Author Topic: Astagfirula Fireman Sam steps on the Quran  (Read 6416 times)

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Offline Introvert98

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Astagfirula Fireman Sam steps on the Quran
« on: July 26, 2016, 11:47:27 PM »
Stupid link removed by the Admin, Osama Abdallah.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2016, 04:16:13 PM by QuranSearchCom »

Offline Saudi Salafi

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Re: Astagfirula Fireman Sam steps on the Quran
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2016, 03:06:11 AM »
 Osama when are you gonna ban this guy? I don't need to give you evidence of him being a troll anymore.

Offline iknowi

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Re: Astagfirula Fireman Sam steps on the Quran
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2016, 12:14:07 PM »
Well, if that's the case, in the eyes of Allah his name suits him quite handsomely... FIREman Sam.


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Re: Astagfirula Fireman Sam steps on the Quran
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2016, 04:15:29 PM »
Link ......

You post garbage like this ever again, and you will be immediately banned.  I don't mind you being an infidel.  In fact, you're clearly a stupid coward for lying and saying that you are a Muslim, when you're not.  You don't have to lie.  Just come out and say that you're an infidel and nothing will happen to you.  There are many rotten infidels out there that pretend to be Muslims.  Indeed, Allah Almighty Said:

Noble Verse 3:72 "A section of the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) say:  Believe in the morning what is revealed to the believers (Muslims), but reject it at the end of the day; perchance they may (themselves) turn back (from Islam)."

[002:018]  Deaf, dumb, and blind, they will not return (to the path).

[006:039]  Those who reject Our revelations (and signs) are like the deaf and the dumb (groping) in the dark. Allah leads astray whom He wants; He shows the right path to whom He wants.

Perhaps Allah Almighty is causing you take this path, of pretending to be a Muslim, to lead you to the doom of Hell where you and the infidels like you belong.  And to the doomed-to-Hell infidels that use this type of argument against Islam, they should checkout the Bible where king David's women were made prostitutes by GOD Almighty as a punishment for David's sin, not theirs.  Plus, lying spirits sent directly from GOD Almighty to the disbelievers:

But regardless of whether you will come out of the toilet to admit that you're an infidel or not, this is your last warning about posting insulting things about Islam.  You can ask all of your questions and as always they'll be thoroughly refuted here.  But insulting our Faith, is a red line that with Allah Almighty's Will you will not pass again.


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Taking vote on banning the clown....
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2016, 05:58:14 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum to all Muslims,

If you want the clown to be banned, then please reply with 1.  If I get more than 5 votes, then he'll be forever banned.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline AhmadFarooq

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Re: Astagfirula Fireman Sam steps on the Quran
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2016, 07:39:04 PM »
Regarding the incident, Fireman Sam have officially apologised and will not work with the animation studio responsible for the issue. They are also trying to immediately remove the episode from circulation.

Offline Saudi Salafi

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Re: Astagfirula Fireman Sam steps on the Quran
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2016, 09:57:09 PM »
Regarding the incident, Fireman Sam have officially apologised and will not work with the animation studio responsible for the issue. They are also trying to immediately remove the episode from circulation.

Sigh, you always take everything seriously lol. Anyways, theyes were most likely lying and they put the Quran picture there on purpose. Their excuse is really horrible and bad. "My finger slipped while animating this cartoon and I accidentally put the Quran's image" would've been a better excuse honestly. For example, a character in Jojo's Bizzare Adventure (an anime) was seen holding the Quran for a few seconds in an episode, the sura was Al-Raad (The thunder). But here is their excuse for it:

"Shueisha posted a Japanese statement about the issue and a English letter to the "Muslim audience of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" on Thursday. In both documents, Shueisha and A.P.P.P. explained that the anime staffers added Arabic text to the book to indicate the scene's apparent location in the Arabic world. However, the same staffers were illiterate in Arabic and did not realize that they chose pages from the Qur'an. The two companies acknowledged that they were also unaware of the issue until recently, and emphasized that manga author did not know that the anime staffers added pages from the Qur'an. The Japanese statement asserted that the story's setting is fantasy, and is not intended to depict Islam or Muslims. Both documents offer the companies' "sincere apology to Muslims for the incidents."

So their excuse is valid. And to further prove that they didn't intend for ithe, in the manga (the comic which inspired the anime) the Quran isn't found anywhere. Instead, the character just holds a book. And in the remastered version of the anime, the scene is removed.


 We should give him multiple chances. I have a feeling that he might go to the missionaries and tell them that we mistreated him and then he will fakely convert Christianity. I also need something stupid to laugh at in this site.  This place is really depressing TBH. Also, I forgot about responding to your claims against Saudi Arabia. Will address them soon insha Allah.

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Re: Astagfirula Fireman Sam steps on the Quran
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2016, 01:28:11 AM »
Introvert98  says  is really new/young to Islam (perhaps a convert ?), but seems to have engaged with comparison between religions.

Offline Saudi Salafi

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Re: Astagfirula Fireman Sam steps on the Quran
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2016, 02:14:19 AM »
Introvert98  says  is really new/young to Islam (perhaps a convert ?), but seems to have engaged with comparison between religions.

 Assalamu alaikum,

 He did once say that he is very young. I can understand that since I'm also young (13 to be precise), but Introvert acts extremely immaturly to the point that one might think that he is a 6 year old or some troll. Nevertheless, a young person shouldn't enter the world of comparative religion. I did it and I mostly regretted it. In the middle of my studying I would get some doubts and I would just waste my time on the internet (especially on this site). That was the case for about a whole entire year! But at the end I came back as a person with stronger faith than I had before alhamdulilah and the doubting stopped. A famous Egyptian man (forgot his name) had went through the same thing that I went through.  Except that for him it lasted 30 years. He was a very depressed and he had many bad things going on in his life (such as being divorced). At some point he lost faith and became an agnostic. He studied most religions for 30 years and in the end of the day he came out as a Muslim. Just like myself, except way more suffering  and time. This is why I'm hesitant to ban Introvert.

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Re: Astagfirula Fireman Sam steps on the Quran
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2016, 04:17:36 AM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Abdullah,

The Egyptian man that you're referring to is the late Egyptian Philosopher, Mustafa Mahmood.  May Allah Almighty rest his soul.  Ameen.

I didn't know that you were only 13.  You debate like adults.  Masha'Allah.  Very well mannered and raised young brother, you are :).  I feel humbled.

And how old is Introvert? 12??  LOL.  I thought you guys were adults.  I will take it much much easier from now.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline khdrb

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Re: Astagfirula Fireman Sam steps on the Quran
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2016, 06:00:50 AM »
i say we judge him better . that he is only allowed to write 3 topics maximum per page of this forum. page have 20 topics. so he only allowed for 3 out of 20 in the whole first page. any agrees ? if he exceed the limit then brother Osama shall suspend his account for a weak. if he wants an urgent refutation after exceeding that limit then he have to send his message to brother Osama.

who agrees +1.

Offline khdrb

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Re: Astagfirula Fireman Sam steps on the Quran
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2016, 06:02:58 AM »
and if brother Osama finds his claim important, then brother osama can put it in the forums.

Offline Awesome31310

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Re: Taking vote on banning the clown....
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2016, 09:25:26 AM »
As'salamu Alaikum to all Muslims,

If you want the clown to be banned, then please reply with 1.  If I get more than 5 votes, then he'll be forever banned.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

That sounds very exclusionary to Non-Muslims.


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