But the problem with "Salafism" is it is very sectarianist,it tries to divide muslims into particular groups like Sufi's,which are basically just sunni with another name,Shia's,etc,etc
they donot see the concept of a Muslim:
In order to be a muslim,you must believe Muhammad S.A.W is the last,final messenger,and that Allah is the only TRUE God,
Okay maybe the Alevi's Shi'a praise 'Ali(R.A) A bit too much,but those are the only people,Shi'a,Sufi,Sunni are all Muslims,the only non Muslims are:
Ahmadiyya's,they aren't muslim because they donot believe the Prophet S.A.W,And call Medina and Mekka a dirty place,astaghfirullah,so yeaah all the sects who believe in another Prophet instead of the main 124,000 Prophets of Islam,leading down to the final Messenger S.A.W,so yeah.
Salafism is kinda also blasphemy in a way since one of their beliefs are to believe Muhammad S.A.W did Sin and was just a normal human,astaghfirullah,we do believe Muhammad S.A.W WAS human in the end of the day but he was Sinless.
And in the prophet S.A.W's time and the time of 'Ali R.A,Imam Hussain R.A,Imam Hasan R.A,there was no "Salafi" this Is just an ideology of Ibn Taymiyyah,so yeah,Ibn Taymiyyah was a huge critic of Sufism,Shi'a,Sunni,etc
so that is why I don't believe Salafi's are Muslim.