So you're saying that the Verse that prohibits marrying women "after this" can apply to people who have 4 wives in modern day am I right? And why Allah talked to only the prophet in the quran is unknown?
Please confirm or fix what I'm saying.
No, it was only limited to the Prophet. The Noble Verse is speaking in singular and directly to him: LAKA (to you) is singular and is directly speaking to a single person and ignores everyone else around;
to thee, and it is masculine. If you direct LAKA to someone in a group, it would single him out. The feminine form of LAKA is
LAKI. LAKUMA is a dual plural (dual plural even for two women). LAKUM is a plural of three or more of either mixed gender or all men. LAKUN is for three or more women.
I believe the prohibition for the Prophet from marrying more women and from divorcing and marrying women as a replacement is to prevent the Prophet from
abusing marriage and divorce. If the Prophet himself was practicing
Muta, then this would've ended it dead in its track right there for him. The sacredness of marriage is big in Islam, and the Covenant of Marriage in Islam is a SOLEMN ONE. Mithaqan Ghaleetha
ميثاقا غليظا (solemn covenant) was given three times in the Glorious Quran:
1- To the solemn covenant between Allah Almighty and the Jews on the sacredness of the Sabbath.
2- To the solemn covenant between Allah Almighty and the Prophets.
3- To the solemn covenant between the husband and wife.
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Osama Abdallah