Author Topic: The Religion of Peace  (Read 4211 times)

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Offline Mohamed Saif

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The Religion of Peace
« on: August 02, 2016, 05:53:05 AM »
Assalamu Alaikum

I came across an anti-Islamic site called the "Religion of Peace". It criticizes Islam to a great extent. The link to the main page of the site is given below.

The site presents our beloved Prophet in a bad way. The links to those pages are given below. I'll give three links and explain what each of these links talk about.
  • The First Link compares Jesus and Muhammad. It consists of three tables presenting their character, Followers and Teachings
  • The Second Link consists of an entire article of prophet Muhammad
  • The Third Link Consists of "Myths of Muhammad" using the Hadith and other Islamic sources.
The Links are given below.

Please can someone refute to this.

Thank You

Offline submit

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Re: The Religion of Peace
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2016, 08:23:58 AM »
The website talks about Islam not being peaceful.

Mujahid reported that a sheep was slaughtered for 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr. He asked his slave, 'Have you given any to our Jewish neighbour? Have you given any to our Jewish neighbour? I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, 'Jibril kept on recommending that I treat my neighbours well until I thought that he would order me to treat them as my heirs.'"

But Islam can be peaceful with any religion, and all of the verses on warfare in Islam they are all simply about means of defending the religion once attacked.

The Christian historian in the article above says that Quran warfare verse is about self defense.


Hellenistic Christianity on the other hand is about non stop massacre, spreading bloodshed and wars-worldwide.
As they believed that their manifested human-form War God will not guide non-believers to make peace with believers but rather, as War God returned he will send them to hell on earth.
And still not satisfied punishing them in hell, he will release their leader first from hell so that the evil leader can prepare his armies on earth to a Greater battle against the War God.
The War God will boast his triumph by instantly winning the battle by invoking fire from the sky to torment them with painful ending.

Offline TruthExposer777

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Re: The Religion of Peace
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2016, 09:51:05 AM »
Assalamu Alaikum

I came across an anti-Islamic site called the "Religion of Peace". It criticizes Islam to a great extent. The link to the main page of the site is given below.

The site presents our beloved Prophet in a bad way. The links to those pages are given below. I'll give three links and explain what each of these links talk about.
  • The First Link compares Jesus and Muhammad. It consists of three tables presenting their character, Followers and Teachings
  • The Second Link consists of an entire article of prophet Muhammad
  • The Third Link Consists of "Myths of Muhammad" using the Hadith and other Islamic sources.
The Links are given below.

Please can someone refute to this.

Thank You

Lol it's a Zionist Website they got a Old YouTube Channel with Israel Flag.

Offline Saudi Salafi

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Re: The Religion of Peace
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2016, 10:25:58 AM »
 Anyone who believes the stuff in that website is an idiot with all honesty. If you are a Muslim and your faith got shaken from such a website then you shouldn't visit anti-Islamic sites since your faith is pretty weak in the beginning and visiting them is haram and forbidden according to the consensus of the scholars. I will give some rebuttals to 2 or 3 of their claims and then I will give you a place were you can find a rebuttal to EVERYTHING on anti-Islamic websites.

 Claim 1:

 "Muhammad was a bad man because of what happened to Banu Qurayzah"

Response: (recommended)

Claim 2:

 "Muhammad slaughtered women,children, and elders"


Claim 3:

 " *comparison between prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Jesus (PBUH)*"

Response: (recommended)

You can find a rebuttal to almost ALL anyi-Islamic claims over here:

I suggest that you use the "All" option.

To further prove that they are liars, they misqoute a narration in Ibn Ishaq about the pagans of Mecca attempting to pay money for the prophet (PBUH). And they claim that this proves that the pagans of Mecca were good to the prophet. But this is false. They didn't tell us WHY they attempted to pay him. They wanted for him to leave his religion and they persecuted him a lot.

Regarding the static of terrorist attacks done by Muslims that they have:

Don't visit islamophobic websites for the sake of your faith brother.


Offline Mohamed Saif

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Re: The Religion of Peace
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2016, 10:38:21 AM »
Thank You Brother

I just wanted your help to refute this website. That's why i posted it here. I just didn't know how to refute to them. Thank you for your help. May God bless You


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