Author Topic: Is it True that We don't Have Mathematical Miracle/Numerical Miracle?  (Read 7426 times)

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Offline TruthExposer777

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So we only got Scientific Miracle? or is the Translators fault? Or Is He Mistaken/lied?

Shabir Ally Speech (Just In Case):

Offline Muslim1

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Re: Is it True that We don't Have Mathematical Miracle/Numerical Miracle?
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2016, 12:12:52 PM »
So we only got Scientific Miracle? or is the Translators fault? Or Is He Mistaken/lied?

Shabir Ally Speech (Just In Case):

 Assalamu alaikum brother,

 I am Abdullah Almadi. I have demonstrated before that the scientific miracles and the numerical miracles are fake and that they are a sin which are very dangerous to Muslims. I have wrote a lot about that and Osama the apostate couldn't refute my arguments so he decided to ban me instead. Yasir Al-Qadri and many other scholars share the same view.

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Re: Is it True that We don't Have Mathematical Miracle/Numerical Miracle?
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2016, 12:33:03 PM »
So You're Also Saying that there are contradictions in Holy book of Muslims?

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Re: Is it True that We don't Have Mathematical Miracle/Numerical Miracle?
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2016, 01:00:45 PM »
So You're Also Saying that there are contradictions in Holy book of Muslims?

 No, what does that have to do with this issue? I never said that it has contradictions. Scientific miracles are fake and haram. Read my article debunking it. Many of those "miracles" were discovered before.

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Re: Is it True that We don't Have Mathematical Miracle/Numerical Miracle?
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2016, 01:17:50 PM »
Give the article

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Re: Is it True that We don't Have Mathematical Miracle/Numerical Miracle?
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2016, 02:53:10 PM »
I am Abdullah Almadi. I have demonstrated before that the scientific miracles and the numerical miracles are fake and that they are a sin which are very dangerous to Muslims. I have wrote a lot about that and Osama the apostate couldn't refute my arguments so he decided to ban me instead. Yasir Al-Qadri and many other scholars share the same view.


I let you bark for a while under this alias, but you seem to not have learned anything.  It is quite amazing that 1+1 does not equal to 2 to you, because some salafi turd from your cult gave you fatwa against it.  If the ample mathematical Miracles, which had been given in images and in Microsoft Excel don't exist to you, then your brain is indeed your butt and your mouth is its anus.  Just like most of your rotten salafies and other cultists, you are indeed blind.  Allah Almighty has sealed your brain for you, which is why you're thinking like a brainless rock, just like your cultists and their rotten traditions and ways:

You are banned, and your garbage is deleted.

To the reader, checkout these Miracles, and do see the MS-Excel file and the 100s of scanned images with 1000s of examples that clearly prove all of this:

I can excuse someone rejecting certain interpretations of Noble Words.  But man, when numbers that are either black or white are brought to you right before your eyes, and you still reject them, and even deny their existence?  Then you are indeed too ridiculous to be tolerated.

Osama Abdallah

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His 360 joints post
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2016, 03:05:29 PM »
And here is perhaps the most ludicrous part of all.  This salafi doofus posted in another post scientific proofs that the human body has indeed 360 joints, and that Prophet Muhammad's Hadith about the human body having 360 joint was scientifically accurate.  But I thought these numerical and scientific miracles don't exist.  But now they suddenly exist:,2175.msg9461.html#msg9461

So they only exist when you have a positive opinion of them?  Is this how your false "islam" works?

You have disabled your brain and put it in sleep mode, because some salafi turd from your cult gave you a fatwa saying that the Scientific and Numerical Miracles are haram (sin), and they don't even exist EVEN WHEN THEY'RE UNDENIABLY IN YOUR FACE.  Like the infidels did to the Miracles of the Prophets of old: "these are nothing but evident sorcery".  Muslims need to put these turds in the garbage along with their brainless followers such as yourself, because you are more evil than the turd who is controlling you.  You know why?  Because without turds like you, he and his likes wouldn't be heard, nor would he hold any credibility.

And again and again to the reader, visit the following link to see the Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline TruthExposer777

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Re: Is it True that We don't Have Mathematical Miracle/Numerical Miracle?
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2016, 04:09:34 PM »
Can I have a Clear Answer lol?

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Re: Is it True that We don't Have Mathematical Miracle/Numerical Miracle?
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2016, 10:22:19 AM »
Clear answer?  Are you referring to the empty assertions and lies that "Khaled K" said?  Did he even provide a single link to back up any of the garbage that he said?  I've given you links that contain 100s of examples, and you still want a "clear answer"?

Do you just stop and contemplate any dog bark you hear out there?  Here is an advise to you and to everyone reading:  Examine the MERITS of the argument.

Shabbir Ally's argument:

Here is the link of the XLS file that Shabbir Ally was talking about during the debate:

Now please tell us where Khaled K isn't lying and just vomiting empy assertions.  It's in Microsoft Excel


Merit-less empty assertions    vs    Scientific Proofs.

Does it require any more "clear answer" than this?

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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I will give you 1000 dollars Truth Exposer!
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2016, 10:41:53 AM »
Here is a little homework to you dear brother Truth Exposer:

Take the following xls file:

to the rotten salafi cultists that claim that this Mathematical Miracle (from among 1000s provided in the link blow) doesn't exist, and ask them to give you a direct refutation that clearly proves that Microsoft Excel has lied and miscalculated.

Here is the link that contains 1000s of Mathematical Miracles:
(I counted and verified with my own hands many of the mathimatical patterns that Muslims have discovered.  They are thoroughly detailed in my articles.)

I will give you 1000 dollars!

If you don't just receive empty cow feces (BS) from the foul salafi prostitutes for answers, then I declare in front of everyone here AND BEFORE ALLAH ALMIGHTY, I will give you Truth Exposer 1000 (one thousand dollars) that I will wire to you.

Do we have a deal?  GO DEMAND YOUR CLEAR ANSWERS from them buddy.  Not here.  Here you don't have to demand it.  It is automatically given to you in abundance:

"....produce your proof if ye are Truthful...." (The Glorious Quran, 2:111)

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline TruthExposer777

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Re: I will give you 1000 dollars Truth Exposer!
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2016, 03:32:45 PM »
Here is a little homework to you dear brother Truth Exposer:

Take the following xls file:

to the rotten salafi cultists that claim that this Mathematical Miracle (from among 1000s provided in the link blow) doesn't exist, and ask them to give you a direct refutation that clearly proves that Microsoft Excel has lied and miscalculated.

Here is the link that contains 1000s of Mathematical Miracles:
(I counted and verified with my own hands many of the mathimatical patterns that Muslims have discovered.  They are thoroughly detailed in my articles.)

I will give you 1000 dollars!

If you don't just receive empty cow feces (BS) from the foul salafi prostitutes for answers, then I declare in front of everyone here AND BEFORE ALLAH ALMIGHTY, I will give you Truth Exposer 1000 (one thousand dollars) that I will wire to you.

Do we have a deal?  GO DEMAND YOUR CLEAR ANSWERS from them buddy.  Not here.  Here you don't have to demand it.  It is automatically given to you in abundance:

"....produce your proof if ye are Truthful...." (The Glorious Quran, 2:111)

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

1000 Dollars? XD
reason i said i want clear answer cuz it's all mixed up with salafi stuf..
I don't wanna deal, I will do my homework with xls file you gave, then what should i do if i'm done?
You know I believe in you not this garbage article that salafi gave me :p..

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Re: Is it True that We don't Have Mathematical Miracle/Numerical Miracle?
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2016, 08:37:54 AM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brother,

Only believe in Allah Almighty, akhi.  But I know exactly what you meant. 

As to the salafis, give them the xls file, ask them where did Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, say in a Hadith that this Miracle exists?  And then show them from the Glorious Quran how Prophet Muhammad could only interpret some of the Glorious Quran, and not all of it.  So their ridiculous argument that if the Prophet didn't explain it, then it doesn't exist crumbles.

Take that to them and see the load of garbage that they'll give you for answer.  Resist them enough, and you'll be honored to be called an apostate by these rotten hypocrites.  The following links should help you, insha'Allah:,2243.msg10156.html#msg10156,2270.msg10136.html#msg10136,2275.msg10214.html#msg10214

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


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