Author Topic: Dear Osama Abdullah  (Read 5086 times)

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Offline adnaanshaikh195

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Dear Osama Abdullah
« on: January 26, 2013, 11:50:05 PM »
I have a question, I really need a favour from you.

Basically, one of my friends, after convincing him Islam is the true religion, he became muslim recently, and another friend who I also grew up with in high school, who goes to his sixthform, (I go to another college now), is really close to becoming muslim!, like 90% sure or higher. What I want to ask is if I can use parts of your site, print it out on paper and make a little book, not publish it literally obviously, but get loads of print outs and staple them together and give them to the other brother, which will include science in the Qur'an etc.

I also have two friends in college, who I want to give some stuff too, including Prophet Muhammad (prophesised in other scriptures like the Hindu Scriptures, I really need this help, I was going to do it without your permission, but that would be stealing, so can i? Please please please, I will also email you the document of the print out if you want before I print them out. Can i?

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Re: Dear Osama Abdullah
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2013, 12:19:04 AM »
What I want to ask is if I can use parts of your site, print it out on paper and make a little book, not publish it literally obviously, but get loads of print outs and staple them together and give them to the other brother, which will include science in the Qur'an etc.

My dear brother, if I am of any obsticle to you spreading Islam, then either just step over me, or throw me in the garbage.  You have my FULL PERMISSION to use the website however you see BEST FIT to spread Islam.  This goes for all readers, and I made this abdundantly clear on the emailme.htm page as well.

By the way, you don't have to give them "stuff", dear brother, and go through the trouble of back and forth debates, and creating very uncomfortable environment that could cause you to lose your friends.  I've been through it before, and it's not comfortable at all.  ALL YOU NEED after making Dua (Supplication) to Allah Almighty, is to forward them to this article:

There is even an "Email this Article to your Friend" button that you can click and email the article to them.  So you don't even have to let them know that it was you.  Just get their emails and email them.  This article has everything they need to convert to Islam, insha'Allah, only if Allah Almighty has the Will for them.

If you still prefer to personally engage them, then I advise you to follow the systematic steps in the article to make it easy on yourself, insha'Allah.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.  May Allah Almighty greatly bless you akhi.  Ameen.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline adnaanshaikh195

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Re: Dear Osama Abdullah
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2013, 12:30:04 AM »
What I want to ask is if I can use parts of your site, print it out on paper and make a little book, not publish it literally obviously, but get loads of print outs and staple them together and give them to the other brother, which will include science in the Qur'an etc.

My dear brother, if I am of any obsticle to you spreading Islam, then either just step over me, or throw me in the garbage.  You have my FULL PERMISSION to use the website however you see BEST FIT to spread Islam.  This goes for all readers, and I made this abdundantly clear on the emailme.htm page as well.

By the way, you don't have to give them "stuff", dear brother, and go through the trouble of back and forth debates, and creating very uncomfortable environment that could cause you to lose your friends.  I've been through it before, and it's not comfortable at all.  ALL YOU NEED after making Dua (Supplication) to Allah Almighty, is to forward them to this article:

There is even an "Email this Article to your Friend" button that you can click and email the article to them.  So you don't even have to let them know that it was you.  Just get their emails and email them.  This article has everything they need to convert to Islam, insha'Allah, only if Allah Almighty has the Will for them.

If you still prefer to personally engage them, then I advise you to follow the systematic steps in the article to make it easy on yourself, insha'Allah.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.  May Allah Almighty greatly bless you akhi.  Ameen.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah
I love you so much!

Honestly, may Allah bless you!

And honestly, In my opinion it's better to give out hand outs, because they will actually read it, but If i email them the stuff, it's not as good, if it makes sense,
I've made dua already, but maybe, Allah will guide them through me if that makes sense, because no-one guides anyone to Islam, to the haqq, except Allah alone. In that sense, if someone becomes muslim through a friend for example, it's not the friend that guides them, it's Allah that guides them!

I want them to know it me anyway, so if they have any questions for example, I can answer it for them, because in my free time, all I do is study islam, once again, may Allah bless you!


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