1)One thing I don't get of prisoners of war why do humans become property also when you say a a slave woman becomes impregnated by her master
she will be free well the only way to get escape slavery is to he ransomed or sex then. So this Is kind of rape or is it because a woman would not want to be enslaved so will have to have intercourse unwillingly just to get out even though she is a prisoner of war can she not just request to be freed.
2) Also could you explain this hadith please After the distribution of the spoils of war a man may have intercourse with the female slave after passing one menstrual period, if she is not pregnant. If she is pregnant one should wait till she delivers the child. This is the view held by Malik, al-Shafi?i and Abu Thawr. Abu Hanifah holds that if both the husband and wife are captivated together, their marriage tie still continues; they will not be separated. According to the majority of scholars, they will be separated. Al-Awza-i maintains that their marriage tie will continue till they remain part of the spoils of war. If a man buys them, he may separate them if he desires, and cohabit with the female slave after one menstrual period. (?Awn al-Ma?bud II.213)" Abu Dawud vol.2
They say that muhmmads war separated families why was this allowed did the husband or wife give consent to be separated.
3) I thought Islam came to end slavery.
4) I have a few hadith I will upload yesterday that I need answering can someone answer them tomorrow night.