Brother Osama has his own opinion about Islam, but you choose to agree with me or him.
That is a broad statement, brother. It's not about Islam. It's about a topic in Islam.
Anyway, did
Imam Hussein commit suicide? He knew he was going to his death. He didn't stop.
Also Ali when he slept in the Prophet's bed. If they killed him, would he have committed suicide?
The term "suicide" is what is being disagreed upon here. Those who say it is Islamically allowed call it Martyrdom, not "suicide bombing". I heard this debate on Aljazeera before when it was fresh. They mentioned few Sahabas as example who, like Hussein, fought and fought and wouldn't go back until they got killed. In fact, one of them is a Muslim female, if my memory didn't fail me.
I will do my thorough research and update my partially-written article. It is one of the early articles on the site. I will fix it, insha'Allah.
Take care,
Osama Abdallah