Author Topic: my work: ASTONISHING EVIDENCE AHMED mentioned in DEAD SEA SCROLLS DSS in Hebrew  (Read 53697 times)

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Offline adilriaz123

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Asalam ul laykum brothers, the work I am about to show you is a scholarly piece that I have been working on. It is absolutely CLEAR evidence that "Ahmed" prophet Muhammad pbuh prophesized name is in the Isaiah 42:1 in Hebrew. Enjoy: EVIDENCE AHMED in DSS OT in HEBREW by ADIL RIAZ.docx.pdf

I did some extra research and I might be coming up with a part 2 of it.
Leave me feedback and let me know what you think.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2022, 08:20:37 PM by QuranSearchCom »

Offline Syedsamad

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Excellent 👍👏👍

Offline adilriaz123

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Thank you brother, I am looking more deeper into Isaiah 42 since it is the MOST CLEAREST EVIDENCE of the prophesy of prophet Muhammad pbuh in the OT. I will work harder to dissect this. Also I will also show more translations that both "Athmck" and "Ahmed" are names and are suppose to be RETAINED, but they translated it. My next work will be on "Whom I uphold" and we will see if this is correct or false. I want to dissect this to the point that No apologetic has anything to say regards to it.    ;)

Offline Syedsamad

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Great after u finish it completely u can make a video on it and she it on utube

Offline adilriaz123

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Since I have a tight schedule managing opening a business, college, 2 jobs and family. I have a hard time to do that and can only do things at my own pace. I talked to brother TruthExposer777, he said he can convert my work to videos, I did provide him with this work. So hopefully u will see it posted on his channel soon.

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As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Adil and all other Muslims,

Jazaka Allah Khayr for your hard work, akhi.  For some reason, I am not able to see the file.  I get an error page that says the following:

"Google Docs encountered an error. Please try reloading this page, or coming back to it in a few minutes.

To learn more about the Google Docs editors, please visit our help center.

We're sorry for the inconvenience.
- The Google Docs Team"

I will try it on a different computer.  I will let you know when I do so, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline adilriaz123

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Asalam ul laykum brother Osama, it was working fine a moment ago. For some reason Google Drive and Google Doc occurred an error. Is there another way I can show my work here. I used the hyperlink code and shared my Google Drive share link for the work. But for some reason it occurred an error and I am trying to do it again but it is causing same problem. What method do you recommend?

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As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Adil,

Thank you.  I can see it now.  Jazaka Allah Khayr.  I was using my ORACLE LINUX 6 server at home that I built (all non-microsoft), and I wasn't sure if this was the problem or not. 

Jazaka Allah Khayr.  The document looks impressive.  I will look into it later today if I get time and a change, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Mohamed Saif

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Assalamun Alaikum dear brother

Great work brother!!!  But I would suggest you to do a research on the Four Servant Songs of Isaiah. The Four Servant Songs consists of Isaiah 42 also. According to scholars they speak of the same servant.  So brother I would suggest you to do a research on the Songs of the Suffering Servant instead of studying just a part of it. Since if Isaiah 42 speaks of Prophet Muhammad then the entire song should speak of Prophet Muhammad too.  Anyway I highly appreciate your hard work brother.  Keep up the good work!!!

Thank you

Offline adilriaz123

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Walakum salam brother, I took a brief look into the four servant song of Isaiah. This isn't a separate biblical work. These are mentions and verse through out isaiah 42 that go back to the context of the special servant of God that is being mentioned in Isaiah 42:1. The reason why I decided to make Isaiah 42:1 in such importance is that the Entire Isaiah 42 is talking about the servant mentioned at the first verse. If I can completely dissect this then there is undeniable proof that the entire isaiah 42 is talking about prophet Muhammad pbuh.

Now from the my work above, I did that and I showed clear evidence that it is about prophet Muhammad pbuh. However, I will take it further and make it absolute evident that it is prophet Muhammad, by also proving that "whom I uphold," shouldn't even belong there because that is not what the verse says in Hebrew.

I will also work on making more works that shows how prophet Muhammad pbuh fulfills Isaiah 42 prophecy. The first verse is already evident of that. As it says "he will bring justice to nation's" prophet Jesus never brought justice to nations, however prophet Muhammad pbuh did by sending letters to other nations to come to Islam, while some accepted others didn't and fought and lost, that was the justice.

Inshallah I will do the best I can.  =)

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As'salamu Alaikum dear brothers,

Brother Adil, it looks like the "doitinhebrew" site are messing around with the AHMED translation.  Here is a google translate link that shows אתמד in English:

From the two links that you gave in your article, it is quite clear that Hebrew speakers differ on how to pronounce the ת.  Sometimes they pronounce it as H, and sometimes they pronounce it as T.  The Babylon translation that you gave in your article, translated it as H, and gave the result Ahmed.  Any thoughts on this, akhi?

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline adilriaz123

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To me it seems that there are varients to the translation to that word like some say ATMC and others say Atmch for the that word with the kaf. What is important to notice is that this word is a name and the translator is retaining it. While some translators are saying Ahmed, this proves that Ahmed is indeed the meaning of this word. I even tried typing in Ahmed from English to Hebrew. It gave me the word that I corrected with the dalet. But when I type in "Whom I Uphold" u get a completely set of Hebrew letters.

Offline adilriaz123

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Correction: "completely different"

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Here are varients of Ahmed :. Achmad, Achmat, Achmed, Achmet, Ahmat, Ahmet, Ahmadu, Amadou, Ahmot, Amadu

If you are getting any of these above while translating all of this is correct, these are varients due to different way of pronunciation.


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