The more I do research on this matter I get different historical accounts that say the same thing that the word Yah or Jah does not mean god, but it is a name of a Babylonian idol, or others say that it is actually praising Satan. Also, there were pastors from the time of George F. Handel, who were opposed of god's word being used in such ways. Another thing to note is that the European Elite's supported this action, which makes me wonder if this corruption actually benefits them some how. also wanted to see if this corruption also had connection with other corruptions in the Christian history, such as the Frankist Movement and Illuminati. Both who seeked to destroy Christianity and Catholic Church, what is interesting to note is that everything was happening in a time line.
1726 - Frankist Movement
1746 - George F. Handel started his piece the Messiah and started the word "halleluyah"
1760s - Adam Weishaupt created Illuminati with financial support from the Rothschild
It could be possible that in the 1700s Christianity lost it's spirituality through continuous attack from satan and other forces that wanted to use it for their nefarious purpose. It is not to say that they ever had the correct Christianity in the first place since during Emporer Constantine time their was much theological war. but it seems that it was in 1700s where Christianity became an entity that shaitan would use for his means.
So I believe the word halleluyah could definatly be for praising the idol Yah: in truth I believe it is just a coincidence that the very word that Christians were tricked to use to praise an idol apparently by some people seems that turn around says ya allah hu. Usually, I am not among the people who believes in coincidences, but the more I research it doesn't seem likely even one bit that this word was made to be used against us or to be used to incite hate against us, unknowingly by the reciters, and known only by the creator of the word.