. Didnt he mention that he asked his mum if shias were muslims and she said if they say they're muslims its between them and Allah (or something along those lines). It stuck with me.

What are you doing here? Help Quransearchcom find his missing Quran! He's been searching for it everywhere, even made a company about it called QuranSearchCompany

They are not muslims.
Anyone who worships anyone other than Allah swt is not a muslim, or worships someone with Allah.
Also, speaking of Judeo-Christian alliance, the Shiites allied with the Crusaders to kill the muslims!
Even today, they believe that there '12th Imam' will come and he will kill muslims, like literally all people of Ahlus-Sunnah and he will destroy mosques and will resurrect Aisha, Umar, Abubakr etc and will torture them! They also believe there '12th' Imam will have Jewish-Christian followers in the majority, they also believe he will bring the Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) will become one his followers, seriously? This is not Islam.

They believe this dajjal is living in a cellar too, lmao what a joke.

The Shiites believe there imams are divine and have knowledge of the unseen. There are sects amongst them too, such as the Awlaites who believe in a trinity, they are the people of Bashar-Al-Assad (May Allah destroy him) who are fighting against the muslims of Syria.

Some Shiites even believe that Jibraeel made a mistake and was supposed to give Ali revelation. Shiites do not decend from the Ahluh-Bait, (the ones they worship), but they decend from a Jew and a Pagan fire worshipper.

I'm sorry if I sound rude, but if you worship anything with Allah you are NOT muslim, the pagan arabs knew that Allah was the one who provided rain, etc and had the power to give life and cause death, but they believed in Incessors liked the Shiites do when they call upon the dead (Ali, Imams) etc.

It's funny how people say "Oh they are muslim, respect them", when they independently curse us and they believe anyone who is not on there Aqeeda is not on the right path, they are disgusting, i'm sorry I am not apart of anyone who curses the Companions of the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) and kills my brothers and sisters in Syria etc.

Offline Mujahid Saifullah

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« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2013, 03:57:08 PM »
Who benefits most from the ummah's internal fighting? The Zionists and the West. Know your true enemy, brother.

Offline There is only one God

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« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2013, 06:44:00 AM »
Koray's mum is very wise. Like she said. If they call themselves muslim regardless of whatever they do just leave it between them and Allah.
I find it so weird you mentioned Koray's mom LOL
Hehe. Didnt he mention that he asked his mum if shias were muslims and she said if they say they're muslims its between them and Allah (or something along those lines). It stuck with me.

What are you doing here? Help Quransearchcom find his missing Quran! He's been searching for it everywhere, even made a company about it called QuranSearchCompany

They are not muslims.
Anyone who worships anyone other than Allah swt is not a muslim, or worships someone with Allah.
Also, speaking of Judeo-Christian alliance, the Shiites allied with the Crusaders to kill the muslims!
Even today, they believe that there '12th Imam' will come and he will kill muslims, like literally all people of Ahlus-Sunnah and he will destroy mosques and will resurrect Aisha, Umar, Abubakr etc and will torture them! They also believe there '12th' Imam will have Jewish-Christian followers in the majority, they also believe he will bring the Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) will become one his followers, seriously? This is not Islam.

They believe this dajjal is living in a cellar too, lmao what a joke.

The Shiites believe there imams are divine and have knowledge of the unseen. There are sects amongst them too, such as the Awlaites who believe in a trinity, they are the people of Bashar-Al-Assad (May Allah destroy him) who are fighting against the muslims of Syria.

Some Shiites even believe that Jibraeel made a mistake and was supposed to give Ali revelation. Shiites do not decend from the Ahluh-Bait, (the ones they worship), but they decend from a Jew and a Pagan fire worshipper.

I'm sorry if I sound rude, but if you worship anything with Allah you are NOT muslim, the pagan arabs knew that Allah was the one who provided rain, etc and had the power to give life and cause death, but they believed in Incessors liked the Shiites do when they call upon the dead (Ali, Imams) etc.

It's funny how people say "Oh they are muslim, respect them", when they independently curse us and they believe anyone who is not on there Aqeeda is not on the right path, they are disgusting, i'm sorry I am not apart of anyone who curses the Companions of the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) and kills my brothers and sisters in Syria etc.

ACHHU! Excuse me, I'm allergic to bs. TOO MUCH bs. Sources please, that's a first. The rest is a rambling that's saying "May Allah destroy them" to those who believe in a trinity, what about Christians? Why not target them? One word: FEAR. If one say: converts, to Islam, will it change where he descends from? Because you said all Shiites descend from pagans. I guess in a sense you're right, we all descend from Atheists, since Neanderthals had no religion (though they buried their dead). Also, while I keep you searching for citations to the lies you wrote, why don't you see this?,909.0/topicseen.html

Offline zulfiqarchucknorris

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« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2013, 01:51:24 PM »
1st: the crusaders fought against the shias of the area, the fatimids, they took jerusalem from the fatimids
2nd: "they decend from a Jew and a Pagan fire worshipper", xenophobic much? I have firends who are jewish, and one zoroastrian, PS, the do NOT worship fire, the worship the one God.
3rd:" I  believe they claim that muhammad, the son of hassan al askari, is the mahdi, the same one as sunni believe in, he will restore the true islam, not "destroy all ahl as sunnah"
as for syria, you do know they are killing christians, druze, shia-non alawi, and sunni. not just sunni. its a political conflict, not a religious one

Offline adnaanshaikh195

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« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2013, 07:29:29 PM »
1st: the crusaders fought against the shias of the area, the fatimids, they took jerusalem from the fatimids
2nd: "they decend from a Jew and a Pagan fire worshipper", xenophobic much? I have firends who are jewish, and one zoroastrian, PS, the do NOT worship fire, the worship the one God.
3rd:" I  believe they claim that muhammad, the son of hassan al askari, is the mahdi, the same one as sunni believe in, he will restore the true islam, not "destroy all ahl as sunnah"
as for syria, you do know they are killing christians, druze, shia-non alawi, and sunni. not just sunni. its a political conflict, not a religious one
1st: the crusaders fought against the shias of the area, the fatimids, they took jerusalem from the fatimids
2nd: "they decend from a Jew and a Pagan fire worshipper", xenophobic much? I have firends who are jewish, and one zoroastrian, PS, the do NOT worship fire, the worship the one God.
3rd:" I  believe they claim that muhammad, the son of hassan al askari, is the mahdi, the same one as sunni believe in, he will restore the true islam, not "destroy all ahl as sunnah"
as for syria, you do know they are killing christians, druze, shia-non alawi, and sunni. not just sunni. its a political conflict, not a religious one
Firstly, if you want a proper discussion, I request that you people actually read my posts.
I'll reply to something 'There is only one God' wrote.
He wrote: If i wrote that Allah should destroy the Army of Bashar and Alawaites I might aswell wish death upon Christians? -

 Err no, I never said it because they are non muslim, I wrote it because of the disgusting crap they do, they are opressors, especially that tyrant Bashar who is following the footsteps of his evil father, I said May Allah destroy HIM, he gets his people to worship him instead of Allah, are you telling me that is not disgusting?

Also, the Alawaites are not muslims, they believe in a trinity, and like I said I never said i was wishing death because they are non muslim but because they are disgusting oppressors.

Secondly, I never claimed that Jews were fire worshippers? Seriously, please READ my posts, also I never used the word 'Zoroastrianism' or reffered to a follow once, but no, apparently I am wrong, ofcourse the Shiites beliefs decend from Abdullah-ibn-Saba who was a jew, I'm not saying they decend by bloodline, but by beliefs, Abdullah-ibn-Sabas father and his companion was a fire worshipper from Persia.

Finally, for your 3rd point, this shows how much lack of knowledge you actually have. Let's do a comparison between the Mahdi we ahl as sunnah are waiting for and the 'Mahdi' they are waiting for okay? And this time please read my post please.

Here's the comparison:

Sunni's mahdi will bring justice to the earth, Shia's mahdi will not.

Sunni's mahdi will revive the Qur'an and sunnah, the Shia's mahdi will bring a new Qur'an and will 'complete the religion of Islam'.

Shia's mahdi will be young, will have super powers (basically will perform miracles), Sunni mahdi will be 40 years old when he Allah (swt) sends him to us, he will not perform miracles, he will be an ordinary man, he will be a leader for the ummah to make way for the return of the Isa aleyhisalam.

Shia's mahdi is apparently either waiting in a 'cellar', the bermuda triangle or another area (sorry can't be bothered to specify), but the Sunnis mahdi will be born naturally and will be brought up in a home, not in a cellar or any rubbish like that.

Abu Abdillah said: Those who walk upon the earth easily, are the trustees. Walk upon the earth easily. But when the Mehdi appears every nasibi will be brought to him. And if he accepts Islam, which is 'Waliyat' (Believe in 12 demi gods)

Strange? They have gathered the whole Islam in 'Waliyat', anyone who does the worship the Ahlulbayt is not on the right path, this is what these imam worshippers believe. And it is 'Waliyat' else his head will be chopped off or he has to accept paying Jiz'ya (tax). It means we are like jews and Christians, these are from the deeds of (their) Mehdi. The information I giving you is from, It is in Bihar-al-Anwar. It is the mother of all books with them, Bihar- al-Anwar by Majlisi. He says, if people knew, fear for Arabs for verily they have bad news, Not even a single Arab will come out alive i.e all of them will be killed, Abu Jaf'ar said: If people knew what Mehdi will do when he comes out, most would wish they never saw him due to his killing of people.

BLOOD, he has nothing more then BLOOD, HATE AND GRUDGE. And he will not start from other than Qureshi. I seek refuge in Allah. i.e he will start (killing) from chief of Arabs, He will not take with anything other than sword. The generous ahlul-bait who are descendants of Quresh, those who love Abu Bakr, Umar and Ali. And he will not deal with people with other than sword, till many wills ay he is not from progency of Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him). i seek refuge in Allah! Look at how they prepare to spilt blood. If he was from the progeny of Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upom him) he would've been merciful!

Our Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) says whoever does not show mercy will not be shown mercy.

Now the worst part, Whoever was from ahl al-dimmah (jews and Christians) under him (Mahdi's), he will make peace will them. AND HE WILL KILL MUSLIMS?

Bihar Al-Anwar vol.52 page 376  - Mahdi lives in fountains of blood, he loves to drink blood!

and now read this, Allahu Akbar, al-Mahdi destroys al'Ka'aba! (Masjid-al-haram).

From here you can already tell that they are NOT awaiting the same Mahdi as us, they will there 'Mahdi' disappeared in the 8th century or so, and has been hiding since, seriously?

Al Mahdi will take out Aisha and punish her! May Allah disfigure this 'Mahdi'.

'Al-Mehdi minal Mahd ila Al-Duhoor' - page 334 - Al Mahdi will take out Umar and Abubakr and will punish them.

The birth of shia Mehdi is not natural. They say he will be born from thighs (Source: Bihar -al-Anwar vol.51/page.26

Mehdi of shias will demolish Masajid, where as Mahdi of sunnis will honor Masajid.

Mehdi of shias abrogate Qur'an and will bring new sharia whereas Mehdi of sunnis will be a follower of sharia brought by Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him).

Followers of shia Mehdi will be from children of Israel (Jews) whereas followers of sunni Mahdi will be from Muslims.

Doesnt the Shia's mahdi remind you of the Dajjal?

Mahdi of Shias - Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) will be from his followers.

I will continue in the next post, but seriously, you are a joke if you believe that they are awaiting the same Mahdi as us, it's so funny, you claimed that you believe they are waiting for the same Mahdi as us hahaha, i'm definitely not waiting for this Dajjal (Shia mahdi).


As for the topic which is related to Syria, it's something you need to educate yourself with (I'm not talking to 'There is only one God'). The only crap like this happens is because we do not have a Khilafa, we had one from the time of Abubakr to 1924, if we had a Khilafa, I CAN GUARANTEE that the khilafa would send muslims to Syria to fight and overthrown Bashar the tyrant, actually I doubt he would even be ruling. This is something people to educate themselves with, especially muslims, the Khilafa, In Sha Allah we will have a Khilafa in our lifetime and Palestine will be liberated from the Zionists who are occupying it and killing our innocent brothers and sisters.

The war in Syria, is not just a political 'war' if you class it that way, you only think that because we do not have a unity between ourselves, obviously because we do not have a Khilafa. If we have a sister in Iraq dying, then it is our sister in Iraq who is dying, if we have a little boy in Afghanistan who is dying then it is our little brother who is dying. If the muslims in Syria are being slaughtered and are fighting for a Khilafa and for Allah's law (Sharia), then I class it as a religious conflict, a conflict against OUR MUSLIM BROTHERS/SISTERS!!

Prophet Muhammad (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “The similitude of believers in regard to mutual love, affection, fellow-feeling is that of one body; when any limb of it aches, the whole body aches, because of sleeplessness and fever.” [Muslim].

May Allah bring unity amongst ourselves, Ameen.

« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 07:41:20 PM by adnaanshaikh195 »

Offline Mujahid Saifullah

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« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2013, 07:43:01 PM »
It pleases me to know there are intelligent people here.

Hate achieves nothing.

A Muslim is a Muslim. Stop the sectarian division. You weaken the ummah when you do this.

The Shi'ites are willing to go to war for the ummah. We are all brethren.


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