Author Topic: Does Islam hate non-Muslims?  (Read 3083 times)

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Does Islam hate non-Muslims?
« on: November 04, 2018, 10:29:43 AM »
Why does Allah hate infidels even though it is prohibited to speak bad words why Muslim use that for infidels and even for salafies.

« Last Edit: November 04, 2018, 09:16:53 PM by QuranSearchCom »

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Re: Does Islam hate non-Muslims?
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2018, 09:22:35 PM »
Islam does not hate.  The word hate does not exist in the Glorious Quran.  Allah Almighty used "loves not" on both non-Muslims and Muslims:

As to salafies, shias, sufies and other false cults, see their evil practices and beliefs:

So after all, Islam does not hate, does it?  Try to refute this.

For the Love of Allah:

Furthermore, Muslims are supposed to show the love of Allah Almighty in their behaviors and treatments:

"They perform (their) vows, and they fear a Day whose evil flies far and wide.  And they feed, for the love of God, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive,- (Saying),"We feed you for the sake of God alone: no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks. "We only fear a Day of distressful Wrath from the side of our Lord."  (The Noble Quran, 76:7-10)"

"It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces Towards east or West; but it is righteousness- to believe in God and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; to fulfill the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and a dversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the God-fearing.  (The Noble Quran, 2:177)"


See also  Islam's Golden Rulein entries #15, #244 and others, in the link above.  Also, forgive and forget the faults of others.  Be forgiving to thosewho disagree with your faith who are not hostile.  Show kindness tothem.  Pardon people.  Restrain your anger.  And be just.  See Noble Verses: 28:77, 30:45, 2:190, 2:205,2:276, 3:32, 3:57, 3:140, 4:36, 4:107, 5:87, 6:141, 8:58, 16:23, 22:38, 28:77, 30:45, 31:18, 42:40, 57:23, 76:7-10,  2:109, 3:134, 5:13, 7:199, 15:85, 24:22, 45:14, 5:8, 60:8, 5:2, 4:58, 4:135, 7:159, 5:44, 2:62, 3:134, 7:199, 15:85, 5:13, 2:109, 24:22, 45:14, 76:7-10, 90:11-17, 2:177, 2:215, 17:26, 38:26, 42:42.

No foul talk:

Good Wisdom and Manners in Islam are mandatory.  Invite people to Islam with beautiful preaching, wisdom and argue in ways that are best and friendliest.  Argue with the people of the Book in kindness except for those among them who do wrong (to Islam) (‏ولاتجادلوا اهلالكتاب الا بالتي هي احسن الا الذين ظلموا منهم).  Be wise.  Be a person of wisdom.  Those whom Allah Almighty give Wisdom have gained a Mighty Benefit.  Allah Almighty called it "an abundant wealth" خيرا كثيرا.

See the entries about good manners and beautiful preaching being commanded by Allah Almighty, and also vain talk being forbidden at:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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Re: Does Islam hate non-Muslims?
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2018, 11:55:30 PM »
Jazak Allah brother

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Re: Does Islam hate non-Muslims?
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2018, 12:03:43 AM »
BTW I'm Muslim brother. lol!!!

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Re: Does Islam hate non-Muslims?
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2018, 09:41:13 AM »
Jazak Allah brother

May Allah Almighty reward you too, and may He continue to lead you to Islam and strengthen your faith.  Ameen.

Feel free to ask the questions of the infidels here.  Just please do not promote their sites and names.  But definitely ask any and all questions that bother you.  Believe me, they'll be squashed by Islam's Truth like the nothing that they are.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


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