Author Topic: Why Muhammd (SAW) was NOT a pedophile even by "Modern Western standards"  (Read 2234 times)

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Offline Islam1st

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The DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for pedophilic disorder (then called pedophilia) define this paraphilia as the sexual preference for prepubertal children. There is only one generally accepted medical or scientific definition of prepuberty, that is, Tanner Stage 1 of pubertal development
According to "modern Western standards," pedophilia is sexual attraction to children under tanner stages 2 or less, Menstruation occurs at tanner stages 3 or 4. Muhammad (SAW) had sexual intercourse with Aisha (RA) when she started mensturating. Therefore, Muhammad (SAW) was not a pedophile.

Note: I will provide evidence for the first paragraph when i get time, but please use this for the website, Brother Osama. Also, sorry if this is terrible formatting, this is just what i replied to a person who claimed he (SAW) was a pedophile.

Offline khdrb

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early puberty is still something normal.

so how about desert life ??? and a women wanted that man badly and was engaged before him to another man been caught drinking.

a caught cases of youngest mothers not from long time ago.

Girls in India could customarily be married after reaching puberty.( they also allowed to abortion female embryos )
Jump up ^ Thai law allows for the marriage of minors arranged by their parents.

140 years ago(not 1400) state of Delaware marriage age law was 7 to unlimited man age until sixties. that mean there are still some alive of your grandfathers who married a 7 years old girl where roman curstian american girls are known that they are retards, cold , and lives in average/cold weather that made them grow slower and reach puberty and maturity later than the desert girl 1400 years ago..
you can marry 14 years old today in California and 13 in new hemisphere. and amazon and Alaska tribes marry any age they wants. some Californian fathers do their daughters as a part of culture , Sweden marry their half sisters as a part of their laws like Abraham PBUH did in the bible , insect marriage was a normal thing in Europe laws not long time ago also and now bestiality is ok.

America Has an Incest Problem
 A Nation of Bastards
 By Glenn Fairman

niece marriage is ok in Judaism

16 out of 18 family of Rothschild are first cousin marriage in the last 2 centuries and they are the lords of Christian lords which is the New York statue XD.

sibling marriage still a normal thing.

Isaac PBUH married a 3 years old girl in the bible.

new Rome and new Romans are not the only human standards if not the worse ;) 


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