Author Topic: my work: ASTONISHING EVIDENCE AHMED mentioned in DEAD SEA SCROLLS DSS in Hebrew  (Read 53273 times)

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Brother Dawud, do you have your image files in MS-DOC or HTML or any text file?  I would like to link these files under your images for search engines to pick them up, and for also readers to be able to find them when they research for certain texts.

Jazaka Allah Khayr.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Dawud

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Jazaka Allah Khayr, dear brother Dawud.  Great work, akhi.  Tonight insha'Allah, I am going to go through your posts and copy your precious images to this site to permanently preserve them, insha'Allah.  I am going to RE-LINK all of your images to this website, insha'Allah.  This way we don't have to worry about them ever getting erased or lost as long as this website remains alive, insha'Allah.  I am way behind on doing this.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Great  ;)

Offline Dawud

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Asalam ul laykum brother Dawud, I was not aware that u did this already. However, I will do some work on rest of Isaiah 42 and what I just descovered in Isaiah 52:15 in the earlier post. I think we should work towards completely dissecting chapters of Isaiah to show how many times there was a mention of prophet Muhammad pbuh by Isaiah.

this is also done already, visualised of course

Osama take all these photos and put the on the site

Muhammad in the Bible detailed analysis in Old testament and New testament

« Last Edit: May 04, 2017, 10:49:09 PM by QuranSearchCom »

Offline adilriaz123

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Asalam ul laykum brother Dawud, firstly is this all ur work? Secondly, if it is hats off to u brother great job mashallah. May Allah reward you for this effort.

Also is it ok with you that when I get my own Islamic site started by ur permission I can include your work their, do not worry I will make sure you are references there but make sure u give ur full name with that work.

Lastly, u said u already visualised that, but however I found no work in reference to isaiah 52:15, if u have plz direct me towards it, I did try my best to go through ur work through however I could have missed it. Let me know. Since I already found that reference in Isaiah 52:15 and showed in previous post how it confirms prophet Muhammad pbuh, I will make that into a Doc.

Jazakallah kyar brother.

Offline Dawud

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Asalam ul laykum brother Dawud, firstly is this all ur work? Secondly, if it is hats off to u brother great job mashallah. May Allah reward you for this effort.

Also is it ok with you that when I get my own Islamic site started by ur permission I can include your work their, do not worry I will make sure you are references there but make sure u give ur full name with that work.

Lastly, u said u already visualised that, but however I found no work in reference to isaiah 52:15, if u have plz direct me towards it, I did try my best to go through ur work through however I could have missed it. Let me know. Since I already found that reference in Isaiah 52:15 and showed in previous post how it confirms prophet Muhammad pbuh, I will make that into a Doc.

Jazakallah kyar brother.

Asalam ul laykum brother Dawud, firstly is this all ur work?

yes photos are my work, while text are mostly copied form different sites and forums after analyzing in orginal text and translating everything to be sure what is going on.

Also is it ok with you that when I get my own Islamic site started by ur permission I can include your work their, do not worry I will make sure you are references there but make sure u give ur full name with that work.

bro dont ask, just copy...i am doing this so people can spread this info to many people so they know they truth.

Lastly, u said u already visualised that, but however I found no work in reference to isaiah 52:15, if u have plz direct me towards it, I did try my best to go through ur work through however I could have missed it. Let me know. Since I already found that reference in Isaiah 52:15 and showed in previous post how it confirms prophet Muhammad pbuh, I will make that into a Doc.

i have not analyzed that, only Isaiah 42

if you want to analyze 52:15 and present your findings here, then we all can also analyze your findings to see what the verses are talking about.

Offline adilriaz123

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Also brother, I noticed u didn't include that what I mentioned in my work, regards to similarities between kaf and dalet. The rest of the work isn't related to the same subject.  Nevertheless it is quite impressive work, but u have to make it clear regards to how u came up with Ahmed, that there is a need to change the kaf to dalet since it was a deliberate or coincidental mistake by the early scholars. U should definitely mention in the first part how kaf and dalet are related.

Offline Dawud

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Also brother, I noticed u didn't include that what I mentioned in my work, regards to similarities between kaf and dalet. The rest of the work isn't related to the same subject.  Nevertheless it is quite impressive work, but u have to make it clear regards to how u came up with Ahmed, that there is a need to change the kaf to dalet since it was a deliberate or coincidental mistake by the early scholars. U should definitely mention in the first part how kaf and dalet are related.

brother i used your explanation and copied it in the same photo

now you can use this photo beacuse it contains everything.

Offline Mohamed Saif

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Assalamun Alaikum dear brother

The Servant songs (also called the Servant poems or the Songs of the Suffering Servant) are songs in the Book of Isaiah in the Hebrew Bible. They were first identified by Bernhard Duhm in his 1892 commentary on Isaiah. The songs are four poems written about a certain "Servant of God." God calls the servant to lead the nations, but the servant is horribly abused among them. In the end, he is rewarded.

Some scholars regard Isaiah 61:1-3 as a fifth servant song, although the word "servant" is not mentioned in the passage.

According to the majority of Hebrew scholars they speak of one and the same servant.

My point here is that if Isaiah 42 is about Prophet Muhammad then the rest of the song is also about him. We just need to dig even more and find out.

The below are the reference to the Four Servant Songs

Isaiah 42:1-9
Isaiah 49:1-12
Isaiah 50:4-9
Isaiah 52-53

The Christian interpretation of the Suffering Servant is not valid since they believe in atoning for sins of others. We need a Jewish interpretation.  Below is a link to a Jewish site. It explains the suffering servant and also prove that Christ is not the suffering servant.

The site is called Jews for Judaism

Offline Albarra

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I don't get it. Christians don't really know who was Ahmed.

For instance, if I ask a pastor about Ahmed in the Bible, the pastor doesn't understand what I'm talking about.

Offline adilriaz123

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Assalamun Alaikum dear brother

The Servant songs (also called the Servant poems or the Songs of the Suffering Servant) are songs in the Book of Isaiah in the Hebrew Bible. They were first identified by Bernhard Duhm in his 1892 commentary on Isaiah. The songs are four poems written about a certain "Servant of God." God calls the servant to lead the nations, but the servant is horribly abused among them. In the end, he is rewarded.

Some scholars regard Isaiah 61:1-3 as a fifth servant song, although the word "servant" is not mentioned in the passage.

According to the majority of Hebrew scholars they speak of one and the same servant.

My point here is that if Isaiah 42 is about Prophet Muhammad then the rest of the song is also about him. We just need to dig even more and find out.

The below are the reference to the Four Servant Songs

Isaiah 42:1-9
Isaiah 49:1-12
Isaiah 50:4-9
Isaiah 52-53

The Christian interpretation of the Suffering Servant is not valid since they believe in atoning for sins of others. We need a Jewish interpretation.  Below is a link to a Jewish site. It explains the suffering servant and also prove that Christ is not the suffering servant.

The site is called Jews for Judaism

What u are mentioning sounds like should be looked more into. I will do some research on this. However, we know 1 thibg, it Definitly isn't Jesus, here is why:

Offline adilriaz123

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Also remember brother the Isaiah 52:15 and Isaiah 42:1 could be talking about the same servant. Also it is important to note that there may be many MISINTERPRETATIONS that are the reason why it seems. Abscure the identity of this Servant of God, but Isaiah 42:1 mentions the name Ahmed, so there is Much higher chance that Isaiah may be talking much more about prophet Muhammad pbuh, also important to note the earlier link shows how it cannot be Jesus.

Offline Mohamed Saif

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Yes brother we have a big fan l research to be done.

Offline AMuslimDude213

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This is only a claim Butzdenn,nothing has been refuted just screams without analyzing the text in Hebrew,just like Christians like about the word Echad to prove the unholy satanic Trinity.

Offline Butzdenn

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ACTUALLY, Refuted bec it has no grain of truth in it. You cannot just go replacing any letter just bec you think it should! The fact that the bible is incorruptible refutes the claim! Jesus is the last prophet!


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