Author Topic: Has anyone refuted Irish Infidel ?  (Read 9166 times)

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Offline Ramihs97

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Has anyone refuted Irish Infidel ?
« on: August 26, 2016, 02:06:17 PM »
He has videos claiming proof that the quran is 100% unscientific.

I'm asking because i havent found any refutations.

Offline AMuslimDude213

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Re: Has anyone refuted Irish Infidel ?
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2016, 02:18:43 PM »
IrishInfidel is completely dumb and disproven

most of his claims are false like he said one of the people who loved Islam soo much and Died Muslim,left Islam.

Offline AMuslimDude213

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Re: Has anyone refuted Irish Infidel ?
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2016, 02:19:43 PM »
Can I ask a question
not trying to be mean,
Why do you watch these Islamophobic videos anyways?
they try to expose Islam,this way and that,even though they are false.
They are trying to brainwash people to leave,and it is working on you.

Offline Ramihs97

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Re: Has anyone refuted Irish Infidel ?
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2016, 02:38:58 PM »
At first,i was curious. I found it strange that there wasn't a scientific error in the quran. I keep thinking no way. There are things ambiguous and up to الله that science can't magnify. But 1 error as Zakir said is fatal. But سبحان الله Islam wins and i lose.

Unfortunately,I'm very skeptical and question everything without moving on ( which im practicing) unless i know that there truely ISN'T a scientific  (ERROR).  Not one that can't be proven.

In terms of Islamophobes,i swear to الله i just go on YouTube to watch Vlogs and first thing that slams to my face is his video title Proving the Quran is 100% unscientific. Hence why it catches my attention.

InshAllah i will contribute more to this site as you guys have literally saved me and i apologise for coming off as whiney and insecure.

But can you really blame a man that loves his mother and wishes to see her smiling in Jannah ?

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Re: Has anyone refuted Irish Infidel ?
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2016, 02:46:28 PM »
No I cannot blame you,but for that vlog,he brings up already-refuted points you see the
Islamophobic nature is to bring up points already disproven,
they try to shove down atheism,christianity,etc into Muslims mouths,and in the end,they keep trying,but Alhamdullilah,
Inshallah your mother will be in Jannah,
because I watched a lecture by Bayyinah Institute where one brother I think Nouman Ali Khan,had said when you die you will see a window to heaven,Or hell.
and the window is where you will go.

Offline Saudi Salafi

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Re: Has anyone refuted Irish Infidel ?
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2016, 11:19:43 PM »
 Assalamu alaikum,

 I apologize for not coming so early. I shouldn't have left Osama to help you since he can't do anything but show is his so called "scientific and numerical miracles". He rarely answers any questions, instead he copy and pastes his beloved "scientific and numerical miracles". Thsee following links deal with the so called "scientific mistakes" in the Noble Quran:


Always use this website to look for Islamic stuff instead: 

 Just so you know, there are many more Islamophobes and Anti-Islamics on the internet. So are you gonna make a thread for each one of them?

"Have you refuted Robert Spencer?"

"Have you refuted Ali Sina (forder Shiite NOT Muslim)?"

"Have you refuted Pamela Geller?"

The list will never end. The arguments which they use are just recycled. The "Dahaha" miracle is a hoax which has been refuted many times by both old and new Muslim scholars. What Osama is doing right now by changing the meanings of the Qur'an is probably a great sin. I posted a link to a rebuttal to this lie by a Muslim brother who is an expert in Arabic grammar and he could do nothing but lie and copy and paste the same stuff. Go read rebuttals by othere Muslim apologists who don't over advertise the so called "scientific and numerical miracles" and compare them to Osama's. You can see a HUGE difference of quality between them. Go read Bassam Zawadi's articles (which are also found on this website, but are mostly on his own website ) or any other Muslim apologist. I love Naik Zakir but he does make mistakes some times and one of them is the "Dahaha" thing. Each side (Muslims and Christians) has a bunch of apologists so you should expect a bunch of rebuttals from both sides and the Muslims mostly win. Go see Ijaz Ahmed's or Zakir Hussain's debates. They almost win ALL of the time. And they don't use scientific miracles! But they win with logic and theology, something which brother Osama can't do. You shouldn't mix religion with science! This is because science is always changing unlike religion. There was a time in were there was a scientific contradiction in the Quran centuries ago, but now science doesn't consider the verse to be a scientific mistakes since it is possible. Look at this:

But now it doesn't:

(The same link above)

And this:

So you shouldn't mix religion with science. Currently, praise to be Allah, I don't think that their is a contradiction between science and Islam, but they might appear later on. And as I showed to you, Christianity has way to many scientific mistakes. I was like you once before. But instead of putting my faith on some stupid scientific miracles I actually learned about all of the 3 Abrahamic religions and the evidence for Islam is huge and Christianity and Judaism all lead to Islam. There are Rabbis such as Abdullah ibn Salam and Ka'ab Al-Ahbar who converted to Islam because our prophet (peace be upon him) is in the Bible. I will discuss this issue later on on a bigger scale. I would also like to say that I don't intend to insult brother Osama in any way at all, it is just that some of the things that he does are unacceptable and must be stopped.

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Re: Has anyone refuted Irish Infidel ?
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2016, 04:29:52 PM »
I apologize for not coming so early. I shouldn't have left Osama to help you since he can't do anything but show is his so called "scientific and numerical miracles". He rarely answers any questions, instead he copy and pastes his beloved "scientific and numerical miracles".

And what topic in the links that you gave has not been thoroughly addressed and the infidels' points thoroughly refuted in the articles that I gave?

So you shouldn't mix religion with science. Currently, praise to be Allah, I don't think that their is a contradiction between science and Islam, but they might appear later on. And as I showed to you, Christianity has way to many scientific mistakes. I was like you once before. But instead of putting my faith on some stupid scientific miracles I actually learned about all of the 3 Abrahamic religions and the evidence for Islam is huge and Christianity and Judaism all lead to Islam. There are Rabbis such as Abdullah ibn Salam and Ka'ab Al-Ahbar who converted to Islam because our prophet (peace be upon him) is in the Bible. I will discuss this issue later on on a bigger scale. I would also like to say that I don't intend to insult brother Osama in any way at all, it is just that some of the things that he does are unacceptable and must be stopped.

What a shame.  Apparently, the cult of "Horn of Satan", as Prophet Muhammad himself called you, is fond on reducing Islam to nothing.  The following points will thoroughly take care of you, Insha'Allah:

1-  On the horn of satan cult that you and your salafies belong to , the reader can visit:

2-  "stupid scientific miracles".  Apparently, your have realized that the STUNNING Scientific and Numerical Miracles of the Glorious Quran do indeed:

(a).  Confirm that Islam is indeed the Divine Truth from Allah Almighty.
(b).  The Quran is indeed the Holy and Perfect and Pure Word and Book of Allah Alighty.
(c).   Do destroy everything the anti-Islamics thrown on Islam.

You can make statements all you want.  And people can believe you.  And others can make contradicting statements all they want.  And people will believe them.  If none of you have anything solid to prove their claims, then it'll all come down to a tribal mentality, where I belong to my tribe, therefore I'll embrace what they claim.  Period.

Islam came to destroy all of this garbage.  And the Glorious Quran is Allah Almighty's Divine Signature that this Holy Book is indeed from Him.  After all, He Himself claimed it and promised it:

Allah Almighty's Promise Regarding the Scientific Miracles:

"We will soon show them  Our signs in the Universe and INSIDE THEIR SELVES, until it will become quite clear to them that it (i.e., the Quran) is the truth. Is it not sufficient as regards your Lord that He is a witness over all things?   (The Noble Quran, 41:53)"

To the reader, to see the Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles, visit:

And also Islam's STUNNING Prophecies:

3-  To you Islam is proven to be True because you found a lot of evidence from the previous Scriptures.  Muslims have thoroughly demonstrated Prophet Muhammad in the previous Scriptures:

Yet, you reject that the ULTIMATE HOLY BOOK of Allah Almighty be Miraculous?  You, like the Jews and Christians, are too used to rubbish VOLUMES OF CORRUPT BOOKS that contain ample contradictions and lies. 

(a).  To you, it's your countless hadiths' and narrations collections.
(b).  To them, it's their Bible, Talmud, Apocrypha and other books.

This is why you said above:

I don't think that their is a contradiction between science and Islam, but they might appear later on

To you it's all a bunch of rubbish man-made writings.  So yeah, the Quran too can and does have scientific blunders and lies in it.

Thank GOD Almighty that He didn't make me a salafie.  Your cult of horn of satan is indeed an enemy to Islam.  Your leaders, both political and religious, are puppets to the zionist machine.  Indeed, the Zionist machine must rule the earth as Allah Almighty Prophesied in the Glorious Quran.  They will reach "Mighty Heights" علوا كبيرا of evil power and might on earth.  This is Allah Almighty's Divine Promise in the Glorious Quran.  See the following articles and how your Saudi Arabia is greatly serving this machine:

Repent.  It's best for you.  You have blasphemed the Glorious Quran with your statement "stupid scientific miracles".  Your cult of followers of satan have misguided you.  And indeed, Allah Almighty's Divine Promise about your cult is True.  The Prophet will say that his people have taken the Quran for nothing:

 ‏25:30 وقال الرسول يارب ان قومي اتخذوا هذا القران مهجورا

[025:030]  And the Messenger will say, `O my Lord, my people indeed treated this Qur'an as a thing to be discarded.'

Wahabism today is THE HORN OF SATAN that Prophet Muhammad prophesied about, which he said will come from Saudi Arabia (the land of NAJD)!  Visit the link above, and also visit:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline AMuslimDude213

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Re: Has anyone refuted Irish Infidel ?
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2016, 06:36:49 PM »
Yeah,I agree with QuransearchCom,i'm glad I'm Sunni Hanbali,not a salafi.

Offline RoyalMuslim

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Re: Has anyone refuted Irish Infidel ?
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2016, 09:17:56 PM »
Bro take it from me, out of all the youtube anti islamic people Irish infidel is the worst. I debated him on skype 2 yrs ago and he doesn't know basic maths and science and embarassed himself. He's just some lonely 60yr old (found his fb)

''Some men are skeptic of everything except their own Skepticism'' is what a wise man once told me''

theres 200+ retarded channels like this, dont waste time. Youll see when you spend more time to achieve your goals in life and live a good health lifestyle, your imaan automatically goes up

Offline Islam1st

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Re: Has anyone refuted Irish Infidel ?
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2016, 04:04:18 AM »
What a shame.  Apparently, the cult of "Horn of Satan", as Prophet Muhammad himself called you, is fond on reducing Islam to nothing.  The following points will thoroughly take care of you, Insha'Allah:

Give evidence for "the horn of satan" please.

Offline Saudi Salafi

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Re: Has anyone refuted Irish Infidel ?
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2016, 04:32:08 AM »
What a shame.  Apparently, the cult of "Horn of Satan", as Prophet Muhammad himself called you, is fond on reducing Islam to nothing.  The following points will thoroughly take care of you, Insha'Allah:

Give evidence for "the horn of satan" please.

 Go to the page on this blog called " Breaking News: Saudi Arabia claims that 9/11 was a false flag!".

He made the same claim but was exposed heavily.


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Re: Has anyone refuted Irish Infidel ?
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2016, 07:30:52 AM »
@RoyalMuslim thank you for all the kind words. My iman has been on one of the worst rollercoaster rides and it can never calm down. Finding out that some previous people said iron was from heavens,moon is reflected so that takes away from the "miracle" aspect really bummed me out.. the articles abdullah gave me.

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Re: Has anyone refuted Irish Infidel ?
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2016, 11:14:32 AM »
You need to slow down dude, because I am about to ban you.  I think you're full of BS and playing games.  The only thing that impresses an infidel is Hell Fire.  Don't mistaken our kindness with naiveness.


Offline AhmadFarooq

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Re: Has anyone refuted Irish Infidel ?
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2016, 12:01:05 PM »
If you thought that in the thousands of years of human civilization before Islam, theories as simple as "iron coming from the sky" or "moon's light being a reflected light" would have been absolutely unknown or unimaginable, then frankly your expectations are mistaken.

It is pretty much a statistical certainty, that from the millions of people who lived in the past, someone would have said the moon has its own light, another would have said it is reflected, another that it is a spirit, and so on and so forth.

In my view, on their own the so called scientific "miracles" have nothing much that can be considered of a "miraculous" nature. Only in combination and looking through a holistic lens do we find things interesting.

Take the example of Anaxagoras (500 BCE–428 BCE), the person attributed as the first person "to explain that the moon shines due to reflected light from the sun". But along this "incredible" explanation so early in human history, he also said that the moon had mountains and believed that it was inhabited. The heavenly bodies, he asserted, were masses of stone torn from the earth and ignited by rapid rotation. He explained that, though both sun and the stars were fiery stones, we do not feel the heat of the stars because of their enormous distance from earth (this one was partly correct). He thought that the earth is flat and floats supported by 'strong' air under it and disturbances in this air sometimes causes earthquakes.


And who knows before Anaxagoras which individual had already stated this fact. For all we know, some ancient Prophet of God would've already told his people this. The ancient world was filled with theories, ideas and concepts which had no practical, observable proof. Some of them were correct and a lot more were found to be completely baseless. The really interesting thing about the Qur'an is the apparent filter that seems to have separated the right from the wrong.

Additionally, it would appear that you are a Muslim who at some point in his life came to know about these so-called scientific miracles and became completely satisfied with the truthfulness of the religion. Once you became satisfied you probably never bothered to look any deeper into the religion, I would guess, not even in the Qur'an itself. In other words your entire basis for believing in Islam were such claims. Now, when the critics have become successful (whether they are right or wrong, is another matter) in showing you that their foundations are not as high as you yourself made the mistake of putting them on, your sole reason for belief has pretty much evaporated.

I would argue that these interesting Qur'an verses are exactly what the Arabic word used for them means i.e. Ayats (signs). These are supposed to draw people's interest to take the journey and not to be taken, in of themselves, as the final destination. Although, you probably didn't realise this, the scientific miracles argument was, in effect, a shortcut you, along-with many other Muslims, took so that you wouldn't have to take the more strenuous and time-consuming path for actually studying the religion.

Offline Ramihs97

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Re: Has anyone refuted Irish Infidel ?
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2016, 04:01:52 PM »
@Osama Sorry for aggravating you i honestly am just so thankful for what you guys have done for me.

@AhmedFarooq i like your point of view. Because that's EXACTLY what happened to me. But actually,i was checking if there was any error before i indulged in religion because i lack trust and was afraid of my life being a lie. As for how i am at the moment.. there was this Embryology thing and the scientific articles on dawaganda.blogspot which has greatly worried me.. especially how an atheist managed to contact those scientists and they said things were taken out of context. Couldnt but help me wonder if there were mistakes or errors.

Have any of you guys seen those claims to prove them wrong ? I promise this would be my last time because this doubt has become an addiction.

Jazzak Allah khair.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2016, 09:14:41 AM by QuranSearchCom »


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