Author Topic: Help, Explanation Needed  (Read 18267 times)

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Offline adilriaz123

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Re: Help, Explanation Needed
« Reply #30 on: January 24, 2017, 06:44:58 PM »
I completely agree with u brother osama. It is indeed a treachery to trust hadith more then quran. Our strict rules on preservation of quran was on applied on hadiths, they statements from sahabas, which we all know and love but what is more authoritarian the quran or the hadith, i will tell u any true muslim will say quran. Those who say hadith are ppl that associated our beloved prophet pbuh with allah swt, which is a grave mistake that our beloved rasool saw warned us about. Also in the quran allah swt is warning us to not to do the same as what the small group of jews and majority of christians did by making prophets into sons of god astakfirullah. May allah azawajjal guide the ummah ameen.

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Re: Help, Explanation Needed
« Reply #31 on: January 24, 2017, 06:54:35 PM »
Correction:not applied to hadith

Srry im using phone thus make error because of delay in the digital keyboard.

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Re: Help, Explanation Needed
« Reply #32 on: January 25, 2017, 12:28:18 AM »
Water is used to purify and to cleanse, as for the cased of sperm mani like brother  Sama quoted. Its not considered as an unclean fluid. Hence you can choose to wash of the stain or leave it.

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Re: Help, Explanation Needed
« Reply #33 on: January 25, 2017, 01:00:56 AM »
Water is used to purify and to cleanse, as for the cased of sperm mani like brother  Sama quoted. Its not considered as an unclean fluid. Hence you can choose to wash of the stain or leave it.
so, you agree that there is nothing wrong/immoral/unclean in the hadith mentioned.

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Re: Help, Explanation Needed
« Reply #34 on: January 25, 2017, 02:21:58 AM »
School of thoughts of Imam Hanafi, Maliki, Ahmad state that sperm mani as unclean fluid as how they interpret the hadiths above. Which is similar to Jewish laws on impurity of sperm.

But for those who view it as pure fluid. The sperm mani is similar to mucus and saliva. Its just that you feel uncomfortable with those fluids hence why you remove them.

Offline TruthExposer777

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Re: Help, Explanation Needed
« Reply #35 on: May 16, 2017, 08:56:28 AM »
Bro @QuranSearchCom remember this?:
As'salamu Alaikum dear brother,

Ok, you raised a very important topic, because I've been researching it myself recently.  The Glorious Quran is clear about not coming near your wife when she's on her monthly period.  Allah Almighty gives two Commands to the husbands regarding their wives who are menstruating:

1-  Do not touch them.
2-  Do not come near them.

‏2:222 ويسألونك عن المحيض قل هو اذى فاعتزلوا النساء في المحيض ولاتقربوهن حتى يطهرن فاذا تطهرن فاتوهن من حيث امركم الله ان الله يحب التوابين ويحب المتطهرين

[002:222] And they ask you about menstruation. Say: It is a discomfort; therefore keep aloof from the women during the menstrual discharge and do not go near ولاتقربوهن them until they have become clean; then when they have cleansed themselves, go in to them as Allah has commanded you; surely Allah loves those who turn much (to Him), and He loves those who purify themselves.

So you can't have sex with them, and you're not allowed to touch them or be near them.

Also, the Glorious Quran Commands the Muslims to purify their clothes and keep them clean.  So washing is the best thing to do, and not just scraping the impurity off:


Pious Clothes لباس التقوى are mandatory upon the Believers to wear.  Purify and Clean and Wash your clothes (‏وثيابك فطهر).  See Noble Verses 7:26, 24:58-60, 74:4-5.

Aisha's Islam?

The hadiths narrate on Aisha all kinds of things that some of them are quite outrageous and ridiculous!  Like the Prophet used to have sex with her while showering and she was in her period.  These are lies that were invented on the Prophet and on the mouth of Aisha, and they are in contradiction with the Quran:

Youtube: السيد كمال الحيدري: رسول الله يباشر عائشة وهي حائض

Research it further on Youtube.

I will write about this more, insha'Allah.

Why even mention this??

What kind of an ill-raised ill-mannered woman speak about having sex with her husband while they're in the shower anyway??  This is when Allah Almighty Commands the Muslims, men and women, to be in the highest standards in modesty and chastity.  So much that women are forbidden from striking their heels on the ground to make sounds that attract men to them!  Please visit:

And Aisha is running her mouth about her sexual life with the Prophet??  Either these are clear lies on the Prophet, for the Prophet CAN NOT contradict the Glorious Quran, or Aisha was ill-raised by her parents. 

I take the first option.  These are lies that were invented by the liars and hypocrites and haters of Aisha and the Prophet.  The Prophet was not allowed to come near his wives while they were on their monthly periods.  Let alone fondling with them and having sex with them while showering.  Please visit:

It's always Aisha, and only Aisha:

Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, had many wives.  But notice that it is always Aisha, and only Aisha, who narrates these sexual hadiths.  This is another clear proof that they are lies that were invented by the liars and hypocrites on Aisha and the Prophet.  She had many haters, and the hypcorites and liars saw in her weak spot to attack the Prophet and Islam from.

Otherwise, how come none of the other wives of the Prophet narrate these hadiths??  Did he live in celibacy with the other wives??

Take care,
Osama Abdallah
You said you will write on it more In sha 'Allah then maybe post a article refutation on your website, but how long has it been already XD.

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Re: Help, Explanation Needed
« Reply #36 on: May 16, 2017, 10:15:20 AM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Zoraise,

I believe I forgot to remove the statement after I gave the Youtube Research link.  Everything you need is there akhi. 

Jazaka Allah Khayr.  Ameen.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


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