Author Topic: The Disgustful Preaching of Atheism.  (Read 2119 times)

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Offline AMuslimDude213

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The Disgustful Preaching of Atheism.
« on: February 22, 2018, 09:05:19 AM »
So let me be a bit clear here. Atheism is a manipulative and disgustful ideology.
You see the things I've noticed about Atheists
is they really like to target the teenagers
like me and other teenagers,or maybe even you the one reading this,are their target of manipulation,They always target the weaker opponents,
for example if a Teenager has mental Issues,the atheist tries his hardest to Make the teenager doubt Islam due to his issues
Basically manipulating the emotions to fit a sick Agenda, and this seems like a very,very disgustful thing to me

I feel bad for the atheist Teenagers,because just to know how they've been harshened and their emotions have been manipulated to convert to a false ideology,is just sad to me.

So this is why I believe us teenagers,should atleast get into the basic fallacies in Philosophy to recognize how these Atheists are manipulating us,because really this is something,us Muslim youth should really recognize,there are people doubting Islam,because they have a Mental issue,like Autism and they blame Allah for it due to Atheists manipulating them

The question I wanna ask you is this
Who is the most merciful? and who should we believe in?

Allah,the most merciful,the kind,the supplier of all your resources and my resourhces

Or the Atheist? the one who blames Allah for things,and manipulates the weak for an evil,sick Agenda.

I mean I know one convert,who has had ALL HER details leaked online
ONLY because she left atheism for Islam
and was taken out of her manipulation
The thing is,our Muslim scholars,I believe are under-respected
Because the way they speak,they never try to manipulate us
all they do is read from the sources,and then they try to relate to us and show us how this source can help our lives
And we have the choice to either reject their advice or accept it
so there is no manipulation,we have free will
But for the atheist,there is no free will,he's forced to believe in this manipulative way that if he gets out of this he'll be insulted and even killed,I know some teenagers receiving death threats because they didnt accept atheism.

So this is why I believe us as Muslims should start to take our youth back from this disgusting Ideology,
because Islam tells us,to guide with actions and kindness
whereas Atheism you speak roughly to people,and manipulate their emotions
for your own sick agenda
And I really believe some Teenagers should start to atleast get into the basic fallacies of philosophy
so when they are speaking to the atheist,they instantly realize they are being manipulated
from their emotions.

and this is my opinion of the new atheists.

Offline Zakir

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Re: The Disgustful Preaching of Atheism.
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2018, 10:49:25 AM »
So let me be a bit clear here. Atheism is a manipulative and disgustful ideology.
You see the things I've noticed about Atheists
is they really like to target the teenagers
like me and other teenagers,or maybe even you the one reading this,are their target of manipulation,They always target the weaker opponents,
for example if a Teenager has mental Issues,the atheist tries his hardest to Make the teenager doubt Islam due to his issues
Basically manipulating the emotions to fit a sick Agenda, and this seems like a very,very disgustful thing to me

I feel bad for the atheist Teenagers,because just to know how they've been harshened and their emotions have been manipulated to convert to a false ideology,is just sad to me.

So this is why I believe us teenagers,should atleast get into the basic fallacies in Philosophy to recognize how these Atheists are manipulating us,because really this is something,us Muslim youth should really recognize,there are people doubting Islam,because they have a Mental issue,like Autism and they blame Allah for it due to Atheists manipulating them

The question I wanna ask you is this
Who is the most merciful? and who should we believe in?

Allah,the most merciful,the kind,the supplier of all your resources and my resourhces

Or the Atheist? the one who blames Allah for things,and manipulates the weak for an evil,sick Agenda.

I mean I know one convert,who has had ALL HER details leaked online
ONLY because she left atheism for Islam
and was taken out of her manipulation
The thing is,our Muslim scholars,I believe are under-respected
Because the way they speak,they never try to manipulate us
all they do is read from the sources,and then they try to relate to us and show us how this source can help our lives
And we have the choice to either reject their advice or accept it
so there is no manipulation,we have free will
But for the atheist,there is no free will,he's forced to believe in this manipulative way that if he gets out of this he'll be insulted and even killed,I know some teenagers receiving death threats because they didnt accept atheism.

So this is why I believe us as Muslims should start to take our youth back from this disgusting Ideology,
because Islam tells us,to guide with actions and kindness
whereas Atheism you speak roughly to people,and manipulate their emotions
for your own sick agenda
And I really believe some Teenagers should start to atleast get into the basic fallacies of philosophy
so when they are speaking to the atheist,they instantly realize they are being manipulated
from their emotions.

and this is my opinion of the new atheists.

They use questions we can't even answer to convice us but neither can they they ask for evidence of the obvious they claim to live by morals and love humanity but who taught love
Ask them do you think Hitler was bad?
They will say yes but on who's terms,somebody must have implanted the idea killing of inocents is bad. All moral standards derive from holy books espically the 3 Abrahamic religions.

Offline AMuslimDude213

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Re: The Disgustful Preaching of Atheism.
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2018, 10:57:57 AM »
Although I do agree with the Morals deriving from Religion.

Because most of the Moral education we get from school in the Eastern and western world is derived from state religion

And as for their questions,they have an easy answer,the thing is,Muslims have answered all of them,

But the atheists then start to go to Impossible circumstances like Time travel,etc,etc and start to believe in Conspiracy theories to try and "disprove' Islam,which fails because conspiracies remain conspiracies,Impossible due to nature,remains impossible.

Offline A proud Muslim

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Re: The Disgustful Preaching of Atheism.
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2018, 05:30:36 PM »
Not all people have morals, but even non-Muslims have morals because that is something that God created in every human. People who don't have morals are decieved by shaytan.

On the other hand, atheists use very weak agruments, and always lie and decieve people. Just look at arab atheists and how they decieve people with their blatant lies, but I'm sure that someone will show up and destroy their arguments, and show the true religion to the whole world.

Offline AMuslimDude213

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Re: The Disgustful Preaching of Atheism.
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2018, 03:04:21 PM »
In my view,the only reason atheists have even have their morals is due to law,as soon as law is removed,look st the amount of rape,etc which will be done by them as for the god-fearing innocent person,he has a permanent law and morals revealed by God,so even if there is no humanly law,the religious one will still be moral and have his own set of laws.


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