Author Topic: Something wrong with Osama Abdullah.  (Read 29378 times)

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Offline Mohamad

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Something wrong with Osama Abdullah.
« on: January 09, 2013, 10:15:01 PM »
Basmilah Al Rahman Al Raheem

Asalam o Alekom wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatoho.

My name is Mohamad, I frequent

I am not a scholar, nor a mufti, but I have al-hamdulilah some knowledge of Qur'an and Sunnah.

I understand that, Osama, in many of your articles and rebuttals, you call the Christians, Clowns, you call Christianity a Disease.

Pretty much you do the same thing answering-islam does with Islam.

Did not Allah Subhana wa t'ala say: and Argue in the best way? Most beautiful way?

Regardless of how they reply, or how they themselves call Islam a disease (They'll be crying to Allah to come back and be Muslims on the day of Judgement so Essentially it doesn't bother me)

That certainly doesn't mean you must do the same, use manners akhi Abdullah, do not show pictures of women in your articles (Nakedness of Ms. California) Honestly Akhi, you need to set an example of Islamic Manners. Don't insult, and play games with them. Don't show bad pictures, and don't call them clowns.

Say: Look at this misguided person, how he speaks about Islam negatively while he prides and boasts ignorance saying the forbidding of Smoking, Drinking and Fornication is a loss and not a gain for mankind in total as well as for the individual.  See these certain misguided and So Called "Christians" (Who probably don't even follow one tenth of the teachings of the bible let alone be able to criticize the teachings of Muslims) Argue with insults, and word games. taking things out of context and ignoring facts that are right in there face. and many of their readers are equally ignorant. The only reason I post rebuttal's is for the Muslims who lack knowledge of Islam so they may be reassured that this man is a liar (If they hadn't figured it out by how he argues) and for people wanting to understand Islam so that they can understand that Islam is the truth, and that Christianity has fallen with the coming of Science and the error of man that has stained the bible for 2 thousand years has been made clear. That is why I reply with respect and manners while he rants on about the mozlemmz.

May Peace be onto the rightly guided.

This, is how you must argue Brother Osama, for I fear you may be held accountable with Allah while your intention is pure.

and as a Muslim it is my duty to convey from what I understand to be the Haqq.

Take care akhi, I hope you read this, and If you ever want someone on your team I'd be glad to help :)

Fe Eman Allah.

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Re: Something wrong with Osama Abdullah.
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2013, 11:30:11 PM »
Wa Alaikum As'salam Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuh dear brother Mohamad,

Welcome to the board akhi.  Insha'Allah, you'll find it helpful and beneficial for you.  Ameen.  I appreciate your advise dear brother.  You're certainly right.  I did make ample mistakes in my language and expressions and style.  I will insha'Allah fix the problems and update the articles.  I am not sure though about removing the pictures of Carrie Prejean at  I mean after that, I did post a warning at the top of the article, and I also wanted to expose how the Christians are.  I mean, they boast about how Christian she is, what a wonderful example she is.  She might be a very good and kind person, but her chastity is almost zero.  And Christians don't seem to really care at all about this area.  But you're right though, the offensive language on my part must go.

I'll update the article by this weekend insha'Allah.  I'll also go through the website and update the articles that contain combative language.

Thank you again for your advise akhi.  May Allah Almighty bless you.  Ameen.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


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Re: Something wrong with Osama Abdullah.
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2013, 11:51:54 PM »
I noticed he does it too. Then when we do it he starts quoting Qur'anic verses :S

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Re: Something wrong with Osama Abdullah.
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2013, 01:17:14 AM »
I noticed he does it too. Then when we do it he starts quoting Qur'anic verses :S

I don't do it to Muslims, nor to ordinary non-Muslims.  Nor do I curse and say vain words.  When you joined this board, you started off with a rude attitude, and used unacceptable language that upset many here.  I tolerated you because you're still young and have learning to do.  The amount of stress and hardship that I had to and still have put up with in the past from hostile anti-Islamics, to takfiri Muslim, to overwhelming amount of articles, research and rebuttals to write, plus take care of my personal life and work, are overwhelming.  The same goes with the other brothers and sisters who have big websites as well.  Plus, the fact that we deal with the vilest anti-Islamics who constantly hurl sick insults towards Islam, and the Prophet of Islam, peace be upon him.  So a human can certainly fall short.  Not only that, but I found that offensive attacks (such as calling the Bible a "gospel of porn" for saying that women's privates taste like "wine", and praising lust of siblings with each others; puts the anti-Islamics in a defensive position.  Hearing that your Prophet is a "pedophile" all the time for marrying a young girl, gets too old very quickly, especially when the Bible's Prophets married 100s of women, and certainly several of them were young as well.  Plus, their sources also say that Mary, peace be upon her, was as young as 11 or 12 when she married 99-year old Joseph.  This means she was 10 or 11 when she got pregnant with Christ.  So it's easy for one to slip and attack them viciously to send the strong Message and Truth across.  I am not defending this, but it's easy for one to fall victim for this.

So, watch your mouth, and quit this arrogant attitude.  We're not here hanging out at "da club", with our pants half way down, and necklaces around our necks.  Ok kid?  I see these kids from Arabs and others all the time when I decide to go smoke Hookah at an Arabic Cafe.  They don't see past their noses in anything.  I hope you understand what I am telling you here.

Osama Abdallah

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Re: Something wrong with Osama Abdullah.
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2013, 01:45:17 AM »
Plus, the fact that we deal with the vilest anti-Islamics who constantly hurl sick insults towards Islam, and the Prophet of Islam, peace be upon him. 

We're not here hanging out at "da club", with our pants half way down, and necklaces around our necks. 
LOL so true

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Re: Something wrong with Osama Abdullah.
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2013, 02:19:35 AM »
Wa Alaikum As'salam Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuh dear brother Mohamad,

Welcome to the board akhi.  Insha'Allah, you'll find it helpful and beneficial for you.  Ameen.  I appreciate your advise dear brother.  You're certainly right.  I did make ample mistakes in my language and expressions and style.  I will insha'Allah fix the problems and update the articles.  I am not sure though about removing the pictures of Carrie Prejean at  I mean after that, I did post a warning at the top of the article, and I also wanted to expose how the Christians are.  I mean, they boast about how Christian she is, what a wonderful example she is.  She might be a very good and kind person, but her chastity is almost zero.  And Christians don't seem to really care at all about this area.  But you're right though, the offensive language on my part must go.

I'll update the article by this weekend insha'Allah.  I'll also go through the website and update the articles that contain combative language.

Thank you again for your advise akhi.  May Allah Almighty bless you.  Ameen.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Basmilah Al Rahman Al Raheem

Asalam o Alekom wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatoho.

May Allah guide you to the most truthful of paths.

Also, don't forget to add at the end of the article and at the beginning

"If there was a mistake in my article, then it was from me, and if there is truth, then it is from Allah."

I use to love your first articles like the one about paul circumcising in the jewish method, and how you expressed that he may have done so because of a deep lust... hahaha, Problem with the Christians is, Paul is not mentioned by Jesus, Nor is it fair that, Jesus one minute, is fulfilling the laws of Moses and after he dies comes back and changes his mind about everything and makes everything that was once prohibited, halal.

it makes no sense, why "god" or a "son of god" or even a messenger, would preach one message and change it the next minute.

Or how about the fact that Paul never knew Jesus, did not know how he looked like. They like to say that Mohammad (Sal Allah alihe wa Salam) was inspired by the Devil, why don't I say that Paul saw the devil acting like Jesus? and the devil inspired him, I have equal, nay more right to claim this then a Christian can claim it on Mohammad (Sal Allaho alihe wa Salam) it's obvious, Paul was doubtful about himself, he was inconsistent, contradicted the teachings that Jesus (Peace be upon him) Gave while living, while Mohammad (Sal Allaho alihe wa Salam) Was doubtless in his message, Consistent, and constantly warned us to stay away from the Devil, that he is our enemy. completely against what the devil would want us to believe, in honesty not even a hint of goodness or kindness is shown to the devil in the Qur'an. He will go the hell, forever, burn he will not be torturing humans in hell (That's probably the devil's favorite dream, I think he cries at the thought of it, so no wonder Christians believe the devil is doing the mission of God and will be torturing humans in hell..)

I could go on and on about how obvious paul's lie is, and how each and EVERY claim that they give about Mohammad and the Qur'an can be thrown back at them with even more evidence proving about the bible and Paul what held no weight in evidence when it was attempted against Mohammad (Sal Allaho alihe wa Salam) and the Qur'an the word of Allah, both written and recited.

Maybe the above can be some material for a new article? I hope you the best, and May Allah grant you peace, oh and a big long beautiful round Beard.

Cause I saw you were beardless in one of your debates :P (I mean come on, Osama Minus beard = Incomplete) :P 

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Re: Something wrong with Osama Abdullah.
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2013, 02:56:06 AM »
Brother Osama , PLEASE ! delete that picture ! I got shocked when I saw it that I put the screen of the laptop down quickly . I don't think you need the picture as long as you mention what she does with evidence . Just no pictures please !

I see these kids from Arabs and others all the time when I decide to go smoke Hookah at an Arabic Cafe.

Smoking ?!

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Re: Something wrong with Osama Abdullah.
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2013, 02:57:24 AM »
I hope you the best, and May Allah grant you peace, oh and a big long beautiful round Beard.

Cause I saw you were beardless in one of your debates :P (I mean come on, Osama Minus beard = Incomplete) :P

Stop trying to change 'Abdullah' into 'Bin Laden'

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Re: Something wrong with Osama Abdullah.
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2013, 03:16:06 AM »
I hope you the best, and May Allah grant you peace, oh and a big long beautiful round Beard.

Cause I saw you were beardless in one of your debates :P (I mean come on, Osama Minus beard = Incomplete) :P

Stop trying to change 'Abdullah' into 'Bin Laden'

For your information, The Beard is a obligation on every male Muslim who is able to grow it, It is the Sunnah of Mohammad (Sal Allaho alihe wa Salam)

and I'd rather be like Mohammad (Sal Allaho alihe wa Salam) Then unlike him, For I love Him more then any being on this planet or in this universe other then Allah almighty.

and I will follow his Sunnah, and don't you are mock his Sunnah, for it is his Sunnah that will save you from Hell.

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Re: Something wrong with Osama Abdullah.
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2013, 03:31:40 AM »
I hope you the best, and May Allah grant you peace, oh and a big long beautiful round Beard.

Cause I saw you were beardless in one of your debates :P (I mean come on, Osama Minus beard = Incomplete) :P

Stop trying to change 'Abdullah' into 'Bin Laden'

For your information, The Beard is a obligation on every male Muslim who is able to grow it, It is the Sunnah of Mohammad (Sal Allaho alihe wa Salam)

and I'd rather be like Mohammad (Sal Allaho alihe wa Salam) Then unlike him, For I love Him more then any being on this planet or in this universe other then Allah almighty.

and I will follow his Sunnah, and don't you are mock his Sunnah, for it is his Sunnah that will save you from Hell.

The Qur'an is the ultimate moral code, the hadith is just Sunnah, which is not compulsory btw. And Allah does not exist in this universe, he exists outside of it. But that's physics. Anyway, I won't go to hell for not having a beard, otherwise all the women would suffer.

Offline Mohamad

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Re: Something wrong with Osama Abdullah.
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2013, 03:45:30 AM »
I hope you the best, and May Allah grant you peace, oh and a big long beautiful round Beard.

Cause I saw you were beardless in one of your debates :P (I mean come on, Osama Minus beard = Incomplete) :P

Stop trying to change 'Abdullah' into 'Bin Laden'

For your information, The Beard is a obligation on every male Muslim who is able to grow it, It is the Sunnah of Mohammad (Sal Allaho alihe wa Salam)

and I'd rather be like Mohammad (Sal Allaho alihe wa Salam) Then unlike him, For I love Him more then any being on this planet or in this universe other then Allah almighty.

and I will follow his Sunnah, and don't you are mock his Sunnah, for it is his Sunnah that will save you from Hell.

The Qur'an is the ultimate moral code, the hadith is just Sunnah, which is not compulsory btw. And Allah does not exist in this universe, he exists outside of it. But that's physics. Anyway, I won't go to hell for not having a beard, otherwise all the women would suffer.

Just Sunnah?

Are you an idiot?

In Saheeh Muslim (2021) it is narrated that a man ate with his left hand in the presence of the Messenger of Allaah (S). He said: “Eat with your right hand.” He said: I cannot. He said: “May you never be able to,” for nothing was preventing him from doing so but arrogance. And he never raised it to his mouth again.

The Prophet's Sunnah is what we follow, without it we are not Muslims, we do not know how to pray, how to eat, how to use the bathroom or clean ourselves without the hadith and Sunnah of Mohammad (Sal Allaho alihe wa Salam) Allah has ordered us in the Qur'an to follow EVERYTHING and ANYTHING Mohammad (Sal Allah alihe wa Salam) Tells us to do no matter what.

Unless, 1. The Prophet says, Not doing it has no harm to you, or 2. This is not obligatory upon you

He commanded us to grow our beards, he also told us the only way to be a complete Muslim is to love him more then anything other then Allah.

He is the example of perfection. and we must follow him.

Do not, insult our messenger by saying "Just sunnah" Just sunnah? Are you mental? do you think we can put aside the teachings of the prophet (Sal Allaho alihe wa salam) saying they are good for us but we're okay with "Just fard"

May Allah calm me... Watch this video may it bring to you clarity.

and this

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Re: Something wrong with Osama Abdullah.
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2013, 04:10:36 AM »
I hope you the best, and May Allah grant you peace, oh and a big long beautiful round Beard.

Cause I saw you were beardless in one of your debates :P (I mean come on, Osama Minus beard = Incomplete) :P

Stop trying to change 'Abdullah' into 'Bin Laden'

For your information, The Beard is a obligation on every male Muslim who is able to grow it, It is the Sunnah of Mohammad (Sal Allaho alihe wa Salam)

and I'd rather be like Mohammad (Sal Allaho alihe wa Salam) Then unlike him, For I love Him more then any being on this planet or in this universe other then Allah almighty.

and I will follow his Sunnah, and don't you are mock his Sunnah, for it is his Sunnah that will save you from Hell.

The Qur'an is the ultimate moral code, the hadith is just Sunnah, which is not compulsory btw. And Allah does not exist in this universe, he exists outside of it. But that's physics. Anyway, I won't go to hell for not having a beard, otherwise all the women would suffer.

Just Sunnah?

Are you an idiot?

In Saheeh Muslim (2021) it is narrated that a man ate with his left hand in the presence of the Messenger of Allaah (S). He said: “Eat with your right hand.” He said: I cannot. He said: “May you never be able to,” for nothing was preventing him from doing so but arrogance. And he never raised it to his mouth again.

The Prophet's Sunnah is what we follow, without it we are not Muslims, we do not know how to pray, how to eat, how to use the bathroom or clean ourselves without the hadith and Sunnah of Mohammad (Sal Allaho alihe wa Salam) Allah has ordered us in the Qur'an to follow EVERYTHING and ANYTHING Mohammad (Sal Allah alihe wa Salam) Tells us to do no matter what.

Unless, 1. The Prophet says, Not doing it has no harm to you, or 2. This is not obligatory upon you

He commanded us to grow our beards, he also told us the only way to be a complete Muslim is to love him more then anything other then Allah.

He is the example of perfection. and we must follow him.

Do not, insult our messenger by saying "Just sunnah" Just sunnah? Are you mental? do you think we can put aside the teachings of the prophet (Sal Allaho alihe wa salam) saying they are good for us but we're okay with "Just fard"

May Allah calm me... Watch this video may it bring to you clarity.

and this

Yea well unlike you, I don't follow Allah out of fear of losing control of my hands. Your example is [censored]. It talks about a man who lied to the prophet. And did he lose control of his arms? No, the prophet just cursed him to show the sin in lying. He didn't mean it by heart and never cursed anyone. Do you know the idea behind left-handedness and right-handedness? I certainly hope you do! The germ theory was introduced in the West in the 19th century! Before then, people in the West did not wash their hands and were very unclean. It wasn't till later when a Christian scientist suggested washing hands could prevent disease and death, Ironically the guy who proposed it died because his doctors didn't wash their hands before his surgery! They used the same hand to eat and pick up their [censored] with. Differentiating between the two hands was crucial. Right hand for eating, greeting, etc, and the left hand for wiping your ass. Also, during ablution, left hand to open the faucet, and right hand to wash your face and stuff. This way, the germs you acquire from the faucet and after closing it would stay in your left hand. Well now we have automatic hand-washes, but not automatic doors to go with it lol. So Sunnah is just based on your way of life!

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Re: Something wrong with Osama Abdullah.
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2013, 04:20:12 AM »
Allah al must3an...

Did you even watch the video's?

The video's were my essential examples, watch them then give me a rebuttal. And stop being a [censored].

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Re: Something wrong with Osama Abdullah.
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2013, 02:42:16 PM »
Your example is [censored]

'There is only one God', this is the last warning to you.  If you don't cease this ridiculous attitude, then I am going to ban you.

As to the Sunnah, it is the 2nd half of Islam.  We have the Holy Quran and the Holy Sunnah.  Now one might disagree on an authenticity of a Hadith, but that's a different issue.  He still wouldn't be rejected the Sunnah.  But the Sunnah is essential, and without it, I have no clue how can much of the Glorious Quran be interpreted, and how the detailed Laws of Islam can be given to us.

Please CEASE all bad attitude and language with the users.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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Re: Something wrong with Osama Abdullah.
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2013, 04:02:35 PM »
Firstly, I want to say that IT IS a human instinct for us to feel offended when someone we love is insulted (Prophet Muhammad S.A.W), so to have a go at Osama Abdallah for saying he was harsh etc is abit wierd imo, yes, it's wrong for him to do it, but like I said it's in our instincts to judge (it naturally happens), none of us are sinless, we have free will.

To continue, 'There is only One God', stop with your rubbish please, your jokes are not funny anymore, like the 'i am becoming an athiest because I believe in epic magic etc' or when you have a go at Osama Abdallah and claim to be 'trolling', it's really not funny, I actually thought you were serious at first. We muslims are a brotherhood.  Now let's get on with the beard, just because growing the beard is Sunnah (Which it is obviously because everything our Prophet Muhammad SAW did was), does not mean it is not Fardh, growing the beard and not shaving it is cumpulsory. The growing the beard and not shaving it is fardh and also sunnah.
It is fardh because:
  • Our Messenger SAW said not to cut our beards and let them grow and to cut our mustaches

It is sunnah because:
  • Our Prophet PBUH did it.

Nobody said you will go to hell if you do not grow a beard, but following our Messenger's (SAW) teachings are a MUST, it's cumpulsory, you have to do it, as in whatever our Prophet Muhammad SAW forbad, you have to abstain from it, and whatever he said is cumpolsury, we have to follow it.

To finish off, i'll sum up what I want to say, just because Osama Abdallah used insulting remarks in his threads does not make him a bad muslim, the Sahaba, the companions of the Prophet SAW used to insult the jews when they would approach our Prophet SAW and wish death upon him (The jews would wish death upon  our Prophet SAW, so the sahabas would get angry and insult them too), why would they do this? Simple, because they LOVED HIM SO MUCH!!.


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