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Offline Zakir

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3 questions
« on: February 28, 2018, 04:22:20 PM »
Three questions
1) If God wanted to could got just send us all to hell what evidence do we have that Allah is mercifull. If Allah tells us we may believe him but Allah doesn't have to tell the truth who's stopping Allah from breaking his promises. My question is if Allah wants to could he put all of us in hell and how can you tell me won't nobody could stop him.
I don't mean to be offensive I am Muslim and I don't want to offend Allah but imagine If God was evil.
Nahamdulliah .
Who could stop him or is there anyway of proving he is not even I'd Allah says it no body can stop him from lying it's just a thought I had.
2) Do we believe in this type of evolution
3) Have any of you seen the God paradoxes any links answering them .

Offline A proud Muslim

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Re: 3 questions
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2018, 05:05:08 PM »
1.No one could, but if God is evil, how are we still living at this point? An evil God would make
all people live in hell, and would not give them free will. An evil God would not order punishments for criminals. An evil God would not tell us to treat people kindly. An evil God would not tell us to not insult. An evil God would not tell us to not steal. An evil God would not tell us to not kill (except by right).

2.Some Muslims believe in evolution guided by God, and some dont.

3.Bring them here, and we shall refute them.

Offline Sama

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Re: 3 questions
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2018, 04:58:12 AM »
Can the so-called "Vestigial Organs" Be A Proof Of Neo-Darwinism ?
A vestigial organ, by evolutionary definition, is an organ that was once useful during a previous stage of your evolution for a supposed ancestor, but in the course of time, that organ was no longer needed, but continued to remain in the body.


1- Devolution Not evolution !

If vestgial organs would prove anything, they prove devolution, NOT evolution !
Darwinists claim that some of our organs are falling into disuse. Yet, in contrast, they provide us with no one NEW, developing organ. The "vestigial organs" idea, if it could be true, would only prove the opposite: devolution!

2- Not for survival !

Not all organs are necessary for survival,this doesn't mean they are useless!
You have 2 lungs, you need one to survive. You have 2 kidneys, you need 1/10 for survival. No one claimed the other lung may be 'just for fun'.
you will survive if your eyes and arms are cut out, and they are not "vestigial," or useless organs.

3- Causing problems ?!

people have far more problems with their lungs, hearts and stomachs, than they have with 'vestigial' organs. Almost any organ in your body can kill you if is it sufficiently diseased. How many people die of heart attacks vs. appendicitis? The heart, the physical or the spiritual one, is far more troublesome. If your lungs become infected, you can die but no one suggests removing the lungs as a preventive measure during surgery for another reason.

4- Affirming the consequent !

[If we ignored the fact that they actually prove devolution] For this type of argument to be used, one has to assume evolution to be true in the first place! So, if vestigial organs are obviously left over from our evolutionary heritage, then evolution must be true. Here evolution is assumed to be true in order to make the argument. This is a logical fallacy.


How did such an idea become accepted in the first place? It happened in a time of great ignorance. The whole idea of "vestigial organs" was originally conceived back in the early 1800s, at a time when physicians were still blood-letting in order to cure people of infection. But since that time there has been an immense quantity of research in every imaginable field. There is now no doubt by competent biologists that every large and small part of the human body has a special function during the life of the individual.

It strongly appears that the true "vestigial organ" in earlier times, was an ignorant mind; a mind that did not know why organs were in the body, and was too impatient and lazy to do the laborious work needed to identify functions. But we should not want to call ignorance a proof of evolution.

Just because someone doesn’t know the function of something, that does not mean there is none, which means:If none of our organs nor genes were "known" to have function, this wouldn't prove it's vestigial, It's more appropriate to say: Human don't know Yet!

Blechschmidt notes that
"no organ could exist that is functionless during its development," an axiom that also applies to the nervous system.(Blechschmidt, The Ontogenetic Basis of Human Anatomy, 91. )


Reputable scientists now recognize that the evolutionary teaching of "vestigial organs" actually retarded scientific knowledge for decades. Instead of finding out what the appendix was for, it was called "vestigial" and was cut out. Researchers were told it was a waste of time to study any possible use for it. For the same reason, lots of children have had their tonsils removed, when they really needed them!

"The existence of functionless 'vestigial organs' was presented by Darwin, and is often aced by current biology textbooks, as part of the evidence for evolution . . An analysis of the difficulties in unambiguously identifying functionless structures . . leads to the conclusion that 'vestigial organs' pride no evidence for evolutionary theory." *S.R. Scudding, "Do 'Vestigial Organs' Provide Evidence for Evolution?" Evolutionary Theory, Vol. (May 1961), p. 394.

7- Lost primary functions !

Confronted with the fact that many previously thought to be "vestigial" organs, are now known to have functions , Darwinists made a funny conjecture that these organs "developed secondary functions", however, they didn't provide the scientific criteria to determine if a function is primary or secondary !!

8- Some known functions of some "alleged vestigial organs":

Offline Sama

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Re: 3 questions
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2018, 05:08:01 AM »
Allah doesn't have to tell the truth.
That's wrong. He says the truth.

Offline shaad

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Re: 3 questions
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2018, 03:10:49 AM »
Thanks brother Sama 👍

Offline Sama

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Re: 3 questions
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2018, 01:24:14 PM »
You are welcome Shaad.


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