Author Topic: Another atheist question  (Read 2496 times)

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Offline Zakir

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Another atheist question
« on: December 14, 2017, 03:45:59 PM »
I posted the other day about some questions from an atheist well they asked me another it's goes like this:
"If your God Allah is all powerful why did he need to create stuff what's the point. Think about it why would he create existense for no reason if he gained nothing. Why is there any need for a creator an baker creates a loaf of bread to sell  so why did Allah create things it's ppint less.  Was Allah lonely. So your saying the only reason he created you was to give himself purpose"
This ha's put me in doubt any rebuttals.

Offline Zakir

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Re: Another atheist question
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2017, 03:47:06 PM »
I think he meant pointless there

Offline A proud Muslim

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Re: Another atheist question
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2017, 04:23:40 PM »
Allah created all the stuff around us to prove that he is powerful and is capable of doing anything. Don't you agree that all these galaxies around us and all these species lead us to the conclusion that a powerful entity created them?

Secondly, Allah said in the Quran that he created humans and  Jin to worship him, and had promised them the paradise if they succed in this test.


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Re: Another atheist question
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2017, 06:36:21 PM »
Allow me to present to you my opinion. It is true that allah did not gain anything from this creation. But here is the thing, what else do we know about the glourious allah swt? We know he is all knowledgeable and all merciful. But what does that mean? That means he knew before he made all of us that the sensation of living is something we love. Even towards suicidal people, suicidial people enjoy the sensation of life but want to end it because of its challenges. However, the mercy comes in the form of providing another life the chance at eternal life. I mean think about it, isnt allah swt the most amazing purely because he is giving you an open opportunity at eternal joy and happiness? He gains nothing from this, but because of his conpation for the non conceived he created us. Because once one thinks about it, what is better non existence or eternal existence with pure joy and satisfactoin. So the simply answer for why allah created anything if he gained nothing is that he created things to show his compassion to you by providing you with a chance at eternal life with total content. This is the concept of genourosity and it is why allah is also the most genorous. Hopefully this answers your question. Excuse my spelling I'm a little tired

Offline AMuslimDude213

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Re: Another atheist question
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2017, 03:19:10 PM »

Allah SWT COULD HAVE SOLD US AWAY,He Could have burned us for eternity,but he didn't he created you and me in perfect proportion,Look at the Quran it always says "The Most merciful,most gracious"

And the atheist should solve your doubt rather than make it,because that one question is the answer to Allah SWT's mercy!


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