Author Topic: Time travel  (Read 9118 times)

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Offline shaad

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Re: Time travel
« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2018, 11:15:23 PM »
Yeah it was a link to google playstore...

Offline shaad

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Re: Time travel
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2018, 11:17:08 PM »
Oh sorry now i understand, you were not being vague, you thought that you sent me the right link...

Offline shaad

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Re: Time travel
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2018, 11:18:35 PM »
Yeah i'll take a look at Mandela effect...seems hilarious...

Offline shaad

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Re: Time travel
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2018, 11:34:17 PM »
So you tried to send a link about the man who shows a photo of Los Angeles underwater? Am i right?

Offline Zakir

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Re: Time travel
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2018, 09:35:39 AM »
So you tried to send a link about the man who shows a photo of Los Angeles underwater? Am i right?
It was to an article which I sent from my phone but ,I think it sent you to the playstore to get the Google app on order to view it lol  :)

Offline Zakir

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Re: Time travel
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2018, 09:20:29 PM »
So you tried to send a link about the man who shows a photo of Los Angeles underwater? Am i right?
Please check the Mandela effect out

Offline shaad

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Re: Time travel
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2018, 10:17:56 PM »

Offline shaad

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Re: Time travel
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2018, 04:42:15 AM »
It's just about False memories as far as i can see....

Offline shaad

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Re: Time travel
« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2018, 06:38:12 AM »
Or maybe confusions...

Offline shaad

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Re: Time travel
« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2018, 06:40:07 AM »
What's bothering you about Mandela Effect by the way?

Offline Zakir

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Re: Time travel
« Reply #25 on: February 21, 2018, 08:56:39 AM »
What's bothering you about Mandela Effect by the way?
People try to explain the effect in many ways her are 3 ways they explain it a bit strange if you ask me:
1) life is a simulation and it's making mistakes.
2) parallel universes are colliding very similar ones with small changes.
3) someone is tampering with time.

If you haven't checked the Mandela effect is when a large number of people's memory of the past or names or things said by people are contradicted evidence from current day.

4)Elon musk says simulation is very possible look at virtual reality and how it's developed in under 10 years what can we do in the future think of the possibilities what if we're in a simulation from the future set in the past so it feels normal.
All very strange I know but sometimes I just think does anyone really have an answer to these people.
Sometimes it irritates me nobody on the Internet really adreses this stuff.

Offline shaad

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Re: Time travel
« Reply #26 on: February 21, 2018, 09:49:10 AM »
I must look into it in detail...

Offline Asim Abdulla PP

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Re: Time travel
« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2018, 12:11:04 PM »
Assalamu alaikum,


1. Travelling to past is impossible even according to science since it requires speed greater than the speed of light which is impossible because it requires infinite energy.

2. General relativity states space and time no longer be independant but they are part of a single continuum called Spacetime.Relativity doesnt actually says that the Time is a dimension.But new discoveries/theories have been introduced to prove the time as a 'numerical order of material change'.This eliminates even the concept of travel through the dimension of time.

3. And even if someone time travels it will not disprove God. Even our Prophet travelled at the speed of greater than/or atleast equal to light speed using buraq since "buraq" actually means "Lightening".The energy problem doesnt exist here since Buraq is from heaven and atleast not from this universe.
This means people could go foward on time and be all knowing like Allah and could mess with fate
Time travel SHOCK PROOF? Man shows ‘pic of Los Angeles UNDERWATER in year 5000’
I found this link so this proves the day of judgement is not close.
This is what I mean time travel is almost impossible to Co existe with Islam.

How can someone be all knowimg even if he travels to future (  even if he reaches the year 2030,how can he be all knowing).What matter is if they can travel both past and future.That is if they travel to 2030 and then back to 2018.Then their knowledge matters since they know what will gonna happen in 2030.Otherwise how he can be all knowing.Travelling to future already happened for Ashabul kahf according quran as they travelled 300 years in future.What happened to them is they didnt  even know that the old currency that they have in their hand has changed.The same will happen if someone travels to 2030 from 2018.They themselves know that they are time traveller but they dont know what their surrounding is until they keenly observes and learn gradually from it.
Any man who stand still is actually travelling forward in time. Thats y we grow. And according to science, what travelling to future in time  means is that slowing down passage of time in him relative to others surrounded him (say others in earth).That is if someone travels with 90% speed of light then time flow rate will be half.If 20 years passed for others, the traveller will only experience 10 years.That is he travelled 10 years more in future relative to others.(that is he travelled 20 years within 10 years.Do you still think that he can be all knowing if he travels so?. Even the athiest scientists have no such claims.The problem is in where you understand the concept of time travel.

Offline Asim Abdulla PP

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Re: Time travel
« Reply #28 on: February 21, 2018, 12:16:35 PM »
There are so many fake stories and something like that that they claim there are time travellers. Dont be fooled by them.There is no such reliable story on internet as well as scientists are not even bothering about that.


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