Author Topic: The website got hacked/attacked and brought down!  (Read 9176 times)

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The website got hacked/attacked and brought down!
« on: November 16, 2012, 06:09:06 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum Everyone,

If you wonder what has happened in the last week that brought down the website and this blog, it was due to a hack or an attack that happened on the website.  Everything is restored, walhamdulillah.  The enemies are desperate, and they obviously don't want to see this website advance.

There is a hacker, or a number of hackers that have their sights fixed on bringing down this website,  My website had been hacked and brought down multiple times before.  I used to document them in this page,, but stopped documenting it.  There had been at least 6 hacks done on this website.  This is also not counting the many virus injections that were also put on the website.  These stealthy injections were spotted by Google Search, and I was informed about it through Google and also through my Virus detection software.  They don't bring down the website.  They only get injected to disable my website from maintaining a high rank on the internet.  I combat this by uploading the website's files once a week.  This way, the website remains fresh and clean, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).

May Allah Almighty protect Islam from its enemies, inside and out, and may He, the Almighty, protect us all and further strengthen our faith in Islam.  Ameen.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline muzi123

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Re: The website got hacked/attacked and brought down!
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2012, 06:39:25 AM »
May allah proctect u and ur website i went on it i was worried then alhamdullilah it came back i tried to contact u

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Re: The website got hacked/attacked and brought down!
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2012, 08:51:21 AM »
May allah proctect u and ur website i went on it i was worried then alhamdullilah it came back i tried to contact u

Thank you dear brother.  May Allah Almighty protect you and bless you!  Ameen.  I have a weekend surprise for the anti-Islams out there.  There is a new breed of material coming up that will give awsome and indisputable and irrifutable proofs, from the Glorious Quran, regarding the Number 19 Miracle, which Allah Almighty Said that this is "One of the Great Ones (Miracles)", in the Glorious Quran.

This is for the Pro-Sunnah Muslims, and for the Glorious Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.  I know that for some weird reasons, some people think that the only ones who are promoting the Number 19 Miracle are the Quran-Only and anti-Sunnah cults.  I blame the mainstream Muslims for allowing this to happen, because no one owns the Miracles of the Glorious Quran, except Allah Almighty Alone.  So, no set or category or group of Miracles belongs to certain people.

Anyway, these upcoming translated videos and articles that I will post, starting this weekend insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing), are very rich and extremely solid.  They were made by the rising scholar Mr. Adnan Al-Rifaa'e.  They're all in Arabic.  So, I will be translating them and posting them, insha'Allah.  I already translated two episodes from his 10s out there.  And I will also work on translating much of his book,, as well, insha'Allah with charts and visuals from my end to further emphasize on the Arabic letters, for the non-Arabic speakers and readers, and to help them clearly see the Divine Miracle and STUNNING SCIENTIFIC MIRACLE OF NUMBER 19 in the Glorious Quran, insha'Allah.

I am currently generating/creating the WMV file of the first video-file as I am typing this message.  Most likely, this video will be first posted on my Youtube Channel, insha'Allah.  Then on the website and in its zip files, after that insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline RamziBinNabil

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Re: The website got hacked/attacked and brought down!
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2012, 09:48:06 AM »
As-Salâmu `Alaykum Wa Rahmatullâhi Wa Barakâtuh brother,
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil-`Alameen for everything. The enemies of Islam are desperate. Keep up the good work 'In Sha' Allah, may Almighty Allah bless you and grant you success.

Offline Tanveer

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Re: The website got hacked/attacked and brought down!
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2012, 04:48:22 PM »
Man i was terrified. I thought id been banned or something T.T Anyway sad to hear that happened

Offline Black Muslim

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Re: The website got hacked/attacked and brought down!
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2012, 07:57:27 AM »
Heh , how typical

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Re: The website got hacked/attacked and brought down!
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2012, 10:33:43 AM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear respected brothers in Islam,

May Allah Almighty greatly bless you!  Ameen.  I appreciate all of your kind words and concerns.  May Allah Almighty protect you and your families, and always keep you in Islam.  Ameen.

Your brother,
Osama Abdallah

Offline parsian22

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Re: The website got hacked/attacked and brought down!
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2012, 03:43:36 PM »
the hackers must be ahl al-kitab, they hate us too much, no one else

Offline Egyptian

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Re: The website got hacked/attacked and brought down!
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2012, 09:20:15 AM »

I lost only one post after such mess ,and alhamdullilah I reposted it even with important addetions ....

I always keep copies of my work .....    now the Quranic message to those desperate hackers:

-Fain would they extinguish Allah's light with their mouths, but Allah will not allow but that His light should be perfected, even though the Unbelievers may detest ...

The blog will continue,inshallah ...and I expect it to be even more informative that the mother site ,inshallah.....

Nasty hackers :

just go bite off the very tips of your fingers at you in your rage. and we Say: "Perish in your rage; Allah knoweth well all the secrets of the heart."



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