Author Topic: alleged historic mistake  (Read 3373 times)

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Offline pascoe

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alleged historic mistake
« on: April 29, 2017, 04:45:25 PM »
Assalam alikum it says in 71:12 that the people of noah had wealth and in 25:20 it says every message walked the markets but in noah's time peace be upon him there were no metal coins money back then because money didnt exsist till 4000 bc so how do we answer this but if by wealth it means other than money that would make sense and when the quran says garments in noah's time do they just mean cloths or actual garments thrones because they didn't exist till 5000 bc but again if it just means cloths then that's fine

Offline pascoe

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Re: alleged historic mistake
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2017, 06:04:33 PM »
Sorry can you delete this I got the anserwes to all this wealth can mean goods garments can mean just cloths and markets can just be trading markets not money so got the answers sorry so you can delete all this jazzakallah

Offline pascoe

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Re: alleged historic mistake
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2017, 06:19:08 PM »
Acutely does 98:5 mean noah's nation gave zakat because zakat means money and money didnt exsist back then

Offline pascoe

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Re: alleged historic mistake
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2017, 06:23:17 PM »
unless zakat can be given in forms of goods like food etc

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Re: alleged historic mistake
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2017, 12:49:33 AM »
Wa Alaikum As'salam,

There is no proof that money didn't exist during Prophet Noah's times, peace be upon him.  In fact, they were so wiped out, nothing was left of them.  People had always dealt with gold, silver, goods, and perhaps beaten gold and silver coins.  But regardless of all of this, Zakat can be paid in a form of goods.

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Osama Abdallah

Offline AMuslimDude213

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Re: alleged historic mistake
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2017, 06:01:49 AM »
Zakat isn't nessecarily money,it can be food,Goods,etc,etc anything you give to the poor that will benefit them is Zakat,and on Money maybe it did exist Ancient Babylon had coins of stone,silver and gold.

Offline pascoe

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Re: alleged historic mistake
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2017, 09:46:43 AM »
Thanks ok well the main point is that it could of been done in form of goods that's the main thing but just to say copper was not discovered till 9000 bc and gold till 6000 bc and monet wasn't made in the form of coins till 5000 bc but see prophet noah peace be upon him and his nation existed before 10 thousand bc so there was no metal and if you ask what is your proof well the proof is if noah's nation was the first to commit shirk etc they had to be before 10 thousand bc because the oldest shirk on earth is the gobeki tepe and there were other shirk temples around 8000 bc also what is fascinating is the gobeki tepe talks about some humans getting and some say a flood so metal didn't exsist back then but like we said if zakat can be paid in goods of stuff like food and etc that answers the question any way because they would of given food and cloths etc

Also interesting question of course back then they would of given zakat in the form of goods because you said they had there own laws back then not the same as us but similar why do some scholars say now that we have to pay zakat with money and not goods jazzakallah because they make it sound like it's not allowed

Offline pascoe

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Re: alleged historic mistake
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2017, 11:29:59 AM »
And also if noah nation came 5000bc then adam gad to be close but we know humans have been doing stuff since 40 thousand bc so there had to be a long gap somewhere in between and with verses 25:38 and 23:42 and 14:9 makes it sound that the long gap was between thamud and Abraham also many historians and scholars say Abraham came about 3200 bc which makes sense because if the children of Israel and the Arabs and may den came from Abraham your looking at about 1500 years for the population to grown because the quran says the nation's in the past were more the the makkans and media so those population back then was about 20 thousand each so the nation's back then had to be more so I doubt if Abraham came 2000 bc I doubt within 600 years there population growed from 0 to 30 thousand in 600 years so 1500 years make the more sense jazzakallah

Offline AMuslimDude213

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Re: alleged historic mistake
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2017, 08:35:18 AM »
No scholar says that we have to give zakat with money nessecarily,anything can be Zakat to the poor.


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