Author Topic: Rebuttal Needed: Pharaoh's Body Preservation  (Read 9309 times)

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Offline Saudi Salafi

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Rebuttal Needed: Pharaoh's Body Preservation
« on: May 20, 2016, 01:49:01 PM »
<infidels' link removed>

Thank you.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2018, 04:00:06 PM by QuranSearchCom »

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Re: Rebuttal Needed: Pharaoh's Body Preservation
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2016, 02:24:43 PM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brother,

The following links demonstrate the Glorious Quran's Miracle.  French scientist Dr. Maurice Bucaille (pronounced as boukay) embraced Islam because of this specific research on Pharaoh's body in the Bible and the Quran: Dr. Maurice Bucaille (Why I'm a Muslim?)

The Pyramids of Giza Miracle:

Also in the last link above, you'll see link to the article about the Building of the Pyramids of Giza Miracle.  Since we're talking about Egypt and Pharaoh here.  Dr. Joseph Davidovits in 1981 confirmed the Glorious Quran's Divine Claims that were made 1,400 years ago:

Even in the building of the pyramids, ALMOST THE ENTIRE WORLD had it's mechanics and history wrong, and the Glorious Quran all along had it right!

Research Links:

The following are research links on Dr. Maurice Bucaille's work and how he proved the Glorious Quran's Claim regarding Pharaoh and the preservation of his body as prophesied in the Glorious Quran by Allah Almighty:

The infidels have nothing:

The doomed-to-Hell infidels have nothing on Islam.  Visit the following links to see many of the Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles, and Prophecies:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Saudi Salafi

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Re: Rebuttal Needed: Pharaoh's Body Preservation
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2016, 08:47:40 AM »
 Ok, but can you refute this

"Ibn `Abbas and others from among the Salaf have said: "Some of the Children of Israel doubted the death of Fir`awn so Allah commanded the sea to throw his body -- whole, without a soul -- with his known armor plate. The body was thrown to a high place on the land so that the Children of Israel could confirm his death and destruction."

"According to Ibn ‘Abbās, 'some of the Children of Israel doubted his death and so he was brought out [of the sea] for them to see.' "

"First and foremost, the proof would be given to the children of Israel, and serve as a sign that Islam's "Allah" is God, and he was the one who drowned Pharaoh. This will apparently also serve as a sign that Allah will destroy the Jews for their disbelief in him. For the prophetic claim to say it would be a “sign for future generations” is incorrect, as its clearly only for the “children of Israel” (the Jews). The tafsir's also make it clear that this was (allegedly) an historic event in that it already happened before being recorded in the Qur'an. A party of the Jews disbelieved, so Allah threw Pharaoh's body up THEN and they saw it. Kathir et al also make it clear that this Pharaoh would be accompanied by an identifying item - usually mentioned as a breastplate so that positive identification could be assured.

There's a lot of "if's" and “maybe's” in the author's alleged prophecy, but let's say its all true. That would mean the identifying breastplate would be with Pharaoh. Where is it, and how do we know what Pharaoh's breastplate looked like, in order to verify this claim? This theory doesn't hold water due to this fact, and that Allah forgot to tell us (and the Jews) about the specifics.

The claim that “Pharaoh” is on display in the royal mummies chamber of the Egyptian museum in Cairo is also highly suspect. The author appears to be saying that this Pharaoh has been positively identified as being that of the Pharaoh who drowned in the Red sea. If so, where is the information to confirm this? Or is it true that the author didn't realize that "Pharaoh" was the title of the reigning leaders of Egypt, like the title "King" or "Queen".

There were many Pharaoh's, and if the author is asserting that all it takes for Allah's prediction to be true is for a mummified Pharaoh to be found, then 'Allah' may have 'drowned' hundreds and hundreds of Pharaohs, because this is a very broad definition.

Last but not least is the claim that the evidence of Pharaoh's mummified body would (or did) serve as evidence to the Jews of God's existence. After all, Exodus contains the story of the Egyptian army drowning in the Red sea after the Israelites had safely passed through. If they have the same recounting of events, including the drowning of the Egyptian army, then why would evidence of what they already believe be proof enough to convince them (or anyone) that Islam's "Allah" is God?

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Re: Rebuttal Needed: Pharaoh's Body Preservation
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2016, 01:52:29 PM »
The narrations that you gave are speculations.  They're not Quran nor Hadiths.  People can speculate all they want.  It doesn't mean it's always right.  Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran was very clear about preserving Pharaoh's body to be a Sign for Mankind.  And we do have Pharaoh's body today preserved and placed in a museum.  No surprise there, the Glorious Quran is proven again and again to be the Divine Truth from the Sovereign Creator of all, Allah Almighty.  Therefore case closed.

The doomed-to-Hell infidels can bark all they want.  They can't disprove the Glorious Quran.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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Re: Rebuttal Needed: Pharaoh's Body Preservation
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2016, 12:09:42 AM »
His body was drowned in sea, and for his body to be sign for future generation; his body shall remain intact and not harm by animals of the sea or bacteria decomposing body. Till the period body got extracted to land.

Offline Slave of Allah (swt)

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Re: Rebuttal Needed: Pharaoh's Body Preservation
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2018, 05:29:47 PM »
Assalamu alaikum ya akhi

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother,

The infidels have nothing:

The doomed-to-Hell infidels have nothing on Islam. 

Though, could you refute this Website's response?

<salafi prostitutes link removed>

In short, is there any evidence that the Body of Pharaoh (namely Ramses 2nd) was found on the Red Sea?
« Last Edit: January 05, 2018, 05:21:06 AM by QuranSearchCom »

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Re: Rebuttal Needed: Pharaoh's Body Preservation
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2018, 05:20:28 AM »
It looks like the salafi prostitute is back.  LOL.  You keep spewing the nonsense that there are no Miracles in the Glorious Quran.  Ok, I will give you this chance.  If you prostitute around it like last time, I will ban you.  Let's take the Numerical Miracles.  Last time you said they don't exist.  You even said it when I gave you an XLS file that thoroughly demonstrates and proves one of the Miracles:

What is your response?

To the reader, the Numerical and Scientific Miracles and Prophecies of the Glorious Quran that I have on the website can be found at:

Allah's Divine Promise Fulfilled:

Allah Almighty's Divine Promise to preserve Pharaoh's body for all mankind to see had been thoroughly fulfilled.  And mankind did indeed see it and will continue to see it till the last day.  See my previous posts above for ample proofs.

You and your salafi prostitutes can vomit all of your nonsense about Pharaoh's body.  Scientists have proven that the body found died from drowning, and it is widely believed that it is Pharaoh's body.  And who said that his body had to be on the read sea?  People took his body back then after it washed ashore and preserved it.  Another Divine Miracle and Prophecy fulfilled.  The Glroious Quran is indeed Miraculous. 

I am waiting for your answer on the Numerical Miracles.  I feel your answer will be another ludicrous joke like before.

Osama Abdallah

Offline Slave of Allah (swt)

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Re: Rebuttal Needed: Pharaoh's Body Preservation
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2018, 06:16:52 AM »
Assalamu alaikum

It looks like the salafi prostitute is back.  LOL.  You keep spewing the nonsense that there are no Miracles in the Glorious Quran.  Ok, I will give you this chance.  If you prostitute around it like last time, I will ban you.  Let's take the Numerical Miracles.  Last time you said they don't exist.  You even said it when I gave you an XLS file that thoroughly demonstrates and proves one of the Miracles:

What is your response?

To the reader, the Numerical and Scientific Miracles and Prophecies of the Glorious Quran that I have on the website can be found at:

Allah's Divine Promise Fulfilled:

Allah Almighty's Divine Promise to preserve Pharaoh's body for all mankind to see had been thoroughly fulfilled.  And mankind did indeed see it and will continue to see it till the last day.  See my previous posts above for ample proofs.

You and your salafi prostitutes can vomit all of your nonsense about Pharaoh's body.  Scientists have proven that the body found died from drowning, and it is widely believed that it is Pharaoh's body.  And who said that his body had to be on the read sea?  People took his body back then after it washed ashore and preserved it.  Another Divine Miracle and Prophecy fulfilled.  The Glroious Quran is indeed Miraculous. 

I am waiting for your answer on the Numerical Miracles.  I feel your answer will be another ludicrous joke like before.

Osama Abdallah

WaAllahi I'm sincere in my heart. I absolutely believe that there are Linguistic, Historical and Scientific Miracles in the Noble Qur'an, as well as fulfilled prophecies. I only asked you to provide evidence for claiming that the Body of Ramses 2nd was found in the Red Sea, because I couldn't find a reliable source. Anyway thank you for your response!

I'm not the person you might be looking for.
Sorry akhi!

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Re: Rebuttal Needed: Pharaoh's Body Preservation
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2018, 07:50:07 AM »
The detailed refutation was given above.  You chopped it off and only quoted my conclusion statement.  Here it is again:

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother,

The following links demonstrate the Glorious Quran's Miracle.  French scientist Dr. Maurice Bucaille (pronounced as boukay) embraced Islam because of this specific research on Pharaoh's body in the Bible and the Quran: Dr. Maurice Bucaille (Why I'm a Muslim?)

The Pyramids of Giza Miracle:

Also in the last link above, you'll see link to the article about the Building of the Pyramids of Giza Miracle.  Since we're talking about Egypt and Pharaoh here.  Dr. Joseph Davidovits in 1981 confirmed the Glorious Quran's Divine Claims that were made 1,400 years ago:

Even in the building of the pyramids, ALMOST THE ENTIRE WORLD had it's mechanics and history wrong, and the Glorious Quran all along had it right!

Research Links:

The following are research links on Dr. Maurice Bucaille's work and how he proved the Glorious Quran's Claim regarding Pharaoh and the preservation of his body as prophesied in the Glorious Quran by Allah Almighty:

The infidels have nothing:

The doomed-to-Hell infidels have nothing on Islam.  Visit the following links to see many of the Glorious Quran's STUNNING Numerical and Scientific Miracles, and Prophecies:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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Re: Rebuttal Needed: Pharaoh's Body Preservation
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2018, 07:54:51 AM »
Dr. Maurice Bucaille's initially wanted to disprove both the Bible and the Quran, and prove them both to be false by giving the example of Pharaoh's story.  To his surprise, the Glorious Quran was perfect.  Visit the links above before you go to the salafi prostitutes and their likes from the Muslims, who are nothing but toilet papers used by the infidels to discredit the Glorious Quran.

Usama Dakdok tried to use some of those toilet papers, but ended up getting exposed:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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Re: Rebuttal Needed: Pharaoh's Body Preservation
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2018, 10:47:40 AM »
@Slave of Allah,

Brother Osama mistook you for brother Saudi Salafi...his old nemesis on this website...

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Re: Rebuttal Needed: Pharaoh's Body Preservation
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2018, 03:53:20 PM »
The stone-headed Islamists must get thrown in the garbage by Muslims.  They have no place in the intellectual Muslim world.  I saw a few months back on Al-Jazeera how microphones and loud speakers were forbidden (yes with fatwas) in Mosques in Saudi Arabia.  It took a long time and it was an uphill battle to finally have those camels change their minds.  Same uphill battle with forbidding women to drive today.  It's ok for your wife and/or daughter to be alone with your male chauffeur (yeah what could possibly go wrong there?), but it's not ok for either one of them to drive alone.

When you put animals like this, from any Islamic cult, in power, every Muslim loses.  These cults belong to the garbage.  They are a cancer and have no place today.  Look at their rotten fruits today.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Albarra

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Re: Rebuttal Needed: Pharaoh's Body Preservation
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2018, 11:43:21 PM »
Microphone and speakers were forbidden for mosques in Saudi Arabia?
Really? I was born in Saudi Arabia in 1995, and they usually used microphones and speakers for prayer. Had you been to Saudi Arabia?
Also, I read Saudi-based Arab News, Al Arabiya, and Gulfnews daily, so I'm not sure if Al Jazeera is telling the truth or not.

Besides, Saudi Arabia has been changing significantly after crown prince Mohammed bin Salman came to power. It is possible that KSA will legalize churches in Saudi Arabia except Madinah and Makkah.

Offline AMuslimDude213

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Re: Rebuttal Needed: Pharaoh's Body Preservation
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2018, 02:45:40 AM »
I hope they dont i've already seen enough thick headed arab Christians in UAE

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Re: Rebuttal Needed: Pharaoh's Body Preservation
« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2018, 04:41:11 PM »
so I'm not sure if Al Jazeera is telling the truth or not

You seem to listen to too much of your police state's run media.  Much corruption and lies.  Your entire country's wealth is stolen and put in the West.  Half of your nation is very poor while their country is sitting on an ocean of oil.  And before you give shallow statements like this, know that they put videos and pictures.  This was back in the 50s, 60s, 70s.  This was one example of how stupid the salafi cult is.  Even microphones and loud speakers were forbidden.  This is what happens when you don't know how to define the word "Bidaa" (innovation).  Your satanic cult cherry picks and all of their pickings are wrong.  Let us see:

1-  Microphones and loud speakers in Mosques are haram (sinful and forbidden).  But the carpet inside the Mosques is Halal (lawful).  Driving cars and not camels and horses and donkeys is not haram, unless you're a woman.  Then it is haram.  But it is halal if she drives alone with a stranger male-driver.  Wearing shoes and socks is not haram, but using microphones and loud speakers in the Mosques is haram.  Traveling abroad with airplanes is not haram, but using microphones in Mosques is haram.

Of course, none of the examples mentioned is haram.  This is because bidaa (innovation) has nothing to do with what man invents to make his life better, unless it is used for haram.  Innovation is forbidden if it compromises Islam's fundamentals.  Like only fasting half of the Month of Ramadan, or removing the Fatiha Surah recitation from every salat, or prohibiting and criminalizing polygamy as Tunis' former secular president did.

I love how they didn't mind being on black and white TV back then.  But microphones and loud speakers were still satan's tools.

Building Churches?

Why should they build churches in Saudi Arabia?  All christians there are foreigners.  The nation has no native Christians in it.  But if their god in the white house commands them to do so, then they'll do it.

Osama Abdallah


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