Author Topic: Brother Osama Abdallah plz refute the lies about christian bahira legend  (Read 15880 times)

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Most of the historical sources they used are from the early 800s from books by syriac Christians which is very likely

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Most of the historical sources they used are from the early 800s from books by syriac Christians which is very likely

Islam came in the early 600s.  So you have 200 years.  As usual, Christian sources are usually this old, which gives them ample time and room to fabricate all kinds of garbage and lies and fabricated conjecture.  Visit the following link to see what the Bible theologians say about the Bible's books and gospels:

They say that the Bible's books and gospels were:

1.  Do contain alterations, fables and man-made injections in them.
2.  Written by mysterious men.
3.  Written by an unknown number of men.
4.  Written in unknown places.
5.  Written in unknown dates.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline adilriaz123

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Just who were these "MYSTERIOUS" people that wrote the bible?

An important analysis is that during those early christian times the early christians called the polythestic religions who worshiped zeus and 3 maiden and etc... MYSTERIOUS RELIGIONS. There could be a possibility that emporer Constintine ordered these mysterious people to write bible anf they decided to incorporate trinity to please both the pagans and christians.

If bahira was an arian and arians are no more then it means that the true christians that believed jesus to be a prophet mostly are all gone since now trinitarian, coptic, and alexendrian christians exist which all believe in either duality or trinity. Also bahira saus "UNADULTERATED" meaning it were most likely the pagans that changed there religion to suite them as well.

This btw is a possibility, until proven with facts. However it is a strong possibility.

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As'salamu Alaikum,

And in case the non-Muslims come back to you and say that the Quran promised that the followers of Jesus will be above the disbelievers, which would then make the Quran's promise false, because only the Trinitarians are dominant today, then here is the response:


The Christians are the least disliked by GOD Almighty from among the disbelievers:  Noble Verse 3:55.  Out of all disbelievers, Muslims will find the Christians to be full of love and mercy: 5:82.
فوق   in 3:55, below in the article, means to put them above, or to make them better in status.
Allah Almighty in Noble Verse 30:1-5 promised to make the Romans be victorious,  because they were Christians.  But they still believe in conjecture:  4:157, 53:28, and they are among the misguided and those who went  astray  1:7.  They're also  crooked in their beliefs:  3:99, 7:45.
Many of the Christians doubt trinity; a word that doesn't exist in the Bible!   Those Christians are closest to Islam, as long as they don't speak ill of Islam.  The same with the Jews who don't speak ill of the Prophets that came after such as Jesus and Muhammad:  3:113-114.

For ample more proofs and Noble Verses, read the article below, and also please visit:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


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