Author Topic: Does the Quran teaches that Allah is the Devil and Jesus is the unit way?  (Read 2788 times)

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Offline Sharif

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Salam Aleikum brothers, I have bumped me with christians who says that the Quran says that Allah is the Devil and Jesus is the unit way; for them, this is the argument: The Quran in chapter 43, verses 61-62 says:

(61) Verily he [i.e., Jesus) is a portent of the Hour. So be in no doubt concerning it and follow Me. This is the Straight Way. (62) Let not Satan astray you (from believing in the Hour), for surely he is your open enemy.

So, they say that because Satan is the one who astrays and Allah also (2:26), so they are one and the same; and to concluding, they say that the voice in 43:61 is of Jesus, so, according to them: Jesus is saying to us that he is the way, and that Allah is not God. What is the reply of this? Thanks SALAM ALEIKUM.

Offline Sharif

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Salam Brothers, thinking in it, I have concluded that the Quran is not saying that Allah is Satan because in the Quran Satan is not only the one who astrays, but Allah also, so if Satan is not the unit, so Allah is not obligated to be Satan because there is other who astrays and is not he. EVEN IN THE BIBLE GOD (YHWH THE GOD OF ISRAEL) HAS THE CAPACITY OF ASTRAYING PEOPLE, AND EVEN HE HAS DONE IT, for example, in Isaiah 63:17, the very Isaiah the prophet says:

O Lord, why hast thou made us to err from thy ways, and hardened our heart from thy fear? Return for thy servants' sake, the tribes of thine inheritance.[/center]]

And Moses and Aaron did all these wonders before Pharaoh: and the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart, so that he would not let the children of Israel go out of his land.[/left]]

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.[/center]]

NOW, here God is SENDING A STRONG DELUSION, they say that God of Islam is the Devil because he 'deceives' in their own words, but here, what is this? the God of Christianity is deceiving too; so, is the God of Christianity the Devil? No, God has the property of causing to err to people, and that is very understable. What is doing a unjust and bad person in the path of God ehich guides into the Garden? Will God give the same recompense to the just and to the unjust? offcourse not, the unjust cannot be in that way, so, God in his righteousness puts him in his correct place.

Now, about the claim that in the verse 43:61 Jesus said that he was the way, thay are very wrongly, because Jesus is not the one who is talking here, but God (Allah); however, the verse in any place says that the person who is talking is that way, but the way is the obedience to God; anyhow, Jesus is considered a way to God in Islam, because the commands of him are real and truth, but this does not elevates him to God, but puts him in the place of a Messenger, and God knows better. Salam Aleikum.

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About the straight way,
They 'forgot' to quote the subsequent verse 43:64, Jesus said
Indeed, Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. This is a straight path." (43:64)

As for claim that God deceives.


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