This is a comment i received from another Youtube user, please read it. He is most likely ANOTHER fraud:
"This guy Converted2Islam was fired from his mosque so you can see the grudge he has, this guy claimed he talked to an angel in his home and was Sufi for a short while and rejected all hadiths, so technically he was never muslim. This guy left Islam roughly about 3 years ago, I don't know why he carried on pretending he's a Muslim for this long, he's got a second Facebook page and openly talks about rejecting Islam etc for months and that people should worship Jesus as God LOL! he's also a Hadith rejector so no surprise he left Islam, his family are still Christian I'm gonna assume they convinced him to return back as he's always talking about worshipping Jesus on his Facebook page, all the Hadith he quoted are NON authentic and rejected by the fast majority of scholars because they contract the Quran and other authentic Hadiths, I'm sure He knows this, questions is why is he spreading lies and falsehood? he is just spewing the same racist and prejudice things that they have all been doing all these regurgitaed claims have been debunked by converts like Yusuf Estes, Sheikh Shady, Hamza Yusuf, etc, if you want to learn real islam you can learn it from those guys, not someone who claimed he talks to an Angel LOL He wont tell you he worships Jesus because if we start talking about the Bible, he will cry like a little baby when we pick it apart LOL".