Author Topic: The hadith are there for a reason(an answer to Qur'anists)  (Read 3743 times)

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Offline AMuslimDude213

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The hadith are there for a reason(an answer to Qur'anists)
« on: August 25, 2016, 07:15:41 AM »
The problem is,The Qur'an doesn't mention everything here is a list of what it doesn't mention

-The sayings of the prophet,how he lived life

-The Sunnah,

-The description of the end of the world

-Other ways we can go to Jannah

-Clarifying things,

-And The description of the prophet and other prophets,

Now the Hadeeth mentions all of this it mentions all the sayings of the prophet
If we donot believe in Hadith,we're Muslim ONLY by name,we donot know the Prophets at all,we will be false followers
we wownt know the Sunnah,Jannah,and we wont know the day of Judgement,we will be unaware of everything,we will be disbelievers,

Hence why the Hadith is very important in Islam.

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Re: The hadith are there for a reason(an answer to Qur'anists)
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2016, 09:02:07 AM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brother,

I am not sure if this was directed at me or not, but I am most definitely not a Quran-only Muslim.  I am a firm believer in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, in both the practical one (inherited from generation to generation by all Muslims such as Praying, fasting) and the oral one (Hadiths).  The school that I belong to is that all Hadiths must be tested against the Glorious Quran.  If they contradict the Glorious Quran, then they must be rejected as either:

1-  Fabrications invented on the Prophet.  This also includes the narrations (Riwayaat) on the mouths of companions.
2-  Abrogated.

Here are a few examples to make this clear:

1-  I don't believe the Prophet was influenced by magic.  I don't believe he was bewitched by having a piece of his hair taken, put on a comb, and placed under a rock that would cause him to lose memory for 1 1/2 years!  This is a lie, especially WHEN ALLAH ALMIGHTY HIMSELF SAYS that those who say the Prophet is influenced by magic are the "wicked ones".  So how can He, the Almighty, allow for His Prophet to get bewitched?  And how could such bewitchment happen from a hair, comb and rock???

2-  I don't believe there were Noble Verses missing such as the verse of stoning and the verses of allowing adults to suck on women's breasts.  These are lies, especially when the the topics of ADULTERY and BREAST FEEDING were detailed in the Quran:

(a).  The Quran Commands flogging 100 stripes to both adulterer and adulterous.  The stoning to death is a Jewish Law.  It was abrogated by the Holy Quran.

(b).  The breast feeding is only allowed during the first 2 YEARS of the child's life.  Even a child that is THREE YEARS OLD IS NOT ALLOWED TO be BREAST FED!  Let alone a grown man.  And no man becomes a foster child by sucking on a woman's breast!  And not every woman is wet (has milk) anyway.  Most women on earth are dry.  Women become wet only to feed their babies.  The period is very limited when compared to their lifetime. 

The term RIDAA' (BREAST FEEDING) of adults is absurd both scientifically and morally.  My old mother could not give RIDAA' to any man or baby.  She is dry.  And to suggest that all she needs to do is to have a man suck on her breast to become her foster child is a lie from Hell invented on Islam!!  The story of Salim in the hadiths is a lie.  The hadith is not Mutawatir and is in direct contradiction and violation of the Holy Quran.  This is why RIDAA' in the Quran is only by mothers or foster mothers, to be hired if the mother becomes dry, for babies no older than 2 years old.  It is detailed in the Quran.  It is for feeding and nourishing the baby.  Even if an adult drinks some of the milk, it doesn't make him foster child either.  He is older than 2 years old.  And this should be punishable by flogging if his mouth contacts the breast, because it now would enter immorality sinning.  Doing sexual acts between a man and a woman, or between homosexuals, is punishable in Islam.  A man sucking on a woman's breast is that kind of crime.

No mention of foster daughters!

Another proof that the topic of breast feeding adults is a lie from Hell is the fact that you never read or hear about commands ordering WOMEN to become FOSTER CHILDREN.  Can a woman suck on another woman's breast to become her foster daughter?  Does she not need to become the foster sister of the sons?  It's always about a grown man sucking on an adult woman.  Islam's Laws always cover both sides.  But you never see this lie covering both sides.  And most certainly, RIDAA' (breast feeding) of babies in the Glorious Quran is about both male and female babies.

For ample more details, and for many examples of phony hadiths invented on Islam, please visit:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline khdrb

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Re: The hadith are there for a reason(an answer to Qur'anists)
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2016, 09:29:46 AM »
even stoning is probably a lie . it is whipping after 4 witnesses in the Quran for adulterer without specifying their marital status in Surat Al Noor.

they said that it is a lost revelation from Qur'an . but look at the Aya that they said it's lost , al-shaikh(old man) and al-shaikha(old women) stone them (erjemohoma) (Albatta) what is  al batta ? this word can't be from the quran . and we know that shaikh and shaikha for old man and there is no shaikha. so it seem stoning was some of Sunnah culture copied it from Jews or it law got copied by surat al noor.
and shia have a little different aya of it.

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Re: The hadith are there for a reason(an answer to Qur'anists)
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2016, 09:34:08 AM »
we better follow the practical sunnah that reached us and make sure of ahadeeth before following and believing it.

Offline AMuslimDude213

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Re: The hadith are there for a reason(an answer to Qur'anists)
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2016, 09:50:51 AM »
Yes I do believe that Hadiths which CONTRADICT the Qur'an are false,because that is one of the tests to see if the hadith is authentic
if you read into the way,this Is what we do
first of all:
-We look into it's historical accuracy
-We look and see if it contradicts the Qur'an or not,
and after that:
-We see what the other's have to say about it and their opinion on it.
then we make the judgement.

Offline AhmadFarooq

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Re: The hadith are there for a reason(an answer to Qur'anists)
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2016, 02:40:21 PM »
"... the Hadeeth mentions ... all the sayings of the prophet"

Literally, all of them?

"If we donot believe in Hadith ... we donot know the Prophets at all"

Aren't there stories of some Prophets in the Qur'an too?


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