First, I would like to point out 18:65, that's verse 65 of Surah-al-Kahf. It has Arabic alphabets Daal, Nun, Alif.
No one made sense of these words, but now we know: It's referring to DNA!
The letters DNA appear consecutively three times in this verse. In no other verse of the Qur'an do the letters DNA appear consecutively so often.
Only in verse 18:65 of the Qurân do the letters DNA appear three times consecutively.
DNA is mentioned 7 times the Qur'an, that's the same exact number of times RNA (Ra-Nun-Alef) is mentioned! Someone debated me and asked how I knew creation of man's clay was referring to montmorillonite, if RNA is mentioned, that means it was indeed, referring to montmorillonite!
Last, but not the least, the verse 18:65 starts the talk about DNA. The year 1865 is special! "In 1865, Mendel's experiments provided the first clear evidence of the discrete units of inheritance that are now called genes."
Furthermore, the Qur'an says humans have a common ancestor, Adam!
O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women.
And it is He Who created human beings from water and then gave them relations by blood and marriage. Your Lord is All-Powerful. (Qur'an, 25:54)
The "relations by blood and marriage" part is referring to of course, common genetic information!
Darwin suggested that diversity of life came from a common ancestor. Not only has the Qur'an mentioned DNA, montmorillonite clay, and RNA, it has also told us that the first form of life on Earth was a unicellular organism in water.
Of course, humans haven't always been the same. In fact, Adam was 90 feet tall! We have gone through several changes over time to adapt to the Earth.
"He is the One who created you in stages." 71:14
One verse in the Qur'an can refer to many things, in this case, it is referring to both embryology AND evolution of man.
Edit: Found another genetics gem
"They will alter Allah's creation." (4:120)
Genetic engineering prophesied!
The haploid number of chromosomes of a bee is 16, mentioned in the Qur'an!
Surat an-Nahl, meaning “Bee,†is the 16th Surah.
The bee has 16 chromosomes.