Does the hadith say where Adam PBUH was at that size?
It doesn't say it directly but it must be assumed to be The heavenly paradise.but though Heaven is another dimension and the physics is different there. still that won't change the meaning of the narration ... claiming that the size of Adam was 60 feet ,and after descending from paradise God made his size shrunk ! is not in harmony with the narration itself....
If Adam's size was shrunk to be as the normal size of a human , then what is the meaning of the portion of the narration " People have been decreasing in stature since Adam's creation".
The narration is clear , the people who followed Adam continued to diminish in size(60 feet) up to modern times !!!
Indeed . Even though he was very strict and careful , that doesn't mean he doesn't make mistakes - with respect to him - and that's how humans are . But I guess that you agree with me it wouldn't harm us if it was true right
I think the narration poses the problem of gradual decreasing of size of humans , as we have ancient human skeletons that even smaller than modern human shape... (correct me if I'm wrong plz).
but as I explained before ,the narration (and some others narrated by Abu Hurrairah) are questioned ,not only on a textual basis but more important on a chain of narrative basis.
still the fact, in spite of those very few questioned narrations,Albukhari collection is highly trustworthy and informative. may Allah bless his soul Ameen.
The only thing for us to discuss now is the pictures . Do you agree ? Or maybe you have another opinion ?
I trust only the photos of museums , just why no where a skeleton from those is reserved and publicised in a museum?
I would like to conclude the post with interesting information:
A young man in Saudi Arabia created a piece of clothes ,the same size of Adam, according to the narration (29 meters) tall and 12 meters wide !..... lol
take a look