Author Topic: Dabiq  (Read 1770 times)

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Offline shaad

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« on: September 21, 2017, 07:29:38 AM »

 I just read the latest Issue of Dabiq....They make lengthy articles about wisdom and contemplation and on the same page they put bloody pictures of their attacks and i guess this is enough to prove how idiotic they are...i went on page 30 and the title was "Why we hate you and why we fight you" and all the reasons that they've written are mainly emotional with a tiny amount of Quranic verses which are as usual taken out of context...They mock the claim that Islam is a peaceful religion and calls muslims like us "Apostates" and what is really funny is that they don't even bring a single proof from the Quran and Hadiths to prove us wrong....what is even funnier is that they put pictures of kids who are apparently playing happily in the caliphate in order to attract sympathizers who wish to bring their kids and i'm pretty sure little do these sympathizers know about the amount of child soldiers that have been recruited and judging from the amount of territory and fighters that these idiots have lost, there is a high chance that these kids are on the frontline...

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Re: Dabiq
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2017, 11:47:36 AM »
Wa Alaikum As'salam dear brother,

These people have messed up the Muslims uprise against the tyrants.  Bashar was cornered and he was almost done.  ISIS came and saved him.  And now it is all going to the shias and their garbage "islam".  Muslims need to realize that salafies are a danger to Islam.  ISIS is another rotten fruit from them.  And Muslims to them are apostates. 

The reader can read about the false and evil islamic cults at:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline shaad

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Re: Dabiq
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2017, 02:56:43 AM »
What really makes me worried is that although they are losing, their influence is growing, even in the country where i live...i've seen news report of idiots showing their support by raising ISIS flags on top of their house and then i realised it's getting worse when i started seeing one in my own little town...i've even seens lots and lots of graffitis showing support to extremist groups....when i think about it, the local scholars and imams are partly responsible of this because ever since these idiots started their offensive in 2014, i barely heard any Imam or scholar condemning's as if they don't even care,i've never heard ISIS being condemned in daily islamic programs on the local radio because most of time they are too "busy" putting old grandpas with weird voices singing poems about the Prophet(Peace be upon him) in low quality sounds...these shows barely do anything productive...sigh....


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