Author Topic: Is Islam for all mankind?  (Read 5999 times)

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Offline Sharif

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Is Islam for all mankind?
« on: July 16, 2016, 09:36:04 AM »
Salam Aleikum brothers, Ali Sina published an article in which he argues that Islam is not for all mankind because the Qur'an says that God sends a messenger and a book in the language of his people, namely, that the Qur'an is written in arabic, so this book is only for the arabs because it's is in their language. It's no for another peoples because another peoples speaks in other languages, and because God only sends siomething in the language of a people, the Qur'an can't be for them. What do you think? Greetings. Salam Aleikum

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Re: Is Islam for all mankind?
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2016, 11:02:25 AM »
Ali Sina taught himself that that a religion for all mankind means a religion that was revealed with thousands language..

Offline khdrb

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Re: Is Islam for all mankind?
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2016, 06:38:41 PM »
some people wanna leave Islam to be free for doing bad things, free for their desires and lusts, or have a free sex here and there and having fun, girl friends ,boy friends, free for anal with wife..etc.  . most of these bad deeds doers doesn't wanna cut all the ropes within Allah  , but a propaganda like david wood or rashid hamami or hamid abl samad , and these will let these evil doers cut there last ropes sadly. so people like these are just helping in screening the good from the bad.

"then I shall come on them from before them and from behind them, from their right hands and their left hands; Thou wilt not find most of them thankful.'"

" It is naught but a reminder for the nations, For him among you who pleases to go straight. And you do not please except that Allah please, the Lord of the worlds."

Islam is not for everyone , but everyone can be a Muslim ..

lots of people pleases to go straight, but how can anyone go straight based on how the creator demands, that is on the creator cosmology to this free will creatures , without seeing the creator manual instruction ? that will be very rare(prophet like) to non existence!.. everyone can choose to go straight , and when you choose to be straight and insist on it , your willing can go in Direct proportion with god willing if you really willing to do that, and trying hard for it.

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Re: Is Islam for all mankind?
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2016, 10:01:19 AM »
it is 21st century where one prefer not to have an organized  lifestyle set by certain upbringings.

In the West, they have abandon the lifestyle of people of the book. You can see no women in the West have a mindset of covering their bodies anymore.
Its about freedom in life so they can taste life better before reaching death.

Offline khdrb

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Re: Is Islam for all mankind?
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2016, 06:29:28 PM »
because they doesn't know how to taste it good while they are straight, and by not attacking man/women instincts everywhere , or keep wishing and drinking and crying for the past .

the good thing that we can live within them, but not as them, and keeping our sight on the ground.

you can be happy and respectable and straight in the same time and living your life as you want if you fight to do the hallal things what ever it takes . but sadly most of people surrender too fast and can't wait for hallal , so they fights to do the harram.

Offline Sharif

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Re: Is Islam for all mankind?
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2016, 08:52:22 PM »
Salam Aleikum, ok brothers, but I put you a example: I speak in english, and the Qur'an arrives, is the Qur'an to me if the Qur'an self says that it's messages are for the people which talks it's languages? That is my specific question.

Offline AhmadFarooq

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Re: Is Islam for all mankind?
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2016, 03:33:35 AM »
I might be wrong, its a minor point but I don't think the Qur'an says that God sends a book in the language of his people.

Regarding the main question, see:

The last one is kind of related to a different topic, but it indicates a distinction between, the more specific term, his "Qawm" (i.e. his people) and the more general term "Ummah". This distinction is interesting.

Another point to keep in mind is that while the messages of the previous messengers did not reach all of mankind, they reached only particular groups of people for limited time, such is not the case for Prophet Muhammad.

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Re: Is Islam for all mankind?
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2016, 09:51:19 AM »
addition to the link given above

People of the Scripture of that time that converted to Islam even quote Isaiah 42 to refer to prophet Muhammad (pbuh). They would be leaving Islam if the message from God was only for the Arabs as it wont be fulfilling Isaiah 42.

Offline Introvert98

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Re: Is Islam for all mankind?
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2016, 11:22:16 PM »
addition to the link given above

People of the Scripture of that time that converted to Islam even quote Isaiah 42 to refer to prophet Muhammad (pbuh). They would be leaving Islam if the message from God was only for the Arabs as it wont be fulfilling Isaiah 42.

Is there any evidence that people at the time quoted Isaiah 42

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Re: Is Islam for all mankind?
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2016, 11:35:56 PM »
addition to the link given above

People of the Scripture of that time that converted to Islam even quote Isaiah 42 to refer to prophet Muhammad (pbuh). They would be leaving Islam if the message from God was only for the Arabs as it wont be fulfilling Isaiah 42.

Is there any evidence that people at the time quoted Isaiah 42

It's part of the Jewish Scriptures.  And the Jewish Scriptures, as thoroughly demonstrated in the following link, are filled with Prophecies about the coming of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and Islam:

Also, according to our Islamic sources, the Jews did migrate to the desert of Arabia for this very reason.  They were expecting a Prophet to come from these lands.  The thing is they thought that he would be a Jewish Prophet, and not an Arab.  This is why they migrated to central Arabia.  You can read more about it in the link that I just gave above.  You asked is there any evidence that people at the time quoted Isaiah 42? Yes, this is the evidence.

Also, whether the Jews were notorious liars for hiding and twisting and perverting the Truth, at the time, or not is another subject.  But Allah Almighty did call them out on their deceits and lies, and on replacing the Word and altering it.  Visit:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


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