Author Topic: Isis Supporters  (Read 9535 times)

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Offline muslimforever2012

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Re: Isis Supporters
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2017, 07:14:52 AM »

Don't report them on Facebook. You should report them here:

For everyone reading, if you find anyone suspicious, you should also report them, to let the critics know that Muslims do not condone terrorism.

Offline A proud Muslim

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Re: Isis Supporters
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2017, 07:52:05 AM »
Are you talking about some Daesh supporters, or all of them? It is difficult to imagine that the ones who carry out lone-wolf attacks are paid to do so.

Yes, i am talking about all of them, they are definitely paid. Do you really think that Daesh supports are real Muslims? Does the Quran tell us to kill innocent people? Is there any hadith that tells to kil children? Is there any Muslim scholar that tells us to kill infidels? It's quite obvious that Daesh are hired to make Islam look bad, so in conclusion it's clear that Daesh supporters aren't real Muslims

Offline A proud Muslim

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Re: Isis Supporters
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2017, 07:54:52 AM »
Sorry for the grammatical errors, i was writing fast, the next time i'll try to write slowly.

Offline AhmadFarooq

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Re: Isis Supporters
« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2017, 07:26:02 PM »
Do you have any evidence that Daesh supporters who have carried out lone-wolf attacks are paid to do so?

Offline A proud Muslim

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Re: Isis Supporters
« Reply #19 on: June 11, 2017, 07:42:51 PM »
Do you have any evidence that Daesh supporters who have carried out lone-wolf attacks are paid to do so?

Yes, i do.
-Are Daesh supporters following the Quran? No
-Are they following the hadiths? No
-Does the Quran forbids killing innocent people? Yes
-Is there any hadith that allows Muslims to kill innocent people? No

And now it's quite obvious that Daesh supporters are paid. Also i was wondering why are you defending them? As far as i know they are brainwashing people by making people think that Islam is behind all those Terriosts attacks, please do not jump to conclusion. In conclusion it's clear that Daesh supports are paid.

Offline AhmadFarooq

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Re: Isis Supporters
« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2017, 02:24:19 AM »
This is not evidence, it is merely your conjecture and opinion. Just because I demand evidence, before blindly believing something someone on the internet says, does not mean I am defending some group - which happens to be another allegation you have made without providing any evidence.

Other than the things mentioned before, another thing Islam teaches is to not make allegations without evidence. Someone can argue that you are quoting Islam in a partial manner; when there is something which supports your opinion you accept it and when it negatively applies to you personally, you might not have found issue with ignoring it.

- "Are Daesh supporters following the Quran? Are they following the hadiths?"

They think they are, or they are following those who manipulate them into believing that they are.

- "Does the Quran forbids killing innocent people? Is there any hadith that allows Muslims to kill innocent people? "

They do not believe their victims to be "innocent".

Tell me, when a Muslim murders, robs, kidnaps, assaults, blackmails or defrauds another person what is your first thought? Is it that, that Muslim must have been paid by some malicious anti-Islamist, atheistic, devil worshipping, entities whose sole purpose in the world is to end the light and righteousness of Islam? I doubt it.

Why is it so difficult to believe that Muslims don't need anyone paying them to kill and maim others? Why is it difficult to believe that Muslims on their own, without any help from any external forces, can be incredibly horrible people too?

Furthermore, while it may be true that the methodology applied by Daesh in pursuit of their objectives is difficult to defend from an Islamic point-of-view, at the same time, it is also difficult to deny that those same objectives parallel the goals of at least some mainstream Muslim scholars. Do you think apostates and blasphemers come under the category of "innocents", a lot of Muslims, although critics of Daesh but similar to Daesh, don't believe so and argue that they should be killed. There are also scholars who believe in the concept of a Global Caliphate and not letting any non-Muslim government to rule, which is purportedly the main objective of Daesh.

Muslims can either continue to believe that they are some special righteous people who are incapable of performing horrible acts (even though they did murder two of the Prophet's successors and his grandson along with his family) and that the real culprits are always some veiled non-Muslims dastardly manipulating events and their outcomes; or they can as a whole accept the high responsibility that Islam puts on them and comprehensively deal, instead of ignoring, the circumstances and faults that allow their religion to be used as justification for these unfortunate incidents.

Offline adilriaz123

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Re: Isis Supporters
« Reply #21 on: June 12, 2017, 03:15:45 AM »
Asalam ul laykum brothers and sisters, first off, before we decide to call an individual a Daesh supporter. We need to do a careful investigation. Most of these "so-called" Daesh supporters aren't Daesh supporters. Infact, many of them before commiting the acts did indeed release a statement on social media how they became fed up with the continuous persecution of muslims and how they want American to stop spreading chaos in their countries. Truth of the fact is there is SUBSTANCLE amount of evidence to prove that US, Britain and Isreal are carrying out a genocide against muslims all over the world. the most clear voices are the judeo-christians social media terrorists like Pamella Geller, David Woods, Jay Smith and so on. The media as we know it is created by the Zionists even the early history of media shows it has always been Jewish owned, for example the pigeon carrier business being started by Jacob de Rothschild.

the real facts are being swept under the rug and that is Majority of these attacks have been due to sending a message to the government to stop this Genocide. But media never lets the true story come out. but remember Daesh and all of these terrorist groups are paid and owned by US, Britain and Isreal.

here is a de-classified government document that proves this:

Those of u if ever have looked at the Foreign policy Projects PNAC and FPI, you would know that the true culprit of the Middle East chaos is mainly West, even though I do agree with u brother AhmedFarooq that we muslim ummah are not perfect and have had religious infights but NOTHING like this ever happened before.

Infact these Anglo-American Isreali agendas are to redraw and create a Greater Isreal, since people are starting to wake up to the reality this is going on. they changed it to "New Middle East" or "Greater Middle East" a plan to REFORM middle eastern countries according to US, Britain and Isreal's interests.

I do not believe that most of these lone wolf attacks are by Daesh Supporters but rather by those who can no longer take all this chaos that is going on. But inshallah, we as muslims know this was going to happen as Allah swt and Muhammad pbuh told us, so we must bare patience and inshallah the Zalimun will definatly get their Recompense.

Offline Monys

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Re: Isis Supporters
« Reply #22 on: June 17, 2017, 05:25:04 PM »

Don't report them on Facebook. You should report them here:

For everyone reading, if you find anyone suspicious, you should also report them, to let the critics know that Muslims do not condone terrorism.
Report someone from arab countries to the Fbi?

Offline muslimforever2012

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Re: Isis Supporters
« Reply #23 on: June 17, 2017, 06:38:07 PM »

Don't report them on Facebook. You should report them here:

For everyone reading, if you find anyone suspicious, you should also report them, to let the critics know that Muslims do not condone terrorism.
Report someone from arab countries to the Fbi?

you can ask them to see their ip and see where they are from. even if they are arab, the fbi can arrest them if they travel to usa.


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