Refutting David Woods video: Fun Islamic Fact20: Stars are Missiles:
Asalam ul laykum, David Wood came up with a video on YouTube called “Fun Islamic Fact20: Stars are Missiles.” Firstly, I can tell that David Woods did not do his homework, to see whether or not the claims that the Quran makes are true.
Please refer to [Quran & Science] section and read the article “Suns(Stars) and CMEs(thrown)”: as you can see clearly that the Quranic verse 67:5 is indeed talking about Suns as lamps and Coronal Mass Ejections as what is thrown from Suns to ward off jinnkind. Also it is important to note that this occurance happens regularly this makes even more sense towards the Quranic claim.
Also I have a question for David Woods, David Wood u quoted Quran (37:6-10) However you conveniently left off Quran(37:12) “But you wonder, while they mock,” why is it that you left off the very verse that exposes your foolishness. That your nothing more then a clown who likes to mock prophet Muhammad pbuh, Islam, God and Muslims.
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