Author Topic: Does Quran verse 5 32 only refer to what the children of Israel practiced  (Read 4124 times)

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Offline Introvert98

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“Because of that We ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land – it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind.” – Quran 5:32

Offline Ahmadddd333

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this video answers your questions bro

Offline Saudi Salafi

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 No it doesn't. Please read this article:

5:32 still refers to Muslims these days. Brother if you ever have a huge doubt please PM. I have went through it and trust me it was the worst feeling that I have got in my life. I even thought of suicide authobillah. I will insha Allah make a thread when the members of this site will talk about doubt of one's religion, their experience, and how to fix it. I would also like to add that it's Ramadan brother. Go read the Quran, pray, mention Allah's name, and spend a lot of time with your family (highly recommended if you want to forget about doubts). Don't let it ruin your life just like it did to mine. Take my tip and take a break from religious debating and other religions. Trust me brother. Please. Thank you very much and I wish a Ramadan Mubarak to you ;D

Offline adilriaz123

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Quran 5:32 without a dought applies to all of mankind. As allah said he does not like aggressors.

Also i would like to mention these ayahs.

And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient. Who, when disaster strikes them, say, "Indeed we belong to Allah , and indeed to Him we will return."Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the [rightly] guided.

[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed - and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving  [Al-Qur'an 67:2]

"Or you think that you will enter Paradise without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty, ailments and were so shaken that even the Messenger and those who had faith with him said, 'When will the Help of Allah come?' Yes! Indeed Allah's help is close!" [Al-Qur'an 2:214]

This hadith.

As narrated by Tirmidhi and Ibn Maajah :  - The Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: 'The greater reward is with the greater trial or the greater the trial or difficulty of test or hardship is then the greater the reward. And when Allah loves a person He will test them. The people as long as they are in good health, good shape, good condition they are covered. You don't know their true character because they are in good situation, they are in good circumstance. As long as they are in a good circumstances they are covered. But if a trial or difficulty or a hardship comes upon them, then you will see their reality. They will go to their reality. The Mu'min will run to his Imaan, the hypocrite will run to his hypocrisy.

If brother you are having trouble with imaan? I hope these ayahs help answer. Brother we all suffer and strive, as brother Abdullah Almadi mentioned little about what he went through i could also relate. But through life i have noticed when ever i came close to severe problem allah swt always helped me and that is why i am to notice his presence.  Allah loves those who stay patient and return to him. If u have waswasa then recite aousbillahamanashaitannarrajeem and blow 3 times at ur left shoulder u will notice waswasa will temporarly stop.

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For that cause We decreed for the Children of Israel that whosoever killeth a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind. Our messengers came unto them of old with clear proofs (of Allah's Sovereignty), but afterwards lo! many of them became prodigals in the earth.
The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom; (5:32-33)

Penal punishment onto corruptors/abusers still apply.


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